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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

Marketing The Core 5th Edition Kerin

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POWERPOINT RESOURCES TO USE WITH LECTURES ........................................... 6-2

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO) ......................................................................................... 6-3

KEY TERMS........................................................................................................................... 6-3

• Chapter Opener: How Dell, Inc., Built a Billion Dollar Business in India ................... 6-4
• Marketing in a Borderless Economic World (LO1) ..................................................... 6-4
• A Global Environmental Scan (LO2) ........................................................................... 6-9
• Comparing Global Market-Entry Strategies (LO3)..................................................... 6-14
• Crafting a Worldwide Marketing Program (LO4)....................................................... 6-17

APPLYING MARKETING KNOWLEDGE ...................................................................... 6-20


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

BUILDING YOUR MARKETING PLAN .......................................................................... 6-22


• VC 6: CNS Breathe Right Strips: Going Global ......................................................... 6-23

IN-CLASS ACTIVITY (ICA): See the ICA CD in the Instructor’s Survival Kit Box
• ICA 6-1: Introducing Carmex Healing Cream to Foreign Markets


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets


Textbook Figures Slide2
Figure 6-1 Protectionism hinders world trade through tariffs and quota policies (p. 125) ............... 6-7
Figure 6-2 The European Union in mid-2012 consists of 27 countries with more than 500
million consumers (p. 126) ............................................................................................. 6-9
Figure 6-3 A firm’s profit potential and control over marketing activities increase as it moves
from exporting to direct investment (p. 136)................................................................. 6-24
Figure 6-4 Five product and promotion strategies for global marketing (p. 139) ............................ 6-30
Figure 6-5 Channels of distribution in global marketing (p. 141).................................................... 6-34
Figure 1 VC 6: Three-stages CNS uses for market penetration and development (p. 145) ............. 6-38

Selected Textbook Images of Ads, Photos, and Products for Lecture Notes
Chapter Opener: Print ad for Dell (p. 122) ......................................................................................... 6-4
Video Case 6: Photo of Breathe Right Strips packages (p. 144) ....................................................... 6-35

Marketing Matters and/or Making Responsible Decisions

Making Responsible Decisions—Ethics: Global Ethics and Global Economics—The Case of
Protectionism (p. 125) ........................................................................................................................ 6-6
Marketing Matters—Customer Value: The Global Teenager—A Market of 2 Billion Voracious
Consumers with $250 Billion to Spend (p. 129) ................................................................................ 6-14
Marketing Matters—Entrepreneurship: Creative Cosmetics and Creative Export Marketing in
Japan (p. 137) .................................................................................................................................... 6-26

Supplemental Figures
Figure 6-A Global companies and marketing strategy [pp. 127-128]............................................... 6-11
Figure 6-B Cultural appreciation [pp. 130-133] ............................................................................... 6-17

Quick Response (QR) Codes3

QR 6-1: Nestlé Hungary Ad (p. 130) ................................................................................................ 6-15
QR 6-2: Nestlé Japan Ad (p. 133) ..................................................................................................... 6-19
QR 6-3: Denizen Video (p. 134) ....................................................................................................... 6-21
QR 6-4: Nescafé China Video (p. 140) ............................................................................................. 6-32
QR 6-5: Breathe Right Video Case (p. 143) ..................................................................................... 6-35

1 For each PowerPoint resource listed, the page reference (p. x) or [p. y] in the textbook is where the figure or image is located.
2 The slide number references are for the PowerPoint presentation for this chapter, which is available on the Instructor’s
Resource CD-ROM or can be downloaded from the Marketing: The Core, 5/e website. See
3 TV ads, videos, and video cases with QR Codes can be viewed on a separate media website for Marketing: The Core, 5/e,
which is For example, to view QR 6-1, the proper URL syntax is

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets


After reading this chapter students should be able to:

LO1: Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global marketing.

LO2: Identify the environmental forces that shape global marketing efforts.

LO3: Name and describe the alternative approaches companies use to enter global markets.

LO4: Explain the distinction between standardization and customization when companies craft
worldwide marketing programs.


back translation p. 133 global marketing strategy p. 128

cross-cultural analysis p. 130 joint venture p. 138
cultural symbols p. 131 microfinance p. 134
currency exchange rate p. 135 multidomestic marketing strategy p. 128
customs p. 131 protectionism p. 124
exporting p. 136 quota p. 124
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977) p. 131 tariff p. 124
global brand p. 128 values p. 130
global competition p. 127 World Trade Organization p. 124
global consumers p. 128


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets



• Dell, Inc., embarked on a bold global growth initiative in 2007. “Our success was
going to be largely dependent on our ability to expand globally.”

• Dell’s global initiative is focused on emerging economies in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America that offer significant growth potential compared with the mature economies
in North America and Western Europe.

a. Today, India is one of the fastest-growing market for Dell, Inc., and posts annual
sales approaching $2 billion.

b. The company now designs low-cost notebook and desktop personal computers for
customers in China, India, and other emerging economies.

c. Dell’s modified its signature direct sales and distribution strategy:

• In emerging economies, customers prefer to see, touch, and use a personal
computer before they buy.
• In response, Dell used individual sales affiliates who gave prospective
customers a first-hand, in-person product experience at their doorstep.
• Dell also opened 38 exclusive stores across India, and partnered with Indian
chain retailers for a shop-in-a-shop counter for its products.
• Dell backed this hybrid retail model with extended onsite service in 650 cities
for retail and small business customers.

d. Advertising was shaped around this hybrid retail approach:

• Dell opted for real-life entrepreneurs to endorse its products.
• The “Take Your Own Path” advertising campaign proved to be highly

e. Dell, Inc.’s success in India illustrates the importance of understanding global

customers and reaching them by adapting to their needs.


Four trends in the past decade have significantly influenced global marketing:

1. Gradual decline of economic protectionism by individual countries.

2. Formal economic integration and free trade among nations.

3. Global competition among global companies for global consumers.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

4. Emergence of a networked global marketspace.

A. Decline of Economic Protectionism

• [Figure 6-1] Protectionism is the practice of shielding one or more industries

within a country’s economy from foreign competition through the use of tariffs or

a. The economic argument for protectionism is that it:

• Limits the outsourcing of jobs.
• Protects a nation’s political security.
• Discourages economic dependency on other countries.
• Promotes the development of domestic industries.


Ethics: Global Ethics and Global Economics—The Case of Protectionism

World trade benefits from free and fair trade among nations. Nevertheless,
governments of many countries continue to use tariffs and quotas to protect their various
domestic industries. Why? Protectionism earns profits for domestic producers and tariff
revenue for the government. There is a cost, however. Protectionist policies cost consumers
who pay higher prices because of tariffs and other protective restrictions.

Regional trade agreements, such as those found in the provisions of the European
Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement, may also pose a situation whereby
member nations can obtain preferential treatment in quotas and tariffs but nonmember
nations cannot. Protectionism, in its many forms, raises an interesting global ethical
question. Is protectionism, no matter how applied an ethical practice?

b. Both tariffs and quotas discourage world trade.

• Tariff.
– A tariff is a tax on products or services entering a country that
primarily serve to raise prices on imports.
– Because tariffs raise the price of imported products, they give a price
advantage to domestic products competing in the same market.
• Quota.
– A quota is a restriction placed on the amount of a product allowed to
enter or leave a country.
– Import quotas seek to guarantee domestic industries access to a certain
percentage of their domestic market.
– For consumers, the limited supply may mean higher prices for
domestic products.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

• The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an institution that sets rules

governing trade between its members through panels of trade experts who decide
on trade disputes between members and issue binding decisions. The WTO:

a. Was formed in 1995 by the major industrial nations of the world.

b. Has 153 member countries, including the U.S., which account for more than
97 percent of world trade.

c. Sets rules governing trade between its members through panels of trade

d. Reviews more than 200 disputes each year.

B. Rise of Economic Integration

A number of countries with similar economic goals have formed transnational trade
groups or signed trade agreements to promote free trade among member nations and
enhance their individual economies.

1. European Union (EU).

a. [Figure 6-2] As of mid-2012, the EU consists of 27 member countries that

have eliminated most trade barriers to the free flow of products, services, and
capital across their borders.

b. As a single market, the EU has more than 500 million consumers, with a
combined GDP larger than the U.S.

c. The euro.
• Has been adopted as a common currency by 17 EU countries.
• Has been a boon to electronic commerce in the EU by eliminating the
need to continually monitor currency exchange rates.

d. Pan-European marketing strategies are possible due to:

• Greater uniformity in product and packaging standards.
• Fewer regulatory restrictions on transportation, advertising, and promotion
imposed by individual countries.
• Removal of most tariffs that affect pricing practices.
• Fewer locations for European-wide distribution due to open borders.

2. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

a. NAFTA lifted many trade barriers between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. to
create a marketplace with more than 450 million consumers.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

b. NAFTA has stimulated trade among member nations as well as cross-border

retailing, manufacturing, and investment.

C. A New Reality: Global Competition among Global Companies for Global


The borderless economic world has created a new reality for marketers.

1. Global competition.

a. Exists when firms originate, produce, and market their products and services

b. Broadens the competitive landscape for marketers.

2. Global Companies. [Figure 6-A] Consists of three types of companies that:

• Employ people in different countries.

• Have global administrative, marketing, and manufacturing operations, often

called divisions or subsidiaries.

a. International firms.
• Market their existing products and services in other countries the same
way they do in their home country.
• Example: Avon.

b. Multinational firms.
• View the world as consisting of unique parts and markets to each part
• Use a multidomestic marketing strategy, which means they have as
many different product variations, brand names, and advertising programs
as countries in which they do business.
• Example: P&G’s Mr. Clean, Mastro Limpio, and Mr. Proper.

c. Transnational firms.
• View the world as one market and emphasize cultural similarities across
countries or universal consumer needs and wants more than differences.
• Employ a global marketing strategy, which:
– Is the practice of standardizing marketing activities when there are
cultural similarities and adapting them when cultures differ.
– Allows marketers to realize economies of scale from their production
and marketing activities.
– Is popular among many business-to-business marketers.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

• Market a global brand—a brand marketed under the same name in

multiple countries with similar and centrally coordinated marketing
– Global brands:
* Have the same product formulation or service concept.
* Deliver the same benefits to consumers.
* Use consistent advertising across multiple countries and cultures.
– Adaptation occurs only when necessary to better connect the brand to
consumers in different markets.
• Example: McDonald’s.

[ICA 6-1: Introducing Carmex Healing Cream to Foreign Markets]

3. Global Consumers.

a. Global competition often focuses on the identification and pursuit of global


b. Global consumers:
• Consist of consumer groups living in many countries or regions of the
world who…
• Have similar needs or seek similar features and benefits from products or

c. Evidence suggests:
• The emergence of a global middle-income class, a youth market, and a
global elite segment…
• Each consuming or using a common assortment of products and services
regardless of geographic location.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

Customer Value: The Global Teenager—
A Market of 2 Billion Voracious Consumers with $250 Billion to Spend

The global “teenager market” consists of 2 billion 13- to 19-year-olds who live in
Europe, North and South America, and industrialized nations of Asia and the Pacific Rim.
The similarities among teens in these countries are greater than their differences in terms of
clothes, shoes, cosmetics, video games, and music. They spend $250 billion annually for
these products. Global teenagers have been influenced by the fashion and culture exhibited
by American teens.

D. Emergence of a Networked Global Marketspace

• Internet-based technology is a growing tool for exchanging products, services,

and information on a global scale.

• Almost 3 billion businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and

households worldwide are expected to have Internet access by 2015.

• It enables the exchange of products, services, and information from companies

anywhere to customers anywhere at any time and at a lower cost.

• Marketers recognize that the networked global marketspace offers unheard of

access to prospective buyers on every continent.

• Companies manage multiple country and language websites that customize

content and communicate with consumers in their native tongue.

[QR Code 6-1: Nestlé Hungary Ad]


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

1. What is protectionism?

Answer: Protectionism is the practice of shielding one or more industries within a country’s
economy from foreign competition through the use of tariffs or quotas.

2. The North American Free Trade Agreement was designed to promote free trade
among which countries?

Answer: United States, Canada, and Mexico

3. What is the difference between a multidomestic marketing strategy and a global

marketing strategy?

Answer: Multinational firms view the world as consisting of unique markets. As a result,
they use a multidomestic marketing strategy because they have as many different product
variations, brand names, and advertising programs as countries in which they do business.
Transnational firms view the world as one market. As a result, they use a global marketing
strategy to standardize marketing activities when there are cultural similarities and adapt it
when cultures differ.


• Global companies conduct continuous scans of the five environmental forces (social,
economic, technological, competitive and regulatory).

• Three of the environmental forces—cultural, economic, and regulatory—affect global

marketing practices differently than those in domestic markets.

A. Cultural Diversity

• Marketers must be sensitive to the cultures of different societies to create

successful exchange relationships with global consumers.

• Marketers conduct a cross-cultural analysis, which involves the study of

similarities and differences among consumers in two or more nations or societies.

• [Figure 6-B] A thorough cross-cultural analysis involves an understanding of and

an appreciation for the values, customs, symbols, and language of other societies.

1. Values.

a. Represent a society’s personally or socially preferable modes of conduct or

states of existence that tend to persist over time.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

b. Become apparent in the personal values of individuals and affect their

attitudes and beliefs toward specific behaviors and attributes of offerings.

2. Customs.

a. Refer to the normal and expected ways of doing things in a specific country.

b. Can vary from country to country.

c. Is popular in many countries where the giving of token business gifts are
expected and accepted.

d. Bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs:

• Entice someone to commit an illegal or improper act on behalf of the giver
for economic gain.
• Are considered corrupt in most cultures.
• Has led to an agreement among the world’s major exporting nations to
make the bribery of governmental officials a criminal offense.

e. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977).

• Is a law, amended by the International Anti-Dumping and Fair
Competition Act (1998).
• Makes it a crime for U.S. corporations to:
– Bribe an official of a foreign government or political party to…
– Obtain or retain business in a foreign country.

3. Cultural Symbols.

a. Are things that represent ideas and concepts.

b. Play a role in cross-cultural analysis because different cultures attach different

meanings to things.

c. Global marketers can tie positive symbolism to their products, services, and
brands to enhance their attractiveness to consumers.

d. Global marketers must be aware that cultural symbols evoke deep feelings;
improper use of symbols can spell disaster. Examples:
• #13 in the U.S. • Thumbs up in the U.S.
• #4 Japan. • Open palm in Russia and Poland.

e. Cultural symbols evoke deep feelings; improper use of symbols can spell
disaster. Example: Coca-Cola and the Eiffel Tower.

4. Language.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

a. Global marketers should know:

• The native tongues of countries in which they market.
• The nuances and idioms of a language.

b. English, French, and Spanish are the principal languages used in global
diplomacy and commerce.

c. The best language to communicate with consumers is their own.

[QR Code 6-2: Nestlé Japan Ad]

d. Back translation is the practice global marketers use where a translated word
or phrase is retranslated into the original language by a different interpreter to
catch errors.

e. This subculture is the most entrepreneurial in the U.S., as evidenced by the

number of Asian-owned businesses.

Supplemental Lecture
5. Cultural Ethnocentricity.

a. Cultural ethnocentricity is the belief that aspects of one’s culture are superior
to another’s. This view is an impediment to successful global marketing.

b. Consumer ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that it is inappropriate,

indeed immoral, to purchase foreign-made products.
• Ethnocentric consumers believe that buying imported products is wrong
because such purchases are unpatriotic, harm domestic industries, and
cause domestic unemployment.
• This view exists to some extent among various segments of the population
in every country, making the job of global marketers more difficult.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

B. Economic Considerations

Ascan of the economic global marketplace should include assessments of:

1. Economic Infrastructure.

a. Consists of a country’s communications, transportation, financial, and

distribution systems.

b. Is a critical consideration in determining whether to try to market to a

country’s consumers and organizations.

c. The transportation and communication infrastructures in many developing

countries are limited or antiquated compared to those of developed countries.

d. The lack of formal financial and legal systems in some countries can cause
problems when:
• Dealing with financial institutions.
• Engaging in private property transactions.

[QR Code 6-3: Denizen video]

2. Consumer Income and Purchasing Power.

a. Global marketers must consider:

• What the average per capita or household income is among a country’s
• How the income is distributed to determine a nation’s purchasing power.

b. Per capita incomes vary widely between nations (EU countries = $33,000;
Liberia = $500).

c. A country’s income distribution is important because it gives a more reliable

picture of a country’s purchasing power.

d. Generally speaking, the greater the proportion of middle-class households, the

greater a nation’s purchasing power tends to be.

e. People in developing countries who have government subsidies for food,

housing, and health care are promising customers for a variety of products.

f. Microfinance:
• Is the practice of offering small, collateral-free loans to individuals…
• Who otherwise would not have access to the capital necessary to begin
small businesses or other income-generating activities.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

g. Income growth in developing countries of Asia, Latin America, and Eastern

Europe is expected to stimulate world trade well into the twenty-first century.

3. Currency Exchanges Rates.

a. A currency exchange rate is the price of one country’s currency expressed in

terms of another country’s currency. Example: $  ₤  € ¥.

b. Failure to consider exchange rates when pricing products for global markets
can have dire consequences with respect to sales and profits.

c. Exchange rate fluctuations have a direct impact on global companies.

• When foreign currencies can buy more U.S. dollars, U.S. products are
less expensive for the foreign customer.
• Short-term fluctuations in exchange rates can have a significant effect on
the profits of global companies.

Supplemental Lecture
4. Stage of Economic Development.

a. The 195 independent countries in the world can be classified into two groups:
• Developed countries.
– Have somewhat mixed economies.
– Private enterprise dominates, although they have substantial public
sectors as well.
• Developing countries are in the process of moving from an agricultural to
an industrial economy and consist of two subgroups:
– Those that have made the move (Brazil, Poland, India, China, etc.).
– Those that remain locked in a pre-industrial economy where living
standards are low (Tanzania, Sri Lanka, etc.).

b. People who live at the bottom of the pyramid are the largest but poorest
socioeconomic group in the world.
• They consist of 7.1 billion people who:
– Reside in developing countries.
– Live on less than $2 per day.
• Global marketers are choosing to serve these people by being responsive
to their conditions and needs.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

C. Political-Regulatory Climate

• Marketers must:

a. Not only identify a country’s current political and regulatory climate…

b. But also determine how long a favorable or unfavorable climate may last.

• This assessment includes an analysis of a country’s political stability and trade


1. Political Stability.

a. Billions of dollars in trade have been lost as a result of internal political strife,
terrorism, and war among and within countries.

b. Political stability is affected by numerous factors including:

• A government’s orientation toward foreign companies.
• Trade with other countries.

2. Trade Regulations. Countries have rules that govern business practices within
their borders, which often serve as trade barriers.

4. Cross-cultural analysis involves the study of __________.

Answer: similarities and differences among consumers in two or more nations or societies

5. When foreign currencies can buy more U.S. dollars, are U.S. products more or less
expensive for a foreign consumer?

Answer: less expensive


• [Figure 6-3] Once a company enters the global marketplace, it selects a means of
market entry: (1) exporting, (2) licensing, (3) joint venture, and (4) direct investment.

• The amount of financial commitment, risk, marketing control, and potential profit
increases as the firm moves from exporting to direct investment.

A. Exporting

• Exporting.

a. Is a global market-entry strategy in which a company produces products and

services in one country and sells them in another country.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

b. Allows a company to make the least number of changes in its product,

organization, and corporate goals.

• Two forms of exporting exist:

a. Indirect exporting.
• Is when a firm sells its domestically produced goods in a foreign country
through an intermediary.
• Has the least amount of commitment and risk.
• Will probably return the least profit.
• Is ideal for the firm that has no overseas contacts but wants to sell abroad.
• The intermediary is often a distributor that has the marketing know-how
and resources necessary for the effort to succeed.

Entrepreneurship: Creative Cosmetics and Creative Export Marketing in Japan

A medium-sized U.S. cosmetics firm has had marketing success in Japan because of
its top-quality product, effective advertising, and export marketing program relying on savvy
Japanese distributors. Fran Wilson Creative Cosmetics does not sell to department stores,
which are supplied by two leading Japanese cosmetics firms. Rather, the company sells its
Moodmatcher lipstick through Japanese distributors that reach Japan’s 40,000 beauty salons.
The company accounts for 20 percent of the lipsticks exported annually to Japan by U.S.
cosmetic companies.

b. Direct exporting.
• Is when a firm sells its domestically produced goods in a foreign country
without intermediaries.
• Use when companies believe sales will be sufficiently large and easy to
obtain so that they do not require intermediaries.
• Involves more risk than indirect exporting for a firm but can provide
increased profits.

• Exporting is commonly employed by large firms and is the prominent strategy

among small- and medium-sized companies.

B. Licensing

• Under licensing, a company offers the right to a trademark, patent, trade secret, or
other similarly valued items of intellectual property in return for a royalty or a fee.

a. Advantages of licensing:


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

• Low risk.
• Capital-free.
• Gain information that allows it to start with a competitive advantage.
• Foreign country gains employment since the product is made locally.

b. Disadvantages of licensing:
• The licensor gives up control of its product.
• The licensor reduces the potential profits gained from it.
• The licensor may create its own competition because some licensees are:
– Able to modify the product and enter the market themselves with…
– The product and marketing knowledge gained from the licensor.
• If the licensee is a poor choice, the name or reputation of the company
may be harmed.

• A variation of licensing is franchising.

a. Is when a company contracts with an individual to set up an operation to

provide products or services under the company’s established brand name.

b. Franchising is one of the fastest-growing market-entry strategies.

c. More than 75,000 franchises of U.S. firms are located in countries throughout
the world.

d. McDonald’s is a premier global franchiser with:

• 18,500 units outside the U.S.
• About 66% of its sales coming from non-U.S. operations.

C. Joint Venture

• A joint venture:

a. Is a global market-entry strategy in which a foreign company and a local firm

invest together.

b. Creates a local business in order to share ownership, control, and profits of the
new company.

• Advantages of a joint venture:

a. One firm may not have the necessary financial, physical, or managerial
resources to enter a foreign market alone.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

b. A government may require or encourage a joint venture before it allows a

foreign company to enter its market.

• Disadvantages of a joint venture:

a. The two companies may disagree about policies or courses of action.

b. Government bureaucracy may bog down the effort.

D. Direct Investment

• Direct investment:

a. Is a global market-entry strategy that entails a domestic firm actually investing

in and owning a foreign subsidiary or division.

b. Is the biggest commitment a firm can make when entering the global market.

• For many firms, it often follows one of the other three market-entry strategies.

• Advantages of direct investment:

a. Cost savings.

b. Better understanding of local market conditions.

c. Fewer local restrictions.

• Disadvantages of direct investment:

a. The financial commitments.

b. The risks involved (political, currency, etc.).

6. What mode of entry could a company follow if it has no previous experience in global

Answer: indirect exporting through intermediaries

7. How does licensing differ from a joint venture?

Answer: Under licensing, a company offers the right to a trademark, patent, trade secret, or
other similarly valued items of intellectual property in return for a fee or royalty. In a joint
venture, a foreign company and a local firm invest together to create a local business to
produce some product or service. The two companies share ownership, control, and profits
of the new entity.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets


• A global marketer must plan, implement, and evaluate marketing programs

• Global marketers standardize global marketing programs whenever possible and

customize them wherever necessary.

• The extent of standardization and customization is based on a global environment

scan, experienced judgment, and marketing research.

A. Product and Promotion Strategies

• [Figure 6-4] Global firms:

a. Have five strategies for matching products and promotion efforts to global
markets, which are…

b. Based on whether they extend or adapt their product and promotion message
for consumers in different countries and cultures.

• A product may be sold globally in one of three ways:

1. Product extension.

a. Involves selling virtually the same product in other countries.

b. Works best when the target markets share the same desires, needs, and
uses for the product.

2. Product adaptation. Involves changing a product to make it more appropriate

for a country’s climate or consumer preferences.

3. Product invention. Invents totally new products designed to satisfy common

needs across countries.

• To promote its products globally, companies can use:

a. An identical promotion message for product extension and product adaptation


b. A communication adaptation strategy, in which the firm:

• Sells the same product in many countries but…
• Adapts its promotion messages by advertising the product differently in
different countries.

c. A dual adaptation strategy, modifying both their products and promotional



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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

[QR Code 6-4: Nescafé China Video]

B. Distribution Strategy

• A country’s economic infrastructure determines:

a. The availability and quality of retailers and wholesalers.

b. The transportation, communication, and warehousing facilities.

• [Figure 6-5] The starting point is the seller, who is responsible for the successful
distribution to the ultimate consumer.

• Intermediaries then bring buyers and sellers together to distribute the product
from one country to another.

• Once the product is in the foreign nation, that country’s distribution channels take

• These channels can be very long or surprisingly short, depending on the product.

C. Pricing Strategy

• Individual countries, even those with free trade agreements, may impose
considerable competitive, political, and legal constraints on a global company’s
pricing strategy.

• Pricing too low or too high can have dire consequences:

a. Dumping is when a firm sells a product in a foreign country below its

domestic price or below its actual cost.

b. A gray market:
• Is a situation where products are sold through unauthorized channels of
• Results when companies price their products very high in some countries
but competitively in others.
• Is also known as parallel importing.
• Gray marketing occurs when individuals:
– Buy products in a lower-priced country from a manufacturer’s
authorized retailer.
– Ship them to higher-priced countries.
– Sell them below the manufacturer’s suggested retail price through
unauthorized retailers.
• Parallel importing is legal in the U.S. but illegal in the EU.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

8. Products may be sold globally in three ways. What are they?

Answers: Products can be sold: (1) in the same form as in their home market (product
extension); (2) with some adaptations (product adaptation); and (3) as a totally new product
(product invention).

9. What is dumping?

Answer: Dumping is when a firm sells a product in a foreign country below its domestic
price or below its actual cost to produce.


1. What is meant by this statement: “Quotas are a hidden tax on consumers, whereas
tariffs are a more obvious one.”

Answer: Quotas represent a hidden tax on consumers because they limit supply of
products, which in turn increases prices. Tariffs are literally a government tax imposed on
imported products and services.

2. How successful would a television commercial in Japan be if it featured a husband

surprising his wife in her dressing area on Valentine’s Day with a small box of
chocolates containing four candies? Explain.

Answer: This commercial would be a failure. It violates a number of cultural norms in

Japan: (1) The Japanese consider it inappropriate for a husband to intrude on his wife;
(2) Japanese women give men chocolates on Valentine’s Day; and (3) the number four is
unlucky in Japan.

3. As a novice in global marketing, which alternative global market-entry strategy

would you be likely start with? Why? What other alternatives are available for a
global market entry?

Answers: The best alternative for a novice firm is indirect exporting—selling its
domestically produced goods in a foreign country through an intermediary, such as a
distributor, that has the marketing know-how and the resources necessary for the effort to
succeed. This will allow consumers in the target country to try the firm’s products and to
begin to recognize its name. It also entails the lowest risk and investment from the firm.

Other alternatives in order of increasing level of risk and investment are:

a. Direct exporting. Selling the firm’s domestically produced goods in a foreign country
without intermediaries.

b. Licensing. Offering the right to a trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual
property in return for a royalty or fee.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

c. Joint venture. Occurs when a firm and local firm invest together in a foreign country
to create a local business.

d. Direct investment. Entails a domestic firm actually investing in and owning a foreign
subsidiary or division.

4. Coca-Cola is sold worldwide. In some countries, Coca-Cola owns the bottling

facilities; in others, it has signed contracts with licensees or relies on joint ventures.
When selecting a licensee in each country, what factors should Coca-Cola consider?

Answer: Among the risks of licensing are the licensor’s losing control of its products and
the licensor’s creating its own competition by the licensee’s somehow modifying the
product. Before selecting a licensee, Coca-Cola should perform a cross-cultural analysis of
the target country, reviewing regulations and business customs in the country to be sure its
patents will be respected.

Selecting a licensee requires careful background checks into its values, past business
practices, and finances. The licensing agreement should set up a monitoring process over
the licensee’s production and over its marketing and distribution. All of these steps must
be taken with sensitivity in order to protect Coca-Cola’s brand without offending the
licensee and consumers in the country. The people at Coca-Cola that are monitoring
production, marketing, and distribution should be fluent in the language and customs of the
country and should be committed to developing a relationship over time with the licensee.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets


Does your marketing plan involve reaching global customers outside the United
States? If the answer is no, read no further and do not include a global element in your
plan. If the answer is yes, try to identify the following:

1. What features of your product are especially important to potential customers?

2. In which countries do these potential customers live?

3. What special marketing issues are involved in trying to reach them?

Answers to these questions will help in developing more detailed marketing mix
strategies described in later chapters.

Special issues for students to consider if marketing a product to another country include:

1. Regulations dealing with imports, including tariffs and quotas.

2. Assistance programs from the World Trade Organization, U.S. government, or state trade
3. Whether a website will be developed in the language of the targeted country.
4. An assessment of the country’s values, customs, and symbols when developing the
marketing mix.
5. An assessment of any relevant economic (income, inflation, currency exchange rate, etc.)
and infrastructure issues (communication, transportation, energy, distribution, etc.).
6. Political stability.
7. Market-entry strategy to be used.
8. Whether the product will need to be adapted.

While the global customers are important to food chains like McDonald’s or
manufacturers like General Electric, most student marketing plans will not need to consider
global customers. Rare exceptions might be a small manufacturer or a retail shop located on or
near the border with Canada or Mexico.


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets


CNS Breathe Right Strips: Going Global


Show Slide 6-35. The Breathe Right® nasal strip is a unique adhesive pad with two
plastic springs inside that, when put on the nose, opens up the nasal passages more than 30
percent making it easier to breathe. This provides relief to snorers and allergy sufferers and
increased performance to athletes. CNS, Inc., the manufacturer of the product, is seeking to
increase its revenues and profits by selling the strips in international markets. This case
challenges students to think about how a small manufacturer can find local sales and
distribution partners in countries around the world to reach international consumers.
Underlying the CNS global marketing strategy is an emphasis on understanding the unique
characteristics of each country in which the firm sells its Breathe Right strips.

Teaching Suggestions

1. Begin by asking the class how many are familiar with Breathe Right strips, and if so, how
they became familiar with them. Most of those familiar will say from sporting events on
television, which can lead to a discussion of the value of garnering free publicity at the
launch of a new-to-the-world product, which is precisely how Breathe Right achieved its
early domestic success. Not only do people learn what the product is and how it works,
but also it comes from a seemingly credible source, someone not being paid to use and
promote the product. Sports stars are also high profile and opinion leaders, so their
endorsement of a product helps to further stimulate sales.

2. Ask if anyone can think of cultural differences around the world that might negatively
affect the sales of Breathe Right in other countries, such as the young average age in
other countries (typically older people need snoring relief the most).

3. A common question about Breathe Right strips is, “Do they really work?” To address
this question, the instructor might select 4 or 5 students in the class who have colds or
allergies. Then ask them, “Can you breathe better?” In running this “experiment” on
10 Russian instructors recently in a Moscow teaching workshop, 8 of the 10 instructors—
somewhat surprised—admitted they really could breathe better.

[QR Code 6-5: Breathe Right Video Case]


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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

Answers to Questions

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages for CNS taking Breathe Right strips into
international markets?


a. Advantages. Congestion problems are universal, as are sports and snoring, so there is
a need for the product the world over. There is growing global interest in “natural”
products that promote wellness, so the non-drug nasal strip that addresses these
common needs with no side effects, has potential for broad market appeal. An
innovative product creates a lot of excitement when first introduced, so the potential for
free public relations around the globe is great. The net effect is that CNS has the
opportunity to significantly increase sales revenue from international markets with
limited financial risk.

b. Disadvantages. “International” can’t be treated as one big market—it’s made up of

many discrete markets with local customs and norms, so it’s difficult to truly have
“global” or other marketing strategies. How the product will be positioned, priced, and
promoted in each country takes resource time and money to identify and implement.
Also developing new packaging and advertising, educating potential consumers, and
finding efficient distributors and channels can be costly.

2. What are the advantages to CNS of (a) using its three-stage process to enter new
global markets and (b) having specific criteria to move through the stages?


a. Advantages: The 3-stage process. The screening process allows CNS to assess the
value of multiple markets efficiently and to prioritize those markets with the greatest
potential, based on existing formulas for cost of entry, market size, market need, etc.

b. Advantages: Specific criteria. CNS can: (1) compare results of new markets to their
established norms, (2) determine whether early expectations are being met or not, and
(3) make adjustments as needed to marketing or sales strategies. Using the “criteria
screens” shown in the video case figure, CNS can set targets for business performance
or response to spending or expansion. This enables CNS to limit financial risk, while
opportunistically managing to achieve market potential.

3. Using the CNS criteria, with what you know, which countries should have highest
priority for CNS?


a. Criteria. Show Slide 6-38. As shown in the figure on page 145, key criteria CNS uses
to decide whether to try to enter a country are the potential market size as measured by
the size of cough/cold category sales, GDP and its growth, the quality of available local
partners, potential product acceptance, the cost to CNS of launching and supporting the
strips, and the political stability of the country. Other factors are the level of disposable
income, population, and percentage of the population over age 40.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

b. Countries. “International” can’t be treated as one big market. It’s made up of many
discrete markets with local customs and norms, so it’s difficult to truly have “global”
or other marketing strategies. How the product will be positioned, priced, and
promoted in each country takes resource time and money to identify and implement.
Also developing new packaging and advertising, educating potential consumers, and
finding efficient distributors and channels can be costly.

4. Which single segment of potential Breathe Right strip users would you target to enter
new markets?


Breathing easier and sleeping through the night are emerging as increasingly important
segments for Breathe Right in the U.S., but this is relatively recent, so launching into new
global markets requires special care. As mentioned in the video, snorers are the largest
current segment and also the heaviest repeat users, so they are generally the initial segment
of users CNS targets when entering a new country. Athletes gain the most publicity at
introduction, but run the risk of creating an image for the strips that they are “for athletes
only,” which can limit market potential.

5. Which marketing mix variables should CNS emphasize the most to succeed in a
global arena? Why?


As mentioned in the case, distribution is very important because of the differences in

channels and the implications it has for positioning. Also, CNS’s experience is that finding
a strong partner is critical to its ultimate success in a country. Promotion, more specifically
publicity, is also very important because few consumers will know what the product is
when it is first introduced.


CNS originally entered the global marketplace by partnering with a large U.S.
manufacturer that had worldwide distribution. But by 2001, CNS became concerned that its
single product became lost and lacked strong marketing support within its partner’s broad line
of international health care products. CNS believed it really needed a “cough-cold-breathing”
in-country partner. This resulted in dropping the marketing agreement with its U.S. partner,
so that CNS itself now handles all global marketing activities for Breathe Right strips.

In 2004, CNS entered into a distribution agreement to sell its Breathe Right strips in
Mexico, the 9th largest over-the-counter consumer healthcare market in the world. In 2005, CNS
announced a study demonstrating that Breathe Right strips help women breathe easier during
labor. These are examples of the point that CEO Marti Morfitt makes in the case about
introducing other better-breathing products that can build on the Breathe Right brand name.

In October 2006, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a United Kingdom-based pharmaceutical and

healthcare firm, acquired CNS and its Breathe Right Nasal Strip product lines. Breathe Right is
now part of GSK’s Consumer Healthcare division.

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Chapter 06 - Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

GSK continues to develop creative promotions and innovative line and brand extensions.
Product line extensions for the Breathe Right strips include: (1) different sizes (small/medium
and large); (2) colors (tan and clear); and (3) a mentholated Breathe Right Vapor strip to relieve
nasal congestion. Breathe Right also markets the following brand extensions: (1) Breathe Right
Snore Relief Throat Spray; (2) Breathe Right Snore Relief Throat Rinse; and (3) Breathe Right
Snore Relief Throat Strips, among others. Each is designed to reduce snoring loudness and
frequency by lubricating throat tissues. Finally, Breathe Right offers Allergen Barrier Bedding
for pillows and mattresses to prevent exposure to dust mites.

Source: Breathe Right website (see


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