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Look on the bright side : choose to have an optimistic viewpoint

Look out for each other : take care of other pp
A mixed blessing : st that has both a good and bad side
Mind their own business : not intrude in other pp’s lives
Take some getting used to : requires time to get comfortable with st
Mean well : have good intentions
Got a lot to offer : has many advantages
Bumper-to-bumper traffic : with so many cars that are so close that they are almost touching each other
An urban area : of or in a city or town
A rural area : in, of, or like the countryside
The suburbs : an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live

LESSON 1: Negative prefixes

Irregular Illogical Impolite Inexcusable
Irrational Illiterate Improper Rewrite
Irrelevant : not important Unable Immortal : not physical/ Premade
Irresponsible Unkind bodily/ human being Nonsense
Displeased Unwilling Immature Misbehave
Disrespectful Unacceptable Impractical : not realistic
Discourteous Unimaginable Inconsiderate
Dishonest Unpleasant Inappropriate
Amenity : st, such as a swimming pool or shopping center, that is intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for the pp in
a town, hotel, or other place
 Amenities : are comforts that make a place better to live in
Dense : close together-thick
Densely-populated : a lot of pp live in a location
To bustle : to move around quickly, looking very busy
To bug : to bother
Cut in line : step to into a line out of order to be served before other pp before u
Tolerate : to be able to accept st unpleasant or difficult
Unhygienic : dirty and likely to make pp sick
To tick off : to annoy
Have the courtesy : to do st is an expression that means to be polite enough to do st
Who do u think u are? A rhetorical question asked when a person is acting arrogantly (u think u are better than other) arrogance –
Public conduct – “ Public behavior “ – how SO acts in public

“ Pet peeves ”
Cutting in line Talking in theaters
Spitting on the sidewalk : khạc nhổ Playing loud music
Littering on the street : xả rác bừa bãi Honking a car horn
Forgetting to turn off one’s phone Not saying “ Excuse me ”

Standard : a level of quality

Regard (v) : to consider or have an opinion about something or someone

Either … or ( give to have 2 choices )
Phone should either be turned off or left at home
Neither … nor ( has a negative meaning )
Neither eating nor drinking is allowed in the lab
Not only … but
Emphatic verbs: did, does, do, am, is, are…
Not only is it dangerous to text while driving, but it maybe illegal
*When joining 2 subject, the verb agrees with the second subject
E. Grammar practice
PP should either speak up about what bothers them, or just learn to live with other pp’s habits
It’s not only rude when pp talk on their phones in theaters, but also rude when they talk on them on buses
Not only do I hate the smell of cigarette, but I also worry about the danger to my health
Neither my uncle nor my grandparents are willing to give up smoking ( nor là phủ định, kh cần them NOT )

Ideal : lý tưởng
Ideal victims - target/potential victims
Victim : a person who has been attacked or robbed
Urban crime : refers to crime in large cities
A steady increase : a continuous rise
To congregate : to come together in a group
To fumble : to try to hold or move st, but do awkwardly
Be wary : be careful, because st maybe dangerous or harmful
Be suspicious of ST or SO : to think SO might be doing st wrong or dishonest
A mugger : cướp có vũ trang
A pickpocket : móc túi
A purse snatcher : giật túi xách
A burglar : kẻ trộm ( cạy cửa )
1. Out of their comfort zone => doing what they’re not accustomed to doing
2. Let their guard down => not be careful
3. Stand out => be more noticeable than others
4. Safety in numbers => less risk by doing things with others
5. Sizing you up => checking to see if you might be a good victim

Ill of society : tệ nạn xã hội

Law enforcers : cảnh sát, người thi hành luật
Potential suspects : nghi phạm tiềm năng
Victims : nạn nhân
Personal items : vật dụng cá nhân
Shoplift : to take goods illegally from a shop without paying for them
Crowd (n) : a large group of people who have come together

Get involved (in/with sth): to do things and be part of an activity or event
Beautify your town
Volunteer your time : work without pay in the fire department a hospital, or a school
Clean up litter : pick up trash from parks, playgrounds, or the street
Donate blood : give the gift of life to SO who’s very sick or has been in a serious accident
Raise money : mail letters, make phone calls, knock on doors, or set up a table to raise money for charity or cause
Ice bucket challenge
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare neurological disease that affects motor neurons
Online community : a group of pp with a common interest

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