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1. clinical condition where infectious agents are spread throughout the body.


2 these precaution apply to all body fluids including blood, skin and mucous membrane
(standard precautions)

3.exposure to sound waves frequency 20,000 cycles for one hour can kill bacteria and viruses
(sonic and ultrasonic vibrations)

4. Sterilization technique for food preservetion like preparation of dried fish and fruits

5.killing of microorganism without necessarily destroying the endospores


6. the manner in which the infectious organism is acquired by the host

(mode of transmission ?)

7.procedures used to keep the object or areas sterile or completely free from microoganism
(surgical asepsis?)

8.organism that relatively of fixed type and regularly found in a given area of the body at a given age
(resident flora)

9organism the strictly require oxygen for growth

(obligate aerobe)

10 nutrients are depleted and toxic wastes begin to aaccumulate

(stationary phase)

11. during this period the rate of growth slows down

(stationary phase)

12. the most abundanr normal flora in the human body

(staphylococcus epidermidis)

13 the tri layered lipopolysaccharides found in the cell of prokaryotic organism


14. represents the number of live cells in a bacterial population over a period of time
(bacterial growth curve)

15. the most inportant staining procedure in microbiology used to differentiate between organism gram
positive and gram negative organism
(differential staining)

16. the most ideal and specific procedure to identify the specific organism or specimen used to grow
(culture media)

17.most common method of physical sterilization


18 infection acquired during the time a patient is admitted in healthcare facility

(healthcare associated infection?)

19. sub agency of the department of health wheres PUI's with covid 19 sypmtoms are tested and
confirmed with the corona virus
(RITM – Research Institute for Tropical Medicine)

20. used in tbe laboratory to help feed and grow bacteria and other microorganism
(agar!!!! / sir jess said culture media)

8 enterobius vermicularis – N pinworm
1 escherichia coli – L diarrhea
9 streptococcus pneymoniae - D serious upper
2 pseudomonas aeruginosa – G uti resp infections

3 candida albicans – I fungal infection 10 corona virus – COVID 19

4 staphylococcus aureus – O boils 11 clostridium - H tetanus infection

5 treponema pallidum – J syphillis 12 haemophilus- F Meningitis

6 mycobacterium tuberculosis – A. COPD 13 lactobacilli - E benifecial bacteria

7 corynebacterium diphtheriae – b. diptheria 14 neisseria gonorrheae - M urogenital and

anorectal infection

15 salmonella typhosa – k thyphoid fever


5 Physical requirements needed for bacterial growth

(temperature, pH, osmotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure, radiation)

5 factors the influence the efficacy and effectiveness of sterilization

(contact time, physico-chemical environment, presence of organic material, temperature, type of
microorganism, number of microorganisms)

5 types of dry heat

(flaming, red flame, incineration, hot air oven, wire loop)

5 characteristic of an ideak antibiotics or antimicrobial agent

(fast acting, inexpensive, easy to apply, broad spectrum of activity, odorloss, nontoxic to human tissues)

5 types of microorganism
(viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, protozoa)


1. Quarantine and isolation

(isolation is the separation of ill persons who have a specific infectious illness from healthy to stop the
spread of illness, while quarantine is the separation of persons who are not yet ill but have been
exposed to an infectious agent and may become infectious)

2 Most effective method or technique of sterilization

The method of choice for sterilization in most labs is autoclaving; using pressurized steam to heat the
material to be sterilized. This is a very effective method that kills all microbes, spores and viruses,
although for some specific bugs, especially high temperatures or incubation times are required.

3. Different Precautions protocols

(contact, droplet, airborne, universal, transmission)

4. Differentiate Medical and Surgical asepsis

(medical asepsis is the state of being free from disease causing microorganisms and concerned with
eliminating the spread of bacteria, while surgical asepsis are all practices are directed to elimination of
both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms; completely free from microorganisms and it
keeps the objects sterile.)

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