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Nutrition Month Trivia

1. What nutrient is important for bone health and found in milk? __________
a. Iron
b. Fiber
c. Calcium

2. Whole grains __________

a. Are higher in fiber than white/refined grains
b. Have more naturally occurring nutrients than white/refined grains
c. Come in many varieties such as oatmeal, bread, pasta, rice, or tortillas
d. All of the above

3. How many servings of fruit should I have in a day? __________

a. 3 cups
b. 2 cups
c. 1 cup

4. True or False? __________

Brown sugar is better for you and your blood glucose levels than white sugar.

5. Which of the following is NOT a WIC approved item? __________

a. Go-gurt 2oz yogurt tubes
b. Pepper Jack cheese
c. Tomato paste
d. Boil-in-bag brown rice
e. Coco wheats

6. How many minutes of physical activity is recommended? __________

a. At least 150 minutes (or 75 minutes vigorous intensity) per week for
adults and 60 minutes per day for children
b. 10 minutes per day for children and adults
c. 100 minutes day week for adults and 45 minutes per day for children
Check your answers and choose an action plan:

1. Calcium. Calcium is a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth,
although it also plays an important role in blood clotting, helping muscles to contract, and
regulating normal heart rhythms and nerve functions.
[ ]Action Plan: I will eat/drink ___ serving of dairy foods daily. (Family Topic: MyPlate: Dairy)

2. All of the above. Whole grains are higher in fiber and have more naturally occurring
nutrients than refined/white grains. There are many varieties of whole grains to try. It is
recommended to choose whole grains for at least half of your grains.
[ ]Action Plan: I will eat a whole grain food ___ times daily. (Family Topic: MyPlate: Grains)

3. It depends! The amount of fruits and vegetables you need to eat depends on your age,
sex, height, weight, and activity - and whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Generally,
adults should try for 3 cups, children try for 2 cups, toddlers try for 1 cup.
[ ]Action Plan: I will eat/offer a fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack. (Family Topic:
MyPlate: Fruits/Vegetables)

4. False. Sugar is sugar to the body – no matter the color!

[ ]Action Plan: I will use sweeteners in moderation. (Family Topic: Sugar/artificial sweeteners)

5. Pepper Jack cheese is not allowed because it contains peppers. WIC offers different food
options within each category to help you find healthy foods your family will enjoy! Review the
food guide and make a list of new items to try. Plan meals around WIC items to get the most
out of your WIC benefits.
[ ] Action Plan: I will plan my meals for the week and write a shopping list based on my plan.
(Family Topic: Shopping Smart)

6. Adults should move more and sit less throughout the day. Some physical activity is better
than none. Adults should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes
a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. Physical activity is necessary for the
healthy growth and development of infants and young children of all ages. Limit screen time
to encourage active play throughout the day. (CDC Guidelines)
[ ]Action Plan: I will do a “get family moving” activity ___ times per week.
(Family Topic: Exercise and Nutrition)

*Or make your own action plan for National Nutrition Month!

[ ] Action Plan: ___________________________________________________________________________



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