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True/False Multiple Short Answer Essay Total Qs

Remember 25 41 66
Understand 7 19 2 28
Apply 4 4
Analyze 1 1 2
32 65 3 100


1. Human sexuality is learned.

Answer: True
Page: 167

2. Human sexuality values, norms, and behaviors have remained constant over time.

Answer: False
Pages: 174

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3. Homophobia is the rational hatred of heterosexuals.

Answer: False
Pages: 169

4. Homosexuality consists solely of sexual preference.

Answer: False
Pages: 169

5. Some scientists explain homosexuality in terms of social experiences, role models, and social learning.

Answer: True
Pages: 169

6. People who are bisexual have an exclusive sexual preference for one sex.

Answer: False
Pages: 170

7. Transgender people’s gender identity or gender expression is different from what is typically considered
normal for their sex.

Answer: True
Pages: 171

8. The male superior sexual position is also known as the missionary position.

Answer: True
Page: 174

9. The early Christian church proclaimed that sexual intercourse was for pleasure as well as reproductive

Answer: False
Page: 174

10. Historically, the lower classes followed the prevailing sexual mores more closely than did the upper classes.

Answer: False
Pages: 174

11. Puritan views on sexuality continue to have an impact on attitudes and behavior in the United States.

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Answer: True
Pages: 174

12. For Victorian wives, having sex with their husbands was their duty.

Answer: True
Pages: 174

13. Sex before marriage, condemned throughout much of U.S. history, is no longer defined as deviant; rather, it
has become the norm.

Answer: True
Pages: 175

14. Symptoms of AIDS appear immediately after the individual becomes infected.

Answer: False
Page: 205

15. Sexual behavior is strongly affected by friends, family, and coworkers.

Answer: True
Page: 179

16. According to the text, women think about sex more than men do and are drawn to a wider range of sexual

Answer: False
Pages: 181

17. According to Adrienne Rich, when it comes to American television, a condition of “compulsory
heterosexuality” prevails.

Answer: True
Page: 190

18. Although women and men continue to converge in some areas of their sexual behavior, the sexual double
standard remains.

Answer: True
Page: 190

19. The text points out that nearly everyone is engaged in sexual behavior.

Answer: False
Page: 182

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20. The Durex Global Sex Survey identifies Japan as the sexiest country in the world.

Answer: False
Page: 184

21. According to Freud, one’s sex drive is biologically determined and the motivator for all human behavior.

Answer: True
Page: 186

22. Culture has little to do with sexual behavior.

Answer: False
Page: 188

23. In 2005, the number of deaths in Japan exceeded births.

Answer: True
Page: 184

24. As far as sexuality is concerned, children learn very little from their parents.

Answer: True
Pages: 187

25. Differences in sexual scripting closely relate to the traditional double standard for males and females.

Answer: True
Page: 187

26. Interest in sex is part of the male sexual script but not part of the female sexual script.

Answer: True
Pages: 187

27. Women’s and men’s nude bodies are shown in the same way in American films.

Answer: False
Page: 190

28. Peer pressure is one of the most significant factors in determining when adolescents become sexually active.

Answer: True
Page: 188

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29. Americans think of sexual orientation in terms of whether one is homosexual or heterosexual.

Answer: True
Page: 199

30. Bisexuals are individuals with genital organs of both sexes.

Answer: False
Page: 199

31. As in the past, the majority of teenagers today use petting as a substitute for intercourse.

Answer: False
Page: 197

32. Extramarital relationships are limited to one-night stands.

Answer: False
Page: 181-182


33. Anita and Gregory were kissing passionately when she produced a condom and asked Gregory to put it on,
which he refused to do. She then refused to engage in any further sexual activity. In this situation Anita
(a) was leading Gregory on.
(b) was being prudish.
(c) was practicing safe sex.
(d) made an error in that Gregory will likely end the relationship.

Answer: (c)
Pages: 211-212

34. According to the authors of your textbook, sex continues to be the topic “____________” in the early years
of the twenty-first century.
(a) taboo
(b) controversial
(c) du jour
(d) popular

Answer: (c)
Page: 166

35. The authors point out that people often use the terms sex and sexuality
(a) interchangeably.
(b) very differently.
(c) as though they are opposites.

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(d) as starkly contrasting terms.

Answer: (a)
Page: 167

36. According to the text, human sexuality includes

(a) genetically determined behaviors.
(b) our feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and values.
(c) animalistic urges.
(d) religious practices.

Answer: (b)
Page: 167

37. According to the text, sexual orientation involves

(a) sex role socialization.
(b) not only whom one chooses as a sexual partner, but, more fundamentally, the ways in which people
understand and identify themselves.
(c) the process through which a person develops sexual tastes.
(d) a recruiting process through which one becomes either same-sex- or opposite-sex-oriented.

Answer: (b)
Page: 168

38. Historically, U.S. culture has espoused

(a) a naturalistic view of sexuality.
(b) the strict belief that heterosexuality is the only right, natural, and acceptable sexual orientation.
(c) an enlightened view of sexuality as natural and appropriate in whatever form it takes.
(d) a futuristic view in which males and females are equal.

Answer: (b)
Page: 168

39. Heterosexuality refers to the

(a) sexual preference for same sex partners.
(b) sexual preference for opposite sex partners.
(c) belief that sex should be strictly for procreative purposes.
(d) belief that women exist to serve men’s needs.

Answer: (b)
Page: 168

40. Research during the mid-1990s reported what percentage of Americans identifying themselves as
exclusively heterosexual?
(a) 77%
(b) 87%
(c) 97%
(d) 100%

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Answer: (c)
Page: 168

41. __________ refers to how a person describes her or his sexuality and how that person expresses that self to
(a) Sexual identity
(b) Sexual orientation
(c) Phallocentrism
(d) Homophobia

Answer: (a)
Page: 168

42. Homophobia is
(a) an extreme and irrational fear, or hatred, of homosexuals.
(b) a strong desire to experience sexual satisfaction with same-sex partners.
(c) the fear that same-sex contemporaries might be heterosexual.
(d) an attitude that results in membership in a gay or lesbian organization.

Answer: (a)
Page: 169

43. The most likely cause of homosexuality is

(a) social learning.
(b) traumatic childhood experiences.
(c) genetic factors.
(d) there is no conclusive evidence to support any one causative factor.

Answer: (d)
Page: 169

44. According to some analysts, _________ has always been a strong component of African American
(a) machismo
(b) asexual behavior
(c) bisexuality
(d) heterosexuality

Answer: (a)
Page: 170

45. __________ refers to living life as the opposite sex.

(a) Transvestite
(b) Transgendered
(c) Homosexuality
(d) Hermaphrodite

Answer: (b)
Page: 171

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46. __________ refers generally to individuals who do not have an exclusive sexual preference for one sex over
the other.
(a) Homosexual
(b) Heterosexual
(c) Bisexual
(d) Asexual

Answer: (c)
Page: 169

47. Which of the following is not part of the feminist sociologists’ view of sexuality in the United States?
(a) Sexual activities are associated with a heterosexual orientation.
(b) Sexual activity is defined almost exclusively in terms of genital intercourse and male orgasm.
(c) The ideology of heterosexuality assumes that women’s bodies are men’s property.
(d) Most women reject this definition of “normal sexuality.”

Answer: (d)
Page: 169

48. Which of the following is not true of transgender people?

(a) Many live part-time or full-time as members of the other gender.
(b) Most identify as homosexual.
(c) They may identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, or anywhere in between.
(d) The sexual orientation labels we typically use are inapplicable to many.

Answer: (b)
Page: 171

9. With regard to human sexuality, which of the following is common to all known human societies?
(a) Established rules prohibiting homosexuality.
(b) A strong belief in the nuclear family.
(c) A set of codes that define appropriate sexual behavior.
(d) Policies that discourage sexual activities among children.

Answer: (c)
Page: 173

50. According to ancient Jewish tradition, intercourse was permissible

(a) if the couple was engaged.
(b) if the couple knew each other for an extended period of time.
(c) only if the couple got permission from both sets of parents.
(d) only if the couple was married.

Answer: (d)
Page: 173

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51. As a Jewish female, if Esther were to follow ancient traditions, she would only engage in sexual intercourse
for which of the following reasons?
(a) Only for the expressed purpose of producing children.
(b) To satisfy her husband’s sexual desires.
(c) To legitimize her role as a female.
(d) In order to retain her sanity.

Answer: (a)
Page: 173

52. Ancient Jewish tradition’s emphasis on marriage and reproduction is revealed by all of the following except
(a) belief that marriage was the only appropriate context for sexual intercourse.
(b) requirement that a woman be a virgin at the time of her marriage.
(c) belief that menstruating women were unclean.
(d) belief that nakedness and masturbation were natural and acceptable in the sight of God.

Answer: (d)
Page: 173

53. Who among the following strongly influenced the church’s early position on sexuality?
(a) Martin Luther
(b) St. Paul
(c) John Calvin
(d) St. Thomas Aquinas

Answer: (b)
Page: 174

54. Both __________ and __________ denounced celibacy as an unrealistic and unnatural goal for human
(a) St. Paul; St. Thomas Aquinas
(b) St. Augustine; St. Thomas Aquinas
(c) Martin Luther; John Wesley
(d) Martin Luther; John Calvin

Answer: (d)
Page: 174

55. Differing social rules about sex that are based on gender are referred to as the sexual
(a) gender standards.
(b) double standards.
(c) transgender norms.
(d) gender norms.

Answer: (b)
Page: 174

56. During the Victorian era, sexual purity was reserved for

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(a) middle-class men.
(b) all women.
(c) middle-class White women.
(d) all men.

Answer: (c)
Pages: 174

57. Regarding the slavery period in the United States, which of the following is not correct?
(a) The sexual behavior of both Black males and Black females was controlled by White slave masters.
(b) Black males served in the capacity of “studs” to produce additional slave hands for the plantation.
(c) Black females served as a source of sexual release for White slave masters.
(d) Slaves were encouraged to marry and set up family households.

Answer: (d)
Page: 175

58. Which of the following is not true of sexual behavior in the United States during the 1960s?
a) Our sexual behavior changed dramatically during the 1960s.
(b) There is consensus that the United States underwent a sexual revolution during the 1960s.
(c) Even during the 1960s, some people and groups held onto conservative, traditional sexual norms.
(d) Changes in sexual norms during the 1960s may be part of a continued evolution rather than

Answer: (b)
Page: 176

59. People living in the ____________ report the highest frequency of having sex.
a) Northeast
(b) Southeast
(c) Midwest
(d) Northwest

Answer: (a)
Page: 178

60. Which of the following is not one of the top 5 reasons men give for having sex?
(a) To express love.
(b) It feels good.
(c) Attraction to the person.
(d) For physical pleasure.

Answer: (a)
Page: 177

61. Women tend to justify their extramarital affairs when they ______ in love, while men tend to justify their
affairs when they _______ in love.
a) are; are
(b) are; are not

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(c) are not; are
(d) are not; are not

Answer: (b)
Page: 182

62. According to global sex surveys, __________ is identified as the sexiest country in the world.
(a) Greece
(b) the United States
(c) France
(d) Japan

Answer: (a)
Page: 183

63. According to the text, human sexual behavior is

(a) a biological phenomenon.
(b) basically psychological.
(c) learned.
(d) innate.

Answer: (c)
Page: 186

64. According to the text’s discussion of Japan,

(a) the nation has a record-high birth rate.
(b) immigration is being encouraged.
(c) the Japanese have extremely active sex lives.
(d) None of the above statements are correct.

Answer: (d)
Page: 184-186

65. The text points out that over the last several decades, gender socialization regarding human sexuality has
(a) changed very little.
(b) changed somewhat.
(c) changed dramatically.
(d) remained completely unchanged.

Answer: (a)
Page: 188

66. Sexual activities involving only the self are referred to as

(a) swapping.
(b) intercourse.
(c) pleasuring.
(d) autoeroticism.

Answer: (d)

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Page: 195

67. Masturbation refers to all of the following except

(a) the attainment of sexual pleasure from the erotic stimulation of one’s self.
(b) the accidental discovery during childhood of the pleasure derived from self-stimulation.
(c) the mutual fondling of a partner’s genitals.
(d) the achievement of orgasm through self-stimulation.

Answer: (c)
Page: 195

68. Which of the following sexual behaviors is not considered a form of autoeroticism?
(a) sexual fantasy
(b) french kissing
(c) masturbation
(d) erotic dreams

Answer: (b)
Pages: 195

69. For most men, masturbation is a __________ to sexual intercourse, whereas for women, it is a(n)
(a) substitute; complement
(b) supplement; substitute
(c) complement; supplement
(d) forerunner; afterglow

Answer: (b)
Page: 195

70. The AIDS epidemic

(a) is primarily a U.S. problem.
(b) is merely a gay disease.
(c) is a worldwide pandemic.
(d) is confined to urban areas.

Answer: (c)
Page: 210

71. Compared to men, women tend to have more __________ sexual fantasies.
(a) romantic
(b) realistic
(c) visual
(d) impersonal

Answer: (a)
Page: 196

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72. Erotic dreams are frequently referred to as
(a) nocturnal pornography.
(b) visual stimulation.
(c) day dreaming.
(d) nocturnal dreams with a sexual content.

Answer: (d)
Page: 196

73. When Justin woke up, the love scene he dreamed about was still fresh in his mind. He also found that the
front of his underwear was wet. A likely explanation is that Justin
(a) had a nocturnal emission.
(b) had a relapse of bedwetting.
(c) was masturbating.
(d) experienced a traumatic event.

Answer: (a)
Pages: 196

74. An accurate description of the term “pleasuring” is

(a) intense sexual intercourse.
(b) prolonged penile thrusting.
(c) multiple orgasms.
(d) touching, exploring, and caressing of the non-genital areas of a love partner.

Answer: (d)
Page: 197

75. The term used to describe the oral stimulation of the male genitals is
(a) fellatio.
(b) cunnilingus.
(c) coitus.
(d) pleasuring.

Answer: (a)
Page: 197

76. Coitus refers to

(a) all forms of intercourse.
(b) penile-vaginal intercourse only.
(c) anal intercourse.
(d) oral stimulation of the female genitals.

Answer: (b)
Page: 197

77. Sharon and Trudy are lesbian lovers. Which of the following is not likely to be included among their sexual
(a) mutual masturbation

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(b) oral genital stimulation
(c) frequent use of dildos to achieve orgasms
(d) prolonged kissing

Answer: (c)
Page: 198

78. The authors believe that the terms premarital sex and premarital intercourse
(a) are outdated and inadequate for discussing contemporary sexuality.
(b) are adequate when discussing sexual activities among unmarried individuals.
(c) reflect the growing trend in human sexuality.
(d) accurately portray society’s values.

Answer: (a)
Page: 201

79. Research indicates that there has been __________ in sexual activity among single individuals.
(a) an overall increase
(b) a decrease
(c) no change
(d) a slight change

Answer: (a)
Page: 201

80. According to the text, __________ of unmarried women had experienced sexual intercourse by the age of
(a) one-quarter
(b) one-third
(c) one-half
(d) three-quarters

Answer: (d)
Page: 201

81. Today, AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death

(a) in children under the age of 5.
(b) in African American homosexuals.
(c) in adult females.
(d) in adolescents.

Answer: (a)
Page: 210

82. The majority of children with AIDS contracted the disease

(a) through early sexual activity.
(b) from their infected mothers.
(c) from playmates at school.
(d) through accidental contact with contaminated needles.

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Answer: (b)
Page: 210

83. Based on current research, it would be accurate to conclude that

(a) sex has become a preoccupation for today’s married couples.
(b) sex is not a major issue for most married couples.
(c) frequency of sexual intercourse always leads to greater marital happiness.
(d) married couples today engage in a greater variety of sexual behaviors.

Answer: (d)
Page: 201

84. Which of the following individuals should be most concerned about contracting AIDS?
(a) gay men
(b) anyone engaging in high risk behaviors without using proper protection
(c) bisexual men
(d) individuals with a history of low immunity

Answer: (b)
Pages: 207

85. Most wives who become involved in extramarital affairs indicate that they are
(a) merely experimenting with a different lover.
(b) dissatisfied with some aspect of their marriage.
(c) going through midlife crises.
(d) only trying to get back at their cheating husbands.

Answer: (b)
Page: 181

86. Which of the following is an ironic statement regarding extramarital affairs in the United States?
(a) Men are excused but women are condemned.
(b) More women than men engage in extramarital affairs.
(c) More men than women deny their involvement in extramarital affairs.
(d) A high percentage of extramarital affairs take place alongside the strong belief that such behavior is

Answer: (d)
Page: 182

87. It is customary for divorced individuals to engage in sexual activities

(a) as soon as the divorce becomes final.
(b) within a year following the divorce.
(c) prior to and even during the divorce proceedings.
(d) not before three years after the divorce.

Answer: (b)
Page: 202

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88. The common stereotype of older women and men is that they are
(a) asexual.
(b) bisexual.
(c) oversexed.
(d) homophobic.

Answer: (a)
Page: 203

89 The term used to describe the inability to engage in or enjoy sexual activities is
(a) infertility.
(b) homophobia.
(c) bisexuality.
(d) sexual dysfunction.

Answer: (d)
Page: 204

90. The phrase “dirty old men” is often used to describe

(a) homeless men who roam the streets.
(b) men who dribble food all over their clothes.
(c) elderly men who maintain an open interest in sex.
(d) young boys who try to act like grown-ups.

Answer: (c)
Page: 203

91. Which of the following is not a primary medium of transmission for HIV?
(a) blood
(b) causal contact
(c) semen
(d) breast milk

Answer: (b)
Page: 206

92. Because of the sexual double standard, women are more likely than men to
(a) feel physically more desirable.
(b) be less inhibited and more sexually active.
(c) feel physically undesirable.
(d) maintain their sexual eligibility.

Answer: (c)
Page: 204

93. According to current evidence, HIV cannot be transmitted by

(a) sexual contact.

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(b) casual contact.
(c) blood transfusions.
(d) sharing needles.

Answer: (b)
Page: 206

94. The most common sexual problems for females include all of the following except
(a) inhibited sexual desire.
(b) hormone imbalance.
(c) vaginismus.
(d) anorgasmia.

Answer: (b)
Pages: 204

95. Individuals who develop AIDS usually die because

(a) they are not always aware that they are infected.
(b) the disease destroys their immune system.
(c) they ignore important treatment.
(d) they assume a fatalistic attitude.

Answer: (b)
Page: 206

96. An individual who contracts AIDS does not show any symptoms right away. The time frame between
infection and the onset of symptoms is called
(a) the incubation period.
(b) the waiting period.
(c) lag time.
(d) the dormant period.

Answer: (a)
Page: 206

97. Mario has been diagnosed as an HIV-positive patient. This means that Mario
(a) is infected with the virus that weakens his immune system.
(b) is able to donate a special type of blood.
(c) has a rare but curable type of disease.
(d) has full-blown AIDS.

Answer: (a)
Page: 206


98. Discuss the impact of sex role socialization on men and women. What specific role do parents, peers, and the
media play in this process?

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99. Discuss the factors that led to increasingly permissive sexual attitudes from the 1950s to the present. What
impact do you think this has had on male/female relationships and overall sexual values?

100. Discuss the impact of aging on sexuality, including physiological functioning, desire, and levels of

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