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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Drill 2

Situation: Community Organizing Participatory Action Research is a social development

approach that aims to transform the apathetic, individualistic and voiceless poor into
dynamic, participatory and politically responsive community.

1. Participatory action research in the context of COPAR means that the community: 
a. does not participates in collecting data 
b. Will use the knowledge generated from research to improve their condition 
c. Should be the one to conceptualize how the research will be conducted 
d. Manages the research project 

2. Community participation is made possible through: 

a. Shared leadership in the community at the onset of the program. 
b. Provision of comprehensive and understandable information. 
c. Full participation of nurses in decision-making 
d. Conducting consultation meetings with key leaders of the community. 

3. If a particular health service fails, the most basic question is: 

a. Is this what the people demanded? 
b. What went wrong?
c. Is this what the people need? 
d. Who is responsible for the failure? 

4. Data analysis involves quantification, description and classification of data which would reveal
community health problems. An analysis of the social, economic, and political factors that
influence health is categorized as:
a. Health resource problems
b. Health status problems
c. Health related problems
d. Comprehensive problems

5. With the stated problems, the nurse and the community prioritize these using a set of criteria.
Which of the following criteria refers to the probability of reducing, controlling, or eradicating
the problem? 
a. Modifiability of the problem 
b. Preventive potential 
c. Magnitude of the problem 
d. Nature of the problem 
 Health Deficit
 Health Threat
 Foreseeable Crisis
 Easily Modifiable
 Partially Modifiable
 Not Modifiable
 High
 Moderate
 Low

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
6. In community meetings, Nurse Nelissa explains to the community the purpose of the research
project to address the health problem, and establishes rapport with the people for
cooperation in the research process. The Nurse puts community members as? 
a. Assistants to the researcher 
b. Merely providers of information 
c. Organizers of meetings 
d. Co-researchers 

8. In evaluating the longstanding number of cases of rabies in a municipality, which statistical

measure will you use? 
a. Incidence Rate (new disease)
b. Prevalence Rate (burden with disease)
c. Morbidity Rate 
d. Mortality Rate 

Prevalence = (incidence rate) × (average duration of illness).
Incidence contrasts with prevalence, which includes both new and existing cases. For
example, a person who is newly diagnosed with diabetes is an incident case, whereas a
person who has had diabetes for 10 years is a prevalent case.

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

9. Diabetes has become a major health problem. The nurses can help to reduce the incidence
of diabetes by: 
a. Extensive screening of diabetes patients 
b. Helping implement Republic Act 8191-Natioanal Diabetes Act 
c. Establishing the support group for diabetes patients 
d. Increasing the community awareness of diabetes prevention

10. This is a learning process whereby knowledge, attitudes and practice of people are changed
to improve the health status of individuals, families or communities 
a. Motivating 
b. Counseling 
c. Disease prevention 
d. Health education 

11. The BEST strategies to addresses the nutrition problems of Filipinos related to Non-
communicable diseases are the following, EXCEPT;
a. Aim for ideal body weight 
b. Consider food preferences of family members 
c. Build healthy nutrition-related practices 
d. Choose food wisely 

12. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE embraces all of the following concepts, EXCEPT:
a. People's participation is essential 
b. Community organizing as the core of PHC – empower the community
c. Use of appropriate technology – for health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation
d. It is an approach to provide the basic needs of the community 

Situation: In the practice of Community Health Nursing, the nurse utilizes specialized
knowledge and skills and collaboration with other governmental and non- governmental
agencies. The concept of Primary Health Care and Health Promotion are crucial in
community health development. 

13. Which DOES NOT describe primary health care? 

a. It stresses the use of appropriate technology – for capacity building
b. It emphasizes partnership between health care providers and the people - empower
c. It aims to provide free health service to the people – UHC goal
d. It is a total approach to community development - by empowering the community

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
14.Primary health care advocates for the use of appropriate technology in the delivery of health
services. This is demonstrated by any of the following EXCEPT: 
a. Teaching mothers how to prepare low-cost, easily digestible and highly nutritious protein
powders to feed children with malnutrition 
b. Use of comics in information and educational campaign against dengue 
c. Use of Bayabas / Guava for washing wounds and for diarrhea
d. Use of portable x-ray machines in far-flung communities

15. Which of the following is a mark of success in primary health care? 

a. Barangay participate actively in health-related activity
b. The people are able to attain the highest level of health through their own effort 
c. The people utilize health service according to their needs
d. Health workers are able to provide efficient and acceptable service 

16. Accessibility of health service implies that: Accessibility refers to geographic access

a. Health care providers maximize the service of traditional healers whom the people
commonly approach for health problems 
b. The people and the government can afford the health services being provided 
c. Health service providers are within 5 kilometers from most of the catchment
d. Health services are available in health facilities on a round the clock basis 

17. A major lesson of the Alma-Ata (declaration of WHO for Health for All) and the different
charters of health promotion is that 
a. Health workers must be effective in advocacy and mediation to enable to people to gain
control over their lives 
b. Community participation is a fundamental requirement to achieve health and
sustainable development 
c. Creation of supportive environment is crucial to achieving health and sustainable
d. Meaningful improvements in the socioeconomic determinants of health are required to
have significant improvements in people's health 

18. Ana's functions include activities for secondary prevention. In a family, the health profile
reveals diabetes in the father of the family. A classic demonstration of secondary
prevention would be:
a. Teaching the diabetic patient about foot care
b. Assisting the diabetic patient in his daily insulin injections
c. Helping the patient obtain a glucometer for accurate monitoring of blood sugar 
d. Informing the client how to maintain HbA1C value at 5.5 or less 

 Primary Prevention—intervening before health effects occur, through.

 Secondary Prevention—screening to identify diseases in the earliest.
 Tertiary Prevention—managing disease post diagnosis to slow or stop.
Secondary prevention regular exams and screening tests to detect disease in its earliest

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Situation: Krystel a nurse working in the OB ward of a secondary level hospital, received
a post normal delivery mother back in the ward with her healthy newborn baby girl.
Rooming- in is newly practiced in this hospital.
19. Krystel is aware that in accordance with R.A 7600 of 1992, in the purpose of the "rooming
in" national policy are two fold:
1. Encourage protect and support the practice of breastfeeding
2. Save on costs for utilities and personnel for a newborn nursery
3. Create an environment where basic physical, emotional, and psychological needs of
mothers and infants are fulfilled 
4. Teach the mother to take responsibility for caring for her newborn right after her
a. 2 and 3 are correct 
b. 2 and 4 are correct 
c. 1 and 2 are correct
d. 1 and 3 are correct

20. After both mother and baby were settled in their hospital room, the pediatrician who is now
in the hospital came to see the baby. After reviewing the baby's condition immediately
after delivery, she asks if there is standard milk formula the hospital prescribes or would
want us to use? Nurse Krystel was quick to respond “I am sorry doctor but shouldn't we be
adhering to the national milk code Act of 2006 and the expanded breastfeeding Act of
2009”? This reflects the nurse's role as: 
a. Strong supporter of the bureau of food and drug (FDA) in Jaw enforcement 
b. Patient advocate and law-abiding practicing health worker
c. Representative of the professional regulation commission (PRC) enforcing standards 
d. Ordinary citizen exercising police power 

RA 10028 mandates workplace compliance with EO 51 (1986), prohibiting companies with

products under the scope of the law from making any donations for lactation stations
and activities related to breastfeeding promotion in the workplace.

21. Krystel is very much aware that what is necessary in the care of the newborn even within
the first hour after the birth is: 
a. Immediate initiation of breastfeeding with complementary milk formula 
b. Immediate initiation of breastfeeding continued without complementary formula. 
c. Actual initiation of breastfeeding continued with complementary milk formula within a
menthe up in 3 years and beyond. 
d. Initiation of breastfeeding but when not possible introduction of complementary formula

22. After her duty-hours a milk company representative approached Krystel offering her part-
time job with them. Krystel turned down the offer because this is conflict with her desire to
promote breastfeeding. In addition, Section 32 of Administrative order 2006 - 0012 as
Implementing Rules and regulations to Executive order No. 51 (Milk Code Policy): 
SECTION 32. Primary Responsibility of Health Workers. 
a. Provides that it is generally a choice for the health professional 
b. Provide that is the primary responsibility of the health workers to promote,
protect, and support breastfeeding and appropriate infant and young child feeding
and that no assistance, logistics or training from Milk Company is permitted. 
c. Allows health workers to do public endorsement for as long as it is outside of their duty.
But accepting the offer would create as CONFLICT IN PROFESSIONAL INTEREST
which will redound to "unethical conduct", 
d. is actually silent about the matter

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
23. Krystel attended a meeting in the hospital representing her ward, where she pushed for
adherence to the "Expanded Breastfeeding promotion Act of 2009" R.A. 10028. She
explained that this law basically strengthens E.0.51 (Milk Code) and R.A. 7600 (Rooming-
in and Breastfeeding Act) this measure provides the 3rd vital component of the
Breastfeeding Law (PROVISION OF SUPPORT for the practice of breastfeeding) by: 
a. Updating the penalty provisions of the former Aquino EO. No. 51 and A.O. No. 2006-
b. Mandating the provision of facilities for breast milk collection and storage e.g.
milk banks and establishments of "lactation stations" with adequate support
facilities, and providing incentives and sanctions thereto; 
c. Mandating the provision of facilities for breast milk collection and storage e.g. milk
banks; establishment of "lactation stations" with adequate facilities, and the integration of
breastfeeding education in the curricula. 
d. Integrating the key provisions of E.0.51 and A.O. No. 2006-0012

SITUATION: A public health nurse must be knowledgeable of the different programs of

the Department of Health, our national health agency. Several projects and policies are
initiated by the agency to address relevant issues regarding the Philippines healthcare

24. In light of the migration of healthcare workers to highly urbanized areas and abroad, the
DOH established a system for deployment of human resources under the National Health
Workforce Support System. One of the priority areas for deployment are Geographically
Isolated Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA). Which of the following areas is not specifically
classified as GIDA?
a. Barangay Chico - 60 minutes (tricycle) to 120 minutes away (walking) from a urban
b. Barangay Mansanas - 15% of its population are Indigenous People
c. Barangay Kahel - Identified as Communist Terrorist Group area
d. Barangay Saging - Majority of its people are enrolled in Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

25. The pandemic has posed a challenge for vulnerable individuals to secure consultations and
prescriptions from licensed physicians. With that, the FDA and DOH created guidelines for
easier and organized telehealth consultations. If a physician gave an e-prescription for
Metronidazole to a patient, how long is the prescription's validity from the time of its
a. 1 week
b. 2 weeks
c. 3 weeks
d. 4 weeks

26. The enactment of the Universal Health Care Act highlighted the use of LGU Health
Scorecards (LGU HSC) to monitor and evaluate the health sector reforms at the local level.
Which of the following is included in the implementation guidelines of the scorecard?
I. The Bureau of Local Health Systems Development leads the overall implementation
of the LGU HSC
II. The annual performance of LGUs is assessed against the performance of other
international health systems arrows (benchmarking to other LGU)
III. The scorecard utilizes color and percentage for the final assessment rating of the
LGUS (line and graph not color and %)
IV. LGU HSC is a component of the Formula ONE (F1) Plus for Health Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E).
a. II and III
b. I and IV
c. II, III, IV
d. I, III, and IV

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
27. Executive order No.28 regulates the use of firecrackers among individuals and confining its
use to community displays. This is supported by the DOH to reduce the substantial
number of firecracker-related injuries in the country. As part of the safety guidelines, the
following statements are the "Don'ts" when using firecrackers apart from:
a. Use calcium carbide in firing cannons to add a safety measure in the explosion
b. Light firecrackers under containers to reduce its explosive impact
c. Alter the firework material when in doubt to ensure the safety of its use
d. Pour water directly to the firecracker that did not ignite to prevent re-ignition

28. The COVID-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021 provides for the creation of COVID-19
National Vaccine Indemnity Fund to provide coverage for Serious Adverse Effects (SAES)
following immunization. It assigns PhilHealth as its fund administrator. How much is the
benefit cap for hospitalization claims under the COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Package?
a. P50,000 per beneficiary
b. P100,000 per beneficiary
c. P50,000 per month of hospitalization
d. P100,000 per month of hospitalization

SITUATION: You are part of the epidemiological team of the city of Kataka-taka. After
detecting a growth in the influenza cases in the town, you and your team are tasked to
review again the concepts of vital statistics and epidemiological investigation.

30. Penny suggested to the team to use a screening test with high sensitivity for the flu. Which
of the following characteristics are not aligned with a highly sensitive test?
a. There is a probability that some who have the flu will not be detected with one
b. This is used to provide immediate treatment and prevent transmission of the flu
c. It is preferred when resources are not enough to screen all suspected of the flu
d. If 100% sensitive, cases that have the flu will have a positive result

31. King is also suspected of having the flu. The investigation team decided to collect a
comprehensive set of data from him using a standard case investigation form. What type
of case-based data collection was used?
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

31. King is also suspected of having the flu. The investigation team decided to collect a
comprehensive set of data from him using a standard case investigation form. What type
of case-based data collection was used?
a. Intensive Case-Based
b. Line list Case-Based
c. Derivative Case-Based
d. Substantial Case-Based

32. Due to the possible outbreak of the flu, the team reviewed the thresholds for specific
diseases during surveillance. Drake saw the threshold table and noted the condition for
Acute Hemorrhagic Fever. What is the recommended alert threshold for the mentioned
a. In a population greater than 30,000: 5 cases per 10,000 inhabitants per week
b. In a population greater than 30, 000: 15 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in 1 week
c. 1 suspected case
d. 1 confirmed case

33. Drake is tasked to lead the team in investigating the possible outbreak of the flu. What is the
appropriate sequence of the following for outbreak investigation?
I. Define and Identify Cases
II. Communicate the findings
III. Verify diagnostic procedures
IV. Compare current and previous number of cases from comparable period
V. Implement control and prevention measure
VI. Describe data in terms of time, place, and person
VII. Create hypothesis from data collected
a. I, IV, VI, III, VII, II, V
b. I, III, VI, IV, VII, V, II
c. IV, I, VI, III, VII, II, V
d. IV, III, I, VI, VII, V, II

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
34. Community Nurse Turing was asked about Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan, one
of the major components of the Philippine health care delivery system that constitute the
context of community health nursing according to this plan, which of these options does
not strengthen the health promotion and disease & control programs for public health in
our country
a. We should achieve a 95 percentage of fully immunized children
b. We should maintain a 95 percentage of fully immunized children
c. We should widen the choice and reach of family planning
d. Reduce malaria morbidity rate by 10% from 23 cases per 60,000 population by
year 2023

35. Student Nurse Summer who is running for summa cum laude was challenged by student
nurse Minty Fresh who is also in the running for summa cum laude this November 2022.
Student nurse Minty Fresh asked which of these plants are scientifically proven to have
antidiabetic properties?
a. Rue Paulpaulifera
b. Rhizophora Mucronata
c. Artocarpus blancoi
d. Cymbopogon citratus

36. Baby Eva was brought to the community hospital by her Mamita because she was having
diarrhea for 14 days already and her Mamita noticed that there is blood in her stool.
Community nurse classified this type of diarrhea as:
a. Pink: Severe Persistent Diarrhea
b. Yellow: Persistent Diarrhea.
c. Yellow: Dysentery
d. White: Amoebiasis

37. Nurse Zeny was asked by the senior Nurse Din about the correct formula for the
computation of Prevalence Rate. Which of the following choices is the correct formula?
a. No.of old and new cases of a certain disease registered at a given time/Total No. of
persons examined at same given time x1,000
b. No.of new and old cases of a certain disease registered at a given time/Total No.of
persons examined at different given time x100,000
c. No.of old and new cases of a certain disease registered at a given time/Total no.of
persons examined at a different given time x10,000
d. No.of new and old cases of a certain disease registered at a given time/Total no.of
persons examined at same given time x100

38. Nurse Zeny was asked by the senior Nurse Din about the correct formula for the
computation of Fetal Death Rate. Which of the following choices is the correct formula?
a. Total No. of fetal deaths registered in a given calendar year/Estimated population as of
July 1 of same year x100,000
b. Total No. of fetal deaths registered in a given calendar year/Total no. of live births
registered on same year x1,000
c. Total No. of fetal deaths registered in a given calendar year/Estimated population as of
July 30 of same year x1,000
d. Total No. of fetal deaths registered in a given calendar year/Total no. of live deaths
registered on same year x1,000

39. Student Nurse Vina was asked by the Community Health Nurse Gigi to prepare vaccines for
the children in the community of RPDRPH. Which of the preparations are incorrect?
a. Pentavalent, 0.5cc
b. OPV, 2 drops
c. Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, 0.05cc
d. Rotavirus vaccine, 1cc
1.5cc (RotaTeq 3doses 2, 4, 6months, Rotarix 2 doses, 2, 4months)
BCG 0.05cc

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
40. Baby Lady was brought to the nearest community clinic by her mother Cora because of the
toddler's inability to sleep due to perianal itching. The toddler is getting increasingly
irritable. Nurse Prince suspects Oxyuriasis. Which of the following is the best choice to
confirm the diagnosis of Oxyuriasis? Seatworm/threadworm
a. Stool exam
b. Scotch tape method when awaken in the morning
c. Colonoscopy
d. Visual examination of the anus

41. Nurse Zeny was asked by the senior Nurse Din about the correct formula for the
computation of Crude Death Rate. Which of the following choices is the correct formula?
a. Total No.of live deaths registered in the previous year/Estimated population as of July 1
of same year x1,000
b. Total No.of deaths registered in a given calendar year/Estimated population as of June
30 of same year x1000
c. Total No.of deaths registered in a given calendar year/Estimated population at
midyear (as of July 1) of same year x1,000
d. Total No.of live deaths registered in a given calendar year/Estimated population as of
June 30 of same year x1,000

42. Mr. Tan, a fresh BSN graduate and board passer, is applying for a staff nurse position in
DOH. Mr. Manzano is from the human resource management of DOH. Mr. Manzano told
Mr. Tan that if he were to hire him as a nurse in one of the DOH hospitals, he needs to
know who was the first Filipino nurse supervisor under the Bureau of Health.
a. Carlota Mishart
b. Mabel Dabbs
c. Carmen Del Rosario - 1919
d. Rosita Malabanan

43. In addition to what Mr. Manzano asked Mr. Tan, he also asked what is the first training
center of the Bureau of Health. What is the first training center of the bureau of health
a. Doña Marta Health Center
b. Doña Carmelita Health Center
c. Doña Consolacion Health Center
d. Doña Corazon Health Center

44. Community nurse Mr. Yuri was asked by fellow nurse Mr. Megumo about the legal basis of
Primary Health Care. Which of these choices is the legal basis of PHC with an underlying
theme of "Health in the Hands of the People by 2020."
a. LOI 919
b. LOI 944
c. LOI 494
d. LOI 949
Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949, the legal basis of PHC was signed by Pres. Ferdinand E.
Marcos on October 19, 1979.

45. Nurse Zeny was asked by the senior Nurse Din about the correct formula for the
computation of Case Fatality Ratio. Which of the following choices is the correct formula?
a. No.of registered deaths from a specific disease for a given calendar year/ No.of
registered cases from all diseases in same year x1,000
b. No.of registered deaths from a specific disease for a given calendar year/ No.of
registered cases from different specific diseases in same year x100,000
c. No.of registered deaths from a specific disease for a given calendar year/ No.of
registered cases from same specific disease in same year x100
d. No.of registered deaths from a specific disease for a given calendar year/ No.of
registered deaths from all causes all ages in same year x10,000

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
46. Student Nurse Julius asked Nurse Imee about the Duties and Responsibilities of a School
Nurse. Which of the following is not a duty or responsibility of a School Nurse?
a. Health and nutrition assessment
b. Home Visits
c. Recording and reporting of accomplishments
d. Providing herbal and medicinal treatments to different childhood ailments

47. Nurse Zeny was asked by the senior Nurse Din about the correct formula for the
computation of Neonatal Death Rate. Which of the following choices is the correct formula?
a. Total No.of deaths under 30 days of age registered in a given calendar year/ Number of
live births registered on the same year
b. No.of deaths under 28 days of age registered in a given calendar year /Number of
live births registered on the same year
c. Total No.of deaths under 28 days of age registered in a given calendar year/ Estimated
population as of June 30 of same year
d. No.of deaths under 30 days of age registered in a given calendar year/ Total no.of live
deaths registered on same year

48. Nurse Jinn was asked by Head nurse Connie about Child Welfare Code. Which article in
this code states that every children has the right to balanced nutrition, sufficient shelter,
adequate clothes, proper medical attention and basic physical requirements of a healthy
a. Article I
b. Article III
c. Article IV
d. Article V
Presidential Decree No. 603, s. 1974
Article 3. Rights of the Child
49.Nurse Sasha was asked by Head nurse Erwin about the importance of dental services in
schools. Which of the following options is the law that strengthens dental service in rural
a. E.O. No. 14
b. R.A. 847
c. R.A. 2620
d. R.A. 1082

Situation: The Expanded Program for Immunization involves the improvement in the
immunological capacity of children to prevent the occurrence of immunizable diseases.
Its implementation is one of the tasks of the public health nurse, usually done once a
week. You are preparing a request on the vaccine supply for your municipality with a
mid- year population of 50,000.

50.You are assigned to arrange the storage for a new delivery of vaccines in the health center.
All of the following vaccines may be stored at the body of the refrigerator, except:
a. BCG
b. DPT
c. OPV

51. A primigravid woman asks you about the importance of having tetanus toxoid immunization
during her pregnancy. The following are true of this infection, except:
a. Tetanus infection causes muscular spasm of the muscles only in the extremities,
which could affect its development in children.
b. This may be acquired if the newborn's umbilical cord becomes contaminated
c. On her first pregnancy, the mother is expected to receive at most two doses of tetanus
toxoid vaccine.
d. Clostridium tetani is found in the soil or in fecal matter.

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
52. You are to request for supply of DPT vaccine. When tasked to conduct a health teaching of
the infections this vaccine will cover, the following must be included when diphtheria is
discussed, except:
a. If a mother acquires diphtheria during her pregnancy, the child she will give birth
to will be born immune to the disease.
b. If a lactating mother has an active diphtheria infection, the bacteria may be passed
through her milk.
c. Its distinct manifestation is a wound with patches
d. Diphtheria is transmitted via droplet transmission.

53. James, a 13 week old child, was brought by his mother to the health center for a check-up.
Which of the following vaccinations would you expect to be administered to him prior to his
visit today?
a. BCG, OPV2, DPT2, HepB2
b. BCG, OPV1, DPT1, HepB1
c. BCG, OPV1, DPT2, HepB2
d. BCG, OPV2, DPT1, HepB2

54. What regions were covered by the launch of dengue vaccine administration in elementary
public schools?
a. NCR, Region III, Region IVA
b. Region I, II, III
c. NCR, Region III, Region II
d. Region VII, VIII, IX

55. The DOH recognizes immunization as a key element in reducing the burden of childhood
mortality and morbidity with the new inclusion of the IPV. Which of the following statements
are inappropriate regarding IPV?
a. IPV protects against polio type 1 and type 3
b. IPV protects against outbreaks of wild or vaccine-derived polio virus type 2
c. IPV will be given in addition to oral polio vaccine when a child is 14 weeks old
d. IPV an inactivated polio vaccine also known as the Sabin vaccine

56. A clinical instructor is supervising her student giving immunization. During OPV
administration the student nurse opens the child's mouth by squeezing the cheeks gently
between her finger and put drops of vaccine from the dropper to the child's tongue.
However the child spits it out. The instructor reminds her student to;
a. Advise the mother to maintain child's upright position while breast feeding
b. Wipe child's mouth and position baby to supine
c. Repeat OPV dose and breastfeed immediately
d. Put two drops of vaccine straight from the dropper on child's mouth but
precaution not to allow the dropper touch child's tongue.

57. Mrs. De Leon, mother of a 6-month old baby, asks the PHN about the new Pentavalent
vaccine and Rotavirus vaccine. Which among the following information should be
a. Pentavalent vaccine will be injected in three doses together with DPT and OPV
b. Pentavalent vaccine is given to children which starts when the child is six weeks old
c. Rotavirus vaccine is given in two doses, the first dose is given when the child is six
weeks old to less than 15 weeks old
d. For the Rotavirus vaccine, the priority will be given to 4P's Pantawid Pamilya
Pilipino program beneficiaries

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
58. Prior to administration of Pentavalent vaccine by the PHN, Mrs. De Leon admits some gaps
of information. Which of the following statements by the mother should be corrected?
a. I understand that the Pentavalent vaccine has the same schedule as DPT
b. I'm glad this vaccine provides more protection for babies with less jabs
c. The need to give the birth dose of Hepatitis B vaccine will be unnecessary when
you give the Pentavalent vaccine
d. It is still imperative to submit my child for OPV and measles vaccine and should not be
missed from the schedule
Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Influenza B

59. Bryan, a 9 year old boy, was rushed to the rural health unit because his parents suspect that
he has dengue. He has had high-grade fever for two days, with retroocular and joint pains,
and controlled epistaxis. While waiting for the results of his Rumpel Leads test (tourniquet
test) and blood test, his mother asked you about the management of a dengue case. The
following are true of treatment for dengue, except:
a. Paracetamol is prescribed for muscle pains
b. Ryan may receive ORESOL or fluid replacement via intravenous route, depending on
the severity of fluid loss.
c. Aspirin is an alternative if paracetamol is not available for muscle pains.
d. The treatment for dengue is symptomatic.

60. An example of a disease prevention program would be which of the following?

a. prostate exam clinic
b. breast exam clinic
c. immunization clinic
d. all of the above

61. While taking the client’s history, the nurse develops a genogram. What is the purpose of the
a. to identify potential or undetected physiological disorders
b. to identify genetic and familial health problems
c. to identify the chief complaint
d. to identify chronic disorders

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
62. While on a trip to a malarious tropical region, the nurse determines that her traveling
companion is at risk for malaria because she:
a. takes prophylactic chloroquine.
b. wears long-sleeved shirts and pants.
c. seems to nap often.
d. takes frequent evening walks.

63. Ms. Lustre, a 23-year-old single mother of two young children, comes sporadically to the
infectious disease clinic for follow-up treatment of tuberculosis. The nurse knows that she is
on antidepressive medication because last week at the clinic she dropped her pills, and the
nurse happened to pick them up. To ensure proper treatment and follow-up, all the
following interventions would be appropriate except:
a. arrange to have Ms. Lustre meet with the social worker to discuss insurance
b. schedule Ms. Lustre’s appointments during her lunch break from work.
c. tell Ms. Lustre that you understand how hard it is to comply with treatment when
she is feeling blue.
d. keep crayons and paper in the waiting room so that her children can occupy
themselves while they wait.

64. For professional nurses, Maslow’s hierarchy provides a theoretical foundation for
establishing priorities. According to Maslow’s theory, which of the following has the highest
a. the need to be loved by someone
b. the need for physical safety and security
c. the need for nebulizer treatments to alleviate dyspnea (physiologic needs)
d. the need to know that as a nurse you’ve done your best

65. Kathryn, a 40-year-old female client asks the nurse when her first mammogram should be
conducted. The nurse’s best response is which of the following?
a. The recommendation is that women over age 30 receive annual mammogram
b. The recommendation is that women begin annual mammogram screening at age
40. (routine screening)
c. The recommendation is that women begin annual mammogram screening if they
find a lump via breast self exam.
d. The recommendation is that women begin annual mammogram screening at age
40 if there is a family history of breast disease. (30yo)

66. Kathryn is being scheduled for her first mammogram. It is important for the nurse to tell the
client which of the following?
a. The procedure will take approximately one hour.
b. Do not apply deodorant, cream, or powder to breast, nipple or underarm on
examination day. (an cause calcification on the image)
c. The exam will not result in any discomfort.
d. The procedure uses ultrasound technology.

67. A 45-year-old client is scheduled for a mammogram. Her daughter, age 20, is with her and
asks why younger women are not routinely screened for breast cancer by mammogram.
The nurse’s best response is which of the following?
a. Younger women are not at risk for breast cancer.
b. Younger women tend not to follow routine recommendations.
c. Younger women are routinely screened for breast cancer in other ways.
d. Younger women have dense breast tissue.

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
68. Organ donation is the donation of specific tissues or organs:
a. from deceased donors only.
b. from neither living or deceased donors.
c. from living donors only.
d. from either living or deceased donors.

69. When teaching a client about using spermicides, which of the following information should
the nurse include?
a. Suppositories are effective immediately upon insertion.
b. Insert the spermicide low in the vagina.
c. Maintain a supine position once the spermicide is inserted.
d. Spermicides require a prescription.

70. The nurse would plan to teach a client who uses condoms as contraception to do which of
the following?
a. Use Vaseline jelly as a lubricant.
b. Use natural skin condoms for protection of STDs.
c. Apply the condom to the flaccid penis.
d. Withdraw the penis from the vagina while still erect.

71. When instructing a client on the use of a female condom, the nurse should include which of
the following?
a. The greatest protection is obtained when combined with a male condom.
b. The female condom is designed for repeated use.
c. The female condom can be inserted up to eight hours prior to intercourse.
d. The inner sheath is lubricated with a spermicide.

72. When assessing a client from a functional family, a nurse should expect to identify which of
the following characteristics?
a. Children are responsible for activities advanced for their age.
b. Differences between family members are discouraged.
c. Emotional contact is maintained across generations.
d. Commonly use third-party to resolve problems.

73. All of the following characteristics, if identified in a client’s family, would indicate to the nurse
that pathology exists within the family except?
a. presence of a “super spouse” and a dependent, compliant spouse
b. positive emotional climate valued more than what “should” be done
c. overly close three generations in which lines of authority are blurred
d. child who has poor peer relations at school while parenting younger siblings

74. When the nurse is documenting a family history by using a genogram, which of the following
should be included?
a. living first and second degree relatives
b. health status of index patient and ill relatives
c. current household configurations
d. four generations of family members

75. A 26-week pregnant client explains that she has had no fetal movement for several days.
She works long hours standing in an assembly line in a chemical plant that manufactures
insecticide. As you prepare the client for examination, she asks what you know about fetal
risk and pesticides. You respond:
a. “Most of the so called fetal risk theories have been debunked by recent
b. “Let’s don’t discuss such depressing things right now.”
c. “You need to wait and let the doctor discuss the risks with you.”
d. “There is a link between pesticides and fetal harm. What do you know about it?”

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
76. The nurse provides care to a client newly diagnosed with tuberculosis who is beginning
antibiotics. Which of the following medication regimens will the nurse anticipate for this
a. A single drug (monotherapy) is common if the infection is mild.
b. Because the mycobacterium grows slowly, duration of treatment will be 9–18
c. Medication will include the use of three anti- viral agents such as AZT,
Saquinavir, Ritonavir.
d. Typically the medication regimen will include 3 or 4 drugs such as Isoniazid,
Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol.

77. Generally, which of the following disinfectants are used by the nurse for routine hand
a. alcohol based hand rub
b. betadine
c. Benzalkonium Chloride
d. soap and water scrub

78. During a preventive healthcare visit, an elderly patient states that she is getting shorter.
When addressing general considerations, you should learn about her:
a. parent’s heights.
b. usual water retention.
c. calcium intake.
d. usual weight and height.

79. Nurses applying intervention strategies should work with families to:
a. change all behaviors for positive health promotion.
b. choose behaviors with family to be changed.
c. change each individual member of the family to positive health behaviors.
d. schedule counseling sessions for the family to ventilate feelings.

80. For a family to be responsible for its own self- care, it needs:
a. understanding of own health status and steps to improve health.
b. understanding of home treatment, so emergency care is not sought.
c. know all self-care practices and solutions.
d. understanding of major literature on diseases and care.

81. The nurse is teaching breast self-exam to a client. What is the recommendation if a woman
finds a lump in her breast during breast self exam?
a. The woman should change positions to determine whether she still feels the
b. The woman should wait until she performs breast self exam during the following
month to determine whether she still feels the lump.
c. The woman should check her breast again in 2 weeks to determine whether she
still feels the lump.
d. The woman should contact her physician to have her breast examined by a

82. You carefully listen to the concerns the family is expressing about their family member who
suffers from alcoholism. What type of interventions are you using?
a. interventions to help solve family problems
b. interventions to deal with destructive behaviors
c. interventions to change family behaviors
d. interventions to establish a nurse-family relationship

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
83. Which one of the following assessment findings indicates a lifestyle risk factor?
a. Obesity (nutrition)
b. overcrowded housing (environmental)
c. sunbathing
d. industrial-based occupation (economic)

84. A nurse using a holistic approach with a client makes which one of the following
a. “I would like you to perform this exercise once a day.”
b. “Your physician has left orders for you to follow.”
c. “The laboratory tests reveal the need to reduce your daily percentage of fat
d. “Do you think you would be able to adapt your diet and activity to lower your
blood glucose levels?”

85. A patient is recovering from an amputation, secondary to a motorcycle accident. This

dramatic change will most likely trigger problems in:
a. body image change.
b. role performance.
c. self-concept.
d. personal Identity.

86. Which of the following statements by a client who has just tested positive for tuberculosis
reveals he is able to care for himself?
a. “After treatment, I will not have a relapse.”
b. “I can stop taking my medication in two weeks.”
c. “I will take my medication when I feel bad.”
d. “I will take my medication as ordered.”

87. Which is the most appropriate assessment technique the nurse can use to examine the
prostate gland?
a. inspection
b. auscultation
c. percussion
d. palpation

88. When administering medication to terminal patients, the nurse should be less concerned
a. addiction
b. allergy
c. tolerance
d. side effects

89. A nurse teaching a community-based class for a church on “Health in Today’s World” is
focused on healthy lifestyles. The nurse suggests the following as an example of a primary
prevention care practice:
a. water aerobics for those with osteoarthritis.
b. participating in physical therapy following a hip fracture.
c. cardiac rehab status post open heart surgery.
d. eating a diet moderately low in carbohydrates, low in saturated fat.

90. A constant presence of a disease within a population is referred to as:

a. epidemic.
b. pandemic.
c. endemic.
d. herd immunity.

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
91. The term used to describe the occurrence of one case of smallpox in a population in which it
was considered to be previously eliminated is:
a. endemic.
b. epidemic.
c. pandemic.
d. infectivity.

92. Which of these strategies would the nurse include when planning care for an elder client
with incontinence?
a. P.O. fluids at will.
b. Administer diuretics in the afternoon.
c. Pelvic muscle exercises.
d. Routine hygienic care

93. While at a health fair, a client indicates to the nurse that she will have a mammogram yearly,
conduct self-breast exams monthly, and have her cholesterol checked yearly. This
conversation indicates to the nurse that the client believes which of the following?
a. She is at high risk for breast cancer.
b. She is at high risk for heart disease.
c. She understands the need for health promotion activities.
d. She understands the need for disease prevention activities.

94. The body requires an energy source for cellular functions and protein for growth. If the
body’s intake of energy is too low, the body will use the protein as an energy source. Which
of the following items are utilized to meet the body’s energy requirements?
a. amino acids
b. trace elements and glucose
c. fat emulsion
d. carbohydrates and fats

95. In the pre-interaction phase of the therapeutic relationship the nurse’s role is to:
a. review the goals of therapeutic relationships.
b. determine a plan of care.
c. perform a complete physical and psychological assessment.
d. determine the length the relationship should last.

96. What is the family’s role in health promotion?

a. exposure to health hazards
b. regular nightly cocktail(s)
c. improvement in lifestyle
d. an individual member with regular exercise

97. During a routine health screening, a client’s bp = 180/120. What is the nurse’s priority
response to this finding?
a. Arrange to have the client admitted to the hospital.
b. Emphasize to the client the importance of follow-up with a physician.
c. Call 9-1-1.
d. Assess the client for stressors.

98. Paraphrasing, restating, reflecting, and exploring are techniques used for the purpose of:
a. clarifying.
b. summarizing.
c. encouraging comparison.
d. placing events in time and sequence

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
99. Which of the following sites is considered the safest site for administration of immunizations
in infants?
a. vastus lateralis
b. right dorsalgluteal
c. deltoid
d. left dorsalgluteal

100. Contraindications to all immunizations includes which of the following?

a. immunosuppression
b. cold symptoms
c. previous fever with vaccination
d. redness at the injection site

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

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