First Laboratory X-Ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography For Grain Mapping of Polycrystals

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research papers

Journal of
First laboratory X-ray diffraction contrast
Crystallography tomography for grain mapping of polycrystals
ISSN 0021-8898

A. King,a* P. Reischig,b,c J. Adrienb and W. Ludwigb,d

Received 10 April 2013
Accepted 11 August 2013 a
Synchrotron Soleil, 91192 St Aubin, France, bUniversité de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, MATEIS CNRS UMR
5510, 69621 Villeurbanne, France, cDelft University of Technology, 2600 AA Delft, The
Netherlands, and dEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 38043 Grenoble, France. Correspon-
dence e-mail:

The first results of three-dimensional grain mapping using a laboratory

tomograph equipped with a microfocus W target X-ray tube source, operated
at 90 kV and 350 mA, are presented. Adapted algorithms exploit the
polychromatic radiation spectrum and the projection magnification arising
from the cone-beam geometry. The first map of grain shapes and crystal-
lographic orientations from a titanium sample containing 42 grains is presented
and its validity confirmed by a phase contrast reconstruction of the grain
boundaries. Perspectives are given for the further development of the technique
# 2013 International Union of Crystallography to accommodate samples with more grains or with greater intragranular
Printed in Singapore – all rights reserved orientation spread.

1. Introduction use of synchrotron radiation, which imposes strong restrictions

The vast majority of metallic and ceramic materials are on access to instruments, meaning that only limited experi-
polycrystalline, and the interaction between the crystalline mental time is available to scientists.
grain structure and various physical processes is increasingly Electron backscatter diffraction in the scanning electron
the subject of study (Bantounas et al., 2007; Herbig et al., 2011; microscope allows two-dimensional crystallographic orienta-
King et al., 2008; Krupp, 2007; Rolland du Roscoat et al., 2011; tion mapping on surfaces, but can only be extended to three
Schaef et al., 2011). The nondestructive three-dimensional dimensions using destructive serial sectioning techniques
mapping of crystallographic orientation in polycrystals is thus (Matteson et al., 2002; Rowenhorst et al., 2006; Venables &
increasingly important for materials science. Harland, 1973). Recent developments have applied 3DXRD
In recent years, several such techniques have emerged. to electron diffraction in the transmission electron micro-
These include three-dimensional X-ray diffraction microscopy scope, but this is applicable only to samples of less than one
(3DXRD) (Poulsen, 2004; Schmidt et al., 2008), high-energy micrometre in thickness (Lui et al., 2011).
X-ray microscopy (Suter et al., 2006) and diffraction contrast Laboratory X-ray microtomography has become an essen-
tomography (DCT) (Johnson et al., 2008; Ludwig et al., 2009; tial tool in many materials science institutes (e.g. Limodin et
Reischig et al., 2013). These techniques are characterized by al., 2009; McDonald et al., 2009). A microfocus X-ray tube
the use of extended, parallel and monochromatic synchrotron provides a divergent polychromatic X-ray beam, contrasting
X-ray beams. Grain shapes, positions and crystallographic with the parallel beam typically used in synchrotron micro-
orientations are determined from the shapes, intensity distri- tomography. The sample is placed close to the source and a
butions and the positions of diffraction spots recorded on a divergent cone-beam geometry is used to project an enlarged
high-resolution two-dimensional detector placed close to the radiograph onto a detector placed some distance away. The
sample. spatial resolution in the image is determined by the source
A related family of techniques uses focused polychromatic size, detector resolution, and the ratio between the source–
synchrotron radiation (Larson et al., 2002). In these methods, sample and source–detector distances. The spatial resolution
Laue diffraction patterns recorded on a low-resolution and field of view are easily adjusted by changing the sample
detector give grain orientations, and spatial resolution is position. Features generating absorption contrast can be
obtained by scanning the sample and an analyser wire with reconstructed in three dimensions using adapted back-
respect to the focused beam (‘differential aperture micro- projection algorithms (Feldkamp et al., 1984). However, only
scopy’). Initially, these techniques used X-ray energies on the in some specific cases of multiphase materials can absorption
order of 15 keV in reflection geometry to investigate small contrast reveal grain shapes, owing to differences in chemical
sample volumes. Recently, the concept has been adapted to composition or density, and even then the grain orientations
higher X-ray energies, allowing the investigation of milli- are not accessible.
metre-sized samples in transmission geometry (Hofmann et There is thus a clear motivation for a technique that can
al., 2012). All of these X-ray techniques have in common the exploit diffraction contrast imaging using standard laboratory

1734 doi:10.1107/S0021889813022553 J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 1734–1740

research papers
X-ray sources and equipment, in order that three-dimensional rotated, diffraction spots precess across the detector in curved
polycrystalline microstructures can be studied nondestruc- paths. Fig. 3(a) shows the sum of diffraction spot images
tively without a synchrotron source. Enabling three-dimen- recorded during a 15 sample rotation, showing the diffraction
sional mapping of grain shapes and orientations with widely spot paths. The Lab-DCT analysis method described here is
available laboratory equipment will allow more systematic use based on identifying these paths of diffraction spots. A
of these techniques, important for developing true scientific diffraction spot arising from the (hkl) planes of a grain will
understanding of how polycrystals respond to loading, corro- appear on one side of the detector and move towards the
sion or thermomechanical processing. In this article, we sample, to lower diffraction angles and correspondingly higher
describe laboratory DCT (Lab-DCT), a new technique that is beam energies. As the maximum energy in the beam spectrum
performed using a standard laboratory tomograph, and is reached, the spot gradually disappears, reappearing on the
present the first experimental results obtained. other side of the sample after further rotation [scattering from
the ðhklÞ planes]. The spot then moves away from the sample
to higher diffraction angles and lower energies, until it
2. Technique disappears from the detector. The only exceptions are those
Lab-DCT is performed using standard laboratory X-ray scattering vectors that are close to parallel with the rotation
tomography instrumentation. A single detector is used to axis, which may never reach high enough diffraction angles to
collect both absorption contrast radiographs in the direct exceed the edges of the detector. The spot intensity changes as
beam and diffraction spot images. The addition of slits to a function of angle, according to the incident-beam spectrum,
define the incident beam is the only hardware modification scattering efficiency, self-absorption by the sample and
necessary to a standard instrument. The projection magnifi-
cation is adjusted so that the image of the sample fills only the
central part of the detector. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram
of the experimental setup. As the sample is rotated through
360 around a fixed axis, grains diffract the beam on to the
outer part of the detector. The recorded diffraction spot
images are used to calculate the orientations and positions of
grains, and to reconstruct their three-dimensional shapes. The
direct-beam radiographs are used to produce an absorption
contrast reconstruction of the sample as in regular tomo-
graphy. Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) show examples of the diffraction
spots from a sample and the corresponding direct-beam image.

2.1. Data acquisition

A polychromatic X-ray spectrum from a tube source means
that diffraction events are not observed at discrete angles (2).
Instead, different beam energies are diffracted at varying
diffraction angles as the lattice planes rotate. As the sample is
Figure 2
(a) Diffraction spot contrasts after processing to remove other
contributions. (b) The simultaneously acquired direct-beam image. The
sample and the outline of the beam are marked in both (a) and (b). The
outline of the grain, which gives rise to the circled diffraction spot, is
marked in (b).

Figure 3
(a) Composite of images for 15 sample rotation, showing lines of spots.
Figure 1 No filtering of the direct beam is used. (b) An enlarged region of (a), with
A schematic view of the Lab-DCT setup. The technique can be guide lines marking the spot path and characteristic beam energies, with
performed in using standard laboratory tomography instrumentation (c) an Hf filter and (d) an Er filter applied. Note the increased
with minimal modifications. Dimensions shown refer to measurements for background noise due to an incorrect dark current correction. (e) Narrow
which results are shown. bandwidth image produced by dividing image (b) by (c).

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detector efficiency as a function of energy. The spot behaviour the spots stored in a database. The direct-beam image record
is illustrated schematically in Fig. 4. Because the spots move as is simultaneously treated as a conventional tomographic data
the sample is rotated, images are acquired at discrete angular acquisition.
steps in order that the spot images are not blurred. This is in The data analysis is based on using an automatic search
contrast with the monochromatic synchrotron technique, in algorithm to identify the paths of spots as they precess across
which continuous rotation is necessary to ensure that all parts the detector as the sample rotates. The identification of such
of a diffracting grain are observed. lines containing several spots appears to be robust, provided
It is important that the beam spectrum contains a suffi- that the majority of spots are not affected by overlaps. The
ciently wide range of energies that diffraction spots arising geometry of the diffraction events is determined by analysing
from several families of crystal lattice planes can be observed the paths of the spots, as shown in Fig. 4. Two versions of this
within the range of solid angle covered by the detector. To best analysis have been implemented using MATLAB (version
exploit the projection magnification in the conical beam, the 7.14.0; MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA): a computationally
diffraction angles (Bragg angles, 2) should be similar to the simple version, in which the spot paths are approximated to
cone opening angle covered by the detector, favouring the use straight lines, and a more advanced analysis in which the true
of relatively high beam energies (Fig. 1). Because of the curved paths are fitted.
projection magnification, the physical pixel size of the detector (a) Straight lines. For most lattice planes (as an indication,
does not limit the spatial resolution as it does in the parallel- those giving rise to diffracted beams with angles 2 < 15 , 20 <
beam case. Using a low-spatial-resolution detector greatly  < 160 ), the lines of spots can be treated as straight lines to a
improves the detection efficiency, particularly for high X-ray good approximation. Each line of spots, extending from one
energies, and to some extent compensates for the much- side of the detector to the other, is fitted with a straight line in
reduced flux when compared with a synchrotron source. The three dimensions (x and y position in the detector plane as a
technique is therefore particularly well suited to highly function of the sample rotation). The centre point of each line
attenuating materials requiring high beam energies for suffi- is then identified by considering the diffraction spot inten-
cient transmission. sities. The centre point can be considered as the sample
rotation angle and detector position at which diffraction
would occur with an angle of 0 . A line drawn from this point
2.2. Data processing on the detector to the X-ray source must therefore pass
The principles of the data processing are similar to those through the diffracting grain, as shown in Fig. 2. The
used for standard synchrotron DCT, and the initial treatment diffracting plane normal must be perpendicular to this line and
here of the images was performed using tools from the stan- coplanar with the line of diffraction spots. The error implied
dard DCT processing software (Johnson et al., 2008; Ludwig et by the assumption of straight lines can be estimated by
al., 2009; Reischig et al., 2013). A constant dark current is simulating the paths of a diffraction spot across the detector
offset and a moving median background correction applied in for a given experimental configuration. The difference
order to remove slowly changing features from the images, to between the true plane normal and the plane normal calcu-
leave only diffraction spot contrasts (Fig. 2a). The diffraction lated from a straight line fit through the simulated points gives
spots are segmented from the images and metadata describing a measure of the error in each observation. Grain orientations
are found by a best fit to multiple observations of plane
normals, so the final error in orientation should be less than
the error in a single plane normal.
(b) Curved lines. For higher diffraction angles and for
scattering vectors that are nearly parallel to the rotation axis,
the diffraction spot paths become noticeably curved. The path
can be described by considering the direction of the scattering
vector and the position of the grain within the sample. At each
sample rotation angle, the position of the grain in the incident
cone beam defines the incident-beam direction. The directions
of the incident beam and the scattering vector determine the
direction of the diffracted beam, and the hence the diffraction
angle (2) and the wavelength diffracted from the polychro-
matic beam. The intersection of the diffracted beam with the
detector plane defines the spot position. Given a line of
diffraction spot positions, the grain position and the scattering
vector can be fitted using a suitable least-squares algorithm.
Figure 4 In either case, the ðhklÞ family for each reflection is iden-
Determination of diffraction geometry from observed data. The spot-
tified using the profile of diffracted intensity as a function of 2
intensity profile is used to determine the centre of the line. The
construction used reveals the scattering vector and a path through the in each line. By considering the beam spectrum (in the data
sample on which the grain must be found. presented here, this exhibited a clear maximum around the

1736 A. King et al.  X-ray diffraction contrast tomography for grain mapping of polycrystals J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 1734–1740
research papers
tungsten K lines at 58.0 and 59.3 keV), the ðhklÞ family of microfocus X-ray generator with a tungsten transmission
each line was identified. Each line of spots therefore reveals anode and an accelerating voltage of 90 kV and a current of
the orientation and the ðhklÞ type of a set of lattice planes, and 350 mA. The effective source size under these conditions has
a path through the sample on which the grain must lie. This been measured as 3–4 mm. The detector is a PaxScan 2520 V
information is equivalent to that obtained from a Friedel pair from Varian Medical Systems, which uses a CsI scintillator and
of spots in the monochromatic and parallel-beam synchrotron amorphous silicon architecture. It has a physical pixel size of
technique, and so the standard DCT grain-indexing algorithm 0.127 mm and a field of view of 1920  1536 pixels and was
(Indexter) can be used to determine grain positions and located 577 mm from the source. The sample was placed
crystallographic orientations (Ludwig et al., 2009; Reischig et 23 mm from the source, giving an effective pixel size of 5 mm.
al., 2013). Images were binned 2  2 to increase sensitivity, doubling the
2.2.1. Image formation and reconstruction. The three- effective pixel size to 10 mm. A set of manual slits was placed
dimensional shapes of the individual grains are reconstructed between the source and sample to define the size of the direct
from the indexed diffraction spot images. Both the direct- beam. The conical beam geometry implies that the slit opening
beam radiograph and the diffraction spot images are enlarged was about 350 mm in order to obtain a beam size of about
by the conical projection. The interaction of the polychromatic 700 mm at the sample position. These dimensions used for this
cone beam with the parallel lattice planes results in diffraction particular sample are indicated in Fig. 1.
spot images which are mirrored along the scattering direction, In all, 720 radiographs were recorded covering 360 in steps
and magnified astigmatically, as illustrated schematically in of 0.5 . The exposure time for each image was 10 s, giving a
Fig. 5. Similarly, the outline of the grain that gives rise to the total acquisition time of around 2 h. Images were processed as
diffraction spot circled in Fig. 2(a) is marked on Fig. 2(b). The described in x2, and 17 919 diffraction spots were segmented
shapes of the grain and the spot illustrate the mirroring along from the images. Lines of spots were identified automatically
the scattering direction. The inverse transform, correcting the and fitted using straight lines. Taking the example of a plane
inversion and astigmatism, is applied before using a cone- normal inclined at 45 to the rotation axis, the error involved
beam geometry simultaneous iterative reconstruction tech- in assuming straight lines for this experimental configuration
nique (SIRT) algorithm to reconstruct the three-dimensional was estimated to be less than 0.5 . A total of 538 lines of
grain shapes (Palenstijn et al., 2013). The individual grain diffraction spots were used to produce geometrical informa-
reconstructions are assembled to produce a full three-dimen- tion for the grain-indexing step. Spot images were treated as
sional map. Postprocessing morphological dilation is used to described in x2 and used as projections to reconstruct the grain
fill any unassigned voxels in the grain map (Johnson et al., shapes.
2008). A similar cone-beam (SIRT) algorithm is used to
reconstruct the absorption contrast volume of the sample from 3.3. Reconstruction
the direct-beam radiographs. Fig. 6 shows the grain map reconstructed using Lab-DCT.
Grains have been coloured according to their orientation,
3. Results expressed as Rodrigues’ vectors and mapped into a red–
3.1. Sample green–blue colour space. The map consists of 42 grains with an
The sample used for this first proof of concept measurement average diameter of 170 mm. The same volume of the sample
was a ‘dog bone’-shaped tensile test sample with a 0.4 mm
gauge diameter. The material used was the metastable
-titanium alloy Ti21S (Dey et al., 2007). Previous DCT
investigations using the same material have shown that it has
low mosaicity, with an intragranular orientation spread of
0.05–0.15 per grain. A heat treatment of 24 h at 1063 K was
used to precipitate a layer of -titanium on the grain bound-
aries. The and phases have sufficiently different densities
that they can be distinguished using phase contrast tomo-
graphy (PCT), allowing the grain shapes (although not their
crystallographic orientations) to be reconstructed using
established techniques (Cloetens et al., 1997). In this way, the
accuracy of the Lab-DCT grain reconstruction can be vali-
dated, using the method described by Ludwig et al. (2009).
This approach has the advantage of being nondestructive and
of providing the complete three-dimensional grain shapes for
Figure 5
3.2. Method Diffraction spot image formation in polychromatic, cone-beam geometry
creates projections that are astigmatically magnified and inverted along
Measurements were performed using a Phoenix X-ray the scattering direction. The letter ‘G’ is chosen as a suitably
v|tome|x laboratory tomograph at INSA de Lyon, using a asymmetrical shape for illustration.

J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 1734–1740 A. King et al.  X-ray diffraction contrast tomography for grain mapping of polycrystals 1737
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was imaged using synchrotron PCT measurements at beam- reasonable to split the acquisition over several scans. Under
lines ID11 and ID19 of the ESRF. These volumes were these conditions, the scattering power of a grain is propor-
rescaled and aligned to the Lab-DCT grain map. Sections tional to the grain volume. Therefore, smaller-grained samples
through the grain map and the PCT reconstruction are shown. will require longer exposure times or more intense sources. If
It can be seen that all large grains are reconstructed and that the sample size can be reduced as well as the grain size, the
the reconstructed grain shapes are realistic. Marked in the sample can be positioned closer to the X-ray source, providing
images is a grain boundary that was not decorated by the greater flux density and stronger magnification. In this case,
-titanium phase. Inspection of the Lab-DCT grain map shows exposure time would be expected to scale as the inverse of the
that this is a low-angle grain boundary (6.8 intergranular grain diameter.
misorientation; note the similar colours of the two grains). The
main sources of error in the reconstruction appear to arise 4.2. New laboratory sources
from small partial grains at the surface of the sample that have
Currently, the acquisition time for a data set is limited by
been subdivided when the sample was cut from a larger piece
the integration time required to form usable diffraction spot
of material.
images given the available X-ray flux. In future, developments
of liquid jet anode laboratory sources may provide this
increase (Hemberg et al., 2003). Current designs offer an order
4. Discussion
of magnitude increase in flux compared with equivalent solid
The method presented here has been demonstrated using a anode sources, but have not yet been optimized for the very
sample with low mosaicity and relatively large grains. It is small source sizes required for cone-beam projection micro-
useful to discuss several factors that relate to the application scopy [Excillum JXS-D1 Metal Jet Source Data Sheet 2011-10-
of the technique to more general materials for scientific 10 (downloaded 23 July 2013);
applications and to the use of polychromatic laboratory images/pdf/JXS-D1_2011-10-10.pdf].
sources for this type of measurement.
4.3. Effects of polychromaticity
4.1. Application The polychromaticity of the beam limits the described
To be a useful scientific tool, Lab-DCT should be capable of approach to samples exhibiting small lattice deformations, as
mapping of the order of one thousand grains in a sample. This these lead to an irregular distortion of the diffraction spots.
should be easily achieved, as the 42-grain sample mapped here Nevertheless, if the lattice deformations are small enough, the
was far from the condition where diffraction spot overlap advantages of using a polychromatic instead of a monochro-
would become limiting. Thus, several hundred grains in a scan matic beam are twofold. Firstly, spots from a given lattice
should be possible, and one thousand grains can be mapped by plane and grain precess across the detector, diffracting
scanning several adjacent volumes. It should be noted that different X-ray energies at each rotational angle of the sample.
relatively few images are required compared with the This increases the number of available projection images per
synchrotron technique (5–10 times fewer) and hence it is grain, which improves the orientation and shape reconstruc-

Figure 6
The reconstructed grain map, compared with the PCT reconstruction showing the grain boundaries that was used for validation purposes. In the DCT
reconstruction colour represents crystallographic orientation.

1738 A. King et al.  X-ray diffraction contrast tomography for grain mapping of polycrystals J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 1734–1740
research papers
tion accuracy. Secondly, diffraction occurs simultaneously of grains, it might be more effective to reduce the vertical
from the entire grain volume, even though the incident angle beam height and hence the volume of material sampled.
varies across the grain in the conical beam. In the case of a However, a sample with a large number of grains in a cross
monochromatic conical beam, only partial grain volumes section might require this approach.
would be visible at any given rotation angle. As mentioned
previously, to obtain sharp diffraction spot images stepwise
rotation is used as opposed to continuous rotation with a 5. Conclusions
monochromatic beam. Lab-DCT is a new technique enabling the reconstruction of
The current grain-reconstruction algorithms are based on the grain structure of polycrystals using standard laboratory
backprojection and assume no mosaic spread within grains. In tomography instrumentation with minimal modifications. The
the example given, a grain has an angular size seen from the technique and the data processing route are described. The
source of about 0.5 (170 mm grains, 23 mm from the source). algorithms described are also applicable to other experiments
For the diffraction spots to be reasonable projections, the using polychromatic radiation, including neutron and
intragranular orientation spread should be much less than this, synchrotron X-ray sources, and future laboratory X-ray
i.e. 0.1 per grain. This limits the technique to materials with sources. The first grain map derived from experimental data is
very low mosaicity. This argument does imply that the presented. The validity of the reconstructed grain shapes has
problems of mosaicity can be mitigated by moving the sample been confirmed by imaging the same region of the sample
closer to the source, increasing the angular extent per grain, using synchrotron PCT to image a second crystallographic
until the overlap between spot images on the detector phase precipitated on the grain boundaries. It is hoped that by
becomes a limitation. allowing grain mapping experiments to be performed using
To achieve better reconstructions, it will be necessary to laboratory equipment, the new technique will enable
incorporate subgrain misorientation into the reconstruction researchers to make more compete studies of the influence of
algorithms as discussed by Schmidt et al. (2008) and Suter et al. crystallographic microstructure on material behaviour and
(2006). Grain volumes and centres of mass can, nevertheless, properties.
still be obtained from less perfect samples. The data processing
route presented is also applicable to data acquired using other
James Marrow, Oxford University, is acknowledged for
polychromatic radiation sources, including cold or thermal
suggesting a laboratory-based DCT technique in 2007, prior to
neutrons and polychromatic or broadband monochromatic
the developments shown here. The majority of this work was
synchrotron beams.
carried out while AK was employed at the ESRF, Grenoble.

4.4. Filtering to reduce bandwidth

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pseudo-monochromatic data acquisition at the energy of the J., Peyrin, F. & Schlenker, M. (1997). J. Appl. Phys. 81, 5878–5886.
tungsten K lines. This technique was described by Webster et Dey, S. R., Lauridsen, E. M., Ludwig, W., Rowenhorst, D. J. & Fonda,
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