Quotation Cover Letter Vlvo1q

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Insert Company Name Here

May 2, 2020

Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

Dear Mr / Mrs Name

RE: Project Name – Quotation number #

RE: Quotation Description

We hereby submit our quotation for Change Number X in the amount of $XX,XXX.XX exclusive of all tax.
This change has been priced per Site Instruction # and Change Notice X in accordance with the below
scope of work:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla at ipsum libero. Etiam vel efficitur elit.
Fusce venenatis turpis mauris. Proin nec velit id ipsum dapibus imperdiet sed vel est. Aliquam vitae
lacus mi. Phasellus vitae eleifend nunc. Maecenas id tincidunt nulla.

Nunc in imperdiet leo. In euismod sed risus sed imperdiet. Curabitur in gravida neque. Fusce enim
odio, luctus ac enim ut, convallis molestie augue. Aliquam ultricies pellentesque tempus. Maecenas
nec cursus tortor, sit amet aliquam erat.

Than change impacts the scheduled completion date of our work by [X] number of days. The new
completion date for our scope of work is [INSERT DATE HERE].

We await your review of this change and ask that a corresponding change order be issued. Should you
have any questions and/or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours truly,


Cc: Insert CC List Here

Company Address 1

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