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Boy: Didn't we talk about it last time? We will not eat the food of others!

Girl 1: Yeah, and we did it just like we talked last time. Also, we won’t even touch that cheap chicken joy you bought

Boy: Just because it’s cheap, it is disgusting?

Girl 4: She did not say that it is disgusting!

Boy: You just literally describe it as if it is disgusting.

Girl 4: What?!

Boy: I can tell that you don’t like it, but it is not worth saying it.

Girl 4: She’s just saying that it is cheap not disgusting.

Boy: No, you really pointing to it that it is disgusting

Girl 3: Stop!

Boy: What, she literally is saying that the vendor doesn’t make good chicken joy

Girl 2: She doesn’t mean it that way

Boy: Then what does she mean?

Girl 2: She mean that she is not interested in the chicken joy you bought.

Boy: I don’t believe you.

Girl 2: Whether you believe me or not that what she is saying.

Boy: I don’t believe you, because she just bought the same chicken yesterday.

Girl 2: Did she really bought it for herself?

Girl 3: Don’t blame it to her instantly.

Girl 4: You don’t know why she bought it for.

Boy: Either way she still said it is disgusting, and I won’t change my mind for that. I hope you understand

Girl 2: You bought a chicken joy outside?

Girl 3; I didn’t

Girl 2: Then why did he say he saw you?

Girl 3: He’s lying, I bought at the store

Girl 2: Don’t lie to us.

Girl 3: I’m not lying!

Girl 2: Why are you raising your voice

Girl 3: I’m not!

Girl 2: You just raised it!

Girl 3: No, I didn’t.

Girl 2: You just raised your voice in front of me.

Girl 4: Stop fighting you both.

Girl 2: I didn’t start it

Girl 4: You did.

Girl 2: So, this is my fault now?

Auntie: Hey! Your mom’s home!

Mom: What are you fighting for?

English Dub:
Four Sisters
and a Wedding
Presented By: Group 1
Mansigin, Kayle Allen Louie Suliano, King Jumong
Membrillos, Clyde Borres, Nathaniel
Villaganas, Jeyson
Villaganas, Justin
Ardines, Jerrelyn
Bomediano, Mariel

Submitted to: Mrs. Jocelyn Deguinon

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