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book reviews of the hook, therefore, is to provide a

textbook treatment of modern electro-

or semiconductors) in a contamination-
free and otherwise satisfactory manner.
chemistry which is suitable for students One is given the impression that no work
Chapters 7 through 10 provide a either in their final year of BS, or in their has been done on the Kolbe reaction since
compact and readable introduction to first year of graduate studies in an eledro- 1849! This criticism is particularly serious
the underlying molecular principles gov- chernicdly-oriented research ares. The in view oi the fact bhat Professor Fleisch-
erning the physical behavior of high authors represent a distinniished group of msnn, the initiator of the English tranula-
polymers. The material is so presented investigaton from the famous Csecho- tion of the hook, is a leading authority on
as to serve as a. highly adequate intro- slovak school of eleetrochemistry. The the modern work on the Kolbe reaction
duction for the novice in the field of the book is the English translation, revised which, ineidently, is the most thoroughly
mechanical properties of high polymers. and significantly "modernized," of the examined eleetro-organic process. One
A successful effort has been msde to original Czechoslovak edition puhhhed could cite many more examples of the
emphasize the qualittttive factors of in Prague in 1966. foregoing type of superficial and out of
analysis which-are so necessary for a The book consists of four chapters. The date treatments of the kinetics of electrode
thorough comprehension of the phenomena first chapter (82 pages) deals with some reactions which partly arises, it is believed,
of polymer action. Furthermore, and of aspects of electrolyte solut,ions, e.g., ion from the authors' attempt, without being
equal importance, the quantitative aspects solvation, electrolytic dissociation, theory selective, to condense an immense field
of molecular behavior have not been oi strong electrolytes, acids and bases, into a few pages. An important general
neglected. The accepted theories and some special equilibria in electrolyte so- omission, which &likely to make this hook
ideas pertaining to polymer behavior lutions, and, molten salts. The second unpalatable to many readers, is the oom-
are presented in a lucid and logical chapter (55 pages) discusses transport plete absence of information a n t,echnologi-
manner in these four chapters. phenomena in electrolyte d u t i o n s and is c d applications and hence social impact
Of the remaining five chapters, four thus concerned with m%tterssuch as trans- of electrochemistry, which can easily be
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

cover various topics of importance in the fer of electric ourrent through electrolyte demonstrated to be considerable, even
synthesis and fabrication of polymers. solutions and diffusion snd convection monumental.
Chapter 11 presents a useful, albeit for effects. The third chapter (104 pages) This book is a fair attempt al. presenting
the most part qualitative, discussion on treates equilibrium properties of electrified electrochemistry in terms not quite as
the degradation and stabilization of high interfaces, most of the discussion heing modern and up-to-date as the aututhors
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polymers. The 12th chapter is a general devoted to the classical topics of therma- would like one to believe. This book
review of fabrication processes. The dynamics and emf of galvanic cells and could have been a good candidate for
one-, two-, and threedimensions1 pro- related considerations, and, with only a acquisition had the far-better book (two
cesses are covered in an adequate fashion. relatively brief treatment of double layers. volumes) by Bockris and Reddy not ap-
Chapters 13 and 14 present a compre- .
In the last chanter (79 nares). .. which is peared on the market last year. Avail-
hensive review of the commercid modes ~ h i n w dr h s v e h m ~ ~ . ~ ~ trp-nriiirr.
p l ~ . l ~ l ~atility of this hook in the college library
and techniques used in polymer synthesis. i r rlir i.:t~~l!.~h tdttim, llw 311111nr' rnHiQ may he merited, however, by the fact that
The former chapter covers additional nr. e l I stlctnpl ar the authors represent a leading school of
polymers synthesized by radial and ionic compressing a vast subjeot, namely, ki- modern electrochemical thought.
mechanisms. Emulsion, anionic and cat- netics of electrode reactions, within a few
ionic systems are covered with examples pages. The book also contains four ap- ASHOKVIJH
given of both homogeneous and hetero- pendices and the usual author and sub- National Institute of Scientific Research
phase polymerizetions. Chapter 14, on ject indexes. ~niversiiyof Quebec
the other hand, is s. presentation of con- The treatment of topics in the first Va'aranes, P.Q., Canada
densation polymerization techniques and three chapters is fairly goad although
procedures. certain sections in these chapters would
The find chapter is a very short merit more adequate discussions than
discussion on the analysis and identificsr presented, sg., sections on molten elec-
tion of polymeric materials. As a result trolytes, concept of electrode reversihility,
.. this last c h a ~ t e rcan only
of its brevitv. structzlre of the metal-electrolyte inter-
serve as a reference source for this topic. phase especially in relation to reactant
The book contains a useful appendix ss adsorption, and electrical double layers at Molecular Biology of the Gene
well es many useful problems with each semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces. The J . D. Watson, Harvard University and
chapter. This volume appears to be a bulk of the subjects in these chapters Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2nd
fine text for engineering students but pertain, however, to matters which are ed. W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New Yark,
should not be mistaken as a text for the
organic and physical chemistry of high
classical and part of "old" electrochem-
istry and have been very well treated in the
1970. xxi + 662 pp. Figs. and
tables. 22.7 X 15 em. Clothbound,
polymers. books published over the past several $17.50; paperbound, 810.05.
L. J. FETTERS The kinetics of electrode reactions, dis- Since the publicat.ion af the first edition
Institute of Polymer Science cussed in the Last chapter, and which to- in 1965, Watson's molecular Biology of
The University of Akron gether with the subject of the electrode the Gene" has been an extremely useful
Akron, Ohio 44504 double layer, is generally regarded as the tool for students in the areas of molecular
main stream of modern electrochemistry, biology, cell biology, genetics, and hio-
has received altogether inadequate rutten- chemistry. The second edition of this
tion in this book. The treatment con- text retains the same format and informal
tains, however, well-written sections on style of the original edition, snd in fact
the chemical physics of the charge transfer tbe first 300 pages (nine chapters) of the
event at an electrode surface and the new edition are identical to the original.
Electrochemistry theory of electrode reactions limited by Molecular biology is one of the most
J . Koryta, J . Dvwak, and V.Bohackooa, mass transport. Most of the rest of the rapidly changing of all areas of scientific
content,^ in this chapter invite a variety of inquiry. Professor Watson has attempted
Charles University, Prague, Czecho-
slovakia. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, criticism. The subjects of 'celectrocataly- to keep abreast of these changes and to
1970. xv + 350 pp. Figs. and tables. sis" a i d "inhibition of electrode pro-
cesses," which constitute a vital part of
bring them into proper focus by rewriting
the chapters devoted to virus replication,
24 X 16.5 cm. $16.75.
modern electrochemistry, hzve been the regulations of protein synthesis, cell
This hook is inbended to introduce the treated too slightly and the discussions are differentiation, a i d cancer. I n addition,
reader to "the principles of modern'elec- out of date. The section on the prepara- he has added two entirely new chapters.
trochemistry" at a level which will enable tion of electrodes is meaningless since it One of these covers embryology a t the
him to undertake fruitfully a study of gives no information on the dl-important molecular level, and discusses cell differen-
advanced monographs and original papers problem of mounting solid electrodes tiation and model systems, tissue culture,
on electrochemical subjects. The purpose (either noble metals or non-noble metals (Cmtinued on page A784)

A782 / Journal o f Chemical Education

scientist, while the extensive references The book is completed by s. series of
book reviews open the whole field to anyone interested essays on special techniques such as
in going more deeply into the matters. If films, closed circuit television, shadow
the book does nothing else, it reveals the and overhead projection and stroboscopio
cloning, and division and fusion. The great number of factors involved in this, effects. These articles and those on
second new ehzpter is devoted to antibody the commonest disease of modern man. purposes should have an interest far
synthesis and includes discussions on the beyond the physics community.
origin of antibody chains, specificity, HENRYM. LEICESTXR Two quibbles might he made. I t was
site of antibody synthesis, and immuno- SehDol of Dentistry decided to omit experiments described
logical tolerance, among other topics. University of the Pacific in an earlier A. A. P . T. compilation,
The text is easily readable and is well San Francisco, Calif. "Demonstrstion Experiments in Physics"
illustrated. It contains a glossary of (R. M. Sutton, editor; McGraw-Hill,
terms often encountered in molecnlar New York, 1938) unless "significant
biology, thus making it very useful for modifications were made since publication
the beginning student. Each chapter in 1938." Since Sutton's book is now
contains a list of general references which Physics Demonstration Experiments. out of print same experiments of interest
further increase the usefulness of the hook. Volumes I and 11 (perhaps the simplest have aged best)
In summary, the second edition of will not be avsilable to many readers.
"Molecular Biology of the Gene" is an Edited by Harry F. Meinera. The Components have often been specified
excellent attempt to present the newest Ronald Press Co., New York, 1970. as the particulsr product used by the
topics in the emerging area of molecular 1493 pp. Figs. and tables. 28 X 21 institution that developed the apparatus.
biology, and in related areas, in an easy- cm. $30. In the case of experiments designed over-
to-read and easy-ta-understand format. Editor Meiners, owdirector Robert seas that usudly means products which
I t would be a valusblble addition to the Resnick, a committee of six physicists may be difficult or impossible for an
library of any individual interested in and a considerable staff have produced a American purchsser to obtain. Such
these areas. work that is encyclopaedic both in scope readers would find a designation of s.
and in physical dimensions. The major suitable domestic product very helpful.
CHARLESL. BORDERS, JR. The experiments me illustrated by
The College of Wooster part comprises over 1200 journal-sized
pages describing s multitude of demon- photographs and line drawings. It
Wooder, Ohio 44681 appears thst these and the instructions
strations involving concepts drawn from
all areas of physics and of widely varying are clear and complete enough to enable
degrees of sophistication. The apparatus the teacher to reproduce the equipment.
needed ranges from (literally) household That particular pudding, however, this
Dietary Chemicals vr. Dental Caries. csst-offs to some requiring s. considerable reviewer has not yet had time to prove.
Advances in Chemistry Series no. 94 amount of careful construction. Full These two volumes will doubtless
details for the fabrication of the mare prove indispensible to the physics teacher.
Edited by Robert F. Gould. Based on a Chemists will find the general essays and
symposium sponsored by the Agri- complicated devices are provided, wisely,
as an appendix. the experiments in the Heat and Atomic
cultural and Food Chemistry Division Physics sections of interest and use.
at the 1966 Winter Meeting of the In compiling these volumes, the editor
visited over 100 institutions in the USA, Perhaps they will also take to their
American Chemical Society. American armchairs, leaf through the volumes and
Chemical Society, Washington, 1). C., and others overseas. The existing litera-
1970. vi +186 pp. Figs. and tables. ture and commercial equipment was
surveyed. Given the comprehensive na-
enjoy the enduring aesthetic appeal of a.
neat experiment.
23.5 X 16cm. $9.
ture of the work, one imagines thst any CHRISTOPHER L. BOUNDS
Few sufferers from dental caries realize teacher who uses physics demonstrations Department of Physics
the complexity of the processes involved for classes at any level will want to have College o j Wooster
in its production. Each individual carious a copy available. Wooster, Ohio 44681
lesion represents an individual event. Some lecturers will use these demon-
This is so because caries results from the strations a7 a point of departure for their
interaction of the surface of a. tooth whose own ingenious modifications. Others of
farm and composition were determined by us will be glad enough to have the kind
the metabolic state of the bearer of the of cook book we would not prescribe
tooth a t the time of its formation with the for our students. Even the latter group
particular fluids, foods, and bacteria has an outlet far the imagination, how-
John Dalton and the Atom
present in the mouth at the time the lesion ever, for each demonstrittion must be
forms. Dietary factors while the toothis integrated into the rest of the presentation. Frank Greenaway, Science Museum,
forming are thus of importance, since they The teacher must find wavs to brine out Kensington, London. Cornell Univer-
determine the chemical composition and
morphological structure of the tooth.
rhc the exprriment is suppoivd
to illuitrnlr liwe the dewripti, n- d !he
sity Press, Ithics, N. Y., 1966. viii +
244 pp. Figs. 14 X 21 cm. $7.50.
Even more important are the local factors euperlment>l u r e little toaby In.1 the bmrk
a t the tooth surface when the attack opens with a series of essays directed to Recently THIS JOURNAL (48. A118,
begins. the purposes and methods of the lecture (1971)) carried a review of Elizabeth
These factors are the subject of this demonstration. This section presents Patterson's "John Dalton and the Atomic
book. I t contains the papers presented a t many stimulating suggestions and by no Theory" (1970), whose title is practically
a symposium held in 1966, hut they have means a unified point of view. identical with that of the book presently
been updated to early or mid-1970 and Eric Rogers, in a careful discussion under review. Obviously these books
therefore present rtn excellent overview of d different goals for demonstrations duplicate much of the material but in the
the present state of this field. The authors suggests the value of same experiments broad sense they supplement each other
are all authorities in their subjects. The simple enough to be taken home. Gerald sinoe the Patterson book deals with the
papers discuss the effects of types of foods, Holton, also advocating a departure human side of Dalton predominantly,
vitamins, antibiotics, organic compounds, from the "special" nature of most demon- whereas the somewhat older Greenaway
fluorides, calcium, phosphorus, and various stration equipment, suggests the occa- volume stresses pmticularly the chemical
trace minerals. all factors which have been sional showing of real, working research and philosophical sspects of his achieve-
shown either to reduce or increase the apparatus, even though the hesio physical ments. However, Greenaway in 1958-59
amount of caries or the rate of its produc- concepts may not be so readily exposed. had already published "The Biographical
tion. The emphasis throughout is on the Sir Lawrence Bragg describes the long Approach to John Dalton" and obviously
chemistry and biochemistry of the pra- tradition at the Royal Institution of saw no need to repeat himself unduly.
cesses considered. The book serves as an very carefully prepared lectures using The Prtttersan hook was directed at the
excellent introduction to and general special demonstrations built by a highly general reader while Greenaway was in
picture of the subject for a non-dental skilled staff. (Catinued a page A788)

A784 / Journal of Chemical Education

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