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t:-:�1�J•:J) I�Y
'1'111·: 1•.\J.f'J':-' IJJ•!I',.\J('I'\IJ•:N'I' <JI•' (iJ•:NJ•:I<.\1. \(t)'l'tJJ(:-: - llt)I,JH·:�·:-: 1.'1'11.

V L. I FPTDIBER, 1!13+ :\o. I

We introduce Ourselves
bovt i .r lbt b.:� .Staff of lbt G. \1-11. PariJ I t parl mml .
,\le/bollrllf. f·rom luhnician /o �J•f>isle, fl'fr • indit•id11al i.r
.rpeciai(J• /rained lo carl]' 011 the ktm urt•irt ll'birl; j/OU
11•ilh fl'e!]• G. A/.11. prod11r1. The arlil•ilit.r of this .�rmt/)
makt il pouible for romp/ele .r11ppliu of .PIIItillf Paris lo IJt
availahltal a 111011/tlll's no/ice in eve!]• corner of lbtCOIIJIIIOIIUita/lh.

This is portion of 1/;e main oj/ice. In lbt bac .�rumul i.r

a .rulion of /be txlm .ri l•e 1\ardex �)'Siflll IIJtd lo ronlrol
the 55 ,ooo paris slockul. In ar!dition, thrrt is a bi..� l:'��inur­
illj/ and Ruording Section. In thi.r uclion jilu of Bl11e Prinl.r,
.l'ptrificalions and gmeral data art epl rtat{!• for ins/ani rtrfr­
mre I�)' C.AI.H. luhnicians.

City Road,

G.M.H. Gmuine Paris Acceleralor

''Let's get together on this''

rr i,_ With L'ry 'rl'at The puq o· of thi · publi ation. whi h will b· r •leased

pil'asurc that we re­ regularly to all garage· and scrvi ' L ·tation· throu h ut
ka�l' to our Distributors th• ommonwL ·alth. is of a two-fold natun•. Fir tly. it is
and l>t·all'rs. and also intend ·d to promote th ·usc of th · Cenuinc Part . . c ondly.
to tltv Caragl' Trade it will nMkt· availahh· surh tt · hni al information as wil
throughout the Common­ assist th repair trade in maintaining owrwrs' vehi 1•: in
wealth. our first issue of perfect o1 erating con lition.
the "C. :\l.H. Cenuine It is our desire that ·a h i'"ue of the "(;.�1. H. Cenuinc
!'art� .\ccelnator." Parts A clt:rator" will b both int•r•·ting an I instructive,
both to the man s •lling ;cnuine I arts and to the mechanic
On thl' cu L'r leaf we
who installs them on the car or truck. Th'ref r , we a. k
intrn lu '' L ourselves a
that you forward u · an) queries you would lik an wcrcd
stall thoroughly trained
in its lumn., and al o suggestions f< r the la:s and type
and ' L Xj>' l ri•need to gi c
of editorial matter that will assist you in the daily pr blcms
an l'flicil·nt and prompt
f y ur bu. incss.
l rvi 't• with (; nume
Cl•neral Motors-Hold n's
II. . CA A LIGII, 1unu�e.r,
s,mrc J:tarts Oepartrnent,
part and acce ri s
(;l'nt'rul �lotors - l-lohtcn·s l.ln1tted. and or ani. cd and
equip! d to help Dis-
tributor�. I >valers. the I ndepencknt (;arag•. and l i e/ boll me,

th . car and tnt k owner tn V'l r\' pos ibl way. 1st eptember, 19J.J



Circular illustration: '!be \{tfu o tlll lrr ll'bicb .�itu
prompt .rrn•ice to di.rlri/mlor, dralrr, and O!l'llrr-band/u a
Iii� I'Oitllm of lm.rillt.rJ.


Abovc: I 'bi.r ,·!Jo11•.r o .rrrlion of I be immmu Stockroom lbt fon.trotmd

bril(� f>IJrlion of /be porkil(� dtpt!rllllml, 11-itb one dq_y'.r dupotrbr.r ollbt md
of tht rnlll't)'Orlint rrot{y for fino/ rbrrkil(� and dupolt c il(�. All ordtr.r are
a.r.rrmhlrd (rom /orat ion rerord.r 111ointoinrd ��� /be 1firiml Kor&x J)'Jitllt,
ll'tirb armrolr(J• fit in 11•itb /Jin 1111111/Jrrin.� and .rutiollil(�. m.ruril(� .rptet{J•
l'a111lli1(� �f rorb ordrr.

At Right: /!ere on /11'0 unil.r of tb pmfy Tron.rjMrl Jim t/Jrtl lo

quirkt1: up dr.rpatrb lo deolrr .r oil 011tr tbe Colllmomnoltb. 7'br Bedford
/lOll i.r tun/ to make ru.rb ddiverit.r to both boo/ and train, ll'lil.rl tbr
( '/Jtl'l'l•ld z-lol/lh'r /;(1/u//r.r t!i.rlrilmtor.r' 1/IIJIIIh!v lmlk rtquirmmtl.r.

G.M.H. Gn/1/illt' Pr1rt.r Araltmlol
,\, /llt'lllhrl f>t�r!.t �
------ ------- ------ ------- ------


An interesting account of how they are made

}F v ry on ' of our dealers and car owners cou ld wit ness rough (s '( Figure :l ·).
t h manufa t ure of some of th imp r t a n t part. f :"->tiII hot . out it omes.
t h ir car. t hey would quickly realise t he wi·dom of demand­ ctnd a similar OJ era ­
in and in · t ailing on ly (;enuine c;\1H Part . b u t un for­ t ion compll'tl'S forming
t un a t ely. for obvious r ·a sons. t hi!' is not po·sible. The t he Head.
next b( ·t t h ing. t h ·refon'. i: t o After t his opt•rat ion
t r�· a n d give vou a ml'n t a l pi t ure the alv · St'l m is
of :onw of t h s ien t ifi manu­
· heat ·d in anot h1 ·r l'kc­
fa t uring methods Pmplo�·e I by tric h l'a t er and pia Tel
our fa t orics in the manufa turl' in anot her press whl're.
of gt•nu in' parts. in one opera t ion . it is
Fi�ure � cut t o length and
As t he e fficienc\' of an a u t o­ slot ll'ci for t lw 1.; e\ ·
mobill' engin d'P�·nds so largely (see Figurl' :{).
ttpon t he proper funct ioning of
tIH · I n le t and Exhaust \, I n's. Th us. from a steel slug. theSl' presses gin · us in a fl'\1'
wt · shall now describe to \'OU in s' one!. a one-pie .'tt•tl alvl' rea h· for t hl' finish
dt'la il t he various pro esst' · •m­ grinding. This manufact uring process is known as thl'
pl o_\ 't ·d in pr<>duciug a "Cenuinc Fi�ure I "E:x t ru ion Pr ess." and has iJ, ·, ·n adopt 'l d I>\· 'lwvrolet
as being t he most sa t isfact on · and ' onom ( al nwt hod
il l ' roll'l �ilclii·orno· ;tivt·."
of obt aining a alve frl'e fron1 seams ancl otlwr dde t s
First�\'. wt· lr;ll·o· llw raw 111.r!t-t i;tl of whirl! tiro· aln· cornnHlnh' found in
· ·
i: mad\' . lht· all;rh·�i-. lr;ll'illg IH'I'II do·lt'nllilll'd aflo·r \'t·ars Va lvt•s , nanufa lured
of •xpl'ril'tlt'l' a11d pra c t ical n ·st·ar ·It wlti ·h <·xplains t l u · ll\ · more nrt h odox
f:l t th a t <Jll ( ; •nuinP Clwnolet alve:- arc made of .'i)­ mPt hod�.
chrome .'t ee!. This s teel is capahll' of r ·sist ing rrosion, Tlw a Ives no\\'
a n d retains it s slrl'ngt h at high t < ·mp ·rature�. preventing move a long t o a :'ril'S
eli. t rtion of t he al\ll' during service. .'il h ronw St I of grinding machines
is ackn nvl dged h\ · a ut omohill' manufa t urcr. throughout where the . tem and
t h e world t o he the most . a ti fac t or_,. materia l <' o- Fa e of t h e Val\'( · is
nomi all for tiS· • ground. The first of
in t h e ma nufac­ t hese machines 1s
t ure of such ., known as a " t•n t tT­
p a rt . Il'ss grinclt -r , " which
Till' raw ma­ grind. t h e St <-111 of
t t ·rial (. il hronw t he Va l V'< . Two
Sll-el) is rr rived OJ ra t ion . . rough and
from the m ills finish grinding. are

in rou n d bar. . ne e. sa ry t o fini. h t l w Fi�ure 4
Th e ar' are­ . t em (. e e Fig ure - l ) .
ful l ·xamin d :\ex t w se!' a
ford feet. b fore b a t t ry f rinding ma · hines for rough and finish gri11ding
Fi�ure 2 being passed for t h e H ad of t he Val e (se · Figure .) ). These a curat e
pr du t ion . m achine h ave n w produ 'd a finished alve . hut hdorc
it an o in t o a new mot or or be shipp I to lcakrs for
The nonnou: demand for t his part makes possible
the ut m o t accura y and crvi e r quir'men t s, it must rl't:l'iVl' ·ardul insp1·dion.
sp' ial m a hinen·- whi h 'nsures Train d in p t ors wit h precision inst nmwnts che k
cllicien \'. The first step in t h e manufacture of t his
important part is t h e rut t ing of round · t I bars in t ach Valv for imperfc t i ns, a n d reje t each Val ve not
lug ( e Figure I ) . Lit t le do
up t o 'h•vroll' t standards.
k like Va lves but wait . This is t h · st on· of a "(;l' nuin ·

'hevroJet aJ Vl'" an d it s prodII t ion

Th e sl ugs are placed in t an el'Ctri
furnace where t he\ · are hea t ·d. The h\ · m · t hods which al low it s price t o
hot lug is t h · n d1:opped i n t o a di in ·
b e i n ke 'ping wit h "Quality a t Low
rm u press (see Figur :lA) . ost . "
( m . t h e up1er h a l f of t he die Our next issu · wil l giv · in t 'rc,:t ing
a n d t h slug now b gin t t a k n t he fact s about Gl'rlllin Chevrol · t 'din dl'r
sh ap' of a Valv' ( Figure 2B). At H ·ads t aking you t hrough 'he�·rolct's
the end of th . t rokP of t h e pr ' S . it Gre' I ron Foundr . t h larg(·st pla n t ot'
is a Cenuine Che rolet alv<' in the Fi�ure 5 it kind in t h e worl l .
G.M.H. Gnmim· p,,,.f,· Atnll'rtllor

The Genuine Parts Man announces


Every Issue brings Prizes to be Won

I st, £2 .. 2nd, £ I . . 3 rd, I 0/- \
This is the first of our competitions . . . one of which
will be a feature of every issue of our Magazine. In this
ue the competition takes the form of three questions
. . . and to each que tion you are required to make three
shor·t replie . Here are the que tion :

.Ills l't:rs.
Why does the CAR OWNER want 1.
Genuine Part

\• hy doe the · LE MAN pr·efer to 1.

sell Genuine Parts?


Why doe the MECHANIC prefer to 1 . . . ...... .

fit Genuine Parts?
2. .. ......... ..... . .

This comp' l litiun is op•n to al l r •aders. There are definit'ly no

L'ntrance fees and no restrietions n thv number of ntri s from
o The Genuine Parts man says:" /Jnn'l tidal'
any one p ·r:on. Entries are to be addressed t Th Editor,
. . . send in your entries right a11•ay ... just r;s
"(;:\1-H Part· A cl'lcrator," (;eneral ;\lolors-Hollcn'· Lim i t d.
many as you 1£/<e. If possible, lial'C ll�t·m typed­
Box 1714, c;.P. ) . . Melbourn ·. s that tiH'\' will h' l re ci d n t
but that is 11ot e. culial. l<emcmber to put your
name am( address in block letters on each lat r than 30th · ptemb' l r J!):J..I.. fn the mallt•r f re:ult and
sheet of paper you ·end iu. Ncmcmber, to the di tributi n of priz s. the Editor's decision will be on sidercd
that all entries must be in bv .10th 'ej>tl'lltber. , final.

For Your Protection . • • WE SELL 0

Buy your part for General Motor car and truck
The Sign
from the Dealer and Parts Di tributor who displays
the Genuine Sign. of
What doe it mean? Genuine Part , Guaranteed Genuine
Part , Genuine Prompt Service, Quality at Low Cost.
Owners of General Motor product expect Genuine OLOSMO IL£: LA SALLE Ill �

Parts. They took for the trade mark. Therefore,

service and fit Genuine Parts fo1· service ati faction. 0 C MC TRUCK
G.M.H. Genui11e Parts Accelfmlor Seple/11/JI•r

Here and there with the Genuine Parts Man



Tlw photograph sl1own oppositl' 1s a portion

l of the Parts Departml'nt of City �lotors Limited,


Buick, Chevrolet, and Oldsmobile distributor in

.\delaid , . ·.A. This departm •nt i managl' I by
?l!r. 1�. P. 'allier, and a Hry wide rang(' of Gl'nuinl'
(;ent·ral :\!otor -Holden's part: i · maintaint·tl.
Til(' department is \'t·r�· centrally located on
\\'aymouth Street, in the hvart of rhe city, and
it is ·taff •d by llll'll who han· bl'vn associ ated
in Part Dcpartmcnts hand Iing Ceneral :\1 otor.
spare parts for many �'t'ars.

The photo indicall's, quilt' ob\·iou ly, thl'

l'ffi ient mann('r in whi h thi,; distributur i ·

arrying and st,cking (-;,.·nuint· Cl'nl'ral :\lotor:­

Holden' spare parts. .\11 material is stocked in
stl·l'l bin cquipmt•nt, and a ompletc l�ardcx
system assure· the owner of a Cenentl :\!otor
car for whi h City !otors hold the fran hi <·. very
vfliri,·nt l'"rt-.; <;N\'irt>.



'v\i her · how a photograph o( th ' spare

part counter of ."ydne A tkinson Motors
Limit ·d. our Car Di tributor for Western
:\u tralia, which i.. ituat I in a very promin nt
po ition. adja cnt to their rn·ic r pair hop

in th ir nt•w h llll' at Tcmplr Court, E planadr,
Perth. Thi Part Department carries a very
ompl t<: rang of all G nuin General :v!otors
spare part . and i v<•ry abl ' managed by
�lr. C. H. L•ithh ad, former!' th Part
Manag-n of Gen ral Motors A ustralia Pt . Ltd.
in Pertl1.

This firm servi e G nuinc pare Parts a

far n rth a Darwin, and Mr. L ithh ad r c g­
nises the importance of part availahilit and
quick ervic . Her , again, the tock carried
i: maintain I on an accurate to k r cord
sy·tem, which d finitely a urcs ad('('JUat par
parts servic .
G.M. H. Gwuinr Pur/.r Attr!rrtilor lrptr111hrr


{1) Lockheed Brake Oil.
The trad<' "ill he pil·a, •d to learn that "t' I HI\ t' no\\
available Cenuine imported l.ockhecd !�rake Oil, at prin•,
which mnr· than favoumhlv cornpart· \\ith other Oib ;1t
present on tht· market. The lbt price' for thi' Oil an· a'
List Price.
I quart I li

I pint � :1

\\'e would a,k you to not<· partiud arl�· that our pint i'
t·quivail•nl to �II lluid ount·cs, also that thi ... Oil is imported
di reel from tht• manufacturer by us. (It i' uot madt· lu·rt·
from any dt•vt•lopt•d formula.)

(2) Genuine Shock Ab orber Oil

i, being tinnl'd in '(ll'tialh· lahl'l:ed �gallon tilll,, at tht·
lht prit' t• of ·I· p<'r half g;lllon. and i ... tlu· unl�· Oil that i ...
rl'CO!llnll'lHit·d for ll"l' in l>t·lto l<t'lll\' l.m t•jo,· SIHll'i•
,\ hsorlwr,.

(3) Genuine hock In ulation Fluid

1s i><·ing in "(H't ially lalll·lkd �.g;dlon ·ans. at
put up
till' list pri ,. of:;- pl'r half-gallon. Tlli' Oil b thl' onlv Oil
that should ht· u"·d in lilt' front spring suS(ll'n,inn on 1n:1�
model cnrs, and is being "(ll't iall�· importt·d b�· 11' from our
111otor c:1r factori4.·.... 1•;1rt :\o. lifHIIi.iX. \.

(4) Ignition Wire ets.

\\'c baH· no\\ a,·ail;�hlt• from our ,tot·k "'b of �rark l'lug
\\'ire' for the four and ...ix ,·,·Iinder Cht•vrolll
' .
These ,e�, includt• tilt· n•qui,itt• nllnlht·r of Spark l'lug
\\'ires. lilt' l)i,lrihutnr to Coil l l ig h 1
' \·tbion \\'ire, and are
contpklt• "ith Huhht•r :"1pple' <�nd Terminal Ends. Tht\'
"1'- lii.i.uufa'-lur\:..1 f,·vnl tL�,. \\la:d-f.,ntuii:-. :'fl\.�H11d l.ntlti\.'lt.:d
Calli . each ' t is indi'iduall�· enclo-t•d in a 't•n· auracti\l•
carton. atlll tht•\;1 1·,. pritt•d '" lltlllt•r ·

Part o. Description. Price Each.

I. \\'.S. lfigh T · n,ion \\'irl' .'(·h (-
� , �I �II � II
li I. \\'.S. IIigh T('n ...inn \\'in· St·h (li n·l II � II

(5) Part No. M 6000 Toggle Link et.

Thi' ,·arton c·onl;�in... � part numh,·r :1�11:1 Link
:! part n 11nthl·r :14lli :!
part numla:r :1� lliR:I Linl<
:! part number :1�:!:!1:1 Lin I<
fi part numl cr :1� lfi li Link
:! part 1111 m her :1� lfi!ll Pin

and is for all t'hcvrol • t c.:ar' fr m l!l�� to l!l:!!l inclu,iH·,
ancl P ntiac cars from l!l:!li to l!l:! inclusive. All Tof!glt·
!.inks arc list •d at �d. en ·h and Link l'ins at :1r1 .. whicl1
equals :i �· p •r set. Jnd you "ill realise how activch· 1 ri ed
this unit package is when \\l' tell you that the list ptill·
is only :1 -.

(6) Part No. M /6001 Toggle Link et.

Thi..; carton contain, part number :l�.i7�0
part number :1�.)7:! Link
:! part numb r :1�·.>717 Link
:! part numb r :l�.)'i:!ti Link
li part number lin .; I in
ami i' for all Chevrolet tru ks from I !l:! .'i to I!1:11 inclu,i\ l·.
. \s in thf' case of th · car scl, tht• l i... t price f r this Tmck
Toggle packag . whil'h is �-. i' Olbidcrably lower than
if tht• individual items were p11rchascd separate!�·.

(7) Part No. 364104 Manifold Gasket Set.

Thi' envelop· contain;; part number 1111�� Centn• (;;"kt•t
and two part numbc·r IPI�� 7 End Casket, and i.; fnr ;ell
Chevrolet cars and trucks from I!J:!!l to 1\l:l:l inclusive. and
all VX. \'auxhall ars and Bedford Trucl<, from l!l:ll tn 1!1:1�
in Itt. ive. ThC' li,t price is :! I per set.
G.M.H. Gen11ine Par/.r Araleralor Stpltmber

(I) Genuine Shock Insulation Fluid. ( 6) Oversize Valve Lifters for Chevrolet.
\\'(' canno t i mpress t oo :trongl�· t h ' ne cs:i ty of usi n \\'e h a ve no\\· a ailable for :er i e ov l ·r·iz · ah·e L i fters
·non\ ' ot lwr t han (; •twi n e ' h k Insulation Fluid when (.00.) i nches) for a ll mod •I h l ' vrokt cars and t ru k.. We

. t h · front ,;pri ng unit f 19H+ a t.. is b ing r filll'd and t h · are s · tt ing out hereunder t h e part numbers, 111 del data,
level ! w i n g m a i n t ai ned . (;e n u i n ' .'h k In u l a t i on Fluid a nd pri •s of t he variou · t�'JWS:
i ;.; availahl · in spe i a l l �· labelled 1-gallon ans a t t h e pri e Part o. Description List Price, each
of:;- pl'r � -ga l lo n. under part n u m ber liOO(i.), A.
:J+Ii7+aA Va lw Lifter . . oo.i inch oversi1.e
Sup. l', ( ' (.''
l ri ·s \ . . Ul) 1:0 (i
(2) Oldsmobile Oil Pumps (Series 30).
:H '.>6+A Val v Li ft er . . oo.; 1n h o ers1ze

In lllllll\'J"OUS as ·s when over h a u l in g .· cries :�o Ol dsm ob ill' . :\(.'cri es AB, L , LP) 0 li
O i l l 'l ll l l p,; wi t h allo�· b d it•s . it wi l l be not i eel t h a t t h e
H:3('i9 lA Va lv • Lifter . . 00.1 inch ov ·rsize
hod_, . iht ·lf i s sl ig h t ! �· worn. a l l wi n g s ide p l ay i n t he gear:.
I. L'. I nd. . E o !i
.\ n nn·r;.;i1.e gea r is availabl · a. f II ow ·. and allow· of �·our
t un1i ng o11t 100 (Wr rent. johs. Like a l l (;enui ne Parts. t l w 'lC ura ,. i n d im e nsion s and
th quality f t h e materia l i n t hese oversize Val vl' L i f t ers
List Price
ar guaranteed.
!'art � o . . :HI! li2 I r iY L' n ( ;t•a r. .()1 () In h
OV('r;.;i Zl' in (hi kn ess 1:0 (j ()
I !'art �0. :m1 li2n Drive (;ear. .0Io inch (7) 1933 Chevrolet Truck Rear Axles.
I �i,·('' in t hick!Jt'ss () .) () Sincl' thl' in ptio n of the I 0:1:1 S!' rit• s o Ch('\Tol!'l Tntrk.
three distin t t.\')WS of l< l' ar .\:-.le .\ssemhlit'� havt· lwen
Economy Metering Rod. use d . T h • general rule for i d ent ifying t l H '�l ' t h ree t �·pl'S
The standJJd Ca r hur d t o r \ktning l�od on thl' 1!1:1+ is a: foil ws:
:\1ast •r �1odvl 'lwvrol ·t is a (i.) +H. F r thost· owners
I. t t �·pl '. .'t raddle-moun t l'd lkvel Drive Pinion with
whn a •·t · pn•pan•cl to s<tnific a littl• t ime in w<Jrm i n ' up
ft> U r si lt ·s !>inion Diff •r• •nti al.
and q u ick a dt'rat i on. we h avt· d�v• I pcd an e on om_, .
2nd typ . .'tem-ty pe Hevd Pi ni on wi t h t wo sides
I� d. li7 .1 I. and t h is l�od is avai l able from a l l Distri butor ·
Pinion I i ffe r • n t ial.
and De a ler s . Price. 2 :3 each .
:3rd t y pe. .'tra ldl ·-nHJuntccl H!'vcl Drin · Pinion wi t h
(4) Headlamp Bulbs. t wo s i d Pin ion Difkrential.
Tht ' l l t ·;: dla mp Hulh;; IISt d on t he 19:l.l :\lodd: of (;l'neral \\'l' have no a urat t ' recotd o f lhL'SL' changes hy 'l n g in!'
:\lot ors cars are of the pre- fo IIStd t �')Jl'. and a n · not r seria l n u m b ·r. and t lll 'rdorl' i t is lirst of a l l nl'Cl'Ssar�·
intvr ·hangt•able wi t h t h e t y p>. 11. d on previous moc\ds. for a phy · ica l identili a t i on lwfore placing a parts orde r.
The nt'\\' pn·-foc\ISL'd bulbs h a v a fl a t ir ular tlat wi t h
t'ngagenwnt slots. loca t t ·d ver�· a· ura t dy i n r · l a t i on t o t h e
(8) New King Pin Plug.
filamen t s. \\·e an · �et t i ng nut h ereunder t h e part n u m bers.
The n 11 · t y pt · h: i n g Pin Plug. par t numhl'r :17/0H!J. is no\\'
mocl ·I d tta. and price� of t h e t wo bulbs nl'ces-;ar�· t o
IJeing us ·cl i n prod uct io n a nd is a va i la bl t · for serv in· in
snvin· t l w I !):H ra r rang · .
plact• f tlw fornt('r Plug. part number :n:�+!iO. Th i s part
Part o. 0 scription Li t Price, each
is used to rl't a i n t lw l ubri ant and neeclk bt'ar ings in t h e
1101 ':1 La mp Hul b 21-:12 P Ylast •r J-:ing Pi n Su pport Yoke. T h i s new Plug i s made from
Ch · rolet. Pon t ia . and Ol ds mob i le l:tJ :3 o .) :�2 · t o k. and should be staked i n t he 1-:i ng Pin .'upport
IIOIH+ La m p Bulb :32-32 P Buick. M mb r ar und t h e 1-:i ng Pi n boss ·s a t four points t o
La Salle, and adilla 0 :3 0 ret a i n t h Pl ug in p l a ce . If prop'rly st aked i n . i t wi l l
wi t hstand t h • h igh pressun• '11 ou n t crecl wi t h modern
Thl'�(' Bulbs are a\ a i lable from our sto k; t h erdor l'. he
g rt' :t sin g e q u i pm e n t .
in a posi t io n t o servi • t l w,.;e nl'w Bulbs In· pla c i ng 'our
orcll'rs i ntn leclia t t · h·.
(9) Key Cutting and Coding.
(5) Lovejoy Shock Absorber Assemblies. \\'ith t il · ad o pt i o n of a new t y pl ' T ll dt Hesist in g Lo k
Con lp ll'll' st ocks of (;e n era l :':l ot rs-Holden's Ltd . Lovl'joy on t lw 19:U mod el cars. tl' ! ll' ke�· ut t i ng and oding
Sh ock .\hsorhl'r As-.cmblit•s and 1 arts arl ' ant i lablc for a l l ma h i nes ar · Ill' essar�· to dupli ·atl· 1-:eys and Lock�·.
t ho;.;l' Ct ·lwtal :\lot or: prcdu t s, a · well a s l k .'oto. T h i s cquipm l 'nt has be ·n i ns t a l led in our Parts Dep art ment
C h r �· �lt· r. I >ndgl', and ) ' ) �· m out h a,.; ar!' lit t cd with this here. and d upli ca t !' J-:l·_,·s and l.ocb for all I!1:3+ models
ltw:ilh· Jll:lllllf:l!'tllrt·d Shock . \ h�t, rl lt · r . an· :1\'ailahlt· tlirn1tgll our l>i�trilllttors :IIHI l>t·all' rS.
G . M . H. Gm11ine Parl.r Acrrleralor


1934 Standard Model - Series " DC " Passenger Cars

I . I > i s n J I I I I e ·t pedal pull ba k ·priug. b ra ke pull ro I . n u t w i t h a hamm ·r or wrench.

front and rear pull rods. a n d hand b n k • p u l l r d . 7. (;i L' t he b ra kl' pedal a hard, q uick pu h and relea
:! . Set hand brake lt·ver t u i t s l'Xt rt·nH� forward 1 ' 'I t !On t h n. m a i n t a i ning a m d rat · pre urc on t h e p dal.
and adju�t hand b rake pull rod ro i t · proper I •ng t h lamp U J t he c n t ra l i r bol t s " D. "
! ) � i n h · s bet w •en en t rL s. T h i · an I a u ra t ·ly meas­
H. J ack u p a l l four whe ·I and I ·en chc k n u t s " E "
ur d b_,. nwasuring fr m th back of t hl' fron t hole t o
a n d t urn th adj u. t i ng r ws " F " to t h e righ t u n t i l
t h h a k of t h · slot . !\ss m h le p u l l rod t o t he h a n d b rake
t h • b rak • ho d rag verv l igh t ly o n the drum. Tigh t en
and eros� . haft l evers.
h k uu ts " D. "
3. I- l o k up pull back ·pring and · •t t h e b rake pedal
. t o p · t h a t th · b rake pedal ars t h f l oor board J inch. 9. Tr · t h e brak • for 'q ual bra k i ng , left and righ t , and
slig h t ly slack off the brake t hat p u l ls the hard r. Road
-L\\"i t h t h (' b ra ke p ·dal against its stop . adj u · t t ht'
t ·st ·ar, apply b ra k ·s ·!owl�· to che k a t ion of b rak s
pedal pull rod t o its pr per leng t h . 0 1 1 n ec t up pu l l rod.
at l igh t . medi u m . and rnaxinwn1 r wc l a l pressures .

.). \\' i t h t he cam lev •rs "A" and t l w brake idl ·r levers " B"
aga i n. t t heir ·top· " . " adju t t h e
fro n t a n d rear brake r d s t o t h i r
proper I ngt h . Note : Th f r n t
a n d rNtr b rake a b l • s m ust b e
a dj u s t e d so t h ·n· is no s l a k i n
t he m . T h i s is d ne b�· pulling ba k
on t h e rod end of t h e able so 1 hat
th pull d n t mov • the cam
I v rs " nd brak idler lever ·

; j R" � n d 'rfP\\' i nf� rnr 1 i •1 f n r � h l � \

nd. "on i H T t up pull rods.

fi. h k t :c t h a t fro n t wh ·el

bearings ar in prop ·r adj ust men t .
l .oosl'n a l l e n t ral iser clamp hol t s
" D. " m a k i ng sure t h a t en t ra liscr�
ar · fr to move by t a p p i ng u p
a n d down 0 1 1 t h adju t ing lever h n h

Metropolitan D i stri butors of G enuine G .M . - H . Parts

Car and Parts Dist r i b utors : Ca r and Parts O i s t r l b u t o rs :

E. 0. �; ( l }l� l l & ,.; ( ) )\' I . D I I T �: I I . l i l'l'l l k fa -< t t ' o·. -.-k l ! n11 d . :\ ('w • l o•lld.
1 1 0 \" I H� I J l . L I I I T b: I J , 1 1 2- 1 1 ·1 l l n n l ·r S t l ·ccl , S y d n y .
) l r l . �: o l l , 1;: �; 1 . !-< 0 , · I . F� E l . D i l 'n: n . l\'o·wcu<llc.
I..III K �: . :'\' 1•: .1 \· �; & ( " A II T �j J l f , D l i T E D . 177 \\" i l l i H n o =-'t n·t•I . Sy r l nr) . 0 TH A T RA L I A :
Y O l ' :'\ ; & C : I I E E :'\ I. H i l T E D , :'\ •wcust lt•. Car and Parts D i s t r i b u t o rs :
\\'. I I . L U 1.; H ""- ·o. I. Dl l 'l'E 0 . H0-!12 � l c ��lhonc :-iu·cct . \\'oolloo 1 1 1 ooloo. 'lTY i\IOT liS I . I M I T E il . \\'u y n o o nlh Slr " l . A c l c l u i rlc·.
Parts D i s t r i b u t o rs : F'RE Ei\IA • ) J O T O i l :--< I . D I I T �: I l . (;rpnf.-11 ><t •·c..-t. A tl l ' l u i o l t • .
l' l\' I TEJ) � f () T O H :--< I . D I I T I•: I I . t:,1 l ' i l'i o · :--< t t·o·o • l . il t l � l u i d r .
\\' F�=-''1'('0'1''1'. 1 1 .\ ZI':I. l . & ( '0 . I . D i l 'n; D . � 2 :, 2 2 i ( 'to �l l• •·t l l �-:h S l l'l' I , · ·
H r d •w�·.
Parts D i s t r i b u t ors :
H F� l\' 1\ �:TT & \\ ' O ( ) I l I . D l l T �: D . ! ' i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l la l h nrst =-'l •·c•t • l , . S )" d l l l ' )" .
� I O T O H T H .\ I H� H :--< I . D I I T I•: I I . ,,.-,_ � 7 Jo" l l u o l ,.t·� :--< l l'o ·l ' l . . l o l . - l a i o l o · .
( ) { ' �'( '.•\ X & ( '0 . . 1 • i 1·ie :-t t n·�·t . . \ t l t • l u i d t · .
Car n n d Purrs Dist r i b utors :
W E ST E R N A l l , T R A L I A :
Car and Parts Distri butors :
I 'I H�>'TO:\ ) 1 0'1'0 1 ! :< I 'T \' . I . D I I T I•: I I . I l l l•"•·11 n k l i n >'l l'l·l'l . � l o • l l o n n o· n• · ·
:-: Y i l :\ 1'; \" .I T K I :\ S O :\ � I OT O H :-: 1 . 1. 1 1 1 ' 1' �; 1 1 . To · o u p l o · t 'nno·l . l '• ·r l l o .
=' · .\ . ( " 1 1 10: :\ �: \" I 'T Y . I . D I I 'I" i': l l . 22 l·" l i n d PI'� >'l l'o·PI . ) l <• i iHI I I I'IIl'.
>' l l i "I" I I E H :\ Parts Distribut ors :
) I <IT O H S 1 ''1' \" . I . I )I I T E I J . 1 :1 1 l :l i l . n11"ln lo• :-'l l'o·o•t .
:\ f \ ' ) ) )u i i i ' I H ' . .\ T id :\ :-: ( \1' .. 1 . 1 I . D I I T IO.: I I . K! l l l l u ) :--< t l·t..- 1 . l '<•t·l l o .
H I I O I H: :< ) I C I T i l l ! ( 'f l . I ' T Y . I .T i t . . till E l i >.11 l ol ' l l t :-' t o·o·o·t . ) l o · l hnlll'lw.
Parts Distrib utors : <.: tt r and P tt. r t s O i s t r i b utors :
�� - A . �I !I( 'II I I\ & t 't I. I 'T Y . I. D l l T Jr. I I . :.:t:, E l i zu ho• l h ,_,, ,.,., . , . ) k l l mn1·1 1 e . 1 1 0 1 1 �� � � '1' 1\' �; T T I . b: Jo"< l l . l t 1 ''1' \" . I . D I I 'I' I•: I J . .\ l uo · , u u l ' i l ' " ""'''"' · l l u lnu· l .
I I R O O K I , A ' l l :" A f '( ' E!-<=-'O B H� :;; I 'T Y. I . DI I T E I J . l f>l l l . n n " l u lo· ) I O'l' O H :--< I ' H ! l i ' I I I �: T . I H Y I . D I I T �: 1 1 . 1 n :, 1 7 1 1 1 .- i � l " " " ' :-: t rc •o• l
:-lt t't'l l f . )lclhilllt· nc·. I .U 1 t nf•t•..: f l ! l l .

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