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Module Name: RS0417 – Meeting the Needs of Service Users (Task – 3)

Assessment Title: Reflecting on Role, Knowledge, and Abilities Necessary

for Effective Individualized Support Mapping and Implementation.

Student Name:
Student ID:
Tutor Name:
Date of Submission:

Table of Contents
Task 3.........................................................................................................................................3

Reflecting on Role, Knowledge, and Abilities Necessary for Effective Individualized Support
Mapping and Implementation....................................................................................................3

Psychiatric Social Worker Duties/Role..................................................................................3

How Social Workers Help People with Mental Illness Today...............................................4


Task 3

Reflecting on Role, Knowledge, and Abilities Necessary for

Effective Individualized Support Mapping and Implementation

For the past twenty years, researchers and practitioners in the field of mental health have paid
more attention to the relationship between one's social environment and their psychological
well-being. Two examples of direct services given by social workers are counselling
adolescents with behavioural problems and developing treatment programs for adults battling
substance abuse (Heller and Gitterman, 2010). People from many walks of life and ethnic
backgrounds have benefited from this direct assistance, which has allowed them to improve
their health and overall quality of life.

Psychiatric Social Worker Duties/Role

Clients who seek the help of social workers in the field of mental health typically are battling
an addiction of some kind (such as drug or alcohol misuse) or a mental health problem (such
as an eating disorder, severe depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder). Social workers in
the field of mental health may be responsible for a wide variety of tasks depending on their
specific employer and clientele (Carpenter et al., 2003). In the case of Arthur, who is facing
various mental and physical problems, the social worker needs to have these skills to help
him in everyday essential work -

 Getting to know the client on a personal level and forming lasting bonds with him.
 Psychiatric evaluation of the client.
 Conduct client-focused research into mental health services, including treatment
centres for substance abuse and suicide prevention initiatives (Morley and
MacFarlane, 2010).
 Facilitating the acquisition of relevant resource data for individual clients.

How Social Workers Help People with Mental Illness Today

Social security, unemployment insurance, and disability payments are just a few examples of
the many cultural, economic, and health-related concerns that social workers have
championed in the decades since the profession's inception. Many professionals in the field of
social work, such as mental health social workers, do more than the only screen, diagnose,
and treat patients suffering from mental, behavioural, or emotional disorders; they also
advocate for more just and equitable health care programs. A few illustrations are as follows:

 Disorders of the mind such as depression, anxiety, and mania.

 The trifecta of child maltreatment: neglect and disruptive behaviour.
 Dramatic changes in one's life, such as separation, death, or the onset of a terminal
 Chemical dependency, alcoholism, and drug addiction.
 Struggling with issues like joblessness, homelessness, and chronic health problems.

When people, families, and communities face difficulties that threaten their mental health,
social workers in this field are there to help (Huxley et al., 2005). Social workers can aid
patients in many ways, including in their pursuit of employment, housing stability, and
mental health treatment by addressing their substance abuse problems.

In this case, Now and in the future, Arthur Higgins will require ongoing assistance. Social
worker whose client like Arthur, have widely varying requirements and preferences, must
prioritize establishing trustworthy, open, and compassionate relationship. Patients diagnosed
with mental illness may be more vulnerable to the effects of certain stimuli and
communication styles, making this an especially crucial consideration in their care (Ting et
al., 2005). While it's true that all social workers care about people's mental health, some
positions have unusually specific requirements in this area.


Carpenter, J., Schneider, J., Brandon, T. and Wooff, D., 2003. Working in multidisciplinary
community mental health teams: the impact on social workers and health
professionals of integrated mental health care. British Journal of Social Work, 33(8),

Ting, L., Jacobson, J.M., Sanders, S., Bride, B.E. and Harrington, D., 2005. The secondary
traumatic stress scale (STSS) confirmatory factor analyses with a national sample of
mental health social workers. Journal of human behavior in the social
environment, 11(3-4), pp.177-194.

Huxley, P., Evans, S., Gately, C., Webber, M., Mears, A., Pajak, S., Kendall, T., Medina, J.
and Katona, C., 2005. Stress and pressures in mental health social work: The worker
speaks. British Journal of Social Work, 35(7), pp.1063-1079.

Morley, C. and MacFarlane, S., 2010. Repositioning social work in mental health: Challenges
and opportunities for critical practice. Critical Social Work, 11(2), pp.46-59.

Heller, N.R. and Gitterman, A. eds., 2010. Mental health and social problems: A social work
perspective. Routledge.


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