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Chapter 8 : He is mine now

During the sunset, the sky was colored bright orange, and the beautiful light passed
through a window of a luxury condominium, creating the shadow of two guys in a large
bed was on the wall. The shadow of a guy on top of another. Kengkla was bending down,
opened his mouth until his cuspids appeared then kissed Techno’s neck.


The reflection that looked like a vampire drinking from his prey, but this handsome
vampire was trilling down that neck, tasting the sweet mixture of the body odor and
sweat. It wasn’t a bad smell at all, in contrast, it was delicious that Kengkla wanted to
bite that neck.


He didn’t just think about it because his sharp teeth bite that neck gently, gliding,
blowing and licking. Kengkla kept creating kiss marks on that neck. He enjoyed doing it
so while slipping his hand under Techno’s bright polo shirt.
That action made the prey wake up.

“Um… what?” 
Techno murmured while trying to sweep off the insect in his shirt before opening his eyes
slowly, upset that someone disturbed his sleep but…


When Techno saw the black hair at his neck, he screamed and almost kicked that person,
but then Kengkla looked up and made eye contact with him.

It was the only word Techno could say because he was… trembling.

The sun was almost disappeared, so the room was dark. Techno only saw a shadow of
that tall body on top of him. A part of Kengkla’s face hidden in the dark was… violent
and fierce like a storm.
That face was threatening but attractive at the same time. And those eyes, right in front of
him, full of desires made Techno couldn’t say a word.

Techno almost startled because that hoarse, deep voice was scary. It showed all the
feeling inside of Kengkla.

“Kla… What are you going to do?” 

The tall boy asked tremulously.

“I… I can’t… I can’t bear it.”

Kengkla’s voice was hoarse and quivering, and those eyes were fixing at Techno while
Techno questioned back nervously.

“What…? Do you have headache? I think it’s time take a pill.”



Techno, thinking about escaping, tried to get up but Kengkla grabbed his shoulder and
pushed him on the bed again… with the strength that made Techno’s eyes wide open and
almost bulged out when.


“I can’t bear it.” 

His junior grabbed Techno’s hand and led it to his crotch, which was… rock hard.

Techno was stiff when that big hand forced him to touch the shaft under his pants.
Techno could feel that it was big, hot, and rigid, so he looked back at Kengkla.

“Err… I can help you with my hand.”

Hey! Don’t look at me like that! I’ll help you.

Techno was a bit scared when those eyes burnt brightly as if Kengkla wasn’t satisfied
with the answer. His junior pressed his hand on that hot shaft and it gave goose bumps.
The heat ran to in his lower body. And it seemed that the hot breath turned him on.

“No… I can’t take it anymore, P'… I can’t.” 

However, this sweet kid didn’t comply with him.

Kengkla buried his face at his neck. His hot breath was on his fair skin, sending a sense
of thrilling through his body.
“Let me get inside you.”

“Kla… I think that…”

Kengkla definitely didn’t accept the rejection because he was bending down and closed
Techno’s mouth with a kiss. The sound of rejection was swallowed back. Only the soft
voice slipped through his mouth and it was weaker and weaker until Techno was melting
in the bed.

He’s so fucking good at kissing!

Techno punched Kengkla’s shoulders so many times, but it was weaker and weaker until
he placed both hands on those shoulder instead. Techno opened his mouth and allowed
the hot tongue to come deeper.

The passionate kiss burned Techno while he was trying to kiss back awkwardly.
The clumsy kiss made Kengkla couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Kla… I… can’t breathe…”

Techno tried to protest when Kengkla deepened his kiss, taking more and more without a
break so as he couldn’t take a breath. Kengkla broke off and claimed his lips again,
invading his mouth, thrusting his tongue inside until they were wet.

The fluid smeared on their face, but no one cared. They concentrated on the touch of their
lips and a soft moan caught at their throat.

Right now, the blanket was thrown away to the other side. Kengkla was trying to lift up
Techno’s pajama shirt while distracting him with those kisses until his chest was shown
before him.



Techno moaned and shuddered when those fingers were rubbing and pinching his soft
nipples. Those erect nipples were inviting Kengkla to suck them, and it drove him crazy.

Kengkla didn’t stop kissing while his hands playing with Techno’s chest, caressing,
squeezing and pinching endlessly. Kengkla slowly parted his lips and smiled wickedly

“Kla… no… please… no”

Techno grasped Kengkla’s hair tightly when his tongue was rubbing, biting his soft
nipples, sucking them in his mouth. Kengkla sucked them so hard that Techno arched his
body from the bed while both hands still in Kengkla’s hair. Tehno was turned on, and his
eyes were now full of emotion.

I never knew how good it is when nipples were sucked.

“Kla… no… It turns me on.”

But his brother’s friend didn’t listen to him because…


“No… no…”

That big hand moved to touch his sensitive shaft, rubbing it gently and sending a thrill
throughout Techno’s body. Techno grabbed a pillow, his feet gripping the bed and…
Kengkla pulled down Techno’s boxers and his pants at the same time, leaving Techno’s
eyes wide open.

“Kla… don’t… ahhh”

The tall boy tried to close his mouth when he let that strange moaning sound out.

His voice was full of lust, feeling, and emotion. When that big hand touched his shaft,
stroking it gently,

“You can’t hold it too, right?”

Kengkla whispered while those keen eyes were looking at the fair-colored shaft that had
never been used before. He licked his lips and…



Techno couldn’t think of anything right now when those hot lips touched his shaft and
welcomed it in. The shivers attacked Techno until he arched and twisted himself with the
feeling. Techno moved his hands to grab the sheet tightly, enjoying the pleasure Kengkla
gave him.
The action which made Kengkla smile secretly even when his member was engorged.
While Techno was still lost in his feeling, Kengkla spread his legs apart and reached
under the pillow, pulling out a tube of lubricant.

I plan everything, that’s why it’s here!

Kengkla was still sucking the hot shaft so hard while opening the lubricant, squeezing it
in his hand and…

“Kla! No… get it out!”

When Kengkla’s finger disappeared in his butthole, Techno screamed, trying to push his
junior out, so Kengkla had to loop up and found…

Damn! I can’t hold it!

The picture of his friend’s brother with watery eyes, that wary face as if Techno was
about to cry, those red cheeks, the trembling lips, and the shivering skin, it made Kengkla
wanted to tease him more. Those trembling lips drove Kengkla crazy, and he couldn’t
help kissing them. Kengkla comforted him with a whisper despiting his need.

“Techno, may I?”

He asked for permission with a sweet voice, so Techno replied nervously,

“Kla, I’m scared.”

Right now, Techno cared for nothing, but he was afraid, Kengkla smiled and kissed him

“Trust me.”


“Please, trust me.”


“Ahhh… please… don’t do that… ahh…”

Kengkla didn’t wait for an answer. He put his finger deeper and moved it gently, panting
heavily when that finger was playing in his body. Kengkla felt Techno’s butthole was
eating his finger, closing around him tighter, repeatedly twitching until Kengkla gnashed
his teeth tightly.

However, Kengkla was so calm enough to insert more finger, two and three while licking
and sucking those nipples until…


Kengkla’s fingers hit the soft-touch inside that made Techno growl loudly, his feet
gripping the messy sheets. It was Kengkla’s turn now.


Kengkla, with more experiences, spread Techno’s legs wider, pulled his fingers out-
While Techno was still off guard, Kengkla…


“Kla… ahh… Kla… it’s hot… hot…”

Techno threw himself to hug Kengkla tightly when that hot shaft was thrusting deeper in
him. It was tight at first, but after that, it was so good. When the hot shaft went deeper in
his body, Techno felt like he was about to explode.

“Your butthole is eating me P'… Ahh!”

Kengkla whispered with a hoarse voice and clenched his teeth tightly when that hole was
squeezing his hot shaft crazily.

Kengkla thrust his shaft in one more time, it made Techno startle and looked up…
After that, Kengkla pulled his shaft out and in back again.

“Kla! It’s… so good… it’s good.” 

Moaned Techno.

When the head of Kengkla’s shaft touched that stop, the wave of shivers ran throughout
Techno’s body. With his hand all over Kengkla’s board back, Techno arched his hips
when Kengkla thrust himself harder and faster, giving more pleasure.

“It’s good… P'… so good!” 

Kengkla grabbed those legs and place them on his shoulder, then, hammered his shaft
into Techno.
Right now, Techno, stopped protesting, instead he arched his body to take Kla’s shaft as
deep as he could.

“Yes, harder... Kla… harder… it’s… ahh…”

Techno shook his head. His face was twisted with list when that hot shaft was pounding
into him.


In the large bedroom, now, there was only the sound of moaning lust and obscene
sucking noise. They were soaked with their sweat. The sound of their bodies slamming
with each other became louder. It was as if they were on fire.

Bed cracking.

Kengkla was still pounding his shaft heavily until the bed made a squeaky sound while
Techno, already lost himself and forgot everything, only wanted those fiery kisses to ease
the heat.

They were hugging and squeezing themselves with each other until…

“Kla… I’m coming… Kla… Kla… harder…”

The request made Kengkla grab Techno’s shaft and stroked it with the same rhythm of
his thrusts. Techno closed his eyes tightly, grasping the pillow when the ecstasy rose up,
higher and higher until it exploded, releasing thick fluid on his tummy.

“Hack… hack… hack…”

Techno gasped to breath but didn’t let go of Kengkla who hugged him tightly. Techno
bounced his hip every time he felt the thick rock-hard shaft thrusting in him until he
shuddered because…


The hot milky fluid released in him off-guard.

After that, Kengkla, who just reached his orgasm, threw himself to hug Techno tightly,
and put his head on Techno’s neck, panting heavily as Techno closed his etes tightly.

He’s still inside me!

This thought didn’t make him feel bad, on the other hand, it was too good to explain.
“P'...  P' ”

A moment ago, he was like a dog in heat, but now he is like a puppy.

Techno wanted to scold his junior, but when he heard the sweet voice of Kengkla who
was still in his body, rubbing his head on his neck, Techno’s heart trembled. Techno
could only rub Kengkla’s back and shoulder gently when he realized that he did have sex
with a guy… he really did.

“P', did I do a good job?”

So good that I almost die!

The big kid asked hesitatingly as if it was his second time, and he wanted to please his
boyfriend. Techno wanted to cover his face because it was so good that he was ashamed
to express his feeling. However, Techno thought he was older, so he held his breathe and

“It was good.”

“Really? It was good, right?” 

Kengkla looked up with his eyes wide open, so Techno nodded and tried to look away
because… his face was so hot.


The action that made the person who was looking at him bend over to kiss and nuzzle
Techno’s cheek while he closed his eyes tightly.

Don’t do this! I’m going to die now!

It was that Techno thought, but he, still lying there, didn’t ask kengkla to stop, so he
never saw the expression of Kengkla, which was satisfaction.

Just now, Techno was so lovely. No matter what I moved or hammered him, he went
with it. The blushing face, shaking lips and sweet moaning sound. Just the thought about
it… turns me on again. What should I do?

It was the thought of Kengkla who was smiling wickedly but begged with a sweet tone,

“Can I try one more time?”


Techno’s eyes were wide open while crying loudly because he was still tired. But when
their eyes met…

“I just want to make sure that… you are mine.”


Your words are sweet… but why your baby is moving?

Techno’s face was hot when he felt something inside him was bigger and started moving
again so Techno closed his eyes, biting his mouth and nodding.

“Do whatever you want.”

The permission made Kengkla satisfied before they kissed again, and this time it was so
passionate that Techno almost fainted on Kengkla’s chest.

Techno only could think that…

Type, I understand now why you’re okay having a boyfriend. If it’s this good, I’m okay
“Kla, will you really date me?”

“Why are you asking me this?”

Shortly after their activity, Techno and Kengkla were still lying in bed, hugging each
other while Techno was looking at the other wearily; however, Kengkla put one hand on
Techno’s shoulder while the other was poking No’s check and shoulder happily so that
Techno had to ask…

“Are you sure about this?”

The question stopped Kengkla, who looked at him and asked angrily while Techno forced
a smile.

“I’m not a girl.”

“Sure! I already prove it many times.”

Techno couldn’t smile and felt a hot flash on his face, so he wanted to cover his face
while Kengkla, still indifferent spoke happily.

“I like it this way. You really drive me crazy.” 

Kengkla whispered while trying to touch Techno’s shaft again, so Techno held that arm

“Hey, can we talk first?”

“After finished talking, can we…”

Kengkla’s eyes shone brightly so Techno couldn’t help thinking that Kengkla was more

“No, Kla. I can’t do it. I’m so tired, and I have a waist pain now.” 
Techno replied wearily because he didn’t want Kengkla to feel bad. Kengkla smiled and
kissed his cheek.

“Okay. Maybe another time.”

Why do I think that I must be tired again?

Techno smiled dryly but came back to the same topic.

“But I’m not handsome.”

“But you’re lovely” 

Kengkla replied immediately, and it made Techno nervous.

Techno was sure that he couldn’t win any girl so he never imagined that there would be a
handsome guy hitting on him.

“I’m good at nothing.”

“But you’re the best for me.”


Fuck! Do you want me to die because of embarrassment?

Techno pursed his lips tightly to hide his shyness on his face. He began to understand
why his best friend, who was so manly, always turned red when he was with Tharn. He
really did understand. If his boyfriend was honey-tongued, of course, he couldn’t resist it.
“Kla, I think you’re shameless.”

“I’m shameless when it comes to loving you” 

Said Kengkla before giving an innocent smile again.

As a person who was loved, Techno began to understand the feeling of a girl cuddling on
a man chest because it was what he did right now.

At first, he thought that it would be disgusting if a guy did this, but when he saw
Kengkla’s eyes, he felt that he was so adorable. He might be ugly in other’s eyes, but if
he were lovely and cute in his boyfriend’s eyes, he would do it.

It was the thought of the person who kept snuggling his head on his boyfriend’s chest,
and it made Kengkla smile broadly and couldn’t help kissing that cheek but…
Stomach Rumbling.


Techno hadn’t eaten anything since this morning, so his stomach was rumbling. The
sound stunned both of them, and it was the younger one who laughed.

“It seems you’re hungry. So I’ll order some food for both of us?” 
Kengkla who already ate a bowl of porridge suggested, and it reminded Techno that

“Kla, you’re still sick.”


Kengkla who pretended to be sick already forgot his excuse so his hands that were about
to throw the blanket away stopped. However, this was Kengkla, so he smiled and bent
over to whispered in Techno’s ear.

“Someone says that he faked it while Techno was still embarrassed with those words and
cuddled under the blanket as if he was naïve girl.”

“You jerk. You injected me. You didn’t have an injection!”

Techno mumbled softly. His heart was also melting softly, especially when he thought of
the face of Kengkla when pounding into him and when he had an orgasm… it was so

If I think that he’s so sexy, then I should admit that I’m really his boyfriend.
As a person who always accepted everything around him so quickly, Techno told himself
that… let’s go with the flow!
I said ‘let’s go with the flow’, but it doesn’t mean that he has to feed me like this!

After showering (which took Techno a while to clean all the fluid inside.) and changing
his clothes, Techno sat on a couch with the room owner and a box of pan crust pizza in
front of them.

But Techno who was hungry couldn’t eat by himself because…

“Try this.”

“I can eat it by myself.”

“You already fed me, so it’s my turn to feed you now.”

Kengkla gave an innocent smile, so the person who could use his own hands just opened
his mouth to take a big bite of pizza.

Techno was shy because of Kengkla’s eyes that were on him.

“You’re so cute.”

Cute? What the fuck!

Actually, Techno wanted to yell at Kengkla, but he was too shy with those eyes. The way
Techno ate by taking a big bite made Kengkla smile then he wiped ketchup on Techno’s
lips. Techno understood now why girls loved to read novels; the way the main actor
licking his finger after wiping the main actress’s lips was so right.

The picture of Kengkla licking his finger and those keen eyes that were looking at him
made Techno try to avoid those eyes.

You’re too handsome, Kla!

“No one has ever seen you like this, right?”

Kengkla abruptly asked, put the pizza down, and came closer.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, no one ever seen your face turns red like this?” 
Knegkla touched his cheek and moved to his eyes.
“The trembling eyes like these or the shivering lips like these… no one has ever seen it,
right? Even your teammates.”
Kengkla didn’t just ask but looked at each part meaningfully so the former football
captain who used to kick his teammates in the field shook his head so hard.

“No, never.”

If I do that in front of them, those ‘dear junior’ will make fun of me all year!

Techno who couldn’t stand if his teammates saw him now didn’t feel shy in front of
Kengkla… maybe because this kid was more special than others… and Kengkla won’t
make fun of him for sure.

“So… I’ll be the only who sees it, right?”

The question made Techno raise his eyes.

“U… Umm… Who will see it? If they see me like this, they’ll say I’m ugly, anyway”
Techno was trying to make it funny, but Kengkla kept staring at him, tipped his chin up a
bit and said with a hoarse voice.

“I don’t care what others think about you. For me, you’re the cutest.”

You can just cut my heart out right ow.

Techno who already fell for his junior was melting, willing to receive a kiss when
Kengkla bent down and pressed those lips on his until Techno lied down on the couch
couldn’t help thinking…

Is he really good at it, or am I inexperienced?

In the end, the person who said that he had a waist pain was given another injection, and
his only thought was…

I give up. I really surrender to Kengkla.

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