Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 : The moment Type found out

“Calm down. Drink some water.”

“Boohoo… boohoo… boohoo… “

Now, the atmosphere in the room of a couple Tharn and Type, wasn’t pleasant, since the
former football captain, who intended to win the match on university sports day, was
crying so hard that his shoulders were shaking.

Tears were falling down his cheeks, and it made his face change from average to worse.
At this moment, his two friends didn’t say anything, but they just looked at each other.

Type never saw Techno cry except for the last year when he couldn’t lead his team to the
semi-final round of the tournament like he had dreamed since he was a freshman. At that
time, Techno comforted and encouraged his teammates, but no one knew how hurt he
was, except him who was his best friend.

Techno wouldn’t let anyone see him cry, but after they went back to the university and
everyone left, when there were only Techno, Type and Champ who were in the same
team since freshman year, Techno burst into tears, yelling because of his disappointment
over his defeat and because his dream was shattered.

It was the only time his southern guy saw his friend cry, and today he saw it again.

However, this time was worse than last time… last time he just cried, shouted and yelled
at his competitor and it ended there. Then, Techno was back as a though guy whom his
teammates trusted. This time was so different. His reliable friend was crying like crazy
without caring about anyone else. Techno just kept saying…

“It hurts Type… it really hurts… I’m so fucking hurt…”

Tears kept falling down his cheeks as Type who was looking at him sighed and offered
him tissue paper but… he didn’t take it.

“Boohoo… boohoo… it hurts so fucking much.”

Techno still sat on the couch, placing his elbows on his knees and hiding his head in his
hands. His hands were getting wet but Techno couldn’t stop crying. The more he thought
of Kengkla’s words which were all lies, the more his heart hurts… and it was unbearable.

It was hurting so much that he couldn’t say anything.

It was hurting so much that…


“Ouch! Hey! Why did you hit me?”

Before Techno could lament further, Type’s hand hit his head so hard that he had to turn
back and look at his friend who was rubbing his hands. Type looked at Techno in the
eyes and smiled ruthlessly, even his boyfriend couldn’t do anything, so Tharn smiled
dryly like he wanted to apologize to Techno.


“N… n…”
Techno wanted to say no because he wanted to cry more, but when he looked at this
friend’s eyes, the person who already cried a river shut his mouth and looked down.

It seemed that the pain in his head made his tears go away, so Type offered him a tissue

“Wipe your face right now!”

“Thank… you.”

I swear I’m never afraid of you since the freshman until now… I really am.

Techno, who was never afraid of his best friend took the tissue paper and wiped his face
but couldn’t make eye contact with his friend who was standing over him. Techno felt
like his friend was going to kill him.

“Have you cried enough?”

“If I say no…”

“I’ll hit you again”


If it were possible, Techno would yell at his friend that ‘Fuck, you are so mean’ but he
couldn’t do so because of those eyes. Those dark eyes of Type who used to be hot-
tempered even though he had more patience now.
However, if Type didn’t want to, he would be impatient and hot-tempered again so
Techno said with a hoarse voice.

“I’ll stop crying now.”

I’m not scared of him, really not.

It seemed that Type accepted this answer because he smiled, grabbed a glass from Tharn
and put it in Techno’s hand.

“Drink it!” 
Type ordered.

Techno drank it as he didn’t want to be killed. Type nodded satisfyingly and took the
empty glass from him while the person who was just heartbroken looked at him uneasily.
Techno didn’t care if his snot almost flowed down into his mouth. Then, Type asked him.

“Do you feel better now?”


Techno turned back and looked appreciatively at his hot-tempered friend…

“Are you worried about me?”

“Don’t be stupid! You’re my friend, so of course, I’m worried about you.”

Type was a bigmouth who didn’t act like it when he was with his junior, but for his best
friend, he was always the same. Techno wanted to smile but he couldn’t. At least, he
felt  better because he knew his friend still cared about him, and he still had a shelter.

The expression in Techno’s eyes made the southern guy sighed deeply, and patted his
shoulder so hard.

“You’re my friend, Techno. If I don’t care for you, then who should I care? I care about
you like you care about me.”

Techno wanted to keep looking appreciatively at his friend, but Type put a tissue paper
on his face.

“Just wipe your tears! It looks terrible!”

Techno did as his friend said while Type glanced at his boyfriend, a bit relieved that
Techno stopped crying so they could talk and find out why Techno cried.

Type waited until those tears were dried, only the heavy breath was left, then he started.

“So, what’s going on? You said someone fooled you… is it Kengkla?”

“Hey! How do you know that?”

Techno who hadn’t said anything yet opened his eyes widely, looking at his best friend
who hit his own forehead with his hand and murmured.

“I knew it!” 
Then Type turned back to Tharn.

“I told you! That kid wants Techno. His eyes were like yours when you want to drag me
to your bed.” Type.

“Type! I never make it that obvious.” 

His mixed-race boyfriend shook his head, trying to make an excuse, so Type bared his
teeth and confirmed.

“Believe me! They are the same!”

Then, Type turned back to his best friend.

“How long have you been hooking up with him?”

Actually, Techno wanted to ask how his friend knew because Type just met Kengkla the
day they went to the mall together. But when Techno saw his friend’s face plus Tharn
saying nothing, Techno thought that he should tell Type everything… because he could
help him solve his problem.

“A month and a half.”

“A month and a half?”

Type was smart enough to connect the dot quickly. He narrowed his eyes because a
month and a half…

“The day we drank together?”

After Techno answered, Type widened his eyes as if he couldn’t believe it, but he said
nothing, just rubbing his head so hard and murmured.

“I went out of my way to drive you home. I waited until you got inside your house and
still weren’t safe. Why is this society so cruel? To an ugly guy like Techno…”

Actually, Techno wanted to protest that there was a kid who lied to get an ugly guy like
him, but when he thought about the word ‘lied’ he was sad again.

“Stop! If you cry again, I’ll kick you out!”

Techno was silent, looking at the southern guy who was the strongest since the very first

When Type had a problem with Tharn, it was so severe that they broke up once, but he
never saw Type cry. Type was just so determined to get Tharn back. At that time, Techno
really respected him because he not only solved his boyfriend’s problems but also
problems of people involved with their relationship. So, if someone could help him, it
was Type.

“So, what happened?” 

Tharn asked calmly as Techno looked down.

“That night, I was drunk, and I went to my brother room. Kengkla was there so… we had

“It seemed like you started it.”

Type couldn’t help offering his opinion so Techno who thought he wasn’t stupid agreed.

“That’s right! So I believed that I started it and molested him. I had to be his boyfriend
because I took his virginity.”

Techno who thought he wasn’t stupid explained but Type, who was listening, shook his

“There’s no way he was a virgin! With that face? You’re fooled.”

Techno was shocked while his friend began to analyze the situation.
“A guy with that look was virgin? I don’t buy it. Look at Tharn’s face. He had his first
when he was fourteen. When he met me, eighteen, he was so good at it. Now, look at
Kengkla’s face, I can tell you that he must sleep with more than ten girls, maybe twenty. I
think he had sex since he was thirteen or fourteen.”

That argument made Techno continued his story, one by one.

This graduate student asked Techno to describe every detail he remembered, and when
looking from Type’s point of view, it was a different story.

‘The red frame in his room? Are you nuts? It was so obvious that he wanted you to see

‘He was sick, but he had sex with you? Fuck him! If you have a high fever, will you think
about having sex? When I was sick, Tharn wouldn’t do it. When Tharn was sick, I
needed to send him to the hospital. No one thinks about having sex!’

‘He called you that his parents were getting a divorce on the day you had a trip? What a

‘His mom showed up, and you still trusted him? Why didn’t you talk to his mom? I think
the reason his mom didn’t surprise when she saw you in her son’s room was that he took
a guy to his room before, so his mom is already used to it!’

It seemed that everything was upside down, so Techno was stunned.

“That day, I felt weird when I looked at his face. The way he looked at us wasn’t
friendly. The way he touched you and came close to you, it was like he wanted to show
that he owned you. But I wasn’t surprised that you couldn’t see it. When Tharn
mollycoddled me, and I scolded him, you never noticed it. You asked me why I scolded

Sometimes, Techno wondered why Type had to scold Tharn, and now he understood.
Tharn always tried to please his boyfriend, but Type knew what he was up to.

“It means that I have been tricked all the time?”

Techno finally got the conclusion so he turned increasingly pale and when he looked at
Tharn, he got a nod to confirm it.

“That day, I saw the way he looked at you, it said that he cherished you.” Type.

“You made it look good, but I thought he acted like a dog in the manger.” Techno.
Type snarled so Tharn who was calmer asked.

“The kid did lie to you, Techno. But are you sure that he doesn’t love you?”


The question that couldn’t answer but…

“I don’t know”

Right now, Techno knew nothing. He just looked at his feet, and it was like he was going
to cry again. Type sighed deeply, patted his friend’s shoulder to comfort him.

“Do you love him?”

Techno was stunned. His shoulders were tensed while squeezing both hands. Techno
closed his eyes as if he didn’t want to accept the truth; the truth that he already fell for

He already gave his heart to Kengkla, but it turned out that this love was just a lie for
him. However, Techno knew it for sure.

“Yes, I love him. I love him so much.”

Yes, he really loved him.

That was why he left everything and rushed to see him. Techno loved him, so it was
really hurting. It seemed that his answer wasn’t quite unexpected because Type nodded
slowly, thinking about how to solve this problem.

The point was… when Type turned to look at his friend.

Techno wasn’t handsome, but he was so nice. He always helped him when he had a
problem. Everyone loved and respected Techno, but no one thought of him more than a
senior, a friend, or a junior.

Techno was just Techno for everyone around him. Type used to believe that, it was
because Techno never really liked someone.

When Techno got rejected, he would be sad for two days then he forgot it and went back
to play football. That was who Techno really was. If that girl said no, he wouldn’t pester
which meant he didn’t really like her. So, no one went along with him or took him
But this kid…

As an outsider, Kengkla was rich; he had his own car; he had everything waiting for him
so he could flirt with anyone. All the girls wanted to throw themselves at him so he could
choose whoever he wanted! Besides, Techno wasn’t that cute.

If Kengkla wanted to sleep with a guy, he could find a cute or lovely one. And if he liked
someone with muscles, the same way Tharn liked him… no, Techno didn’t have muscles.

To be honest, Techno wasn’t that attractive to both girls and guys so why someone tried
to make up those stories just to get him?

If Kengkla only wanted sex… it should end that night. No, Kengkla didn’t just want sex
and dumped his friend. After Type listened to his friend’s story, he thought that Kengkla
planned everything. Would a well- organized person just want to fool Techno?

No way!
Kengkla doesn’t want only Techno’s body, but he wants Techno to fall for him.

Type was always like this. When he was calm, he can read people like a pro. Several
years ago, he had experience with someone really good at acting, so he needed to step up
his game. After that, Type was very observant because he didn’t want to be fooled again.
Thus, for Type, Kengkla really loved Techno.

Should I tell Techno?

Type was thinking while looking at his friend who sat there hopelessly then he smiled.

That smile made Tharn shake his head because he knew that… Type had some ideas

“What if he apologizes? What are you gonna do?”

“I… I don’t know.” 

Techno answered desperately while his friend smiled.

“What if he really loves you? What are you gonna do?”

“No way!” 
Techno denied loudly.

He looked up and continued his disbelief.

“Will you lie to a person you love like this, Type? He fools me. He lies about everything.
He never tells me the truth. He just wanted sex from me!”

Techno, if he just wanted sex, he won’t have to go this far. But it’s good if you believe

The southern guy nodded, looking at his furious friend and asked.

“What if he really loves you?”

“But, he lied” 
This time Techno replied softly, but his eyes were full of hope, so Type really wanted to
hit his friend’s head.

His friend was fooled by that kid, and he would just forgive when that kid said he loved

It was the thought of Type who gave an evil smile and went on.

“I don’t know whether he loves you or not. But, think about it, you’re fooled so if he says
he loves you and believe him, then you’re an idiot. He can say anything he wants. If you
can’t prove it, you’ll never know if he really loves you! Well, in case he tries to make up
with you, he may just want to make up and continues having sex with you, who knows?
But, my friend won’t want to be fooled, again and again, right?”

After Type finished, he smiled like an angel while Techno was silent.

So, can I believe Kengkla again?

“What should I do?”

That question made Type smile broadly… the smile that was eviler than Kengkla’s smile,
far worse anyone could imagine.

You dare to fool my friend, so let’s see where this goes!



‘You have to be strong. Don’t be softhearted. Don’t believe what he says until he proves

What his friend said was echoing in his head since he left their room until he rode his
bike and arrived home. When Techno saw that luxury car still parking in front of his
house, he knew that it meant the person he had to talk with was still waiting for him in
front of his house.

Sitting in front of the house in a suburb, it wasn’t different from donating your blood at
some point.

Kengkla stood up quickly like he was waiting for him.

That kid came closer, so Techno saw some mosquito bites on his arms and neck. Techno
felt pity for him.

If he acts like a pitiful kid, don’t fall for it.

Suddenly, his friend’s words popped up in his head, so Techno looked at Kengkla
angrily, shaking his head and walking away.


“P'no, please listen to me.”

Techno told himself that when Kengkla led to him, so he couldn’t trust him – once bitten,
twice shy. Techno shook those hands off him He didn’t even look at Kengkla because
Type told him not to go easy on Kengkla when that kid looked sad.

More over, when Techno was calm down, he also wanted to listen to his explanation, but
Type said that Kengkla would lie again.

The former team captain who always trusted his consultant told himself so he couldn’t
see those eyes full of worry, regret, and guilt. Techno just looked at his feet and forced a
pitiful smile for himself.

How can I believe him for months?

“P'no, listen to me. Please listen to me. I really love you P'. I did everything because I
love you…”


“People who is in love just lie to each other like this, Kla?”

When Kengkla anxiously tried to explain, Techno became angry. He pushed Kengkla’s
chest so hard and bawled at him. Kengkla was stunned.

He never saw Techno so angry like this before, but he deserves it.

“Let me ask you something. Will people who are in love fool each other like this? Will
they lie like this? Do you know how much I worry about you? Now, I want it all back!”

Techno yelled angrily and wouldn’t trust Kengkla anymore. He wouldn’t believe what
Kengkla said anymore.

Kengkla lied to him about everything. Type also suggested that if Kengkla said he loved
him, how could Techno believe Kengkla?!

“P'no, I love you, I really do. I did everything because I love you!”

Kengkla tried to confess his feelings, expecting Techno would listen to him, but now
Techno wouldn’t listen and pushed his chest so hard that Kengkla was tottering back.

“I don’t believe you.”

“What can I do to make you believe me P'?”

The fact that Techno didn’t believe him unbelievably hurt Kengkla, the liar. This was the
feeling when his beloved one didn’t trust him, and he was the one who made it that way.
It was Kengkla himself who made Techno, a person who smiled easily, has this painful
look on his face.

Kengkla now understand when people said, ‘If our beloved one was hurt, it hurt us more.’
And he also realized how much pain Techno felt when he saw him cry.

If he knew it would hurt Techno like this, he wouldn’t do it in the first place. No, he
might still do it but not this much,
Techno was looking into Kengkla’s eyes and defied,.

“Prove it!”

Techno growled.

“Prove your love to me!”

Now, Techno who kept avoiding eye contact, looked into Kengkla’s eyes and insisted

“Make a fool like me to believe that you really love me. You’re really good at making me
believe you so just make me believe that you love me, you can do it, right?”

Although those were simple words, they hurt Kengkla so much.

It hurts because, for Techno, he was a liar and no matter what he tried to explain, Techno
still thought that he lied.

“If you can’t prove it, don’t come back again!”

That was right. This was the way it should be. If he didn’t love Kengkla, Techno would
just laugh and let it end there even though he lied to him or they already had sex.

Because Techno really loved him, he couldn’t forgive him for what he had done.

Hump and dump wouldn’t hurt like a lie that you love me.

Type told him that if Kengkla couldn’t prove his love, he shouldn’t reconcile with him.

“That’s it. You can do it, right?”

Techno wasn’t softhearted anymore.

He would be hardhearted as his friend said.

Techno already left but Kengkla was still there. Although Kengkla could make everyone
believe his words, he didn’t know why he had no clue about what to do. He didn’t know
how to prove his sincere love to Techno.

“I really love you, P'. I really do.”

Now, sly Kengkla was totally hopeless.


“Actually, you just had to tell Techno to talk with that kid then everything is fine.”

Tharn, listening to his boyfriend talking to his friend for an hour, mentioned to Type who
was preparing their dinner. However, Type turned back and looked at him with serious
and angry eyes.

“But he won’t regret his action.”

Tharn couldn’t help but get shivers down his back because when Type took something
serious, no one could stop him.

“If Techno just make up with that kid easily, Kengkla will take him for granted. If I don’t
make him regret his action and never want to lie again, he will think that he can do
anything because Techno will just get back to him anyway. If you want them to stay
together forever, you have to make that kid ‘stop lying’ for good. And, one more
Type explained in details until he stopped and smiled at his boyfriend.

“I’m so upset! They can fuck but have no luck to solve their own problem, so they need
my help. Of course, I can help, but it’s just a bit tough. That’s all.”

Those words made Tharn think about his own story several years ago, so he stood up to
hug Type’s waist while Type almost hit his boyfriend’s head, but Tharn cooed with his
deep voice.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be that stupid back then.” Tharn.

“Be smart, Tharn. Your boyfriend is smart, so you have to be smart too.” 
Said Type.

Then, he realized something as his eyes became so bright that Tharn who was hugging
him could notice.

“What are you thinking about now?”

Type smiled ruthlessly while speaking in a merciless tone.

“I forget that there is one more person who hurt my friend… Technic.”

Right now, if Technic suddenly felt the chills run up his back, it was because Type was
laughing and clearly decided.
“You hurt my friend, it’s time to pay back.”

Tharn didn’t dare to say anything because he was in the situation that he had no choice
but to accept it like this before.

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