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Two months later…

“Well… well… well”

The sky was still dark at the crack of dawn while the light on the computer screen
reflected the fierce face of a guy, sitting in the dark shadow. Kengkla was smiling,
showing his cuspid. He laughed dreadfully while looking at… his grades this semester.

A  A  B+ B  A  A  B+

is grades were excellent. Although Kengkla didn’t get straight A, it was already
outstanding. Considering that Kengkla had a problem in this semester, and he had almost
a month of depression, he still did his good job maintaining the good grades.

Of course, he worked harder at the end of this semester because of his…. Reward.

The reward that he asked from Techno when they started dating. Although there was a
problem and they almost broke up, Kengkla did remember what he asked for, and Techno
already granted it.

“Today, I can have him.”

The cunning guy who already shaped up and once became a depressed guy now turned
into a fox again. Kengkla was looking at Techno who was sleeping under the blanket
after he was weary from work and sneaking out to play football with his friend until late
at night.

But Kengkla couldn’t say anything or scold Techno because… he wanted to act as a good
kid, so Techno completely trusted him.

It didn’t mean that Kengkla would manipulate Techno again because after they talked,
Techno said Kengkla could do anything he wanted, just didn’t lie him about important
matter. The point was… they hadn’t had sex for two weeks.

Techno said he had been busy recently so weekdays… pass.

Techno said that he had to hang out with his university friends so last Saturday… pass.
Techno said that he had to hang out with his football teammates so that last Sunday…

And today was Saturday again, and it did mean…

“I can spend two days and one night with him.”

Kengkla told himself, licking his lips while printing his record as evidence to plead with
his dear Techno. And now he was waiting for… him to wake up.

“Today, I have a plan with Type. Why?”


“No… nothing.”

In the morning, Kengkla prepared a big breakfast for Techno as he wanted to feed his
boyfriend, ready to be eaten by him. However, Techno came out of the room, dressed up,
preparing himself to go out, so Kengkla asked him with disappointment in his eyes.
Kengkla was more disappointed when he heard the name of… Type.

The person who convinced Techno to rebel against him.

Now, Kengkla already knew why Techno didn’t talk to him since the day he knew the
truth and Kengkla had to suffer for a full month. Everything was a result of Type’s ability
to read Kengkla thoroughly and his plan to revenge him. It was lucky that Techno was
softhearted, so he cut 15 days off.

But I’m so angry, really furious at him. If it’s possible I want Techno to cut his friend out
of his life but…

“Type is moving to Tharn’s father condo, so he asked me to help him move. Me ‘best
friend’ needs help, how could I not?”

Kengkla stressed the word ‘best friend’. After what happened, Techno seemed to believe
his friend more than before.
‘Type owes me. I help him many times, so he helps me’

Techno clearly expressed high confidence in his friend, Kengkla met Type, he was upset
with those eyes that seemed to know what he was up to. No matter what he did, Type
could read him. Even today Type didn’t know what Kengkla would do, he just asked
Techno to help him.

“So, I’ll go with you.”

“Type said that you don’t need to go. Just our friends are enough.”

He blocked me every way!

Kengkla ground his teeth, but he abruptly smiled when Techno turned to him.

“Is something up with you?”

“No, nothing.”

If I tell him now, he’ll be suspicious of me.

The person who already shaped up but was still tricky with his boyfriend replied while
watching his dear boyfriend washing the dishes with sad eyes. Kengkla wanted to ask
Techno to stay, but if he pretended to be sick now, Techno would kick him for sure.

The gesture like a sad puppy made Techno who was about to leave turned back and
decided to walk back to him.


“Yes… !!!”

The person trying to accept the truth that he wouldn’t spend time with Techno today was
shocked when those warm lips pressing on his lips, sucking them before breaking off.

“I’m sorry that I can’t be with you today. Tomorrow, I promise.”

That was all he needed. The sly wolf smiled happily and turned into a good kid
immediately. It made Techno happy too, so he left the room without noticing those
bright, keen eyes and self-satisfied smile on Kengkla’s face. Kengkla knew that
tomorrow would be his day.

“If it’s just a normal reward, it’s not worth it.”

Now, Kengkla needed to think carefully… If he asked for one position, he would get one.
If he asked for one round, it wouldn’t be different. Was there any way he could get
something special and unforgettable? Then, the effective plan popped up in his head…
the one he used when he tricked his friend’s brother to be his boyfriend!

“I know what I should ask for now.”

It was the wicked thought of Kengkla who got up to prepare his plan.

After helping Type to move and hanging out with his friends, Techno went back to his
boyfriend’s place around 10 pm. Techno still felt guilty because recently, he had to admit
that he had no time for his boyfriend, and sometimes he could feel that Kengkla was so

In case that Techno knew the difference between lonely and horny.

“Kla, I’m back.”

“P' I’m here.” 

Kengkla’s voice from the kitchen made Techno walk to him.

Techno found Kengkla drinking with his iPad, so he sat next to him, bending over to see
the action movie on the screen. Then Techno looked at Kengkla.

“What’s with the face?”

“I’m hurt P'.”

Again, the face that made Techno feel guilty. However, Techno was immune to it now,
so he pushed Kengkla’s head gently.

“You don’t need to sulk. I just went to see my friend… What do you want from me?”
Lately, Techno seemed to see through his trick, so Kengkla smiled broadly, pulling out
the paper, which he prepared in the morning, under his iPad and handling it to Techno.
Techno looked at it before he opened his eyes widely.

“Wow! That’s good. You’ve done a great job!”

Techno just realized that his boyfriend was excellent.

The excitement of Techno who grabbed the paper immediately made Kengkla smile. He
had to admit that Techno was so lovely while fixing him a drink. When Techno finished
praising him, his drink was ready.

“My reward… drink with me” 

Kengkla said with a smile showing his cuspid, so Techno was stunned.

Since the night Techno was so drunk, he didn’t want to get drink again because he was
afraid that he would wake up in someone’s bed. After all, an ugly guy like him could
have a handsome boyfriend. Then everything was possible.

“Please, I just want you to celebrate with me.” 

Kengkla smiled innocently, but Techno could see it through.

Now, Techno could read his smile and knew what it meant but…

“Okay. Give it to me.”

Although Techno could sense something, he trusted Kengkla now… Even if his
boyfriend was still tricky somehow, he won’t hurt Techno. Kengkla wrote everything for
him, and Techno kept them as his valuable treasure in the folder.

So, Techno who hadn’t gotten drunk for a while started drinking… and he knew that it
wouldn’t stop at drinking.

Whatever! He is my boyfriend!

Kengkla wasn’t in a rush, so he just talked, fixing a drink and eating some snacks. After a
while, the person who got drunk began to… drop.

“P'no, are you alright?”

“Umm, fine.”

Kengkla put his glass down before gently helping Techno to get up, placing Techno’s
arm on his shoulder. Techno leaned Kengkla, murmuring, and waving that he was okay.
Then, the sly wolf took his boyfriend to the… bedroom while the drunken guy was

“P'no, do you love me?”

“Loveeee, I love you, my honey.”

He was so drunk.

Kengkla, who had been stalking him for three years, knew when Techno got drunk, he
would act like this.

Techno would answer… to every question.

Techno would give… to every request.

So if I ask for difficult positions… it’s not my daydream anymore!!! 

The result of his careful thought was… to make him drunk.


After Kengkla took drunken Techno to his bed, he moved on top of him, looking into
those sweet eyes that made Techno look delicious. Kengkla fondled his face, touching his
smooth cheeks gently.

“How much do you love me P'?”

“I love you the most. Love you too much… much… much.” 
Techno answered with a laugh.

“P'no, if I want to love you so hard, are you okay with that?”

Kengkla asked while unbuttoning Techno’s shirt. Techno looked into his eyes, smiling,
hugging his neck, trying to get up while asking.

The question that Techno asked was so… lustful in Kengkla’s eyes.

I don’t care if anyone thinks Techno is weird. I love him like this!

“Okayyyyy. I’m good. You have your guts?”

Kengkla, who was so smart and brave enough to mess with Techno, whispered back

“Of course, I have.”

The answer made drunken Techno giggle. Techno drawled, which sounded lovely for

“So, c-o-o-m-me o-o-on.”

“Even if you don’t ask, I intend to do it anyway.”

After that, the picture of the first night they had sex went back. But, this time, it was
different because it wasn’t just Kengkla who wanted his friend’s brother, but his friend’s
brother also wanted him too.

So, this time, it wasn’t molesting but making love.

The lovemaking that Techno was willing to give everything to Kengkla, the smart, sly
and crazy guy who was brave enough to mess with him… and Techno only surrendered
his heart to this person, Kengkla.

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