NFT Leveling Up Design

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NFT Rank and Level Up

NFTs increase in rank and level, thus increasing their stats and ultimately their market value,
in order to reward time spent ingame and increase engagement. This feature also adds
interesting decisions for players, to further increase engagement ingame and on a strategic
The main goal for this system is to be a token sink.

Where is it located?
This feature is embedded in the NFTs themselves, Mouse Heroes, Ghost Villains and
Swappables. It is a permanent feature of the NFTs, being carried on when the NFT is traded
or sold.
The level up currency (experience points, or EXP) can be purchased from the developers
through MHT, or gained ingame via Looting on Lock and Load, spending stamina at the
Campfire or playing in Castle Heist.

How does it work

NFTs have a Rank and Level counters, as well as an EXP bar.

Experience Points (EXP) - MVP

EXP can be gained through:
● purchased directly via MHT (MVP)
● looting on Lock and Load (MVP)
● by investing stamina at the campfire (Phase 2)
● playing a match on Castle Heist (Phase 3)
● Players will be punished if they forgot to send NFTs to rest. They lose some or all of
the exp points gathered this way.
● Focus in the stats (hp, spd, atk, def, spc [ability dmg]) and let the farming and
stamina bonus at second

EXP accumulates overtime as the player performs actions that increase the NFT Experience
Points. The player can almost always increase the NFT EXP.
The NFT cannot accrue more EXP if it has reached the max level for that rank.
The NFT cannot accrue more EXP if it has reached max rank.

Levels (MVP)
NFTs go from level 0 to 30. When reaching level 30, the player must buy a rank upgrade.
Upgrading a NFT rank sets its level and EXP to 0.
NFTs cannot gain levels or EXP if they are at their maximum rank.
When NFTs reach level 30, the EXP bar stays full.
Haunted Level // Prestige (MVP) -
Alternative System Names:
1. Evolve
2. Class(Gameplay)
3. Status Up
4. Peasant-Knight-Vassale-Lord-Noble-King
a. ICONS: Small Sword / Chestplate / Chestplate+Sword/ Large Sword
5. Cheeses (from soft to hard) (from price point?) (from aging time?)
a. Milk-Muzzarela-Gorgonzola-Brie-Cheddar-Minas
6. Nobility
a. Marshall, Vassale, Lord, Duke, Marquise, Baron
7. Weapons
a. Claws / Stick / Knife / Quarterstaff / Dagger / Sword / Battle Axe / Pistol /
Sawed-off Shotgun /
8. Castle Objects
a. Book / Encyclopaedia / Bottle / Double Bottle / Chair / King Chair /
Table / Green Sofa / Red Sofa / Bookshelf / Suit of Armour / Fireplace /
Golden Chest
9. Ranks(matchmaking)

Rank Upgrades can only be performed if the NFT is at max level, by spending MHT.
NFTs start at Rank 0, and each rarity has a different Max Rank, being:

Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Common Max
Rare Max
Epic Max
Legendary Max

Ranking up increases the NFT stats. The upgrade must be good enough for the user to
perceive it.
● Lock and Load (MVP):
○ Base Farm
○ Maximum Stamina
● Castle Heist (Phase 3)
○ Movement Speed
○ Attack
○ Damage Reduction
○ Health
○ iFrames
○ Reload Speed
○ Ability Cooldowns
○ Ability Power

Training (Phase 2)
Training is the process of spending stamina at the Campfire to gain EXP in return.
Players send NFTs to train, consuming stamina over time and gaining EXP in return.
There are six standard training slots that provide base rate training.
EXP from training is calculated as a direct proportion of stamina spent training.

Training slots Upgrading (Phase 2)

Players can upgrade their training slots temporarily by renting better training gear with MHT.
Better training equipment has a higher base rate training.
The amount of NFTs training is limited by the amount of training slots a player has.
Training equipment are not NFTs.

Training Equipment (Phase 2)

Training equipment is rented using MHT and becomes available for the player for a fixed
amount of time.
Rented training equipment affects all training slots. Training equipment is available in
different qualities, which affects the overall performance.
There are multiple options of training equipment to choose from:
● Running wheel: Increases EXP gain rate per stamina
● Bench-press: Increases EXP gain rate per stamina and also stamina spend rate
● Yoga mats: Increases EXP gain per stamina but lowers stamina spend rate (overall
increase in EXP gain)


● Redo Inventory Screen/Cards (MVP)
● Campfire: Next to Lock and Load castle. Accessible from the Gameplay or Inventory
Screen. (Phase 2)
● Ingame screen that allows players to use in-game MHT to by EXP (Phase 2)
● DB need to keep a total tracker of EXP gain over the lifetime of the NFT. (MVP)
● Allow players to spend MHT from their in-game wallet to buy EXP (no fees) (Phase
● Business rules for allowing Level Up/Rank on allowing blockchain to execute

● Screen to buy EXP using in-game tokens (MVP)
● Website revamp: show stamina, level and rank (MVP)
Screen to buy EXP using Metamask (Phase 1.5)
● Screen to choose from Metamask/In-game tokens. Show which tokens are being
used. (Phase 2)
● Screen to display leaderboard (Phase 2)

● Send tokens spent ingame to “level-up” wallet for future decisions
● Allow players to spend MHT from their metamask wallet to buy EXP (Phase 2)
● Burn! (See economics burning decisions)

● Reminder: This feature is primarily a Token Sink.
● Balancing models: NFT Levelling Up

● Ranking System (What data do we show from the users)

Ingame UI:
Stats increase per level and rank
NFTs have different stat gains per rarity, and different stats will be affected for each game

NFT stats increase and XP curves equations can be found in NFT Leveling Up Equations
They can also be found as tables in NFT Leveling Up Balancing Sheet

Balancing parameters - Lock and Load

Mouse Hero and Ghost Villain levels affect the following stats:
● Base Farm Rate
● Total Stamina

Balancing parameter sheet: NFT Levelling Up

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