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Bacolod City College

Teacher Education Department

Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100. Taculing Campus

Lesson Plan in English (Grade 10)

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
a. identify the tenses of the verb
b. differentiate the various tenses of verb
c. construct sentences using the tenses of the verb correctly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Tenses of the Verb
References: Skill book in English Grammar and Usage by Eugenio (pages 52-53)
Materials: Laptop, cartolina, placards

III. Learning Activities

A. Elicitation

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Prayer

“Everyone, please stand.” (The students will stand.)

Mr./Ms. ______. Please lead the (The students will pray.)


2. Greetings

“Good morning 10______!” “Good morning, Miss Naneth.”

“Please take your seat.” (The students will sit.)

3. Checking the Attendance

“Class, please check if there are pieces of

paper under your chairs. If there are any, (The students will pick up the trash.)
please pick it up and throw it in the trash
can later.”
“Let me check your attendance. Who is
absent in Row 1? Row 2? Row 3? Row
4? Row 5?”

“Very good, no one is absent.” “None Miss.”

4. Review/ Drill/ Motivation

“How are you today 10_____?”

“Good to hear that. Now, we will have a

very interesting game.”

“Where is the group 1? Group 2? Group “We’re great Miss.”

3? Group 4?”

“This game is called Four Pictures,

Guess the Word.”

“You have to guess the word by using the

pictures that I will show you and the
jumbled letters below it.”

“The leader of the group will raise the

flaglet when he/she already knows the

“The group to win will have a prize.”

“Yes Miss.”
“Are you ready?” (The group leaders raise the flaglets and
(The teachers show the pictures)
“Yes Miss.”
“Did you enjoy the game 10_____?”

“Who are the winners?”

“Okay Miss.”
“Congratulations, you can claim your prize

after our class.”

“To those who didn’t win, you still have

your chance later”

B. Highlighting of Forms

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“From our game a while ago, can you guess what
our lesson is for today?”

“Very good, it is connected with past, present and


“What do you think is our exact topic?” “Miss, tenses of the verb.”

“Very good, _______”

“Our lesson for today is all about the different

tenses of the verb.
“Verbs are words that show action or state of
“Let us first define verb. What is a verb?” being.”
“Very good.”

“Verbs are words that show action while tense is

the form of the verb that shows when the action
takes place.”

“We have three simple tenses of the verb, the

Simple Past Tense, Simple Present Tense and
Simple Future Tense.”

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to talk about a

completed action. It is formed by using the past
form of the verb.

I talked to my father yesterday.
My dog barked a while ago.
She ate with me yesterday.

Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense indicates that an action is

present. Generally, it is used to describe actions
that are factual or habitual- things that occur in
the present but not necessarily happening right
now. It is formed by using the present/base form
of the verb.

It rains a lot in Portland.
I use my bike to get around town.
The program starts at 8:00 am.

Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense indicates that an action is

in the future. It is formed by using the helping
verb will and the base form of the verb.

I will eat lunch with you later.
We will pass the project tomorrow.
The bus will arrive later.

C. Enhancement

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

“Now class, let us have an activity. I need a “Okay, Miss.”

representative from each group.

“I have here some placards. All you have to do is

construct a sentence according to the placard that
I will show you. The first student to raise the
flaglet will answer first. The first to answer
correctly will get the point. The group to have the
greatest number of scores will win. Is that clear?

(The students participate)

(The teacher will show the placards.)
“Yes, Ma’am”
“Did you enjoy the game?” “We are the winners Ma’am”
“Who are the winners this time?”
“Congratulations please claim your prize after our “Okay, Ma’am”

“To those who didn’t win, always remember that “Yes, Ma’am”
joining is winning.”
“Class please seat properly. Bring out a half sheet
of paper because you will have a seatwork.”
(The students answer silently.)
“Please work silently.”
“Not yet Ma’am”
“Are you done?”
(Some students will raise their hands)
“Who are still working? Raise your hand.”

“You still have 2 minutes to answer.”

(The students will pass the papers)
“Times up. Please pass your papers to the center
and then forward.
(The students will copy their assignment.)
“I will check your papers first and I will return it
to you next meeting.”
“None Ma’am”
“Do you have any questions regarding our topic?”

“Bring out your English notebooks and copy your

assignment. You will pass it next meeting.” “None, Ma’am.”
“Do you have any questions regarding our topic?”
“Goodbye Ma’am.”
“That’s all for today. God bless and see you next
meeting. Goodbye class!”

IV. Evaluation

DIRECTION: Underline the verb or the verb phrase in the sentence. Write PS if the sentence is
in the past tense, PR if it is in the present tense and FT if it is in the future tense on the blank
before each number.

____________1. I will serve my famous peanut butter sandwiches.

____________2. I discovered a new variety show last week.

___________3. I added slices of banana to the dessert.

___________4. The sandwiches taste delicious.

___________5. Zackzna will pick up the goods tomorrow.

___________6. I heated the fireplace.

___________7. She sips the juice.

___________8. My mother boils water for me every morning.

___________9. Faye cleaned the yard

___________10. Sky will ride a horse later.

V. Assignment

Write a reflection about the statement below. Make sure the correct verb tenses in constructing
your sentences.

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

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