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n Will GHG regulations be tightened? 7

n How to make CII work 11
n Still no clear answers on future fuels 14
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January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator
14 n till no clear answer on which future fuel
says DNV - particularly the volume of low
02 n ccident report: a 63m superyacht hit the
back of a 348 GT tanker causing it to sink, near
carbon fuels to be available and the role of wind
assisted propulsion, biofuels and atomic energy
Nassau, Bahamas. The tanker’s AIS was off due
to COVID restrictions impeding repairs
16 n ow banks are driving decarbonisation
- how can a bank decarbonise its maritime
04 n CIMF news - its own governance system,
phased deployment of SIRE 2.0, revised office
portfolio when there is no such thing as a
decarbonised vessel? Perspectives from Société
matrix. It was pleased to see a reduction in

05 n ellespont’s CEO on how to sustain operations

in difficult times
17 n iofuels, wind and nuclear - biofuel is an
option in the short term, wind is coming out
now, nuclear may work in future

19 n olling out hydrogen and ammonia - when

will these fuels be made available and used?

06 n or-Shipping topics - emissions, the role of

banking and law firms in helping reduce them

07 n ill GHG regulations be tightened? - DNV

perspective. 2023 is the year that IMO’s goals
are scheduled to be reviewed TECHNOLOGY

21 n anker technology news - fibre optic health

monitoring, hydrogen transport by ship markets,
new breakaway coupling for tanker hoses

22 n ull air lubrication with no compressors - a

new system from Armada Technologies which
09 n educing the risks of from engine failures
and blackouts - collision, groundings and
uses the force of vessel through the water to
blow air
expensive claims

10 n ptimarin - planning a BWTS installation

takes 6 months

11 n oes CII work? - Neste’s Risto Kariranta

shares perspectives on BIMCO’s CII clause
proposal, why slow steaming doesn’t always
reduce consumption, and how CII does penalise
23 n new weather route as many times as you
want for one fee - a new service from OrbitMI
“lazy” ships,
24 n ollaboration in ship design - could be a
way to develop more environmentally effective
designs, says NAPA

25 n eaborn’s experience with vessel routing

software - comment from Dariusz Pawel
Jaszczyk, master of tanker Louie, operated by
Zeaborn Tankers

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 1


Accident report: a yacht

sinks a tanker
A 63m superyacht hit the back of a small (348 GT) tanker causing it to sink, near Nassau,
Bahamas. The tanker’s AIS was off due to COVID restrictions impeding repairs. Neither vessel
saw the other on radar

n December 23, 2021 at 10pm, a performing watch standing duties by himself. He
63m superyacht, Utopia IV, hit the was not credentialed as a watch officer and was
back of a small 348 GT product not allowed by regulations to conn the vessel
tanker, Tropic Breeze, causing it to
sink, near Nassau, Bahamas. The tanker’s AIS On the tanker, the master was in the rest room
when the collision occurred, leaving an able
was not working, because it had a fault which
seafarer on watch.
could not be fixed, due to COVID restrictions
The tanker was built in 1989, and originally
making it impossible for a repair technician to
135 feet long, and lengthened to 159 feet in
attend the vessel. 1997. So the double hull requirements of the
The US National Transportation Safety 1990 Oil Pollution Act did not apply. It made
Board determined the probable cause was the semi-monthly runs from New Providence Island,
superyacht’s crew “not maintaining a proper Bahamas, to Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas, with The Tropic Breeze sinking by its stern about
lookout” and so not identifying the tanker; a petroleum products. The company operated 15 minutes after the collision (image from
contributing cause was the tanker’s bridge team seven other ships. NTSB report)
not maintaining a proper lookout, since if they
had noticed what was happening they might Tanker before the incident
have alerted the yacht crew over radio or with a The damage On the day of the incident, the tanker departed
whistle. The superyacht was travelling at 20 knots, the Clifton Pier on New Providence island at 1800
tanker at 5 knots, so the collision occurred at a at a speed of 5 knots, with a voyage estimated to
However if the tanker’s AIS unit had been
relative speed of 15 knots. This was enough to take 12 hours. The master and an able seafarer
working, the superyacht crew could have
cause ‘minor’ injuries to 3 crewmembers of the were on watch on the bridge.
detected the tanker, and the tanker crew would
yacht. It was loaded with 100,000 gallons of high-
have been able to see the yacht, it said.
The tanker’s engine room flooded following sulphur marine gas oil (MGO), 22,000 gallons
After the casualty, investigators queried
the collision, and it consequently sank in 9,300 of ultra-low sulphur MGO, 20,000 gallons of
databases and found the AIS unit had not
feet of water, with 156,500 gallons of petroleum gasoline, and 8,500 gallons of liquid petroleum
transmitted a position in 11 months.
cargo and fuel lost. All crewmembers abandoned gas. The vessel also carried 6,000 gallons of
Both vessels had radar but it appears they had ship and were rescued by a passing yacht. ultra-low sulphur MGO as bunkers. All but two
not looked at it, since they did not see the other
The tanker was valued at $5.1 million. Lost cargo tanks were full.
vessel until the collision happened.
cargo, valued at $343,881, was not recoverable. The vessel had two radars. The master stated
At the time of the collision, the tanker’s radar
The yacht sustained damage including that one was off at the time, and the other was
could not ‘see’ the superyacht, because it came
ruptured hull plating above and below set to a 3-mile scale. The master had the radar
in from directly behind, and a mast on the bridge
the waterline. Also fractured framing, a set to alarm for targets within 2 miles.
blocked the radar’s sweep behind the vessel.
compromised double bottom ballast tank, The crew stated that the mast atop the bridge
However NTSB noted that it is likely that the
damaged bridge windows, and dislodged and blocked the radar sweep aft, so the radar display
approach of the yacht would have been detected
damaged hatches, fittings, and equipment. Total showed a shadow area directly astern. The
on radar, before it entered the blind spot area.
damages were estimated at $2.4 million. master stated that he did not see the yacht on the
On the yacht, the captain had left the bridge
shortly before the collision, leaving a bosun

TANKEROperator Cover Image: A Samos Steamship VLCC. Samos

Steamship is using the “SENSIB” fibre optic structural health
monitoring system from Light Structures of Oslo on three
Aframax newbuilds. See page 21


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January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

The captain told investigators he expected The nearby yacht Amara heard three VHF
the bosun to manoeuvre as necessary for traffic; distress calls from the yacht (the crew on watch
however, the bosun stated his understanding was did not hear any from the tanker), and the Royal
that he first had to radio the captain to receive Bahamian Defense Forces also received the
permission to manoeuvre the vessel. distress calls.
The bosun told investigators that while he The Amara arrived on scene and dispatched
was alone in the wheelhouse after the captain’s the vessel’s 38-foot-long tender (which the
departure, he did not see any visual, radar, or Amara had been towing) with a crew of three,
AIS targets. who then recovered all of the tanker’s crew from
the life raft and rescue boat.
Collision The crewmembers on the tender and the
The collision happened at 2200. The yacht Amara’s captain concurred it was not safe to get
penetrated through the tanker’s empty aft peak the tanker’s crew aboard either the Amara or the
ballast tank, reported by the tanker operator to collision yacht due to the sea state, so they were
be 3.9 meters (12.9 feet) longitudinally (forward taken ashore to Lyford Cay Marina in Nassau
and aft), to the engine room, flooding both the via the tender, arriving about 0240.
tank and engine room. The tanker continued to flood, and sank about
Several of the yacht’s crew were thrown 25 minutes after the collision. An alert from
to the deck or into bulkheads as it struck the the vessel’s Global Navigation Satellite System
tanker at a relative speed of about 15 knots; (GNSS)-enabled emergency position indicating
three crewmembers sustained minor injuries. radio beacon (EPIRB)was received by the Coast
The captain was in the main dining area and Guard’s Rescue Coordination Center Miami at
was thrown into the “forward bulkhead and door 2226.
frame.” After the Amara’s crew were informed by
In the investigation analysis, NTSB noted the colliding yacht’s crew that the vessel had a
that visibility conditions were good (10 miles), compromised hull, the Amara escorted the yacht
and the captain and bosun on the yacht should to the Nassau cruise ship dock, arriving at 0240
have been able to see the tanker’s stern light as before recovering its tender at 0300.
Approximate positions and headings of the yacht approached the tank vessel, even with
Utopia IV and Tropic Breeze before collision
(not to scale). (Image from NTSB report)
bow spray on the windshield; however, neither Causes
reported seeing the tanker, indicating they were As the yacht approached the tanker from nearly
The master had set up the autopilot earlier in not maintaining a proper lookout through visual directly astern, it was an overtaking vessel,
the evening, and according to the AB, there were scanning. and required by the COLREGS (collision
no course changes during his watch. “Because the [yacht] Utopia IV was traveling regulations) to give way to the tank vessel.
The able seaman left the tanker’s bridge to do at 20 knots, it would have been prudent for However, because the watch standers on the
a round of checks at about 2155, looking at the the watch standers (captain and bosun) in the yacht were not maintaining a proper lookout
engine room, navigation lights and alarm panels, wheelhouse to be attentive in their lookout using all available means, they did not identify
and returned a few minutes later. Just before duties in order to mitigate the effects of the bow the risk of collision, NTSB said.
22.00, the time of the collision, the tanker’s spray—perhaps by having a lookout with no Although the yacht bore responsibility as
master started toward his cabin, immediately aft other duties assigned,” it said. the overtaking vessel to manoeuvre away from
of the bridge, to use the restroom.
the tank vessel, once the yacht’s intentions
After the collision were unclear and a close-quarters situation had
Yacht before the incident The tanker’s chief engineer investigated the developed, the tank vessel should have taken
Meanwhile the superyacht departed from damage. He found the engine room was flooding action.
offshore Albany, New Providence island at rapidly. He went to the bridge and reported the However, the watch standers on the tanker
2030, toward Bimini Island, 160 miles away, at flooding to the master; he stated that he did not did not detect the yacht approaching. If they had
20 knots. It had 12 seafarers and 7 passengers. see the source of flooding, but the engine had seen the yacht, they likely would have signalled
The yacht’s bosun stated that the weather stopped once it was submerged. the potential danger in some way, whether by
was clear, but bow spray made it more difficult About 2215, 15 minutes after the collision, the radio communication, whistle, or other means,
to see outside from inside the wheelhouse and captain made a VHF distress call and decided to NTSB said. So NTSB concluded that the
required intermittent use of bridge window abandon the vessel because he did not believe tanker’s watchkeepers were also not maintaining
wipers. the vessel could survive a flooded engine a proper lookout.
The display for one of the vessel’s radars room. The crew launched the rescue boat and NTSB also determined that if the tanker’s
(S-band) was inoperative; the other radar a life raft. One or two crewmembers boarded AIS unit had been working, it is likely the
(X-band) was set to a 3-mile scale. the rescue boat, and the remainder of the crew yacht would have detected the tanker before the
About 2100, the captain stated that he left boarded the life raft. collision, and the tanker would have been able
the wheelhouse with a radio to “check on the The yacht’s chief engineer restarted the to see the yacht’s AIS signal.
passengers.” He returned to the wheelhouse engines, which had shut down after the
before departing again at 2148 to check on the collision. The chief mate, who had come to the This article is based on the NTSB report.
passengers. wheelhouse, made a distress call by VHF radio. The full text is online here
Just before 2200, the time of the collision, The yacht was manoeuvred to recover the
the boson, now alone on the bridge, turned his tanker’s crew, and the stern swim platform was AccidentReports/Reports/MIR2229.pdf
attention to recording hourly log entries and lowered to allow them to board; however, sea
navigation fix, with his back to the forward swells and the height of the platform prevented
windows. them from boarding.

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 3


News from OCIMF

OCIMF news over Nov-Jan includes its own governance system, phased deployment of SIRE 2.0,
revised office matrix. It was pleased to see a reduction in piracy.

n 2023, OCIMF will introduce a new member organisations, and staff in operators’ Piracy
‘governance cycle’ to focus on its own offices who want to better understand how the OCIMF is pleased to see the International
performance, with a series of monthly inspection will change. Chamber of Commerce’s International
verifications “to assure our key processes These videos can be accessed from the Maritime Bureau (IMB) 2022 annual report
are being effectively applied and provide OCIMF website and can either be viewed on piracy, showing that maritime piracy and
on the webpage or downloaded for offline armed robbery attacks are at their lowest level
evidence that organisational risks are well-
viewing. since 1994.
managed,” says Karen Davis, director of
OCIMF. In 2022, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre
New publications (PRC) recorded 115 incidents of piracy and
“We will assess the work we are performing
OCIMF and CDI (Chemical Distribution armed robbery against ships compared to 132
against actions planned, search for and identify
Institute) have worked on a revision to the in 2021. Half occurred in Southeast Asian
error traps within our processes and strengthen
joint CDI/SIRE (Cat-1) Officer Matrix. Now waters, particularly in the Singapore Straits,
our systems so that if we fail, we fail safely.”
complete, the update will be implemented where incidents continue to rise. The incidents
“We will be using the governance cycle to
from 24 April 2023. It brings the ranks used included 107 vessels boarded, two vessels
identify new or emerging threats which could
in alignment with terminology in the STCW hijacked, five attempted attacks and one vessel
impact our mission or scope of operation.”
convention. Another change is that operators fired upon. In many cases vessels were either
can now identify a specific watchkeeping anchored or steaming when boarded, with
Ready for SIRE 2.0 nearly all the incidents occurring during the
officer onboard. This is particularly relevant
In November, Karen Davis, director of OCIMF, for those vessels where additional officers are hours of darkness.
announced that a “phased deployment of SIRE present. OCIMF is also pleased that the Indian Ocean
2.0” was soon to start, in an effort to continue High Risk Area (HRA) for piracy has been
OCIMF will soon be launching the second
the downward trend of safety numbers. removed. “This marks the passage of a very
edition of the International Safety Guide for
“Over the years, oil spill numbers have Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals successful period of threat mitigation for the
decreased, and personal safety incident rates (ISGINTT2). It will be available for free maritime industry,” it said.
have dropped, but trends have plateaued,” she download from the OCIMF website on Feb 13. However, “the guidance contained in
said. BMP5 remains, along with the presence of
It includes contributions from the Central
“We believe that further improvements Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine international navies.”
to safety require investing effort in human (CCNR), the European Chemical Industry OCIMF participated in the “deep blue”
factors.” Council (CEFIC), the European Barge Union exercise off the coast of Nigeria, in support of
The SIRE 2.0 inspection, in Ms Davis’ (EBU), the European Skippers Organisation Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG).
perspective, gives crew a chance to demonstrate (ESO), FuelsEurope, the Federation of NLNG provided an LNG vessel in support
their knowledge and skills. European Tank Storage (FETSA), the Oil of the first deployment of All Nigerian Deep
Ms Davis is aware of industry concerns Companies International Marine Forum Blue assets to showcase increased capability
about seafarer interviews. “Inspectors have (OCIMF), the Inland Waterways Transport to combat maritime threats and in line with its
been taught new behaviours and trained in a Platform (IWT Platform) and the European partnership with the industry.
new approach to asking inspection questions,” Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP). The event was held as part of a visit to Lagos
she writes. “They must show compassion for The transition period to the sixth edition by the IMO Secretary-General, who witnessed
seafarer nerves and allow the seafarer time to of the Harmonised Vessel Particulars the exercise from a new Command and Control
respond to open-ended questions.” Questionnaire (HVPQ6) ended on Jan 6 2023, Centre.
“As we work together through this so all operators are now required to use this
disruption and valuable transformation, please document for publishing ‘particulars’ for
have empathy for the crews taking part in vessels in their fleets.
the inspections, and for the inspectors who OCIMF has published updated guidelines for
will carry out a new inspection protocol in Covid-19 and inspections. They are co-written
a style that will be different from what was with the Chemical Distribution Institute
experienced over the last 30 years.” (CDI) and INTERTANKO, with the goal of
OCIMF has developed training videos as reducing the risk of transmission between the
part of its support for inspectors, officers, crew, inspector and vessel’s crew. They were updated
‘vetters’ and operators for SIRE 2.0. in November 2022 to reflect “the changing
The videos explain the human factor and situation”.
technical aspects of the SIRE 2.0 inspection “It is important to be aware that the level of
from each stakeholder’s perspective. Covid-19 infection varies significantly between
One set of videos is designed for viewing by countries and the level of infection within Participants in OCIMF’s South and Central
ship staff, including onboard vessels; the other countries is subject to ongoing change,” it says. America barging risk workshop
set of videos is for vetting managers in OCIMF

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Hellespont – how to
sustain operations in
difficult times
Shipping company Hellespont began operating tankers in 1955, and was once the operator of four
ULCCs. CEO Phrixos Papachristidis explains how the company is sustaining its operations
through difficult times

ellespont Shipping is one of scale, says Phrixos Papachristidis, CEO.
the longest established tanker As a smaller company with deep Ship management competition
operators still in operation. It was relationships in the industry, “we see ships or While ship management is often seen as a
founded in Montreal, Canada, in opportunities that are not widely circulated in highly competitive sector which benefits from
1946 by Phrixos B Papachristidis, father of the the market,” he says. “That’s where companies economies of scale, Mr Papachristidis notes
current chairman, Basil Phrixos Papachristidis. like ours can really achieve something. We that not every ship owner is looking for a large
In 2011, Basil’s son Phrixos B Papachristidis tend to look at smaller opportunities.” management company.
assumed position of Chief Executive Officer, Hellespont did make an acquisition of With the largest ship managers still only
based in Hamburg. another ship management company in early controlling a minority of the overall merchant
It began operating tankers in 1955 with an 2022, Thomas Schulte Shipmanagement, fleet, there are plenty of owners looking
order of two handy size (under 60,000 dwt) which took it into container ships for the first elsewhere.
tankers. Over the 67 years since then, it has time. Many shipowners also prefer a ship
owned 24 product/chemical carriers and 59 “There are similar opportunities on our management company they can have a strong
crude tankers, including four 440,000 dwt radar that we are looking at, for different ship personal relationship with, which can be
ULCCs, the largest double-hull tankers in the types,” Mr Papachristidis says. harder for larger managers, he says.
world. “We would like to be able to offer our And it is not always true that bigger means
Today the company does not own vessels, services of technical management and crewing cheaper in ship management. “Smaller
but provides technical management services to across a broad spectrum of different ship technical management companies can add
18 vessels and its affiliated company Manila types. We’re running tankers, offshore vessels value, delivering quality at competitive
Ship Management & Manning provides crew & container ships. We would like to add gas, pricing,” he says.
management services to 65 vessels. The group other ship types as well.” Also, while many ships are owned by large
has almost 100 staff. The company is mainly looking at financial institutions who may prefer large
The headquarters of the company were opportunities in the dry and offshore space at ship managers, the opposite also happens,
moved to Singapore in 2017. Other offices are the moment but is ready for a tanker owning he says. Many ships are owned by smaller
in Hamburg, Athens and Manila. opportunity if it came up with the right price, owners, who prefer smaller managers, where
Today its fleet comprises Suezmaxes and structure and incentives, he says. “We would they can have a more personal relationship.
LR1 tankers, chemical tankers, container move for sure.” “The industry is very relationship driven,” he
ships, platform supply vessels, as well as crew “We’re very well positioned today to look at says.
boats and a rescue vessel. different opportunities. The ability to manage
The general business development different ship types affords us access to Seafarers
approach is to seek growth only where it different markets.” One way Hellespont stays competitive is by
suits the business, and maintain a focus on “At any given time, we’re looking at attracting and recruiting the best crew, and
good personal relations with both crew and taking in various tankers of different sizes for focusing on training. The company’s motto is
clients. It is technical management on a third party basis,” “mariners with a mission”.
an approach he says. “I like to think that’s how we have managed
which is In the past Hellespont has provided to continue for 76 years,” he says.
working construction supervision services to other “The best investment operationally is in
in the ship shipping companies. “We’d like to grow that people. Incentivising people, shore side and
management business as well.” onboard, to work as a team, to continuously
sector, even Hellespont is ready to purchase vessels improve the quality of the service, in whatever
though it is given the right opportunity. But arranging the market environment may be.”
often seen as bank loans is getting harder, he says. “We believe this investment in the training
one which is “Everything that we’re going through now, of our seafarers and their welfare is the
highly cost higher interest rates, inflation, has an effect best investment that we can make as ship
competitive on running ships, and an effect on ship managers,” Mr Papachristidis says.
Phrixos B Papachristidis. and with large financing.” Hellespont has an affiliated company,
CEO of Hellespont economies of

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 5


MANSHIP (Manila Shipmanagement and Papachristidis says it is still too early to say this, reading about the subject, working
Manning Inc) which recruits crew in the what the best options for a shipowner are. with people, to try to understand individual
Philippines and provides local training, “Everyone seems to have a different opinion requirements.”
through its own training centre. on the way forward, there’s no one definitive “I have my opinion what the outcome of
“We’re quite stringent, I would say, in our propulsion solution for everyone. That creates the debate is going to be. My opinion doesn’t
selection process.” uncertainties and challenges,” he says. “There really count when there’s so much uncertainty.
isn’t one solution to this, at least not one that’s For us, it is more to try to understand what our
Carbon identifiable in today’s market.” customer wants, and what the end user wants,
With the decarbonisation challenge, Mr “We spend a lot of time looking into and work accordingly.” TO

What we’ll be discussing

at Nor-Shipping
Emissions, and the role of banking and law firms in helping reduce them; connecting shipping
companies with low carbon fuel suppliers; and doing more with partnerships. Themes likely to
be explored further at Nor-Shipping

enior shipping industry figures shared a causer of climate change. a role connecting low carbon fuel supplies with
thoughts about the biggest issues in Mr Håkonsen sees start-ups as important in the maritime sector.
shipping at a press event in London achieving decarbonisation, and sees that DNB “We’re bringing in an oil major that wants
in December, likely to be further can have a role in helping them find suitable to be a future ‘clean fuel producer’ and linking
discussed at the Nor-Shipping event in Oslo in markets which they had not considered. “Lots them up to a shipping company,” he said. “We
early June. of small companies have very clever people that try to be a catalyst for partnership projects.”
Guy Platten, Secretary General of the have not thought about scaling sideways,” he The energy producer can explain what kind of
International Chamber of Shipping, said that said. confirmed purchase volumes, or ‘offtake’, would
shipping had been discussed ‘quite heavily’ be required to justify the necessary investment;
at the COP 27 UN climate event in Egypt in Wikborg Rein the shipping company could explain which ports
November 2022. A highlight was an event to Eleanor Midwinter, Partner with law firm they would need the fuel to be made available,
launch a “Green Shipping Challenge”, chaired Wikborg Rein, noted that with regulation, “it’s and how much they would need. So both sides
by Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Støre important not to be too prescriptive.” can see if there is a way forward.
and Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John “You can be as imaginative as you like, but DNV often sets up collaborative groups
Kerry. no-one is imaginative enough to know what’s in this way, including bringing together
As part of the Green Shipping Challenge, going to happen in a few years,” she said. competitors, and trying to simulate how they
over 40 major announcements have been made Ms Midwinter believes that it is useful for could work together, he said.
by countries, ports, and companies. Topics regulations to set a minimum standard, and
include innovations for ships, expansion in environmental pressures also push companies to Nor-Shipping
low or zero emission fuels, and policies to help do something. These are some of the topics which we can
promote the uptake of next-generation vessels. “There’s always been cynics, people say expect to see discussed at the Nor-Shipping
The full list of announcements is at https:// there’s always some ticking a box,” she said. event in Oslo in June, said Sidsel Norvik, [But] “I’m very happy people were ticking commercial director of Nor-Shipping. The
boxes in the 80s and 90s. When people do the theme of Nor-shipping for 2023 is “partnership”.
Bank perspective ‘bare minimum’, even then they have been The theme of the previous Nor-Shipping
Leif Håkonsen, head of section – strategic forced to do the bare minimum.” event was “taking positive business action.”
business advisory, Ocean Industries with “We can easily ‘what-about’ all of these This theme was chosen because people thought
DNB Bank says his bank’s approach with things. Pressure that comes from [the threat of there was too much talk and not enough action
decarbonisation starts with selecting specific being accused of] greenwashing is relevant.” on climate, noted Per Martin Tanggaard,
clients it wants to work with, rather than Ms Midwinter noted that there is a rise in Director External Relations with Nor-Shipping.
selecting transactions it wants to finance. shipping company clients asking about ammonia “We are an arena inviting the world to meet
DNB is careful to be on the right side fuelled vessels. “We’re having a lot more the right people and network to do the right
of decarbonisation, he said. “We are very discussions about ammonia,” she said. partnerships,” he says. “We try to put the right
concerned about getting a stamp of being a things together. That is our vision for Nor-
greenwashing bank.” DNV Shipping.”
However, DNB believes that oil and gas Anders Mikkelsen, business development leader TO
companies can be “part of the solution,” not just with DNV Maritime, said that DNV is playing

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Will GHG regulations be

tightened? – DNV perspective
Will IMO tighten GHG regulations? What will EU’s ETS do to shipping? DNV’s experts Eirik
Nyhus and Tore Longva shared their perspectives on coming and expected regulatory changes
to shipping and its emissions

MO set its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction Carbon levies? into CII, a “crucially important topic”, was not
goal in 2018 of a 50 per cent reduction in There are differing views within IMO on which discussed at MEPC 79 in great detail but is
total emissions by 2050 compared to 2008 regulatory measures should be used to achieve planned to be considered at MEPC 80 in 2023.
levels. It also agreed, in 2018, that the goal the target. More work is planned on CII correction
would be reviewed in 2023. So that review is There was “some convergence” on the view factors, but the discussion “did not go anywhere
about to happen. that a market mechanism should be used, beyond contributing to an agreement that review
It stated in 2018 that shipping would follow a perhaps a levy on carbon emissions or a rebate of CII will start at MEPC 80, but conclusions
“pathway of CO2 emissions reduction consistent for companies which reduce their emissions, Mr should not be expected by 2025,” he said.
with the Paris Agreement temperature goals” Nyhus said. There was not much support for an In 2025, we should see work on enforcement
and it should reach zero emissions within this emissions trading system. “It looks like a levy is mechanisms and expected CO2 reduction rates.
century, and as soon as possible. going to be the most likely outcome.” Discussion about onboard CO2 capture
“That language is a bit vague, but it was There will need to be further meetings after and storage (CCS) was deferred to MEPC 80.
needed to bridge the gap between those who the MEPC 80 in July 2023 about how that There were a number of papers, including some
wanted decarbonisation by 2030 and those mechanism would work. suggesting explicit ‘carve outs’ from emission
who were sceptical about pushing forward There was ‘broad support’ for the idea of a requirements for companies which installed the
with decarbonisation at all,” said Eirik Nyhus, fuel standard for emissions, setting requirements technology. There were papers saying that IMO
director Environment with DNV, speaking at a of “CO2 equivalent intensity per energy unit” for needs to “get to grips with the issue, develop a
DNV webinar. the fuel consumed by your engines. work process,” Mr Nyhus said.
So, IMO’s Marine Environmental Protection This will drive deployment of alternative However, he thinks it very unlikely companies
Committee (MEPC) 79th session, held in fuels, “most likely starting with biofuels, with onboard CCS would be able to remove
London on Dec 12-16 2022, was particularly eventually leading to the rollout of renewable captured CO2 from their CII calculation.
important, because it is one of the last meetings fuels of non-bio origin,” he said. ‘Capturing’ or separating out CO2 from the
before IMO’s big review and decision in 2023. “We are going to see decisions on both of vessel’s exhaust is one thing, but unless it can
The December 2022 MEPC meeting was also these almost certainly. A lot of work will be be permanently stored underground or utilised,
the first in-person meeting since May 2019. Mr needed before we see the regulatory text.” it will ultimately need to be vented to the
Nyhus believes that in-person meetings can be There are decisions to be made on atmosphere, because it can’t be stored in tanks
very helpful in getting agreement. “We are now methodology for calculation of emissions. forever.
able to read each other’s body language, and try IMO is working on guidelines for how “We will need to see systems where we
to hammer out those compromises, have those to calculate ‘well to wake’ greenhouse gas can be sure that carbon is stored in geological
conversations that are necessary to move IMO emissions, with the first version expected to formations or utilised under certain criteria,
forward on its GHG emissions,” he said. be available in July 2023. This will take into as a trigger point for IMO to be sure that the
Mr Nyhus estimates that between two thirds account emissions made, or CO2 absorbed from regulatory aspects can be taken forward,” he
and three quarters of the IMO delegations want the atmosphere, between the ‘well’ [or where the said. That “is a stretch, because IMO doesn’t do
full decarbonisation by 2050. The others say fuel is grown], and the ship’s ‘tank’. land-based regulations.”
there should be an assessment first of whether This is important for biofuels, which take CO2 “It might be a while before we see that
this would be feasible. There is a question out of the atmosphere when they are grown, but adequately captured in IMO regulations, to be
of whether more developed countries should emit the same as conventional fuels in the ship’s honest.”
contribute to the costs of less developed exhaust. So they show no improvement on “There was an agreement that IMO should
countries in decarbonisation. conventional fuels if considered only on a ‘tank further examine this matter. Discussions will
IMO makes decisions by consensus, not to wake’ basis. ‘Well to wake’ is also important continue at MEPC 80. [But] I suspect MEPC
by majority, he noted. “The fact that there’s a for gas based fuels, to include methane leaked 80 is going to be pretty packed. I’m not sure
majority does not necessarily mean a decision.” to the atmosphere in the gas production process to what extent we’ll be able to discuss it there
“We have some way to go to bridge the gap (between well and tank). either, in which case it will slide further down
from ‘doing nothing beyond what we already the road.”
agreed,’ and ‘full decarbonisation,’” he said. “It Topics for the future A discussion about a Phase 4 of the Energy
is a challenging gap to bridge.” Many topics have been pushed into future Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) “was pushed
There will be another meeting in March 2023 meetings. down the road.”
“to try to hammer out compromises necessary to How the use of biofuels will be factored There was a proposal that IMO should get
get to a target.” involved in work to establish ‘green corridors’,

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 7

where two port hubs agree to make favourable
conditions for low carbon shipping, such as by
ensuring reliable supplies of low carbon fuels.
But there was “significant opposition” to IMO’s
involvement, since it might be better arranged by
the two countries directly. “I suspect it will pop
up again at MEPC 80,” he said.

There were discussions about MARPOL, the
International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, at MEPC. DNV’s experts Eirik Nyhus and Tore Longva
A decision was made to make the whole
Mediterranean a Sulphur Emissions Control state if their vessel can be treated differently, he European Economic Area (EEA) port, and 100
Area (SECA) from May 1, 2025, with shipping said. per cent of emission for ships whose voyages
companies having a choice of limiting their fuel both start and end in an EEA port.
to 0.1 per cent sulphur fuel or using scrubbers. EU ETS It will be phased in gradually, with companies
There were amendments agreed to a number Separately, the European Union hammered out required to pay for permits covering 40 per cent
of MARPOL annexes, including on regional an agreement on shipping and the Emission of their emissions in 2024, 70 per cent in 2025,
reception facilities, garbage record books, fuel Trading Scheme, over the weekend of Dec 17-18 and full coverage in 2026.
flashpoint information being included in the 2022. There had been a provisional agreement The money generated will be earmarked for
Bunker Delivery Note (BDN), and data about two weeks prior, which was contingent on shipping through an innovation fund. Shipping
attained / required CII being included in the agreement being made on ETS in other industry will be able to apply for some of this money to
IMO Data Collection System. sectors, which was made that weekend. spend on technology development.
For ballast water management, there are “All of this is subject to further work, we “We don’t know what the allocation criteria
requirements to record any issues with systems have not yet seen documents, we know there will be, the intention will be to support
in a record book. It was agreed the ballast is technical work ongoing. But we think it will alternative technology deployment,” he said.
tanks could be used to store ‘grey water’ (non be identical to what we have today,” Mr Nyhus “They can’t use the money to support low
hazardous wash water) and sewage. There was said. carbon operations, such as subsidising the cost
a discussion on how to handle ballast water in It will concern “ships above 5000 GT, of low carbon fuels.”
a port with challenging water properties, Tore transferring passengers and cargoes.” If the IMO also develops a carbon levy, it
Longva said. Companies will need to “surrender emission may operate independently of ETS. There are
allowances,” by April 30, 2025, based on provisions in the ETS rules stating that the
CII clarifications data they reported for 2024. This is jargon for European Commission will re-assess if ETS is
having emission trading scheme certificates needed if an equivalent IMO system is in place.
The DNV experts provided the audience with
in an account and giving them up. To get the But it may be hard to see them as equivalent,
some clarifications about how CII works in the
certificates in their account, they can purchase because IMO is making a levy while EU has a
webinar, including the deadline for a failing ship
them at the market price, or use other options on trading scheme.
to improve, and how tankers for storage handle
CII. a secondary market, such as by trading in futures “It will be hard for the commission to say,
and options. IMO has come up with something as good as
A company getting an E rating for CII in 2023
Offshore service vessels (OSVs) will be what we have in Europe,” he said.
could start implementing its ‘corrective action
plan’ in 2024 but would not need to achieve added to EU’s MRV (monitoring, reporting and And ETS for shipping would generate Eur
CII compliance until 2025, said Tore Longva, verification scheme) from 2025. In other words, 10bn at a carbon price of Eur 100. “It is always
principal consultant with DNV. they will be required to report emissions. They hard to give up money. If ETS is mothballed,
will then be subject to ETS, with a requirement EU would not see that any more.”
Tankers being used for storage calculate their
CII the same as any other ship. The calculation to pay for emission credits, from 2027. “So, I suspect we will see these two systems
is CO2 emitted divided by (cargo carried Similarly, all ships above 400 GT will be layered on top of each other. Unfortunately, I
multiplied by miles carried). A tanker being considered for inclusion in MRV from 2025 and think that is the likely outcome.”
used for storage will emit low amounts of CO2 in ETS by the end of 2026, he said. Methane and EU has a guideline for biofuels and perhaps
since it does not use engines for propulsion, and nitrous oxides, which are also greenhouse gases, future ‘electro fuels’ made with renewable
would not have any miles. But the calculation will be added to MRV in 2024 and to ETS in electricity, that they should be considered ‘zero
result would not necessarily be in the A-C 2026. emission’ under ETS, and so exempt from the
band. Since the numbers on the top and bottom “We don’t know how this is intended to need to buy certificates, if they provide at least a
of the formula both change, the end result is be monitored and reported,” he said. “The 70 per cent reduction in emission based on well
unpredictable. commission will be tasked to establish the right to wake, Tore Longva added. TO

There is an opt-out for ships which trade only mechanisms; we have signals this will be by 1
domestically, which could be applied to vessels Oct 2023.” You can watch the webinar online here
used only for storage. It may be close to the system for the FuelEU
If companies do not believe it is possible for standard, although this covers well to wake, and-videos/on-demand-webinars/
their vessel to achieve a CII of C and have a while ETS is tank to wake. MEPC-79-in-focus-revising-future-GHG-
valid reason, they should discuss with their flag ETS will apply to 50 per cent of CO2 ambitions.html
emissions for ships going or leaving one

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

The risks of engine

failures and blackouts
Losing engine or electrical power can lead to collisions or groundings, and expensive claims from
cargo owners. A webinar organised by Britannia P+I club discussed how to reduce the risks of both
power loss and big claims

osing propulsion power on a ship can Reducing risks maximum
be a serious incident. In congested A large number of blackouts are caused by capacity at
waters it can lead to a collision, and electrical system failures, although they may be least once per
if near land it can lead to groundings. reported to be a result of starting up thrusters or month.
It can lead to cargo damage, if cargo needs machinery, he said. Ensure
refrigeration or gets delayed. One obvious step is to try to check that that any loss
This can lead to big claims from parties adequate power is available before a new of power or
affected. An entire waterway or canal can be put electrical load is switched on. propulsion
out of operation. Pollution clean-up and spill Electrical switchboards can be inspected. incident is
compensation costs “can be the most volatile,” Thermographic imaging can detect electrical investigated,
said Lionel Fernandes, marine engineer with equipment heating up which should not be. and a root cause
consultancy TMC Marine, speaking at a Some companies do not do all the planned determined,
webinar organised by the Britannia P+I Club, maintenance on the vessel that they are supposed Lionel Fernandes, marine by properly
“Maintenance versus Claims”, on December 1, to do, he said. engineer with consultancy trained
2022. Other recommendations to minimise risk TMC Marine personnel.
Loss of engine or generator power can of blackouts and failures are to avoid doing
be caused by fuel which is poor quality maintenance on fuel systems when approaching After a problem
or contaminated, engine injectors or other a port. After any loss of power or propulsion, you
components being worn out, or insufficient You should ensure engineers are aware of should follow procedures in the company safety
or ineffective maintenance of electronic and how to isolate cylinders on the main engine in management system. The procedures may be
pneumatic control systems. “We had a case the event of failure. in a separate emergency procedures manual, he
recently where a vessel had to be towed to a port You should wait for the results of tests on fuel said.
of refuge due to a failure of one valve,” he said. oil to ensure that it is within specification before It is important to record the position and time
Sometimes crew will try to re-start an engine changing over to use this. You should not mix in the deck and engine logbooks.
using compressed air. But there can be a limit bunkers from two suppliers, he said. Emergency generators should automatically
to how many engine starts which the stored You should not use a shaft generator when come ‘on load’ within 45 seconds, but this may
compressed air can make, if it does not have manoeuvring, because you need all the available not happen, for example if the switch has not
time to be re-generated by a running engine. power to move the ship at low speed. been left in the ‘auto’ position.
Engine manufacturers recommend that He recommends you should also do the It may be possible to start auxiliary engines
engines are serviced every 2 or 5 years, usually following. using compressed air, if no electrical power is
done in dry dock, but sometimes it is not done, Ensure alarm systems are regularly tested. available.
he said. As an emergency measure, it may be
Ensure engineers are fully familiar with
A temporary loss of the main power supply, engine room systems and their pipelines, necessary to drop anchor to reduce the ship’s
but which can be rectified using an alternative including the fuel change over procedures. speed, if this is the only alternative to running
power source, or a means of re-starting the aground.
Ensure water is regularly drained from fuel
generator, is termed a ‘blackout’. If there is no It is important to have good communication
oil tanks, in order to prevent water build up and
means of starting an engine at all, it is termed a between the engine room and bridge.
carryover in the fuel and to lessen the risk of
‘dead ship’, he said. Ultimately, “whether a blackout is a $5 or
bacterial contamination / microbial infestation.
Engine failures and blackouts can be more $50m event depend mainly on where the vessel
Establish a ‘failure to start / blackout’
likely when a vessel is approaching a port, is at the time,” he said. If it happens in the open
checklist. This should include familiarisation
because this is when additional loads can ocean, and the engine can be quickly restarted,
with the operations.
be added to the electricity demand, such as there could be no costs at all.
Ensure weekly tests of the emergency
thrusters and pumps, he said. This is also a time By investigating all incidents and taking
generator are carried out with the battery charger
when there might be a switch to low sulphur preventative and corrective action, it is much
disconnected from the mains. It is not unusual
fuel to comply with port regulations. There have more likely that when an incident occurs the
for the batteries to be flat / damaged, and this
been incidents of the switch to low sulphur fuel consequences will be reduced. “If an incident
does not raise any alarm, he said.
leading to engine problems. has occurred in benign conditions, it can and
Ensure all means of starting the emergency
A blackout can be caused by human error, will happen again in conditions which are not so
generator are available.
someone simply switching the generator off, or favourable,” he said.
Ensure that the emergency generator is
the valve for fuel flow to it. “All propulsion loss incidents should be treated
operated on load as close as possible to the

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 9

as a major incident and investigated as such,” Reducing cargo claims to maintenance which could be used to make a
he said. If you do have an engine failure or blackout case. “It will be used against us and is going to
which causes damages to cargo, for example due be damning evidence,” he said.
Causes of problems to lack of refrigeration or a delayed arrival of a If you do wish to provide maintenance
There was one situation where an emergency cargo which has a limited life, the cargo owner records to support your case, then there is the
generator failed to start, because a circuit will seek compensation from the shipowner. It question of putting them together.
breaker had not been installed properly, after it is common to see claims for millions of dollars, Sometimes information is not recorded with
had been removed for a routine inspection the says Michael Todd, fleet manager with Britannia sufficient detail, or is unreadable, showing a
previous day, he said. P+I Club. series of numbers and initials. “The only clue
“The breaker was withdrawn by the chief The normal legal route for doing this is to in many cases as to what the document is
engineer to inspect it, but it wasn’t installed claim ‘unseaworthiness’, under the Hague-Visby representing is a title at the top of the sheet.
[back] in the right way. There was an interlock Rules for international carriage of goods by sea, Sometimes you need a PhD to interpret them, or
where you hear a click, and this wasn’t done.” he says, since there has been a problem with refer to several reports to begin to understand
As a result, cooling water was overheated and a core part of the ship. “Cargo claimants will what is actually being reported.”
a radiator exploded, so the emergency generator almost always open their attack against the ship Many crew consider that maintenance records
could not be used. by suggesting unseaworthiness,” he said. are nothing to do with them. “That could not
There was another vessel which was supplied These rules state that shipowners must be further from the truth,” he said. “Good
by bunkers which contained ‘cat fines’, particles exercise due diligence at the beginning of a housekeeping is the entire point of all of this.”
of spent catalyst, from the catalytic cracking voyage to make a ship ‘seaworthy’, properly If the claim goes to court, the judge and
process in a refinery. As a result of analysis manned, equipped and supplied, and ensure the lawyers may not be seafaring experts. “They
of the bunker fuel, it was recommended that parts of the ship in which goods are carried are are well educated, but they are not used to
a purifier should be used, running at the right “fit and safe for their reception, carriage and terminology used by mariners. They are
temperature. “We had a vessel which didn’t preservation.” certainly not aware of some of the intricacies of
follow these guidelines, resulting in high cat the documents they are being shown.” TO

fines in the fuel,” he said. This can be a cause of So if there is any equipment failure, the
blackouts. claimant will need to prove that it had a cause You can watch the recording of the webinar
TMC Marine is a survey, consultancy and the shipowner should have known about, or it online here
expert advice company and subsidiary of was not properly maintained.
class society Bureau Veritas. It employs 90 Mr Todd recommends that shipowners are recording/2082175283823971671
consultants in 10 offices, he said. careful about providing any information relating

Optimarin – planning
BWTS takes 6 months
A project to retrofit a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) on a vessel requires 6 months of
planning, says supplier Optimarin. This is what is involved.

hen planning a ballast water structural, pipe, electrical and other elements. For the commissioning test, sampling
treatment system retrofit, you A 3D scan will be done. You will also do and analysis of ballast water is required, to
should allow 6 months of the detailed design engineering, using a digital validate that the system functions according
engineering lead time before tool. Work includes planning the piping and to performance standards. This testing is
an installation, says ballast water technology outfitting, making a bill of material needed, and mandatory for all ships since June 1, 2022,
company Optimarin. doing pre-fabrication drawings. Class approval under IMO regulations.
“There are multiple considerations for a will be needed for the design. The testing is necessary to gain an
shipowner seeking to install a compliant BWTS For installing the system, several of International Ballast Water Management
in terms of system selection, yard capacity and Optimarin’s customers have done an installation Certificate that shows compliance with the
future reliability to cut maintenance costs in the on a vessel while sailing. This could be an IMO’s ballast water management convention set
long run,” says Leiv Kallestad, chief executive option if dry dock space is proving hard to find, to enter into force in September 2024.
of Optimarin. the company says. Optimarin can deliver its flexible, modular
“Fast turnaround on installation is a priority Some companies have seen logistical BWTS in 6-10 weeks, and can access available
to minimize vessel downtime.” challenges with BWTS installation, including drydock capacity at one of its partner Newport
The work starts with determining the right supply chain problems caused by Covid-19, and Shipping’s global network of fifteen affiliate
sort of BWTS, based on factors such as the size shortages of microchips and parts such as piping yards, the company says.
and type of vessel, classification, sailing pattern, and cables. The modular design of the system makes it
and flag / port authority requirements. Then the After the system has been installed, it will adaptable for installation on different vessel
system can be procured. need to be commissioned, and then given an types and deck configurations with limited
The next stage is to do a detailed inspection initial survey to verify compliance with class space. Over 1,000 Optimarin BWTS have been
and to do site engineering, including looking at and regulatory requirements installed to date, it says. TO

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Risto Kariranta –
BIMCO and getting
more from CII
Risto Kariranta of Neste on how to fix BIMCO’s CII clause proposal, why slow steaming doesn’t
always reduce consumption, why other ‘consumers’ can’t be separated, how CII penalises lazy
ships, and other CII matters
By Risto Kariranta, shipping performance manager for biofuels producer Neste

he basic idea of the BIMCO
CII clause is to highlight the
charterer’s responsibility for
the vessel’s CII rating, and
ultimately making them pay if efforts to
improve it fail.
But the clause is far from being balanced
in respecting the main responsibilities of
the owners and charterers in a typical time
These are the escalation methods in the
proposed contract clause for when the CII
score starts going down.
First, the owner sends the charterer an
advance warning.
Second, the owner requests a written plan
from the charterer for how to fix it with a
two-day notice. The owner reviews the plan
in two days. If it is good, they follow it. If Daily fuel oil consumption (FOC) does not always decrease with lower speed
it is not good, the owner reserves the right
Plans should be made before things get would get the impact of those recognized in
to slow steam, without breaching the other
bad. Why not request the corrective plans CII and IMO DCS.
speed performance related charter party
in the beginning of the charter, simply
answering the question: what will we Speed misconceptions
Such escalation does not respect the
(together) do to improve CII if snow hits There is a misconception that speed
practicalities of vessel operations. Which
the fan, and what is the priority order of the reduction is a solution for always reducing
charterer would like to sign a ticking bomb
actions in such a case? fuel oil consumption and emissions.
that might lead to a forced slow steaming
Forced slow steaming should be We are accustomed to seeing nicely
with a four-day notice?
completely removed from the text. Who growing speed-consumption curves
Instead, we should more clearly separate
wants to have a time-chartered vessel following power functions. But these often
the technical and operational performance,
without schedule control? With that clause reflect only the propulsion consumption but
as CII is based on both.
you ruin one of the cornerstones and reasons leaving the other consumers out.
Owners should be responsible for
for having a time charter at all. Fixing a The graph shows daily fuel oil
maintaining the technical performance in
bad CII will not happen overnight by slow consumption (FOC) measurements vs speed
the same or better level during the charter.
steaming anyway. It is not a silver bullet for a product tanker. There is a minimum at
Charterers do not have tools for impacting
solution for reducing emissions. the speed of slightly below 10 knots.
Instead, there could be a longer period to This can be explained by the other
Instead of sudden escalation, we should
get CII on track but leaving the freedom to consumers. Ships like this typically
enforce a continuous monitoring of CII.
the charterer to decide the actions. Defining have exhaust gas economizers and shaft
Weekly follow-up is a better basis for
a monetary penalty if level is not met. generators for cargo heating and hotel power
CII control compared to doing it only
Or, mandate the charterer to buy low consumption, reducing the use of boilers and
when things look bad. This would provide
GHG fuel for the vessel. That would work auxiliary generators.
charterers with better predictability.
nicely with advanced, drop-in biofuels, if we Once the main engine load gets low,

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 11

typically the shaft generator needs to be as deductions for cargo related reasons, to accept the use of IMO’s LCA figures.
switched off and auxiliaries started. The such as heating the cargo, refrigerating / We probably need to wait for some years.
exhaust gas economizer heating is not cooling / reliquefying cargo, and the cargo Although there have recently been some
sufficient anymore without additional boiler discharging pump. indications of verifiers accepting lower
use. This setup provides local minimums to Other corrections are a capacity correction emission factors.
the total consumption curve that are vessel, factor for ice-classed ships IA Super and
cargo and condition specific. IA; cubic capacity correction factors for ‘Lazy ships’ and CII
Note, we cannot draw a conclusion chemical tankers; and a correction factor While a vessel is idling, in anchorage,
from this that the most fuel and emission for ship specific voluntary structural drifting, or in port, it is, with limited
economical speed would be slightly below enhancements. These factors are also in the exceptions, producing emissions. And it
10 knots. We need to take the idling EEXI/EEDI calculations. is not gaining any miles, which in CII is
consumption in the equation. For those of us working in the Arctic, extremely valuable for keeping the rating
For example, if the average speed for ice-classed vessels get a correction, ice low.
just in time arrival would be 6 knots, navigation [miles] are excluded, and the A study from Blue Sky Maritime
total consumption for the voyage is the cargo heating correction is also significant. Coalition, “A Perspective on IMO Efficiency
sea voyage consumption including all the It is common that the added energy needed Measures: Opportunities for Improvement”,
consumers, and the idling consumption from for cargo heating during winter is bigger looked at a 16 MR vessel fleet. By
waiting before accessing the port. Idling than the ice-navigation surplus. comparing vessels in the fleet, it showed that
time gets longer as a function of the sea CII is more dependent on the trading pattern
voyage speed. The hard work here is to keep track of the than the technical performance of the ship.
Vessel optimal speed is a delicate matter status of the vessel taking these deductions One conclusion is that an incentive to
and very hard to optimize to the last digit in into account all the time. keep the vessels moving increases the total
a normal operation. emissions. This is true from an individual
CII and alternative fuels vessel perspective.
Only propulsion consumption? Can you play CII with alternative fuels? But when we look from a more holistic
Someone has proposed to IMO that Short answer, no. Long answer: yes, but it view, it is not the case as it drives the world
we should consider only propulsion is complex and expensive. fleet to be more active, meaning most
consumption and emissions in CII. The CII calculations are based on the probably, that we need proportionally less
As we can see from the graph, we might same methodologies for calculating each vessels in number for fulfilling our overall
sometimes produce more emissions by fuel’s emission, based on the default transportation needs.
slowing down and reducing propulsion emission factors, as in IMO DCS and EEDI It is the same mechanism that does not
power as it increases the additional calculations. Fuels having default factors make slow steaming categorically a better
consumption needed for heating and hotel include HFO, LFO, MDO/MGO, LPG, option for reducing total emissions of the
consumption. LNG, methanol and ethanol. shipping, but only when applied without
Different energy consumers are cross- Out of these fuels, none is really directly sacrificing the cargo transportation potential
optimized and connected so tightly onboard compatible with the engines capable of of a vessel.
a modern ship that separating those is not burning an alternative, with the exception This also makes JIT-arrival an extremely
meaningful. of dual fuel LNG vessels. This limits good tool for CII improvement.
the possibility to use these as a flexible The downside of this phenomenon is that
CII adjustments adjustment tool for CII. it makes sailing with empty ships tempting,
When I read through the list of all But let’s take a look at the numbers when the CII-rating of the vessel is not
adjustments and corrections for CII, I get a anyway. otherwise getting to the targeted level.
feeling similar to filling in a tax return. First Our sample vessel, a 50k DWT MR In a ballast condition the vessel typically
they give you a terrible number, but then tanker, burns 30 tons of traditional fuel per produces less emissions per ton mile and
you can apply several small deductions and day at sea at 12.5 knots and is at sea two therefore it should bring your CII down.
adjustments. After which, the number is still thirds of the year. Then we end up with an equation of
bad, but you feel much better after being The biggest CO2 and thus CII reduction whether the penalty of a bad CII-rating is
able to deduct something. potential by using LNG. However, it is worse than the cost of this empty movement.
The deductions can be divided into voyage currently expensive. The extra cost for It could be significant if the markets do not
adjustments and corrections. reducing one ton of CO2 is close to $2k. want vessels with a bad CII.
Voyage “adjustments” mean that a part For biofuels, tank to wake emissions
of a voyage can be excluded from the do not differ from the fossil solutions. Speed control
reporting for good reasons. You leave out The well-to-tank part would need to be Speed control will be the sledgehammer
the emissions of the ‘adjustable voyage’ part included into the equation in order to get in the CII toolbox. In most cases, reducing
as well as the distance sailed. These are for better numbers. IMO is working on life speed to a certain limit reduces fuel
sailing in ice conditions, or scenarios which cycle assessment (LCA) figures of a wide consumption and thus emissions.
may endanger safe navigation of a ship. selection of alternative fuels, including For example, for a MR tanker on its way
Shuttle and STS transfers get an adjustment. biofuels, but that work is not ready yet. from mid Pacific to Singapore. With 13.5
“Corrections” could be summarised Even after that, CII needs to be changed knots, the CII for this vessel would make 5.0

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator
CII. With 10.5 knots CII is only 3.7. The shortest route hits the strong Kuroshio
Of course, we cannot just order ships to currents in the coast of Japan. The weather
do 10.5 knots to get CIIs down. That would routing avoids those by adding 150 miles to
probably lead to loss of transportation the total voyage length.
capacity, missing loading/discharging dates Arrival time is the same, fuel oil
and create a need for more vessels. consumption is twenty tons less, equalling
But if we play this smart and adjust the 62 tons in CO2 emissions. Ton miles
speed to the minimum required for the increased from 357 million to 365 million.
loading days or discharge window, we can The result is that CII is down by 4 per
gain a lot simply by being actively on top of cent, from 5.4 to 5.2.
the voyage progress. No harm for the operations, same arrival
In our own Porvoo terminal we apply JIT time, saved fuel costs, and the charterer
arrivals for our time chartered fleet. We got some nice margin for the CII delivery
have got even older tankers to A-level in requirement.
CII. There are also more scalable tools for
optimizing the arrival times in development, Risto-Juhani Kariranta, shipping Risto-Juhani Kariranta works as a
such as Blue Visby. performance manager for Neste shipping performance manager for
completely different, giving no guarantees of worlds’ biggest producer of renewable
“Redeliver vessel in a C class” CII remaining the same in our operations. diesel, Neste, based in Finland, and
We have seen the first CII clauses for also has his own consultancy, Ahti
longer time charter parties, requesting us as Weather routing Consulting, providing services for
charterers to redeliver the vessel minimum Weather routing should be among the related to emission regulation, such as
in a C class. clear winners in CII reduction measures. It CII, EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime,
From a charterer point of view, it is a bit reduces the total fuel consumption and CO2 compliance, for shipping performance
of an uncomfortable situation. emissions for the voyage. It can also add improvements, shipping IT development
We get limited information about the miles. and decarbonisation, see
vessels’ current CII-levels. And even if we For example, we have a medium size 190mm wide x 130mm
get it, our trade is most probably something tanker sailing from Vancouver to Singapore. TO

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January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 13


No clear answer on
which future fuel
We still lack clear insights into how much volume of various low carbon fuels will be available
in future, and there are many questions about the role of wind assisted propulsion, biofuels and
atomic energy, says DNV

he availability of alternative fuels needs of different segments, trading routes, the pace is not, said Eirik Ovrum, Principal
is the biggest hurdle for maritime cargo owners, financiers, regulators and other Consultant, Environment Advisory, DNV, and
decarbonisation, says Knut Ørbeck- stakeholders.” author of the report.
Nilssen, Chief Executive Officer, Whatever happens, shipping companies are While IMO has agreed its targets need
Maritime, DNV. advised to be as energy efficient as possible, strengthening, it has not yet agreed on how
“Technologies will be available this decade, and maintain some ability to switch between much, he said. It is also important that IMO
I am pretty confident. The same cannot be said fuels, he said. develops ways to analyse fuels over the full
for fuels.” The shipping industry needs new fuels to be production and combustion chain, or ‘well to
We should adopt the alternative fuels which made available in large volumes in ports, and wake’, so that the CO2 absorbed when growing
are available now or likely to be available the necessary infrastructure in place. Perhaps biofuels is taken into account.
soon, rather than waiting for the perfect it needs stronger co-operation with energy DNV anticipates that it will be necessary
solution, he believes. “We have no time to producers and fuel providers, he said. for 5 per cent of all maritime fuel to be carbon
waste. Action is much more valuable than Ports must also contribute, in providing fuel neutral by 2030, if the industry as a whole will
ambitious declarations about the end state,” he storage and bunkering facilities, and battery see 40 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030,
said. charging facilities. ‘Green financing’ from he said.
The shipping industry needs answers to banks can help get the ball rolling. Looking at the vessel order books, the
questions such as which choices of fuel Governments should create mechanisms to number of ships being ordered running on
will prove to be viable, and whether their incentivise the first companies to participate ‘alternative fuels’ has tripled since 2019. An
production and infrastructure is scalable, he in the future ‘green shipping corridors’, where astonishing 30 per cent of today’s order book
says. low carbon fuels are made available at multiple can operate on LNG fuel, he said.
The industry needs to know how much points. In terms of ‘future’ fuel technologies
biofuel will be available from a sustainable A network of green shipping corridors, expected in the next 3-8 years, methanol is the
feedstock, and what role wind assisted covering both sea and land logistics, can “form “most developed”, he said. “Ammonia is next
propulsion and atomic energy could have. the foundation of a global low carbon fuel in line”.
“There are no silver bullet answers. market,” he said. “Onboard carbon capture and storage is
Uncertainties around price and availability coming as well.”
means there is no clear winner,” he said. “We DNV’s future forecasts Both ‘blue’ fuels and onboard carbon
are most likely heading for a multi-fuel future.” The 6th edition of DNV’s 2050 Maritime capture will need a large scale build up of CO2
“Reducing our footprint will rely on Forecast, published in 2022, showed that sequestration infrastructure, he said.
building solutions that match the individual while the direction of decarbonisation is clear, If enough sustainable biomass is available

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator
Figure 3: VLCC TCE Freight Rate Distribution 2000-2012 (US$/Day) code so putting theory into practice will not
be easy.
-1 Std Dev Average +1 Std Dev For yearsDECARBONISATION
the evidence has been mounting
US$10.700/Day US$44.400/Day US$78.100/Day that the market was adopting new operating
to make biofuels for shipping, that will be and methanol is 10 per cent more expensive. market.” This has been bolstered by vetting
a preferred option, because it can be easily and“Building
requirementsis a critically
combined important
converted into energy dense fuels, such as bio Average MSC TCE perspective
required for 10% ROE
point while
swollen we have from
inventories this uncertainty today,”
past orderbooks.
LNG, biomethane and biodiesel. “We have to focus todayLife
15-year on| what said Mr Darr.even
we can do
US$ 48.800/Day
However, “We’re looking
if these at a range
elevated of
It would be better if the world’s sustainable today,” said Bud20-year Darr, group ways to accomplish that.”
Life | US$ vice
occur, further restraint will still be required. If
biomass fuel could be reserved for shipping president for maritime25-yearpolicy “The most important fuel selection in 2030
and 43.300/Day
Life | US$ government
available tonnage is trimmed and rates rise as
and aviation and other ‘hard to abate’ sectors, affairs with cruise and container shipping may not be the right choice in 2040.”
forecast, increasing transit speeds will be
he said, rather than other uses which could also company MSC Group. “I think its important to keep an open mind
tempting. However, speeding up vessels would
on this, make the best investment choices
use batteries. “I think we need multiple fuels, there’s not
Meanwhile, we should expect renewable eliminate
we can make some of the
today. gains shipowners
Neither by raising or tonnage
any one single answer Normalfor any Distribution
Curve fleet.”
electricity use to be prioritised for where it has availability
“In the cruise side of our business, we’ve through reduced voyage
engine OEMs will control which fuels make times.
the biggest emission reduction potential. This made a significant commitment to LNG. That itAlthough the 10%
into production solution
in the will result
larger volumes thein
is probably where renewable electricity directly starts with fossil LNG which is available dearer transportation costs, charterers
soonest, how effective they will be, [and if should
replaces fossil electricity – and not shipping. now, the technology is pretty mature. We’re also
move, asaccommodates
it will allay anythe
Producing maritime fuels from renewable
Average Monthly TCE progressing
(US$000/Day) concerns
benefits.”regarding owners cutting corners to
onto bio or synthetic form [LNG]
electricity, known as ‘electro fuels’, is a to keep that molecule viable.”
Source: save“There may be more
on operating
McQuilling Services. costs.than one or two
process with a low efficiency, he said. But “That’s not at the expense of methanol, wedecision
Sendingpoints through
a 15-year oldthevessel
lifetime of the
to the breakers
enteredonintothetheplus side it is possible
consultancy’s to make low
quantitative think that
the vessel has a 3).
(Figure future role to play.” inship.”
isolation will accomplish nothing, meaning TO

forecasting ‘dropThis
model. in’ fuels
usesthistheway, which will be The “We’ll
relationship be ablefor
explanation to this
facilitate a transition
lies in the effecttoof
collective action is required. Coaxing
attractive to shipowners.
between spot rates and the CI. The result of discounting the cash flows over time. at
green methanol when it is available You canaction,
The cash watch such
the webinar
as thatonline at in this
Decarbonisation is not just about lower should that prove to be the best
option. Thefar
this analysis indicates a significant freight rate flows in the later years of the project make report requires true leadership and our industry
emission fuels, it can also be about speed webinars-and-videos/on-demand-
response to a reduced tonnage supply. This less barriers to retrofitting
contribution than thosemethanol
in the are lessyears.
early than
has a long history of producing leaders.
reduction and energy efficiency measures, he the barriers to LNG.” webinars/alternative-fuels-online-
response may provide enough evidence to As a result, the economic impact of “Will anyone step up to the task?”
said. “We have a big enough fleet where we can conference-2022.html
support the call for scrapping of vessels 15- shortening the vessel’s life is not as severe McQuilling asked. TO
DNV has established an “Alternative Fuels try multiple options and develop our strategy
years ofInsight
age, orPortal”,
older. online at as might be expected
as we go.”
It aims to provide information about land yet the“This potential
Rate increase
based infrastructure for alternative fuels substantially different
In the three VLCC trading routes that
as information emerges. Also data about TCEs than required
availability. If you SHIP HANDLING RESEARCH
McQuilling forecast
production -AG/West,
capacity, AG/East
distribution bunkeringduring
andand want these years
WAF/East - the average
infrastructure, increase
to help would
shipping be 11
companies is high.
capable ship you ILAWA
WS points,
approximately $17,000 per day. Based
can get onitcurrent
today, but
The impact It will track theearnings
on average yearly uptake of different market
throughout realities
it doesn’t meanandyou
fuels period
the forecast and compare differentinparts
is illustrated Figureof the
2. world.the theoretical
have the fuel,” he
The most significant rise in owners’ earnings said.
assumptions that
Engine maker’s
would theoretically occur in 2014. perspective illustrate early to have
“We need
“In our view, LNG and methanol
Further support for this drastic inventory are the ones an opencould
scrapping mind about
to go for, if you want to take
reduction initiative was illustrated from the a choice today,” a range of
substantially improvefuels,
said Alexander Feindt, Business Development we’re going to need
economic perspective in a previous report in market fundamentals
Manager, Marine Four-Stroke, MAN Energy quite a few fuels in
which it was observed that the large variation at little expected cost
Solutions, a maritime engine manufacturer. the mix.”
of TCEs in the marketplace to the relative to owners, a swift and
“We have methanol ready concepts available, “There’s a bio
difference in required TCEs for the various
[and for] fuel with bio components.”
steady fleet trimming
feed stock required
VLCC lifespan assumptions appears
Those are the options you have as an to be shouldfor occur.
progressing from Our Training Centre offers you:
quite small.
operator. Other options will play a role after However,
The $5,500
3-5 years,” per he
difference between the McQuilling
of LNG to said that
required TCE of a VLCC traded
“Decarbonisation will notfor
fail15 years of it was
because formaware that like
of that.” • Two fully equipped manned models representing
and onetechnology,”
traded for 25 he years see the bottleneck any business,
is immaterial,
said. “We There will tanker
also tankers of capacity 150 000 DWT and 280 000 DWT
compared to the expected
somewhere variation
else, production that will beof owners
infrastructure do not operate
be competition are available;
in thefuelmarketplace
options.” over the life of under froman other industry
altruistic • STS operations, approaching SBM and FPSO are

It is not necessarily helpful to talk about sectors for the same included in the programme;
which fuels are better than others, because the feedstocks. “There’s • Harbour manoeuvres are supported by manned
right answer may depend on what available in only so much of that models of large ASD and tractor tugs.
Since 2012, the reading of the
your part of the world, Mr Feindt said. “We to go around,” he
For further information please contact:
VLCC sector has remained
talk about the importance of flexibility and said.
optionality, and how you compare options.” “We need these Ship Handling Research and Training Centre,

Ilawa, Poland
one of oversupply
MAN has done an analysis together with
DNV about retrofit costs, which found that
fuels, although the
shipping industry tel./fax: +48 89 648 74 90 or +48 58 341 59 19
retrofitting a vessel with LNG is 20 per cent may only be 4 per e-mail:
more expensive than-a McQuillingconventional retrofit; cent of the fuel

October 2013  TANKEROperator 05

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 15

How banks are driving

Major maritime banks have announced their intension to decarbonise their portfolios, such
as under the Poseidon Principles. But how can this be done if there is not yet such thing as a
decarbonised vessel?

ajor maritime banks, in initiatives ambition. It is not going to be very easy. I believe 2025. There are safety concerns, and a larger fuel
such as the Poseidon Principles, in it, I think it is realistic,” he said. tank is needed.
have expressed their ambition to The next decade may be the hardest, when Mr Wright is pleased to see vessels being built
decarbonise their shipping loan low carbon fuels are not available, yet ships still which are ‘ammonia ready’. “That can range
portfolios, reaching net zero by 2050. How can need to reduce their emissions. “It is going to be from ‘having space allocated to a larger tank’ to
they do it? very difficult for shipping companies and capital ‘being able to do an engine retrofit.’
“All the banks are making a commitment to providers to align their portfolios,” he said. Mr Wright notes that the prices of future fuels
decarbonise,” said Paul Taylor, Global Head of It is possible that some banks may prefer still look up to 6 times higher than conventional
Maritime Industries, Société Générale Investment to leave the shipping industry altogether than fuel, although this difference is reduced by
Bank, speaking at the DNV Future Fuels event finance higher carbon ships, he said. current high oil and LNG prices. “We predict
in November 2022. “It is easier said than done, Some banks may develop advisory arms, they will come down as technology advances,”
particularly when the [necessary] technologies helping shipping company clients move to new he said.
are not in force.” segments of the industry, such as related to CO2 We should also not underestimate the role
30 banks have signed up to the Poseidon transportation and wind farm construction, he LNG can play, Mr Taylor added, even though we
Principles, under which they agree to report the said. “The opportunities are vast for the banks accept it is a ‘transitional’ fuel. “LNG can play a
carbon intensity of their portfolios regularly, which are embracing the transition and change.” vital role over the next decade and beyond.”
so everybody can see if they are on target or “Let’s go to lunch with anyone who thinks net “Methane slip has been an issue, this is being
not. But the only way they can do it is to “have zero by 2050 is impossible,” added Chris Wright, addressed. Many parties believe methane slip
stringent origination policy for new business,” director strategic and capital advisory, maritime, is something that is solved by the end of the
Mr Taylor said. In other words, they will only for Société Générale. “The climate can’t afford to decade. We need to be sure there’s a common
accept new loan applications if they are for ships wait. We should have a serious conversation with view on whether methane slip is an issue going
with lower carbon emissions. anyone who is not willing to concede the target.” forward.”
For banks, “it will mean walking away from The bank is already having tough
some business that we would have done in conversations with its clients, and also having How to get a loan
previous years and decades,” he said. tough conversations internally, about how much Société Générale is very keen to partner with the
Banks may choose to work closely only with is achievable. right shipowners, understand their strategy, and
clients who are also committed to a strategy to Already, banks can see that they are not help them adopt new fuels through its lending.
reach net zero by 2050. achieving their Poseidon goals. “Vessels are “We are very keen on supporting first movers,
Given that low carbon ships and fuels are not largely in misalignment under the Poseidon whether first movers who decide to go out
yet available, it may make sense not to set too principles,” he said. “We need to encourage and create their own market, buy methanol
high targets in this decade (the 2020s), to give owners to upgrade them, think about additional container ships, or offtake a material part of
time for the technologies and infrastructure to be on deck additions, such as ‘on ship CO2 capture’, green ammonia. You will see banks including
planned for, he said. consider renewing the fleet.” us following and ushering these kind of people
Some people are saying that achieving net zero forward.”
by 2050 for shipping is impossible, and banks are New fuels “We can start to think about how we can
just putting themselves out of business by setting
The speakers were asked for their perspective on get closer towards green ship financing. The
this requirement, particularly as it is beyond what
alternative fuels, given that shipping companies better the economics get, the more chance that
is required of the industry under regulations,
will only be able to reduce emissions by about 20 happens.”
noted Jan-Henrik Hübner, Global Head of
per cent without them. “We, as a bank, spend a lot of time developing
Shipping Advisory,
Mr Wright said that he recently conducted a a story with a client, before we think about
poll on LinkedIn of what shipping people were providing a loan,” he said.
Mr Taylor
most interested in, and found the highest interest And as with any lending, the bank needs
replied that anyone
was in ammonia and LNG. They were “well some reassurance that the loan can be repaid,
saying this has “an
ahead of methanol and hydrogen.” with good reasons why it can predict stable
incredible negative
While the bank is ‘agnostic’ to the choice of earnings for a few years. “If you have a ship to
view. Probably
technology shipowners make, it is not agnostic to be ordered, finance in place, a charterer in place,
someone who is
the financial impact of their choices. That means you have the bones of something which can lead
not particularly
it has to take an interst in technical aspects. to the investment being made,” he said.
involved in the
energy transition.” “We believe ammonia is a huge part of the The bank faces much higher ‘technological
future mix,” he said. The downsides, from the risk’ with its loans than it has ever done before,
Paul Taylor, Global Head of “Let’s be
bank’s perspective, is that it does not expect an he said.
Maritime Industries, Société honest, 2050 net
ammonia engine to be ready to install until late TO
Générale Investment Bank zero is a real

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Biofuels, wind and nuclear

Biofuel for shipping can be an option in the short and medium term. Wind is coming out now,
and nuclear may work in the future. Speakers at the DNV Alternative Fuel conference discussed
where we are with it

hile we see an increasing One factor impacting supply to the
number of biofuel suppliers maritime sector is that road transport is
and products, the question moving away from diesel due to concerns
of how much biofuel could about other environmental factors. Road
ultimately be generated remains the key diesel contains some biofuel, which could
question, we heard at the DNV Alternative then be made available for shipping, he said.
Fuels conference. Goodfuels tests the ‘homogeneousness’
There are some challenges with biofuels (standard specification) of fuels before
which shipping companies need to be aware bunkering, and tests the compatibility with
of. The biofuels market does not function the shipowners engine.
in a conventional way, with many elements Shipowners should be aware that there is a
making up the biofuel price. There is also lack of quality procedures or quality control
uncertainty about how regulations may be standards,” he said.
changed to accommodate biofuels, including Often during trials, Goodfuels will send
IMO’s CII and the EU ETS scheme. In technical staff onboard to talk to crews, for
operations, “waxing” can happen when the example to help them set the right settings
fuel drops in temperature. on their fuel purifier, and help them feel
Daniel Gent, Energy & Sustainability
United European Car Carriers (UECC) has more comfortable with it, he said. Manager with UECC.
made steps to use biofuel as a major fuel, Goodfuels has just completed a project
on the basis that it could be the best way to to add a tracer to the biofuel before it is expansion is expected in the 2022 figures,
meet decarbonisation requirements, since blended with the conventional fuel. This due to a large number of biomethane plants
the fuel is already available in moderate makes it possible to tell afterwards how (184) starting production in 2021.
volumes, said Daniel Gent, Energy & much biofuel is in the blend.
Sustainability Manager with UECC.
Fuel costs
That said, securing larger volumes of Biogas The costs of basic biofuels can be inflated
supply has been a major challenge so far.
Biogas – mainly methane with a plant based by “pinch points in the value chain”, said
“Volumes were difficult to source on a
origin - could be an ideal zero carbon fuel Giacomo Boati, Executive Director –
prolonged trial basis,” he said. We didn’t
for shipping, if it was available in sufficient Consulting, Oil Markets Midstream and
want to take a delivery of 400 tonnes, make
quantities. Downstream, with S&P Global Commodity
a press release, then not do anything else,”
Annual production in Europe for 2022 was Insights. As these pinch points are reduced,
he said.
18.4 billion cubic metres (bcm), according to costs may start to decline.
Goodfuels, a biofuel supplier to the
the European Biogas Association Statistical However for advanced biofuels, such as
maritime industry, has seen the market
Report, published in December 2022. It also making biofuel from forestry residue, the
evolve from a niche to more mainstream
showed a 20 per cent increase in biogas main cost is the capex in processing plant
over the past few years, said Bernard
production over 2021. and logistics systems, he said. The costs of
van Haeringen, Commercial Manager,
By comparison, total EU gas consumption these technologies can be expected to only
GoodFuels. Goodfuels’ feedstock is
in 2022 was 415 bcm. So the biogas ‘mildly decline’. Perhaps there won’t be
currently waste oils and fats.
production was 4.4 per cent of European significant cost reduction until the end of the
Northwest Europe is a major market, but
consumption (18.4/415). Russia provided 2020s, he said.
not the only one. “Demand in Singapore
137 bcm of gas in 2021. For synthetic fuels, made with renewable
has grown, and in other places,” he said.
EBA further forecasts that there could electricity, there is also significant capex
“Regulators are moving towards making
be 35 bcm of biogas produced annually investment. But with renewable projects
steps, making it easier for shipowners to
by 2030 and 95 bcm by 2050, with some getting bigger and bigger, and much
studies estimating potential production investment in technology development, we
Goodfuels only uses fuels which offer
of 176 bcm, said Anna Venturini, Policy may also see these costs come down, “in the
80-90 per cent CO2 reduction, and fuels
Officer, European Biogas Association second part of the 2020s”.
which don’t compete with the food industry,
(EBA). But Mr Boati cautioned that many of the
or lead to deforestation.
Looking specifically at biomethane, made technologies are very mature. “It’s not like a
Biofuel is unique among alternative fuels
by putting biogas through a purification breakthrough innovation is expected to come
in that it can be ‘dropped in’ to the existing
process, there was also a 20 per cent growth onstream in the foreseeable future.” And the
fuel systems and make an immediate impact,
in 2021, with 3.5bcm produced. Greater lowest cost sites for renewables have already
he said.

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 17


been exploited, such as locations for onshore company has been in business for 10 years get there, nuclear power would need to be
wind. and has 30 employees. Annual fuel savings developed in a different way, said Mikal
of 5 to 25 per cent are possible. Boe, founder and CEO of Core Power,
Rotor sails for wind Many global shipping routes provide a company developing nuclear power
Perspectives on rotor sails for wind strong and favourable winds for rotor technology for shipping.
propulsion were provided by Jukka sails, such as crossing the North and South Ports would need to be comfortable
Kuuskoski, chief sales officer with rotor Atlantic, or the North Pacific, he said. welcoming nuclear powered ships. They
sales company Norsepower Oy of Helsinki, Vessels operating near the equator, in the would also need to be mass manufactured
Finland. Mediterranean or Suez Canal, typically see assembled systems, to keep the costs
Rotor sails are vertical cylindrical shaped less windy conditions. affordable for the commercial sector, he
devices which spin. They create thrust in There is less opportunity for vessels said.
the same way that a spinning cricket ball moving closer to the equator, or in the Med Core Power is developing reactor designs
generates its own thrust, due to the pressure or Suez Canal. which do not operate under pressure, so that
difference between the side it is spinning One example installation, made in May even if the reactor explodes, there would be
towards, and the side it is spinning away 2020, is on a a ferry running between no rapid expulsion of dangerous material.
from. This is known as the “Magnus Effect”. Denmark and Germany, the Scandlines Even if there is an accident, it would be safe
The vessel gets thrusted in a direction 90 M/S Copenhagen, he said. It found CO2 to stand next to a vessel, he said.
degrees from the wind. emissions reduced by 4 per cent. The fast molten salt reactor might be
Norsepower’s sails have been installed Other example installations were a ro-ro appropriate for shipping. This runs at
on ferries, ro-ros, tankers, bulk carriers vessel with two x 35m high, 5m diameter ambient pressure. It has a liquid fuel, which
and cruise ships, Mr Kuuskoski said. The rotor sails, installed in Dec 2020, with a also serves as the coolant. The majority of
mechanism to let the sails be brought down the reactor waste is consumed in the reactor.
when it goes under a bridge. Also bulk It can run 30 years without refuelling, and
carrier Sea Zhoushan, operated by Pan be topped up while running at full power,
Ocean Ship Management, where the sails tip rather than have to stop the reactor to refuel.
to allow cargo hatches to be opened. It can provide 20 to 70 MW of electricity.
Two 35m x 5m sails were scheduled to be The micro heat pipe reactor might also
installed on the MV Delphine, the “world’s work for shipping. It fits into a container
largest short sea ro-ro vessel’, at the end slightly larger than a 20 foot shipping
of 2022, with estimated fuel and emission container. It can provide 2-8 MW of reliable
reduction of 7-10 per cent. power over a 8-10 year life cycle. At the end
For Norway’s CO2 capture and storage of its life it can be swapped with another
project Northern Lights, there will be containerised system, he said. TO

CO2 carriers ordered from Chinese Dalian

Shipbuilding, with one rotor sail on each
ship, he said.

Nuclear power has been used on naval ships
Jukka Kuuskoski, chief sales officer,
for decades, but that does not mean it would
Norsepower Oy
be easy to install on commercial ships. To

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January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Rolling out hydrogen

and ammonia
Hydrogen and ammonia fuels see big interest and technology development. The question is
when they can be rolled out and used. We heard an update at DNV’s Alternative Fuels Online
Conference in November

hile we see an increasing There are two pathways for zero carbon an engine, although not the ship engines
number of biofuel suppliers hydrogen, either using renewable energy we currently have. DNV expects maritime
and products, the question (‘green’) or with fossil gas plus CO2 ammonia engine technology to be ready in
of how much biofuel could sequestration (‘blue’). While some people 2-3 years, he said.
ultimately be generated remains the key may be keen to see green ‘win’, Mr Alvik Hydrogen based fuels could be used more
question, we heard at the DNV Alternative stressed that both will be needed, so efficiently onboard ships if they are run
Fuels conference. competition between them is not helpful. through fuel cells to make electrical power
Hydrogen and hydrogen based fuels, such “Blue hydrogen has an important part of the to drive motors, rather than burned directly
as ammonia, are seen by many to be the most hydrogen mix,” he said. in combustion engines. They can also reduce
likely zero carbon fuel choice. But there are For green hydrogen, a main factor in the pollution and noise, Mr Chryssakis said. Fuel
questions about how fast they can be made total cost is the cost of electrolysers, which cells could be run on hydrogen, methanol and
available. Also, whether shipping companies apply electricity from renewables to water, ‘maybe’ ammonia.
will adopt them, considering that other fuels, splitting into hydrogen and oxygen. Mr Alvik Altogether, DNV currently forecasts that 5
such as methanol, are easier to use onboard. notes that some forecasters have predicted per cent of the world’s energy demand will
There is already much hydrogen production that they could be made cheaply in China. be provided in the form of hydrogen in 2050.
in the world, for use making fertilisers and But these might not be “the high quality This is a “third of what it should be,” Mr
in refineries, although this is nearly all made electrolysers we need in the future,” he said. Alvik asserted.
from fossil fuels, so CO2 is emitted in the ”Prices will be lower and lower, but not very
production. low.” How long to adopt?
The next issue to consider is how hydrogen A big question about ammonia and hydrogen
would be transported. We may see hydrogen is how long it might take for the supply
transported relatively short distances between infrastructure to become available, and for
countries by pipeline, such as green hydrogen shipping companies to switch to using it.
made with solar power in North Africa and People are looking to the roll-out of LNG, to
sent to mainland Europe. Or blue hydrogen see if there are any lessons to learn.
generated in Norway and transported by
Shipping companies have had many
pipeline to Northern Europe.
commercial incentives for adopting LNG fuel
If hydrogen is to be carried longer distances over the past decades, noted Espen Gjerde,
than are practical with pipelines, it is likely Senior Vice President, New Energy with
to be converted to ammonia and loaded on a Norwegian maritime group Wilh. Wilhelmsen
ship. Holding. His company operates 160 car
Then, we have the issue that carrying carriers and ro-ro vessels, among other
hydrogen by ship is not very practical because activities.
as a gas it has a very large volume, and as a 20 years ago, the cost of LNG was similar
liquid it needs to be cooled to minus -273 C. to conventional fuels, but there was an
“Long distance transport of hydrogen is expectation that the cost would go down
very challenging, whether with pipelines or further over time, he said.
Sverre Alvik, director of DNV’s Energy
Transition Outlook research program ships. We don’t think that’s likely to happen,” “Oil and gas producers were investing
he said. in production, distribution, infrastructure.
But many producers are looking for ways However ammonia (NH4), which can be We saw they gave chartering contracts for
to develop zero carbon hydrogen, with no made from hydrogen, is still zero carbon and shipowners that wanted to use LNG on their
carbon emitted when combusted or produced, better suited for long distance transport. vessels.”
said Sverre Alvik, director of DNV’s Energy
For ammonia transport by ship, it is There was also much interest in the way
Transition Outlook research program,
very important to understand the safety LNG fuel could help reduce other emissions,
speaking at DNV’s Alternative Fuels
challenges, said Christos Chryssakis, Business such as NOx and SOx. Bank funding was
Conference in November 2022. It might prove
Development Manager, Maritime, DNV. available in Norway at discounted rates.
attractive for many fuel consuming industries,
“Ammonia is a very toxic fuel.” Despite this, it still took over 10 years for
not just shipping.
Ammonia can be combusted directly in LNG to be adopted, noted

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 19

Shipping may also be investing on the provide low carbon fuels at each end of the
expectation of getting a higher volume of ‘corridor’, can be an opportunity for different
these carbon based fuels than upstream governments to harmonise incentives,
developers will be able to deliver, he said. regulation and policy.
“The disconnect is a bit linked to the fact However she noted that not everybody sees
that we are falling short on policies and them in the same way. “Green corridors mean
risk mitigation mechanisms to align the slightly different things to different people,”
investment upstream with investment on the she said. “Green corridors is a more macro
vessel.” concept.”
“There’s a lot of work needs to be done, a
lot of integration horizontally that needs to Producing low carbon ammonia
happen.” The technology for producing blue and
Ammonia as a fuel pathway will “have to green ammonia is “quite mature, but requires
be unlocked,” he said. scaling, industrialisation and cost reduction,”
“It is a scale energy carrier. It comes at a said Ole Alexander Bull Dehn, Ammonia
competitive production cost. Ammonia is the Commercial Manager, Yara Clean Ammonia.
Prof Lynn Loo, CEO, Global Centre for world’s biggest [volume] chemical.” “For the first movers it will be more
Maritime Decarbonisation (screenshot Many industries other than shipping expensive.”
from webinar)
are looking at ways to adopt zero carbon Yara “wants to take the lead in this,” he
But it should be possible to develop hydrogen and ammonia, he said. “Markets to said. “We want to enable ammonia as a
ammonia and hydrogen markets faster, he replace grey ammonia in fertiliser and power maritime fuel.”
said. “We’ve got fundamentally different plants are being matured.” Yara’s core business is making agricultural
drivers in the market. The real requestion
“We need to ensure the maritime industry fertiliser, and manufacturing ammonia which
in my mind is how quickly will these fuels
is able to build into that marketplace, is used to make it. It is one of the world’s
aggregating the demand signals,” he said. largest producers of ammonia, with a global
Ammonia safety
Multiple fuel pathways are required if we manufacturing and supply chain in place. It
Ammonia fuel comes with big safety have a chance of reaching the Paris agreement is also one of the largest ammonia traders, he
concerns. Prof. Lynn Loo, CEO, Global goals, he said. And the safety challenge of said.
Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, noted ammonia needs to be addressed, not taken as To deliver ammonia to vessels, in April
that ammonia can be deadly at just 35 parts an obstacle. 2022 it announced that it had developed
per million in the air.
Prof. Lynn Loo of GCMD noted that an ammonia bunker barge concept, with a
The safety requirements to handle it as a methanol has advantages over ammonia to ‘pre-order’ of ‘up to’ 15 units, to work on
marine fuel need to be more stringent than shipping companies, because they can handle Scandinavian coastlines.
requirements to carry it as cargo, since the it with existing infrastructure; although It is also a co-owner, along with Aker
cargo will be transferred at different rates and ammonia may be easier to produce. Clean Hydrogen and Statkraft, in in Norway’s
in different places, she said.
Adrian MacMillan, Head of New Energy HEGRA project to supply 500,000 MT a year
GCMD has commissioned a safety study to Shipping Business Development, with of green ammonia by 2026. There was a pilot
define the ‘safety envelope’ and ‘operations Woodside Energy of Australia, agreed project in summer 2022 to produce 25 MT.
envelope’ (limitations) for ammonia that there is a risk of a disconnect between For blue ammonia, it is connecting its
bunkering. However this study has not yet maritime fuel producers and fuel consumers ammonia production with Norway’s Longship
identified any “showstoppers” – reason (shipowners / cargo owners). carbon capture and storage project.
ammonia cannot be used as a fuel, she said.
He noted that there is a need to count the Yara is developing lifecycle analysis of
carbon costs for the whole supply chain of its fuels, so people can see exactly how
Is maritime mismatched? fuel production when assessing the carbon much carbon was emitted at all stages.
Torben Nørgaard, Head of Energy and Fuels emissions of fuels, including emissions from Although so far there is no clear regulation
with the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center transport, storage and operating bunkering or methodology for doing it, he said. “I don’t
for Zero Carbon Shipping, noted that energy vessels. Vessels are unlikely to be bunkered think it should be up to the shipowners to
suppliers are gearing up to provide blue in the same places that fuel is being produced. define this or to compare. Ideally this should
ammonia, while the maritime industry appears “Each of those activities have a carbon be regulated.”
to be planning more for carbon based fuels. intensity associated with them. There might also be some kind of offset,
So there is something of a mismatch. we need to be sure we follow the molecules where a company pays for green ammonia
“We had a little look at the balance through the supply chain and understand the delivered in one location, and uses grey
between investments on the vessel side, and process,” he said. “It is important that people ammonia elsewhere with a ‘green’ certificate.
investments by project developers looking to have confidence in the data which comes with “There will be a standard but maybe not from
supply the energy for the various segments.” the fuels.” day one,” he said.
“There is a disconnect between available
fuels and demand for fuel. Shipping is Green corridors
investing more in carbon based fuels,
Prof Loo noted that the green corridors
methanol and methane.” TO
idea, where two ports or countries agree to

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

Tanker technology news

Fibre optic health monitoring, hydrogen transport by ship markets, new breakaway coupling for
tanker hoses

amos Steamship is using a fibre
optic structural health monitoring
system on three Aframax newbuilds.
The system, “SENSFIB”, from Oslo
company Light Structures AS, was selected
by shipbuilder Sumitomo Heavy Industries
Marine and Engineering (SHI-ME).
SENSIB has already been installed on the
first two vessels in the series, due for delivery
in Q2 and Q3 2023.
The system monitors the forces on the
vessel structure, such as whipping, slamming
and shearing.
There are dedicated systems for hull stress
monitoring, FPSO monitoring, ice load
monitoring, and sloshing monitoring.
The crew can see how big the forces are, as
the impacts happen, and consider if the vessel
can be operated in a different way to reduce
these forces, and improve operational safety.
The Gall Thomson breakaway coupling
The system can be used to monitor health
over the longer term, so the operator can with good sun and wind such as Australia. separate and close in an emergency, such
make sure vessels are structurally healthy and This gap in cost will make it worthwhile as vessel drift or pressure surge events. The
operating within design tolerances. shipping hydrogen. vessels can move apart but nothing is spilt.
There are new class notations which accept Pipelines may be the cost effective means The new version ‘PetalC’, reduces axial
this structural data in decisions to potentially of delivery for distances up to 5,000km, and loads on exposed breakstuds by 30 percent.
reduce the amount of drydock surveys a vessel shipping will be used for longer distances. It also reduces the length of the coupling by
must undertake, says Goetz Vogelmann, sales
Pipeline transport costs, including the costs 60 per cent. This length reduction is achieved
director, Light Structures.
of building the pipeline, could be $0.54 per kg by elements of the ‘cartridge profile’ inside
Light Structures was founded in 2001 per 1000km. These costs could reduce by 45 the hose.
as a spin-off from the Norwegian Defence per cent if gas pipelines can be repurposed for The body size is smaller than the diameter
Research Establishment. hydrogen. of the hose flange, minimizing the risk of
Transporting hydrogen by ship could cost external impact and abrasion damage.
Research on market for hydrogen $1.45 per kg, for a distance of 7,000km. It is an evolution of the standard “Petal
transport by ship Hydrogen transported by ship is likely to Valve” MBC which the company makes,
Rethink Technology Research of Bristol, be converted into a form easier to carry, for which has been in use for over 40 years,
UK, has published a report about how much example as ammonia or in a liquid organic during which time it has been activated over
hydrogen will need to be transported around hydrogen carrier. The cost of these approaches 340 times and supplied to over 50 FPSOs.
the world in future, both in pipelines and in will depend on how efficiently hydrogen can The Petal Valve system also sometimes
“liquid organic hydrogen carriers” (tankers). be ‘packed’ and ‘unpacked’ from its respective needs ‘transit bolts’ during reeling and
The report is called “Pipelines and hydrogen carrier. deployment of the hose. The PetalC system
ships to dominate H2 distribution.” For hydrogen to be carried as a cooled gas reduces the needs for transit bolts.
It predicts that the cost of transporting (as LNG is now), there will be big engineering Both systems are powered by the energy
hydrogen may make up over 50 per cent of challenges, and also big ‘boil off losses’ as of oil flowing through the pipeline acting
the cost of providing hydrogen to a customer, some of the hydrogen turns from liquid to gas. on the assembly, to instigate shut-off during
with less than 50 per cent being the cost of By 2050, Rethink forecasts that 735m an emergency. No external power source is
producing it. tonnes of green (renewable electricity sourced) needed. This reduces the level of risk and
It predicts that importing hydrogen to hydrogen will be produced every year. management complexity.
resource-rich countries will add between $0.50 The PetalC has been extensively tested with
and $1.86 per kilogram, depending on the Breakaway Coupling the assistance of Dunlop Oil and Marine and
distance and the means through which it can independently witnessed by Lloyds Register.
Gall Thomson Environmental Ltd, a company
be transported. Although PetalC has been specifically
based in Great Yarmouth, UK, part of the
The cost of producing hydrogen might be Trelleborg Group, has launched a new version designed for use with FPSO export reeled
$2.60 per kg in places with poor access to of its marine breakaway coupling (MBC). hoses, it can be used in any floating liquid
renewable energy, such as Germany, but they cargo transfer applications.
Its hose breakaway couplings are used on
could be as low as $1.20 per kg for countries TO
FPSOs and tankers. They are designed to

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 21


Hull air lubrication with

no compressors
Armada Technologies is developing a hull air lubrication system which does not need any
compressors, instead using the force of the vessel through the water and low energy pumps
and blowers to generate the bubbles By Andrew Marshall, CEO, Ecochlor

second-generation hull air lubrication control over bubble property, dynamics and air
system (ALS) is on the horizon. concentration.
It has no compressors, would “We kept hearing that owners don’t like
require lower power consumption the expense of compressors that operate
than the first generation, and has a tight control continuously on their vessels,” says Roger
of bubble dynamics regardless of vessel type, Armson, COO of Armada. “This prompted us
speed or weather conditions. to look at other options to generate an air/water
The general principle behind an ALS is the mix for an air lubrication system.”
delivery of bubbles under the ship’s hull to “Like many optimized enviro-technologies,
create a layer of aerated water. Armada’s ALS takes a lesson from nature to
This reduces friction between the hull inform its design. We took inspiration from each and every operating condition.”
and seawater, and consequently reduces fuel the duck and how trapping a layer of air within “This points to the importance of an
consumption and emissions. their plumage, enables them to glide across automation system to ensure that the system
water quicker whilst expending less energy. is performing at its absolute best in varying
Most ALS use compressors operated
We applied these principles to develop a cost- circumstances at sea.”
continuously to replenish the air needed.
effective, passive air lubrication system using a
They have to mechanically force air to the venturi system.”
hull bottom, up to 23 meters on a fully laden Less moving parts
“The design allows for greater system control
VLCC. The system also has less moving parts, making
over the water and air, whether in shallow
They normally have no means to optimize draft, deep draft, high speed or slow speed,” it more reliable and easier to install, maintain
performance apart from increasing vessel speed. adds Alex Routledge, CEO of Armada. “It and operate.
This might even increase fuel consumption is my understanding that no other ALS has “Looking at it from the superintendent’s
under some conditions. the potential controllability that the Armada perspective, they’re thinking, how much more
system offers. Without that controllability, those stress is there going to be for my crew on
systems could be at the mercy of factors that are board the ship to maintain this, how much of
out of their control, such as weather conditions a headache is this going to be when I have to
and ordered ship speed.” fit this alongside 200 other maintenance repair
The controllability also makes it easier to items in the shipyard,” Mr Routledge says.
operate the system at lower speeds, he says. The Armada System has less moving parts
“This is important [with] the ongoing prevalence because it only needs small capacity blowers not
of slow steaming across the world merchant big compressors. Also, it needs less power. 50
fleet. Having an ALS work well in laden per cent of the installation can be done with a
condition, but become inoperable at slow speed riding crew, he says.
ballast legs, destroys any return on investment
The Armada system CII
Testing As shipowners are investigating a giant pool
Armada Technologies is bringing a different
In September 2022, the system went through of potential energy efficient technologies, the
process to market, for the production of the
HYKAT (Hydrodynamic and cavitation tunnel) improvements make the Armada system an
bubbles needed for hull air lubrication.
testing at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin ideal contender to help improve CII scores, Mr
The system uses the vessel’s own forward (HSVA), one of the world’s leading pressurized Routledge says.
motion to drive water through a series of cavitation tunnel testing facilities.
openings in the bow region of the vessel. “The [technologies] that will stand out will
The results proved that passive aeration is be the equipment that is simple to operate, are
These openings direct system water through
viable and offers a credible double-digit on-plate not CAPEX or OPEX heavy and can make a
branch lines to venturis and injectors that then
drag reduction. major contribution to the whole ship’s carbon
“passively” deliver an optimal air/water mix
(rather than simply air) for hull lubrication. “We delivered a stable, well engaged and reduction package,” says Armada’s David
high-quality rigid carpet of aerated water into Swindells.
The system utilises a small number of low
the boundary layer and significant on-plate
energy pumps and blowers to deliver optimal Armada Technologies is an affiliate of the
reduction was recorded,” Mr Routledge says.
system control in certain operational conditions Ecochlor EcoOne Marine Technology Group
of speed, draft and sea state. “We were able to identify a drag reduction
sweet spot, where two identified hydrodynamic
This method of injection allows for tight
phenomena were effectively balanced within TO

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator

OrbitMI – a new
weather route as many
times as you want
OrbitMI’s Weather+ cloud based ship routing service allows you to get a new route for your vessel
as many times as you want for a monthly fee, so you can adapt to changing weather conditions

he Weather+ cloud based ship shipowners to do vessel routing for shorter “It’s like you have a weather service at
routing system, from maritime voyages, and voyages closer to shore, when your beck and call at all times.”
software company OrbitMI, allows the financial return on routing services can be Many other companies offer weather
shipping companies to request perceived to be less. routing services and software, but this is the
a new route any time they want through an Tanker operator Stena Bulk is already only system which works on continually
automated system, paying a monthly fee per using the service, and a number of other updated cloud data, which can be accessed at
vessel. companies are running trials. any time for a monthly fee, Mr Levy says.
So it should be more convenient than The cost of the service is described as
traditional ship routing services, where being in the “hundreds of dollars per month Other benefits
companies might typically pay for each route per ship” range.
they receive, and only get one route for each Shipping companies can use the service to
The route is provided 7 days into the future see routes optimised for fuel use, emissions,
voyage. Traditionally, ship routing is done by
because this is roughly how far today’s estimated time of arrival or speed.
(human) consultants working with the shore
weather forecasting can see into the future The routing service can be used as a
based office.
with reasonable accuracy. The weather simulator and decision support tool. You
With the opportunity to get a new route as information used for the route is provided by
many times as they want, shipping companies can see, for example, what would happen if
weather information provider DTN. you depart at a different time, or what the
can get new routes which adapt to changing
A free “try before you buy” pilot is offered, consequences of choosing a different speed
weather conditions without having to worry
so companies do not have to pay anything would be. You could assess multiple route
about the cost.
at all until they see value in the service, options to see how they would affect vessel
Regular routing updates can be popular says David Levy, chief marketing officer, earnings or CII score.
with seafarers, who often prefer getting a OrbitMI.
route update once a day, rather than a route Routing requests can be made at any time
When the cost of the service is compared via the software, taking into account the
for the next three weeks of voyage, says
to the savings from using the recommended vessel’s daily costs, the fuel used, the fuel
Slavisa Djokic, VP engineering with OrbitMI.
route, “We’re seeing 10, 30 x return on price and required speed.
Having the service should help persuade investment,” he says. The software can generate warnings where
needed, for example if the proposed route
covers waters which may be shallower than
the vessel can safely use.
The advice can be passed to the captain
as an e-mail, with a pdf showing the map,
for illustrative purposes. Also, a data file
showing where the vessel would be at various
points in each day during the next 7 days,
such as 5 points every 24 hours, which can
be entered manually into a navigation system.
The underlying OrbitMI platform
brings in data from a number of integrated
systems, including for weather, vessel
performance management, CII management,
vessel tracking, analytics, chartering and
compliance, says Mr Djokic.
OrbitMI is a pure ‘software as a service’
Get as many routes as you want and try different scenarios – here, the shortest route company, there is no software installed on
(purple) from Rotterdam to Houston has the vessel spending much more time in an the customers’ PCs. TO
emission control area, so the slightly longer route (red) may cost much less

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 23


NAPA – how to make

ship design more
More collaborative working between the various parties involved in ship design could make it
easier to design more energy efficient ships, says maritime software company NAPA.

he ship design process, like most NAPA provides software for ship design, will be,” he says. “For that, you’re going to
design processes, involves coming safety and stability, and voyage optimisation. need to analyse what the wind conditions are
up with an outline design and then Companies might want to plan for the ship along the route, so you can simulate how much
adding detail or other factors to it as to be capable to run on different fuels in the wind propulsion you’re going to get.”
the design work progresses. future. For example, if they want the option Normally in ship design it might be the
For example, a designer may determine later of running the ship on ammonia, they might provider of the wind technology which runs a
in the design process that a certain area of the choose an ammonia-ready engine in the future, simulation of how their system works, and this
ship needs to be stronger, and so add extra steel and a ship design capable of handling it. simulation would then need to be incorporated
support. Predicting operational efficiency into the overall design.
But for the most energy efficient ship, it is With the increased industry focus on vessel “So, again something where multiple
better if this doesn’t happen, because if you efficiency, designers want to make the most different stakeholders have to come together,”
have more steel than you need, it means more accurate possible predictions of how a certain he says.
weight to the vessel and more fuel needed to ship design will perform. Maersk Tankers reported 8.2 per cent savings
propel it. The most energy efficient design on fuel on a tanker fitted with two rotor sales,
Up to now, design criteria has largely been
probably gets everything right in the first stage. in a trial in 2019, a big enough saving to be
concerned with structural strength, buoyancy,
Meanwhile, the quest for more efficient ships and a little with propulsion efficiency. But significant.
is adding complexity to the design in other it may be that certain designs are a few
ways. The vessel may need much larger tanks percentage points better, Mr Huotari says.
3D model-based approval
due to lower energy density of a low carbon
The energy performance of a certain ship To support collaboration, NAPA has developed
fuel. Companies may want to maintain an
design will also depend on the weather a “3D model-based approval” software
option to add wind propulsion. And the choice
conditions where the ship will operate, which platform, where designers, shipyards and
of wind propulsion system may depend on the
is not usually known at the time it is being classification societies can see the proposed
strength of wind in the region where the vessel
designed. There are some exceptions, such design as a 3D model, see alternative options,
is operating, which is not known at this stage.
as offshore support vessels being designed to make comments, and ultimately approve it.
It all means that better collaboration in the operate in a certain part of the world.
design process between all the parties involved, NAPA is working with a number of
Ship designers are increasingly able to access classification societies, including DNV, Class
or who have different areas of expertise, and
real ship performance data, so they can see how NK and BV, on 3DMBA. The collaboration
as early as possible in the process, would
this relates to the design choices, he says. is done via sharing files in the open .ocx
help make a more efficient design, says Janne
Huotari, Senior Research and Development format, or using its online platform NAPA
Engineer with Finnish maritime software Wind propulsion Viewer. This enables higher data security than
company NAPA. Mr Huotari has a PhD in While only very few vessels are being built traditional file transfers, NAPA says.
alternative ship energy systems. with wind propulsion today, many owners Classification societies have a role in the
would like the option of adding it later, Mr process of approving the design on behalf of
Huotari says. regulators and insurers. It is still common today
In practice, this might mean having an for class societies to demand 2D drawings to
arrangement of piping on the deck which would use to review a design, Mr Huotari says.
leave space for some kind of sail to be added The designer generates these from their 3D
later, he says. model. The class society takes the drawings
The technology is still seen as being in the and builds their own 3D model out of them.
early stage, and there are not yet any standard This is extra work, and all error prone, and
ways to consider how it should be incorporated the extra steps are an obstacle to collaborative
into a design. working

“Wind propulsion is a quite hard design All users need to log into an online NAPA
problem, because you’re going to want to have tool called “NAPA Viewer” to see the model.
Janne Huotari, Senior Research and Whilst some people might prefer if the model
Development Engineer, NAPA some estimate how useful that wind propulsion

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator
was exchanged as a file which could be
viewed on any software, there is not yet any
universally used standard data format for 3D
models for ships, Mr Huotari says.
However, NAPA software is the most
commonly used in the industry, particularly in
the preliminary design stage, he says.

New design technology

NAPA is also developing new digital
technology methods to improve design.
It is working together with Japanese shipyard
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Marine and
Engineering to develop automated tools to find
the optimum structure of a tanker, looking at
the midship section. It found it was possible
The NAPA Viewer software for collaboration on ship design
to make big time savings this way, as well as
developing new possibilities for hull weight design). whether this small component of the structure
reduction, cost reduction and performance It is also developing ways to utilize will be able to take the required stresses.
improvement. methodology called “Finite Element Meshing Such analysis might impact the stability and
This method means that new competencies (FEM) analysis” in structural design. This is a efficiency of the whole structure. It is a way of
may be required for designers (i.e., software method of breaking down a complex structural finding the weakest point of any proposed
skills such as design standardisation and system design into small components and analysing design.

Zeaborn’s experience
with vessel routing
Dariusz Pawel Jaszczyk, master of tanker Louie, operated by Zeaborn Tankers, has made a
strong recommendation for Wartsila’s Fleet Optimisation Solution (FOS) in a recording posted on
YouTube by Wartsila.

he tanker has three separate “Everything can be reached in no time,”
ECDIS systems onboard, plus he says.
one tablet computer which can be “It makes a huge difference comparing to
used for navigation by someone the time the job was done on paper,” he says.
standing on the bridge wings, including by “Now it is double click on the mouse and it
pilots. is almost done. The FOS system is another
Captain Jaszczyk has been working on step in the digitalisation of the navigation
tankers for 25 years, and as a master since process.”
2014. The data can be used to help save fuel, Crew onboard the Zeaborn
He says that with FOS, all the data for something which is increasingly demanded “preventing all possible failures which
planning and execution of a voyage can be by ship managers, charterers and owners, he could happen during the ongoing passage
collected in one place, and made available says. planning,” he says. It was previously done
very easily. Seafarers can use a tablet computer manually.
application as part of the FOS system. Second officer Arkadiy Semenov adds
Captain Jaszczyk says he finds this very that the software is “giving big value every
helpful when standing on the bridge wing day,” and helping reduce the time taken for
during manoeuvring operations. tasks. “It is really good, I can say, ‘nice
Johannes Lada, technical superintendent program,’” he says.
with Zeaborn Tankers, adds that the FOS
system should help improve safety, including You can watch the video (3 mins) here
from supporting passage planning.
Capt Jaszczyk and Second officer Arkadiy Its weather routing and optimisation is watch?v=k1VcaTXz5AY

January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator 25

Picture © Axeldonso, Wikipedia
e n t a l ly
nm fr

n d ly



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January - March 2023 l TANKEROperator
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