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Moneyless World - Free World - Priceless World

Wild Nature, outside commercial civilization, runs on gift economy ("freely give, freely receive"). Thus it is balanced.
Commercial civilization runs on thought of credit and debt ("knowledge of good & evil"). Thus it is imbalanced. What nation
can balance its own budget or environment? Gift Economy is Faith, Grace, Love - the core message of every religion. The
proof is inside you: Wild Nature is your True Nature, crucified by commercial civilization.

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T h u r s d a y, F e b r u a r y 0 4 , 2 0 1 0 WEBSITE:
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Hercules Chasing Avarice

Creation Now
from the Temple of the
Search This Blog
Muses It's been nearly a month since I last blogged!
Anti christ Search
Yolanda had to go back to Louisiana and I've been missing her.  I felt like I had acquired a daughter.  It
has been bitter cold here, and I was amazed Yolanda was willing to come at this time of year, when
she had never been in such cold climate before.  Not only that, she talked much with me how she was Members
going against the grain of her culture coming out here to meet me.  Now, she said, African Americans Followers (2147)
feel they have a world of opportunity in front of them, with examples like Oprah Winfrey, Barack Next
Obama, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powel, and Tiger Woods to follow.  But Yolanda sees a greater
success and a freedom that the world doesn't see. 

I've been camping out again.  The weather looked like it was finally getting warmer, but decided to
revert to crazy cold again.  I've been sleeping way well, much better than when I'm indoors.  I double
(1516-17 CE) Design by
up 2 sleeping bags (when I'm at the near-town camp) and feel cozy warm.  But I only need blankets
Baldassare Tommaso
Peruzzi up the canyon in the cave.  I've been spending a lot of time near town these days, having a lot of
projects going on here.

Jesus driving
moneychangers & Creation Now
merchants from the
Temple. At the suggestion of Al (the commenter on the last blog
entry) I checked out and read the book, "The Survival of the
Sickest", by Sharon Moalem.  I couldn't put it down.  It is a
science book that reads like a mystery novel, and Moalem
has a deeper understanding of the principles of science
than most anybody I've read.  It reads to me like a spiritual Follow
treatise, and it made my spirit soar.  One of its main themes
is how what we consider "disease" in our culture is actually
an adaptation to help us survive.  What may be beneficial in Popular Posts

one environment and culture may be disease in another. 

My Summary of Why I
Since reading it, I hope to revise my ideas in the website on
Live Moneyless
Engraving by Gustave evolution and natural selection. Happy April Fool's
Doré Eve! My very first
The concept that creation is happening now intrigues me to no end.  We are in the midst of miracle, blog entry ever! I once
had a website on
but we become so blind we look for miracles some place else & in some other time.  Perhaps literalist
Sadhu of India living moneyless - but
"fundamentalists" are not literal enough!  Genesis is literally in the present tense, forever and ever then zapped it, for
Sadhu of India and ever.  Hmm, this sounds strangely Hindu, huh?  What if we said, "Let light Be,"  or "Let animals several r...
Be," or "let the heavenly bodies Be".  What if we accepted everything in nature As It Is, in full and
Fickle Fun
complete submission.  What if I accepted you as You Are and what if I accepted myself as I Am:  I Am
I'm now in Missoula,
Who I Am.  If we accepted what is as It Is, I have the deepest hunch we would no longer be controlled Montana.  Mark
by nature, we would no longer serve nature, but Nature would serve us! Sundeen, his fiance,
Cedar, and I have
The greater blessing to Isn't it common sense that if you accept your lover as She Is, as He Is, she or he will then want to been on the road
together, doing this
all those living moneyless serve you automatically, without your coercion? book tour thingy in
in the world without Lo...
And I have a hunch that we would become We, the participants of creation!  "Is it not written in your
law, 'Ye are Elohim?" (John 10:34 quoting Psalm 82:6)    "In the Beginning, Elohim is creating the Male,
Call me Suelo Heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1)"  Hmm, am I taking scripture too literally?  :-) e,
Frankenstein Monster ver
and Money Economy
I'm still questioning what the role of technology is in our Lots have been going
lives.  I feel deep down that our technology is part of human on and I haven't had
Suelo time to think about
Fruita, Colorado, United nature, part of all of nature.  But we end up doing blog posts for a while. 
States technology for profit, not from instinct.  It has become our I've had quite a few
Frankenstein Monster.  I usually think we would be better visitors staying with ...
I lived totally without
cents since Autumn of off with no technology than the technology we now have. 
2000 (except for a I'm still mulling over this dilemma. to The
couple months in 2001) Holy
until the Spring of 2016, Yes, funny how we modern people, with all our wealth and Invisi
when I started caring for ble
"labor- and time-saving" gadgets, think we are masters of
my aging parents, Hand
creation.  But we have less time and we slave more than of the Free Market
managing their finances.
ever.  Why?    Ode to The Holy
For 15 years I didn't use
Invisible Hand  of the
or accept money or Free Market Oh Holy
conscious barter - nor A Culture Living Gift Economy Today Invisible Hand of the
did I take food stamps or Free Market, we adore
other government dole. Thee above all, and
I just read about one of the few remaining Hunting and
My philosophy has been we sacrif...
Gathering tribes in the world in the December, 2009 issue
to use only what is freely
given or discarded and of National Geographic, called The Hadza, by Michael Patria
Finkel.  They live near the Rift Valley in Tanzania.  I'll quote rchy,T
what is already present
and already running from the article (emphasis mine):
sm &
(whether or not I Mam
existed). I don't see They have no crops, no livestock, no permanent shelters. . . mon
money as evil or good: . I'm still in Fruita,
how can illusion be evil Colorado, caring for
or good? But I don't see my aging parents. It is
Food production marched in lockstep with greater heart-breaking,
heroin or meth as evil or
good, either. Which is population densities, which allowed farm-based societies to displace or destroy hunter gatherer watching their bodies
groups. . . . and minds fade. It's a
more addictive and
debilitating, money or Agriculture's sudden rise, however, came with a price.  It introduced infectious-disease
meth? Attachment to epidemics, social stratification, intermittent famines, and large-scale war.  Jared Diamond, the The
illusion makes you UCLA professor and writer, has called the adoption of agriculture nothing less than "the worst Mone
illusion, makes you not mistake in human history"--a mistake, he suggests, from which we have never recovered. yless
real. Attachment to Tribe
illusion is called idolatry, Beco
The Hadza do not engage in warfare.  they've never lived densely enough to be seriously threatened mes
called addiction. I simply
got tired of by an infectious outbreak.  They have no known history of famine; rather, there is evidence of Reality
people from a farming group coming to live with them during a time of crop failure.  The Hadza It's been weeks since
acknowledging as real
I've had net access. 
this most common diet remains even today more stable and varied than that of most of the world's citizens.  They enjoy
Still little time to write
world-wide belief called an extraordinary amount of leisure time.  Anthropologists have estimated that they "work'--actively here. Darby, MT The
money! I simply got tired pursue food--four to six hours a day.  And over all these thousands of years, they've left hardly more moneyless tribe is
of being unreal. Money is than a footprint on the land. now reality, dre...
one of those intriguing
things that seems real Transi
Traditional almost entirely free of possessions.  The things they own--a cooking pot, a tionin
and functional because 2
or more people believe it water container, and ax--can be wrapped in a blanket and carried over a shoulder. . . . g to a
is real & functional!
Individual autonomy is the hallmark of the Hadza.  No Hadza adult has authority over any other. 
View my complete Yes,
profile None has more wealth;  or, rather, they all have no wealth. . . . I'm still alive.  Yes, it's
been over 4 months
Gender roles are distinct, but for women there is none of the since I blogged. I've
been clueless what to
forced subservience knit into many other cultures. A significant say. My life has gon...
number of Hadza women who marry out of the group soon return,
unwilling to accept bullying treatment. . . . The Physics &
Spirituality of Gift
The chief reason the Hadza have been able to maintain their lifestyle
Here's my debut
so long is that their homeland has never been an inviting place.  The blog/vlog, after over a
soil is briny; fresh water is scarce; the bugs can be intolerable.  For year sabbatical of not
tens of thousands of years, it seems, no one else wanted to live here. blogging!  And I must
admit I feel excited
about publishing this
video, &...
None of the other ethnic groups living in the area... are hunter-
gatherers. . . . Many of them look down on the Hadza and view Blog Entry Deleted
them with a mix of pity and disgust: the untouchables of Tanzania. . . . For the first time in all
my blogging, I've
deleted a blog entry -
No Hadza I met... seemed prone to worry.  It was a mind-set that astounded me, for the Hadza, to my last one, "Bearing
my way of thinking, have very legitimate worries.  'Will I eat tomorrow?  Will something eat me Las Cruces". I've been
tomorrow?'  Yet they live a remarkably present-tense existence. in medit...

This may be one reason farming has never appealed to the Hadza--growing crops requires planning;  Evolut
seeds are sown now for plants that won't be edible for months. . . . To a Hadza, this makes no sense.  ion of
Why grow food or rear animals when it's being done for you, naturally, in the bush?  When they the
want berries, they walk to a berry shrub.  When they desire baobab fruit, they visit a baobab tree.  y of
Honey waits for them in wild hives.  And they keep their meat in the biggest storehouse in the world- Agriculture, Money &
-their land. . . .  Usury
  The Evolution of the
Trinity of Agriculture,
Tanzania is a future-oriented nation, anxious to merge into the slipstream of the global Money & Usury You'll
economy.  Baboon-hunting is not an image many of the country's leaders wish to project.  one likely not find the
minister has referred to the Hadza as backward.  Tanzania's president, Jakaya Kikwete, has said ideas in this 20-
minute video anyplace
that the Hadza "have to be transformed."   The government wants them schooled and housed and
set to work at proper jobs. . . .

The school-age kids I spoke with... said they had no interest in sitting in a classroom.  If they went to Blog Archive
school, many told me, they'd never master the skills needed for survival.  They'd be outcasts among
their own people.  And if they tried their luck in the modern world--what then?  The women, ▼ 2021 (2)
perhaps, would become maids; the men, menial laborers. It's far better, they said, to be free and fed ▼ February (1)
in the bush than destitute and hungry in the city. ▼ Feb 15 (1)
The Evolution of
the Trinity of
More Hadza have moved... to Mangola... in exchange for money, they demonstrate their hunting Agriculture,
skills to tourists. . . .  Yet among the Hadza of Mangola there has been a surge in alcoholism, an
outbreak of tuberculosis, and a distressing rise in domestic violence, including at least one
► January (1)
report of a Hadza man who beat his wife to death. . . .
► 2020 (4)
► 2019 (3)
There are things I envy about the Hadza--mostly, how free they appear to be.  Free from
► 2018 (7)
possessions.  Free of most social duties.  Free from religious strictures.  Free of many family
responsibilities.  Free from schedules, jobs, bosses, bills, traffic, taxes, laws, news, and money.  ► 2017 (4)
Free from worry. . . . ► 2016 (1)
► 2015 (6)

The days I spent with the Hadza altered my perception of the world.  They instilled in me something I ► 2014 (14)
call the "Hadza effect"--they made me feel calmer, more attuned to the moment, more self- ► 2013 (16)
sufficient, a little braver, and in less of a constant rush. . . . My time with the Hadza made me ► 2012 (14)
happier.  It made me wish there was some way to prolong the reign of hunter-gatherers, though I
► 2011 (11)
know it's almost certainly too late. . . .
► 2010 (18)
► 2009 (17)
However, then Finkel explains why Hadza life isn't for him,
► 2008 (9)
mentioning negative aspects of Hadza life he sees:
► 2007 (13)
► 2006 (13)

But I could never live like the Hadza.  Their entire life, it appears to
My Friends Around the
me, is one insanely committed camping trip.  It's incredibly risky. . .
World in the Moneyless
. About a fifth of all babies die within their first year, and nearly Movement!
half of all children do not make it to age 15.
Schwermer in
But he, like most of us in modern civilization, don't know how to handle death.  We think we have it
Mark Boyle in Britain
conquered when we experience just as much death as the Hadza or anybody ever did or ever will. 
elf Pavlik on Euro
We don't get it.  We are people of possession.  Loss of possession is death.  Finkel brings up the continent
solution to the problem right before his eyes:
Raphael, Nieves,
Benjamin, Camille,
Nicoli from Europe
So, after two weeks, I told everyone in camp I had to go.  There was little reaction. The Hadza are not Tomi Astikainen from
sentimental like that. They don't do extended goodbyes. Even when one of their own dies, there is Finland
not a lot of fuss. They dig a hole and place the body inside. A generation ago, they didn't even do Öff Öff in Germany
that—they simply left a body out on the ground to be eaten by hyenas. There is still no Hadza grave C.J. Colwell- A Twenty
marker. There is no funeral. There's no service at all, of any sort. This could be a person they had First Century
American Nomad
lived with their entire life. Yet they just toss a few dry twigs on top of the grave. And they Soja Kruse in South
walk away.  Africa
Adin in South Africa
Julez Edward in
Who is the real Serpent in Eden? Holland

It is intriguing how the attitudes and ways of the Hadza, described

above, are what all the religions and psychologies and politics aspire Links
to.  And their balance is what all our economists and environmentalists
Moneyless World - an
aspire to. information site about
people around the
Once in a while, a religious leader renounces everything and discovers world living
moneyless, and
what the Hadza have known for eons, and all of civilization swoons
resources for people
around him/her and makes an icon of him/her, and claims him/her as who want to live
civization's foundation!  How tragically, ironically comical!   moneyless
"Moneyless In Moab"
When I visited missionaries of my own Christian denomination in the indy film by my friend
Gordon, Spring 2006
jungle in Ecuador, all the sudden my eyes were open: missionaries
were doing exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught.  When you do BBC Radio Interview,
Fall Equinox, 2009 (6
the opposite of somebody, you are anti-that-somebody.  Anti-Christ.  This revelation astonished me, min)
sent a chill through me in that hot jungle.
Denver Post
Most governments the world over love missionaries.  Missionaries tame wild people, teach them to
possess, teach them money, sedate people so they can be cogs in commercial civilization's
machinery.  Ironically, anybody who has read the Gospels of the Bible knows that Jesus clearly Subscribe To

taught giving up possessions, and taught that we must give and do, expecting nothing in return, that
we must act not for the sake of self-credit (money).  {See Here's the One Point We Know the
World's Religions Agree Upon in the website} All Comments

According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus himself says:

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,* hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one convert, and
when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.
(Matthew 23:15)

*[Pharisee, by the way, is a term meaning and sharing the same root as separitist, also sharing the same root as Puritan.  Such
separatists are the zealous holders of the letter of scripture of every age, called "the people of the Book" in Islam.] 
Added February 6, 2010:

 If you want to explore these subjects more deeply, check out these essays in the website:

 Our Fall From Grace: Our Departure From Gratis: The Beginning of Money
The Seven-Headed Dragon: World Commerce  (this is hard-core Bible theology, showing who the Serpent in Eden
really is)

Posted by Suelo at 2/04/2010 01:49:00 PM 61 comments:

T h u r s d a y, N o v e m b e r 0 1 , 2 0 1 2

Why Religion?
I made it to Salt Lake City and back, and it all went very well.  But let me back up a couple weeks.


A 23-year-old named Ried from Minnesota hitched into town.  He had read the book and decided to
come camp with me for a while.  He's a total joy, a shining light, making me and everybody I know
smile.  My friend Arlen also started camping out with us off and on, making for sublime music and
conversation around the fire.  While I went to SLC, Ried decided to hitch to Boulder to meet up with
new-found friends.  He says he plans to come back here in a short while.  But you never know where
wind will blow.


Last Friday, my friend Chris picked me up hitch-hiking and took me all the way to Salt Lake City, and
I stayed at my friend Lin's.  Lin has a huge drum and we percussed and discussed, the perfect
preparation for the next day.

Mark Sundeen's and my KCPW interview the next day with Jennifer Napier-Pearce went very well,
and the audience was sublime.  The KCPW interview is on podcast now (I haven't listened yet
since I lost my dumpstered earphones).  [On the last post I mistakenly said the interview was through
KUER, not KCPW.  Napier-Pearce was formerly with KUER but now is with KCPW].

Westwater Canyon

On Sunday, Mark and his fiance, Cedar, took me on a river trip through Westwater Canyon (between
Colorado and Utah) with seven other Moab friends, and it was stupendous.  Then on Tuesday night
Chris (the one who had picked me up hitching), took me to a drum circle (or more like an oval or
trapezoid) jam in a culvert with some other Moabite friends.  Now that jamming I can't even describe,
it was so beyond-imagination-extraordinary.

Why Religion?

I've had a burr in my pants these days.  You might have noticed the blog entry before last was burr

I've got myself on a line between the religious world and the secular world, and sometimes find it
either pisses off both or inspires both.  One side keeps warning me I'm slipping over to the other. 
The razor's edge.

Lately I've been saying that all I care about is that people be true and just.  Whatever motivates
people to be true and just, I support.  I simply don't care whether or not they are called Christians,
Buddhists, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists.  As the Dalai Lama said, "My religion is kindness."  My saying
this really upset some of my friends and loved ones who consider themselves Christian.  But I can't
deny what I see.  Good fruit is good fruit.  Know them by their fruit, not their talk, not their
vocabulary.  There are a few secular folks who get turned off by my vocabulary, too.  It's like I'm on a
tightrope, balancing between both sides, translating language between both sides.  

I keep saying that if we erase all money and simply look at reality, we see truth so simply an infant
understands.  In the same way, if we erase all words and simply look at reality, we see truth so
simply an infant understands.  Let go of the imagination of your mind, and you see Truth.

How do deer and ants and coyotes eat nutritious, balanced diets?   They do it without books or
manuals or school!  They know how to eat because they have no words to deceive them!

Ironically I find that non-religious people, including self-proclaimed atheists, are more accepting and
comfortable with Jesus' teachings than self-proclaimed followers of Jesus.  I guess it's always been
that way, the religious persecute their own prophets and then worship them when they're good and
comfortably gone.  And Jesus himself states more than once he finds more faith outside his religion-
nation than inside it, which is why he hung out with non-religious people.  That got him crucified.

Lately I've had several conversations with Evangelicals about Jesus' teachings.  Every single one of
them has an explanation why Jesus' teachings are not for us, or Jesus didn't really mean what he said,
or else they find clever "salvation-by-grace" loopholes, or "dispensationalist" loopholes, to cancel out
Jesus' teachings.  I've personally witnessed many even call me evil and going to hell if I even suggest
keeping his teachings!  They put incredible amounts of energy into diverting attention away from
Jesus' teachings with distracting doctrines and scripture-quoting rather than simply admit they don't
believe in their own Jesus!  I was impressed by some sincere Evangelicals a few months ago.  They
simply admitted they didn't believe, but they wanted to.  The first step to believing in Jesus is to
admit that you don't.  The first step into being able to practice Jesus' teachings is to admit that
you can't.  Religious AA!  This is the paradox of all spirituality.

The only way to acting truth is by admitting truth.

Admitting you don't believe truth is truth, and makes you truth.
Lie that admits itself as lie annihilates itself and resurrects as Truth.
If Satan admitted he were Satan, he would annihilate himself and resurrect as God. 

A few weeks ago I was reading notes by Charles Ryrie from the Ryrie Study Bible on the Sermon on
the Mount.  Ryrie's notes pretty much encapsulate Fundamentalist, Evangelical doctrine, and are
popular with Fundamentalists.  The hallmark of Fundamentalist doctrine is that the Bible must be
taken literally.  Genesis Creation: literal.  The Flood: literal.  The Red Sea parting: literal. 
Armageddon: literal.  If you even question the literalness of these stories, most Fundamentalists
would call you non-Christian!  But things change when we get to Jesus' teachings.  Jesus' teachings
have to do with doing, taking personal, active responsibility, Here and Now.  If it's about past
(Genesis) or future (Apocalypse), which have nothing to do with personal responsibility, it's literal.  If
it's about present, which means changing our behavior, then it's mysteriously not literal.  

Ryrie states that the Sermon on the Mount, nice as it is, simply cannot be taken literally, unless we
want all churches and Christian schools and institutions to collapse.  After all, he says, what
institution could survive giving to everyone who asks?  What organization could exist if it gave up all
it owned to the poor?  What will happen to our rich donors if we talk about camels squeezing
through needle's eyes?

I repeat: Evangelical scholar Ryrie says that the Sermon on the Mount simply cannot be taken
literally, unless we want all churches and Christian schools and institutions to collapse.

Collapse!  Hallelujah!

If everyone practiced the core principles of their own religion, religion would go obsolete, just as
money would go obsolete.  Collapse.  The Law would be written on our hearts, as it has been from
the beginning, and we would stop worshiping scriptures and dogmas.  When the Law is on the heart,
there is no more need to talk about God, as the Prophet Jeremiah prophecies (Jeremiah 31:33-34).  No
more ranting about how God is taken out of schools and congress.  We would no longer be under law
(scriptures) but grace.  We would simply be ourselves.  

It's written that the religious people, in deciding what to do with Jesus, said,  "If we let him alone like
this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and
nation."  So they opted to crucify him.  Christendom would lose its place and its empire if it followed
its own Jesus.  But our institutions, our dogmas, our scriptures, are more important to us than love
and justice and simplicity.  Religion, Money, and Nationalism are the Unholy Trinity.  Separate one
from the other, and watch the religious dogmatist go ballistic.

Crucifixion of All that I THINK I am

I had an epiphany a few weeks ago:

To say, "I am Christian" is to say "I am righteous."

No righteous person can say "I am righteous."

Only an egotist can say "I am righteous."

No Christian mind can say, "I am Christian."

Only an egotistical mind can say, "I am Christian"

or, "I am Buddhist" or "I am Muslim" or "I am Hindu."

This is why the Bible forbids calling yourself a Christian (1 Cor 1:12)
or whatever religious label.

Both Christ and Christian mean "Annointed One," Messiah.

No Christ can say, "I am Christ."

Only ego can say, "I am Christ" or "I am Christian".

Only an honest person can refuse giving herself religious labels, and have trust enough to say, "what
does my life and works say?" (John 2:24)

I am not labels,
I am who I am.

If I am good, it will be self evident.

If I am bad it will be self evident.

It's not for me to say,

but only my life.

I can't be anything else but who I am,

so why try?

Only my actions can bear witness to who I am.

The Quran states that, at the Judgment Day,

all of us will be silenced, unable to speak on our own behalf.
Only our bodies will bear witness to us.

Erase all words, and Truth is revealed.

There is no higher name, no greater power, no God but I am who I am.

The world's institutions always want to know what authority sent you.
What government, what nation, what institution, what religion?
What degree?  What certification?  What identification?
What credentials?  What credit?

If you refuse to go to war by saying, "I am Christian', "I am Brethren", "I am Mennonite", "I am
Quaker," or even "I am Buddhist", your refusal will be respected, legally.  But if you say, "I refuse to
go to war under no authority but my conscience.  No authority but I am who I am," you'll be
imprisoned and persecuted.  [Nov 8 CORRECTION:  jbkranger commented below: "since the 1960's
the US military has allowed for non-religious conscience objection."  He's right. I didn't do my
homework: see Conscentious Objector]  If you are completely sincere, if you can say, I am who I
am, the Name above all names, Word beyond all words, you will find that those who are actors (those
who refuse to be themselves) will pick up stones to stone you.  The Greek word for actor is
hypocrite.  I am who I am: there is no other way, no other truth, no other life.  Anything more or
anything less is not love, not real.

A word, a thought, a symbol, is something that represents something else.  It is not the thing, but
represents the thing.  If a word, a thought, or a symbol, represented itself, it would vanish from sight,
from hearing, from mind.  A rose speaks for itself, because it has no words but itself.  Even called by
any other name, a rose is a rose.  Imagine not imagining!  Think what it would be to not think!  To see
everything as it is, as an infant!  Zen mind! 

Reality speaks for itself, having no words but itself as one never-ending Word.  In the beginning is the
Word, and the Word is with Reality and the Word is Reality.  In the realm of time, the Word became
not reality, separated from Reality, and only represented reality, to dwell among us who are unreal. 
No thought becomes thought in order to lead thoughts back to no thought.  The Buddha leaves
Nirvana to become a boddhisattva to lead lost thoughts back to Nirvana.  All we like sheep have gone
astray.  All we thoughts have wandered away from Reality.  And Reality becomes not reality, the
shepherd becomes a sheep and searches for lost sheep to lead them back to Reality.

There is nothing like reality.  Reality is itself and nothing else. 

As both the Bible and the Quran emphasize, there nothing else like God.

Funny how we don't consider this.

"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness (Genesis 1:26)

To be yourself is to be the Image of God, like no other.

To try to be like anybody else is to not be True.

"I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your Likeness." (Psalm 17:15)

For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me (Isaiah 46:9)

The only way I can be the Image of God is to put away likenesses that I think I am, to put away all
that I think I am: thoughts, images, labels, and simply Be Who I Am.

I am who I am, the only way, the only truth, the only life.
There is no other way to Reality
And there is no Heaven but Reality,
No God but Reality.

There is no power greater than

I am who I am.
I am who I am,
right here, right now,
in the flesh.

Any action (spirit) that

does not confess
that I am who I am,
right here, right now,
in the flesh,
is Anti-Messiah.


Posted by Suelo at 11/01/2012 03:44:00 PM 70 comments:

T h u r s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 2

Ode to The Holy Invisible Hand of the

Free Market
Ode to The Holy Invisible Hand
of the Free Market
Oh Holy Invisible Hand of the Free Market, we adore Thee above all,
and we sacrifice all our values and all that is life to Thee!

We are the Righteous Right of Evangelicals, LDS,

Catholics, Jews, and Atheist Libertarians and rabble-
rousing Tea Partiers!
How is it that we have put aside all our historical
differences and come to perfect agreement?
We exceedingly rejoice, for we have found the reason!
Yes, we have found the one god we all have in common,
through His Holy Profit, Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her Name).
Thou art the god who trumps all our core values, who trumps all our differences:
Thou art the Invisible Hand of the Free Market, and anything that stands in Thy way we call evil!

Thy wisdom in calling Thyself the Invisible Hand of the Free Market is awesome. For thy holy
sake we hide the fact that "Free Market" is an oxymoron. For Thy sake we hide the fact that
only that which is not owned and cannot be purchased is free. But Oxymorons fool the simple-
minded and glorify Thee, and for that we praise Thee, Oh Invisible Hand of the Free Market!

Yes, we sacrifice the very foundations of our religious traditions and the foundations of our
American democracy and thousands of years of moral evolution to Thee with thy holy
oxymoronic lingo!

Even as we Righteously Right Evangelicals, LDS, and Catholics mouth praises to Jesus, we
sacrifice him and all that he taught on Thy Altar of Profit, Oh Invisible Hand!

We have found, like our Holy Prophet Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her Name), that Jesus and laissez
faire Capitalism are utterly incompatible.

But, because of our unwavering devotion to Thee, Oh Invisible Hand, we deny this blatant
contradiction, we pretend to serve and praise Jesus. What better tactic to feign devotion to the
most popular guy in history in order to promote Thy Cause, oh Thou beloved Mammon, our god
above all gods!

We sacrifice all that is life to thee: our water, our air, our
earth and all the living creatures depending on these
We will gladly sacrifice all life, including our own, to
extinction for Thee, Oh Invisible Hand of the Free
Market. We even sacrifice our dignity and rational
thinking and all Reality to Thee! We love Thee that
much, and we are all yours!
Tar Sands Mining in Canada
Yes, it's because of Thee and Thy Profit Ayn Rand
(Blessed Be Her Name) that we Righteously Right Evangelicals, LDS, Catholics, Jews, and
Atheist Libertarians and Tea Partiers miraculously see beyond our seemingly irreconcilable
differences, joining in Perfect Harmony as One Mind!

For decades, we condemned atheistic regimes. We hated the USSR, claiming it was because of
its atheism. But now we find that we adore Red China, because Red China, though its
government still claims strict atheism, and still commits unspeakable acts against human rights,
has bowed in devotion to Thee, Oh Invisible Hand of the Free Market, and serves us with its
sweatshop slavery!

Thou, Oh laissez faire Capitalism, art our Righteously Right New World Order, even as we
belittle, call naive, and witch-hunt any real love, compassion, and authentic cooperation and
ecumenical-ism as the evil "New World Order." How beautiful are thy Orwellian and oxymoronic
ways, Oh Invisible Hand!

We especially adore how Thou denounceth Big Government even as Thou art the source of all
Big Government and Tyranny! How sexy is Thy tyranny!

We praise Thy Holy Name, laissez faire Capitalism, and we denounce as Anti-American and
Anti-Christian anything that stands in Thy way, even as we sacrifice our very US Constitution
and our most basic Christian values to Thee! We adore Thee that much!

All that stands in Thy way is collectivist and altruistic.

And we know thy Holy Profit, Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her
Name) said that anything collectivist or altruistic is evil.
Yes, anything collectivist is contrary to Thee, Oh Invisible
Hand of the Free Market. Collectivism is moochism.
How dare we fall into the barbarity of Northern European
and Canadian socialistic ways, when we could uphold
the real man values of Somalia, a beacon of no
government regulation! African Americans and Children
had secure jobs, privileged to work sun-up to sun-down,
in the old days before government regulated greed!

Yes, Thy Profit Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her Name), imparted to us amazingly profound principles
and tweaked them to Serve Thee, and Thee Only, Oh Invisible Hand. She claimed that to serve
the self is in the best interest of society, but to act altruistically is evil. How we nostalgically
return to our black-and-white, wonderfully adolescent, humorless reasoning as we follow Ayn
Rand (Blessed Be Her Name).

What a genius she was to reject the "collectivist" part of

the Soviet system she escaped from, yet how she kept
the Soviet black-and-white, humorless adolescent
thinking that made the USSR the great empire that it
was, throwing out the thousands of years of moral
evolution with the bathwater. It was this black-and-white
throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater thinking that was
Ayn Rand's (BBHN) genius in appealing to generations of
adolescent thinkers of whatever theistic or atheistic
dogma. For these are Thy Disciples and Thy Power,
Oh Invisible Hand of the Free Market!

How oxymoronically beautiful that she denounced mysticism, just as fundamentalists of all
religions denounce mysticism, even as her mystic devotion to Thee went beautifully beyond all
rational thought and reality!

Ah, yes, Collectivism is Evil, saith the Holy Profit (Blessed Be Her Name). This is why we, Thy
Disciples, denounce all that is life, all that is real, because all of life, all of reality, is Collectivist.
And Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her Name) knew, like us, that reality stinks and fantasy rocks!

We must privatize, because privatization, ownership, is

an illusion of fantasy, is Thy Holy Character, oh Invisible
Hand of the Free Market, Oh Grand Illusion!

Yes, collectivism, sharing, is evil. Every single bit of

sunlight, all air, all water, and all earth are collectivist,
This is
shared by all, shared by just and unjust alike.
why we must not stop until all nature
is destroyed! How can anything without a money
value, not under ownership, be worthy to exist? We know that Thou art a god of fairness, which
is why Thou hatest nature and all that is natural, because we all know nature is unfair. Sun
shines and clouds rain and the earth sprouts food freely for the undeserving. How dare
mooches get sunlight and rain! Yes, collective air fills the lungs of lazy
moochers. This is why we must choke out the sun and poison the air with toxic emissions, why
we must destroy our wild rivers and our land and forests and bring all under ownership. We
must privatize everything, even selling water in bottles
(whooodeverthunkit?), so that only we, the deserving, who work
for money, can afford it. We are the only creatures that have to pay rent to lay our
heads down on the earth, because we are the superior ones, Thy servants. We must destroy all
who break Thy Holy Law, Oh Invisible Hand!

Common sense is no fun, which is why we must destroy common sense. Common sense and
our dictionaries tell us anything under ownership, possession, is not
free. This is why we have oxymoronically given glory to Thee and declared that what is not
free is free in our Holy Crusade to bring every single atom in the universe under private
ownership! How beautiful and glorifying to Thy Name to call purchased slaves free!

Quotes from Thy Prophet Ayn Rand (Blessed Be Her Name)

and her devoted disciples:

"It is precisely the 'greed' of the businessman or, more

appropriately, his profit-seeking, which is the un-excelled
protector of the consumer." (Alan Greenspan)

"It is the self-interest of every businessman to have a

reputation for honest dealings and a quality product."
(Alan Greenspan)

Alan Greenspan so graciously spread the gospel

of Rand's ideology, even as he deregulated the
banking industry and sacrificed the American
Economy to Thee, Oh Dearest Invisible Hand of
the Free Market. Today, many Randians claim
Alan Greenspan went against Randian
philosophy, willfully ignorant that, at Rand's
bidding and blessing, Greenspan entered the
Federal Reserve and continues as her
unwavering disciple to this day.

Yes, we worship and serve Thee above all, Oh

Mammon, Oh laissez faire Capitalism!

Ayn Rand and her Disciple,

Alan Greenspan,
in Gerald Ford's Oval Office

I grew up reading Ayn Rand, and it taught me quite a bit

about who I am and what my value systems are and
what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s
required reading in my office for all my interns and my
(Paul Ryan, quoted in Daily Kos 2012-09-04 01:30:00)

The invisible hand of the market always moves faster

and better than the heavy hand of government.
(Mitt Romney)

I made a lot of money. I’ve been very successful. I’m not going to apologize for that.
(Mitt Romney)

What I have, I earned. I worked hard, the American way. (Mitt Romney)

"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy.

The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws
of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free
from men."
(Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead)

...the person who loves everybody and feels at home

everywhere is the true hater of mankind. He expects
nothing of men, so no form of depravity can outrage him.
(Ayn Rand, Fountainhead) Laissez-faire in the beginning

The creators were not selfless. It is the whole secret of

their power-that it was self-sufficient, self-motivated, self-
generated. A first cause, a fount of energy, a life force, a
Prime Mover. The creator served nothing and no one. He
lived for himself.
(Ayn Rand, Fountainhead)

abundance was
created not by
public sacrifices
to the common
good, but by the
productive genius
of free men who
pursued their own Laissez-faire yesterday
personal interests
and the making of their own private fortunes. They did
not starve the people to pay for America's
industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher
wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they
invented, with every scientific discovery or technological
advance- and thus the whole country was moving
forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the
(Ayn Rand, Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal)

When I say
“capitalism,” I
mean a full, pure,
capitalism—with a
separation of
state and Laissez-faire today:
economics, in the Direct product and backbone
of US capitalism
same way and for
the same reasons
as the separation of state and church.
(Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness)

I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask
another man to live for mine.
(Ayn Rand)

Quotes from the Mormon Enemy of the Invisible Hand of

the Free Market

Right wing Evangelicals, who have always loathed

Mormons, now, all the sudden, adore Mitt Romney.
Why? Because just as right wing Evangelicals have
sacrificed the core values of their very own Jesus to the
Invisible Hand of the Free Market, so Mitt Romney has
sacrificed his own core LDS values to Thee, Oh Invisible
Hand of the Free Market!

It's pretty damned obvious what the Bible says about

accumulation of riches and oppression of the poor and
basic sharing 101 (see The Way of Christianity and The Way of Judaism). But, even so, the
Holy Christian Right, in their unwavering love for Thee, Oh Invisible Hand of the Free Market,
can still deny the very Bible they love to thump and their very own human dignity for Thy sake!

But what about the Book of Mormon and other LDS scriptures and scholars? They must be
totally capitalistic and pro-greed, right? Think again.

Because of prominent Mormons like Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch and droves of LDS leaders who
wallow in wealth and serve Thee, Oh Invisible Hand of the Free Market and Thy Prophet Ayn
Rand (Blessed Be Her Name), most people don't have a clue what the LDS scriptures really

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