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Quality Function Deployment

Project title: Nastar Suweg (swisstar nastar) . Correlation:

Project leader: . . + . -
Date: Positive No correlation Negative
. . + .
. . . . Relationships:
9 3 1
Desired direction of improvement (↑,0,↓) + + + - Strong Moderate Weak
Functional Requirements (How's)
1: low, 5: high → Competitive evaluation (1: low, 5: high)
Penambahan Formulasi kondisi bahan
kemasan PET baking time
Customer silica gel bahan baku baku Weighted Satisfaction Competitor Competitor
importance rating Customer Requirements - (What's) Score rating rating 1 rating 2

1 3 Kemasan tertutup rapat 3 9
2 4 Kemasan mencagah kelembaban 3 12
3 5 Rasa 3 3 30
4 4 Warna 9 3 3 60
5 4 aftertaste 9 1 1 44
6 4 tekstur 0
7 3 adanya variasi rasa baru 3 9
8 3 harga sesuai dengan kualitas produk 9 27
9 3 kontaminasi 1 3 9 39
Technical importance score 12 21 108 31 58 230
Importance % 5% 9% 47% 13% 25% 100%
Priorities rank 5 4 1 3 2
Current performance
Difficulty 1: very easy, 5: very difficult
Cost and time 1: low, 5: high
Priority to improve


Continuous Improvement Toolkit .


Competitive evaluation (1: low, 5: high)

rating 3

ment Toolkit .

costumer ratng importance

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