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Absenteeism and it’s implication on academic and emotional results in

students.(Gottfried,2014). According to recent policy discussion, chronic absence

not only goes unreported but also harms pupil’s achievement starting in

kindergarten. However, hardly any empirical studies have looked at how chronic

absenteeism effects student performance. This paper goes into much detail

about this understudied topic. This study assesses the impact of absenteeism on

academic performance. According to the research, persistent absence from

school lowers social and academic engagement as well as math and reading

proficiency outcomes. Therefore, this study presents fresh data on how a factor

that is underreported in student absence hinders achievement. Policy and

practice repercussions are examined.

The issue of childhood absence from school has been noted as a potential

indicator of major academic issues and enventual dropout thought puberty in the

literature. Because of this it’s critical to act quickly. This article examines the

problems with the definition of school absence as well as the several intervention

methods that have been created to deal with the issue. The most successful

intervention methods include community and school based strategies. It should

be acknowledge that these models do call for structural adjustments in the

familial, educational and societal spheres. According to the study, the diverse
environments of children, families, school, and communities not only contribute to

the issue but also offer potential solution.( Balcazar and Keys,2023).

Students in the other condition were given a Policy that state attendance

was expected to them but did not include any incentives or penalties. According

to the Gangai (2014), results the mandatory Policy decreased absenteeism the

impact of the policy on a student’s performance was influenced by their level of

prior academic success. Any feil, absenteeism at work has always been one of

the most prevalent issues.

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors to that contribute to

students absenteeism. It will be conducted at matalam High School in the

academic year 2022-2023 with the selected participants of Grade 11 EPAS. The

researcher to perform this study as a result of the pupils persistent absence


The research study wants to determine: (1) What is the causes of the

students for being absent in class? (2) What is the effects of the students for

being absent in class?

Statement of the Problem

This research study will determine the causes, effects Absenteeism among

Grade 11 EPAS SY. 2022-2023.

1. What is the causes of the students for being absent in class?

2. What is the effects of the students for being absent in class?

Scope and Delimitation

The research study will determine the causes and effects of absenteeism of

the students. The respondents of this study will be the Grade 11 EPAS and will

be conducted at Matalam High School SY. 2022-2023. Due to the continuously

absenteeism behavior of the students the research will decided to conduct this


Significance of the Study

This research study will be conducted to find out the causes and effects of

absenteeism among Grade 11 EPAS SY. 2022-2023. This study can be a

beneficial to the following sectors:

To the Student, The students of 11 EPAS is review highlighted some evidence

of benefits to students particularly in the form of improved motivation and better

management of their learning. The students will address their concerns and be

aware what will be the effect of being absent in class.

To the teachers, This study will be very beneficial to the teachers and general

education teacher, especially to the teachers who are still newbie in the teaching

profession. Through this research, teacher may purposefully discover how

students management is conducive to learning.

To the Parents, The research benefits the parents of the children with special

needs. As parents enrolled their children in this institution, comes with self-

assurance that would make them a functional individual in the society.



Absenteeism and it’s implication on academic and emotional results in

students (Gottfried, 2014). According to recent policy discussion, chronic

absence not only goes unreported but also harms pupil’s achievement starting in

kindergarten. However, hardly any empirical studies have looked at how chronic

absenteeism effects studens performance. This understudied topic. This study

assesses the impact of absenteeism on academic performance engagement as

well as math and reading proficiency outcomes. Therefore, this study presents

fresh data on how a factor that is underreported in student absence hinders

achievement. Policy and practice repercussions are examined.

Causes of absenteeism of the students

According to seyma sahin the causes of student absenteeism and

school dropout at primary, secondary and high school level in duzce province

and to develop suggestions for solving these problems. Causes originating from

the negatives in class behavior of teachers, who are the operators of the

education system, decreases and even destroys the student's interest and

attention to classroom life. This leads to absenteeism and to school dropout in

the long term. Strand & Granlund (2014) state that approximately three-quarters

of all absenteeism is Sweden involve interconnected issues,such as boredom

and stressful relationship with teacher. Negative behavior of directors towards the

students and extremely oppressive attitude lead student to absence and to drop

out of school. Furthermore, it is observed that students who are afraid of the

harsh and negative attitudes of directors when they are late to school prefer not

to go to school on that day. Besides, teacher’s negative and extremely

oppressive attitudes towards the students come out as an important factor in the

student’s attendance at school. Students who do not or cannot do the assigned

homework due to several reasons and are afraid of the reactions of the teacher

or their peers do not want to go to school on the day of that class. Causes that

stem from the teachers understanding of education and negative in-class

behaviors. The result of study showed that the rate of student based on parents

income and educational level, absenteeism varies family dynamics anticipated

academic success and students absence. Those whose moms are and fathers

who attended high school or college reported a lower of education absenteeism.

Similarly, Henry (2007), pointed out that pupils whose parents have experienced

college degree, had a reduced likelihood of missing class.

Effects of absenteeism to the student

According to Michael A. Gottfried Urban Education 54 (1), 3-34, 2019

Although educational policy makers uphold that chronic absenteeism (Missing

10% of more of the school year) is damaging to students schooling outcomes,

there is little empirical research to match. This study considers the role of spoiler

effects of the chronic absenteeism on classmate’s absenteeism on classmate’s

achievement. It does so by utilizing a larger scale administrative urban district

data set of elementary schoolchildren a sample of students where the rates of

chronic absenteeism are expected to be higher compare with the national

average. The result show that students suffer academically from having

chronically absent classmates as exhibited across both reading and math texting

outcomes. Chronic absenteeism not only had a damaging effects on those

individuals missing excessive school day but also has the potential to reduce

outcome for others in the same educational setting. A key indicator of student

success. Policy analysis Alyssa Rafa Education Commission of the states, 2017

Research shows that chronic absenteeism can effect academic performance in

later grades and is a key early warning sign that a student is more likely to drop

out of high school, several states enacted legislation to address this issue, and

many states are currently discussing absenteeism as an indicator of school

quality or student success (SQSS) in their accountability system under the Every

Student Succeeds. Act (ESSA) this policy brief provides information for policy

makers and state education leaders on the research. Key issues and policy

options available to address chronic absenteeism and improve attendance.



Research Design

The study found out that absenteeism effect the performance of the students in

particular to their attendance and performance. The study will be conducted at

Matalam High School. Composing of 5 selected participants of the Matalam High

School Grade 11 Electronic Product Assembly & Servicing for the school year

2022-2023. The researcher will use a questionnaire to assess the strategies

used by students in absenteeism of the students It will serve as a main tool of

gathering the data.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted at Matalam High School in front of

Polytechnic College and along the Maharlika National Highway, adjacent to

barangays Kilada, Manubuan, and Dalapitan. Matalam High School is composing

of estimate more than three thousand student and 135 teachers and facilitatiors.

The population shows that Matalam High School is the biggest school all over the

Matalam North Cotabato.

Participants of the study

The participants of this study are among the Grade 11 Electronic Product

Assembly & Servicing of the Matalam High School. In obtaining the sample, the

researcher will be applying a purposive sampling method. Thus, the chosen

participants will be based on the criteria: must have guidance counseling

experience because of absenteeism currently studying at Matalam High School,

and the participants can be involved in this study with no age and gender

limitations as long as they are willing to participate in this study.

Sampling Procedure

To gather the data for this research, the researchers will use a purposive

sampling technique. The researchers choose this technique because they want

to select participants who best fit the criteria needed for this study and to attain

the goal of this research study.

Research Instruments

The instrument that will be used for this research is questionnaire. This

method will chosen because it can gather rich information and draw more

detailed conclusions and found to reasonably fit the data.

In this method of gathering data, questionnaire are to-be- made before the

questionnaire can happen, thus, the researchers will formulate question that are

related to their study in order to gather the data needed. The draft of the

questionnaires will be the analyze by the researchers if the students are enough

to collect the required data and to answer all of the questions place in the

statement of the problem, afterwards, the researcher will submit the

questionnaire to an expert for correction before finalizing and validation of the

question to be ask to the participants.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis will be most appropriate for these research that seeks

to achieve the goal of this study. It gives an analytical aspect to data analysis as

it is gives relevant interpretation to the data that will be collected from the

participants using research questionnaire.

Research Procedure

Before the questionnaire will be given to the participants, the researcher’s

will carefully design a comprehensive study focusing on absenteeism. They will

examine pertinent literature, pinpoint critical variables, and create a list of precise

questions that cover various facets of absence. The researcher will ensure that

participants have guidance counseling experience so they can be qualified to

answer the questionnaire During the questionnaire administration, the researcher

will provide clear instruction on how to complete the questionnaire emphasizing

the importance of honest and accurate responses.

After the questionnaire will be completed by the participants, the data

analysis phase will be started by the researcher. To obtain valuable insights, they

will compile and arrange the responses and conduct qualitative analysis. The

researcher will comprehend the absent more fully by evaluating the patterns,

trends, and correlations within the data. They will note typical difficulties

encountered by the participants including the most frequent causes and effect of

the problem. In analyzing the participant's answers a most appropriate data

analysis will use.

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