APCT5121A1 Addendum

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21; 22 2023

Assignment (1)
Assignment 1 Addendum – Errata


MODULE NAME: Applied Communication Techniques


This addendum serves to correct the error in the question numbering for question 2 and
provide the outstanding rubrics for the same question.

Please find below the corrected questions and rubrics.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused.

Kind regards

Siya Mzizi
Head of Programme
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

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Question 2 (Marks: 20)

Study the image above and read the scenario below. Answer the questions that follow.

Image: Knight, G. 2008. Teenagers capturing memories at the South Bank. Available on:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/8176740@N05/2860410170/ [Accessed 10 December 2022]

Q.2.1 You have to address the group of people in the image on the importance of
saving and spending money wisely.

Q.2.1.1 Why is it important to identify the audience and purpose of the communication in (4)
the scenario?

Q.2.1.2 Describe how do the audience and purpose influence the language, style, and (4)
tone of the communication in the scenario?

Q.2.1.3 Write an appropriate response to address the people in the image on the (12)
scenario, considering the audience, purpose, language, style, and tone.

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Criteria: 2.1.1 Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
Mark criteria
Explanation: 0 – 1 Marks 2 Marks 3 – 4 Marks
Importance of • The student made little to no effort • The student attempted to provide an • The student provided an accurate
identifying to provide an accurate explanation accurate explanation of why it is explanation of why it is important to
audience and of why it is important to identify important to identify the audience and identify the audience and purpose of
purpose the audience and purpose of purpose of communication in the communication in the provided
communication in the provided provided scenario; however, it was not scenario, in an insightful manner.
scenario. as insightful as it could be.
Criteria: 2.1.2 Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
Mark criteria
Description: 0 – 1 Marks 2 Marks 3 – 4 Marks
Influence of • The student made little to o effort • The student attempted to provide an • The student provided an accurate and
audience and to provide an accurate description accurate description of how the insightful description of how the
purpose’s of how the audience and purpose audience and purpose influence the audience and purpose influence the
influence. influence the language, style, and language, style, and tone of the language, style, and tone of the
tone of the communication in the communication in the scenario. communication in the scenario.

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Criteria: 2.1.3 Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
Mark criteria
0 – 5 Marks 6 - 8 Marks 9 – 12 Marks
Response: • The students made little to no • The student attempted to write an • The students provided an accurate and
Appropriate effort to write an appropriate appropriate response to address the appropriate response to address the
response. response to address the people in people in the image on the scenario, people in the image on the scenario,
the image on the scenario, considering the audience, purpose, considering the audience, purpose,
considering the audience, language, style, and tone; however, it language, style, and tone, in an
purpose, language, style, and is not as accurate as it could be. insightful manner.
tone, in an accurate manner.

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