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Solution Manual for Medical Terminology for Health

Professions 7th Edition Ehrlich Schroeder 1111543275
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The Instructor Resources teaching tools for this chapter include:
 The answer key for the Learning Exercises for the chapter, located in the file entitled Textbook Learning Exercises
Answer Key. These Learning Exercises are at the end of each chapter in Medical Terminology for Health
Professions, Seventh Edition, and in the Student Workbook for Introduction to Medical Terminology, Third Edition.
The answer key is also in the PowerPoint presentation for the chapter.
 A PowerPoint presentation for this chapter, including the Overview of these body systems from the beginning of
the chapter, the Textbook Learning Exercises Answer Key, and the following animations and videos:
 Lymphatic System
 Types of Mastectomies
 Lymph Nodes
In this chapter of the Instructor’s Manual, you will find:
 Personal Response Device questions (and answers) to engage students’ interest
 Classroom Quizzes and their Answer Keys
 Two 25-question quizzes for the Standard Syllabus testing on key word parts and all primary terms
 Two 25-question quizzes for the Simplified Syllabus testing only on the 15 word parts and 60 terms in the
vocabulary list at the beginning of the chapter
 Classroom Activities to help your learners enjoy their studies. This chapter includes:
 Spelling Bee, a classic challenge to make sure learners are learning the correct spelling of the terms in this
 The popular Knowledge Bowl Game for testing learners’ knowledge of the lymphatic and immune systems
 Crossword Puzzle and Answer Key
 Word Search and Answer Key
 “Medical Mystery” Story and Discussion Questions emphasizing the Simplified Syllabus terms (Hodgkin’s
 SOAP Note and Questions (Women’s Health Clinic: Breast Lump)
 Case Study and Discussion Questions (Biopsy Operative and Pathology Report: Breast Cancer)
 Answer Keys for the Medical Mystery, SOAP Note, and Case Study



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130 Chapter 6

These questions are designed to engage students’ interest as a unit is introduced, not to test their knowledge. Asking
students to give their answers at the start of class will get them involved in the topic, and a delay in providing the correct
answers will help keep them curious. The questions can be made into PowerPoint slides or written on the board, and
answers can be tallied using a personal response device (clicker) system or a show of hands.

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 131

1. Of the 400–700 lymph nodes located along the larger lymphatic vessels, approximately half of these nodes are in
the abdomen. T/F
Answer: True
2. The tonsils are made up of muscle tissue. T/F
Answer: False. The tonsils are made up of lymphoid tissue.
3. Which type of immunity is passed from mother to child?
a. natural immunity
b. active immunity
c. acquired immunity
Answer: a. Natural immunity is present at birth or passed through breast milk to the baby.
4. Rubella, or German measles, originated in Germany. T/F
Answer: False. Rubella and measles have similar symptoms, so the term “German” comes from germanus,
meaning similar.

There are two quizzes for the Standard Syllabus and two for the Simplified Syllabus, each made up of 25 questions.
Quiz A consists entirely of multiple-choice questions. Quiz B has a variety of question styles. Both quizzes are of equal


 These quizzes are brief so they can be used without consuming a lot of class time. They can be used effectively
either as a pop quiz to evaluate student preparation or as makeup work when a learner has missed a class.
 If you are concerned about learners copying each other’s answers, you can alternate Quizzes A and B in the same
 You can use Quiz A as the classroom quiz and Quiz B as the makeup or retest.
 Combine the two quizzes to create a 50-question chapter test.
 The Answer Keys are located immediately after the quizzes. You may want to have learners swap papers and take
a few minutes to have them grade the quizzes in class. This is an excellent review activity, and it provides valuable
insight into learner preparedness.

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132 Chapter 6


Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Class _______________

Write in the letter of the correct answer.
______ 1. Which type of leukocyte surrounds and kills invading cells?
A. B cell B. dendritic cell C. macrophage
______ 2. Which type of immunity develops from having had a contagious disease?
A. natural B. acquired C. passive
______ 3. Which term describes a benign tumor made up of abnormal lymphatic vessels?
A. angioma B. lymphangioma C. lymphoma
______ 4. Which term means a malignant new growth of epithelial cells?
A. adenoma B. carcinoma C. sarcoma
______ 5. Which gland plays important roles in both the immune and cardiovascular systems?
A. liver B. spleen C. thymus
______ 6. What type of breast cancer has not broken through the milk duct and has a cure rate of nearly 100?
A. ductal carcinoma in situ B. inflammatory breast cancer C. infiltrating lobular carcinoma
______ 7. Which term means a carcinoma derived from glandular tissue?
A. adenocarcinoma B. adenoiditis C. lymphangioma
______ 8. Which substance produced in the laboratory is used as a postexposure preventive measure against rabies?
A. monoclonal antibodies B. synthetic immunoglobulins C. synthetic interferon
______ 9. Which condition is caused by damage to lymphatic vessels from cancer treatment, injuries, or burns?
A. primary lymphedema B. lipedema C. secondary lymphedema
______ 10. Which is a group of proteins whose specialty is fighting viruses by slowing or stopping their
A. complement system B. interferons C. plasma cells
______ 11. Which term means a malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue?
A. myeloma B. myelosarcoma C. myosarcoma
______ 12. What form of therapy involves the use of radioactive materials implanted into the tissues to be treated?
A. antineoplastic B. brachytherapy C. teletherapy
______ 13. Which organ or structure has a major hemolytic function?
A. bone marrow B. spleen C. thymus
______ 14. Which term refers to the state of being resistant to a specific disease?
A. antibody B. immunity C. allergy
______ 15. Which term describes medication used to prevent the rejection of donor tissue?
A. antihistamine B. immunosuppressant C. immunotherapy
______ 16. Which test is used to confirm an HIV diagnosis ?
A. ELISA B. scratch test C. Western blot
______ 17. Which term describes any substance that the body regards as foreign?
A. agglutinin B. antibody C. antigen

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 133

______ 18. Which term describes an inflammation of the lymph nodes?

A. lymphadenitis B. lymphadenosis C. lymphadenopathy
______ 19. Which of these diseases is caused by a parasite?
A. aspergillosis B. malaria C. moniliasis
______ 20. Which viral infection is commonly known as chickenpox?
A. cytomegalovirus B. herpes zoster C. varicella
______ 21. Which form of bacteria causes Lyme disease?
A. rickettsia B. spirochete C. staphylococci
______ 22. Which term describes the process by which a tumor creates its own blood supply?
A. angiogenesis B. angiostenosis C. anti-angiogenesis
______ 23. Which term is the verb describing the process by which cancer spreads from the primary site to a
secondary site?
A. metabolism B. metastasis C. metastasize
______ 24. Which lymphatic structures are located at the base of the tongue?
A. lingual tonsils B. nasopharyngeal tonsils C. palatine tonsils
______ 25. Which term means an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues that occurs when lymph vessels do not
drain properly?
A. lipedema B. lymphedema C. lymphoma

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134 Chapter 6


Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Class _______________


Write the correct term on the line provided.
1. A specialist in diagnosing and treating conditions of altered immunologic reactivity such as allergic reactions
is known as a/an ______________________ .
2. The chain-forming bacteria that cause the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat are
______________________ .
3. The white blood cells that undergo maturation and differentiation so they can attack specific antigens are
known as ______________________ .
4. Breast cancer at its earliest stage is known as ductal ______________________ in situ.
5. A severe systemic allergic response in which the patient may die within minutes is known as
______________________ .
6. A drug that kills or damages cells is known as a/an ______________________ drug.
7. A large white blood cell that surrounds and kills invading cells is
a/an ______________________ .
8. The cancer often associated with HIV is Kaposi’s ______________________ .
9. A specialist in diagnosing and treating malignant disorders such as tumors and cancer
is a/an ______________________ .
10. The lymph nodes located along the sides of the neck are the ______________________ nodes.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided.
Column A Column B
_____ 11. chickenpox A. transmitted by infected animals
_____ 12. infectious mononucleosis B. may cause congenital abnormalities
_____ 13. rabies C. caused by the Epstein-Barr virus
_____ 14. rubella D. also known as shingles
_____ 15. herpes zoster E. also known as varicella

Write T for true or F for false.
_____ 16. Interferon is produced by T cells.
_____ 17. An allergen is an antigen that is capable of inducing an allergic response.
_____ 18. Antihistamines cause the symptoms of allergic reactions.
_____ 19. Synthetic interferon is used in the treatment of hepatitis C and in some cancers.
_____ 20. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is distinguished by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells.

Write in the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 21. Which type of medication is used as an immunosuppressant and as an antineoplastic?
A. corticosteroid B. cytotoxic C. immunosuppressant
_____ 22. Which type of tissue gives rise to a sarcoma?
A. connective tissue B. glands C. skin

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 135

_____ 23. Which parasite is commonly transmitted from animals to humans through contact with feces?
A. toxoplasmosis B. malaria C. tuberculosis
_____ 24. Which term describes the role of the spleen in removing and destroying worn-out red blood cells?
A. hematopoietic B. hemolytic C. hemorrhagic
_____ 25. Which viral infection is characterized by parotid gland swelling?
A. rubella B. measles C. mumps

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136 Chapter 6


Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Class _______________

Write in the letter of the correct answer.
______ 1. Which combining form means lymph glands?
A. lymph/o B. lymphaden/o C. lymphangi/o
______ 2. Which virus is commonly transmitted to humans through the saliva of an infected animal?
A. rubella B. West Nile virus C. rabies
______ 3. Which term describes a benign tumor made up of abnormal lymphatic vessels?
A. angioma B. lymphangioma C. lymphoma
______ 4. Which group of pathogens are one-celled microscopic organisms?
A. bacteria B. viruses C. fungi
______ 5. Which term means a malignant tumor that usually involves the upper shaft of long bones, the pelvis, or
A. osteosarcoma B. myosarcoma C. synovial sarcoma
______ 6. Which bacteria forms chains?
A. staphylococci B. spirochetes C. streptococci
______ 7. Which type of tumor is distinguished by Reed-Sternberg cells?
A. lymphangioma B. Hodgkin’s lymphoma C. non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
______ 8. Which term means an abnormal enlargement of the spleen?
A. splenorrhagia B. splenomegaly C. splenitis
______ 9. Which term means a new cancer site that results from the spreading process?
A. carcinoma B. metastasis C. metastasize
______ 10. Which is a group of proteins whose specialty is fighting viruses by slowing or stopping their
A. complement system B. interferons C. plasma cells
______ 11. Which term means a malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue?
A. myeloma B. myelosarcoma C. myosarcoma
______ 12. Which virus is characterized by fever, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes?
A. infectious mononucleosis B. herpes zoster C. varicella
______ 13. Which virus causes the immune system to progressively fail?
A. mumps B. varicella C. human immunodeficiency virus
______ 14. Which term describes a group of proteins that combine with antibodies to dissolve pathogens?
A. immunoglobulins B. complement system C. interferons
______ 15. Which term describes medication used to prevent the rejection of donor tissue?
A. antihistamine B. immunosuppressant C. immunotherapy
______ 16. Which type of medication inhibits growth or kills pathogenic microorganisms?
A. antibiotic B. antifungal C. antineoplastic
______ 17. Which term describes any substance that the body regards as foreign?
A. agglutinin B. antibody C. antigen

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 137

______ 18. Which group of proteins is released primarily by T cells and acts as intracellular signals to begin the
immune response?
A. cytokines B. complement system C. macrophage
______ 19. Which of these diseases is caused by a parasite?
A. aspergillosis B. malaria C. moniliasis
______ 20. Which viral infection is commonly known as chickenpox?
A. cytomegalovirus B. herpes zoster C. varicella
______ 21. Which form of bacteria causes Lyme disease?
A. rickettsia B. spirochete C. staphylococci
______ 22. Which term describes any disease characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces
antibodies to work against its own tissues?
A. opportunistic infections B. autoimmune disorder C. lymphoma
______ 23. Which term is the verb describing the process by which cancer spreads from the primary site to a
secondary site?
A. metabolism B. metastasis C. metastasize
______ 24. Which term describes a plant or animal that lives on another living organism at the expense of that
A. yeast B. fungus C. parasite
______ 25. Which term means an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues that occurs when lymph vessels do not
drain properly?
A. lipedema B. lymphedema C. lymphoma

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138 Chapter 6


Name ______________________________________ Date ____________________ Class _________________


Write the correct term on the line provided.
1. When the immune system is compromised, it is known as a/an ______________________ disorder.
2. The chain-forming bacteria that cause the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat
are ______________________ .
3. The white blood cells that undergo maturation and differentiation so they can attack specific antigens are
known as ______________________ .
4. Breast cancer at its earliest stage is known as ductal ______________________ in situ.
5. A severe systemic allergic response in which the patient may die within minutes is known as
______________________ .
6. A drug that kills or damages cells is known as a/an ______________________ drug.
7. A large white blood cell that surrounds and kills invading cells is
a/an ______________________ .
8. The cancer often associated with HIV is Kaposi’s ______________________ .
9. Rod-shaped, spore-forming bacteria are called ______________________ .
10. The group of proteins known as the ______________________ system combine with antibodies to dissolve
and remove pathogenic bacteria.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided.
Column A Column B
_____ 11. varicella A. transmitted by infected animals
_____ 12. influenza B. may cause congenital abnormalities
_____ 13. rabies C. also known as shingles
_____ 14. rubella D. also known as flu
_____ 15. herpes zoster E. also known as chickenpox

Write T for true or F for false.
_____ 16. Interferon is produced by T cells.
_____ 17. An allergen is an antigen that is capable of inducing an allergic response.
_____ 18. Immunoglobulins bind with plasma cells in the antigen-antibody response.
_____ 19. Teletherapy is the use of radioactive material in contact with the tissues being treated.
_____ 20. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is distinguished by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells.

Write in the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 21. Which type of medication is used as an immunosuppressant and as an antineoplastic?
A. corticosteroid B. cytotoxic C. immunosuppressant
_____ 22. Which examination technique is used to detect tumors and precancerous cells in breast tissue?
A. ELISA B. lymphoscintigraphy C. mammography

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 139

_____ 23. Which parasite is commonly transmitted from animals to humans through contact with feces?
A. toxoplasmosis B. malaria C. tuberculosis
_____ 24. Which term describes the role of the spleen in removing and destroying worn-out red blood cells?
A. hematopoietic B. hemolytic C. hemorrhagic
_____ 25. Which term is a member of the herpes family of viruses and commonly presents itself as a silent infection?
A. measles B. cytomegalovirus C. West Nile virus

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140 Chapter 6




1. C 6. A 11. C 16. C 21. B
2. B 7. A 12. B 17. C 22. A
3. B 8. B 13. B 18. A 23. C
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. B 24. A
5. B 10. B 15. B 20. C 25. B


1. allergist 6. cytotoxic 11. E 16. T 21. B
2. streptococci 7. macrophage 12. C 17. T 22. A
3. lymphocytes 8. sarcoma 13. A 18. F 23. A
4. carcinoma 9. oncologist 14. B 19. T 24. B
5. anaphylaxis 10. cervical 15. D 20. T 25. C




1. B 6. C 11. C 16. A 21. B
2. C 7. B 12. A 17. C 22. B
3. B 8. B 13. C 18. A 23. C
4. A 9. B 14. B 19. B 24. C
5. A 10. B 15. B 20. C 25. B


1. immunodeficiency 6. cytotoxic 11. E 16. T 21. B
2. streptococci 7. macrophage 12. D 17. T 22. C
3. lymphocytes 8. sarcoma 13. A 18. F 23. A
4. carcinoma 9. bacilli 14. B 19. F 24. B
5. anaphylaxis 10. complement 15. C 20. T 25. B

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 141


The activities for each chapter are different; however, many of these activities can also be adapted for other chapters.

This activity is a great way to make spelling practice more fun. Make a copy of the word list at the beginning of this
chapter in the textbook. The caller in a spelling bee usually begins with easier terms and progresses to harder ones, so
you will need to check off terms as you use them.
 Divide the class into two teams lined up on either side of the classroom. Flip a coin to see which team will be Team
 Read a term and the definition of the term. Be sure to pronounce the words clearly and correctly.
 The first learner in Team A repeats the word and spells it. If the spelling is correct, the learner goes to the end of the
line and the next word goes to the first learner in line in Team B.
 If a spelling is incorrect, the learner is out and sits down. The first learner in line for the other team is then given a
chance to try the same word. This continues until someone gets the spelling of the term right.
 The game is over when the list has been used up or when only one or two learners remain standing.


This team activity, which is based on TV college bowl games, involves the entire class in a competition that is excellent
for testing students’ grasps of medical terminology.
 Divide the class into three teams. Each team should appoint a captain or spokesperson.
 When the game is played, two teams compete and the third team acts as the score keepers and audience. The audience
is expected to fully participate by applauding and trying to guess the answers. The teacher usually acts as the game
 The game host uses the list of 40 terms and definitions on the activity cards found at the end of this document
(Figures 6.1–6.6).
NOTE: Print the activity cards single-sided; then fold each page down the center with the printing on the outside.
Cut the cards apart, but do not cut along the folded edge. If you wish, you may glue or tape the blank back sides of
the folded cards together. As an alternative, the host may take the annotated vocabulary list or flashcards and phrase
the terms as questions.
 A coin toss determines which team will be the audience in the first round and then which of the two competing
teams gets the first question.
 The host draws an activity card at random and reads the definition, setting aside or marking off those that have been
used. Team members may confer to come up with the correct term. The team leader gives the response. If the answer
is right, the team is awarded 5 points.
 If the answer is not correct, the team loses 5 points and the question goes to the other team. If this team answers
correctly, they win 5 points and the next question goes to them.
 Scores are recorded on the board for all to see.
 If neither team gets a question right, the game host gives the correct answer and goes back to the first team with the
next question.
 The game is over when time is up or the moderator runs out of questions.

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142 Chapter 6


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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 143


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144 Chapter 6


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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 145


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146 Chapter 6



Name: Sandra L.
Age: 20
Height: 5 6
Weight: 145 pounds
Symptoms: exhaustion, rash, lump
on neck

Sandra is a sophomore at Bay State University. About a year ago, she began having constant fatigue. She would nap
during her breaks between classes but still felt tired. She figured that her busy schedule was wearing her out. She was
taking five classes, holding down a work-study job, and playing on the school tennis team. She then developed a
persistent itchiness over her entire body 3 months after the exhaustion began, and she often woke up sweating at night.
Shortly afterward, Sandra noticed a small lump on her neck. She took to wearing turtleneck sweaters because she was
self-conscious about the lump. When the itch wouldn’t go away, she stopped pursuing a potential relationship for fear
that her new boyfriend would find it strange.
More concerned with the itch and the lump on her neck than her exhaustion, Sandra first went to see a dermatologist.
The dermatologist thought that Sandra had an infection, so she prescribed antibiotics and a topical corticosteroid. When
the itch failed to resolve, Sandra visited a nurse at the student health clinic. He was very concerned about a second lump
that had developed on her neck and immediately referred her to the oncology department at the university hospital.

Sandra was very upset at being sent to an oncologist and brought her roommate along for support. I explained to them both
that I was going to perform an examination and run some lab tests so that we could find out what was making Sandra sick,
and help her get better. I ordered a full spectrum of blood tests and a CT scan of her chest, abdomen, and pelvis. I explained
that I might also need to request a biopsy of the lump on her neck.

My suspicions were confirmed when Sandra’s blood tests came back positive. She was shocked when I explained that
she had Stage IIA Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She had never imagined that her itchiness and the lump on her neck might be
symptoms of cancer.

I treated Sandra with four cycles of chemotherapy. This was followed by a course of radiation. Her cancer reacted to
these treatments well. If she remains cancer free for 2 years, she will be considered to be in remission. Her hair did fall
out due to the chemo treatments, and she was disappointed not to be able to participate in athletic activities with her
friends. Her family and friends provided a support network that helped her get through this difficult period well.

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 147

Twelve months after the chemotherapy, Sandra is finally able to return to her pre-cancer life. She is back in class and
has slowly begun to exercise again. Next fall, she hopes to rejoin the tennis team. Her hair has come back in full and
curly, and she reports a renewed high level of self-confidence.

Discussion Questions
1. What is Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
2. Why were the antibiotics not effective in controlling Sandra’s condition?
3. What is a corticosteroid drug, which is prescribed by the dermatologist for the itchiness?
4. Part of the examination of Sandra was to determine whether her cancer had metastasized. What does metastasize

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148 Chapter 6


Women’s Health Clinic 10/1/12 Reyna Vasquez, NP Patient: Patricia Fung

 Lump noted on breast self-examination

 43-year-old female
 Family history of breast cancer
 Lump noted in left breast during professional palpation of the breast
 Mammogram shows small lump in one location of the breast

 Possible ductal carcinoma in situ

 Schedule ultrasound
 Schedule needle breast biopsy and consult with oncologist if needed

1. Define mammography, and provide the word parts.
2. What is ductal carcinoma in situ?
3. Explain why Patricia Fung might need to meet with an oncologist based on the biopsy results.

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 149


Patient Name: Milly Wilm MR#: 123579
Date of Surgery: 12/09/09
Surgeon: R. Smart, M.D.
Preoperative Diagnosis: non-palpable, speculated [having uneven edges] mass seen on mammogram, possibly
Procedures Performed: wire-guided surgical biopsy, right breast.
Anesthesia: 1% Xylocaine
Indications: This is a 65-year-old female who recently had a mammogram that showed a focal abnormality in the
superior aspect of the right breast. Nothing is palpable; however, it is felt that this area should be removed for evaluation.
Prior to presenting to the Operating Room, the abnormality was localized with a Kopan’s wire placed under mammogram
Description of Procedure: After routine prepping and draping, Xylocaine was infiltrated over the entry point of the
wire. The area localized with the wires was widely excised. Hemostasis was assured with electrocautery and 3-0 Prolene
sutures. The wound was closed with 3-0 Prolene and a subcuticular Monocryl. A light dressing was applied, and the
patient returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.

Gross Examination: Specimen A. “Right breast biopsy.” Received fresh is a 2.5  2.7  2.0 cm portion of fibroadipose
tissue with a localization wire and needle. A radiograph is received with the specimen that indicates “a nodule at the
location of the needle.” This tissue is sectioned to reveal a 0.8  0.6  0.4 cm white nodule with ill-defined borders. The
nodule is within the surgical margin.
Microscopic Examination: The lesion is an infiltrating ductal carcinoma with clear surgical margins.
Diagnosis: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
Maximal Tumor Diameter: 0.8 cm.

Discussion Questions
1. In the preoperative diagnosis, the doctor refers to the mass as being nonpalpable. What is palpation of the breast?
2. Since this tumor was too small to be detected with breast self-examination, the prognosis might have been
different if the patient had not had a routine mammogram. Give the word parts for the term mammography, and
define this procedure.
3. The patient is diagnosed as having infiltrating ductal carcinoma. How is this different from ductal carcinoma in
4. The procedure and purpose of this type of a needle breast biopsy and a sentinel-node biopsy are not the same.
What is a needle breast biopsy?

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150 Chapter 6


1. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphoid tissues.
2. Antibiotics are medications that are capable of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic bacterial microorganisms.
Cancer is not caused by bacteria.
3. A corticosteroid drug is a hormonelike preparation administered primarily as an anti-inflammatory and as an
4. Metastasize refers to the cancer spreading from one place to another. If the Hodgkin’s had metastasized, it would
mean that this cancer had spread from the lymphoid tissues to another body system.


1. Mammography is a radiographic examination of the breasts to detect the presence of tumors or precancerous cells
(mamm/o means breast, and -graphy means the process of producing a picture or record).
2. Ductal carcinoma in situ is breast cancer in its earliest stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the
milk duct.
3. An oncologist is a physician specializing in diagnosing and treatment of malignant disorders such as tumors and


1. Professional palpation of the breast, which is performed as a part of an annual physical, is an important part of
early detection of breast cancer. Palpation is an examination technique in which the examiner’s hands are used to
detect lumps and to feel the texture, size, and consistency of the breast. Breast self-examination is the routine
palpation of the breast by the patient to look for irregularities and changes. In this case, however, the tumor was
too small to be detected in this manner by either the doctor or the patient.
2. Mammography is a radiographic examination of the breasts to detect the presence of tumors or precancerous
cells (mamm/o means breast, and -graphy means the process of producing a picture or record).
3. Ductal carcinoma in situ is breast cancer at its earliest stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the
milk duct. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma starts in the milk duct, breaks through the wall of that duct, and invades
the fatty breast tissue.
4. A needle breast biopsy is used to remove small samples of tissue from the breast for testing. A sentinel-node
biopsy is a biopsy of the first lymph nodes in the axilla (armpit region) that drain from the area of the breast found
to have cancer. After the sentinel lymph node has been identified, only this and the other affected nodes removed
for biopsy. If the cancer has not spread, this spares the remaining nodes in that group.

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 151

FIGURE 6.1 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

The advanced stages of human immunodeficiency virus

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
infection; AIDS

allergen A substance capable of causing an allergic reaction

A severe response to an allergen such as a drug, food, insect

venom, or chemical; systemic reaction

antigen Any substance that the body regards as foreign

Medication used to treat viral infections or to provide

antiviral drug
temporary immunity

axillary lymph nodes Lymph nodes located under the arms

bacilli Rod-shaped spore-forming bacteria

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152 Chapter 6

FIGURE 6.2 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

The use of radioactive materials in contact with or

implanted into the tissues to be treated

carcinoma A malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue

A member of the herpes viruses group that is most often

present as a silent infection

cytotoxic drug Medication that kills or damages cells

The acronym for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,

ELISA a blood test used to screen for the presence of HIV

An acute viral infection characterized by painful skin

herpes zoster eruptions that follow the underlying route of the
inflamed nerve; shingles

The form of lymphoma distinguished by the presence of

Hodgkin's lymphoma large cancerous lymphocytes known as Reed-Sternberg

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 153

FIGURE 6.3 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

A bloodborne infection that invades and progressively

human immunodeficiency virus
damages or kills cells of the immune system

A condition that occurs when one or more parts of the

immunodeficiency disorder
immune system is compromised

A medication that prevents or reduces the body's normal

reactions to invasion by disease or by foreign tissues

An infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and

infectious mononucleosis characterized by fever, a sore throat, and enlarged
lymph nodes

inguinal lymph nodes Lymph nodes located in the groin

A family of proteins produced by the T cells that

activate the immune system, fight viruses by slowing or
stopping their multiplication, and signal other cells to
increase their defenses

An opportunistic infection frequently associated with

Kaposi's sarcoma
HIV that may affect the skin and mucous membranes

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154 Chapter 6

FIGURE 6.4 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

A major class of white blood cells that play an

important role in the immune reaction

A general term for any malignant tumor made up of

lymphoid tissue

macrophage A cell that protects the body by eating invading cells

The verb describing the process by which cancer

spreads from one place to another

myoma A benign tumor made up of muscle tissue

myosarcoma A malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma All lymphomas other than Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 155

FIGURE 6.5 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

The study of the prevention, causes, and treatment of

tumors and cancer

A malignant tumor usually involving the upper shaft of

long bones, the pelvis, or knee

A plant or animal that lives on or within another living

organism at the expense of the host organism

pathogen A microorganism that causes a disease

A white blood cell with the ability to ingest and destroy

substances such as cell debris and pathogens

Lymphoid tissue located on the left and right

sides of the throat

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156 Chapter 6

FIGURE 6.6 Activity Cards for Lymphatic and Immune Systems

The process of destroying pathogens by surrounding

and swallowing them

An acute viral infection most commonly transmitted by

the bite or saliva of an infected animal

sarcoma A malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue

Spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are

capable of movement

Radiation therapy administered at a distance from the


varicella Also known as chickenpox

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