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Lesson Plan

Name Lyla-Anne Tutor Alex Date 4 July 2023

TP # 3 Lesson type Intermediate Time 40 minutes

No. of - -

Main aim  To improve students' speaking skills by identifying and describing various scenarios and related items.

Subsidiary aims To encourage creativity and collaboration by generating their own scenarios and lists of items.
To enhance vocabulary related to everyday activities and items.
Maximise student talking time.

Learning outcomes By lesson end students will feel more comfortable in producing dialogue, asking relevant questions to get to an answer
as well as identifying scenarios to relating objects.

Target language/skills Speaking skills.

Target language will be statements such as ‘I like ….’ ‘I do not like….’ ‘I have …’ ‘I have never…’ ‘I would… I wouldn’t…’ ‘I
am …’ ‘my favourite is …’
And questions such as ‘Have you ever …?’ ‘Do you like …?’
Identifying objects to scenarios such as ‘sunscreen’ – ‘beach’, ‘cup of coffee’ – ‘café’, ‘mountains – hiking’.

Assessment ICQ’S & CCQ’s

Anticipated difficulties and solutions Not all students may have the time to talk as much as desired, therefore by shortening the activity where one can it will
allow the students to all have a chance at equal talking time. i.e., ‘two truths and one lie’ can be changed to ‘one truth
and one lie’ to help save time between students talking.
Not all students may be familiar with the examples given, such as ‘make-your-own pizza, solo hiking’, to ensure a
greater chance of success in gaining answers from your students elicite as much as possible.
‘The pizza looks handmade, does anyone know what type of pizza party this would be then?’ Make-your-own pizza
party, or is the man alone or in company? What do you call it when someone travels alone?’ Solo Traveling / Solo
Source of materials YouTube, own notes.

Action points from previous TP -


Stage /stage aim Teacher does… Students do… Interaction pattern Time

Warmer Teachers begins by explaining the rules of the game students list their three statements on a piece of 10
"Two Truths and One Lie" to the class: paper or share them orally. Students are then min
"Two Truths and One T-S
given the chance to ask and be asked about their utes
Lie."  Each student will come up with three
statements. S-S
statements about themselves.
Reduce to one truth
and one lie if there is a  Two of those statements must be true,
larger class. while one statement should be a lie.
 The goal is for their classmates to ask them
questions to determine which statement is
the lie.
Remind students to use complete sentences and
speak in English during the questioning phase.
Model an example for the class before they begin.
Share three statements about yourself, ensuring
that two are true and one is a lie. For instance:
Statement 1: I am great at hiking.
Statement 2: I love cats.
Statement 3: My favourite food is a tomato
Encourage them to be creative, but remind them to
ensure that two of the statements are true.
Allow sufficient time for each student to share and
engage in questioning. Monitor their progress and
provide assistance if needed.
Present & Practice Introduce various scenarios to the students’ using The students are given different scenarios to 5 -7
flashcards, eliciting the actions and list of objects describe and list the objects used in that scenario, min
Identify scenarios and T-S
in the visual cues provided. Go through the with as seen in the flashcards. utes
list the relevant objects.
various scenario prompts as a class, flipping over S-T
the written answers when students have provided
you with the correct vocabulary. Review the
correct answers as a whole class.
Usings CCQs to check students understanding,
‘What is used to make a pizza base?’
‘What did the couple bring to ensure their dog
won’t run off?’
‘Is the man camping or hiking? What is the

Production The teacher then explains the next activity to the Students are sent into breakout rooms to work in 15
class, using ICQs and CCQs to check their pairs and discuss the various objects given and to min
Identifying objects and T-S
understanding. what scenario could they possibly correlate it with. utes
creating scenarios.
i.e., asking a student to repeat the instructions just The students then have to list the items and the
+ own personal
given to the class to ensure they know what is correlated scenario occurring.
scenario and list
being asked of them.
If given enough time students will then list a short
Divide the students into pairs or small groups. list for a scenario that occurs in their daily lives,
Instruct each pair/group to identify create the
i.e. making breakfast, making tea – I like to make
objects given and create their own scenarios using
mine with lemon and honey so everyone’s
the objects given. Giving them 10 minutes to do
preference and way of task differs.
so. If the students have enough time ask them to
create a list using a scenario that is a part of their
daily routine or favourite hobby.
Encourage creativity and imagination while
reminding students to write their scenarios down.
Check in on groups in breakout rooms, noting any
assessment or error correction between peers.
Review   After the designated time bring the class back to Students are then brought back to the class as a T-S 5-7
a whole to present. whole and are given the chance to present their min
answers in the activities given, listing and utes
Ask the groups to individually present each
describing objects and scenarios they had to S-T
scenario, allowing everyone a turn to talk in
identify in pairs.
speaking and giving their reason. Praise students
and give positive feedback where you can, correct + presenting their personal lists for a step in their
any corrections if wrong, closing the review and daily routine scenario.
bringing the class to a close.
+ presenting personal scenario lists

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