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How to Shoot Eye-Catching

Street Portrait Photography

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
What is Street Portrait Photography?...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Street Portraits vs Street Photography: What’s the Difference?............................................................................................................ 7
How Do You Shoot Badass Street Portrait Photography?..................................................................................................................... 9
Choose the Right Gear and Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 10
Camera..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Lens ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Other accessories...................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Camera settings......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Shooting Variety at a One-Location Photoshoot........................................................................................................................................... 18
Understand Body Language and Facial Expressions.................................................................................................................................... 19
Use the Psychology of Color Theory........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Find the Right Portrait Background.............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Approach Strangers on the Street for Portraits............................................................................................................................................. 22
Photograph Someone from Behind............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Shoot from a Little Farther Away and Close................................................................................................................................................. 24
Shoot Through Glass Without Unwanted Reflections................................................................................................................................... 25
Photograph Street Performers..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Silhouette of a Person................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Photograph Animals in Streets.................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Capture the Decisive Moment in Street....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Shoot Stunning Street Photography at Night................................................................................................................................................ 30
Ethics in Street Photography: Code of Conduct................................................................................................................................... 31
Respect and Smile..................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Don’t force or pressurize............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Photographing Children.............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32

Street portraiture is a fun way of documenting the reality of
life, portraying the genuine, unique, and raw emotions and
activities of people we rarely see in our hectic lives.

However, capturing street portraits is not as easy as it

seems. Finding the right subject and a suitable composition
simultaneously is challenging, as everything happens in the
wink of an eye. So, mastering this type of photography requires
persistence, diligence, and creativity.

Let’s learn about street portrait photography and the ways of

capturing breathtaking street portraits that will make people
say, “wow.”

What is Street Portrait


What is Street Portrait

Street portrait photography is a style of photography where
people are photographed while they are on the street. This type
of photography mostly captures a person’s natural expression,
appearance, gesture, and posture.

Photographers usually capture candid shots of random

strangers, often without their knowledge. However, they also
ask for permission to photograph for a more controlled shot
where they can adjust the background, lighting, and even
facial expression.

Street Portraits vs Street

Photography: What’s the

Street Portraits vs Street Photography:

What’s the Difference?
Street photography and street portrait photography are often considered the same, as the streets are key elements
in both of these photography styles. However, a thin line makes them different from each other.

Let’s look at the traits that make the distinction.

Definition Subject Purpose

This style of photography People, animals,

Street documents the candid, vehicles, shops, Document the reality of
photography transient moments of street lights, buildings, street life and culture
public life. crossroads, etc.

This style of photography

Street portrait Capture the raw beauty
captures the people on People
photography of people
the street.

How Do You Shoot Badass Street

Portrait Photography?

Shooting street portraits can be quite challenging as the

background, lighting, and other factors that make a composition
striking may not always be in your favor. Moreover, people
don’t feel comfortable being filmed by a stranger, making the
photography process much more difficult.

However, using the following street portrait photography tips,

you can simplify your journey and take great street portraits.

1. Choose the Right Gear and


Every type of photography requires some specific gear that

makes a difference in the quality of the images. Since street
portrait photographers must move around a lot while shooting,
they must carry some essential equipment that they may need
at any time, anywhere.

The must-carry list includes the following items of gear.



A street is a dynamic place where people continuously move

around. High-quality cameras that can operate quickly are
therefore necessary because the subject runs the risk of
becoming blurry or slipping out of the frame without one.
The camera must also be sufficiently lightweight to be carried
around easily.

The following list of camera types includes each one’s benefits

and drawbacks to help you choose which one might work
best for you.

Mirrorless camera
A compact and lightweight full-frame mirrorless camera can interchangeable lenses, which is a necessity for such a
be the perfect option for street portrait photographers, whose versatile style of photography.
work requires a lot of walking. Besides, the larger pixels allow
more light to enter and capture clear and sharp images, even However, the only downside is that it is quite heavy and
in low-light conditions. oversized. Therefore, the camera’s weight increases with
the addition of lenses, which may be a little uncomfortable
The other incredible features, such as the choice of an for some photographers.
interchangeable lens, the touch screen monitor, the excellent
viewfinder, the silent shutter, etc., make it the perfect camera. Rangefinder camera
The autofocus may, however, react more slowly than a DSLR
The excellent faster autofocus feature, along with the
camera if there are no phase detection pixels built into the
combined features of a DSLR and a mirrorless camera,
makes a rangefinder camera an excellent option for capturing
street portraits. This camera has high performance like a
DSLR camera
DSLR while having a compact size similar to a mirrorless
DSLR cameras come equipped with all the features a street camera.
portrait photographer might require, such as quick autofocusing,
low noise at high ISO settings, an optical viewfinder, large
sensors, and more. Besides, it supports a wide range of

They also have large sensors and a silent shutter, which help • Good low-light performance for the night and gloomy
take sharp, clear pictures without letting people know they are day shoot
being photographed. Depending on the model, some may offer • Depth of field scale or preview button to identify the
an optical viewfinder, electronic viewing, or a hybrid viewfinder focus level

that combines the two. • An eye-level viewfinder for a continuous view of the
No matter what kind of camera you choose, take into account
• Image Stabilization for minimizing camera shake effect
the following:
• Weather-proof sealing to protect the camera in every
weather condition
• Quick shutter for fast shooting
• DNG.RAW support for convenient use of a converter
• Fast auto and manual focusing for fast response to the
• Fast buffer clearing for continuous shooting with fast
• Histogram displays to adjust exposure levels


There are differing opinions regarding the ideal lens for street
photographers. The choice of the lens, however, is a matter of
preference. Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of each lens
will help you choose which one to use.

Standard lens: The 35mm (for APS-C) or 50mm (for Full- Telephoto lens: Telephoto lens allows to capture closer
Frame) lens has a focal length similar to human eyes. Therefore, images from a distance without making the subjects aware
using these lenses will result in images that are just like what of the camera. Usually, 70mm-200mm is the ideal focal
we see with our eyes. length of a telephoto lens. However, carrying these lenses
through the streets is quite difficult due to their heavy weight.
Wide-angle lens: The surrounding of a person on the street
provides the context for the composition. So, using a wide- Carrying additional lenses will help you avoid any emergency
angle lens, you can capture the surrounding environment within situations. You never know when you might need one.
the composition in one shot. A 28mm-35mm wide-angle lens However, don’t overload yourself with heavy lenses.
can be used with a full-frame camera. However, such lenses
can distort images by making subjects appear wider.

Other accessories
Among other accessories, the most crucial are additional
memory cards and batteries. You will also need lens wipes
to clean dust or rain droplets from your lens for shooting clear

Carrying a tripod is optional, as it will add extra weight to your

shoulders. Another downside of a tripod is it catches people’s
attention pretty quickly. However, it would be necessary if you
have a fixed location in your mind and want to shoot from the
same place for a longer time.

Camera settings
The main light source for street portraits is natural light. Since
the intensity of natural light fluctuates, working with it can be
difficult. It is also challenging to manually adjust the shutter
speed and exposure level when people change their gestures,
posture, and expressions in a split second.

Hence, use the aperture priority and auto ISO modes to let
the camera choose the shutter speed after analyzing the
scene to deal with this situation. Besides, shooting raw gives
the photographer the option to make adjustments in post-

2. Shooting Variety at a
One-Location Photoshoot
Every location has something to offer. So, sticking to a particular
subject or direction can make you miss the opportunity of
creating more enticing compositions that you may create by
changing your perspective and vision.

Try to capture images from as many angles and perspectives

as possible. For instance, lower perspective, eye-level shots,
side faces, close-up shots, and many others. This way, you
can create distinctive stories for your portraits and make the
most use of a location.
3. Understand Body Language 19

and Facial Expressions

A photograph speaks a thousand words. But what gives
images their voice?
Yes, you guessed it right! Facial expressions and body

Body language, as in gesture, posture, and facial expression,

is the source of nonverbal or interpersonal communication. A
cluster of physical signs makes up a pattern that portrays a
person’s mental and emotional state. For instance, clenched
fists and frowning eyes convey anger, whereas a low-set face
conveys sadness, and a raised chin and bright eyes convey

People’s bodies communicate strong messages, either

consciously or unconsciously, that reveal their genuine
emotions. Therefore, identifying body language is useful for
telling a story as well as setting the mood of the image and
enabling you to develop a versatile shooting style.

4. Use the Psychology of Color

Color is thought to be a form of visual language with the ability
to affect human thought. Different emotions are conveyed
through colors; for example, warm colors like yellow, orange,
and red are connected to emotions like warmth, comfort, and
rage. In contrast, cool tones like green, blue, and purple are
linked to feelings of refreshment, calmness, and sadness.

The proper use of color can improve the mood of a picture

with a powerful message. Therefore, when creating the
composition, consider the colors the subject is associated
with, such as the background, clothing, bags, etc. You can
also use the color wheel as a guide to comprehend how
colors combine and produce a satisfying balance of colors
that is aesthetically pleasing.

5. Find the Right Portrait

The subject’s background is one of the most important aspects
of street portraits. The background provides a context and
a story that adds value to the composition. But a lot of the
time, photographers capture headshots or up-close images
of subjects’ faces, leaving the background out of the frame.

Therefore, choosing the appropriate background is necessary

to make a portrait stand out. Usually, simple, colorful, and clean
backgrounds draw attention to the subject. Also, subjects
providing an intriguing contrast to the background work great.
However, try to avoid busy backgrounds like crowds or moving
traffic, as they will blend in with your subject and mess with the
main focus of the composition.
6. Approach Strangers on the
Street for Portraits
Although it can be intimidating to approach strangers for street
portraits at first, once you find the courage and master the
approaching techniques, your street portraiture will take on a
new dimension. Directly asking people to be photographed is
one of the common mistakes that most photographers make
at the initial stage.

The most effective way to approach someone and obtain their

consent is to engage them in conversation. Tell them a little bit
about yourself and what you do. After establishing a rapport,
you can express your admiration for them and tell them which
of their features piqued your interest in photographing them.

This way, people will trust you more and perceive you as a
genuine person. Moreover, you should show them their
photos and give them your contact information so they can
get in touch with you if they need a copy of their image.

7. Photograph Someone
from Behind
Street portraits are not only about capturing people’s facial
expressions. Photographing from behind is a great technique
for creating an anonymous or mysterious composition. These
compositions could include anything from a person carrying
an umbrella to a person crossing the street while carrying
a bag to a person wearing designer clothing or sporting an
exotic hairstyle.

So, when taking street portraits, look for subjects with unique
qualities that are worth being highlighted from behind and
result in an exciting composition.

8. Shoot from a Little Farther

Away and Close
Photographing people from a distance allows the photographer
to record the unfiltered actions of people. Couples strolling
together, someone smoking while leaning against a wall, a
window cleaner hanging outside a tall building, and many
other situations can be excellent compositions for candid
street portrait photography.

On the other hand, close-up shots are an excellent way to

promote an emotional connection between the viewers and
the portraits through vividly captured people’s expressions.
The sharp facial features like eyes, lips and overall impression
are bold enough to convey strong messages.

9. Shoot Through Glass

Without Unwanted Reflections
Even though glass is a reflective material, taking photos through
glass gives the composition a unique aesthetic. Subjects
inside a car or bus on a rainy day can make for good behind-
the-glass shots. However, reflections could always ruin the
composition. That’s why you should use polarizing filters to
prevent reflections. Also, avoid shooting from an angle where
the light hits the glass directly.

10. Photograph Street

Street performers are a significant element of urban street
portrait photography. Many street performers can be seen
performing a variety of acts, including singing, dancing, magic,
and more. They are usually used to having their pictures taken
on the street by both photographers and bystanders. So, you
can ask them freely to pose for you. Also, don’t forget to put a
few dollars in their hat before you leave.
11. Silhouette of a Person 27

Another excellent technique for capturing a subject in an

unidentified and enigmatic way is using a silhouette. The key
to flawless silhouettes is proper lighting. For this reason, select
a location with strong backlighting, for instance, the entrance
of a tunnel, under an overpass, beside a window with bright
light, etc.

The natural light at dawn and dusk is ideal for creating

silhouettes. However, you must also use the right camera
settings in addition to good lighting to produce flawless
silhouettes. The easiest trick is to lock the exposure setting on
the bright area behind the subject. This will underexpose your
image, keeping the subject in the shadows while correctly
exposing your background.

Be mindful of the background so that it doesn’t interfere with

your subject’s outline. Try not to choose a location with signs,
posts, or other elements that can distort the structure of your

12. Photograph Animals in

People often bring their pets out on the street for a walk. Having
those memories preserved can make for an amazing tale.
Besides, taking pictures of animals can spark a conversation
with their owners and help you establish a strong rapport,
which may result in shooting portraits of the owners.

When photographing animals, get close to them and shoot

from their perspective rather than photographing them from a
distance or higher vantage point.

13. Capture the Decisive

Moment in Street
In street portraits, timing is everything, as capturing the right
moment creates the difference between a mediocre and a
great street portrait. That’s why decisive moments play a crucial
role in street portraits. But what is this decisive moment?

The decisive moment is the fleeting moment when all the

compositional elements come together and you only have a
fraction of a second to capture it. To capture these priceless
moments, you need a little luck, quick reflexes, and camera
expertise because if you miss it, you won’t get another chance.

Therefore, if you feel a moment is significant or emotionally

stirring, don’t give it a second thought and shoot. The more
you worry about the camera settings or other stuff, the more
likely you will lose the chance of capturing those valuable

14. Shoot Stunning Street

Photography at Night

The city is illuminated at night by a wide variety of eye-catching

and colorful light sources, including lampposts, neon signs,
storefronts, headlights from passing cars, and many other
light sources, creating an incredible opportunity for night street
portrait photography.

A lot of fascinating stories can be generated by observing

sad faces stuck in traffic, tired people walking home after a
long day at work, or happy people leaving a party. Scenes
that appear dull during the daytime become menacing and
fascinating at night. So, look for interesting concepts that you
can portray through night portrait shots.

Ethics in Street Photography:

Code of Conduct Don’t force or pressurize
In most countries, capturing street portraits is legal. However, Not everyone will allow you to capture their portraits.
some individuals might feel uncomfortable being photographed Therefore, if your request is turned down, do not compel
by a stranger and might pursue legal action. That’s why you them to agree. Also, if someone notices you taking their
should be familiar with the local privacy laws and follow some photos and asks you to delete them, respect their request
code of conduct to avoid making people uncomfortable. and do as they say.

Respect and Smile Photographing Children

Always keep in mind that you are a stranger to everyone. Parents are overprotective about the safety of their chil-
Hence, it makes sense that they won’t try to work with you dren. Thus, parental permission is essential before taking
right away. Approach people with a smile on your face so that any pictures of children. If a parent refuses to give permis-
they feel you are a warm-hearted person. Also, treat everyone sion, move on to search for another subject. You can also
with respect and maintain a positive attitude at all times. refrain from showing a child’s face if the child’s parents are
not present to give you their permission.

Shooting street portraits is challenging yet gives a fun experience
for photographers. Wander around and take pictures of people
from your own viewpoint. Try different camera settings, focal
lengths, angles, backgrounds, and other things to understand
the shooting process better. If necessary, research other
photographers’ work to learn how storylines are created.

Regular practice and applying the aforementioned street

portrait photography ideas will undoubtedly help you improve
your street portraiture abilities!

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