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Countdown to Paper One - Criteria B

Evaluative Verbs - Adding Sophistication to Analysis

Top students tend to use evaluative verbs in their writing. Traditionally, teachers of English have
encouraged pupils to use analytical verbs, often pushing them for a synonym for ‘suggests’ or
‘shows’. Here is an example of a such a list:

Analytical Verbs – some alternatives for ‘suggests’ with brief definition

Advocates – puts forwards a particular opinion/viewpoint/belief

Amplifies – emphasises by adding extra impact
Connotes – creates a deeper metaphorical meaning
Constructs – builds up an idea
Conveys – gets across a message/idea/theory
Defines – gives us the clear meaning of something
Demonstrates – Provides a clear explanation/example
Denotes – what the word actually means/dictionary definition
Emphasises – draws attention to something
Evokes – brings about a strong feeling or idea
Exhibits – Displays a certain attitude/tendency
Foreshadows – hints at subsequent events/themes
Highlights – draws clear attention toward by making it stand out
Identifies – provides the clear meaning of something specific
Illustrates – creates a distinct image
Implies – suggests something beyond the obvious
Indicates – acts as a clear pointer or a signpost
Insinuates – mages a vague suggestion beyond the obvious meaning
Mirrors – A similar or the same visual image
Parallels – runs alongside a similar idea/theme
Portrays – Shows or represents something/someone in a certain way
Presents – Introduces an idea
Projects – takes an idea and makes it more distinct
Proposes – puts forward an idea/theory
Puts forward – Gives a theory/opinion/idea
Reflects – Espouses the same or similar theme/idea
Reiterates – repeats or supports the same point/feeling/idea
Represents – takes an idea and puts it forward in a different light
Reveals – makes a meaning/interpretation clear that was previously unclear
Signifies – uses a word or a sign to make the meaning clear
Another list of strong analytical verbs….

Analytical Verbs For Writing About Texts

Advises Conveys Examines Persuades

Affects Creates Exemplifies Presents

Alludes to Demonstrates Expands Refers

Argues Denotes Explains Reflects

Articulates Depicts Explores Relates

Builds Describes Exposes Remarks

Clarifies Determines Highlights Represents

Connotes Displays Hints Reveals

Builds Encourages Illustrates Shows

Clarifies Emphasises Introduces Signifies

Confirms Establishes Juxtaposes States

Connotes Evokes Manifests Suggests

Constructs Exaggerates Portrays Underlines

Evaluative Language

With the advent of the evaluation aspect in IB English language specifications, teachers have now
placed a greater onus on ensuring their pupils use the language of evaluation to ensure that
examiners can tell they are attempting to sum up the quality of a piece of writing or the technique
that the writer has deployed.
Take a look at the rubric for Criterion B:

3 ● The response demonstrates a generally appropriate analysis of textual features

and/or authorial choices.

4 ● The response demonstrates an appropriate and a times insightful analysis of

textual features and/or authorial choices. There is a good evaluation of how
such features and/or choices shape meaning.

5 ● The response demonstrates an insightful and convincing analysis of textual

features and/or authorial choices. There is a very good evaluation of how such
features and/or choices shape meaning.

For B5,, you therefore need to be routinely identifying word choice, language/stylistic/structural
devices and recurring themes and ideas. You should be able to say what their function is within
the text and how they have been used. You then need to evaluate how this function influences the
meaning and interpretation of the text - why use this specific simile to influence the reader? What
is the author’s purpose?

We notice that to move from a 3 to a 4 on the mark band, we need to evaluate the effectiveness of
techniques and/or of the author’s choices. To move from a 4 to a 5, we need to do it well.

Often evaluating choices takes the form of the ubiquitous adverb ‘effectively’ and adjective
‘effective’. For example ‘Orwell effectively portrays the unpleasant conditions for miners through his
personification of the ‘roaring…machines’…’ Or, ‘This is effective because ‘roaring’ implies the lethal
nature of these giant machines and gives a sense of the deafening volume…’

What we find, however, is that the most successful pupils evaluate consistently, whether or not
the question prompts them. In the literature exams, the highest attainers write about how a
writer ‘ridicules’, ‘trivialises’, ‘demonises’ or how a character ‘coerces’, ‘sentimentalises’ or
‘derides’ another.

Evaluative Adverbs:

Additionally, you can you use adverbs to indicate evaluation:


Evaluative Verbs

Here is a sample list of the evaluative verbs students might typically use in their writing. This is far
from definitive. And some of the verbs are only evaluative if used in a particular context. But it’s a
good place to start if you wish to really stretch yourself as a writer:

● Criticises – rebukes, admonishes, chastises, lambasts, castigates, demonises,

● Questions – queries, disputes, casts doubt upon, refutes, interrogates, examines,
challenges, exposes, provokes
● Ridicules – mocks, trivialises, satirises, lampoons, derides, pillories, parodies,
● Celebrates – commemorates, honours, salutes, recognises, acknowledges,
memorialises, lionises, fetishises, idealises, eulogises, elevates, glorifies,
sentimentalises, romanticises, beautifies, deifies
● Subverts – undermines, overturns, alters, modifies, corrupts
● Accepts – welcomes, embraces, affirms, reaffirms
● internalises, externalises
● Technical terms - anthropomorphises, zoomorphises
● Posits

Evaluation in Action: Here are some examples of how evaluative verbs might elevate responses
to a sophisticated understanding of the writer’s intention:
1. Stephenson portrays Jekyll as a duplicitous character. (simple statement)
2. Stephenson insinuates that Jekyll has repressed his transgressive desires, leading to a
conflicted dual nature. (analytical statement)
3. Through his portrayal of Jekyll’s conflicted dual nature caused by his repressed
transgressive desires, Stevenson ridicules hypocritical Victorian attitudes towards sin.
(evaluative statement)

Source: Adapted from

Making a Plan:

Writing under time constraints is a challenge. In order to perform in the top mark band, you need
to practise and hone your skills.

Make the lists shared above your own. Copy and paste them into your Learner’s Portfolio. Delete
the ones that don’t work for you. Add ones that you’ve been using or want to use. Be purposeful
in elevating your analysis (by including evaluation) and your vocabulary (by using a range of

Using these terms regularly in your homework assignments will make it easier for you to use them
in time writing conditions. You’ve got this!

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