Educational Enrollment

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Now analysing the UDISE+ 2021 to 2022 report, one can indeed agree to the

increase in enrolment of students in the sphere of education with an increase of

0.76% in comparison to the previous year 2020-2021, however, the downward trend
of school enrolment from pre-primary to higher secondary education still persists and
the Indian government, despite it’s numerous policies have not been able to over
come this trend. According to the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021 reported
an average learning of 59% in grade 3, 49% in grade 5, 42% in grade 8 and a 36%
in grade 10. Thus, these statistics show that with the increase in grade levels there is
a decrease in the percentage of enrolment of students. By the time NAS November
2021 was conducted, schools had already been closed of for more than a year and
the losses in education are vivid as per the survey. When compared to NAS 2017,
the absolute learning levels have dropped in all grades except for language in grade
10. There is a decline in the average learning achievements across all grades and
subjects from 58% in 2017 to 54% in 2021.
The UDISE+ 2021 to 2022 report also shows the ever-persisting low ration of enrolment of boys to
enrolment of girls in educational institutions. It also states that there has been a decline in the
number of teachers appointed by a margin of 1.95% as compared to the results of the survey
conducted in the previous year. The Ministry of Human Resources Development had constituted a
committee for drafting the National Education Policy, 2017, the declining gross enrolment ratio of
students has been observed since then. One of the salient features of the National Education Policy
2020 was increasing the GER by a minimum of 50% till the year end 2035. To meet this target, India
needed 3.3 million more teachers or educational instructors by 2023 based on the teacher to student
ration of 1:15 (as per NEP 2020) which was a 235% increase from the then availability of 1.4 million
teachers. However, as stated above the year 2021-2022 has seen a decline in the number of
teachers. In addition to this, before this set goal could be reached the Indian Government has
brought in another proposed and amended version of the National Education Policy for the year end
2023. One of the key features is the removal of the 10+2 system, and its replacement with the
5+3+3+4 system. Many uncertainties many arise in the minds of the people, as what kind of effects
will this new and amended policy have on the citizens of India.

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