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Term 1 – Individual Written Task

Topic: Development of Self in Society Marks: 70

World of Work

Marking Guideline
Weighting Weighting Cognitive level Bloom’s taxonomy
(suggested) (Actual)
40% (28 marks) 27 marks Lower Order Level 1&2
40% (28 marks) 28 marks Middle Order Level 3&4
20% (14 marks) 15 marks Higher Order Level 5&6

Possible Mark Moderated

Activity Description
Mark Obtained Mark
Question 1 Sexual Behaviour and Sexual Health
Question 2 Teen Pregnancy
Question 3 Time Management & Career Choices 20

Referencing Harvard Referencing 5


Learner Reflection on task and their performance:


Feedback to learner (please check feedback inside task as well)

Question 1: Sexual Behaviour and Sexual Health

1.1 List THREE reasons why its beneficial to have sex education in school. (3x1)(3)
(Lower Order)

Any THREE of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 You are more mature and able to understand the impact of wrong choices. 
 You may come from a home where your parents felt uncomfortable to teach you sex
education 
 Sex education at school will debunk any myths you have believed that you have seen
in movies
 It would create an opportunity to ask questions in a safe space
 You would be amongst peers that are going through similar changes and feel like you
are not alone. 

1.2 Define the term ‘sexual abstinence’ and mention TWO benefits of sexual abstinence. (1+2)(3)
(Lower Order)

Abstinence: choosing not to have sex  the practice of refraining from some or all aspects of
sexual activity

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 You are more mature and able to develop healthier relationships. 

 You would not need to visit a doctor or clinic regularly 
 You can avoid an unwanted pregnancy or STI. 
 You can build your self-esteem and avoid emotional scars

1.3 Provide THREE ways how teenagers could positively deal with the unwanted effects
of unhealthy sexual behaviours. (3x1)(3)
(Lower Order)
Any THREE of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 They could speak to a professional/ adult to seek advice on what to do /or/ gain a
different perspective when looking for solutions. 
 They could seek medical help to see if their situation is treatable or manageable so
that they can live their lives as healthy as possible. 
 They could speak to their friends and/or family to vent their frustrations so that they
don’t feel so overwhelmed and alone. 
 They could research the specific effect and gain as much information as possible so
that they can make a well-informed decision regarding their next step. 

1.4 Describe TWO ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a positive impact on teenagers’
sexual behaviour. (2x2)(4)
(Middle Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 They may be more aware of the spreading of viruses through contact and be wary of
getting sexually involved with someone for fear of contracting covid. 
 More young couples spend time getting to know one another or dating over social
media , this results in less opportunities for physical contact. 
 Social gatherings have been limited at clubs  therefore less alcohol abuse and
opportunities for sexual predators. 
 Parents have been working from home and more involved in their teenager’s lives 
resulting in more supervision at home and less opportunity for sexual behaviour. 

1.5 Discuss THREE risk factors that could lead to unhealthy sexual behaviours. (3x2)(6)
(Middle Order)

Any THREE of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 Drinking/ doing drugs and becoming intoxicated decreases one’s ability to make
healthy decisions and so they may feel that it is okay to have sex/ unsafe sex because
they cannot mentally comprehend the consequences at the time. 
 Becoming intoxicated can leave one open to criminals/ sexual predators who want to
take advantage of them when they are vulnerable. 
 Spending time alone with someone that individuals are attracted to for extended
periods of time could mean that individuals get caught up in the heat of the moment
and have unprotected sex/ sex before they are ready. 
 Hanging out with friends who regularly participate in sex/ unsafe sex could make one
less likely to stick to their morals/ more likely to participate in sex before they are
ready. 

1.6 Recommend TWO practical ways how parents can empower teenagers to deal with unhealthy
sexual behaviour in a way that prevents emotional scars. In your answers, also indicate how
EACH of these recommendations could lead to teenagers who make healthier decisions
leading to a healthier life. (2x3)(6)
(Higher Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for THREE marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier/ an explanation and ONE mark for
an outcome)

 They could be open and honest about sexual health from an early age so that their
children have as much information as possible to make safe decisions.  This will
mean that they are informed and feel confident when making decisions instead of
depending on the advice from friends or the media. 
 They must be available for their teenager and be calm and accepting when talking
about sex so that their children don’t feel scared about speaking to them if they
have questions or concerns.  This will result in a teenager who is not afraid to ask
questions and open to having discussions with their parents about sex. 
 They could get a healthcare professional like a nurse or counsellor who is an expert
in the field to speak to their child so that they receive the most up to date
information as possible. This will mean that they are basing their decisions on
accurate, current information instead of trends on social media. 
 Parents could encourage their children to get involved within their community like
go to church or join a sports club  where they will be able to build healthy
relationships with respected adults in the community  Teenagers would then get
more guidance and support from both community members and parents working
together. 
 Parents should encourage communication with their teenagers about all aspects of
their life  so they will feel comfortable talking with their parents.  This will mean
the teenager is more likely to initiate a conversation asking for advice from their
parents. 


Question 2: Teen Pregnancy

2.1. Define the term ‘teen pregnancy’ and identify THREE ways that a teen pregnancy could
negatively impact the young mother. (1+3)(4)
(Lower Order)

Teen pregnancy: is when a woman under 20 gets pregnant. It usually refers to teens between
the ages of 15-19. 

Any THREE of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 Physically, the girl’s body is still developing, and the pregnancy could damage the
bone structure  the young mother could also experience tearing when giving birth
and she may need an operation 
 Socially, a teen mother is often not accepted in her community and she may feel
 She may also feel like she can’t always go out with her friends and be a regular
teenager. 
 Her relationship with her boyfriend will change as now there are additional
responsibilities of them becoming future parents. This could add tension as they are
both too immature for those roles. 
2.2. List the TWO other risks the mother could face due to unprotected sex. (2x1)(2)
(Lower Order)

The TWO below or any relevant answers for ONE mark each.

She could get an STI or HIV

2.3. Describe TWO ways this pregnancy would impact the education of the mother and/ father.
(Middle Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 The young mother might find herself tired as the pregnancy progresses and not
always able to get to school or do homework 
 Her self-concept could be negatively impacted by the comments of her peers 
resulting in feelings of loneliness and possible depression. 
 The young mother might have no support from the future father and feel lonely and
responsible for the future of the child  resulting in feeling completely overwhelmed
and at times suicidal. 
 The father might be concerned about the financial responsibilities of raising a child
and need to get a job.  This would result in less time available to work on
schoolwork, impacting the father’s performance at school. 

2.4. Discuss TWO possible reasons why teenagers would make the lifestyle choice to
have unprotected sex despite the potential of a teen pregnancy. (2x2)(4)
(Middle Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 Teenagers are influenced by peer pressure  resulting in becoming sexually active too
early because of the concern of what others think and are doing. 
 Teenagers are more likely to drink alcohol and lose control  resulting in impulsive
and unwise decisions to have sex. 
 Some teenagers feel that being sexually active will make them more popular
resulting in becoming sexually active too early because of the concern of what others
think. 
 With negative role models in the media and even sometimes their parents  it seems
as though love is understood to be casual sex and there is no age limit. 
2.5. Suggest TWO strategies the “Save the Children – saving children from unhealthy sexual
behaviour” could implement in South Africa to lower the high rate of teen pregnancies.
In EACH of your answers, also indicate how this could positively affect South African children in
the future. (2x3)(6)
(Higher Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for THREE marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier/ an explanation and ONE mark for
an outcome)

 They could implement an educational campaign on prevention of teen pregnancies

in schools so that children will be better informed earlier and able to make
sensible decisions.  This will mean that more South African children will be
informed and less children will become pregnant at a young age. 
 They could provide positive community programmes  like using sport to build
healthy opportunities for building relationships that are not of a sexual nature. 
This would mean not only a more active South African youth but also an
understanding that good friendships can exist without sex. 
 The “Save the Children” could reach out to community leaders to get involved in
educating the youth so that children see healthy role models who openly speak
about sex and pregnancy.  These communities will develop respect from a young
age for the leaders and youth will listen to their advice because they show an
interest in the issue they face. 
 The “Save the Children” could partner with other organisations that promote
abstinence  so that children see the benefit of “keeping themselves for marriage”
which results in less emotional scars.  A society that chooses abstinence will result
in more mature relationships when children are older and considering a life-long
partner. 

Question 3: Time Management Skills and Career Choices

3.1 Define the term ‘procrastinate’ and identify ONE way that procrastination will negatively
impact your efficiency. (1+1)(2)
(Lower Order)

Procrastinate: to delay or put off doing the work until close to the deadline 

Any ONE of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark.

 The activity will take longer than you had planned, thus spilling over into time you had
wanted to spend on other things.
 Procrastination prevents you from achieving maximum productivity with minimum
time wasted. 
3.2 Identify TWO ways the teenager in this photo could organize his workspace. (2x1)(2)
(Lower Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 Make his bed and put all school related work on the desk or bookshelf.
 Work on the desk when doing homework rather than all over the room. 
 When finished, put schoolbooks back into the school bag ready for the next day. 
 Put clothing in the washing basket and not lying on the desk so he can’t work. 
 He could pack toys away from his desk so he does not get distracted when he needs to
work. 

3.3 Organizing one’s life requires effective and efficient use of one’s time. List TWO ways how
using a diary/notebook can positively impact a teenager’s time management. (2x1)(2)
(Lower Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.

 They will be able to see what work needs to be prioritised, so they won’t become
 They won’t forget work that is due and when it is due. 
 They can plan when major projects are due. 
 Using a diary will teach them to organise tasks and improve their preparation for
examinations. 
 They can develop a daily routine of time management. 
 It reduces stress because the work is more manageable in smaller units. 

3.4 Name the academic qualification you would get when passing at the end of Grade 12. (1x1)(1)
(Lower Order)

 The National Senior Certificate (NSC)

3.5 Discuss THREE implications of not furthering your studies after Grade 9. (3x2)(6)
(Middle Order)

Any THREE of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 You could find yourself unemployed and realise that you don’t have enough
qualifications to be employable 
 You might find your friends are not always available because they are focused on
studying  resulting in feeling lonely and possibly becoming depressed. 
 You could find that you become a burden to your parents and that they will force
you take any job even if its not your career choice. 
 You might ger bored at home alone and potentially get involved with dangerous
groups like gangs in your area

3.6 Discuss TWO advantages of studying at an FET Collage rather than a university. (2x2)(4)
(Middle Order)

Any TWO of the below or any relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 You would be studying while you are young and be able to enter the job market at a
young age 
 Your studies would be for a specific career that you have already chosen and you
would be motivated to do well in your studies. 
 You will get the NCV (National Certificate Vocation)  which will give you practical
experience while you are studying
 With the practical aspect of FET College training, you will have more skills to earn
money and potentially start your own business in the field you have studied e.g.
Hairdressing. 

3.7 Suggest ONE strategy that schools could implement to educate Grade 9’s on their education
options. In your answer, also indicate how the strategy will help teenagers make informed
choices about their future. (1x3)(3)
(Higher Order)

Any ONE of the below or any relevant answer for THREE marks.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier/ an explanation and ONE mark for an

 They implement a career open day with guests from FET colleges and Universities to
help learners make informed choices about their career.  This will ensure that they
know the requirements expected of them for their chosen career
 They could focus on careers not only in LO but also in other subjects indicating what
options are available if they enjoy a specific subject. By choosing a career along the
lines of a subject they enjoy in Grade 9, it will provide opportunity for a potentially
enjoyable career in years to come. 
 Once a year a school could have all Grade 9’s completes a career assessment, this
will assist them in making the correct choices in subjects if they continue towards the
NSC . This will result help them choose towards completing the NSC or NVC


You will be marked for your referencing, so be sure to follow the instructions regarding the Harvard
Referencing Format, attached to this task. You will need to create a reference list (bibliography)
according to the Harvard Referencing Style. All pictures will need to have a reference in your reference
list as well as a caption underneath each picture. Please see rubric below for further guidance.
(Lower Order)

0-1 2-3 4 5

No reference list = An attempted Complete Harvard A proper and complete

0 reference list with Reference List. Use of bibliography. All
referencing techniques correct referencing sources perfectly
Just URLs/ titles
only partially adhered techniques. No more referenced and listed
listed = Max 1
to. than 3 minor errors or alphabetically.
Referencing, Layout Instructions 1 major error. There is Fantastic overall
Important aspects such
Presentation were not followed. clear effort made to impression. Learner
as name, date and URL
and editing Little or no effort ensure that Harvard went over and above
are present, but it
went into making formatting instructions to ensure that the
lacks finer details such
the reference list. were followed. One or assignment was
as publisher or name
Fewer than FIVE two extra sources thoroughly referenced
of website, etc.
sources. were included. and included many
extra sources.

No reference list = ZERO for this section.

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