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10 Mudras for Amazing Health Benefits

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Health in Your Hand

Dr Sanjeev Sood

Body organs including glands and nerves get stimulated through Mudras. These processes are of great significance in Yoga for the sake of physical health and peace of mind. They are extremely useful for the health of various organs and the nervous system. They exercise a control on the physical parts of the body and are particularly esse concentration of mind. Different diseases and maladies of the body can also be cured by exercising Mudras and B According to the masters of Hatha-Yoga, Mudras are helpful in awakening the kundalini power. If you practice these regularly you can see the wonderful health benefits.

1. Gyan Mudra Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out. It is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the knowledge. The tip of thumb has centres of pituitary and endocrine gland we press these centres by index finger the two glands work actively. Duration: There is no particular duration for this mudra. You can practice it in sitting, standing or lying on bed when wherever you have time. Benefits: Increases memory and sharpens the brain. Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia. If practiced reg cures many psychological disorders like Hysteria, Anxiety and Depression

2. Prithvi Mudra Tip of the ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out. It reduces all weaknesses. Duration: It has no particular duration, can be practiced for any length of time. Benefits: It helps to increase the weight of weak people and improves the complexion of skin and makes the skin to improves the overall health and enhances the activeness.

3. Varuna Mudra Tip of little finger touches the tip of thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out. It balances the water con prevents all diseases which come due to water imbalance. Duration: It has no specific duration and one can practice it according to available time. Benefits: It clears blood by balancing water content in the body and relieves muscular pain & gastric pain.

4. Vayu Mudra Keep the index finger on the base of the thumb and press with thumb keeping the other three fingers straight. It pre the diseases that occur due to the imbalance of the air. Duration: The practice of this mudra is recommended for 45 minutes. For better results it should be practiced for m two months. Benefits: It helps to cure Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Parkinson's disease and paralysis. It is useful for Cervical Spo facial paralysis and spasm of neck muscles.

5. Shunya Mudra Keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with thumb. It reduces the dullness in our body. Duration: One can practice it for 40 to 60 minutes daily. Benefits: It relieves an earache within 4 or 5 minutes. It is useful for the hearing impairment and mentally challenged

10 Mudras for Amazing Health Benefits

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6. Surya Mudra Bend the ring finger and press it with thumb. It stimulates the thyroid gland. Duration: Practice it daily twice for 5 to 15 minutes. Benefits: It reduces cholesterol in body and helps in reducing weight, reduces anxiety & corrects indigestion problems

7. Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life): Bend ring finger and little finger and touch the tip of thumb with their tips keeping the remaining two fingers stretch is the mudra of life, it improves the quality of life by increasing strength. It also removes free radicals from blood. Duration: No specific duration. One can practice it for any length of time. Benefits: It improves immunity. Improves the eye sight and helps in other disorders of eyes. It improves the deficiency and hence fatigue also.

8. Apana Mudra The tip of middle finger and ring finger touches the tip of thumb while the other two fingers are stretched out. It important role in our health as it regulates the excretory system. Duration: Practice it daily for 45 minutes, but practice for longer time yields more benefits. Benefits: It helps to regulate diabetes. It cures constipation and piles. 9. Apana Vayu Mudra The tips of the middle finger and ring finger touches the tip of thumb, while the index finger touches the base of thu

little finger stretched out. It benefits the heart and its practice during the attack of angina definitely improve the coronary circulation and pain of angina is relieved within few minutes. It helps to reduce the gas formati body. Duration: It can be practiced for any length of time. Heart patients and Hypertensive patients can practice it for 15 daily twice in days for better results. Benefits: It strengthens the heart and regularizes palpitation. It regulates excretory system. It redeems gastric trouble

10. Linga Mudra Interlock the fingers of both the hands and keep the thumb of the left hand vertically straight and encircle it with th and the index finger of the right hand. It generates heat in our body. Take milk, ghee, more water and fruit juices in to practice of this mudra for much benefits. Duration: Can be practiced for 15 minutes daily. But don't practice it a lot as it produces heat in the body and ca excessive sweating. Benefits: It checks production of phlegm and strengthens lungs. It cures severe cold and many bronchial diso amazingly invigorates the body, if you want to see the results, start its practice from today!

How to start each Mudra session

Wash your hands with water. Then rub your hands against each other about 10 times and hold hands before your Na Chakra (this will help energy to flow in your hands). When fingers touch the pressure exerted should always be very l the hands should be relaxed. Mudras can be done in any position. One can be seated, standing, lying down and even w The body should be loose and relaxed and cantered. It is important not to be tense because that will hinder the flow of After preparing for the practicing session, there are the following ways to practice the same: If you are seated, sit with back straight, either with legs crossed or on a straight-backed chair. Put your fingers together as described in each Mu Just exert that much pressure to feel the flow of energy. Go slow with the Mudras. You should not rush into them but few with patience.

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