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Match the idioms with their definitions.

1. Pardon my french A. It’s really, really good
2. The pot calling the kettle B. be hypocritical; criticize
black someone for something
you’re guilty of
3. Put a sock in it C. Follow a trend
4. Thick as thieves D. there's no point to being
upset over something
that has already
happened and cannot be
5. It’s the best thing since E. Please excuse my
sliced bread profanity
6. Jump on the bandwagon F. To bother or annoy
another person
7. Don’t cry over spilt milk G. very close friends
8. On thin ice H. I do not know or
understand it
9. Rub (someone) the I. In a precarious or risky
wrong way situation.
10. Beats me J. Shut up
Now answer the following questions.

1. Do you swear often? Why/Why not?

2. When do you feel the need to tell someone to put a sock in
3. Are you someone who tends to jump on the bandwagon?
With which things?
4. What´s something you´d rate as “the best thing since sliced
bread”? Why?
5. When was the last time you “cried” over spilt milk?
6. Have you ever been on thin ice with your parents, boss or
someone else?
7. What are some things people do that rub you the wrong

Complete the sentences with the idioms above.

1. My teammates and I stopped being as _____________

after we got into a fight due to a really bad streak.
2. ___________________, but I’ve had a hell of a day.
3. You think I’m messy? Talk about _____________________
4. She doesn’t even like avocado on toast. She’s just
5. Andy played hooky from work for a week saying he was
sick, now his boss said that he is ___ very _____________.
6. You have to try this vegan cheesecake made with almond
paste—I swear it's ____________________________.
7. The whole movie theater can hear you whispering so ____
8. Walter failed his examination but his dad came and said
just one thing, “Son, ______________________.”
9. She meant to be helpful but her suggestion really _______
me _______________________.
10. A. "So how did you and Tim do in your race?"
B. "I finished in third and Tim finished in second."
A. "You got third? How did Tim beat you?"
B. "_______________, I guess he has been training
really hard."

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