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Auriperwatwe (Ture onaron) Fading antidenivative [on Tategrction) of amy funchon st revere proum of diffecumbation. Matemabrolly fumcbon Fln) is amnbidenivater 9 cfunchin flr) if Fin) flr) for Be demain whe f'n) amd Fin) ane dlehnec An enampe Tf flrds «x then if Fh) = nnc Tim Fibn) yields 1%, thus we tay The} Fn): BE 20 it Re pategpotin of flan. CHeae Cir _constamt). Sirnilonh, if flo) _Ia7t 2094 Then tom veaify Bed ids anbidenivosve 1s 074 1784H £C LC could be any an bibrang Grutemt ). Examot€: Find he cnti-denivahve of each of he pfalbwing fumtion (0) flr) =2" (8) gind= boo (co Bode we" fulubin: Try te Pink thet fiumrhon on differenticlien will g ive The Aeguinsel fir). Ths : > (0) Find= wtc (6) Glu) fin bode (0 Wd: bbl 4+ eye Note the) o> 1s not the o function tuhase derivative rt 2 ad m4 1, 22 ete all Rawr re Te 2m Haus The reguireel Lolution —_invelves am anbitsany torshnt. Examece: Find _ambi- denivatrve g flnde 2x? Ral sabrfec F/)=-) Shubin: Find: 2740, mew Aide Ie -) =) b= -2 Hus wr Puypinnel fumetion, Flr) 2 072 shu, Norarion for Amtivenivatve (Twteanation) : Fonts { fies is ead as intgnahin of ft») wnt % on alteanedvely as Aabisesivabie of flr) wik rnjet fom. Tn Be coming techie we willbe leamin, The Fechnignues amol pales for —_frecking —integnations fr —vanius fumchiont. Tare Of Srawpaep Aur - Degivarives: Function General antiderivative Function General antiderivative Lt ett ae-l 8 jaro 2. sin kx fooske + C 9.4 In|x] +C, x0 3. cos kx 14, a Veit psinke +.€ 0. Sa Esin- ke + C 4, see? kx tan kx + C ups tan! ke + C 5. csc*kr tee pet ett Ok> a Px 6 seckrtanks — becke + 13, (ra)et car oar 7. esc kx cot ke —poscke + C —> Students should by Reant cremonige The tebh anh clenivatives because Here will be nepeckdh Mapua fon inkegnohirg vavins feonetiont. ior [fend ¢ gl [foude whut X= auth fa emample, f[onven 2 8) tahoe X= (8324) Fhus subshhbry X back a1 arab: —_[lanry)? = plmi'se. Paslend (am Meodlly differen shock h get Gary” xz i Gary] 2 ga slansy? x72 = (Baty) Examee: — Fined anhderivabver 9 (@) (344) (6) dnl/3x4a Os se Gluten: Using oun last rule, oun amiutas au a1 plbur: (022 (Batu) yc (7X sure) (©) 3 Do I3uta] gc Co Xe2n04) zie que Cf Bnlarsulec Xe sua) pe ze (2 X= dua) Examece: Using He table of ambdenivadver frael amb: denivabves folbwing fume from: fa n> (6) WR Co) Ga2u Cl) Goby) © e3* pr Salution @m'sc Lonmels 1,25) (8) we ye = 2yare Zz Co foomula) wi ne-%e) (er =} balan) #6 Co Rrwele 2 wilh h=2) 2) 2bo(mh)4C C:° Fanaa 3 ei B= Va) (0s Ete (2 Ferm? wik 2 =-3) or 2%, 6 CY forranla 13 will d= 2, k= 1). ? IVATIVE IMEARI: ES: Function General antiderivative 1. Constant Multiple Rule: Kfix) kF(x) + C,kaconstant 2. Sum or Difference Rule: f@ + gd F(x) + G@+C Examece : Fiad gemenal ambdenivative of fod: 2 + Genlrr). Scluhin: Using Constant mnulibh amd sum rule Fi): [3 4 Snhn) du = sf au Sf eine Ve Thus Fin) = 2x In -} folen) 40 = 60 = balan) 4 shh Direerentiar Eovarions: A relahswhs befucon vaniaus obnivesver of a fumdin is talled a oiffeaenhal eyration amd o fumehen which makes He differenfia) eguotion tava 1 talleelo solution to “the diffenerife! eyuotim. fon inshame: ye 2y'4y = Wten44 Dis a second onden nen Hinean_deffenenhal eyetion (Second onckn because Rights! dlenivabier is Ke second cenivat've, non lincon because oenivatives have powtar othe Tham 1 Cy ton do tovsind as 2ur0th clenivehve 9 Pelé). Fon Oi ffermbial eyrotor O, student cam Dea dily venif’y Bo oF x? fsone fits solubvont. Venunspe Sermnasce Direewenton Eovariont: A diffeneutial equetion of he form ae = dh) is talked a vaniabh seporebh Viffeauatiel eqyoten, hal gn A vanieble sepanchle diffenmbial eguetion is solved! by Sipenokng te vaniobks! xy. Fe wathing He egueshion Suctessively a: Glridy = flddn —_amel thew: fs Uy dy ef fled dn. Examoce: Sle he diferente) eyshion i ~£ - Sdution: gee f D2 yly= Cn = S 9%: [ev = oe Onc on yo t V2e%H Chu. Tuner Vawwe Peomeut: Tn the diffenenbal egpobion That we just sulvee, Tene was am aabrtrany Conttemt However, Arfleaembal eguchen are often used to describe physical systems, whith have o parhiua ruspormte aependiny on imiial tamdihione ab tte Hime stonkng the system. Bn equation oletinibing such a system comnot ie om ie cousteont and the constant tus to be evalated to sahsfy the inibe) cond:tenc of the Systm. Such a Solubin is called ponhsle selubon te. the inibel valve poreblem. Examme: Solve the imikel velue posblom : Pa 2h, Tibial comlions, fee 88 and sco when f:0. Gluten: i sah, mow inteynatieg with respect to time , de = kt tC mw af tro, dp 288 =) ~hrotes 90 =) Co 8R de ot thes, ae At 4Re , mou inteynabiny once agaco, fe pat pert aC mow at £20, S29 = Cro Tha spats eet Am, Eramere: Solve the imihial value problem 2 = Thin, Ne =o. Golub: da: -18704I0 => [7ier 2-1 [$7040 Ae aTe db (-@T0) 4 C = 10 +0 mu © 8:0, Azo = 0: bol = Coal = me bttb-) dm. pds) 23, S=4 Exams: Salve He inikel value problem dS 2 3¢ de? PF ath, 2 2t , Takyrubing bok sider unk 2: g Sutin — os oe? ds = ae? C mew using ds =3 @E=G ae 16 t 7 ae 7 2 54x Gc > Cros a = 3t 1 Maus imtegnating wat &: g $e 2 pC mu wing $24 Of2b, b= 440 > Ceo 16 6 =) S$: ee hn, Exauete: Solve the jnih'el value problem ge :& — Sei), veers Sulubin: Tatepokns tak E: us B= Stone) 4 tonld) 4C Mw @E=0, B=! Col 2) Ve Stor'@) 4 tant) 41 dur. SIs op o4¢ =) Examste: Solve “the iniha! value problem ae : 7 7, yess Sli bien: Sepanubag The veniobles yoy = wd =? fis? [rm ths = fp 40 mou al neo, y23 tha: Yo = fg 4 => C= Gs thus Solubon_: yi = xh 445 dn. DeFiwire Inteorac: — (oncider the Allowing, mottchion : db f flr) dn a This is read ar ‘definite irtegnation of fe) wnt x spon a to b Ty Fle is the ambdeaivative of flr) then we dene : jee = Fl) - Fle). ” a hreomebically id nepartents area under the grep 4s fi) fom uza te azb —> By arco enclosed under The graph we omean The ave entered Lehueen y =f) The tunve wml anes —» This onca_is consider ar a signed value. TH 1s positive rf Re curve Ives ctbeve o¢ awit amd mnegobue tf tone ber below, = do's. a aS [fem = f flride , Bar follorss dint frera dedinition e b y of akfinite Tndegnal. Sffeebvehy Bis cays Fb) - Fier: ~C (a)- Fibs) which is ebviewrhy Jnue. Peorerties Or Derinire Jnrewnac: (c) Sum: (areas add) y= fey @e- or 6 ‘ oe ’ (A) Additivity for Definite Integrals. (c) Max-Min Inequality < max f+(b~ a) Examne: Shou Hed velue of {lite ce is ees Hem an ogy to 82. Solution: We Amer Ho! lan = ifs ft0z aflsa <2 - Gol Thar flor fod = = /stide 2 VE. Tha fifi <2 BED. Avetate Varve Or A Comrinvevs Fumction: Tf fh isa continous Funekien on te interval (a,b) Then avenage value gts) on the tenknval is dlefimed ns. b cys -Cf> = | [fed i pe ef tien gobi ically ib nepevients a cfuncdhon of consford height, wnckn which Be ave is igs 21 the} umden te given fenchion, fon ivslomee consiven Te adjarent foun, fone ama under he dotted line live | is_sanme as thed umden_y2ftv)= Thus aunage vale 4 of ¥-x* Men Ho -2 ond 2 is Me. Evnrapic + The figure shows grape of fumchins f= whe amd itt smnitnon femage gla): bere eflected asness H-anis , fined: G Definite imteyre! over £-2,2) (62 Anu hebucem He gnahh amd ree amis oven His inkeauall. (0 [tole «feo = [f-9)- Lgshs = 32/2 Stony [pots z foe? 2432/3. -2 4) Anca in bott carer has magonbuck £2/2 (ef ana is tonnieredd ar Signed Valet ). Turensarion By Svesrirurion: Many Freer we au _onst oth 4 see 0 fumetim or dineeHy —iateyneable fier Pe tebe, tower by tonefelly observivg Boe famibiom wt might be alk fined ux cw'hoble tubsbtution te pe the joahyno ew im th a shomchod recognizable foorm. This unll be cleen fom following exanmpa: Examete: — Fad fie (ax de Goudion: Reeayeige hol 94°41 is denivahue of ov. Thi sugyerts Pat ue com toy Be subshdubin ys ttn 2 yee 3x74) = (30441) du = de. x Ths toansfeoms oun _integnehion im te fit z Be = Led 46 he Examere: Find / 1 bn Le Jare Solution: aes thal 3m? is denivedve gn? He suggen we 2m? 29 dus 3970 Her our inheyrahim thansfonms toe “yp du F pballer pee gy Bolw) 46 tna. Examolé: Find /* ofzxtt dn Silokin: 44 ux dng He subshdubion = 2041 amd see iff it helps Thus oun jntesnestiom Jeromes: du= 2dn amd a= ()- 2 Be. s ey = Zar eviec a (> 5 Fee of a = (ny)? a fame nc hor. lo 6 Usimer Tartronomerare Ipevtires: [ihe dy 2 fae dns %. Qalmd pe 2 2 q [lover : fitters ons 2 ph Bola) 46 [fiend Bo tandae : [barr boladde: ob [berlin 2 2 =) blow pc (ee Exam: Rind [tite (24 Sladen Taying 2 24, duc 222, Thus, Mfeyrction gramsfanmt: : = “4, 7 Wed 2 -2U 4c = 202%) 40 he Examete: f Fnl2ttl) dt by? (2t+1) Sout: Pub = Ur bol2t+) = gus -2Sal2tri dt, Now ot f Lode 2 ty sb 4¢ts LD yCsit c 2) ye 2% % zu? “Zone? Sramere: Eveluate te tun’n fer'm de tse Ue 2% fowler (2 + tam? )? = th yc luton: dy = 3tan'n fee’ dx =) [io du =f u See Chm. 2+ tam? ? Decmite Thre oration By Svestiturion 96) filgils ghee: [flit sahae we glo) y 9a Ta shont, eshem —inkepnah'an venizetle is _chamsecl, Ae Limit an elo chamgeo! attspding to He subshhtion, This will he theon fon Whe folhusing cnamples. t Exampve: Evaluate : Bu? foF a1 dn -t filution: Pat — HD a and wUf-1) > © amd utl=2 [ore af") 22. 2” A, ™ Example: Svaluate Zbnlu? lolu)d ol (14 Gin? )® Shahn: — Pak = abate = dus 2 bbn) lovlre) 7¥6) £1, ult) = 2 2 = dw = fi = 3 ie e : Faz), g ' Derire Inrevenr Oc Symmerac finerions Over Simmerare Innenvare : a a TE flv) i's even, Ste oe = 2 [folds -a This cam be chorly inferred from adjacent \ Figure > Tf flr) is an odd fonchon, a ftindate =o (See foun). a Examee: Evalyote ah Gots oe 2 rr v 2 s 3 2 Glin: fl-n) = flu) => coe oe cy a | ° = 232/15 dh. Penicaron Oe Decwure Turecsarmu: As stated eanlien, definite integrin nepresents sunemnedisn off inpimberivnel pak, it com be ured evaluate eninmefens, amas amel Yolumes f vaniour _geernetares. Thi twill be clean from Pbusiey excrmbks. Examine : dking defiarte Ta deynebian Show Pot cincwmaferume fe itch ic 21% Clan: faite gerecal elemento} Be cine Locate! hefweem arguln poitins 0 amd 448, Now elemental Jory i of Thir anc: dt: Rib. Now te meeel to add Amys J all such axes ying drm 620 te 9=27, Tat is eypivalan? to perfarening a ree inten 9 he 20S. Thay we anife: [= pe = 2p), = 27a be. Using, Definite Tateyna! prove the? one ga cade is Ta? Solution: _[ensiden am elemental techn off He cincle Aying behween 8 amd 0448. Tht ttan be tasatedd jae am iserceks Ani iamgke where dare i's RIB ame! 8 Reise is 2. Thur th element! ame: dhs Ly RiO ye ptve 2 Examine: Now ante of all tuck _sechim needs fo be aude te get Re ance 9 tomplele circle. Thus: 2 en 2 t jew 2 RCo). = TR? as As 78" BED. Arteanate Metnor 2° Trncayime am armnuler Aegion of the cincle ying kehscen nadee 2 ancl Addr. Elememted ane 9 tuch am amnules: OA = 2Tindn Now we enced te add anes 9 al) cuch Amul’ Tetucen neo, amd rzR. . Tie de dA = [ee = 20 [eiy* « 7 OED, Acreanare Metuor?: lonsickn a stip element of Hf, ciaele Aying betuton _toondimater y and ytdy ZY ~ /eeeaaarciet yess The temo ance af He shape Oz 2 VR yoy fae) New ames) ol) such fer meeds ta he aduee fom y 27k hey = 42, Thus tolal ae it chad aie pllaiy Tateyrodion: fon [: LRP? dy = 4 fa Ry! dy C. Even fumetion). Now uring yx RfinO, dy = RirB/B, Now when y= ®, B= Me Thas: Ty TM Th A: ‘f Rb? 4d = wa [ ites) #0 : zat [tage + °) Th. Te dep. 2 . Examoe: Uriny Definite Tategnal, prove Hat surface ania ga Spheniced Shell is 479? Sslution: —_(onsiden 0 ding of Re spheniced shel! Bring betwee “Latihuces” B amd 8408. Elemente] tren 6 the ning: dA = 277Rln6 x RIO Us shawl Reighd is 248 omel Dadias G hing je Rbrb). Now we seed to aol’ anar fall such dings from Ba -Ty te 47/2 ine “Louk” Rie" ‘none Ble” We Ths: +4 Th As 2mr? / boo = ene’ [ todo = UTR" OED. —Ale é ExamPle: Using ck fimite Tnilegnal prove Hed Velone off a solid shhur is 47k? te Shubin: Comiden a dise element f He spd & betseem —verbeed — toondinares YY aon gid, ementol volume 9 the dise ie given an: 2 dv: TH 7-4? ) dy, Now we eed h add volumes oll such _dises between yz R amd ga +h, Thur, Rk Rg v= /™ (Cah y ey = 27 (Ry. yf) = Ye TR" 8D. “R Mesyor 2: lontiden 0 Thin shell elernent betucen node’ amd _ntdr The elemental volume of He . shell, dV: G7In'dn , mow we need th add the volumes all such shel rem reo te re. Now Torfegnating : R ; Ve [vm'n = 4m [7's] 2 24h T™ OED. Examece: Using definite Tarhgoal prove Bat volume off o tone is 22. Slaton: lamiden elemental Yolume 9 Ae come hetuten —venhiol coondinater YY cund ytdy. The elemental valume 9 the element's given ate dV= TE (y doom 8)” Oy Ce modu g the die element is _y tom ®) alta fom B= A/H. Thus, dV: Ty? > (fa?) dy > Now we onccel ts add up velumer all such bids sbehicem g=0_ amel A Y. Thus imtegnehngs — V= Te ai =e g7R' OED. Exampe: Using definite Tritegnal prove that curved surfate ano of a come is given as Se TRI Chir the sland height) Slutin: —lomiden a cop shepicl element of Re Comite) shell _hetocem eighty y amd yddy. The ann 9 the elemmentel cap it given ar: dA = 2Ty fan® x sy foc Now ctamB= Rhy amd SeeB= k/y, Has , A= 2Ty 1Rwr. Mi) dy. Mow we enced! to a rdd_up Re antar gal) such elements betutem y= 0 ql to y2H. New integrating : 4 Az 2TAR fi* = TRL O€D. He Meruop2: — lnslen om iteeeles Irianguter elenowk) ship along the slot height of The tone, The _anca of the element! strip: DAs ty RIOxh, Now Totegoaing 2 = ae A fhe fae =: TRA OED ° Are _lemorn Or A Cunve: onsiden am infiinitrsinne) ane Lory of the 9 Cuave ys flr ar shun ia he figure sing pathogens thesnem, 10: of (ae 7B? = dhe oF Ey Now ta fine! wh, in) du total ane lenght debueen uoa and a= b, * we need te add up all such ane Jengtts, Thass = Exanece: Find the one lenght of the curve dered by yte rr? deface jet 04) amd (4,2), Selubin: ye v4 = y= Eve = Requind tune lengh Jt: [ie peared) oe) = pric - ai | Dro. tio Br Fogss: Recall the product nule 4 deffrwmbadion : Zt EFM gO) = fbrgiod 4 god foo = f (fo gd 4 gd f bye fle) 9b) [F614 Ortbe = FO) goo) — f lod f Go) dn New suppose Gg" fr = htm) then: jo Klwddn = ford fRbodda - f¥ayffton sj dn To aememben simply : je ufo - fe'fo) Exarne: Find [» Fino dm Sluhioa Uz, = fonts 29 repel intryud m Elon)= [i [-be)d = nla my hnberg Cal. Examore: finch J ba ln)dw Golub: Zk or fay = Anta), Ved Ahoct : fute Mala) x % - fae dn 2 hnin)= 1 pC the. Examoue: Fino J €%e‘at z Sub: ust? v2 ef fuv= tet — fred Now fon evaluating [telat osaim ure by peak wilt ue t, yz e* poy Stet: te -fetue= teh ef, Har coun reyueu integrations Bef _2fter ef) - ef fet eer2] #0 Ay, Exampre: Evaluate —[€™ hina de Sdubioa: Set Ts fe*tmn dn, use", VehmOr =) Tze L- bn) — fe™l-lawJdm - -e oan + [ern du Nyw again At use™, Us bom fon solving te intgoAm part dam, Serlondn : eX fn — fe baovrdu = C7 bwha - I Aare Diz -e*Ox 4 e"SuGy -2 = z= e™Lhwx -ox) 4¢ 2 TIATE Ture FoR we GRatiow BY PARTS: Lettre of LATE ‘Abbreviations | Example While performing _integrabin hy ports, we haw > decide which urchin +. considen anu amdl whrth ome ts put as V. For mest carer, such integnaBine an simplfred by priority oule for % called ZLA7E rule. Aconding Hit, i U_-murt_be theron te be inverse taiserometriy Leguatteamic, algebnai'e » Tar'ysnemebniramel exponmbs) im feeb ordr, fin inchamce Leppore we wns to integrate” Ln) Ham Should be tahem 00 bntr) ancl anot 90? because Lagunittemic fuming run Bishin pnioniby ovr algebraic ones. Livear Drererenriar_ Eavationt: Any epahin 9 He form : Yd plod = 4ln) is called a frat onder hear difhundel tyuohion. This Iyhe 4 eqpahion ane sold using iabeynabing fachon zz el Mulkbyims by The integrehiy fachn mals He LHS o pokct diffeumbial ome then te equation becomes _vonrolde _tepance. This will be —anone leon frame following Cem le Exanece : She th De: Ya bye2 Sulahin: Here hy componison wit shomdord Linear equadm, pln)= Yn. That intepaking fucka, T= elt 2 ht eH. Now anulbijlyiny onbre eqmubion by integrbry facton; Hy py s 2x en # (1g) = 2m CSee (8 is_fuofad_deflambal gy), Wow —sohirg nt he olka side ond _intignahing + mys Jovan 2) mys atte 2 ys (uC) fu dhe —> Tha genaral solution toe _linean_frorm in: : ax ye fimo) ae ese | Exance: Sule he diffenmbal eypohions Syfin 4 Baty = ba! Sluko: plas 3%? gtd: ow? ra eft s e”” Thus aequiracl solutions 2 bo? ed y= = f ie e mae Nu subabhete Us Wo Batts aly ther infegabo beams 2 €du = 206 ota ys ae Pec), has ys 24 Ce” Abe. Exousce: Silve the inthe! value problem: xy! #-xy=) , 20, glidz2 Glubini Dividing by 22,’ bot rpm, oe Pe, ~ dle A Thee" 2 e@ =é 2) ys bp [ur & ys CA, puted Now 4222) 3 Dal) $0) 22 nm t =) ¢=2 Ths myind solution: qed Ch bl#27 the.

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