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BO GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO DE THI TUYEN SINH DAL HQC NAM 2011, ‘Man: TIENG ANH; Khdi D- Deena mvc Tt gon fm Bl 0p ng i gion ph (Bi thie5 07 rang) Ma ad thi 369 ‘Ho, tn th sin — Sho dan pE THIGOM 80 CAU (TU QUESTION 1 DEN QUESTION 0) ‘Mark the letier A, B, C, oF D om your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is closest in ‘meaning othe undertined part tx each of the following questions. Question 1: We have lived there for yesrs and grown fond ofthe surroundings. That is why we do ‘ot want to leave, ‘A planted many trees in the sxroundings _B, haunted by the surroundings (Cloved the surroundings D, possessed by the suroundings ‘Question 2: His new work as enjoyed a very good review fiom erties and reader, ‘A. viewing 1B. regieé look _ Propinion ‘Question 3: Such problems as haste and inexperience are universal feate of youth, “Ayvarked B. shared hidden D, separated ‘Mark the lewer A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the snderined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. {Question tubing te Us book hs wore munber fewer a eccatse baai A B ic D ‘Question 61 Dating ovr tour ofthe refinery, ites. sean that both propane snd aveline ‘ B kc ‘were produced in large volume. D (Question 6:-The fst mporant requirements for you jot: a mountain climber ae your * 8 c strong passion and you have good health D enon: Heyes oor wb he as et BoC oD Question 8: A professor mans an ory at cur univer developed new theory eres wen ira over and uni xis D isd igecgp ain Slanted Senin eo nieains eter A,B, C, or Dom your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each af the Blanks from 9 wo, ‘The well-being of Amer 's ral people and places depends upon many things - the availability ‘of good-paying jobs; (9)____ to critical services such as education, health care, and ‘communication; strong communities; and a healthy natural environment. Ard, (10) aban ‘America is equally dependent upon these things, che challenges to well-being look very diferent in ‘ural areas than in urban areas, Srall-scale lowcdersity settlement (I1)___-__make it more costly for communities and businesses to provide critical services. Declining jobs and income in the natural ‘esource-hased industries that many rural aeas depend on \2) workers in those industries to find new ways to make a living. Low=skll, low-wage rural manufacturing industries mast find new ‘ways to challenge the incressing number of (3) competitors. Distanoo ard. remoteness impede many rural areas fom being connected wo the urban centers of esonomie activity. Filly, ‘changes in the availability and use of natural resources located in rural areas (14) the peeple ‘Trang 177 - Mia db thi 369 who earn a iving from those resources and those who (15), recreational and other benefits ‘om ther, Some rural arcas have met these challenges sucesssfully, achieved some level of prosperity, and are ready (16)___ the challenges of the future. Others have neither met the current challenges nor postioned themselves for the future. Thus, concem for rural America is real. And, while rural America is a producer of critical goods and services, the (17) ___ goes beyond economics, Rural Ameriea is also home to fifth of the Nation's people, keeper of natural amenities and national ‘treasures, and safeguard of a/an (18) par of American culture, tradition, and history. Quistion 9: A. challenge Bl key Craccess D. advantage Question 10: A. because BL while Chen Dz since Question 11; A. styles B. tools C.means ‘Dy patterns Question 12: A. offer Bum C fore D. make foreign (Bh nbrond C. lateral Da rural “Bencourage C. stimulate D. affect Beevolve D. derive Bof D. for B, impatience D. stimulus R, simple D. unique Mask tke lever A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet 10 indicate the word or phrase that ts OPPOSITE, n meaning to the underlined partin each of the following question. ‘Question 19 Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the ius. ee ee clase qvmity Ds mal quantity ere is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment. B, speculation Crease . consideration G or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in ‘meaning t0 exch of the following questions. Question 21: “Don’t forget to tidy up the final daft before submission,” the team leader told us, ‘A. The team leader asked us to ti¢y up the inal draft before submission. B. The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission, . The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final daft before submission, ', The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission. ‘Question 22: "My company makes a large profit every year, Why doa’t-you invest more money in i” my friend said to me ‘A. My friend suggested his investing more money in his compeny. BL My friend persusded me to invest more money in his company. ‘€.1 was asked to invest more money in my friend's company. 1D. My fiend instructed me how to put more money into his company. Question 23: "Mum, please don’t tell dad about my mistake,” the boy sai ‘A. The mother was forced to Keep her son’s mistake as a secret when he insisted B The boy carnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about his mistake, The boy begged his mother not to tel his father about his mistake. 1. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more, ‘Question 24: "You shouldn't have leaked our confidential report tothe press, Frank!” said Jane ‘A Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their confidential report. B Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential report tothe press Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press. D. Jane blared Frank for having flatiered the press wit their confidential report. ‘Question 25: “you don’ pay the ransom, wl il our boy” the hidbppers ad us “A The Kidnappers pledged to illu hy we did mot pay the nso 1. Ths kidnappers ordered tol our bo ie aid not pay the ransom. The kidnappers threatened 0 ill out bo i we refed o pay the ransom. D. The kdnappars promise oll eur boy fw refed to pay he ransom. ‘Read the following passage adapted from Calves Gute -OALD, and mark the leer 4, B, C,0" D ‘on your answer Shee fo ndicatethe correct answer teach of the questions from 26 038. ‘The sue of equaly for wornen i Brida exit ated tational aterton in he cal 20° ‘sentry, when the suflagtts wan for women the right to veto I the 1560s feminism became the Subject of imense debate when the women's Ibetatin movement encouraged women t rect hele tradtional supporting role and to demand equal sistas and equal righe with men areas such as cenploynet ar sy Since then, the gender gap between the sexes has been rece The Equal Pay Act of 1970 for instance, made i illezal for women tobe pai bss than men for doing the same work, ad in 1975 the Sex Discrimination Act aimed io prevent eer aex having a uni advantage when applying for jl. Inthe same year the Equal Opporurites Commission masse up to help people clam het figs to equal Weatmen and 1 publish research and sanice to show where improvements in ‘epporunities for women need 1 be made. Wonen now have mach beter employment opportunites, though they sl tend to get Tess well jobs than men, and very fw are appointed to top joe in Ta the US the movement thet f often called the “ist wave of feminirn began in the mi 1800s. ‘Susan B. Anthony worked for the Fight to vote, Margaret Sanger nando provide women wit the ‘means of conception so hat te) could deide whether or no to hive alien, end Elebsth Biackwel, who had to fight forthe chanee 0 become a doctor, waned worsen to have eter ‘pportriiesw study. Many feminists wer nrese in other socal ees “he second wave f feminism began in te 1960s. Women ile Batty Frieda ed Gloria Sinn ‘came asocited with the Mw get eal sigs wre oppomumie for wornen nde Ine at A ‘inporart issue was the Equal Righ Amendment (ERA), which way intend © change the CConsitution. Although the ERA was not passed thee Was progres in other areas. became illegal for employers, school, clubs, et. to discrimnate egrinst women. But women ail id it hard fo ‘dvance beyond a cern point ia thei ares, the so-saled gle clling that prevents Ue from having high-level jobs. Many women alto faethe probe ofthe second shift. the household chor. Tn the 1980s, feriniam became less popub inthe US and there was less interest in solving the ‘maining problems, such athe fect that most women stil eaa much es than men. Although here iss eiseimination the prneple at should no ens widely accepted. ‘Question 26: 1 canbe inferred fom paragran{that inthe 19" centary, ‘A Batish women dd not complete ther wational supporting role most women didnot wi have equal sts and ual ihe ‘C British women di ot have the ight wo vete in poiealeletons Dz suliagetes fought forthe equal empleyment and eal py ‘Question 27: The pase “gender gap” in paragraph 2 eer o "Ste vise space between men and women 1B. the diferene insta berween men and women Cte seca dsturee betwee the two sees, Di the socal elationsip between the two sexes Question 28; Susan B. Anthony, Marewet Senger, and Elizabeth Blackwell ace mentioned “American women who were more succesful than men B. American women with exceptional abilities C pincers inthe fiat for American womed sights DD American women who had preser oporinities ‘Tang 31 Ma a 369 Question 24: The (sual Rights Amendneet (ERA). “A. wasnotoffealy approved 1. chang the US Consttaton ‘vas brought ino forge inthe 1960s _D. supported employers, schools and cube {Questan 30: Inthe Inte 20" century, some information about feminism in ain was issued by ‘Alike Equal Rights Amendment B. the Equal Pay Actof 1970 ‘C. the Equal Opportunities Commission _D. the Sex Discrimination Act Question 31: Which ofthe following is tue accerding to the passage? ‘A. The movement of feminism began isthe US earlier than in Britain. [BL The women's liberation movement i the world first began in Britain. C. The US movernent of feminism became the most popular inthe late 20" century. D. The British goverment passed Inws to support women inthe early 20" century ‘Question 32: ‘The phrase “glass celling” paragraph 4 mostly means ‘A. an imaginary barsier B. an overlooked problem C.a ceiling made of glass D.atransparent frame Question 33; Which ofthe following is NOT mentioned in the passage? ‘A. There is now no sex disccimination in Britain and inthe US, B. Many American women sil face the problem of houschold chores (C. An American woman once had to figt fr the cance to become a doctor. 'D_ British women now have much better employment opportunities. ‘Question 34: Ic can be inferred from the passage that _ ‘A. the belief that sex diserimination sheuld not exit is not popular inthe US 1B] women in Britain and the US still fight for their equal status and equal rights ‘he British government did not approve ofthe women’s liberation movement women do not have better employmert opportunities despite their great efforts ‘Question 38: Which of the following world be the beste forthe pessage? ‘A. Opportunities for Women Nowadzy:_B. Women and the Right to Vote . The Sulfiagettes in British Society D, Feminism in Britain ané the US ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet 10 Indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each ofthe following questions. Question 36: A. future B. prospect . guidance D. involve Question 37: A, facilitate Bhydrolegy participate. intimacy Question 38: A. represent Bpermanent ——_C, continent D. sentiment Question 39: A. roinantic —_B. reduction Cepopular D. financial Question 40: A. optimist Biminedate—C.fabulous Diaccuraey ‘Mark the leter 4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 41: He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lt. ‘Ave behaved very strangely, which suprised me very much 1H. I wae almost not surprised by his ssange behaviour. C. What almost surprised me was the stange way he behaved 1D. His behaviour was a very strange thing, tha surprised me most. ‘Question 42: He cannot lend me the book now. He has not finished reading it yet. ‘A. Having finished reading the book, he eannos lend itto me, 1B. He cannot lend me the book until hehas finished reading it C.Not having finished reading the boot, he will end it to me. . As long as he cannot finish reading te book, he will len it to me. Question 43: Crazianna is a big county. Unfortunately, it has never received respect from its reighbours ‘A. Craaianna has never received respec: trom its neighbours because itis. a big county. ‘Coena aabaniar 8, Crazianna is such big 2ountr that thas never received respet from is neighbours. 1s Craziana, a big country that has never recive respect fom is neighbour. 1D. Though Crasanna is a big county, chs never recived espct fom ts neighbours Question 44: His academic “cord at high school wes poor. He failed to apply to that prestigious ‘nso, A. His academic record st high school was poce because he did't apply to that prestigious ination I. His academic record at high shool was poor as result of his failure to apply to that prestigious institation C. Failing to apply wo that pretigious insti, his academic record at high school was poo. D, His academe record at high school was poor esl. e led wo apply to that prestigious insttuion ‘Question 48: Smoking isan extremely harmful habit. You should give it up immediately. ‘A, When you give up smoking immediately, you wll affect your health with this harmful habit 3, You shoul sive up smoking. immediately and you wil fil into an extremely harm hab C. Si your smoking immedicely soit wil become one of your extemely harmful habits, D. Assnoking isan exrenely harmful habit, you should give i up immedi. ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, or B om your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the {following questions. ‘Question 46: “Why don't yousit down ané_* ‘A. make yourself at pesce TR mae yourself at rest make it your own home 1D. make yourself at home ! Question 47: “You _bave cooked s0 many dishes. There are only three of for lunch.” ‘A. woulda't B. oughtn't ‘C.noeda't D. couldn't Question 44: The Second World War in 1939, ‘Avbrought about B timed up C.broke our Detook cut ‘Question 49: “Weld beter ___ if we want to got thot in tm. A.tum down Bripeed up ‘Cotake up D. put down Question $0: The temporature__takes place varies widely from material to materia ‘A. whichmeling ——B.atwhich melting C.atwhichthey mek D. which they melt Question St: The village was _visible through the dense fog. A.caly B. tare ‘C.motly Denard (Question $2: without snimals and plants? ‘A. What would Tife on earth be like . How would life om earth be for C. What wil fe on earth be ike D. How will life an earth be lke ‘Question $3: Harry: "Are you ready, Kate? There's not much time left Kate: "Yes, just s minute," |A. No longer BL won't inh C.1'd be OK D.P'mcoming Question 54 ou treat him, he'll help you. He's so tolerant.” ‘A.Nomaterhow —H.Inaddition to” €L Eventhough D. Asif ‘Question $8: | could not _ the lectureat all. It was too difficult for me ‘A getalong Brake off Citake in hold on ‘Question $6: 1 did not went o Selieve them, but infact, __was true. A. what they stid Bhat haseaid” —C, that they were said. which they said ‘Question $7: “You'll ecogrize Fenny when you soe her. She ____a red hat,” ‘wil wear B. willbe wearing C, wears Deis wearing Question SH: Atfonso:"t had aredlly good time, Thanks for the lovely evening’ Mains _ ‘A. Vm ghad you enjoyed B. Ves, it's really good C08, tha's right . No, "t's very kind of you Trang 577 =a a i 398 ‘Question S9: This shir is that one, ‘Aas much expensive a not nearly as expensive as (C-bit less expensive . mach far expensive than ‘Question 60: The sign "No TRES®ASSING’” tells you A.notto photograph B.not to smoke Gznat Wo enter ‘not to approach Question 61: Sue: "Can you help me with my essay?” Roberts" A. Yes, I'm afraid not. BT think that, tov, Not completely, D, Why not? ‘Question 62: The instructor blew his whistle and the runners were running B. off ran the runners were running the runners De the runners run off ‘Question 63: She built high wall round her arden ‘ enable people not taking her fruit ‘B sothather fruit would be stolen, C.toprevent her fruit fom being stolen _D, inorder that ber fruit not be stolen ‘Question 64: Before | left for my summer camp, my mother told me to take warm clothes with me ___it was cold. ‘Ac despite Bin case .sothat D. whereas, ‘Question 65: “Never be late for an interview, you ean’t get the job ‘Acunles B.othenwise Corso D. ifnot ‘Question 66: IF fot the heavy storm, the accident would not have heppened. ‘A. weren't B hadn't been Cisnt D. were ‘Question 67: The sky was cloudy and foggy. We went to the beach, —_—_ “Achowever B. even though C30 D. yet Question 68: He never lets anything ‘im and his weekend fishing wip. ‘A.come between B. come on C.come up D. come among ‘Question 69: Joan: “Ou fiends are coming, Mike?” ‘Mike: “I'm sorry, but Ican't doit now," ‘A. Shall you make some coffee, please B, Shall [ make you like some coffee C. Why don’t we cook some coffee D. Would you mind making some coffee Question 70: Our boss would rather ‘uring the working hours, A.usnot chatting —-B.we didi'Tehat Cus nol chat D, we don't chat ‘Kead ihe following passage adapted from A. Briggs’ article on culture, Microsoft® Student 2008, and ‘mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer 10 each of the ‘questions from 71 80. Culture isa word in common use with complex meanings, and is derived, lke the team broadcasting, fiom the treatment and care of the soil and of what grows on it. It is directly related to cultivation and the adjectives cultural and eutured are part of the same verbal complex. A person of ‘culture has identifiable attributes, among then & knowledge of and interest in the ars, literature, and ‘music. Yet the word culture docs not refer solely 1o such knowledge and interest nor, indeed, t0 education. At least from the 19" century onwards, under the influence of anthropologists and sociologists, the word culture has come to be used generally both in the singular and the plural (cultures) to refer to a waole way of life of pecple, including thelr customs, laws, conventions, and values, Distinctions hare consequently been drawn between primitive and advanced culture and cultures, beeen elite and popular culture, between popular and mass culture, and most recently between national and global cultures. Distinctions have been drawn too between culture and civilization, the lator is a word derived no, like culture or agriculture, from the sol, but from the city. The two words are sometimes treated us synonymous. Yet this is misleading, While civilization and barbarism are Pitted aguinst each other in what seems to be a perpetual behavioural pattern, the use of the word ‘udtwe has been strongly influenced by conceptions of evolution in the 19 century and of development in the 20" century, Cultures evolve or develop. They are not static. They hove twists, and turns, Siyes change. Soo fshions There ee cukural processes. What, for example, the word cufured treans has changed subtantlly since the study oF classical (ha i, Greek and Roman) literature, philosophy, and history cease in the 20" century to be cereal to school and university dveaton. No single alternative foes emerged, akhough wit computers hes come electronic culture aifecting kinds of seady, and mon recenly digital culture. Az culos expres thomselve in ew forms not everthing gets beter er more civilized. ‘The multiplicity of meanings stached tthe Word made and will make it difficult to define. There ‘iso single, unproblematic definition, although many ates have been made to establish one. The only nen-problematc definitions go back to agricultural meming (for example, cereal cutire ot strawberry cute) and medical meaning (fr example, bacterial titre or pencilin elt). Since in antropology and sociology we also acknowledge culture clashes, culture thock, and counter culture, the range of reference is extremely wide. Question 7: According io the sage, he word cure ‘A. iselaedto the reparation and use of lad fr fering B, develop from Greek and Roman literature and history . comes from a source tht has rot been derived 1. derives from the same roo as cvilizaton docs (Question 72: tis stated in pacagrph | that eulured person __ ‘A. has. jb related to cultivation ‘B, takes ca@ of he sil and what grows on it ‘C.has knowiedge of ars terature, and music D. does ajob relevant to education (Question 73: The author remarks tha edu and civilization ae the two words tha, ‘A share the stme word formation pactem ! B rbot relied to agriculture and eulivation C-have neat the same meaning D, do noc develop trom the sume meaning ‘Question 74.1 canbe infeed fem the passage tha since the 20° century "A schools and univers have no: toght cassia! erate, philosophy aad history ‘B.clusicl iterature,pilosopy and story have been considered an core subjects classic literature, philosopty, and history bave net been ght computor subjects Dall schools and universities hive tauph casa terme, philosophy, and hittory Question 78: The word “atributes in paregraph | most kel means A aspects B. fields .quates Descils (Question 76: The word “static” i paregraph 2 could best be replaced by ~ A regular Be balarced unchanged Question 77: Which of the following is NOT stated inthe passage? ‘A: Anthropology and sociology have tried to limit the references to culture 1. Distinctions have been drawn between culture and civilization, C. The word culture canbe usec to refer ta whole way of ife of people. .D. The use ofthe word culture kas been changed since the 19" century. Question 78: I: isclifical to give the definitions of the word culture EXCEPT for is ‘A ogricultral and medical meanings ‘historical and figurative meanings philosophical and historical meanings __D.saefologieal and anthropological meanings ‘Question 79: Which of the following is NOT true about the word culture? ‘A Iisa word that ean be defined, 1. Its use has been considerably changed. Ct differs from the word civilization D. Itevolves from agriculture, Question 8: The pasage mainly discusses ‘A. the distinction betwen cult and evization B.the figurative meanings ofthe word culture the derivatives ofthe word culture D.the multiplicity of meanings ofthe word euture ~~ THE END ——— ‘en Amat

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