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1. The vertical component of a vector is equal to its horizontal
component. What is the angle made by the vector with Y
Ans. Consider a vector A  A x ˆi  A y ˆj
Let  be the angle made by A with X-axis Asin
 A
X-component of A  A x =Acos  ;
 
Y-component of A  A y =Asin  Acos
Given that A x  A y  Acos  =A sin   tan   1    45

2. A vector v makes an angle  with the horizontal.The vector is rotated through an

angle  .Does this rotation change the vector v ?
 
Ans. Let the vector be v  v x ˆi  v y ˆj and  be the angle made by v with X-axis
Then v x  v cos  and Y

v y  vsin  or v  v cos ˆi  v sin ˆj ...... (1)
 V1
when the vector v is rotated through an angle  in
anticlockwise direction, then v x 'and v y ' are the new X, V
Y - components respectively.
Then v x '  v cos(   ) and v 'y  v sin(    )
and v'  v cos      ˆi  v sin      ˆj .............. (2) 
 X
 ' O
From equations 1 & 2 v  v

Hence due to rotation, the direction of vector changes but its magnitude does not change.

3. Two forces of magnitudes 3 units and 5 units act at 60 0 with each other. What is the
magnitude of their resultant? (Mar-17)
Ans. Magnitude of the resultant, FR  F12  F22  2 F1 F2Cos

= (3)2  (5)2  2  3  5cos 600  9  25  2  3  5   49  7 units
4. A  i  j . What is the angle between the vector and X-axis? (Mar-13,14,TS-Mar-17)
 
Ans. Given A  i  j . Compare it with A  A x i  A y j

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Let ‘  ’ be the angle made by the vector A with X-axis.
Ax 1 1
Cos        450
Then 2
A 1 1
2 2

5. When two right angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 units combine, what is the
magnitude of their resultant? (Mar-16,18)
Ans. Given that the angle between the two vectors is 90 0

Magnitude of their resultant, F R  F1 2  F 22  2 F1 F 2 c o s 

= (7) 2  (24) 2  2  7  24 cos 90 = 49  576  625 =25 units

   
6. If P  2iˆ  4ˆj  14kˆ and Q  4iˆ  4ˆj  10kˆ then find the magnitude of P  Q . (TS-Mar,May 16)
 
Ans. P  Q  (2iˆ  4ˆj  14k)
ˆ  (4iˆ  4ˆj  10k)
ˆ = 6iˆ  8ˆj  24kˆ
 
Magnitude of P  Q is given by
 
PQ   6 2  8 2   24 2  36  64  576  676  26 Units

7. Can a vector of magnitude zero have nonzero components?

Ans. No. A vector of zero magnitude cannot have non zero components.

Ex: If A=A x iˆ  A y ˆj  A z kˆ then A= A x 2  A y 2  A z 2

Here A=0 only when A x  A y  A z  0

8. What is the acceleration of a projectile at the top of its trajectory?
Ans. Acceleration of a projectile at the top of its trajectory is ‘g’ (acceleration due to gravity) and is
directed vertically downwards (a = g  ).
9. Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to give zero vector? Can three unequal
vectors add up to give zero vector ?
Ans. No. Two vectors of unequal magnitudes cannot add up to give zero vector.
Yes. Three vectors of unequal magnitudes can add up to give zero vector.


1.*** State parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude and direction
of the resultant vector. (Mar-05,09,10,12,13,14/May-05,06,09/June-2010,TS-Mar-16,17)
Ans. Statement : If two vectors are represented in magnitude and
direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram drawn
from a point, then their resultant is represented in magnitude
and direction by the diagonal passing through the same point. B (Bsin )
Explanation : 
 
Let A and B are two vectors represented by the two sides N
O A P(Bsin )
OP and OQ of a parallelogram OPSQ. The diagonal OS

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represents the resultant R .
  
i.e, R  (A  B) in magnitude and direction.
Expression for magnitude of the resultant(R) :
Let us extend the line OP upto point N and draw a perpendicular from S to N. From the
parallelogram OPSQ,
QOP  SPN   ;
OP = QS = A ( the magnitude of A ) .......(1)
OQ = PS = B (the magnitude of B ) ...........(2)
and OS = R ( the magnitude of resultant R ) ....(3)
From right angled triangle PNS:

cos   sin  
PN  PS cos  NS  PS sin 
 PN  B cos  ...........(4)  NS  B sin  .........  5 

From the right angled triangle ONS:

 OS    ON    NS 
2 2 2

R 2 = (OP + PN) 2 +  NS 
ON  OP  PN 
R 2 =  OP    PN   2  OP  PN    NS 
2 2 2

R2  A2  B2 cos2   2 AB cos  B2 sin 2  [ from (1),(4),(5)]

R2  A2  B2  sin2   cos2    2AB cos

R2  A2  B2  2AB cos  sin 2

  cos 2   1

 R  A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
Direction of the resultant :
 
If the line of action of the vector A is taken as reference line, the resultant R makes an angle
 with it. This angle indicates the direction of R
In the right angled triangle ONS,
tan   
 ON  OP  PN 
From equations 1,4 and 5
tanα =
A+ Bcosθ
The direction of the resultant vector R is given by

α = tan-1  Bsinθ 

 A+ Bcosθ 

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2.** What is relative motion?Explain it.
Ans. Relative motion : When two bodies are moving with each other, the motion of one body with respect
to the other is called relative motion.It is also called apparent motion.
In apparent motion either displacement or velocity or acceleration of one body is compared with another
Explanation :
Consider two bodies A and B moving along a straight line.
Let the positions of the objects A and B are XA and XB at a time ‘t’ from the origin‘O’ as shown in the figure.
  
The position of B relative to position of A is X BA  X B  X A

 and  in the same

case : i) Suppose the two objects A and B are moving with the velocities V VB
direction at time ‘t’ as shown in figure
The apparent velocity of A relative to that of B is,
  
VAB  VA  VB and V AB = V A2 + V B2 - 2V AV B cos0 0 = V A - V B
Similarly, the apparent velocity of B relative to that of A is
  
VBA  VB  VA and V BA = VB2 +V A2 - 2V BV A cos0 0 = V B - V A
 and  in the opposite
case- ii) Suppose the two objects A and B are moving with the velocities V VB
direction at time ‘t’ as shown in figure
The apparent velocity of A relative to that of B is,
  
VAB  VA  VB and V AB = V A2 +VB2 - 2V AVB cos180 0 = V A +V B
Similarly, the apparent velocity of B relative to that of A is
  
VBA  VB  VA and VBA = VB2 +V A2 - 2V BV A cos180 0 = V B +V A
 and  making an
case-iii) Suppose the two objects A and B are moving with the velocities V VB
angle 900 at time ‘t’ as shown in figure

The apparent velocity of A relative to that of B is,
  
V AB  V A  VB and VAB  VA2  VB2  2VAVB cos 90 0  VA2  VB2

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3.*** Show that a boat must move at an angle of 90 0 with respect to river water always in
order to cross the river in a minimum time? x
Ans. Suppose a river is flowing with a constant velocity Vw as shown B C
in the figure.
Consider a boat crossing the river with velocity VB along AC as
shown in the figure. d
Let d is the width of the river i.e AB = d  VBb
The component of velocity of the boat along AB or normal to
the river is VB cos  . Vw
width of the river
The time taken by the boat to cross the river = component of vel.of the boat along AB

i.e t
VB cos 
VB cos  must be maximum to cross the river in minimum time.
Then cos   1 or   0 0 .
Result : To cross the river in minimum time, the boat must be rowed normal to the river flow.

4.*** Define unit vector,null vector and position vector. (MAR-08/MAY-97,SEP-2000)

Ans. Unit vector:- A vector whose magnitude is unity (1) is called unit vector.

For a given vector A it is represented by  .

 A

The unit vector along the direction of A is given by A  A

It has no units and dimensions.

Ex : In a coordinate system, i, ˆj, kˆ are the unit vectors along X,Y & Z axis respectively..
(or) iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  1
Null vector :-
A vector whose magnitude is zero (0) is called a null vector.
 kˆ
It is represented by O as shown in the figure. p ( x ,y ,z )
Ex : The position of a particle at the origin.
Position vector:- A vector which specifies the position of an
object with respective to the origin of a coordinate system is 0
called as position vector of the object in the system. iˆ x
 ĵ
The position vector of an object at P is represented by OP as
shown in the figure. y
Ex :- If P(x,y,z) are the coordinates of the object P and ‘O’ (or)
is the origin of the system then position vector is given by
OP  xiˆ  yjˆ  zkˆ

It’s magnitude OP  x  y  z
2 2 2
r (x,y,z)
O i

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    
5.*** If a+b = a - b prove that the angle between a and b is 90 0 .(TsMar-18)
 
Ans. Let ‘  ’ be the angle between a and b
   
Given that a  b  a  b  a 2 +b 2 + 2abcosθ = a 2 + b 2 - 2abcosθ
squaring on both sides
a 2 +b 2 + 2abcosθ = a 2 +b 2 - 2abcosθ  4abcosθ = 0  cos   0    90

Hence angle between the two vectors is 90 0.

6.*** Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a
parabola. (Mar-09,16,17,18,TS-Mar-18)
Ans. Projectile : If a body is projected into air by a person at an angle other than 900 with the horizontal then
the body is called ‘a Projectile’.
Expression for the trajectory of an object :
Consider a body projected from the point ‘o’ into air with an initial velocity ‘u’. It is making an
angle ‘  ’ with the horizontal as shown in the figure.
The path OAB is called the trajectory of the projectile as shown in the figure.
To consider the two dimensional motion of the body , we resolve the initial velocity ‘u’ into two
rectangular components.
(i) Horizontal component u x  u cos 
(ii) Vertical component u y  u sin  .

Suppose the projectile is crossing the point ‘P’ after time ‘t’. u A u cos 
(i) Its horizontal displacement ‘x’ is
given by u sin 
 X
O u cos  B
1 1
x  uxt  axt 2   u cos  t  (0) t 2   u cos  t ax  0
2 2
(ii) The vertical displacement ‘y’ is given by
1 1
y  uyt  ayt 2   u sin  t   g t2 (ay  g)
2 2
 y  u sin  t  gt 2 ------------- (2)
From equ. (1)  x  u cos t  t  ------------ (3)
u cos 
 x  1  x 
using equation (3) in equation (2) we get, y  u sin    g 
 u cos   2  u cos 
 g  2
The displacement in two dimensional motion is given by y   tan   x   x
 2u cos  
2 2

(Let Tan  = A and 2u 2 cos 2   B ) . Then y  A x  B x 2
Result : This equation represents the equation of a parabola.
Hence the trajectory of a projectile is a parabola.

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**7. A bird holds a fruit in its beak and flies parallel to the ground. It lets go of the fruit at
some height. Describe the trajectory of the fruit as it falls to the ground as seen by (a)
the bird (b) a person on the ground.
Ans. When the bird dropped a fruit while flying horizontally, it falls on to the ground after some time. The
path travelled by fruit depends on the reference frame.
(a) At any time ‘t’ the horizontal and vertical components of velocity of the bird and the fruit will be as
Fruit Bird Fruit with respect to the bird
ux  u ux  u ux  u  u  0
uy  0 uy  0 uy  0
ax  0 ax  0 ax  0
ay=g ay=g ay=g-g=0
1 2 1 1
y gt y0 y  gt 2  0  gt 2
2 2 2
x  ut x  ut x = ut-ut =0
Hence the path of the fruit is a straight line vertically downwards with respect to the bird.
(b) If we take stationary person on the ground as reference, then horizontal and vertical displacements of
fruit with respect to person will be as bellow
Fruit Person Fruit with respect to the person
ux  u ux  0 ux  u  0  u
uy  0 uy  0 uy  0
ax  0 ax  0 ax  0
ay=g ay=0 ay=g-0=0
1 2 1 2 1
y gt y=0 y gt  0  gt 2
2 2 2
x  ut x=0 x = ut-0=ut and t 
1 2 1 x 1 g x2
y fp  u y t  gt  0  g   
2 2 u 2 u2
Put  A (constant)  y  Ax 2 . It is the displacement in two dimensional motion.
2u 2
Result : Hence the path of the fruit is a parabola with respect to the person.
u 2 sin 2  u 2 sin 2
8.*** Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are and
2g g
respectively where the terms have their regular meanings. (Mar-2012)
Ans. Maximum height (H) : The greatest vertical displacement of a projectile during its journey is
called maximum height (or )It is the height above the plane of projection at which the vertical
component of velocity becomes zero.
For maximum height, we consider vertical displacement upto maximum height.
Initial vertical velocity (uy) = u sin 
Final vertical velocity (vy) = 0
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Vertical acceleration (ay) = -g
Vertical displacement (s) = H max
According to v 2 y - u 2y = 2a ys
02   u sin    2   g  H max

u 2 sin 2   2 gH max

u 2 sin 2 
H max 
Horizontal range (R) : The maximum horizontal displacement of a projectile when it reaches
the horizontal plane of projection is called range (R). For range, we consider horizontal dis-
placement during time of flight.
Initial horizontal velocity (ux) = u cos 
horizontal acceleration (ax) = 0

2u sin 
Time of flight (T )  ,
Horizontal displacement = R
1 2
Substituting in s = ut  at ,

(u cos )(2u sin ) 2  2sin  cos  

R = (u cos  )T = = u
g g

u 2 sin 2
 R
Maximum horizontal range: When a projectile is thrown at an angle 450 with the horizontal
the range becomes maximum.

u 2 sin 2 u 2 sin(2  450 ) u 2

R max =  
g g g
9.* If the trajectory of a body is parabolic in one reference frame, can it be parabolic in
another reference frame that moves at constant velocity with respect to the first ref-
erence frame? If the trajectory can be other than parabolic, what else it can be?
Ans. No, it may or may not be parabolic
Explanation : (1) When an object is thrown out from a train moving with constant velocity with respect
to ground, then it appears to the observer in the train as vertically thrown up body with a trajectory of
straight line. Where as an observer on the ground notices that the body is moving in parabolic path.
(2) If this body is observed from another train moving with constant velocity other than the first train. Then
its trajectory appears as parabolic only.
The trajectory of a body can be a straight line which is other than parabolic.

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10. A force 2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ newton acts on a body which is initially at rest. At the end of 20
seconds, the velocity of the body is 4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ ms -1 . What is the mass of the body?
 
   vu 
Ans. Force acting on the body F  ma  m  t 
 
 
Given that initial velocity u  0 , final velocity v  4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ , time t = 20s

Force F  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ N

4iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ
2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  m

2m ˆ ˆ ˆ
2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  2i  j  k

m  10 kg
11. A man runs across the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally onto the (lower)
roof of an adjacent building. If his speed is 9 m s 1 and the horizontal distance between
the buildings is 10 m and the height difference between the roofs is 9m, will he be able
to land on the next building? (take g  10 m s 2 )
2h 29
Ans. R U  10  U  U  7.453m / s h=9m
g 10
This is the minimum horizontal velocity required to
reach the other building. Since he possesses a velocity
of 9m/s which is greater than required velocity. R=10m
 He will be able to land on the next building. Building-1 Building-2
***12.Show that the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of 45 is
one quarter of its range. (Mar - 14)
Ans. Let a projectile be thrown into air at an angle  above the horizontal with velocity ‘u’ , its

u 2 sin 2 
maximum height during the motion is, H       1

u 2 sin 2
Its horizontal range is, R       2
dividing equation(1) by equation(2)

H u 2 sin 2  g sin 2 
  2 
R 2g u sin 2 2  2 sin  cos 
H tan 
 
R 4

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 4 H  R tan  --------(3)

In the question, given that ,   45 0

 4 H  R tan 45 0  R  1  R  H =

Thus maximum height reached is one quarter of its range.

1.* Ship A is 10 km due west of ship B. Ship A is heading directly north at a speed of 30
km/h, while ship B is heading in a direction 60 0 west of north at a speed of 20 km/h.
(i) Determine the magnitude of the velocity of ship B relative to ship A. (ii) What will
be their distance of closest approach
Ans. Ship A is 10 km due west of ship B, A is heading directly north at 30 kmph and B is
heading in 60 0 west of north at 20 kmph.
(i) Velocity of ship B relative to A
VA  30 kmph 0
VB  20 kmph W E
A 10 km B
  
V BA  V B  V A

  1 
| V BA | VA  VB  2VA VBCos1200 = 30  20  2  20  30   2  = 700 = 10 7 kmph
2 2 2 2

 


 VB
(ii) Direction of resultant with V A is


Qsin  20sin120 3
tan   =  tan  
P  Q cos  30  20 cos120 2
We can think that A is at rest and B is moving with V BA in the direction as shown in figure
A 10 km B
 7

C 2
The closest approach is AC given by AC = AB cos 
= 10   7.56 km nearly

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2.*** If  is the angle of projection, R is the range, h is the maximum height, T is the time
of flight then show that (a) tan θ = 4h / R and (b) h = gT 2 /8
u 2 sin 2 
Ans. (a) Maximum height h = - - - - - (1)
u 2 sin 2 u 2 2sin  cos 
Range, R   - - - - - (2)
g g
h tan 
Dividing equation(1) by equation(2), 
R 4
tan  
2u sin 
(b) Time of flight, T 
4u 2 sin 2 
 T2  - - - - (3)
h g gT 2
Dividing equation (1) by equation (3), 2   h 
T 8 8
3.*** A projectile is fired at an angle of 60 0 to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 800
m/s; (i) Find the time of flight of the projectile before it hits the ground
(ii) Find the distance it travels before it hits the ground (range)
(iii) Find the time of flight for the projectile to reach its maximum height.
Ans.   600 , u  800 m / s , g = 9.8 m/s 2

2  800 
(i) T  2u sin   2  141.4 sec
g 9.8

u 2 sin 2 (800) 2  sin1200  800  

(ii) R   = 2  56555m = 56.555 km

g 9.8 9.8
T u sin 
(iii) t    70.7 sec
2 g
4.** For a particle projected slantwise from the ground, the magnitude of its position vector
with respect to the point of projection, when it is at the highest point of the path is
found to be 2 times the maximum height reached by it. Show that the angle of
projection is tan -1 (2)
Ans. Position vector with respect to the point of projection
 R^ ^
r  i H j
 R

| r |    H 2 - - - - (1)

but given | r | 2H (given) - - - - (2)

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Substituting equation (2) in equation (1)
R2 R2 R2 R
2H   H  2H  H  H   H
2 2 2 2
 R = 2H
4 4 4 2
u 2 sin 2 u 2 sin 2 
g 2g
2 sin  cos  = sin 2   2 cos  = sin   tan  Y
= 2   = tan (2) -1

5.** An object is launched from a cliff 20 m above

the ground  H
at an angle of 30 0 above the horizontal with R
an initial
speed of 30 m/s. How far horizontally does the object
travel before landing on the ground ? (g = 10 m/s 2)
Ans. Height of the tower, h = 20 m
Angle of projection,   300
Initial velocity, u = 30 m/s
Horizontal distance travelling before landing on the ground R = (u cos )T ----- (1)
Height, h = - (u sin ) T + 1/2 gT 2 u
2h = - (2u sin ) T + gT 2  gT 2 - (2u sin )T - 2h = 0 30

 2u sin    4u 2 sin 2   8gh
From equation (1) and (2) h

 2u sin   4u 2 sin 2   8gh 

R= (u cos )  2g

  R
 2  30  sin 300  4  30  2 sin 2 300  8 10  20  
R   30 cos 30  
0 
 2 10  
 
 4   R = 60 3 m
R  30
6.*** O is a point on the ground chosen as origin. A body first suffers a displacement of
10 2m North - East, next 10 m North and finally 10 2m North - West. How far it is
from the origin?

Ans. S1  10 2m due N  E

 
 10iˆ  10 ˆj m

S2  10m due N
 10 ˆj

NARAYANA Page.No. 75

S3  10 2 m due N  W  10iˆ  10 ˆj
  
S1  S2  S3  10iˆ  10 ˆj  10 ˆj  10iˆ  10 ˆj
 30 ˆj  30m due north
7.** From a point on the ground a particle is projected 10 2
with initial velocity u, such that its horizontal 10 2 10 m
range is maximum. Find the magnitude of average 0
velocity during its ascent. 450 45
Ans. For maximum range, O
Angle of projection,   450
 ^ ^
u   u cos   i   u sin   j (at point of projection)
 ^
v   u cos   i (at highest point)
 
 uv
Average velocity, vav 
^ ^ ^
  u cos  i   u sin   j  u cos   i
vav 
^ ^
^  u sin 450  ^

 2u cos   i   u sin   j =  u cos 
 
i 
 u sin   ^
 =u cos 450
i  j
2  2   2 

u ^ u ^  2
 u   u 
= i j  | v av |     
2 2 2  2 2 2 2 2
8.*** A particle is projected from the ground with some initial velocity making an angle of
45 0 with the horizontal. It reaches a height of 7.5 m above the ground while it travels
a horizontal distance of 10 m from the point of projection. Find the initial speed of
projection (g = 10 m/s 2)
Ans. Angle of projection,   450
Horizontal distance, x = 10 m
Vertical distance, y = 7.5 m
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s 2
 g  2
y = (tan )x -  2 x
 2u cos  

 10 
0 
10 
7.5 = (tan 45 0 ) (10) -  2 2
 2u cos 45 
Solving the equation, we get u  20m / s
9.*** Wind is blowing from the south at 5 ms -1 . To a cyclist it appears to be blowing from
the east at 5 ms -1 . Find the velocity of the cyclist.
 ^
Ans. Velocity of wind, v w  5 j
Velocity of wind relative to cyclist, v wc  5i

NARAYANA Page.No. 76
  
v wc  v w  vc
   ^ ^
v c  v w  v wc  5 j (5 i)
^ ^ 
= 5 j 5 i = | v c | 5 2 ms -1 towards north east
10.** A person walking at 4 m/s finds rain drops falling slantwise in to his face with a speed
of 4 m/s at an angle of 30 0 with the vertical. Show that the actual speed of the rain
drops is 4m/s.

Ans. Velocity of person | v p | 4m / s
 N
Velocity of rain drops relative to person, | v rp | 4m / s

   W E
v rp  v r  v p
  
 v r  v rp  v p S

  1
| v r | v rp 2  v p 2  2v rp vp cos1200 = 16  16  2  4  4     = 16  4 m/s
 2
11. A food packet is dropped from an aeroplane, moving with a
speed of 360 kmph in a horizontal direction, from a height of
500m. Find (i) its time of descent (ii) the horizontal dis-
tance between the point at which the food packet reaches 300
the ground and the point above which it was dropped.
5 60

Ans. Given U  360 kmph  360   100 m / s

2h 2  500
(i) Time of the descent T   =10s
g 10

(ii) Range R  U = U  T = 100  10 =1000m

12. A ball is tossed from the window of a building with an initial velocity of 8 m s 1 at an
angle of 200 below the horizontal. It strikes the ground 3s later. From what height was
the ball thrown? How far from the base of the building does the ball strike the ground?
A U=360 kmph
Ans. Clearly from figure u x  u cos 20 0
h=500 m

u y  u sin 200

1 2
Apply s y  u y t  a y t in vertical direction
From fig. s y  h, u y  u sin 200 , a y  g O B

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1 2
h  u sin 200 t  gt
given u  8m / s , t  3s , g  10m / s 2
1 o
h  8  sin 200  3   10  32 ux = ucos20
2 20o
h   8   0.342   3   5  9  m = 53.208 m o
uy = usin20
The distance from the base of the building at which it
falls is obtained by using
Sx  u x  t  as ax  0 
S x  u  cos 200   3

 8  0.9396  3  22.55m
13. Two balls are projected from the same point in directions 300 and 600 with respect to
the horizontal. What is the ratio of their initial velocities if they (Mar-17)
(a) attain the same height? (b) have the same range?
Ans. We known in projectile motion
u 2 sin 2  u 2 sin 2
H and R 
2g g
 a  Given H1  H 2
u12 sin 2 300 u22 sin 2 600

2g 2g
 3
u    u22 
1 
2  2 

1  3
u1    u2    u1 : u2  3 :1
 2  2 

b Given R1  R2

u12 sin 2  300  u22 sin 2  600 

g g

 3 2 3
u12    u2    u1 : u2  1:1
 2   2 

1. State for each of the following physical quantities, if it is a scalar or a vector :

Volume, mass, speed, acceleration, density, number of moles, velocity, angular
frequency, displacement, angular velocity.
Ans. Scalars : Volume, mass, speed, density, number of moles, angular frequency.
Vectors : Acceleration, velocity, displacement, angular velocity.

NARAYANA Page.No. 78
2. Pick out the two scalar quantities in the following list :
Force, angular momentum, work, current, linear momentum, electric field, average
velocity, magnetic moment, relative velocity.
Ans. Work and current
3. Pick out the only vector quantity in the following list :
Temperature, pressure, impulse, time, power, total length of path, energy, gravitational
potential, coefficient of friction, charge.
Ans. Impulse
4. State with reasons, whether the following algebraic operations with scalar and vector
physical quantities are meaningful.
(a) Adding any two scalars.
(b) Adding a scalar to a vector of the same dimensions.
(c) Multiplying any vector by any scalar.
(d) Multiplying any two scalars.
(e) Adding any two vectors.
(f) Adding a component of a vector to the same vector.
Ans. (a) No. Scalars must represent same physical quantity
(b) No. Vector can be added only to another vector
(c) Yes. When a vector is multiplied by any scalar, we get a vector
(d) Yes. In multiplication, scalar may not represent the same physical quantity.
(e) No. The two vectors must represent the same physical quantity
(f) No.
5. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons, if it is true or false:
(a) The magnitude of a vector is always a scalar.
(b) Each component of a vector is always a scalar
(c) The total path length is always equal to the magnitude of the displacement vector
of a particle.
(d) The average speed of a particle defined as total length of path divided by the time
taken to cover the path is either greater or equal to the magnitude of average velocity
of the particle over the same time interval.
(e) Three vectors not lying in a plane can never add up to give a null vector.
Ans. (a) True, magnitude of velocity of a body moving in a straight line may be equal to the speed of
the body. Further, magnitude of any sort of quantity is a pure and positive number and has no
direction, hence the magnitude of a vector is always a scalar.
(b) False, each component of a vector is always a vector, not scalar.
(c) False, total length of path can also be more than the magnitude of the displacement vector
of a particle.
(d) True, average speed depends upon total path length which can be equal or more than the
magnitude of displacement vector of the particle and average velocity depends upon the
displacement vector. Thus, average speed can be equal or greater than the magnitude of average
(e) True, in order to give a null vector, the third vector should have the same magnitude and
opposite direction to the resultant of two vectors.
6. Establish the following vector inequalities geometrically or otherwise :
   
(a) | A  B |  | A |  | B |
   
(b) | A  B |  || A |  | B ||
   
(c) | A  B |  | A |  | B |
   
(d) | A  B |  || A |  | B ||

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When does the equality sign above apply ?
   
Ans. Consider two vectors A and B be represented by the OP and OQ of a parallelogram OPSQ.
  
 
According to parallelogram law of vector addition; A  B will be represented by OS as shown
in figure. Thus
   
OP | A |, OQ | B | and OS | A  B |
   
(a) To prove : | A  B |  | A |  | B |
We know that the length of one side of a triangle is less than the sum of the length of the other
two sides. Hence from OPS , we have
  
OS < OP + PS or | OS | | OP || OQ |
   
or | A  B |  | A |  | B | .... (i)
 
If the two vectors A and B are acting along the
same straight line and in the same direction
   
then | A  B |  | A |  | B | ... (ii)
Combining the conditions mentioned in (i) and (ii) we have
   
| A  B || A |  | B |
    Q S
(b) To prove : | A  B |  || A |  | B ||
From OPS , we have OS + PS > OP or OS > |OP -
PS | or OS > | OP - OQ | ...(iii) AB
(PS = OQ)
The modulus of (OP - PS) has been taken because the
L.H.S is always positive but the R.H.S. may be negative O A
if OP < PS. Thus from (iii) we have,
   
| A  B || A |  | B | ....
(iv) AB
 
If the two vectors A and B are acting along a straight
line in opposite directions, then R
    T
   
| A  B || A |  | B |
   
(c) To prove | A  B |  | A |  | B |
       

In figure A  OP and  B = OT  PR and A  B  OR 
From ORP we note that OR > OP + PR.
   
or | A  B || A |  |  B |
   
or | A  B || A |  | B | ... (vi)
If the two vectors are acting along a straight line but in the opposite directions, then
   
| A  B || A |  | B | . ... (vii)
Combining the conditions mentioned in (vi) and (vii) we get

NARAYANA Page.No. 80
   
| A  B || A |  | B |
   
(d) To prove | A  B ||| A |  | B ||
In figure from OPR , we note that
OR + PR > OP or OR > | OP - PR | or OR > | OP - OT | .... (viii)
The modulus of (OP - OT) has been taken because L.H.S is positive and R.H.S may be negative
if OP < OT.
   
From (viii), | A  B ||| A |  | B || ... (ix)
 
If the two vectors A and B are acting along the same straight line in the same direction, then
   
   
| A  B || A  B | ...(x)
Combining the conditions mentioned in (ix) and (x) we get
   
   
| A  B || A |  | B |
 
We observe that equality sign holds in above cases when A and B are acting along the same
straight line and in the same direction or in opposite direction i.e., they are collinear.
    
7. Given   +b+c+d = O which of the following statements are correct :
(a) a,b,c and d must be a null vector
   
(b) The magnitude of ( a + c ) equals the magnitude of ( b + d )  

(c) The magnitude of ‘ a ’ can never be greater than the sum of the magnitudes of b, c

and d .
     
(d) ( b + c ) must lie in the plane of a and d if a and d are not collinear, and in the

   and
line of a and d , if they are  collinear.
  .
Ans. (a)
 Incorrect, because a  b  c  d can be zero in many ways other than that, a ,b,c
d must each be a null vector. .
                
     
ex : a  b   c  d or a   b  c  d or a  c   b  d etc., a  b  c  d  O
        
(b) Correct, as a  b  c  d  O; a  c   b  d  
   
Thus, vector a  b is equal to negative of vector b  d and hence the statement that magnitude
   

of a  c is equal to the magnitude of b  d is correct. 
       
(c) Correct, since a  b  c  d  0; a   b  c  d
  
 

  magnitude
a is
to that of

 c  d . The sum

 of the magnitude of vectors
bc d  a . Hence the
 statement
 that the
 be greater
magnitude of a can never   than the sum  of the magnitude
  of b , c and d is correct.
    a  b  c  d  0;   (b  c)  a  d  O
(d) Correct, because hence  . The
 resultant sum ofthree
vectors b  c , a, d can be zero only if b  c is in the plane of a and d in case a and d are
   
collinear, b  c must be in the line of a and d . Hence the given statement is correct.
8. Three girls skating on a circular ice ground of radius 200 m start from a point P on the
edge of the ground and reach a point Q diametrically opposite to P following different
paths as shown in the figure. What is the magnitude of the displacement vector for
each ? For which girl is this equal to the actual length of path skated?

NARAYANA Page.No. 81
Ans. Displacement of each girl = PQ = magnitude of the displacement for each girl
= PQ = diameter of the circle (ice ground), = 2  200 = 400 m
Actual path length in case of girl B is the least, i.e., equal to the displacement vector.
9. A cyclist starts from the centre of a circular park of radius 1 km, reaches the edge P of
the park, then cycles along the circumference, and returns to the centre along QO as
shown in the figure. If the round trip takes 10 min, what is the
(a) net displacement (b) average velocity, and
(c) average speed of the cyclist ?

Ans. (a) Because the initial and final positions of the cyclist are the same, hence
the net displacement of the cyclist is zero. C
Net displacement
(b) Average velocity =
Total time taken
Because the net displacement of the cyclist is zero, therefore, his average
velocity will also be zero.

2 R Q
(c) Total distance covered = OP + PQ + QO = R + +R

2  22 1 25 O P
= 1 1 
7 4 7 km

Total distance covered

Average speed =
Total time taken

 25 / 7  km   25 / 7  km
10 min 1 / 6  h =21.43 kmph
10. On an open ground a motorist follows a track that turns to his left by an angle of 60 0
after every 500 m. Starting from a given turn, specify the displacement of the motorist
at the third, sixth and eighth turn. Compare the magnitude of the displacement with
the total path length covered by the motorist in each case.
Ans. (i) The path followed by the motorist will be a closed hexagonal path. Suppose the motorist
starts his journey from the point O. He takes the third turn at the point

C 600 B
30 0
E 600 O

NARAYANA Page.No. 82
Displacement = OC

O B   BC    OF  FB    BC 
2 2 2 2
Here OC 

 500cos 30  500cos300    500 

0 2 2
 3
 2 x 500     500  = 500
= 4 =1000 m = 1 km
 2 
Total path length = 500 m + 500 m + 500 m = 1500 m = 1.5 km
1 2
The ratio of the magnitude of displacement to the total path length =   0.67
1.5 3
(ii) The motorist will take the sixth turn at O. Displacement is zero
Length of the path = 6  500 = 3000 m or 3 km
Ratio of magnitude of displacement and path length is zero
(iii) The motorist will take the 8th turn at B. Magnitude of displacement
= 2  500 cos 30 0
= 500 3m = km
Length of the path = 8  500 = 4 km
3/2 3
Ratio of magnitude of displacement and path length is i.e.,  0.22
4 8
11. A passenger arriving in a new town wishes to go from the station to a hotel located 10
km away on a straight road from the station. A dishonest cabman takes him along a
circuitous path 23 km long and reaches the hotel in 28 min. What is (a) the
average speed of the taxi, (b) the magnitude of average velocity ? Are the two equal ?
Ans. Magnitude of displacement = 10 km
Total path length = 23 km
28 7
Time taken = 28 min = hr  hour
60 15
Average speed =  49.3 kmh -1
7 / 15
Magnitude of average velocity
Magnitude of displacement 10
= =  21.43 kmh -1
Total time taken 7 / 15
Clearly, the average speed and magnitude of average velocity are not equal
12. Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 30 ms -1. A woman rides a bicycle with a speed
of 10 ms -1 , in the north to south direction. Which is the direction in which she should
hold her umbrella ?
Ans. In order to protect herself from rain, the woman should hold her umbrella in the direction of

relative velocity of rain woman v w .
  
 
Here, v rw  v r  v w

NARAYANA Page.No. 83

10 1
Now, tan     0.3333    180 26'
30 3
So, the woman should hold her umbrella at an angle of 18 026 ’ with the vertical, towards south.
13. A man can swim with a speed of 4.0 km/h in still water. How long does he take to cross
a river 1.0 km wide if the river flows steadily at 3.0 km/h and he makes his strokes
normal to the river current ? How far down the river does he go when he reaches the
other bank ?
 
Ans. Here v m  4 kmh 1 , v r  3 kmh 1 , OA = 1 km

Let t = time taken by man to reach the other bank

OA 1
Then, t =   0.25 h  15min
vm 4 vr

Distance AB = v r  t = 3  0.25 = 0.75 km =

750 m.

vw vw
14. In a harbor, wind is blowing at the speed of S N
72 km/h and the flag on the mast of a boat
anchored in the harbor flutters along the N 
- E direction. If the boat starts moving at a v rw
speed of 51km/h to the north, what is the
direction of the flag on the mast of the boat?

Ans. Let v wb = Relative velocity of wind w.r.t boat
  
 v wb  v w  vb
 
Here, | v w | 72kmh1 , | vb | 51kmh 1

 
Angle between v w and - v b is 135 0 A Vr B

Vb sin  51(sin1350 )
tan   
Vw  Vb cos  72  51(cos1350 ) 1 Km
Vm V

 sin 135 0 = sin (180 0 - 45 0) = sin 45 0 = O

cos 135 0 = cos (180 0 - 45 0 ) = -cos 45 0 = 

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 1  N
51 

 2 51 Vw
tan    Vb
 1  50.8
72  51  45
 2 W E

 tan   1.0039,    tan 1 1.0039   45.10

 Vb
Angle with east direction = 0.1 . 0

So, flag will flutter almost due east

15. The ceiling of a long hall is 25 m high. What is the maximum horizontal distance that a ball
thr own with a speed of 40 ms-1 can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall ?
Ans. Here H = 25 m, u = 40 ms -1

u2 sin2 
As H =

 40 
sin 2  490
 25   sin 2    sin   0.5534    33.6

2  9.8  40 

u 2 sin 2  40  sin 2  33.6   40   sin 67.2

2 2

Also R = = 
g 9.8 9.8

 40 
 0.9219
=  150.5m
16. A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. How much
high above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball ?
u2 u2
Ans. R max = 100 m; As R max =  100 
g g

 u 2  1000
u2 1000
h   50m.
2g 20

17. A stone tied to the end of a string 80 cm long is whirled in a horizontal circle with a
constant speed. If the stone makes 14 revolutions in 25s, what is the magnitude and
direction of acceleration of the stone ?
Ans. Here, r = 80 cm = 0.80 m,
14 rev

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v 2 r 2 2
  4 2 n 2 r
As centripetal acceleration = r r
 14 
= 4  (3.14) 2     0.80
 25 
= 9.9 ms -2
At every point the acceleration is along the radius and towards the centre
18. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop of radius 1.00 km with a steady speed of 900 km/
h. Compare its centripetal acceleration with the acceleration due to gravity.
Ans. Here r = 1 km = 10 3 m
v = 900 km h -1  900  ms 1  250 ms 1
v 2  250 

Centripetal acceleration, a c   3
 62.5ms 2
r 10
a c 62.5
Now,   6.38
g 9.8
19. Read each statement below carefully and state, with reasons, if it is true or false;
(a) The net acceleration of a particle in circular motion is always along the radius of
the circle towards the centre
(b) The velocity vector of a particle at a point is always along the tangent to the path
of the particle at that point.
(c) The acceleration vector of a particle in uniform circular motion averaged over one
cycle is a null vector.
Ans. (a) It is false. The acceleration of the particle moving along a circular path is along the radius
only, if the particle moves with a uniform speed.
(b) It is true. If the particle is released at a point, it will move along the tangent to the path at
that point.
(c) It is true. Because over a complete cycle, for an acceleration at any point of circular
path, there is an equal and opposite acceleration vector at a point diametrically opposite to the
first point, resulting in a null net acceleration vector.
 ^ ^ ^
20. The position of a particle is given by r  3.0t.i  2.0t 2 j 4.0 k m, where t is in seconds and

the coefficients have the proper units for r to be in metres.
 
(a) Find the v and a of the particle.
(b) What is the magnitude and direction of velocity of the particle at t = 2s ?
 ^ ^ ^
Ans. (a) Here r  3t i  2t 2 j 4 k m

 dr d  ^ 2 ^ ^ 
Hence v    3t i 2t j 4k  = ^ ^
dt dt   3 i  4t j

 dv ^
a  4 j
 ^ ^
(b) t = 2s, v  3i  8 j
Its magnitude,

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 3   8
2 2
v=  9  64  73  8.54 m / s
v  8
and   tan 1  y   tan 1 | | 700 with + x - axis in clockwise direction.
 vx  3
21. A particle starts from the origin at t = 0 s with a velocity of 10.0 j m/s and moves in the

 ^ ^

x - y plane with a constant acceleration of  8.0 i  2.0 j  ms 2 .
 
(a) At what time is the x - coordinate of the particle 16 m ? What is the y - coordinate of
the particle at that time ?
(b) What is the speed of the particle at that time ?
  1 2
Ans. (a) The position of the particle is given by r  t   v 0  t   at
^ 1  ^ ^ 2
 
^ ^
= 10 jt   8i  2 j  t = 4t 2 i  10t  t 2 j
2 
x(t) = 4t 2 and y(t) = 10t + t 2
Given x(t) = 16 m, t = ?
4t 2 = 16  t 2 = 4  t = 2s
At t = 2s, y (t) = 10  2 + 1  (2) 2 = 24 m.
(b) Now, the velocity,

 dr ^ ^
v   8t i  10  2t  j
 ^ ^
At t = 2s, v  16 i  14 j

16   14 
2 2
Speed = | v | = 256  196  452  21.26 ms -1
^ ^
22. i and j are unit vectors along x - axis and y - axis respectively. What is the
^ ^ ^ ^
magnitude and direction of the vector i  j and i  j ? What are the components of a

 ^ ^

^ ^
and  i  j  ?
^ ^
vector A  2 i  3 j along the directions of  i j 
   
^ ^
Ans. (i) | i  j |

1  1
2 2
=  2 11 cos 900  2 = 1.414 units
tan  = = 1    450
^ ^
So, the vector i  j makes an angle of 45 0 with x - axis

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^ ^
(ii) | i  j |

1  1
2 2
=  2 11 cos900 = 2  1.414 units
^ ^
The vector i  j makes an angle of - 45 0 with x - axis
 ^ ^ ^ ^
(iii) Let us now determine the component of A  2 i  3 j in the direction of i  j .
 ^ ^
Let B  i  j
 
A.B  ABcos    A cos   B
  

So, the components of A in the direction of B 
   2i  3 j  .  i  j 
^ ^ ^ ^

A.B 
     

| B| 1  1
2 2

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 
2 i .i  2 i. j 3 j.i  3 j. j 5 J 

 =
2 2
 ^ ^
( i v ) C om po n en t o f A i n t h e d i re c t i o n o f i  j
 ^ ^ ^ ^
 2 i  3 j  .  i  j  1
   units
2 2
23. For any arbitrary motion in space, which of the following relations are true :
     
 

(a) v average  1/ 2  v  t1   v  t 2 

 
(b) v average   r  t 2   r  t1   /  t 2  t1 
  
(c) v  t   v  0   at (d) r  t   r  0   v(0)t  1/ 2  at 2
  
(e) a average   v  t 2   v  t1   /  t 2  t1 
(The average stands for average of the quantity over the time interval t 1 to t 2 )
Ans. Since the motion is arbitrary, the acceleration may not be uniform. Therefore, relations (c) and
(d) cannot be correct, for the acceleration in these equations cannot be constant.
Again for an arbitrary motion, the average velocity cannot be defined as in equation (a).
Therefore, the relation (a) is also not correct.
Hence, only relation (b) and (e) are correct relations
24. Read each statement below carefully and state, with reasons and examples, if it is true
or false :
A scalar quantity is one that
(a) is conserved in a process (b) can never take negative values
(c) must be dimensionless
(d) does not vary from one point to another in space
(e) has the same value for observers with different orientations of axes
Ans. (a) It is false. Energy (a scalar quantity) is not conserved in inelastic collisions.

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(b) It is false. The temperature (a scalar quantity) of a system cannot be negative.
(c) It is false.Mass has dimensions
(d) It is false. It can vary from one point to another point in space. For example, gravitational
potential, electric potential etc.,
(e) It is true. The value of a scalar does not change for observers with different orientations
of axes
25. An aircraft is flying at a height of 3400 m above the ground. If the angle subtended at
a ground observation point by the aircraft positions 10 s apart is 30 0, what is the speed
of the aircraft ?
Ans. In the right-angled triangle OAC,

tan 15 0 =  AC  OC tan 15 0 = 3400 x 0.2679 = 911 m
As 15 0 is covered in 5s, the speed of aircraft

u=  182.2 ms 1
26. A vector has magnitude and direction. Does it have a location in space ? Can it vary
 
with time ? Will two equal vectors a and b at different locations in space necessarily
have identical physical effects ? Give examples in support of your answer.
Ans. (i) Vectors do not have a location in space as there is no fixed frame of reference in the space,
everything is moving e.g., sun along with its solar system is moving in the space.
(ii) Vectors can vary with time, e.g., velocity and acceleration
vectors may vary with time. A C
  B
(iii) Two equal vectors a and b at different locations in space 3400 m
may be not have identical physical effect, e.g., a ball thrown up
from the surface of moon and earth with same force will cover 0
15 150
different maximum heights.
27. A vector has both magnitude and direction. Does it mean
that anything that has magnitude and directi o n is 0
necessarily a vector ? The rotation of a body can be
specified by the direction of the axis of rotation, and the
angle of rotation about the axis. Does that make any rotation a vector ?
Ans. Generally, rotation is not considered a vector, though it has magnitude and direction. The reason
is that addition of two finite rotations does not obey commutative law. Since a d d i t i o n o f
vectors should obey commutative law, a finite rotation cannot be regarded as a vector. However,
infinitesimally small rotations obey commutative law for addition and hence an infinitesimally
small rotation is a vector.
28. Can you associate vectors with (a) the length of wire bent into a loop,
(b) a plane area, (c) a sphere ? Explain
Ans. (a) We cannot associate a vector with the length of a wire bent into a loop. This is because the
length of the loop does not have a definite direction.
(b) We can associate a vector with a plane area, such a vector is called area vector and its
direction is represented by a normal drawn outward to the area.
(c) No, we cannot associate a vector with the area of a sphere, because the area of sphere
does not point in any definite direction.
29. A bullet fired at an angle of 30 0 with the horizontal hits the ground 3.0 km away. By
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adjusting its angle of projection, can one hope to hit a target 5.0 km away ? Assume the
muzzle speed to be fixed, and neglect air resistance.
Ans. Here R = 3 km = 3000 m,  = 30 0 , g = 9.8 ms -2
u 2 sin 2
As R
u 2 sin 2  300 u 2 sin 600 3000  9.8
 u   3464  9.8
 3000  
9.8 9.8 3/2
u 2 sin 2 3464  9.8  sin 2
Also R = ’  5000 
g 9.8
i.e., sin 2   1.44
which is impossible because sine of an angle cannot be more than 1. Thus, this target cannot
be expected to be hit.
30. A fighter plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1.5 km with speed 720 km/h passes
directly overhead an anti-aircraft gun. At what angle from the vertical should the gun
be fired for the shell with muzzle speed 600 ms -1 to hit the plane? At what minimum
altitude should the pilot fly the plane to avoid being hit ? [Take g = 10 ms -2 ]
Ans. Horizontal distance travelled by the shell in time t is the same as the distance covered by the
i.e., v x  t = ut  v sin t  ut u=720 Kmph
u 720  5 1 200
 sin     =  0.3333
v 18 600 600 1.5 km uy
i.e.,   19.5 0 with the vertical

The plane will not be hit by the bullet from the gun
if it is flying at a minimum height which is the maximum ux X
height attained by the bullet after firing from the gun.
u 2 sin 2  900    u 2 cos 2 
Here, h max  
2g 2g

 
 600   cos 19.5    600 
2 2 2
 8 /3
= =
= 16000 m = 16 km
2  10 20
31. A cyclist is riding with a speed of 27 km/h. As he approaches a circular turn on the road
of radius 80 m, he applies brakes and reduces his speed at the constant rate of
0.50m/s every second. What is the magnitude and direction of the net acceleration of
the cyclist on the circular turn ?
5 C
Ans. Here v = 27 kmh = 27   7.5 ms -1 , R = 80 m
18 a  aT
v 2  7.5 
Centripetal acceleration, a c    0.7ms 2 ac
R 80
Let us suppose, the cyclist applies brakes at the point A of V
the circular turn. Then retardation produced due to brakes (ar) will act opposite to the velocity
(v). Thus, a T = - 0.5 ms -2
Total acceleration is given by

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 0.7    0.5
2 2
a  a 2c a 2T 

= 0.49  0.25  0.74  0.86 ms -2

If  be the angle between the total acceleration and the velocity of the cyclist, then
a c 0.7
tan     14    tan 1 1.4   540 27 '
a T 0.5

32. (a) Show that for a projectile the angle between the velocity and the x - axis as a function
v  gt 
1  oy
of time is given by   t   tan  
 v ox 
(b) Show that the projection angle 0 for a projectile launched from the origin is given

1  4h m 
by 0  tan   where the symbols have their usual meaning.
 R 
Ans. (a) Let a projectile fired at an angle  with x - axis
As  depends on t,   t  , at any instant, Y
A 
vy v 0 y  gt
tan   t     Vx
vx vox V0y

(As u y  u oy  gt and u x  u 0x )
 voy  gt 
   t   tan 1   
 vox  V0x B

u 2 sin 2 0 u 2 sin 20

(b) As h max = and R =
2g g
h u sin 0 / 2g tan 0
2 2
 4h   4h 
 max  2   tan 0   max   0  tan 1  max 
R u sin 20 / g 4  R   R 


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