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July/August 2014 | volume 1, issue 6


Power  to  the  CompactPCI

Making  the  smart  grid,  smarter

Integration Measurement Energy  harvesting Industry ???

–  PFC  adds  to  efficiency –  For  sustainability –  What’s  it  all  about? –  Control  equipment
StrongIRFET™ Rugged,
Reliable MOSFETs
Specifications Features:
ID RDS(on) max Qg@
• Ultra low RDS(on)
Package @25°C @Vgs = 10V Vgs = 10V Part Number • High current capability
(A) (mȍ) (nC)
• Industrial qualified
25 100 0.95 56 IRFH8201TRPbF
25 100 1.05 52 IRFH8202TRPbF • Broad portfolio offering
30 100 1.1 58 IRFH8303TRPbF
PQFN 5x6 30 100 1.3 50 IRFH8307TRPbF
40 100 1.4 134 IRFH7004TRPbF Applications:
40 85 2.4 92 IRFH7440TRPbF
40 85 3.3 65 IRFH7446TRPbF
• DC Motors
30 192 1.3 51 IRF8301MTRPbF • Inverters
DirectFET Med.Can 40 90 1.4 141 IRF7946TRPbF
60 114 3.6 120 IRF7580MTRPBF • UPS
40 195 1.8 150 IRFS7437TRLPbF • Solar Inverter
D2-Pak 40 120 2.8 90 IRFS7440TRLPbF
60 120 5.34 86 IRFS7540TRLPbF • ORing or Hotswap
40 195 1.5 150 IRFS7437TRL7PP
D2-Pak 7pin • Battery Packs
60 240 1.4 236 IRFS7530-7PP
40 90 2.5 89 IRFR7440TRPbF
60 90 4 86 IRFR7540TRPbF
40 195 1.3 300 IRFB7430PbF
40 195 1.6 216 IRFB7434PbF
40 195 2 150 IRFB7437PbF
40 120 2.5 90 IRFB7440PbF
40 118 3.3 62 IRFB7446PbF
60 195 2.0 274 IRFB7530PbF
TO-247 40 195 1.3 300 IRFP7430PbF

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or visit us at www.irf.com THE POWER MANAGEMENT LEADER
06 Industrial power
The role of analogue signals in
industrial control equipment is explored
by Maxim Integrated
08 Cover story
Advantech explains how CompactPCI
technology can progress the smart grid

12 Power measurement
Yokogawa guides the search for energy
efficiency, by assessing power measurement

16 Energy harvesting
What does it really mean?, asks Linear
Technology, in an article that identifies
trends and the need for increased
battery capacities.
20 Energy efficiency
Rohm Semiconductor identifies the need
for energy saving in electronic devices

22 Products
Some of the latest innovations and introductions
in the industry, from power supplies
to power management devices for
projects that range from industrial,
consumer to hi-rel.

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Electronic Specifier, its publication, websites and
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Editor’s comment

Editor’s comment
In this issue of ElectronicSpecifier Power, we cover PV inverter market, GaN may encroach on the SiC
the gamut of applications: industrial environments, (silicon carbide) technology, based on cost.
medical, consumer and automotive. Each requires
particular features and specifications to meet the GaN is also used in UPS (uninterrupted power
surrounding conditions. supplies); Yole believes it may even could account
for 15% market share by 2020. This adds to
Our cover story relates how CompactPCI technology the renewed vigour in the wider power supply
is used in utilities and in particular for the smartgrid, market, which has suffered recently from a stalled
for an intelligent power supply. programme of product rollouts. IHS reports that the
AC/DC and DC/DC power supply market is “set
Several of the new products that are featured in this for healthy expansion” over the next four years,
issue, are developments in the GaN (gallium nitride) boosted by emerging applications and growth in
market. At present, GaN device sales generate $10 established ones.
to $12m, a figure supplemented by R&D contracts
and IP licensing). Emerging is the LED lighting market, which, together
with tablets, will grow by more than $2.5bn from
Revenues are expected to reach $50m in 2016. 2014 to 2018. The growth in the established data
Much of the enthusiasm is based around the centre market continues as cloud computing and the
technology’s adoption by the electric vehicle (EV) Internet of Things gathers pace, as server, storage
and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) markets. Analyst and networking supplies are expected to grow 24%
Yole Developpement predicts a ramp-up to start in from 2014 to 2018. Together with the growth in
2016, ahead of an estimated 80% CAGR in 2020. mobile phone power supplies, projected to increase
8% this year, strong data communications in general,
Ahead of this growth, the Power GaN Market and industrial applications, the 2% annual decline
report, believes that the power supply segment in the same period for power supplies for desktop
will dominate next year to 2018, and could PCs and notebooks, should not make a dent in the
represent half of device sales. general optimism.

The use of GaN technology in other applications

such as wind turbines, vehicles, rail traction, PV
inverters will have to be subject to price restrictions
– these markets are particularly cost-sensitive. The
analyst reckons that GaN will reach conversion
efficiency and price parity with silicon by 2018 in Caroline Hayes,
motor control initially. It even speculates that in the Editor

4 electronicspecifier.com
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Industrial power

Generate negative output voltages

from a positive input voltage
Industrial control equipment such as PLCs (programmable logic controllers),
I/O modules, mass flow controllers, and other industrial systems need to
process analogue signals in order to accomplish their intended function,
explain, Dipankar Mitra and Ramesh Giri, Maxim Integrated.

Figure 1: Schematic for a +18V to +30V/-15V

positive-to-negative output voltage converter
using the MAX17502.

a synchronous inverting buck-

boost converter.

The operating principle behind

this circuit can be understood by
examining Figure 2 and Figure
3 which illustrate the step-
down converter and inverting
Typically these analogue signal-processing buck-boost converter. The configuration of
circuits require both positive and negative supply switches S1, S2 and filter components Lo and
voltages such as ±5, ±12, ±15V generated from Co is identical. The difference between the two
a 24V DC bus. configurations lies in the terminal voltages that
are defined as input and output voltages of the
High-voltage synchronous step-down converters converter.
with integrated MOSFETs offer a compact,
high-efficiency to generate the positive output In the step-down converter of Figure 2, the
voltage rail. The same synchronous step- terminal voltage VAC is defined as the input
down converters can be used to also generate
negative output voltage rails. Using these
techniques the system designer can generate
both rails using the same device, thus reducing
the number of parts to stock. A -15V output
voltage application demonstrates how this can
be done, using the MAX17502 synchronous
step-down converter as an example.

Operating principle
Figure 1 shows the schematic of a MAX17502
synchronous step-down converter configured as Figure 2: Simplified schematic of the synchronous step-down converter.

6 electronicspecifier.com
Industrial power

Figure 5: Load and line regulation of output voltage

Figure 3: Simplified schematic of the synchronous Since the terminal B is defined as the ground
inverting buck-boost converter.
of this circuit, VCB is obtained as a negative
voltage with respect to the ground terminal
voltage (VIN) and output is obtained at the B. In general, in the absence of other IC
terminal voltage VBC (VOUT). Switch S1 design constraints, a synchronous step-down
turns ON and uses VAC to store energy in converter can be employed as an inverting
the inductor Lo, while also delivering energy buck-boost converter.
to the output capacitor Co. Then S1 turns
OFF, at which point S2 is closed, to continue Power-supply
delivering energy stored in Lo to the output specifications
capacitor Co. Since the terminal C is defined
as the ground of this circuit, VBC is obtained The requirements for the example power supply
as a positive voltage with respect to the of Figure 1 are operating input voltage (VIN):
ground terminal C. 24V ±6V; an output voltage (VOUT) of -15V; an
output current (IOUT), maximum of 500mA; a
In the inverting buck-boost converter of Figure steady-state input ripple voltage (VIN_RIPPLE)
3, the terminal voltage VAB is defined as the of 1% of nominal VIN and a steady-state output
input voltage (VIN), and output is obtained at ripple voltage (VOUT_RIPPLE) which is 1% of
the terminal voltage VCB (VOUT). Switch S1 nominal VOUT
turns ON and uses VAB to store energy in
the inductor Lo. Then S1 turns OFF, at which Figure 4, left, shows the efficiency versus load
point S2 is closed, to continue delivering current performance for the Max17502G-based
energy stored in Lo to the output capacitor Co. inverting synchronous buck-boost converter.

The buck-boost converter is available in a 10pin,

3 x 2mm TDFN and 14pin 5 x 4.4mm TSSOPs
with an industrial operating temperature range
of -40 to +125ºC. As well as industrial process
control, the converter can be used in automotive,
basestation, VOIP and telecomms equipment as
well as HVAC and building control.

Figure 4: Efficiency vs. load current. www.maximintegrated.com/AN5775

electronicspecifier.com 7

CompactPCI takes
on the smart grid
CompactPCI technology is playing a role in evolving the electricity
network’s transmission and distribution, data collection and communication,
applications and services. Smart grid technology deployment is taking place on
all these levels in an attempt to modernise the network and respond to ongoing
changes, while meeting the requirements of safety, quality and stability.

Smart grid technologies cover many application cost, helping renewable energy compete against
areas, from production and transport to user- other power sources. HVDC is also used to
specific distribution. A variety of technologies connect offshore wind farms and its transmission
is required to optimise the operation of the is used to import and export electricity as it
electrical system and provide advanced enhances system stability, allowing the operator
interfaces for better decision making. These better control over power flow.
include power electronics, sensing and
measurement, communications, and advanced In the future, wide area monitoring systems are
control. Some of the technologies required are expected to reduce the number of catastrophic
still under development, such as fault tolerance, blackouts and generally improve the reliability and
superconductivity, power storage and the security of energy production, transmission, and
deployment of more intelligent devices, while distribution, particularly in power networks with
others are considered mature and are already a high level of operational uncertainties. Finally,
being deployed. at the data collection and communication level,
supervisory control and data acquisition systems
One of the biggest difficulties lies in the ability to (SCADA) analyse real-time grid conditions,
maintain or improve the reliability and security providing data for fast power adjustments.
of the existing power grid while introducing new
technologies. In electrical transmission, advanced Power substations
smart grid devices enable existing transmission Power substations transform the
lines to deliver maximum power and help stabilise voltages produced
the grid with precise power control. High-voltage in generating
direct current (HVDC) has emerged as the stations to a
preferred technology for moving large amounts of higher one for
power across long distances, resulting in overall transmission and
higher efficiency than equivalently-sized AC then back to a lower
systems. one ready for use in
schools, local businesses and
Higher efficiency means a lower transmission homes. As these substations are

8 electronicspecifier.com

Figure 1: MIC-3396 6U CompactPCI board.

noise interference and to eliminate

ground loops, a radial, fibre optic
communications system connects the
individual bays to a central data server
in the control room. The server typically
provides a visual description of alarms
generally along with a monitoring system data
situated very close and connects via LAN, WAN, or modem
to populated areas, electricity to allow remote access and the overall
companies must take care to ensure that substation performance to be assessed.
they are physically secure. Today, control Fibre communications also allow an increased
systems provide increased automation and number of higher definition video surveillance
monitoring of conditions at substations and cameras to be installed at many unmanned
often make use of fibre-optic communications power substations for enhanced monitoring
for high-bandwidth transmission between and control purposes in addition to a
the central control room and substations. traditional SCADA application monitoring data
Modular circuit breaker monitoring systems, and alarms.
for example, are designed to facilitate all the
measurements associated with the operation CompactPCI
of a substation’s switchgear bay. The CompactPCI is a high performance, industrial
monitoring equipment in the local control bays bus, based on the standard PCI electrical
is close to the transducers and other signal specification in rugged three- or 6U Eurocard
sources while all of the bay data is transmitted packaging, and unlike its desktop cousin, uses
along a fibre cable using TCP/IP. Overall this a 2mm metric pin and socket connector that
makes wiring simpler and provides a flexible meets IEC and Bellcore standards. Boards
interface for the connection of most substation are inserted from the front of the chassis and
and external networks. CompactPCI-based I/O can be routed from the front panel (or the
industrial computer system and data rear) making it suitable for installation, cabling
acquisition cards can provide the and maintenance requirements in substations.
data capture and storage CompactPCI supports eight slots, allowing
facility required for additional processing or I/O to be added as
substation monitoring. required.
A range of transducers
provides the input to Just like in the telecommunications sector,
signal conditioning several power and energy OEMs have
modules, which provide adapted proprietary systems to integrate with
data to the acquisition cards. CompactPCI technology in a proprietary fashion.
The modules set off alarms This allows them to leverage commercial
in the event of performance limits technology for faster development and timely
being exceeded. In order to overcome upgrades. It also gives them the ability to
upgrade quickly in case of component or
Figure 2: MIC-3328 3U CompactPCI PlusIO board. manufacturer obsolescence.

electronicspecifier.com 9

Companies like Advantech apply solid lifecycle front, rear and PICMG 2.16 ports.
management to handle component obsolescence
and step in when a key supplier announces the Another board, the MIC-3328 3U CompactPCI
end of a product line; to supply a board that PlusIO board provides legacy CompactPCI
meets the same form, fit and function. They also connectivity via an onboard bridge and offers an
provide long term technology support and timely I/O migration path to PICMG2.30 PlusIO. The
new product introductions so that customers can board maintains backwards compatibility and
choose when to upgrade equipment based on interoperability with legacy systems, with GbE,
strategy and market demands, ahead of silicon PCI express, USB and SATA serial interfaces
end-of-life scenarios. available for use on a rear transition module or on
a hybrid backplane supporting legacy I/O cards
Customised COTS (C2OTS) as well as CompactPCI Serial peripheral cards.
No two suppliers’ CompactPCI boards are With full backwards compatibility to CompactPCI,
exactly the same. Features differ, for example a customer investments stay protected while
missing I/O port or connector, or custom IPMI platform enhancements and innovation can
which are implemented on one board but not on take place, with support for industrial Ethernet
another. In this case, Advantech’s “Customized protocols such as ProfiNet, EtherCAT and
COTS” programme comes into action. The Powerlink is available via
company designs standard products with a
view to customsation later. The processes
are tailored to support the “Customized
COTS” business model. It offers
more flexibility by supporting
changes ranging from
branding, cost optimisation,
mechanical and schematic
changes, as well as the
integration of a customer’s Figure 3: CPCI-8220 intelligent I/O carrier for
maximum single-slot I/O density and low power.
proprietary IP.

For applications which also require processing the broad PICMG ecosystem of suppliers.
intensive tasks such as workstation graphics and
encryption, the MIC-3396 6U CompactPCI SBC For harsh environmental conditions, the CPCI-
supports Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processor SKUs 8220 is an intelligent I/O carrier board based on
in 22nm technology and an Intel QM87 PCH with the multi-core Freescale QorIQ P2040 processor.
embedded graphics for up to three independent The two PMC/XMC slots offer the highest single
displays. It fits in a single 4HP slot with up board density available designed to support high
to 8Gbyte of on-board ECC DDR3 memory performance mezzanine cards.
expandable to 16Gbyte via an SO-UDIMM
module. I/O expansion is ensured by a PMC/XMC The strategies have been adapted to deliver
slot while mass storage is available with onboard complex CompactPCI products based on
2.5inch SATA-III and Cfast support. On-board standard off-the-shelf models which can be
Flash and RTM-based SATA-III storage options tailored to meet customers’ specific needs.
are also available. Independent GbE ports offer
integration options with dual GbE connectivity to www.advantech.com

10 electronicspecifier.com

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Power Measurement

The search for energy efficiency:

how accurate are your power measurements?
Energy efficiency is the most common discussion point in all forms of sustainable
energy. Hafeez Najumudeen, Yokogawa Europe, says whenever this topic is
discussed the importance of power measurement goes to the top of the priority list.

Manufacturers today offer a wide range of Some product manufacturers use typical values in
power measuring instruments, but how best their published data, yet typical values are usually
to decide which parameters are relevant to a a reference value based on what a manufacturer
specific application? Some factors can affect the expects from the product. This is why many
accuracy of power measurements and present manufacturers’ specifications for typical values
the need for accurate energy-efficiency testing. are much better than the guaranteed values;
Yokogawa power analysers, when calibrated,
Power accuracy provide accuracies which are five to 10 times
To increase the energy efficiency of a product - better than the published specifications.
even by a few decimal points - is an important
goal and a major challenge for manufacturers. To Measurement range
validate small improvements in efficiency, R&D Yokogawa is the only power analyser
teams need to understand the total accuracy or manufacturer to specify the measurement
uncertainty of their power analysers. For example, range for their products. The uncertainty of a
customers evaluate power analysers with respect power measurement varies depending on the
to voltage and current uncertainty, but what measurement range, and so the accuracy value
they should really be looking at is the power should specify the range over which it is valid. For
uncertainty. In addition, when considering power example, the power accuracy of the Yokogawa
accuracy, the evaluation should consider the WT3000 is valid from one to 130% of the
basic parameters and also others such as crest measurement range (Figure 1). Without specifying
factor, phase angle error, temperature range, the measurement range, it is difficult to know
warm-up time, stability period and common- whether the accuracy values are valid only at a
mode rejection. single point, or at a few points of the range.

12 electronicspecifier.com
Power Measurement

Harmonic measurement is another area where measure the input signal with a peak value three
it is important to specify the accuracy in the or six times larger than that of the rated range
context of the application. Every Yokogawa power value. (See Figure 2.)
analyser has an additional oscillator dedicated
to PLL (phase-locked loop) measurement which If the input RMS value is lower than the rated
provides high-precision harmonic measurement. range value, the power meter can measure
With the help of this dedicated oscillator and DSP signals with a larger crest factor. The WT series
(digital signal processing), the frequency spectrum can display values when the signal is more than
can be analysed up to the 500th order harmonic 0.5% of the rated range value. If the input RMS
(depending on the instrument) simultaneously with value is 0.5% of the rated range and input peak
the normal measurement. It is also possible for the value is three times larger than the rated range
company to specify the accuracy of the harmonic value, the crest factor becomes 600. If an input
analysis; this is, says the company, not the case exceeding the value shown in the specifications
with many other manufacturers. is measured, the peak area of the waveform is
clipped to cause an error. Therefore a crest factor
Accuracy calculations are usually done using of three means that the maximum allowable input
sine waves at 50 to 60Hz and a power factor of is three times the input rated RMS value. (If the
one, which means that all the energy supplied range was defined using the peak value like other
by the source is consumed by the load. The manufacturers, says the company. Note that this
basic accuracy for voltage, current and power is is 1% of the range and therefore the accuracy
specified as a percentage of the measured value specification is also still valid.)
and a percentage of the measurement range,
defined with respect to the peak, or RMS, values. Some power meters use RMS measurement
In order to understand the measurement range ranges and others use peak measurement ranges.
error, it is important to understand the effects of Relating the accuracy information to peak values
the crest factor: defined as the ratio of the peak looks impressive, yet, the accuracy value of 0.1%
value to the effective RMS value of the waveform. from the peak measurement range corresponds to
0.3% of the RMS measurement range at a crest
Crest factor factor of three. For active power calculation, the
For a power meter, crest factor is significant multiplication of voltage and current (and power
in two ways: as the specification of the power factor) will enhance the effect dramatically.
meter, as it shows the capability of the instrument
to measure correctly, irrespective of how much Zero-crossing detection
the waveform is distorted. As the measurement For accurate power measurement, it is necessary
of the crest factor of the input voltage or current for the power analyser to have accurate zero-
of an input signal, it provides an indication of the crossing detection. Yokogawa power analysers
quality of the input signal. have frequency-measuring hardware for
zero-crossing detection which identifies the
For a measuring instrument, the crest factor fundamental frequencies in the PWM (pulse-
expresses the extent of the dynamic range for width-modulated) signals. This is achieved by
an input signal. The crest factor is defined as the using the “average for the synchronous source
value of the dynamic range based on the rated period” synchronisation technique.
range value. For example, the crest factors of
Yokogawa power meters are usually given as For complex PWM signals which have many
three or six. This means that it is possible to harmonics, alternative measurement methods that

electronicspecifier.com 13
Power Measurement

determine the zero crossing by means of software

cannot achieve high measurement accuracy for
current, voltage and active power. To get precise
measurements of the effective power, it is essential
to ensure that the current and voltage samples
are synchronised, especially when low power
factors and/or high frequencies are involved. The
instantaneous values of power are then integrated
within the defined measurement interval to get the
effective electrical power which can be displayed
as a waveform or numeric depending on the
customer’s preference.

Phase error
Every power meter has a phase error associated
with it. The voltage and current inputs fed to the Figure 2: The effect of crest factor.
ADCs are not normally in phase, resulting in a
phase error which is represented in the active input terminals are connected to each other; the
power formula for pure sine waveforms as: reference point is the device ground. Ideally, this
should have no influence on the measurement
P = (Vrms) * (Irms) * cos (φ ± δ) result, but in fact leakage causes an interference
where δ is the phase error. voltage as a function of the symmetry of the
input circuit. In practical terms, the noise voltage
One of the key challenges in current measurement superimposed on the signal to be measured
occurs when a current shunt is used. The current leads to errors. Common-mode noise is
shunt is a relatively large component with low present in inverter style applications because
inductance and parasitic capacitances. This causes of high voltage potentials with high-frequency
a small phase shift and therefore the current components to ground. (Yokogawa power
undergoes an additional delay. The transition of this analysers have their CMRR specified and can be
process into the digital world, while it has no effect used while calculating the uncertainties.)
on the RMS voltage or current or the apparent
power, does influence the measurement of active Temperature effects
power, and hence the power factor. A power Another factor that affects the accuracy of
factor of 0.1 causes a phase error of 0.1° and an a power analyser is temperature. Yokogawa
additional active power error of 1.6%. This phase uncertainty specifications are specified at 23°C
shift must be specified by the manufacturers of ±5°C. A lower figure adds uncertainty. It is always
power analysers. Yokogawa specifications consider recommended to have the unit calibrated at
all possible boundary conditions that can lead to a regular intervals.
phase angle error or measurement error, and are
included in the calculations. Yokogawa is the only industrial (i.e. non-
government or national) organisation to offer
Common-mode rejection ratio traceability up to 100kHz, and to have a
The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) refers European calibration laboratory.
to unwanted input signals common to both
input leads of the voltage input. Here, the two www.yokogawa.com

14 electronicspecifier.com
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Energy Harvesting

What does energy

harvesting really mean?
The portable power application space
is broad and diverse, from wireless
sensor nodes (WSNs) that consume
µW to data acquisition systems with
multi-hundred W/h battery packs.
More power is demanded to support
increased functionality, explains
Tony Armstrong, Linear Technology,
which would imply increasing battery

These increased capacities must be charged photovoltaic cells, yield power levels on the order
in a reasonable amount of time, which leads to of mW under typical operating conditions. While
increased charge currents. The battery charging such power levels may appear restrictive, the
needs to handle a broad range of input sources operation of harvesting elements over a number
and power. of years can mean that the technologies are
broadly comparable to long-life primary batteries,
At the low end of the power spectrum are the both in terms of energy provision and the cost/
nanopower conversion requirements of energy energy unit provided. Systems incorporating
harvesting systems such as those commonly energy harvesting are typically capable of
found in WSNs that necessitate the use of power recharging after depletion, something that
conversion ICs, which deal in very low levels of systems powered by primary batteries cannot
power and current. These can be 10s of µW and do. Nevertheless, most implementations will use
nanoA of current, respectively. an ambient energy source as the primary power
source, but will supplement it with a primary
Energy harvesting technologies, for example battery that can be switched in if the ambient
in vibration energy harvesting and indoor energy source goes away or is disrupted.

16 electronicspecifier.com
Energy Harvesting

Energy harvesting WSN with the right voltage level and current. The
The conventional approach for energy harvesting downstream electronics generally consist of a
has been through solar panels and wind microcontroller, a sensor and a transceiver.
generators. However, new harvesting tools allow
us to produce electrical energy from ambient When trying to implement WSNs, how
sources. It is not the energy conversion efficiency much power is needed to operate, seems
of the circuits that is important, but rather the straightforward. However, factors to consider are
amount of average harvested energy that is how frequently does a reading need to be taken?
available to power it. For instance, thermoelectric More importantly, how large will the data packet
generators convert heat (or cold) into electricity, be and how far does it need to be transmitted?
piezo elements convert mechanical vibration, This is due to the transceiver consuming
photovoltaics convert sunlight (or any photon approximately 50% of the energy used by the
source) and galvanics convert energy from system for a single sensor reading.
moisture. This makes it possible to power
remote sensors, or to charge a storage device Establishing metrics
such as a capacitor or thin film battery, so that a The energy provided by the energy harvesting
microprocessor or transmitter can be powered source depends on how long the source is in
from a remote location without a local power operation. Therefore, the primary metric for
source. comparison of scavenged sources is power
density, not energy density. Energy harvesting is
IC performance characteristics needed for the generally subject to low, variable and unpredictable
alternative energy market include low standby levels of available power so a hybrid structure that
quiescent currents, typically less than 6µA and interfaces to the harvester and a secondary power
as low as 450nA, low start-up voltages, as low reservoir is often used. The harvester, because of
as 20mV, high input voltage capability, up to its unlimited energy supply and deficiency in power,
34V continuous and 40V transients, the ability to is the energy source of the system. The secondary
handle AC inputs, multiple output capability and power reservoir, either a battery or a capacitor,
autonomous system power management, auto- yields higher output power, but stores less energy,
polarity operation, maximum power point control supplying power when required but otherwise
(MPPC) for solar inputs and the ability to harvest regularly receiving charge from the harvester. In
energy from 1°C delta and compact footprints situations where there is no ambient energy from
with minimal external components. which to harvest power, the secondary power
reservoir must be used to power the WSN. System
WSNs consist of a transducer to convert the designers must now take into consideration how
ambient energy source into an electrical signal, much energy must be stored in the secondary
usually followed by a DC/DC converter and reservoir to compensate for the lack of an ambient
manager to supply the downstream electronics energy source. Factors include the length of time

electronicspecifier.com 17
Energy Harvesting

these low power levels. While this has already

been attained with the transceivers and
microcontrollers, there has been a void on the
power conversion side of the equation.

Linear Technology has introduced the LTC3330

specifically to address this requirement. It delivers
up to 125mA of continuous output current to
extend battery life when harvestable energy is
available. It requires no supply current from the
battery when providing regulated power to the
LTC3330 Typical Application load from harvested energy, and only 750nA,
operating when powered from the battery under
the ambient energy source is absent, the duty no-load conditions. It integrates a high voltage
cycle of the WSN (that is the frequency with which energy harvesting power supply, a synchronous
a data reading and transmission has to be made), buck-boost DC/DC converter when powered
the size and type of secondary reservoir (capacitor, by a primary cell battery to create a single
supercapacitor or battery) and enough ambient non-interruptible output for energy harvesting
energy available to act as both the primary energy applications such as those in WSNs.
source with sufficient energy left to charge up a
secondary reservoir when it is not available for a It allows the battery operated WSN to extend
specified period. its operating life from 10 years to over 20 years

Ambient energy sources can produce an

electrical charge through a transducer, including
light, heat differentials, vibrating beams and
transmitted RF signals. These power levels can
be used for aircraft corrosion sensors, auto
dimming windows, bridge monitors, building
automation, electricity meters, gas sensors,
health monitors, HVAC controls, light switches,
remote pipeline monitors and water meters.

Solar power
One abundant source of energy comes from Extended Battery Life with Energy Harvesting
solar power. As it is variable and unreliable, nearly
all solar-powered devices feature rechargeable if a suitable energy harvesting power source is
batteries. An important goal would be to extract available at least half of the time - and longer if
as much solar power as possible to charge the energy harvesting source is more prevalent.
batteries quickly and to maintain their state of A Tadiran ‘C’ cell costs around $16, so the costs
charge for use as an energy source when solar to swap them out with manpower are significant.
power is not available. Alternatively, a user could use a smaller (shorter
life) battery and lower the overall system cost.
WSNs have low levels of energy available.
Components used must be able to deal with www.linear.com

18 electronicspecifier.com
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Energy efficiency

An unconventional answer
to reduced designs
The growing number of electronic controller and a
applications has its price, writes separate PFC circuit
which can be
Raimund Wagner, product marketing
problematic in
manager at Rohm Semiconductor regard to the
Europe. As power shortages increase, assembly on
the need for more energy saving the PCB space
efficiency in electronic devices of and the power supply
all kinds becomes apparent. size.

There is a multitude of power supply models; all To overcome these problems, Rohm
have the same nominal real goal - to keep the has developed an efficient AC/DC
dissipated power as low as possible. converter which integrates the PFC and QR
controller in a single package. These features are
Devices featuring more than 75W usually require suitable for 100W-class amenities such as TV
a PFC (power factor correction) controller to and industrial power supplies.
control harmonics, i.e. voltage peaks of the input
stream or a multiple of the current/voltage of the BM1C001F (Figure 1) features an integrated HV
basic frequency which can be harmful for other starter circuit up to 650V which - despite the high
devices. speed - requires low power consumption. The
module is the first one to offer an on/off function
The PFC controller reduces harmonic current by or a setting to integrate a new PFC output control
reducing the power factor (of the power supply) method in the PFC controller. This improves the
to nearly one. The implementation of these in conversion efficiency at light loads and reduces
devices of 75W or higher is mandatory in Europe. the standby power significantly. It monitors the
However, the use of this boundary conduction power load on the secondary side and switches
mode (BCM) can have a negative impact on on/off the PFC control, i.e. in areas where PFC
efficiency. control is not required (below 75W).

Also, to reduce design and evaluation loads while With an efficiency of 89% at 100V AC (85mW)
enabling easy repair, power supply adapters are and 89.5% efficiency at 230V AC (190mW),
currently progressing in 100W-class equipment the deployment of these ICs in power supplies
such as large LCD TVs. enables compliance with the latest international
energy standard Energy Star 6.0 which came
Conventional solutions combine an AC/DC into force in June 2013 and which demands an
converter with integrated quasi-resonant (QR) efficiency of 88% in standby mode.

20 electronicspecifier.com
Energy efficiency

It is expected that the conditions for electronic

devices continue to become more restrictive
so that components for efficient power-
saving measures such as this device become
increasingly necessary. This proprietary PFC
output control method generally achieves high
efficiency, even though the input AC voltages vary
depending on the country/region.

Regional coverage
For AC input voltage varying by region, in order
to be as constant as possible boosting ratio by
changing the PFC output voltage, PFC is
switching the output voltage by AC 240V voltage. The Vcc charge function stabilises the
or AC 100V-based systems. The PFC secondary output voltage by charging it from the
output voltage is changed from 400 to high voltage line using the starter circuit when
260V in the case of AC 100V-based input, the Vcc voltage drops. Vcc UVLO as well as Vcc
improving efficiency. This feature detects if OVP are auto recovery comparators that have
the system is AC 240V or AC 100V based on voltage hysteresis. Vcc OVP operates detection
number and voltage level of the AC waveform in case of continuous Vcc pin voltage, masking
input. In case it determines the 240V system the pin generated surge etc. Overheating protection
PFC changes the GM amplifier reference and the is provided by a NTC thermistor attached to the
PFC output is changed from 260 to 400V. COMP pin so that latching can be stopped when
overheating occurs (see Figure 2.)
Conventional PFC ICs provide a constant output
voltage which can lead to higher switching Switch technology
losses. This PFC controller method provides An integrated quasi-resonant fly-back converter
an output voltage that is optimised along with allows for smooth switching, thus reducing
the input AC voltage which means it provides switching losses and keeping the EMI low. The
a voltage control mode without the need for controller provides higher conversion efficiency
auxiliary winding. This can improve the efficiency in applications with medium current levels
of 100W class power supplies by one to 2% compared to types using pulse width modulation
compared to solid PFC output solutions. (PWM). Additionally, it is claimed to reduce the
power supply noise due to resonance.
The over-voltage protection for the PFC output
protects the electrolytic capacitors by stopping The two-in-one controller design also leads to
the switching function if necessary. Other layout optimisations. The PFC and QR controller
protection features are latch protection, brown can be accommodated in a single package,
out protection, per-cycle current limitation, soft- leading to up to 20% reduction in parts,
start and over load protection. The built-in Vcc compared to traditional solutions with external
low voltage protection function, under voltage PFC circuit. The company also advocates that
lock-out and Vcc charge function operate in case the use of MOSFETs for switching and current
the Vcc voltage drops. Vcc UVLO and Vcc OVP detection resistors enables more design freedom.
monitor the Vcc pin and prevent the Vcc pin from
destroying the switching MOSFET with abnormal www.rohm.com/eu

electronicspecifier.com 21

Two-phase Ageing power MOSFETs reduce

synchronous output current in industrial
boost regulator automation
minimises Six power transistors and
component count development boards from
Efficient Power Conversion
Able to reduce peak inductor Corporation (EPC) range
and capacitor ripple currents, from 30 to 200V and reduce
the LTC3124 is a dual- RDS(on) to increase the output
phase, 3MHz, current-mode, current capability in high power
synchronous boost DC/ density DC/DC converters,
DC converter from Linear PoL converters, synchronous EPC2019 (200V) eGaN FETs
Technology. It has output rectification in DC/DC and AC/ are supported by EPC9031-
disconnect and inrush current DC converters, motor drives, EPC9035, EPC9014 and
limiting and also minimises LED lighting, and industrial low duty cycle EPC9018
component size while automation. The EPC2023 and EPC9019 half bridge
delivering lower output ripple (30V), EPC2024 (40V), development boards.
compared to an equivalent EPC2020 (60V), EPC2021
single-phase device. (80V), EPC2022 (100V) and www.epc-co.com

DC/DC converter improves

isolation performance
Claimed to deliver improved x 11.2 x 7.25mm. The modules
efficiency, isolation, and thermal feature 1.5kV DC I/O isolation
performance compared to and anti-static protection up to
previous versions, a 2W series 8kV DC. Operating temperature
Internal 2.5A/phase capable has been added to CUI’s is -40 to 105°C, for converting
switches together deliver 5A isolated DC/DC converter series. and/or isolating DC rails
of switch current. These 18V within industrial, telecomms,
switches can deliver output The unregulated PDS2-M series security, and machine control
voltages as high as 15V from is packaged in the same 8pin applications.
an input voltage range of SMT package as the existing 1W
1.8V at start-up (0.5V when PDS family and measures 12.7 Nominal inputs are 5-, 12-,
running) to 5.5V, making it 15-, and 24V DC and
suitable for super capacitor- outputs of 3.3-, 5-, 9-, 12-,
based back up power systems 15- and 24V DC. The DC/
and Li-Ion/Polymer or multicell DC converters deliver typical
NiMH applications. efficiencies up to 86%.

www.linear.com www.cui.com

22 electronicspecifier.com
Welcome to Planet e.

26th International Trade Fair for Electronic

Components, Systems and Applications years 2014
Messe München, November 11–14, 2014

Enclosed power supply enables DC/DC

accepts three-phase AC input converters are
To meet industry’s demand used DC voltage in industrial COTS-compliant
for higher power, Meanwell application field. The power
has introduced the single supply can be adjusted for Four models of military
output 5000W RST-5000 output voltage and output specification DC/DC
power supply. It has a built- current. The output voltage converters in the BOA Series,
in active PFC function, can be trimmed between 20 are military/COTS-compliant,
accepting the wide range to 120% of the rated voltage low profile, baseplate cooled
three-phase AC input and by one- to 6V DC external converters with fully regulated
providing 24 and 48V DC control signal. The output outputs of up to 500W.
output - the most frequently- current can be trimmed
between 20 to 100% of the
rated current by one to 5V
DC external control signal.


There is the BOA100m which

Low frequency MOSFETs improve has an input voltage range
noise immunity in motor drives from nine- to 38V DC and an
output power of 100W; the
Low on-state resistance 150W BOA150m with an input
(Rds(on)) is a characteristic of voltage range from 18- to 75V
the 19-strong, StrongIRFET DC; the BOA200m 200W
MOSFETs released by output version has an input
International Rectifier. They are, range of nine- to 75V DC and
says the company, designed the BOA350m 350W output
for a range of industrial model with an input voltage
applications including power density while reducing overall range from 18- to 75V DC.
tools, light electric vehicle system size and cost. Of the The converters from Stadium
(LEV) inverters, DC motor additions, the IRF7580M is Power provide regulated and
drives, Li-Ion battery pack highlighted by the company, isolated output voltages over
protection, and switched mode described as well suited the range 12, 15, 24, 28, 36
power supply secondary-side for space constrained high and 48V DC.
synchronous rectification. power industrial designs. The
Through-hole and surface MOSFETs have 3V typical Surge protection is to MIL-STD
mount packages are available, threshold voltage to improve 1275 with the option of DEF-
housed in a low profile, ultra- noise immunity, says the STAN 61-5 part 6 issue 6.
compact Medium Can (ME) company.
DirectFET package that is www.stadiumpower.co.uk
claimed to deliver high current www.irf.com

24 electronicspecifier.com

P-channel duo and two transistors Converters

extend MOSFET family integrate PMBus
Two mid-power P-channel interface
and two small-signal P- and
N-channel transistors are Claimed to be the first
intended for high-reliability, converters in the industry
extreme temperature with a PMBus interface, the
applications such as SWIFT TPS544B20 and
power conversion, power TPS544C20, 18V, 20A and
management, level translation of -30V, whereas XTR2N0525 30A synchronous DC/DC
and sensor interfaces, says and XTR2N0550 can sustain buck converters are provided
X-REL Semiconductor drain-source voltages of up to in small QFN packages and
The mid-power P-channel -50V. In each sub-family, two integrated MOSFETs, says
transistors are divided into different transistor sizes, 25 Texas Instruments. They are
two families according to and 50, are available providing designed to drive ASICs in
maximum operating voltage. two possible maximum drain space-constrained and power-
XTR2N0325 and XTR2N0350 currents. dense applications.
are intended for a maximum
operation drain-source voltage www.x-relsemi.com www.ti.com

Slim cPCI Compact AC/DC power supply

pluggable PSU targets medical use
meets PICMG Suitable for medical equipment,
the EML15 series of 15W single
Pluggable power supplies from output AC/DC power supplies
Verotec are optimised for use from XP Power comply with 3rd
in CompactPCI systems. The edition EN60601-1, ES60601-
quad output 650W unit meets 1, CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1,
PICMG 2.11 Power Interface IEC60601-1 medical safety
high power requirements on standards.
the 3.3 and 5V rails.
Each measures 62 x 30.7 x models offer common nominal
24.4mm for the open-frame output voltages from +3.3 to +
PCB mount version and offers 48V DC.
a density of 5.3W per cubic
inch. Eight single output www.xppower.com

Long-life batteries are ‘paper thin’

Rechargeable batteries from rapidly from a 4.2V charging
STMicroelectronics are less circuit, says the company, and
than 0.25mm thick. The solid- displays low capacity loss as
state, lithium EnFilm batteries well as long cycle life allowing
measure 25.7 x 25.7mm some 10 years of use if charged
The slimline 6U 8HP 160mm and just 220µm in thickness. once per day. It is RoHS-
unit has two independent Surface-mount terminals for compliant and UL certified,
converters operating in direct attachment to the circuit satisfies UN tests and criteria
parallel. This enables it to board eliminate wires and for battery transportation,
simultaneously provide 80A at connectors. With 3.9V nominal meets IEC 62133 safety
5V and 70A at 3.3V. The 12V voltage and 0.7mAh capacity, specifications, and meets the
output is rated at 7A, the -12V the EFL700A39 recharges ISO7816/IEC10373 mechanical
one at 1.5A. Input voltage is and flexibility standards for
auto-ranging 90 to 264V AC, smartcards, wireless sensor
47 to 63Hz. Active power nodes, RFID tags, smart
factor correction achieves a cards, wearable technology,
full load power factor of 0.95 non-implantable medical
at 220V AC. Efficiency is monitors, and back-up
greater than 80% at full load. or storage for energy-
harvesting devices.

26 electronicspecifier.com

Programmable DC supply Buck controller

suits benchtop, embedded, enhances
and manufacturing test transient
Models in the 2260B series
from Keithley include two 360W Designed to enhance
and two 720W programmable transient response and output
DC power supplies. They accuracy for low-voltage
are designed for benchtop, regulation in notebooks and
embedded, and manufacturing PCs, the AP3591 single
test applications that demand phase, synchronous step-
higher power and performance. 2260B-80-27 can output up to down controller from Diodes,
720W. Depending on the model operates at a resistor-
The 360W Model 2260B-30- it can source up to 80V or 72A. programmed fixed frequency
36 and the Model 2260B-80- Each has a programmable between 100 to 700kHz.
13 programmable DC power output resistance up to 5.9Ÿ
supplies source a range of to simulate a battery’s internal
voltage and currents. For higher resistance.
power requirements, the Model
2260B-30-72 and the Model www.keithley.com

Wireless power coil

sets comply to Qi The adaptive constant-on-time
control algorithm handles wide
coil distance and reducing I/O voltage ratios and helps
outward radiation. The round reduce external component
shape is claimed to significantly counts, says the company.
reduce the mounting space The I/O voltage ranges are
Three transmitter coils and one required. 4.5 to 26V and 0.75 to 5.5V
receiver coil have been added respectively. Output current
to Wurth Elektronik’s Wireless The 760 308 101 103 was is up to 25A.Selectable diode
Power Coils range. developed for small receivers emulation mode, automatically
(for example, hearing aids). reduces frequency and
The round transmitter coils 760 increases efficiency under
308 100 110 (A10) and 760 The dual standard receiver coil, light load conditions; and
308 100 111 (A11) comply with the 760 308 102 210 has litz a constant-frequency,
the Qi standard of the Wireless wire and ferrite fortification in continuous-conduction mode
Power Consortium (WPC). The the centre, for use with both QI avoids light load output ripple.
ferrite pot core shape offers and PMA charging stations.
tightly bundling the magnetic www.diodes.com
field, increasing the possible www.we-online.com

electronicspecifier.com 27
International Conference and Exhibition
for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion,
Renewable Energy and Energy Management

São Paulo, 14 – 15 October 2014

Power On!

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