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Application of GIS procedure for river terrace extraction from a LiDAR-based

digital elevation model: the Sava River Valley NW of Zagreb, Croatia

Preprint · January 2019

DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6


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4 authors, including:

Neven Trenc Bojan Matoš

State Institute for Nature Protection - Croatia University of Zagreb


Josipa Velić
University of Zagreb


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Application of GIS procedure for river The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin

UDC: 551.4
DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
terrace extraction from a LiDAR- based
Original scientific paper
digital elevation model: the Sava River
Valley NW of Zagreb, Croatia

Neven Trenc1; Bojan Matoš2; Josipa Velić2; Dario Perković2

Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature, Radnička cesta 80/7, 10000 Zagreb
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia, Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb

River terraces and floodplains indicate channel-sediment dynamics and represent important landform features, which
can be used to untangle the evolutionary history of climate and tectonic conditions in a certain area. With the availabil-
ity of high-resolution topographic data, it has recently become feasible to apply GIS procedures for the identification of
these subtle landform features. In this study, the TerEx Toolbox, a GIS extension for semiautomatic terrace extraction was
applied on the LiDAR based DEM of the Sava River, west of Zagreb in Croatia. The aim of this research was to compare
results obtained by TerEx to the existing geological map from the 1970s, which shows sediments of the recent flow (rou-
tinely flooded area) and two abandoned Holocene river terraces in the study area. The TerEx output was validated using
hillshaded DEM, a historical map of the study area, orthophoto imagery, topographic cross sections and field investiga-
tions. TerEx has successfully extracted Holocene terraces and risers shown on the geological map but in some parts of the
study area, their position and extent was different. The presented study shows that results obtained by TerEx, in particu-
lar if used in combination with other data sources, can effectively focus fieldwork and contribute to new unbiased inter-
pretation of terrain morphology.

fluvial morphology, terraces, Holocene, DEM, LiDAR, TerEx (GIS)

1. Introduction geomorphological information about Sava River terrac-

es in the near future. The purpose of this study was to
River terraces can morphologically be described as a test the potential of GIS technologies for terrace extrac-
staircase landform consisting of flat areas - or treads tion on the available LiDAR image of the westernmost
separated by steep risers (Hugget, 2007). Aggradational section of the river and the obtained results may repre-
(fill) terraces are typically underlain by a relatively thick sent a possible starting point for further application
layer of alluvial sediments, and the elevated position of downstream within more comprehensive research.
treads above large flood level distinguishes terrace sur- In our study, we analysed two mapped Holocene ag-
faces from the river floodplain (Pazzaglia, 2013). An gradational (fill) river terraces along the river Sava, in
early description and interpretation of river terraces as the vicinity of Zagreb in NW Croatia. The stratigraphic
erosional-sedimentational forms was given by Gilbert and sedimentological characteristics of the Quaternary
(1877) and in accordance with contemporary under- terrace sediments, composed predominately of gravel,
standing, their formation can be related (Pazzaglia, sand and loess deposits, were comprehensively studied
2013, Clement and Fuller 2007; Vandenberghe 2013) in the past decades (Šikić et al. 1972a; Velić and Saftić,
to either tectonic activity, change of the erosional base 1991; Saftić et al. 2003 with references). However, fol-
level or climate oscillations and related hydrology and lowing the completion of the basic geological map of the
sediment supply changes. This undoubtedly implies that wider area in the 1970s (Sheet Zagreb, (Šikić et al.
study of Quaternary river terrace systems formation 1972b), the spatial distribution, morphology and deposi-
mechanisms and evolution can potentially provide valu- tional history of Holocene terraces have not been the
able insight into regional tectonics, paleoclimate history subject of targeted studies. This lack and time gap in
and hydrological dynamics. continuous investigations can be partially explained by
The recent trend of LiDAR data acquisition, in par- difficulties related to the recognition of the river terraces
ticular for flood protection, may provide vast amounts of due to dense vegetation cover and human activities that
mask and reshape their morphological expressions.
Corresponding author: Neven Trenc The investigated area was predefined by available Li- DAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data (see Figure

Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 60

Figure 1: Hillshaded LiDAR DEM data of the study area NW of Zagreb.

a b c

Figure 2: Present and historical land cover river course a) orthophoto image (Geoportal DGU, 2018), b) Corine Land Cover
Map; CLC, 2012) c) Historical Map from 1869 (Mapire, 2017))

1), having a length of around 12 km, width of 5 km, and Correlative to Stout and Belmont (2013), Hopkins
a total area of around 50 km2. Recent land cover in the (2014), Del Val (2015) and Hopkins and Snyder (2016),
study area is agricultural with various levels of intensity, various tools and methods for the extraction of river ter-
while settlements are mostly situated around its edges races from high resolution digital elevation models
(see Figure 2). Woodlands and shrubs are present along (DEM) have been developed in the past decades. As an
the recent Sava River course, which passes through its example, here we concentrate on river terrace extraction
middle. The regulation of the main course of the river in using Feature Classification (Wood, 1996), the Rahnis
the past 100 years (see Figure 2) and subsequent chang- method (Walter et al. 2007), the Demoulin method (De-
es in the flow patterns in the floodplain, as well as agri- moulin et. al., 2007) that was adapted for GIS (Geo-
cultural activities, have not only changed land use but graphic Information System) (Cooley, 2015), Edge De-
have also partially obliterated the initially gentle relief tection in MATLAB (Hopkins 2014,), TerEx Toolbox
forms. The present morphology is thus the result of in- (Stout and Belmont, 2013) and the improved Demoulin
teraction between natural processes and human impact. method by Del Val (Del Val, 2015). The evaluation of

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
61 Application of GIS procedure for river terrace extraction from a LiDAR- based digital elevation model…

a b

Figure 3: a) Gentle morphology of the area with some doubtful forms near Drenje Brdovečko (Croatia),
b) High paved banks near Sava in the vicinity of the town Jesenice (Slovenia).

results (Hopkins and Snyder, 2016) obtained by three which separates the steeper mountainous part from the
methods (Rahnis Method, Feature Classification Algo- long meandering lowland section of the river down-
rithm and the TerEx) has shown that the accuracy of ter- stream. Due to the vicinity of the state border, the area of
race mapping generally decreases in the areas of low the upstream watershed can be approximated as 12,000
relief and that all methods overestimate the terrace area. km2 and the upstream length of the river as 300 km based
Advantages of the TerEx Toolbox (Stout and Belmont on available data for the Sava catchment portion in Slo-
2013, Hopkins and Snyder, 2016) include its ability to venia (Babić-Mladenović et al. 2013; ISRBC, 2014).
extract the area of the terraces and the elevation above As calculated from LiDAR data, the studied Sava River
the river channel segment, applicability in more com- section, positioned approximately 700 river kilometres
plex settings and relative accuracy. Another advantage from the mouth (rkm), has a slope of 0.83 ‰ and flows
of the results obtained by the TerEx extension is that through a relatively wide valley (around 5 km). The up-
they can be improved through manual editing and fine- stream, confined mountain section has the characteris-
tuning of input parameters. tics of a braided river and a slope of 2 ‰ and more
The TerEx extension was chosen for this study since (Babić-Mladenović et al., 2013). The closest down-
it mapped the river terraces in a way that was GIS acces- stream section has an average elevation fall of less than
sible, allowing correlation of the obtained results with 0.2 ‰, flows through a 12 km wide floodplain, and can
the available geological maps, and has already been test- be classified as a meandering river. Further downstream
ed in river valleys of various sizes and characteristics from Rugvica, rkm 658 to Belgrade, rkm 0 (the mouth to
(Stout and Belmont, 2013; Hopkins and Snyder, Danube), the slope is close to 0.05‰ (Babić-Mladenović
2016). The aim of the conducted research was to extract et al., 2013). The distinct hydrography of the studied
the extent of Sava Holocene terraces from the acquired section visible on 19th century maps (1806-1869) before
high resolution LiDAR dataset using the TerEx proce- major regulations (MAPIRE, 2017) shows several
dure and compare the obtained results to an existing geo- strong anastomosing river channels, separated by large
logical map. This continuation of the study confirms the vegetated islands. Together with the section position on
already achieved preliminary results but performs (see the transition between the braided and the meandering
Trenc et al. 2017) more through quantitative and geo- part of Sava River, it suggests (Schwarz, 2016) that the
morphological interpretation of the output of semiauto- Sava in this section should be classified as a laterally ac-
matic procedure. tive gravel dominated anabranching type river (Nanson
and Knighton, 1995).
1.1 Site Description The studied area has a gentle slope towards the south-
east that follows the slope of the river. The elevation
The Sava River has a length of almost 950 km (Babić- ranges from 140 m in the western edge to 120 m on the
Mladenović et al. 2013) and flows from its source in the eastern side of the study area, with an average elevation
Slovenian Alps to the east through Croatia, Bosnia and of 130 m (see Figure 3a). The most striking features are
Herzegovina and Serbia until it reaches its mouth in the the recent regulated sinuous Sava course with paved
Danube. Its catchment is one of the biggest in the Dan- banks and some embankments, deepened by accelerated
ube River basin and has an area of almost 97,700 km2. erosion and the elevated treads on both sides of the river,
The studied section is 12 km long and positioned at the which shape a shallow valley (see Figure 3b). Other
major knick point near Zagreb (the City of Podsused), morphological features such as remnants of terrace ris-

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 62

ers, active and abandoned creeks (mostly artificially activity of NW-SE striking reverse faults and reversely
deepened), some small depressions such as old oxbow reactivated faults (Prelogović et al. 1998; Tomljenović
lakes have relief up to several meters. Gravel extraction and Csontos, 2001; Fodor et al. 1999), formation of
lakes with depths up to 10 m are located in the area. fold belts and formation of positive flower structures
The Quaternary tectonic and geological evolution of (Prelogović et al. 1998; Tomljenović and Csontos,
the Sava Depression, i.e., Sava River Valley has been 2001; Matoš, 2014). In this final tectonic stage in the
studied in detail by numerous authors in the past several evolution of the Sava Depression, sediment deposition
decades (Šikić et al. 1972a; Velić and Saftić, 1991; was restricted to lacustrine remnants of Lake Pannon,
Velić and Durn, 1993, Velić et al. 2002; Saftić et al. marshes, and a few alluvial systems. This resulted in
2003 with references). The NW-SE striking Sava River variable sediment succession thicknesses ranging be-
Valley in Croatia is c. 560 km long and bordered by insel- tween a few tenths of meters to more than 1500 m of
bergs (max. elevations of ≤800 m) of Mt. Medvednica, Pliocene, Pleistocene and Holocene clastics (see Figure
Moslavačka Gora, and Slavonian Mts. in the NE, where- 4; Velić et al. 2002; Saftić et al. 2003, with references).
as to the SW it is bordered by the Žumberačko and Samo- During the Quaternary period, deposition of the poorly
borsko gorje, Prosara and Motajica Mts. (see Figure 4). consolidated sediments was highly influenced by sedi-
The tectonic evolution of the Sava River Valley, i.e., ment influx by the Sava River generally conditioned by
Sava Depression is associated with the evolution of the an interchange of glacial and interglacial stages.
SW Pannonian Basin through the Neogene and Quater- The present Sava flow was formed at the beginning of
nary, which was characterized by complex tectonic the Holocene due to the subsidence along the faults with
phases. Lithospheric extension began in Early to Late Dinaric NW-SE orientation and disintegration of the
Miocene (c. 26-11.5 Ma) due to “back-arc-type” exten- Neogene and Lower Pleistocene structures trending in
sion of the Pannonian Basin System (PBS). Extension the NE- SW direction west of Zagreb. Opening of the
and formation of the Sava Depression and other dep- Krško gorge (at the western edge of the studied area)
ocenters in the SW Pannonian Basin were accommodat- permitted formation of the present Sava flow and trans-
ed along NNW-striking listric normal and strike-slip portation of the limestone rich fluvial material from Alps
faults that resulted in NE-SW extension (Royden et al. downstream. The difference in the composition of the
1983; Horváth et al. 2006). Extension yielded initial Quartz – Quartzite Pliocene pebbles which had a source
deposition of synrift sediment successions (c. 26-6.5 in surrounding elevated areas when compared to the
Ma) that involved alluvial and freshwater lake clastics limestone rich Holocene gravels transported by the river
(Ottnangian-Karpatian in age), which eventually due to Sava indicates the age of Sava alluvium and constricts
Badenian marine inundation evolved into breccia-con- the age of the two younger terraces to Holocene (Šikić et
glomerates and coarse grained sandstones, and locally al. 1972a; Velić and Saftić, 1991; Velić and Durn,
lithothamnion and bioclastic limestones (Lučić et al. 1993, Velić et. Al. 1999, Saftić et al. 2003, Baketarić
2001; Velić et al. 2002; Saftić et al. 2003). Besides tec- and Cvetković, 2015)
tonic inversion that commenced at the end of Middle As a result, two Holocene aggradational alluvial ter-
Miocene (c. 13.0-11.6 Ma; Velić et al. 2002; Saftić et races (see Figure 4) formed in the studied river section
al. 2003; Malvić and Velić, 2011), during the Late Mio- during the Quaternary (additional older Pleistocene ter-
cene to early Pliocene (c. 11.5-5.3 Ma) lithosphere cool- race is situated upstream), with c. 30 to 115 m total sedi-
ing and deepening of the PBS accommodated further ment thickness separated by terrace risers <2m (see
deposition of shallowing upward sequences consisting Šikić et al. 1972b for details). The constructed Sava
of delta-related clastics in the shallower and deep-water River terraces (see Figure 4) are mostly composed of
turbidites in the deepest parts (Royden and; Tomljenović medium to course-grained gravels and well-rounded
and Csontos, 2001; Saftić et al. 2003). pebbles of limestones, and to a lesser extent of sand and
Prevailing extension, transtension and deepening of silt (Velić and Saftić, 1991, Velić and Durn, 1993). The
existing depocentres was gradually replaced with trans- youngest Holocene Sava River terrace sediments are in
pression and compression during the Pliocene and Qua- some portion, in its uppermost sections also influenced
ternary periods. This regional change in stress regime by the re-deposition of Holocene loess deposits (Šikić et
was associated with continuing convergence between al. 1972a; Velić and Saftić, 1991; Velić and Durn,
the Adria microplate and European plate, and NE-ward 1993 Saftić et al. 2003 with references). In the area
translation and CCW rotation of the Adria microplate along the Sava River course, the geological map also in-
(e.g., Fodor et al. 1999). As a result, transpressional and dicates an area of recent Sava sediments routinely flood-
compressional stress regimes yielded structural reactiva- ed by higher water levels (a), composed predominantly
tion and tectonic inversion of inherited transcurrent, nor- of sand and to a lesser extent gravel that are separated
mal and reverse faults (Prelogović et al. 1998; Fodor et from the younger terrace by a 1-1.5 m high risers. The
al. 1999; Rukavina et al. 2016 with references). Tec- area along the Sava River, as well as the entire area of
tonic uplift of surrounding inselbergs in the vicinity of younger Holocene terrace has been affected by river
the Sava River Valley was supplemented with tectonic regulation in the beginning of 20th century and later

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
63 Application of GIS procedure for river terrace extraction from a LiDAR- based digital elevation model…

Figure 4: Geological map of the study area (after Šikić et al. 1972b). Study area with the area
of available LiDAR data is indicated with a rectangle. Map abbreviations – a-sediments
of the recent flow (routinely flooded), a1-younger Holocene Sava River terrace, a2-older Holocene
Sava River terrace, l-Holocene loess deposits.

construction of dams in the upstream area which stopped terraces except for the outer raiser which marks the con-
sediment movement (see Figure 2a). Consequently, these tact with older Neogene sediments (see Figure 4).
recent morphological features and sediments are not The terrace extraction procedure was performed with
representative for the natural hydro morphological sys- the TerEx Toolbox (see Stout and Belmont, 2013 for
tem, which was active in the Holocene except for the last details) downloaded from the Belmont Hydrology and
hundred or even less years. Fine Sediment Lab (Lab Resources) website at Utah
State University (USU, 2017) and paired with ArcGIS
2. Methods version 10.1, in accordance with provided detailed in-
structions by Stout (2012) and Stout & Belmont (2013).
A LiDAR image obtained by an airborne scanner was TerEx is a semi-automatic application in the sense that
used in the study of Sava River terraces. It was acquired the operator intervenes into the procedure to obtain the
in June 2015 and a path of the plane roughly followed best results. The input data necessary for analysis are
the path of the Sava River in the NW – SE direction from usually high resolution DEMs and a line shape file that
Zagreb (Zaprešić) to the Slovenian border. The acquired follows the centre line of the river course. The process-
dataset (cca 12 x 15 km) has horizontal and vertical pre- ing of the data is performed in two stages and several
cision of centimetre to decimetre scale with a vertical iterations. Entered parameters (in both procedure stages)
RMS error of 0.075 m and a horizontal error of 0.055 m. can be divided in two groups. The first group of param-
Processed bare earth DEM with a constructed grid of 1 eters is defined by the characteristics of the river and its
m was used in the morphometric analysis and the dataset valley (maximum valley width, stream width at the
already had interpolated presentation of the river. The mouth and reach length). They are measured on the map
extent of the image was sufficient for the study since it or DEM and cannot be changed during the iterative pro-
covered the entire width of Quaternary sediments along cess. The parameters in the second group can be changed
the Sava River and included the full extent of the river during the iteration and include: focal window, maximal

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 64

elevation change, terrace area, and smoothing tolerance. River, US (watershed 44000 km2, length 600 km), (Stout
The focal window defines the area over which maximum and Belmont, 2013).
elevation should not exceed a certain value if it is to be
classified as a single terrace polygon. In a similar way, 3. Results
the minimum terrace size defines the minimal identified
flat area that may be considered as a terrace. The smooth- In our study, one of the assumptions used was that
ing factor affects the shape of the extracted polygons. elevations of the polygons should belong to three dis-
(Stout and Belmont, 2013) tinct elevation groups corresponding to: recent flow
In the second part of the terrace extraction procedure, sediments (a) younger Holocene (a1) and older Holo-
the TerEx algorithm extracts the height of each polygon cene (a2) which are separated by 0.5 m to approx. 2.0 m
above the closest river centre line segment and stores high risers. For that purpose, the natural breaks (jenks)
this information in the attribute table of the polygon GIS ArcGIS function was used to delineate the three poly-
layer. In this study, ten iterations were necessary to de- gon/elevation groups (the upper and lower extreme val-
termine the best set of parameters (maximal elevation ues with small associated areas were excluded) in the
change-maximal relief 0.5 m, minimal terrace area 5000 acquired data. Visualization of the break values can be
m2, focal window 10 m2, and smoothing factor 100 m). seen in Figure 5 which shows a histogram with polygon
Maximal relief value was set to 0.5 m since that was the elevations on the x-axis (increment of 0.1 m - which is
presumed minimal height of the risers in the studied area close to the vertical resolution of the dataset) and the
as indicated by field observations. The most sensitive total area of polygons belonging to the increment slot on
parameters that changed between the iterations were the the y-axis.
focal window and minimal terrace area. The accepted Based on the shapes and position of the polygons
values are in agreement with examples in literature which aligned partially to the known terrace boundaries
(Stout and Belmont, 2013) for aggrading rivers with a in many parts of the study area, the automatically ob-
watershed above 10000 km2 (the upstream section of the tained natural breaks were manually shifted to achieve
Sava River is 12000 m2, length 200 km), e.g., Minnesota the best possible alignment where the association of the

Figure 5: Distribution of the extracted surfaces based on the elevation above the closest river segment
with 0.1 increments. Red lines indicate three proposed initial polygon elevation groups which were used
in further analysis to identify terraces. Polygon elevation increments with generally small frequency can be
identified in its centre with values ranging between 5.3 -5.7 m

Table 1: Initial grouping of TerEx polygons based on elevation above the river course
(before further geomorphological analysis).
Elevation surface Sum of polygon Number Average size Elevation Weighted average Height
group area (M2) of polygons (M2) range elevation (M) difference (M)
I 9978218.29 23 415759.10 3.5-5.19 4.41
II 9844845.32 17 410201.89 5.2-6.10 5.63 1.22
III 14630782.68 17 609615.94 6.1-8.14 7.14 1.52

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
65 Application of GIS procedure for river terrace extraction from a LiDAR- based digital elevation model…

polygon to a certain terrace was evident and its elevation In this work, two Holocene terraces, a younger (a1)
was less than 0.3 m from the threshold defined by Arc- and older (a2) one presented on the geological map of
GIS. Polygons classified in this way are shown in Fig- the studied area (see Figure 4) were confirmed through
ure 5. The obtained results are summarized in Table 1. the analysis of LiDAR data (see Figure 6), however the
The three proposed polygon groups have a weighted extent of the extracted terraces differs in some portions.
average elevation above the closest rivers segment of Analysis of the spatial distribution and elevations of the
4.41 m, 5.64 m and 7.14 m. extracted terrace polygons indicates that there are actu-
The obtained data was entered into the GIS system ally only two distinct elevation groups (Levels I and III
which included the following layers: LiDAR DEM, Li- in Table 1). This reflects the fact that sediments of recent
DAR DEM in hillshade representation, orthophoto map flow shown on the map geomorphologically belong to
and georeferenced historical map from the 19th century the younger Holocene terrace (see Figure 6, Figure 7,
(Mapire, 2017), and GIS layer with extracted polygons. Figure 8). The extent of the extracted a1 Holocene ter-
In this step, the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension was race is greater in the northwestern part of the studied
used to extract profile data. These data sources were area than on the geological map forming narrowing/
used interactively during interpretation. wedging out of the a1 terrace. In the performed analysis,

Figure 6: Extracted polygons classified in the potential terrace surfaces with interpreted terrace risers.
Topographic profiles shown in Fig. 7 are indicated with numbers 1-1’, 2-2’ and 3-3’. Inset photograph: Terrace
raiser c. 3 m high between younger (a1) and older Holocene Sava River terrace (a2) according to interpretation
based on TerEx. Photo was taken in the vicinity of the Croatian – Slovenian border (Φ- 45.85°, Λ-15.71°) c.
1000 m NE in relation to the Sava River course (perpendicular to the river centre line).

Table 2: Final grouping of TerEx polygons based on the elevation above the river course and results of geomorphological
analysis of all available data
Presumed Sum of polygon No polygons Average size Elevation Weighted average Height
terrace area (M2) (M2) break value elevation (M) difference (M)
a1 15172289.83 33 446243.81 < 5.7 4.8
a2 23339932.73 25 933597.30 > 5.7 6.7 1.9

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 66

the path and position of the older Holocene terrace risers large low elevation area between the risers of the oldest
on the available geological map is supported by the ex- a2 Holocene terrace, which was previously mapped as a
tracted terrace polygons and visual interpretation in GIS younger Holocene terrace a1 and sediments of the recent
(see Figure 6, Figure 8), although their paths do deviate flow was interpreted as a single terrace (a1) due to simi-
significantly in specific areas. lar elevations above the river course and position. A his-
On the basis of elevation above the river course ex- torical map (see Figure 9) from the 19th century shows
tracted by the TerEx tool and geomorphological inter- in this whole area anastomosing natural channels of the
pretation of the orthophoto imagery, shaded relief DEM Sava River typical for anabranching river types indicat-
and spatial distribution of TerEx extracted segments to ing that an active hydro morphological system existed in
known morphological features (risers), the polygons this area before it was changed by human intervention.
were finally collected into two groups corresponding to Topographic cross sections 1-1’ and 2-2’ indicate two
the younger Holocene terrace and the older Holocene Sava River terraces separated by a single riser on each
terrace. The weighted average elevation above the river side of the river forming a valley with steep sides and
course was 4.8 m for the younger Holocene terrace (a1) support results obtained by TerEx. Other smaller mor-
and 6.7 m for the older Holocene terrace (a2). The aver- phological features visible on the profiles need to be in-
age elevation difference between the terraces which in- vestigated and identified. They could represent risers
dicates the possible height of risers r1 and r2 would be omitted in the interpretation, smaller creeks with steep
1.9 m. Outstanding values such as the highest and the banks or other morphological features. In respect to top-
lowest value polygon and a single polygon with anoma- ographic profiles 1-1’ and 2-2’ that are in general per-
lous value (in respect to surrounding polygons) at the pendicular to the river course, the longitudinal profile
northwestern side of the study area (Elevation 5.2), were along the Sava River, 3-3’ (see Figure 6), has shown a
excluded from calculation as outliers. small knick point where the a2 terrace extends all the
As seen on the histogram in Figure 5, polygon eleva- way to the river possibly indicating a break through the
tion increments with generally small frequency can be terrace (a2) as indicated previously.
identified in its centre with values ranging between 5.3 The areas in the northwestern part of the studied area,
and 5.7 m. The first (lower) interval with high frequency with elevation values between the two main groups,
values can be identified within the elevation range of ap- were classified as older Holocene terrace (a2) based on
proximately 4.6 -5.2 m, and a second (upper) one in the their average elevation (5.8 m) close to the threshold
elevation range between 6.8 and 7.6 m. We assume these value of 6.1 m for the older Holocene terrace (a2) and
two high frequency intervals could roughly represent the alignment of their edges to the riser (r1). The lower ele-
range of elevations of the younger and older Holocene vation here could be explained by the intensive agricul-
terraces (respectively) above the river course. The pro- ture activity that may have slightly redistributed the soil
posed break value of 5.7 was ultimately selected by geo- on the plots. The remaining two areas obtained by the
morphological analysis since, in this way, terrace seg- software with elevation values that differ from the sur-
ment edges fit to the known risers shown on the geologi- rounding polygons, could not be classified and these out-
cal map. Its value, which is outside both of the indicated standing values may be attributed to human intervention
high frequency ranges, can be explained by the large or to some irregularities in terrain, which affected ter-
number of outstanding polygons, which may be related race polygon extraction.
to various natural oscillations of elevations on the ter- The transverse profiles were most useful in the analy-
races and human changes of morphology and potentially sis (see Figures 6 and 7 a, b) Due to the relatively small
to the applied method e.g., errors in interpretation, as- height of the risers if compared to the average slope of
sumptions and generalisations inherent to the algorithm the terrain that is almost 1 m (0.83 cm) per kilometre, on
and imperfections and errors of LiDAR data. the longitudinal profile the absolute elevation of the
upslope terrace was higher than the downslope regard-
4. Discussion less of the actual position of the terrace. This tended to
hide morphological relationships on the longitudinal
There are two main areas of difference between the profile which could be clearly observed on the trans-
previously, geologically established extent of terraces verse profiles. Namely, it has to be kept in mind that
and the results obtained through the interpretation of heights above the nearest stream segments which are
data by TerEx (see Figure 8, marked by circle). In the calculated by the software differ from the elevation val-
area close to the river Sava, in the western part of the ues above sea level which are obtained directly from
study area (along the profile path 1-1’, see Figures, 6 DEM.
and 7) terrace a2 extends towards the river and connects Field work and analysis of orthophoto imagery per-
with the symmetrical terrace a2 developed on the other formed during this research showed that risers are often
side of the river forming a narrow elevated area that covered by vegetation and are rather difficult to detect
seems to be cut by the river. In the central-south east part (see Figure 3). However, as shown in Figure 6, risers
of Figure 6 (profile path 2-2’; see Figures 6 and 7) the that were actually observed in the field were by their po-

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
67 Application of GIS procedure for river terrace extraction from a LiDAR- based digital elevation model…

a b

Figure 7: Cross sections: a 1-1’, b 2-2.’, c 3-3’, a – recent terrace, a2 older Holocene terrace,
L – gravel extraction lake, RS – River Sava

Figure 9: Proposed riser on the 1806-1869 historical

topographic map of the study area (Mapire, 2017)

protection, construction of roads and building areas of-

ten erase landscape features since they tend to even out
steep slopes or stair like forms. Besides the mentioned
mistakes of omission, some natural small creeks or man-
made features (road banks) can be erroneously identified
as terrace risers. In that sense, our results indicate the
need for further detailed future work to clarify whether
Figure 8: Extent of terraces and risers previously
established on the geological map (a) and obtained the acquired results represent the true extent of terrace
from TerEx (b). Areas of most significant differences surfaces and positions of risers.
are marked with yellow circles.
5. Conclusions
sition and height in accordance with the proposed inter-
pretation. They were positioned on the edge of an older LiDAR DEM and semiautomatic terrace extraction
Holocene terrace and had a height of c. 2-3 m, which algorithm TerEx were utilized for the analysis of a 12
corresponds roughly with the extracted elevation differ- km long section of the Sava River west of Zagreb (Croa-
ence between the terraces (see Table 2, Figures 3 and tia). In addition to the visual interpretation of shaded re-
6). The two risers identified on the hillshade DEM repre- lief DEM, orthophoto imagery and a historical map, as
sentation were usually marked by steep slopes, embank- well as analysis of topographic cross sections were per-
ments and drainage ditches. Intensive agriculture, flood formed. Younger Holocene (a1) and older Holocene (a2)

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 68

terraces present on the geological maps of the studied tin C. Stout, and the editors for reviewing the paper and
area (see Figure 6) were confirmed through the analysis for comments that greatly improved its quality.
of LiDAR data (see Figures. 6 and 8) though some dif-
ferences in their extent and positions of the risers is pro- 6. References
posed. The results obtained by TerEx indicate that the
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Acknowledgment Hopkins, A. J. & Snyder, N. P. (2016): Performance evaluation
of three DEM-based fluvial terrace mapping methods,
This study was supported by the Faculty of Mining, Earth Surface and Processing, Volume 41, Issue 8. 41,
Geology and Petroleum Engineering (University of Za- 1144–1152
greb) and the Croatian Agency for Environment and Na- Horváth, F., Bada, G., Szafián, P., Tari, G., Ádám, A. & Cloet-
ture (the Republic of Croatia). The authors would like to ingh, S. (2006): Formation and deformation of the Pannon-
thank PROGRAM SAVA d.o.o. for providing LiDAR ian basin: constraints from observational data. In: Gee,
data for this research and to Justin C. Stout and Patrick D.G., Stephenson, R.A. (Eds.), European Lithosphere Dy-
Belmont for instruction in the use of the TerEx applica- namics, Memoirs, Geological Society, London, Vol. 32.,
tion. We would like to thank Borna Lužar Oberiter, Jus- 191– 206.

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The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6
Trenc, N., Matoš, B., Velić, J., Perković, D. 70

Primjena GIS-a za izdvajanje riječnih terasa na digitalnome modelu terena
izrađenome pomoću LIDAR-a, dolina rijeke Save, SZ od Zagreba
Riječne terase i poplavne ravnice pokazatelj su dinamike korita i sedimenta te predstavljaju važne reljefne oblike koje je
moguće iskoristiti za istraživanje razvoja klimatskih uvjeta i tektonskih odnosa. Dostupnost topografskih podataka viso-
ke razlučivosti omogućila je primjenu GIS postupaka za njihovo prepoznavanje. U ovome istraživanju TerEx Toolbox, GIS
aplikacija za poluautomatsko izdvajanje terasa primijenjena je na DEM izrađen pomoću LiDAR-a za područje rijeke Save
u Hrvatskoj zapadno od Zagreba. Cilj je istraživanja bio usporediti osnovnu geološku kartu izrađenu sedamdesetih
godina prošloga stoljeća koja pokazuje na ovome području sedimente recentnoga toka (redovito plavljen) i dvije holocen-
ske riječne terase. Analiza rezultata TerExa provedena je korištenjem DEM-a prikazanoga kao osjenčani reljef, povijesnih
karata, ortofoto snimaka, topografskih profila i terenskih istraživanja. Rezultati su pokazali da je aplikacija TerEx uspješ-
no izdvojila obje holocenske riječne terase i njihove strmce, ali je pokazala neke razlike u njihovu protezanju i smještaju.
Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da rezultati dobiveni pomoću aplikacije TerEx posebice ako se koriste zajedno s drugim
izvorima podataka mogu učinkovito usmjeriti terenski rad i doprinijeti novoj nepristranoj interpretaciju morfologije
nekoga područja

Ključne riječi:
fluvijalna morfologija, riječne terase, holocen, DEM, LiDAR, TerEx (GIS)

Authors contribution
Neven Trenc (MS, GIS/RS; geomorphology), Principal researcher, provided overview of automatic river terrace extrac-
tion techniques, and LiDAR dataset characteristics. Performed TerEx, GIS and quantitative analysis and visual interpre-
tation, performed field work with members of the team and contributed to the geomorphological interpretation of the
results, preparation and writing of the manuscript and preparation of the graphics. Bojan Matoš, (Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Structural Geology Geomorphology, GIS) Defined the research concept (plan and general methodological
approach of the research), provided data of geological and geomorphological background of the study area, performed
field work and contributed to the analysis of LiDAR DEM data, geomorphological interpretation of the results, writing
and reviewing of the manuscript, and preparation of the graphics. Josipa Velić, (Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Quaternary
Geology and Geomorphology) provided expertise in relation to the Quaternary stratigraphy and geological evolution of
the research area, performed field work with members of the team, contributed to the geological and geomorphological
interpretation of the data and reviewing of the manuscript and graphics. Dario Perković, (Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
geoinformatics GIS/RS), provided input in regards to GIS analysis and reviewed results of the LiDAR DEM interpretati-
on, quantitative analysis and the manuscript and prepared an overview of a geological map.

The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors ©, 2019, pp. 59-70, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.1.6

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