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Test Bank for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 9th

Edition Gravetter Wallnau 1111830991 9781111830991

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Gravetter Chapter 06

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following are requirements of a random sample?

A. Every individual has an equal chance of being selected.
B. The probabilities cannot change during a series of selections.
C. There must be sampling with replacement.
D. All of the other three choices are correct.

2. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 30 blue marbles. What is the probability of randomly selecting a red
marble from the jar?
A. 10/30
B. 10/40
C. 1/10
D. 1/40

3. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 30 blue marbles. A random sample of n = 3 marbles is selected from the
jar. If the first two marbles are both blue, what is the probability that the third marble will be red?
A. 10/37
B. 10/38
C. 10/40
D. 8/38

4. What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = 2.00?

A. 0.9772
B. 0.0228
C. 0.4772
D. 0.0456
5. What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = –1.00?
A. 0.8413
B. 0.1587
C. –0.3413
D. –0.1587

6. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = 1.40?
A. 0.9192
B. 0.0808
C. 0.4192
D. 0.8384

7. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = –0.40?
A. 0.6554
B. 0.3446
C. 0.1554
D. 0.3108

8. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 0.50, and separates the distribution into two
sections. What proportion of the distribution is in the larger section?
A. 0.6915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.1915
D. 0.3830

9. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 0.80. What proportion of the distribution is on
the right-hand side of the line?
A. 0.7881
B. 0.2119
C. 0.2881
D. 0.5762

10. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 1.20. What proportion of the distribution is on
the left-hand side of the line?
A. 0.8849
B. 0.1151
C. 0.3849
D. 0.7698
11. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between z = –0.25 and z = +0.25?
A. 0.5987
B. 0.4013
C. 0.0987
D. 0.1974

12. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between z = –1.50 and z = +1.50?
A. 0.9332
B. 0.0668
C. 0.4332
D. 0.8664

13. What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score greater than z = 0.75 from a normal distribution?
A. 0.7734
B. 0.2266
C. 0.2734
D. 0.4532

14. What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score less than z = 1.25 from a normal distribution.
A. 0.8944
B. 0.1056
C. 0.3944
D. 0.2112

15. What z-score value separates the top 10% of a normal distribution from the bottom 90%?
A. z = 1.28
B. z = 0.25
C. z = –1.28
D. z = –0.25

16. What z-score value separates the top 70% of a normal distribution from the bottom 30%?
A. z = 0.52
B. z = 0.84
C. z = –0.52
D. z = –0.84
17. What z-score values form the boundaries for the middle 60% of a normal distribution?
A. z = +0.25 and z = –0.25
B. z = +0.39 and z = –0.39
C. z = +0.52 and z = –0.52
D. z = +0.84 and z = –0.84

18. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 40 with ó = 10. What proportion of the scores in this distribution
are greater than X = 55?
A. 0.3085
B. 0.6915
C. 0.0668
D. 0.9332

19. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 40 with s = 10. What proportion of the scores in this distribution
are smaller than X = 35?
A. 0.3085
B. 0.6915
C. 0.0668
D. 0.9332

20. A normal distribution has µ = 80 and s = 10. What is the probability of randomly selecting a score greater
than 90 from this distribution?
A. p = 0.8413
B. p = 0.1587
C. p = 0.3085
D. p = 0.6915

21. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be greater than X = 79?
A. 0.7734
B. 0.2266
C. 0.2734
D. 0.3085
22. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be greater than X = 58?
A. 0.8413
B. 0.1577
C. 0.3413
D. 0.6826

23. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be less than X = 76?
A. 0.1915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.6915
D. 0.3830

24. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be less than X = 55?
A. 0.3944
B. 0.1056
C. 0.8944
D. 0.7888

25. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 80 and X = 100?
A. 0.8413
B. 0.1587
C. 0.3413
D. 0.6826

26. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 90 and X = 110?
A. 0.6915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.1915
D. 0.3830
27. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 90 and X = 120?
A. 0.1498
B. 0.4672
C. 0.5328
D. 0.2996

28. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the highest 15% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 59.2
B. X = 100.8
C. X = 95
D. X = 65

29. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the highest 40% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 75
B. X = 85
C. X = 54.4
D. X = 105.6

30. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the lowest 30% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 90.4
B. X = 69.6
C. X = 110
D. X = 50

31. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 24 with s = 3. What is the minimum score needed to be in the top
14% of the distribution?
A. X = 20.76
B. X = 27.24
C. X = 25.08
D. X = 24.42
32. Scores on the SAT form a normal distribution with a mean of µ = 500 with s = 100. If the state college only
accepts students who score in the top 60% on the SAT, what is the minimum score needed to be accepted?
A. X = 475
B. X = 525
C. X = 440
D. X = 560

33. John drives to work each morning and the trip takes an average of µ = 38 minutes. The distribution of
driving times is approximately normal with a standard deviation of s = 5 minutes. For a randomly selected
morning, what is the probability that John’s drive to work will take less than 35 minutes?
A. 0.6554
B. 0.3446
C. 0.7257
D. 0.2743

34. John drives to work each morning and the trip takes an average of µ = 38 minutes. The distribution of
driving times is approximately normal with a standard deviation of s = 5 minutes. For a randomly selected
morning, what is the probability that John’s drive to work will take between 36 and 40 minutes?
A. 0.0793
B. 0.1526
C. 0.1554
D. 0.3108

35. Under what circumstances does the binomial distribution approximate a normal distribution?
A. When pn > 10
B. When qn > 10
C. When pn and qn are both > 10
D. When npq > 10

36. For a binomial distribution with p = q = 1/2 and n = 36, what is the mean for the normal approximation?
A. 3
B. 9
C. 16
D. 18
37. A binomial distribution has p = 1/5 and q = 4/5 with n = 100. In the normal approximation to this
distribution, what is the z-score corresponding to X = 25?
A. z = 0.50
B. z = 1.00
C. z = 1.25
D. z = 1.50

38. A multiple-choice test with 48 questions has four choices for each question. What is the probability of
getting more than 12 questions correct by just guessing?
A. 0.5000
B. 0.4325
C. 0.5675
D. 0.0675

39. A true/false test has 100 questions. Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, what is
the probability of getting 55 or more correct by just guessing?
A. p(X > 55)
B. p(X > 55.5)
C. p(X > 54.5)
D. none of the above

40. A true/false test has 100 questions. Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, what is
the probability of getting more than 55 correct by just guessing?
A. p(X > 55)
B. p(X > 55.5)
C. p(X > 54.5)
D. none of the above

41. All probabilities can be expressed as decimal values ranging from 0 to 1.00.
True False

42. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 20 blue marbles. If you take a random sample of two marbles from this
jar and the first marble is blue, then the probability that the second marble is blue is p = 19/29.
True False
43. For a normal distribution, proportions in the right-hand tail are positive and proportions in the left-hand tail
are negative.
True False

44. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = 1.25 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the smaller section is 0.1056.
True False

45. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = –0.75 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the smaller section is 0.2734.
True False

46. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = –0.80 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the larger section is 7881.
True False

47. When the z-score value in a normal distribution is negative, the body is on the right-hand side of the
True False

48. For any normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = 2.00 is p = 0.0228.
True False

49. For a normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = –2.00 is equal to 0.0228.
True False

50. For any normal distribution, exactly 97.50% of the z-score values are less than z = 1.96.
True False

51. For a normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = 1.50 is p = 0.0668.
True False
52. For a normal distribution, the proportion located between z = –1.00 and z = +1.00 is p = 34.13%.
True False

53. For any normal distribution, the proportion located between the mean and z = 1.40 is 0.9192.
True False

54. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution dividing the distribution into two parts. If the smaller
part equals 0.1915 of the distribution, then the line was drawn at z = 0.50 or at z = –0.50.
True False

55. For a normal distribution, the z-score boundary that separates the lowest 2.5% of the scores from the rest is
z = –1.96.
True False

56. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score greater than X = 110 is p = 0.6915.
True False

57. For a population with a mean of µ = 80 and s = 10, only 2.28% of the scores are greater than X = 100.
True False

58. For a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the score that separates the top 60% of the distribution
from the bottom 40% is X = 95.
True False

59. For a normal distribution with µ = 80 and s = 10 the score that separates the bottom 10% of the distribution
from the rest is 67.2.
True False

60. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score less than X = 95 is p = 0.4013.
True False
61. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score less than X = 70 is p = 0.0013.
True False

62. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score between X = 90 and X = 100 is p = 0.3085.
True False

63. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score between X = 80 and X = 120 is p = 0.3413.
True False

64. A binomial distribution with p = 2/3 and n = 24, meets the criterion for using the normal approximation.
True False

65. The binomial distribution for p = 1/4 and n = 96 has a mean of m = 24.
True False

66. The binomial distribution for p = 1/2 and n = 100 has a standard deviation of s = 25.
True False

67. For a binomial distribution, the probability of obtaining a score greater than 19 is computed as p(X > 19.5).
True False

68. For a binomial distribution, the probability of obtaining a score of X = 19 or greater is computed as p(X >
True False

69. For the normal approximation to the binomial distribution with n = 100 and p = 1/2, a score of X = 60
corresponds to a z-score of z = 2.00.
True False
70. For the normal approximation to the binomial distribution with n = 100 and p = 1/5, the probability of
selecting a score greater than or equal to 25 is p = 0.1056.
True False

71. Assume that a vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at each of the following z-score
locations. In each case, determine whether the tail is on the left side or the right side of the line and find the
proportion of the distribution that is located in the tail.
a. z = +1.80
b. z = +0.60
c. z = –0.40
d. z = –1.25

72. For a normal distribution,

a. What z-score separates the highest 10% from the rest of the scores?
b. What z-score separates the highest 30% from the rest of the scores?
c. What z-score separates the lowest 40% from the rest of the scores?
d. What z-score separates the lowest 20% from the rest of the scores?
73. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. Find the following probabilities:

a. p(X > 102) c. p(X < 130)

b. p(X < 65) d. p(95 < X < 105

74. Assume that the total score (from both teams) for college football games averages µ = 42 points per game,
and that the distribution of total points is approximately normal with s = 20.
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected game would have more than 60 points?
b. What proportion of college football games have a point total between 20 and 60?

75. For a normal distribution with µ = 200 and s = 50, find the following values:
a. What X value separates the highest 10% of the distribution from the rest of the scores?
b. What X values form the boundaries for the middle 60% of the distribution?
c. What is the probability of randomly selecting a score greater than X = 325?
76. In an ESP experiment subjects must predict whether a number randomly generated by a computer will be
odd or even.
a. What is the probability that a subject would guess exactly 18 correct in a series of 36 trials?
b. What is the probability that a subject would guess more than 20 correct in a series of 36 trials?
Gravetter Chapter 06 Key

1. Which of the following are requirements of a random sample?

A. Every individual has an equal chance of being selected.
B. The probabilities cannot change during a series of selections.
C. There must be sampling with replacement.
D. All of the other three choices are correct.

2. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 30 blue marbles. What is the probability of randomly selecting a red
marble from the jar?
A. 10/30
B. 10/40
C. 1/10
D. 1/40

3. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 30 blue marbles. A random sample of n = 3 marbles is selected from the
jar. If the first two marbles are both blue, what is the probability that the third marble will be red?
A. 10/37
B. 10/38
C. 10/40
D. 8/38

4. What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = 2.00?

A. 0.9772
B. 0.0228
C. 0.4772
D. 0.0456

5. What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = –1.00?

A. 0.8413
B. 0.1587
C. –0.3413
D. –0.1587
6. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = 1.40?
A. 0.9192
B. 0.0808
C. 0.4192
D. 0.8384

7. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = –0.40?
A. 0.6554
B. 0.3446
C. 0.1554
D. 0.3108

8. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 0.50, and separates the distribution into two
sections. What proportion of the distribution is in the larger section?
A. 0.6915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.1915
D. 0.3830

9. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 0.80. What proportion of the distribution is on
the right-hand side of the line?
A. 0.7881
B. 0.2119
C. 0.2881
D. 0.5762

10. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = 1.20. What proportion of the distribution is on
the left-hand side of the line?
A. 0.8849
B. 0.1151
C. 0.3849
D. 0.7698

11. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between z = –0.25 and z = +0.25?
A. 0.5987
B. 0.4013
C. 0.0987
D. 0.1974
12. What proportion of a normal distribution is located between z = –1.50 and z = +1.50?
A. 0.9332
B. 0.0668
C. 0.4332
D. 0.8664

13. What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score greater than z = 0.75 from a normal distribution?
A. 0.7734
B. 0.2266
C. 0.2734
D. 0.4532

14. What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score less than z = 1.25 from a normal distribution.
A. 0.8944
B. 0.1056
C. 0.3944
D. 0.2112

15. What z-score value separates the top 10% of a normal distribution from the bottom 90%?
A. z = 1.28
B. z = 0.25
C. z = –1.28
D. z = –0.25

16. What z-score value separates the top 70% of a normal distribution from the bottom 30%?
A. z = 0.52
B. z = 0.84
C. z = –0.52
D. z = –0.84

17. What z-score values form the boundaries for the middle 60% of a normal distribution?
A. z = +0.25 and z = –0.25
B. z = +0.39 and z = –0.39
C. z = +0.52 and z = –0.52
D. z = +0.84 and z = –0.84
18. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 40 with ó = 10. What proportion of the scores in this distribution
are greater than X = 55?
A. 0.3085
B. 0.6915
C. 0.0668
D. 0.9332

19. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 40 with s = 10. What proportion of the scores in this distribution
are smaller than X = 35?
A. 0.3085
B. 0.6915
C. 0.0668
D. 0.9332

20. A normal distribution has µ = 80 and s = 10. What is the probability of randomly selecting a score greater
than 90 from this distribution?
A. p = 0.8413
B. p = 0.1587
C. p = 0.3085
D. p = 0.6915

21. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be greater than X = 79?
A. 0.7734
B. 0.2266
C. 0.2734
D. 0.3085

22. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be greater than X = 58?
A. 0.8413
B. 0.1577
C. 0.3413
D. 0.6826
23. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be less than X = 76?
A. 0.1915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.6915
D. 0.3830

24. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 70 with s = 12. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will be less than X = 55?
A. 0.3944
B. 0.1056
C. 0.8944
D. 0.7888

25. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 80 and X = 100?
A. 0.8413
B. 0.1587
C. 0.3413
D. 0.6826

26. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 90 and X = 110?
A. 0.6915
B. 0.3085
C. 0.1915
D. 0.3830

27. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this
distribution, what is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 90 and X = 120?
A. 0.1498
B. 0.4672
C. 0.5328
D. 0.2996
28. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the highest 15% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 59.2
B. X = 100.8
C. X = 95
D. X = 65

29. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the highest 40% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 75
B. X = 85
C. X = 54.4
D. X = 105.6

30. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 80 with s = 20. What score separates the lowest 30% of the
distribution from the rest of the scores?
A. X = 90.4
B. X = 69.6
C. X = 110
D. X = 50

31. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 24 with s = 3. What is the minimum score needed to be in the top
14% of the distribution?
A. X = 20.76
B. X = 27.24
C. X = 25.08
D. X = 24.42

32. Scores on the SAT form a normal distribution with a mean of µ = 500 with s = 100. If the state college only
accepts students who score in the top 60% on the SAT, what is the minimum score needed to be accepted?
A. X = 475
B. X = 525
C. X = 440
D. X = 560
33. John drives to work each morning and the trip takes an average of µ = 38 minutes. The distribution of
driving times is approximately normal with a standard deviation of s = 5 minutes. For a randomly selected
morning, what is the probability that John’s drive to work will take less than 35 minutes?
A. 0.6554
B. 0.3446
C. 0.7257
D. 0.2743

34. John drives to work each morning and the trip takes an average of µ = 38 minutes. The distribution of
driving times is approximately normal with a standard deviation of s = 5 minutes. For a randomly selected
morning, what is the probability that John’s drive to work will take between 36 and 40 minutes?
A. 0.0793
B. 0.1526
C. 0.1554
D. 0.3108

35. Under what circumstances does the binomial distribution approximate a normal distribution?
A. When pn > 10
B. When qn > 10
C. When pn and qn are both > 10
D. When npq > 10

36. For a binomial distribution with p = q = 1/2 and n = 36, what is the mean for the normal approximation?
A. 3
B. 9
C. 16
D. 18

37. A binomial distribution has p = 1/5 and q = 4/5 with n = 100. In the normal approximation to this
distribution, what is the z-score corresponding to X = 25?
A. z = 0.50
B. z = 1.00
C. z = 1.25
D. z = 1.50
38. A multiple-choice test with 48 questions has four choices for each question. What is the probability of
getting more than 12 questions correct by just guessing?
A. 0.5000
B. 0.4325
C. 0.5675
D. 0.0675

39. A true/false test has 100 questions. Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, what is
the probability of getting 55 or more correct by just guessing?
A. p(X > 55)
B. p(X > 55.5)
C. p(X > 54.5)
D. none of the above

40. A true/false test has 100 questions. Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, what is
the probability of getting more than 55 correct by just guessing?
A. p(X > 55)
B. p(X > 55.5)
C. p(X > 54.5)
D. none of the above

41. All probabilities can be expressed as decimal values ranging from 0 to 1.00.

42. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 20 blue marbles. If you take a random sample of two marbles from this
jar and the first marble is blue, then the probability that the second marble is blue is p = 19/29.

43. For a normal distribution, proportions in the right-hand tail are positive and proportions in the left-hand tail
are negative.

44. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = 1.25 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the smaller section is 0.1056.
45. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = –0.75 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the smaller section is 0.2734.

46. A vertical line drawn through a normal distribution at z = –0.80 will separate the distribution into two
sections. The proportion in the larger section is 7881.

47. When the z-score value in a normal distribution is negative, the body is on the right-hand side of the

48. For any normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = 2.00 is p = 0.0228.

49. For a normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = –2.00 is equal to 0.0228.

50. For any normal distribution, exactly 97.50% of the z-score values are less than z = 1.96.

51. For a normal distribution, the proportion in the tail beyond z = 1.50 is p = 0.0668.

52. For a normal distribution, the proportion located between z = –1.00 and z = +1.00 is p = 34.13%.

53. For any normal distribution, the proportion located between the mean and z = 1.40 is 0.9192.
54. A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution dividing the distribution into two parts. If the smaller
part equals 0.1915 of the distribution, then the line was drawn at z = 0.50 or at z = –0.50.

55. For a normal distribution, the z-score boundary that separates the lowest 2.5% of the scores from the rest is
z = –1.96.

56. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score greater than X = 110 is p = 0.6915.

57. For a population with a mean of µ = 80 and s = 10, only 2.28% of the scores are greater than X = 100.

58. For a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the score that separates the top 60% of the distribution
from the bottom 40% is X = 95.

59. For a normal distribution with µ = 80 and s = 10 the score that separates the bottom 10% of the distribution
from the rest is 67.2.

60. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score less than X = 95 is p = 0.4013.

61. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score less than X = 70 is p = 0.0013.
62. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score between X = 90 and X = 100 is p = 0.3085.

63. If one score is randomly selected from a normal distribution with µ = 100 and s = 20, the probability of
obtaining a score between X = 80 and X = 120 is p = 0.3413.

64. A binomial distribution with p = 2/3 and n = 24, meets the criterion for using the normal approximation.

65. The binomial distribution for p = 1/4 and n = 96 has a mean of m = 24.

66. The binomial distribution for p = 1/2 and n = 100 has a standard deviation of s = 25.

67. For a binomial distribution, the probability of obtaining a score greater than 19 is computed as p(X > 19.5).

68. For a binomial distribution, the probability of obtaining a score of X = 19 or greater is computed as p(X >

69. For the normal approximation to the binomial distribution with n = 100 and p = 1/2, a score of X = 60
corresponds to a z-score of z = 2.00.

70. For the normal approximation to the binomial distribution with n = 100 and p = 1/5, the probability of
selecting a score greater than or equal to 25 is p = 0.1056.
71. Assume that a vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at each of the following z-score
locations. In each case, determine whether the tail is on the left side or the right side of the line and find the
proportion of the distribution that is located in the tail.
a. z = +1.80
b. z = +0.60
c. z = –0.40
d. z = –1.25

a. The tail is on the right. p = 0.0359

b. The tail is on the right. p = 0.2743
c. The tail is on the left. p = 0.3446
d. The tail is on the left. p = 0.1056

72. For a normal distribution,

a. What z-score separates the highest 10% from the rest of the scores?
b. What z-score separates the highest 30% from the rest of the scores?
c. What z-score separates the lowest 40% from the rest of the scores?
d. What z-score separates the lowest 20% from the rest of the scores?

a. z = 1.28
b. z = 0.52
c. z = –0.25
d. z = –0.84

73. A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with s = 20. Find the following probabilities:

a. p(X > 102) c. p(X < 130)

b. p(X < 65) d. p(95 < X < 105

a. z = 0.10, p = 0.4602 c. z = 1.50, p = 0.9332

b. z = –1.75, p = 0.0401 d. –0.25 < z < +0.25, p = 0.1974

74. Assume that the total score (from both teams) for college football games averages µ = 42 points per game,
and that the distribution of total points is approximately normal with s = 20.
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected game would have more than 60 points?
b. What proportion of college football games have a point total between 20 and 60?

a. z = 0.90, p = 0.1841
b. –1.10 < z < 0.90, p = 0.6802
75. For a normal distribution with µ = 200 and s = 50, find the following values:
a. What X value separates the highest 10% of the distribution from the rest of the scores?
b. What X values form the boundaries for the middle 60% of the distribution?
c. What is the probability of randomly selecting a score greater than X = 325?

a. z = 1.28, X = 264
b. z = 0.84, X = 158 to 242
c. z = 2.50, p = 0.0062

76. In an ESP experiment subjects must predict whether a number randomly generated by a computer will be
odd or even.
a. What is the probability that a subject would guess exactly 18 correct in a series of 36 trials?
b. What is the probability that a subject would guess more than 20 correct in a series of 36 trials?

a. With n = 36 and p = q = 1/2, you may use the normal approximation with µ = 18 and s = 3. X = 18 has real
limits of 17.5 and 18.5 corresponding to z = 0.17 and z = +0.17. p = 0.1350.
b. p(X > 20.5) = p(z > 0.83) = 0.2033

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