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Molecular Biology

of the Gene
(一)Definition of a Gene
Mendel's Particles... unit of heredity responsible for phenotype
Morgan's Loci... he placed genes on a chromosome, i.e.,
it's a cellular entity, that is part of chromosome & is mapable
Watson & Crick... it's a sequence of specific nucleotides along
the length of a double helical DNA molecule
Molecular Definition...
length: 1 nucleotide = 0.34nm thus tRNA = 81n x 0.34 = 27.5nm
mass: 1 nucleotide = 340amu thus tRNA = 81n x 340 = 27,540amu
Modern functional definition...
a DNA sequence coding for a specific polypeptide: but, also
must include...
Split Genes... presence of Introns & Exons :
eukaryotic genes contain non-coding segments (introns)
and coding segments (exons - that make proteins)
Others DNA pieces... any definition must also include:
promoters, enhancers, regulator genes, operators,
also segments that code for rRNA, tRNA, & snRNP's

BEST = "A GENE is a region of DNA that CODES for an RNA" end.
(二)Structure of DNA

A. General structure features

1. Repeating polymer of nucleotide units

Each unit composed of 3 components
Pentose(sugar), Base, and Phosphate


1' 1' 5' in nucleotides


2′= H Deoxyribose DNA

2′= OH Ribose RNA

The most important difference between DNA

and RNA is the sugar component.

2. Five common bases

2 purine A and G

3 purimidine C, T and U (T is rare in RNA)


**Tautomeric forms cause spontaneous mutation**


Lactam Lactim

10 -5
O N ketoiminoform O N


3. a) Base attached to sugar = Nucleoside

HOH2C o Base

1' Ribonucleoside

HOH2C o Base

1' Deoxyribonucleoside

b) If add phosphate = Nucleotide

The phosphate can go only if any of the available

-OH functional groups.

DNA 3′, 5′ (Can get > 1 phosphate attached)

RNA 2′, 3′ or 5′

α, β, and γ position of phosphate attachment sites

p p p -OH C5 ' o Adenine


γ β α Adenosine triphosphate
4' 1'
3' 2'

4. a) In DNA or RNA nucleotide units linked

together from 3′ of one sugar to 5′ of the next
phosphodiester bond.

Backbone = sugar phosphate section

b) Note polarity to the structure

in the way of structure organized

At one end the 5′ gp is not attached to another

unit = 5′ end
At the other hand 3′ group is not attached to
another unit = 3′ end

General rule:
Always write structure 5′→ 3′
If use 3′→ 5′, specify the polarity on structure
c) Shorthands
B1 B2 B3

( p or OH)5' 3'
OH or p
p p

p B1 p B2 p B3 ( OH or p )

p B1B2 B3 p or OH

5. Properties of the base

a) Contain titratable groups
A 3.3
G 1.6
G 9.6
U 9.3
T 9.8
C 4.4

pKa′s of phosphate
~ 1.8 (α) No charge
~ 6.2-7.2 (β) Minus 1 or 2 charge depend
on the environments
b) Abs UV
Quantization and differentiation of nucleotides

c) Sugar / Base conformations

Anti- preferred (less steric constrain)

d) Sugar puckers

3′ Exo in DNA 3′ Endo in RNA

(三) Double helix structure of DNA

1953 Watson and Crick

1. a) 2 strands of backbone wound around each

b) Form Rt handed helices, Diameter 20Å

2. β-form of DNA
Most common physiological form

a) Surfaces of bases = interior and

(perpendicular) to the helix axis
Backbone outside
b) On inside bases H-bonded
A = T (2 H-bonds)
G = C (3 H-bonds)
c) Bases are flat (aromatic) and stacked
~ 3.4 Å apart
Each turn of helix ~ 10 bp
~ 34 Å / turn of helix

d) Backbone runs antiparallel

5′ 3′
3′ 5′

3. Stabilization of structure
a) Ionic forces
Each internal p = 1

Backbone repell each other

Need cation to bind the negative charges and

reduce electrostatic repulsion between backbone
(+2 to +4)
+ + +

K , Mg , polyamine -CH2-, basic proteins


⊕ 3

N H3

b) H-bonds Important but not the major factor

(1) 2-4 Kcal / mole for H-bonds

But this is not enough to fully stabilize the
DNA structure

(2) Nucleotides in solu ( A and T or G and C)

not hydrogen bond to each other
H-bonding can be fully stabilized by H2O
c) Stacking interaction

(1) Most important

(2) π e- clouds of the aromatic groups overlap

Inside helix-- H2O excluded by close

proximity of bases (Hydrophobic inside)
Excluding H2O ⇒ H bonding between bases

4. Other helical forms

a) A-form
Found in DNA fibers that are dehydrateted
Found in dsRNA and RNA:DNA
ssRNA can not form β-helix

b) 11 residues / turn
Bases tilted with respect to helix axis (wrt)
Protein can differentiate α & β from DNA
⇒ some regulation

c) Z-form
Observed originally in crystals d(GpC)3 occurs
primary in alternative pu-py (R-Y) sequences.

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