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Narrative Report

             Our country, the Philippines, has been known as one of the disaster-prone in Southeast
Asia. One of these disasters were Earthquakes, which may be through tectonic movements or
volcanic eruption. Recently the magnitude 7.3 Abra quake shocked its neighboring provinces and
most part of Northern Luzon. The Municipality of Tayum Abra, the whole province of Abra,
Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, and other neighboring provinces were devastated and in a stage of fear
since the  Abra quake. After the 7.3 magnitude earthquake on 8:43 July 7, 2022, it was followed
by more than 1000 aftershocks that had a magnitude of 5.0 magnitude. Based on the
government's assessment report, more than 5,200 houses were damaged in the Cordillera and
Ilocos Region.  

         In times of calamities, it is necessary for us to always be prepared and have much
knowledge about these certain disasters. The NSED is an opportune time to test the efficiency
and usefulness of the preparedness, response, and recovery plans, systems, and policies of the
local government units, offices, and schools to evaluate the effectiveness of contingency plans to
test the coordination and communication mechanism during response operation and to
understand the command and control mechanism in emergency and disaster operation. Proper
execution of school drills will also help prevent panic, which might lead to accidents when
everyone is overwhelmed with fear during a strong earthquake. As we live in an area where
earthquakes are a frequent occurrence, we have to include earthquake-preparedness in our
overall emergency plan.

         As a Marian student, it is important to participate in earthquake drills because I believe that
this can help nation-building in terms of calamities. We are prepared for what is to come and
whenever it may be. Participating in an earthquake drill will help us and our loved ones
understand what to do in case you are not with them during an earthquake.
Reflection Paper



 The Duck, Cover, and Hold technique is one of the most basic practices that we do in
times of Earthquake Drill, it is also fundamental in times of real earthquakes that may potentially
harm or kill us. It is important for us to know more about how to survive, adapt, and mitigate in
times of disaster like earthquakes. 

         I learned that in times of Earthquake, we cannot be fully prepared, we cannot predict when
it is going to happen, or where it is going to happen. But it doesn't mean that we are not going to
prepare, we must at least learn the basic principles of surviving and mitigating. Let us do our
responsibility as a citizen of the country to learn the basic knowledge of surviving this
catastrophic event. With this simple act, we can somewhat be safe. This simple act can help
through nation-building. I believe that if we apply the Duck, Cover, and Hold technique we can
be safe in times of earthquake. After the duck, cover, and hold technique, we must vacate the
area and proceed to the open area to avoid falling debris and to be safe in case the house will
       “The simplest act we do has a great impact on society”, we must do our collective
responsibility for us to be safe and prepared in times of earthquakes. As a Marian student, I must
be resilient and prepared in times of catastrophic events so that I can be safe and my family as
well in times of earthquakes.

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