HS - Sculpture - Student Pre-Assessment

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Pre-Assessment: High School Sculpture


NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: _______________

Section 1: Selected Response/Constructed Response

For the following questions, please circle the best possible answer. (1 point each)

1. The difference between 2-dimensional art and 3-dimensional art is: (HSI.1RE)
a. compositional planning
b. depth
c. overlapping
d. size change

2. Proportion is: (HSI.1RE)

a. the arrangement of elements in an artwork
b. a geometric shape
c. a professional artist’s tool
d. the size relationship between objects

3. Kinetic sculptures are: (HSI.3RE)

a. made of clay
b. sculptures incorporating a clear message
c. sculptures that incorporate movement
d. heavy in texture

4. Modeled sculptures are: (HSI.3RE)

a. created by pinching and pulling of a soft material
b. cut or chiseled from a larger mass
c. created by joining different materials with glues
d. created using a mold and media that turns into a solid

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

5. Assemblages are: (HSI.3RE)

a. created with soft, malleable materials like clay
b. sculptures that involve cutting or chipping away from a mass
c. made by joining different materials
d. created using liquids that turn into solids

6. Cast sculptures are: (HSI.3RE)

a. created with soft or malleable materials like clay
b. sculptures that involve cutting or chipping away from a mass
c. made by joining different materials
d. created using a mold

7. An armature is: (HSI.3RE)

a. the arm of a sculpture of a human
b. the base of a sculpture
c. the hanging mechanism of a sculpture
d. the support structure of a sculpture

8. “In the round” refers to: (HSI.1RE)

a. sculptures that are circular in shape
b. artwork that can be hung on the wall
c. a sculpture that all sides can be viewed
d. spherical bases on a sculpture

9. Content refers to: (HSI.4PE)

a. the media used to create the artwork
b. the color used in the artwork
c. the message the artist is communicating
d. the placement of the work

10. An example of an additive sculpture technique is: (HS.I.3RE)

a. impressing
b. carving
c. assemblage
d. freestanding

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

Please use complete sentences to answer the following questions, unless you are
asked to list the answer. (2 points each)

11. When an artist creates an assemblage, they may have to join found or
readymade materials that are very different. Please describe one way an artist
could attach non-similar items like plastic and metal. What difficulties might the
artist have in joining plastic and metal? (HSAC.2PR)

12. What technique might an artist use to create an actual texture on a plaster
sculpture? Please explain the process. (HSAC.2PR)

13. What media could an artist use to create a cast sculpture? List two possibilities.

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

14-16: Identification of technique and media: (2 points each)

Your teacher will show you three sculptures or images of sculptures. After
studying the sculptures, please determine and fill in the blanks with the correct
techniques that may have been used and the media/tools that the artist might
have used to create the work. (HSAC.2PR)

Techniques Used Media/Tools Used




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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

Section 2: Extended Response and Essay

17. Compare and contrast the following images. Organize your thoughts and
observations using the Venn diagram and then write a short essay comparing the
similarities and differences of the works. Write approximately one paragraph using
complete sentences. Your paragraph should include at least three similarities and
three differences you observe in the works. (HSI.3RE) (8 points)

Image A Image B

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture














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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

18-19: Please answer the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.
Use the equestrian images below to determine your answers.

Image A Image B

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

18. Culture is defined as the beliefs, thoughts, and symbols of a group of people or
time period. Choose one of the equestrian statues to discuss how culture has
influenced the sculpture. Include specific observations in your explanation.
(HSI.4PE) (4 points)











19. Determine the mood of each statue. Choose one statue to discuss. What do you
think the artist intended for the viewer or the audience of the work to feel? What
evidence do you have to support your idea? (HSI.4PE) (4 points)







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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

20. The images below are from a ninth grade sculpture student. The student created
the piece using paper clay—an air-dry clay—and acrylic paint. The work is
approximately 11” x 8” x 6” in size. Explain how the artist might have created this
piece from beginning until the piece was finished and displayed. Please remember
to use art-specific vocabulary. Your writing should be in complete sentences and in
paragraph format. (HSAC.3RE) (12 points)








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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

























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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

Section 3: Performance Assessment

Today you will begin Section 3 of the sculpture assessment. You will use ceramic clay
to create a portrait bust.

Use your best judgment in manipulating the materials and correctly using the tools.
The purpose of this assessment is to determine your skill level in creating a modeled
sculpture. Use any tools available, water, and paper towels. You have up to two class
periods to create your portrait bust. Complete as much as you can in the time that you
have. Include as many realistic details as possible including facial expressions.
Craftsmanship is also an important consideration, but because we will not be firing
these pieces, you do not have to spend any time hollowing the bust or worrying about
the work surviving the firing process. We will be documenting the works before they dry
by photograph. Remember to write your name on the bottom of the sculpture. Feel free
to use the space below to sketch an idea, but remember you have limited time.
(HS1.PR) (50 points)

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Post-Assessment: High School Sculpture

References for Artworks: Pre-Assessment (all works free of known copyrights)

Question 17:

Image A: Image B:

Paolo Troubetzkoy (Italian, 1866-1938) Edgar Degas (French 1834-1917)

Dancer, 1912, Bronze The Dance Lesson, 1879, Oil on Canvas
52.7 x 25.6 cm (20 3/4 x 10 1/16 in.) 38 x 88cm (14 15/16 x 24 5/8 in.)
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon
The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

Questions 18-19:

Image A: Image B:

Willem Danielsz. van Tetrode (Netherlandish, active Unknown

about 1525-1580) Horse and Rider, about 550 B.C., Terracotta
Warrior on Horseback, 1562-1565, Bronze 12.7 cm (5 in.)
39.7 x 45.7 cm (15 5/8 x 18 in.) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu,
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles California

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