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Case Report

Congenital Mastoid Cholesteatoma of Adult Patient

Masquerading as Complicated Otitis Media – A Case Report
and Literature Review
Balaji Ramamourthy, Anurag Snehi Ramavat, Neemu Hage, Arun Govind
Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

The study highlights the management protocol of a large mastoid cholesteatoma presenting with sudden‑onset facial palsy mimicking a
complicated otitis media and literature review. Congenital cholesteatoma may affect various regions of the temporal bone, the mastoid process
being the least frequently involved. The diagnosis is often missed, specifically when the patient presents with features of mastoiditis. Radiology
plays an important role in clenching the diagnosis. Congenital (mastoid) cholesteatoma manifesting with features of complicated otitis media
is a rare occurrence and needs familiarity to facilitate early diagnosis and appropriate management.

Keywords: Congenital cholesteatoma, facial palsy, mastoid abscess, temporal bone

Introduction moderate in severity, intermittent, and nonradiating. Facial

weakness was acute onset and nonprogressive. The patient
In 1965, Derlacki and Clemis [1] defined congenital
denied any history of ear discharge, vertigo, or tinnitus;
cholesteatoma (CC) for the first time by outlining criteria for
however, he reported fullness of the ear and mild diminution
its diagnosis, which was later modified in 1986 by Levenson
of hearing on the affected side. There was no history of
et al.[2] The incidence of CC reported in the literature is 0.12
fever, headache, altered sensorium, seizures, or difficulty in
per 100,000.[3] Approximately 1%–3% of the childhood
cholesteatoma cases, and 1%–5% of the cholesteatoma in
general, are congenital.[4] CC may originate within the temporal The patient had no other ear complaints in the past, and there
bone in various locations, including the petrous apex, the was no history of trauma. The patient received a course of oral
middle ear, the area of the geniculate ganglion, the mastoid antibiotics before presenting to our institution.
process, the jugular foramen, and the squamous portion of the On examination, the patient was fully conscious, oriented,
temporal bone.[1] However, occurrence in the mastoid process and afebrile. He had House Brackmann Grade V facial paresis
is the least frequent.[5] Here, we report a rare case of the CC on the left side. No mastoid or cymba concha tenderness
of the mastoid in an adult patient who presented with otalgia was elicited; however, the patient had tragal tenderness. On
and facial nerve palsy, confounding our diagnosis with that otoscopic examination, the cartilaginous part of the external
of acute mastoiditis. auditory canal was unremarkable; however, the deep part

Case Report Address for correspondence: Dr. Balaji Ramamourthy,

A 50‑year male patient presented to the emergency department Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,
All India Institute of Medical Education and Research (AIIMS),
with complaints of left‑sided otalgia and left‑sided facial Bibinagar- 500 088, India.
weakness for a week. The ear pain was dull aching, mild to E‑mail:
Submitted: 06‑Nov‑2020 Revised: 20-Jan-2021  Accepted: 22‑Mar‑2021
Published: 20-Sep-2022 This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
Access this article online remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit
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How to cite this article: Ramamourthy B, Ramavat AS, Hage N,

DOI: Govind A. Congenital mastoid cholesteatoma of adult patient masquerading
10.4103/indianjotol.indianjotol_243_20 as complicated otitis media – A case report and literature review. Indian J
Otol 2022;28:149-52.

© 2022 Indian Journal of Otology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 149

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Ramamourthy, et al.: Congenital mastoid cholesteatoma

was congested. The tympanic membrane was intact and dull.

There was congestion over the posterosuperior quadrant of
the tympanic membrane. A working diagnosis of complicated
acute otitis media was made.
A high‑resolution computed tomography  (CT) of temporal
bone revealed a huge coalescent cavity with the destruction
of mastoid septae. The disease was also found to be eroding
the overlying cortical bone, posteriorly the sigmoid plate;
however, the tegmen appeared intact. The soft‑tissue density
also involved the attic, but no widening of the aditus was
Figure 1: Congenital cholesteatoma of mastoid showing the destruction
appreciated, and the ossicles were also unaffected. The of posterior fossa plate, sigmoid sinus, and closely abutting cerebellum
disease was in close relation with the posterior cranial
fossa [Figure 1]. Hence, contrast‑enhanced magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) was done, which showed a T1 isointense and T2
hyperintense lesion involving the mastoid region. The lesion
encroached the cerebellum, but fat planes with the dura were
maintained [Figure 2a and b].
Pure‑tone audiometry of the patient showed moderate mixed
hearing loss in the left ear and normal hearing sensitivity
in the right. A facial nerve excitatory stimulation was done
An emergency mastoid exploration was performed with
intraoperative findings of a huge cholesteatoma sac behind
an intact tympanic membrane which had replaced the mastoid
air cells, caused the destruction of mastoid cortical bone,
sigmoid plate, and exposure of the posterior cranial fossa
dura  [Figure  3a]. Tegmen and ossicular chain were intact.
The bony Fallopian canal was intact in its tympanic segment,
whereas it was dehiscent in its entire course in the mastoid
segment. Attic and aditus were normal except for edematous
mucosa. The semicircular canals were intact. b
Figure 2: (a) T1‑weighted image showing hypointense lesion. (b) Showing
A modified radical mastoidectomy was done, which resulted T2‑weighted image showing hyperintense lesion of the mastoid closely
in a huge cavity. The cavity was obliterated using fat and bone abutting cerebellum
pâté. Wullstein Type III tympanoplasty was performed.
Postoperatively, the patient had persistent ear discharge, which
was managed conservatively. The cavity was dry after a year
of vigilant follow‑up. The facial paresis, however, persisted.
He was last reviewed at 18 months post surgery and has been
rendered disease‑free [Figure 3b]. We intend to keep him on
a longer follow‑up.

a b
CC arises from an epidermoid cyst from a congenital remnant
of the keratinizing squamous epithelium of the temporal Figure 3: (a) Huge mastoid cavity after removal of cholesteatoma showing
bone.[6] the intact posterior fossa dura. (b) Completely healed postoperative cavity
at 18‑month follow‑up
CC of mastoid origin has the following characteristics:
1. The initial presentation is usually pain in the neck and 3. MRI scanning shows little or no peripheral enhancement
mastoid region on postcontrast T1‑weighted images and hyperintensity
2. CT scan shows an expansile, cystic lesion occupying on T2‑weighted images.[1,7,8]
the mastoid process without involving the middle ear,
which may compress the cerebellum and the dural sinuses Similar presenting complaints and radiological appearance
adjacent to it and/or erode the bony labyrinth can be noted in our case as well [Figures 1 and 2]. However,

150 Indian Journal of Otology ¦ Volume 28 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ April-June 2022

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Ramamourthy, et al.: Congenital mastoid cholesteatoma

facial nerve palsy as a presenting complaint with features of Warren et al. presented a case series of nine patients who they
acute mastoiditis is rare. divided into mastoid‑only cholesteatoma and mastoid and
middle ear cholesteatoma groups. The former group tends to
Hidaka et al. reported a similar case where the patient presented
be clinically silent as the lesion does not impinge upon any
with postauricular swelling and pain as the presenting
critical neurovascular structures and shows a higher incidence
complaint. Along with mastoid abscess, the patient also had an
of dural exposure, facial nerve exposure, and auditory canal
isolated mastoid CC with the erosion of posterior fossa bony
erosion.[11] Our patient fits into the mastoid‑only group and had
plate and sigmoid plate similar to the findings in our patient.[8] both dural exposure and facial nerve exposure.
As in most patients of CC, mastoid was well pneumatized in Giannuzzi et al., in their study, concluded that many cases,
our patient. Pnematization is not affected because inflammation which were reported as mastoid cholesteatoma in the past,
is absent in CC. Whereas, in acquired cholesteatoma were not true mastoid cholesteatoma and thereby detailed the
inflammation and pathologic changes of mucosa are more following characteristics of mastoid CC which differentiated
evident leading to sclerotic mastoid. Kojima et al. analyzed it from middle ear CC.
temporal bone pneumatization in 53 patients of CC, 27 (50.9%) 1. Presenting complaint – Neck and temporal region pain
and 16  (30.2%) had very good and good pneumatization, 2. Age at the presentation – Adulthood
respectively. They also found that otorrhea or otalgia was an 3. Findings at otoscopy – No abnormalities
initial symptom in 17.5% of the patients.[9] 4. Findings of imaging restricted to the mastoid process.
Potsic et  al. described a staging system for CC, which are Based on their literature review, only 12 of the 20 reported
defined as follows: cases were true mastoid cholesteatomas. Our case fits the
• Stage I – Single quadrant: No ossicular involvement or description of true mastoid cholesteatoma in all aspects defined
mastoid extension by Giannuzzi et al.[12]
• Stage II – Multiple quadrants: No ossicular involvement
Our literature review on patients of CC who presented as
or mastoid extension
complicated otitis media is summarized in Table 1. We were
• Stage III – Ossicular involvement: It includes erosion of
able to find four such cases in the literature; however, one was
ossicles and surgical removal for eradication of disease;
deliberately omitted, as it was not in English.
no mastoid extension
• Stage IV  –  Mastoid extension  (regardless of findings Informed consent
elsewhere). Informed consent was obtained from the patient included in
the study.
Their study showed a strong association between stage and
residual disease, ranging from a 13% risk in Stage I to 67% Declaration of patient consent
in Stage IV.[10] Our patient belongs to Stage IV according to The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
their staging system, emphasizing the need for a regular long patient consent forms. In the form, the patient has given his
time follow‑up. consent for his images and other clinical information to be

Table 1: Reported cases of congenital cholesteatoma presented as complicated otitis media

Authors Year Age (years) Presentation Hearing loss Imaging Facial nerve status Surgery
Hidaka et al.[8] 2010 65 Postauricular Mixed Postauricular abscess Intact Initially, abscess
swelling and pain hearing loss with a cystic lesion in drainage followed
mastoid causing erosion by intact canal wall
of postfossa bone and mastoidectomy
sigmoid plate
Santhi et al.[13] 2012 5 Progressive Failed Soft‑tissue mass in middle NA Modified radical
supra‑auricular auditory brain ear cleft and ossicular mastoidectomy
swelling stem response destruction along with
and Type B Luc’s abscess
Tabook et al.[14] 2015 21 Right‑side The tuning NA NA Intact canal wall
mastoid pain and fork test was mastoidectomy
postauricular normal
Present case 50 Ear pain and tragal Mixed Large cystic lesion Grade V facial Canal wall down
tenderness with hearing loss confined to mastoid paresis mastoidectomy
sudden‑onset facial causing erosion of with Type III
paresis with no ear posterior fossa bone, tympanoplasty and
complaints in past sigmoid plate, and closely cavity obliteration
abutting cerebellum
NA: Not applicable

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Ramamourthy, et al.: Congenital mastoid cholesteatoma

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has to be kept in mind as these cases pose special surgical 8. Hidaka  H, Ishida  E, Kaku  K, Nishikawa  H, Kobayashi T. Congenital
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• Imaging of the temporal region helps the surgeon (a) to
9. Kojima  H, Tanaka  Y, Shiwa  M, Sakurai  Y, Moriyama  H. Congenital
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