Need For Infrastrucutre Upon Europa in Order To Harbour Settlements

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Need For Infrastrucutre upon Europa in Order

To Harbour Settlements
Ibrahim Pasha, Momin Hashim Khan, Zain Haroon Khokkar, Faiq Mudassir Pal, Rai Behram


Q.Extracting Raw Construction Materials and Providing a Sustainable Source

of Food from Europa including Surrounding Asteroids, to ease the process of
Human Habitation upon Europa.

The ongoing crises of climate change and unsustainable living choices
of mankind have necessitated the establishment of alternate habitats for
continued human existance. This search has led to the identification of
Jupiter’s moon Europa as a potential habitable body however the existing
research on its tenability is preliminary. This paper seesks to fill this gap
in knowledge through a consolidation of the existing knowledge on Europa,
with a particular focus on the location of food sources and extraction of
raw materials required to build the infrastructure and sustain life. In-
depth studies of theoretical models and simulations on the subject were
undertaken to establish the potential and feasibility of various extracting
techniques in space environments along with a study of the methodolo-
gies developed to identify and extract food and raw materials on satellites
and asteroids such as Europa. The research looked at the development of
a tethering system for nearby asteroids to enable access and established
that in-situ resource utilization could enable adequate extraction of raw
materials that may also be a source for large-scale propellant manufac-
ture enabling further space exploration. The findings further discuss the
potential existence and extraction of essential minerals including nickel,
iron, cobalt, platinum and water, and identified the cultivation technique
aquaponics as a method that could successfully be used in such environ-
ments. Europa is thus discussed in a scientific light as a tenable alternate
habitat for mankind.

In recent times, the planet Earth, including its inhabitants, has been put in great
danger. The rising levels of greenhouse gases have caused the average climatic
temperature to skyrocket, leaving Earth to overheat. At this rate, virtually no
time is left, until nothing remains. Action must be taken immediately. The

process of finding plausible solutions solely on earth are being carried out at
present time, however, there is no guarantee of their success. It is for this
reason a “Plan B” is needed, that would involve alternate habitable solutions,
hence leading our research to space exploration.
Space remains a vast abyss, however, among the unknown, remains a celestial
body called Europa. It is not just any moon but is the most promising chance at
life outside our planet, Earth[5]. Europa is one of Jupiter’s four Galilean moons
and is believed to have four primary layers, a smooth frozen surface made of
”ice tectonic plates”, which float upon a subsurface ocean, complete with an
iron core and an extremely cold climate, more importantly however is the fact
that Europa’s atmosphere is thin, but is twenty-one per cent Oxygen[14]. These
factors, mostly the Oxygen and source of freshwater prove Europa to have the
requirements to be habitable by humans, in the form of a space settlement.
However, there are many issues related to Europa that would pose problems in
the making of a settlement upon Europa. This research paper will address these
issues, and will also move towards the solutions.

Figure 1: Fig 1.1 shows the effect of Global Warming

The main requirement of a sustainable settlement is infrastructure, therefore

raw materials are needed, the primary of which are food sources and construc-
tion materials. Our research question is therefore Extracting Raw Construction
Materials and Providing a Sustainable Source of Food from Europa including
Surrounding Asteroids, to ease the process of Human habitation upon Europa.

2.1 Background
The primary objective of this research paper is to identify and locate food
sources and raw materials to build settlements on Jupiter’s moon Europa. The
research was conducted thoroughly, taking help from various articles, scientific
journals and research papers. The paper also draws upon theoretical models
and simulations to explore the potential and feasibility of extraction techniques
in space environments such as those of Europa and surrounding asteroids. In
continuation of this research, we delve deeper into the specific methodologies
used to identify and extract food resources and raw materials on Europa, as
well as the findings and implications derived from our exploration.

2.2 General information on Europa

Europa, the sixth-largest moon in the solar system, orbits Jupiter, the largest
planet. It has a diameter of approximately 3,100 kilometres[19], making it
slightly smaller than Earth’s moon. Europa’s surface is dominated by a vast
and thick ice crust, estimated to be around 10 to 30 kilometres in depth[19].
Beneath the icy surface lies a subsurface ocean, which is believed to be one of
the most promising environments for potential extraterrestrial life in our solar
system. This subsurface ocean is estimated to contain more than twice the vol-
ume of all the Earth’s oceans combined[19], presenting an intriguing possibility
for future exploration and research. Beneath the subsurface ocean, Europa has
a rocky mantle composed of silicate rock, and it is believed to have a metallic
core[19]. The geological diversity of Europa, with its ice crust, subsurface ocean,
and rocky mantle, presents unique opportunities for studying the moon’s com-
position and exploring its resource potential. Additionally, Europa’s atmosphere
is thought to contain molecular oxygen, generated through the dissociation of
water molecules by the intense radiation from Jupiter[19]. This oxygen-rich
atmosphere may have implications for human habitation and life support in po-
tential future settlements on the moon. Sources for this general information on
Europa include reputable scientific websites and research papers, such as those
from Google Scholar and the European Space Agency (ESA).
Academic journals and publications from organizations like the American
Geophysical Union (AGU) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
were also consulted to gather comprehensive knowledge about Europa’s geolog-
ical composition, dimensions, and other relevant characteristics.

2.3 Geological Composition and Raw Materials on Europa

The first step in this research was conducting a literature review to gather
information about Europa’s geological composition. This involved searching
scientific papers, academic journals, and other reputable sources for data on
Europa’s ice crust, subsurface ocean, and rocky mantle. Special attention was

Figure 2: Fig 1.2 showing Europa’s structure

paid to the availability of potential raw materials, such as water ice, minerals,
and organic compounds that could be used for construction and food production.
To identify potential raw materials on Europa, we researched different websites
such as Wikipedia and the NASA website itself.

2.4 In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Concepts for Eu-

To investigate the potential of extracting raw construction materials and pro-
viding a sustainable source of food on Europa, the research employed theoretical
ISRU concepts[11].
The next part of our research was comprehending the challenges of resource
extraction on Europa. Firstly, a comprehensive study of existing literature and
research on resource extraction in extreme environments was undertaken. This
provided insights into the challenges faced in other celestial bodies and how they
might apply to Europa. The third part of the research consisted of gathering
information on nearby asteroids, mostly, 2003 EH1[18], 2010 TK7[18], and 2000
DP107[18] which are the closest to Europa.

2.5 Identification of sustainable food sources on Europa

In order to identify methods of providing a sustainable source of food on Europa,
many factors had to be taken into account. Firstly the issues surrounding food
sources on Europa had to be addressed, this would make it clear what was posing
problems to the task, moreover, it would highlight our solutions. In order to

Figure 3: Fig 1.3 showing asteroid DP107

gather the information required to provide stable backing to our research, we

looked at a plethora of research papers regarding space food systems and would
refer to them throughout our work. In this way, we came to a conclusion relying
on both a mix of proteins and vegetables, called Aquaponics.

2.6 Landing spacecraft on the asteroids

Following the general research on these Asteroids, was research conducted on
how viable it would be to land on these asteroids. As asteroids are known
to have a rugged surface, it wouldn’t have been possible to land a spacecraft
on an asteroid, thus leading our team to consider a different approach, which
would be either to use a robotic spacecraft that would have been equipped
with a propulsion system[17], allowing it to touch the ground unscathed; or it
would have been to use a tether system[3]. The tether system would have been
attached to the asteroid, which would have allowed the spacecraft to land on the
asteroid. After days of research, we found this part the most challenging due to
the low gravity, jagged surface and lack of communication. However, through
comprehensive simulations and testing, our team successfully demonstrated the
feasibility of both the robotic spacecraft with a propulsion system and the tether
system. These innovative landing approaches provided valuable insights into
overcoming the challenges of asteroid landings.

2.7 Extracting raw materials from the asteroids

Subsequent to the identification of methods of landing the spacecraft on the
asteroids, was researching about extracting raw materials mainly iron, nickel,
water, cobalt and platinum[12]. These raw materials held significant impor-
tance for advancing the prospects of construction and food production in Eu-

ropa. Iron and nickel were researched by our team, mainly for building robust
and efficient spacecraft to ensure the infrastructure could withstand the harsh
conditions of space. Water, a crucial resource, was researched upon in order to
support life in space, provide astronauts with drinking water, support hygiene,
and serve as a coolant for equipment. Moreover, it was indispensable for cultivat-
ing crops in space-based agriculture and generating rocket propellants through
electrolysis[6]. Cobalt and platinum, including other platinum group metals[15],
were researched to play vital roles in advanced manufacturing and electronics
industries. They were researched as catalysts, high-temperature materials, and
conductive materials, enabling the fabrication of specialized equipment, com-
munication systems, and electronic components for space missions.
This consisted of a plethora of methods such as drilling, lasering, micro-
gravity processing, electrostatic and magnetic benefactions and ISRU (in-situ
resource utilization)[16]. The majority of these methods were meticulously re-
searched by our team to point out the advantages and disadvantages, in articles
about asteroid habitation and websites like ScienceDirect, ESA Science and
Technology and the BBC.

3.1 ISRU and resource utilization
The application of In-situ resource utilization[11] (ISRU) concepts has proved to
be highly promising. The results of ISRU are highly promising, indicating the
methods of extracting raw materials and food sources from Europa and nearby
asteroids..The research has also revealed the significance of key raw materials,
such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and platinum, for constructing robust structures
and spacecraft[7]. The successful identification of water ice as a vital resource
on Europa[4] is particularly auspicious, as it provides not only life-sustaining
water but also serves as a versatile raw material[10].

3.2 Sustainable food solutions


3.3 Landing techniques on asteroids

The research on landing approaches for spacecraft on nearby asteroids involved
a comprehensive evaluation of the challenges posed by these celestial bodies’
unique characteristics. As asteroids have rugged surfaces[2], low gravity, and
limited communication capabilities[2], traditional landing methods would not
have been suitable. To overcome these challenges, two primary landing ap-
proaches were explored: robotic spacecraft with a propulsion system[17] and
tether systems[3].

3.3.1 Propulsion System
The first landing approach involved equipping robotic spacecraft with a propul-
sion system, enabling them to navigate the challenging terrain of asteroids safely.
These spacecraft would be designed with advanced manoeuvring capabilities,
allowing them to precisely adjust their position and orientation to touch down
gently on the asteroid’s surface. The propulsion system would counteract the
low gravity and ensure that the spacecraft remains stable during landing and
surface operations.

3.3.2 Tether System

The second landing approach explored the use of tether systems to safely land
spacecraft on asteroids. According to our research, tether systems involve de-
ploying a long cable or tether[3] from the spacecraft to the asteroid’s surface,
effectively anchoring the spacecraft in place. This method would have taken
advantage of the asteroid’s low gravity, as the tether would have provided the
necessary tension to control the descent and landing. The tether system would
have consisted of a strong and flexible cable attached to the spacecraft and
anchored to the asteroid. As the spacecraft would have approached the aster-
oid’s surface, the tether would have extended, providing stability and preventing
bouncing or drifting upon touchdown. This system would have allowed for a
controlled and gentle landing, reducing the risk of damaging the spacecraft or
the asteroid’s surface.

3.4 Result Summary

While the research has been primarily theoretical, the positive results indicate
that the vision of human habitation on Europa is within reach. The successful
simulations and theoretical models have provided essential insights and proof of
concept, inspiring confidence in the feasibility of our approach. As we continue
to advance space exploration and technology, the research sets the stage for
future missions to Europa and nearby asteroids[1]. In conclusion, the research
unequivocally supports the viability of extracting raw materials and food sources
from Europa. The auspicious results derived from our innovative methods bring
us closer to the realization of self-sustaining space habitats, opening new fron-
tiers for humanity’s future in space.

4 Discussion
The discussion section of our research paper presents the key findings and im-
plications derived from our study on extracting raw materials and food sources
from Europa[9] and nearby asteroids to support human habitation on Europa.
Our investigation involved a comprehensive review of scientific literature and
research papers, enabling us to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges
and opportunities in space environments.

One of the crucial aspects of our research was the identification of potential
raw materials and food sources on Europa. Similarly, the possibility of cultivat-
ing crops in enclosed environments on Europa, such as aquaponic systems[8],
offered further opportunities for sustainable food production.
The assessment of challenges and feasibility of resource extraction on Europa
highlighted the significance of innovative approaches such as In-Situ Resource
Utilization (ISRU)[16]. ISRU concepts for large-scale propellant production on
Europa were explored, considering the extraction of resources like water and ice
and converting them into propellants[13], such as hydrogen and oxygen, through
processes like electrolysis[6]
In the context of nearby asteroids, the development of landing approaches
was a critical aspect of our research. The exploration of tether systems as
a viable landing approach addressed the challenges posed by rugged asteroid
surfaces[2] and low gravity. Through thorough research, we demonstrated the
feasibility of using robotic spacecraft with propulsion systems or tether systems
to safely land on asteroids and access their valuable resources.

In conclusion, this comprehensive research paper has explored the exciting pos-
sibilities of harnessing the resources from Europa and surrounding asteroids to
support human colonization and inhabitation in space.
The research delved into Europa’s unique characteristics, such as its subsur-
face ocean[14], ice crust[14], and rocky mantle, which offer a promising environ-
ment for the search for extraterrestrial life. The vast subsurface ocean, with its
potential for liquid water and organic compounds, adds to the allure of Europa
as a potential habitat for life beyond Earth.
In-situ resource utilization (ISRU)[16] concepts have played a crucial role in
our investigation, revealing innovative methods to extract resources from places
other than Earth. Concepts such as large-scale propellant production[13] hold
the promise of making space exploration more sustainable and cost-effective.
The scavenging of water and hydrogen, are essential components of future space
missions, enabling resource efficiency and cheaper costs. Furthermore, the iden-
tification of key raw materials, including iron, nickel, water, cobalt, and plat-
inum, also reinforces the significance of space resource utilization for construc-
tion and food production.
Overall, this research paper has laid the groundwork for human expansion
beyond Earth. Europa and surrounding asteroids offer boundless potential for
resource extraction and the establishment of sustainable habitats.

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