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More than a bird could bargain for

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply,
Category: M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Character: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, OC (HPSC Handler),
HPSC President, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Tokoyami Fumikage, Okuta
Kagerou | Giran, Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant
Additional Tags: Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little
Shit, Top Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Wing
Kink, Porn With Plot, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, implied/
referenced child abuse, hpsc bashing, Takami Keigo | Hawks Sidekicks,
Omegaverse, If You Squint - Freeform, Takami Keigo | Hawks acting
like a big brother, Hermaphroditism, Intersex, BAMF Takami Keigo |
Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Being An Asshole, Blackmail, Dom/ Sub,
Bad BDSM Etiquette, League of Villains as Family (My Hero
Academia), Supportive League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Medical
Experimentation, Grooming Behaviors, Parental Okuta Kagerou | Giran,
implied/ referenced honeypot, Panic Attacks, Obsessive Behavior,
Yandere Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Slow Burn
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-11 Updated: 2023-04-01 Words: 33,084 Chapters:

More than a bird could bargain for

by Lunevian


When he’d first felt the soreness tease him he thought nothing of it, painful body aches
were normal so of course, Hawks brushed them off, a small dose of pain meds and he’d be
fine in an hour or two tops, no big deal right? Wrong, god he couldn't be any more wrong
but how could he have known that this snippet of pain marked the beginning of a new type
of torment at the hands of many with ill intent and self-gain in mind? Especially at the
scarred hands of a certain arsonist with a MAJOR power complex, yet the same hands that
love tormenting him have been and continue to be the ones to keep saving him? Most
importantly, however, was when the fuck did Hawks "become Dabi's"!?
The Beginning
Chapter Notes

Yes I know there is Omegaverse in the tags but it's only hinted at, however, I wanted
to try writing a story that didn't center solely around the traditional ABO dynamics and
so far I like the direction it's going with that in mind. This is a multi-chapter story not
entirely sure how many yet but the second chapter will be posted no later than the first
week of February 2023. I'll make sure to post updates if any chapter is to be postponed
for any reason so it's clear to my readers if any particular story they're following is on
Hiatus, abandoned/ orphaned, or still active. With that said enjoy little songbirds!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sun shining through the burgundy curtains and crisp morning air fluttering in through an ajar
window towards the messy round bed. Would usually be considered a very peaceful way to
awaken in the early dawn, but for a particular winged hero it was anything but peaceful or serene or
whatever motivational bullshit people tried saying.

Quite the opposite, as seeing it this particular morn made him angrily growl out in pure
unadulterated frustration, not that anyone was around to hear his anguish. The night had been a
rough one of endless tossing and turning, where nothing felt comfortable, something always feeling
strained, pinched, or sore.

Between a gut that was wrenching itself to oblivion with no end in sight and waves of painful body
shivers wracking through his poor limbs, there was no peace as they kept him from falling to an
even more comfortable state of rest.

Though with a skeleton that felt as if it were made of pure osmium and muscles barely supporting
the weight of his curved figure, he couldn't even think of attempting any means of productivity
within his restless fit. How could he when his sad, barely successful efforts to roll himself around
black bedding that felt like fiery sandpaper zapped away any energy lingering beneath his sun-
kissed skin, skin that was too tight, sweaty yet cold simultaneously?

Hawks couldn't wrap his head around his current predicament, he’d tried almost every trick in his
little avian 101 care book he’d mentally crafted over years of the Commission abusing and pushing
his body well past the limits it should've gone. Trials and errors helped him configure a perfect,
intricate set of self-care regimes to keep him comfortable, healthy, and relatively pain-free on most

Granted there was only so much one oversized bird could do when rougher duties saw him being
shot, burned, in need of stitches, or mending broken bones but he did his best when he was given a
moment to breathe.

It had begun around noon the day prior, a shockingly quiet patrol (knock on wood) had seen him
not doing much, besides leisurely gliding high above the cityscape. The day was beautiful, with a
calm wind giving him just enough lift that he didn't need to do much wing work, something he
always appreciated and thanked good ol’ mother nature for.
That's when he’d first felt the soreness tease him, painful aches in his body were normal so of
course, Hawks brushed them off, landing on a high rooftop, away from any prying eyes. A small
dose of pain medication and he’d be fine in an hour or two tops, no big deal right?

Wrong, gods he couldn't be any more wrong but lord help him if he didn't know the ride he’d just
boarded with a promise to deliver him into hell's river of torment itself .

It kept escalating, not quick enough to raise any alarms or go see his specialist at the Commission
site by any means, however, it was just enough that it began weaning his attention from his duties
and more to his body. By the end of the night he could barely bring himself to pay attention to the
police frequencies through the tiny earpiece of the throat mic he wore (1*), their voices becoming
nothing more than jumbled white noise.

This, in any case, wasn't normal, he knew his body better than anyone especially being a
heteromorph, he had to as even at their age, his kind's medical field was severely lacking to put it
lightly. So morphs had to advocate a lot for themselves, collaborating with one another to sleuth
out treatments for diseases and alleviate symptoms berating them purely due to genetics and
jumbled-up biology.

It soon escalated enough that he called it quits early that night, wrapping up a fourteen-hour shift at
twelve instead and telling his sidekicks (kamaitachi) vortex and (Rai) lightning bird(2*) to just
leave their paperwork in his office for tomorrow. The two mid-twenty-year-olds were too stunned
to speak, merely nodding before the blonde took off from the parking ramp he’d met them atop.
Hawks may be labeled arrogant and sometimes a bit childish but many people knew behind the
bravado was a responsible guy who did take his work seriously and left no loose ends.

Which included paperwork for his Agency and the Commission, as much as he griped about it he
was just behind Endeavour for being the most proficient and on-time hero with their paperwork.
Which was something loads of heroes admired quietly, it was certainly no secret that paperwork
was the worst part of their chosen careers, everyone easily fell behind so it spoke volumes to the
top two’s characters, unbeknownst to either.

He’d been a studious guy for as long as they’d known him, you had to be with his workload on top
of finding out the prodigy hero somehow managed to complete two doctorates and two bachelor's
degrees at twenty-three. Hence why the avian not only calling it an early night when he’d never
done so prior but completely skipping papers was so very out of character.

Which was why once the man himself threw his visors and gloves on the coffee table and
collapsed on the couch after failing to throw up whatever was in his stomach, did he read through
their group text message containing the two sidekicks, himself, Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi), Sato
(Sugarman), Shoji (Tentacole), Ojiro (Tailman), Shishida (Gevaudan) and Shoda (mines). (3*)

Hoping he felt better and that if he needed anything at all they were happy to help, along with
Tokoyami forwarding Dark Shadows' own concerns, scolding his master to stay home tomorrow
and rest as he deserves to. The other five U.A students followed suit with their own sets of
agreements to their basically adopted big brother, threatening to get Shoto so they could call
Endeavor to force him into staying home.

The messages, especially his little interns made him smile, he could almost hear Dark Shadow’s
raspy, theatrical little voice he'd come to know and love as he read the screen over and over.
Typing out slowly he sent them a message thanking them for their concerns, telling them he was
likely getting the bird flu (pun fully intended) and he'd be fine for tomorrow but he'd take it easier
so as to not worry them.
He fully expected the answers he got, which were not thrilled he wouldn't simply comply and stay
home, but his sidekicks understood and asked if he’d consider slowing it down, letting them take
the closer combat while he provided backup just for the day.

Obviously being the person he was, simply responded that they’d try it out and see if the villains
decided to play nice tomorrow but wouldn't be able to promise anything concrete to them.

They understood as he knew they would, there were a few very good reasons Rai and Kamaitachi
had been his two only sidekicks and their comprehension and trust were just a few of the reasons
he trusted them so much in turn, manifesting in ways like how he allowed them to lead his precious
intern when he wasn't available. However, when his screen display morphed into the inevitable
phone call he knew was coming, it successfully swept away any euphoria he'd felt at that moment.

“This is Hawks”

He quipped after picking up, his tone stone cold and unreadable as it always was when it came to
any conversations he had with the Commission.

“Good evening to you as well special agent Hawks, I think you understand the reason I’m calling
correct” his handler uttered, as Hawks slumped into the couch further barely containing the groan
threatening his vocal cords. Lazily plopping down his headphones once they'd disconnected from
Bluetooth on the cushion next to him.

“I do, you've yet to receive my daily debrief report, it'll be on your fax machine by ten tomorrow
morning. I wrapped up at twelve hours instead of fourteen due to illness. You haven't received a
notification due to me discussing patrol plans with my sidekicks moments before your call”.

Hawks explained in a tight professional tone that screamed ‘I-dont-want-to-talk-to-you’ to anyone

with two bits of social skills. However, his handler either was completely used to this tone or just
didn't care and continued on as he always did.

“I would have expected a call to be made to me first, little one, you know I’m the very first one
who's supposed to be informed of anything and everything that pertains to you, correct?” the
greasy man's voice ventured into something that sounded like a sickeningly sweet purr of some

Whatever it was made Hawks feel uncomfortable and gross, especially accompanied by the
nickname the man's privy to using, ever since he took over as Keigo's handler around age twelve.
Hearing such a tone from a man whose shifty eyes the blonde had caught looking him over like
some starved animal from day fucking one, especially in his position of authority over Hawks just,
unnerved something deep in his gut.

“Correct, however, I wanted to make a plan with my team before contacting you so I could answer
all of your questions in one call, not multiple, we’re both busy men, sir”

Hawks gritted out as politely as he could, making sure to emphasize the last word to remind the
unsettling authority figure of his lack of professionalism. Meanwhile, he silently clenches his teeth
as another painful knot tears into his lower abdomen this time.

“I do very much appreciate your efficiency as well as your expeditiousness my little rosefinch, just,
do be sure your report details this all out now, you know how our lovely director can be” the man
mused airily.

Hawks shivered with the name as he stood up, pacing over to the kitchen specifically towards the
fax machine placed against the wall, his work laptop still sitting on the dining room table from
agency contracts he’d been reviewing the morning prior. As he exhaled and descended into the
chair affront it to power the thing on, he managed to shift the phone to nestle onto his shoulder as
he speedily entered a few password criteria and accessed the main Commission portal to attain the
necessary report template pdf.

“I’m aware sir, since I’ve finished discussions with my team I'm seeing to that right now, I’ll send
it over tonight. It’ll be ready for your final review when you get in tomorrow morning”.

Hawks said distractedly as he multi-tasked, wishing to just get off the line already and finish the
most unnecessary report yet to date already so the man would get off his back about it.

Why a report was needed when he literally stopped no crimes nor made any sort of detainments
that day was beyond him, what was he even supposed to write down? That he’d flown around, had
a snack at a few points, and was feeling unbearably sore for a reason he still couldn't figure out? At
that point, it sounded more like some angsty pre-teen's diary entry rather than any official
government report if he had any say in the matter, but he didn't thus he’d grin and bear it as he
already was typing out patrol patterns he took to construct some kind of measly entry.

“Well that sounds excellent, if you're working on it right this moment I think I’ll just wait here for
it, seems much more convenient and a fresh memory will do better to discuss any concerns over
tomorrow morning don't you agree?” his handler said a bit too happily.

Hawks almost stopped typing over the painful eye roll that commenced following that statement,
but he merely placed the phone down on speaker instead when his shoulder started screaming at

“If that's what you wish sir, it's your schedule so I've got no say in what you do, not much of a read-
through, nothing happened today so it’s just basic patrolling and a break clock in, and out. Ten
minutes of work on your end at most I’d say”

Hawks grunted out, deeply breathing in as he felt waves of heat hitting him this time actually
stopping his work to settle his face in his hands. God damn, he really just wanted this call to end.
He couldn't deal with this mystery sickness and his unbearable handler at the same time.

“Very well, regardless of length I’ll be waiting for it then Hawks” the man muttered breathily,
making Hawks slowly begin relaxing as the call seemed to be wrapping up finally.

“Okay, I’ll check in at the usual time at the main deck entry,”

The avian quickly said, clenching his fists as more pains ruptured through his gut, and hung up, not
even allowing the man to keep chatting away like he knew he would if he let him.

Hawks pushed himself up and proceeded to strip away his shoes and socks as he felt his wings
become lighter, the mesmerizing flurry of red feathers dispersing to one of the few conveniently
placed metal bins around his pent. With his wings now small enough he let his heavy flight jacket
fall off his shoulders, sighing with the cool air that enveloped his torso and alleviated some of the
discomforts his body was feeling.

Throwing said jacket onto the sectional sofa adjacent to a gigantic love sac that was gracing the
corner, he almost threw himself into it, the temptation was tantalizing but he ultimately decided
against it. Knowing damn well if he did so with how he felt he’d likely not get up again, the thing
was so comfortable he often fell asleep curled up in it rather than going to his bedroom.
He returned to the kitchen and with a few feathers following he sent one to the bathroom linen
closet and another to the fridge. Both returned with a bottle of pain meds and a drink that sloshed it
down, typing the remainder of the report and sending it over to the fax machine.

He stood shakily on wobbly legs, trying to focus instead on the feather looping over to his small
office to retrieve a pen, signing and dating the paperwork but as he reached to stamp the bottom he
couldn't recall where he even placed the necessary Commission seal. Which with a groan forced
him to walk to the room instead to search through drawers looking for the damn thing when after a
few moments he finally saw it on the floor by the chair.

As he bent though he nearly screamed out, white light flashing in his eyes as his whole body
collapsed onto the ground, his meager attempts to grab the rolling chair to steady his upper body
resulting in little success. An indescribable sharp pain was intruding into his abdomen licking
down deep throughout his pelvis and almost felt like it ventured between his legs.

Reminding him of that one god-awful memory when he’d broken his tailbone with the waves of
numbing tingly pain radiating in and around his ass and to his crotch. The pain was nearly halting
his breathing completely as he felt he needed to lay his front flush to the ground and slack his jaw
to get any semblance of air in.

He stayed down on the ground unmoving for what had to be an hour or more, the lighting coming
through the office window had visibly diminished to nothing by the time he was able to slowly
raise himself up and begin walking hunched in on himself, to his bedroom. Report be damned he
needed to lay down, his body felt like it was dying and he couldn't focus on anything else but the
pain and heat.

He half managed to move the covers as he concentrated on breathing deeply with every pinch and
heat wave that wreaked havoc on his very fucking soul it felt like at this point. As he shimmied out
of his cargo pants, fluffing out achy tail feathers(4*) did he notice an alarmingly large dark staining
in the seat and frontal area, one he definitely would've remembered doing, did he, did he actually
piss himself at some point from this pain!?

Thanking whatever god was watching over him today that nobody had been around to see that,
knowing with how vicious the media was he’d have seen that plastered all over the tabloids or
Twitter for sure.

Followed by whatever sick punishment tickled the Commission board foul fancy that day for
“embarrassing them”, yet he knew not many if well, anybody knew how deeply rooted to them he
actually was anyways if at all. The board made sure of that yet punished him constantly for
embarrassing them apparently, it made no sense so Hawks had resigned to conclude it was just
another excuse for the sick behaviors.

The blonde managed to remove his shirt and gently rubbed at the sore muscles he could reach in an
attempt to alleviate some tension but it was for naught. Laying himself down he simply closed his
eyes and tried relaxing, foregoing any responsibility or routine he had that night, Japan be damned
he’d get up for absolutely nothing.

Relaxing his now fluffy little mid-sized wings to lay on either side of him and letting the feathers
on his lower back lay naturally around his hips and along his leg. He tried getting comfortable but
just, everything felt wrong against his skin, almost irritating, so much so he even removed his

At that moment had he been a bit more clear-minded, he would’ve been a lot more worried about
the intense heat flashes when Avians biologically ran at a colder internal body temperature and
rarely ran fevers.

Or maybe, he’d have been a bit worried over the slightest scent of blood in the air.

He couldn't, as his mind fogged up, he just wanted to pass out and let whatever this was finish
running its course.

Unfortunately this plan only managed to slow the escalation of whatever anatomical warfare was
commencing because instead of improving or falling into a deep sleep like he expected himself to
do. He was nearly writhing all night, feeling as if his whole torso was being pummeled, alongside
being thrown into molten iron if the sheer amount of bullets he was sweating had anything to say,
and by the time the clock read a quarter past four that morning, he gave up.

No position he laid himself in against silk sheets that usually felt like cool blissful heaven brought
him any relief, hell even his mind was walking a tightrope by now, he couldn't move or mentally
bring himself to try to shower or soak in a hot bath which would be the next logical step. Or to go
back to the kitchen and finish the report he knew he was going to get hell for from his handler in a
measly few hours.

So as the pitch black sky began shifting to a navy and purple with the rising dawn he felt irritation
rooting itself deep into his consciousness. Then in what seemed like two flaps of a wing the shrill
screech of his alarm filled the air, notifying him it was now half past five and time to get ready to
be at the Commission Headquarters building in half an hour.

Letting out a growl of anger he went to move a feather to shut the electronic demon off but when
nothing happened he looked over noticing a small feather barely floating in the air in front of him.
Concentrating on it to move forward felt like trying to move a small brick, but finally, it made its
way to the alarm clock's button.

He felt his chest tighten in an array of emotions, he could deal with body pains, fevers, stomach
aches, you name it, no skin off his back. However when it came to his quirk, his wings, his career,
and life really, he didn't fuck with that, and soon whatever worry was gnawing at him yesterday
started morphing into genuine fear. Whatever this was now was affecting his quirk, he’d had no
choice but to fess up and go see his specialist today and get to the bottom of whatever was

However as he lifted his hand to his phone and pulled it off the charging dock, did he notice his
phone screen filled with loads of notifications which was abnormal. Looking further even his half-
awake mind pieced together that his phone's lock screen clock read differently, an hour ahead
differently and it hit him.

It was March, meaning it was also the month it was Daylight savings, they'd moved an hour ahead
and he just remembered, he never did go around adjusting his home's clocks meaning he didn't
have half an hour to get to work.

Oh no, Hawks, that famously fastest Hero in the country, was now nearly half an hour late.

When he surged his body up though, he felt something strange in the crevice where typically one's
legs meet their money maker, an odd tight feeling clung to his skin and felt like it'd tear if he
moved the wrong way.

His hand moved downwards, only to meet an odd crusted texture, but with fingers that came back
dry with nothing, so like a (somewhat) normal person he lifted a leg and situated himself to look
and was met with the fairly alarming sight of that oh so familiar dark mahogany color, just now
staining his thighs.

Yup, NOW he's awake!

Slowly he pulled his shaky form up from bed and trudged to the bathroom, settling himself down
on the heated tile floor that felt amazing in his precarious situation did he send two feathers slowly.
Retrieving some warmed facial wipes and a small hand mirror he usually used to help with
preening, cautiously turned to lay on his hip and lifted a leg to examine the possible source of the

What he found, however, caused more confusion and panic to race through him, there it was, an
obviously large dried clotted, spot or well mass of, something. Nestled right behind his effing sack
which made things even more painful, yet as he looked back from the only logical place he could
have been bleeding from, there was nothing but trails leading from, well, THERE.

He took a breath as he went to work wiping up most of the mess but when he got to the impossible
source, even the graze of pulling the skin nearby made him screech out in shocked agony. The pain
from there was sharp and intense, to say the least so he immediately stopped, deciding ultimately
with a feather to get some fitted briefs and place a few gauzes there in case it began bleeding again.

Pretty much sure he’d forfeited one pair of pants he was not about to lose another and as a
secondary precaution he picked a pair of black jeans, forgoing his hero uniform entirely as he was
pretty damn sure he wouldn't be patrolling today.

This led to a long, agonizing prep for work, trying to get his feathers to cooperate was what took
the longest, felt like he had to command each one individually to return to his back. Even then due
to time, his wings were ragged looking and frankly not capable of flying too well but they managed
to get him there.

Now late by nearly two hours that is.

Boy, on top of leaving early, no paperwork nor report, eight missed calls from his handler, three
from his agency personal assistant, and two from both sidekicks not including the thirty-seven text
messages he hadn't even bothered to look through?

He was convinced if the pain didn't kill him, the board would absolutely have his head for this
stunt whether it was intentional or not.

Because he was the HPSC’s perfect, hand-crafted soldier.

Because he was not allowed or supposed to make mistakes.

So needless to say, he was going to catch absolute hell and he knew it so when he landed harder
than he expected and collapsed to his knees on the landing deck atop the training ground sector he
couldn't bring himself to jump up quickly or put on the bravado, he was just so damn tired.

Not when his limbs felt so weak and his wings were absolutely throbbing, the poor things laid limp
against his back, down his hips, and quivered ever so faintly against the cold concrete. All he could
manage in the moment was breathing deeply and trying to stop his will to vomit until he was
startled by a voice breaking through his haze.

“I knew something had to be going on, your actions from last night to dis morning were completely
unlike you Hawks”
The director's orotund voice said as he could barely manage to lift his head to meet the eyes of the
aged woman who shockingly, to him did seem to look the slightest bit concerned.

“I’m terribly sorry Madam President for um, for making you come out here, I-uh, I know uh- know
you've got a lot to do in the mornings”

Now whilst his stuttered apology wasn't exactly a lie, he wasn't particularly apologizing for
inconveniencing her. Moreover, he knew the foul mood and treatment he was going to likely
receive the next week or so as a result of said inconvenience hence he was starting the softening
methods as early as he could.

“What’s going on with you Hawks, did you hurt yourself, or were you exposed to something that
potentially caused this reaction? Why did you not report this to me or your handler immediately, I
know that you know better, correct?”

She questioned bluntly as she crossed her arm, whispering something to the men behind her who
quickly retreated to the exit door of the deck they resided on.

“No, nothing abnormal was around me or my team, didn't get hurt either, but I- I’m bleeding,
nothing happened yesterday, it just, it hurts but um- my, my quirk it won’t-”.

He gasped out as another infamous sharp jab invaded the insides of his hips. Halting the avian's
sad attempt of a sentence as the stern woman standing above his still kneeling form observed his
alarming shivering, eyes averting briefly as her attendants returned with a gurney and two of the
Commission's lab techs.

“You’re going straight to the B- level lab infirmary to be looked over immediately, can you stand
at all Hawks?”

She said with a bit more urgency upon hearing him mention his quirk, turning back to her prized
soldier. Who coughed lightly as he attempted to move his leg out from under himself while
whimpering, but with how slowly he moved she shook her head. Motioning the two lab technicians
to approach and hoist him up onto the gurney.

He bit back the scream that threatened to come out but he’d be damned to show any more
weakness around the suits, so he simply inhaled quickly to swallow it down. The rest of the trip
through the back private halls and elevators was a blur of footfalls and jumbled voices pertaining to
him in some way.

Until they entered the grand and frankly intimidating-looking underground laboratory that's
purpose was solely to study and continue the enhancement training of the HPSC’s longest-running,
classified, and personal soul project of the director herself.

‘The Scarlet Angel initiative’ a.k.a. Hawks.

Only the top of the top heteromorph researchers, technicians, and doctors were given the privilege
of working within the walls of this lab's floor.

Hawks had only managed to find out a year ago just how insane the requirements were to even be
scouted into this program and even then he knew he’d just scratched the surface. The people who
worked on this floor were not just any experts, as far as he traced back they were either hand
selected or searched out by the Director and the HPSC board.

He understood now though, that they needed to know as much as they could, as apparently his
kind, the Avian morph lineage was not only impossible to find half the time. Resulting in an
alarmingly small amount of information being collected by professionals but they were quickly
going extinct, as of last year his kind was now worldwide as far as scientists counted, in the double

Those in the room were quick to drop what they were busy working on and stood at attention, what
could you expect when the subject of their project was being wheeled in alongside their superiors.
It became eerily quiet from the usual buzz he’d experienced the past few times he’d been in there
and it didn't help his anxiety over the situation.

They passed one more set of double doors into what looked like an isolation ward if the sounds of
decompressed air leaving the chambers said anything as they were met by the two head doctors
who were gowned and readily awaiting them.

“Good morning Madam President, good morning Vice President Yokumiru”

The two indistinguishable men bow deeply before going to the side of the gurney and looking
down at the winged hero currently on his side in the fetal position. One places two fingers onto his
clammy pulse point and watches his watch before turning to his superiors.

“Heart rate is elevated well above normal, let's get two nurses in to help sterilize and gown and get
me two technicians to come to collect a full lab workup.”

The other nodded and repeated his orders into a throat mic, seconds later four similarly gowned-up
people entered, as the first doctor turned to the director.

“Madam President, VP Yokumiru for your convenience, we can conduct our examination and you
can wait in the charting room otherwise I can certainly call when we’ve got a diagnosis”

The two look at each other as the blonde simply looks into the director's eyes her sight doesn't
leave his form for even a moment. Until she turns and starts towards the door with Mera right on
her heels.

“I’ll need to finish a conference call then a board meeting and will return in an hour. I do hope I’ll
be greeted with some answers promptly, Doctors.”

And promptly is the exact pace they set, he is helped up by two RNs who gently speak to him,
directing him to move his limbs slightly to strip him down. Having some difficulties when they
reach his wings but are well versed in them as anyone else in the lab is and soon enough have him
down to his birthday suit. Normally he’d be uncomfortable but he’d been in this state of undress
pretty much every time he’d been brought down here so, seeing him completely bare felt clinical
and normal by now.

As one of the Doctors began placing EKG leads onto his torso, one of the RNs who’d been
bagging his clothes noticed the gauze pads and pulled them out.

“Agent Hawks, if I may I noticed these in your briefs is this normal or is this due to what we’re
seeing you for currently?”.

This question stops everyone in the room who looks at the mostly white squares half covered in
fresh blood and quickly looks back to him as he lifts an arm to help the tech to his left securing a
blood pressure cuff. And an O2 sensor on his finger as he shakes his head yes and without thinking
bends his knees up and out slightly.

“Yes, I just noticed dis morning, there was a lot of, a lot of blood between my legs and there's this
um- this thing there that's, just uh- its too, painful to get near”
He pants out feeling another wave of sharp pain beginning to roll in as the moving around was not
something his body exactly agreed with him about. It gets more and more intense and when it hits
he can barely hold back the whine as his talon tears the cushion of the gurney.

Then everyone moved again in perfect sync, putting the bed back and leading Hawks down to his
back, As one person at each side of him put a hand on the back of a knee and carefully pulled them
back towards his collar bones.

He can't see much but he certainly can feel latex-covered hands pulling at the pliant muscles of his
proudest asset (in his humble opinion) and shift to see clearly as ceiling lights are pulled down
successfully blinding him. He hissed and grips at the sheets as sharp pains shoot from the spot but
what pulls his attention is the gasp of the doctor and the quick scurrying of the other to join his
side between the avian's legs.

“Is that what I believe it is-”

The other nods in clear enthusiasm and stands to look into tear-misted gold eyes.

“Hawks, can you describe the last twelve to twenty-four hours, have you felt any abnormal
abdominal pains?”.

Hawks nods lightly, replaying his symptoms and the events of his patrol all the way to when he
landed on the roof today and it seemed that instead of comfort or concern. Every word that came
out got them visibly more and more excited, and the blonde didn't know how to even begin
processing their reactions.

“This is amazing, Madam President is going to be very pleased about this, let's still collect labs and
place a line to push two point three milligrams of morphine, then let's follow that with a Banana
bag, set one-fifty an hour. After he’s comfortable we can commence sterilizing and the
debridement procedures”

Of course they all begin moving with zero explanation to Hawks, not like he could even get their
attention with how fast they were moving about the room. It was almost creepy how perfectly they
dodged and weaved around, completing draws and placing lines with precision and steadiness that
could put even a neurosurgeon to shame. What seemed like five minutes later he was alone in the
room again and the morphine was greeting him like a warm hug from an old friend.

He wasn't sure how long passed but he sure as hell knew he was feeling absolutely wonderful, so
much so that he barely acknowledged the team returning and put his feet into stirrups as the light
returned. What the doctor was doing exactly well, Hawks couldn't tell you, he could tell you
though that there was definitely an odd spot on the wall that was teasing him as it moved about
though and his sunny eyes were FAR more interested in that.

He must’ve passed out at some point because what he thought was a blink wasn't, he clearly could
tell he’d been moved to a larger bed, was in a different sterile room, and was under warm blankets.
Freed from the painful ‘heels-up-for-Jesus’ position they seemingly loved having him in today. His
eyes came into focus and he made out the figure of his handler sitting on the bed with him by his
knee, looking at his phone with a hand placed on Hawk’s thigh.

Noticing the avians rousing he powered his phone off and met him with that sleazy smile the hero
was sure his handler thought looked charming. In reality, just looked like a fat kid drooling at the
window of a pastry shop, and he lightly began rubbing his hand on the said thigh (gross).

“Well good morning little one, you were really starting to worry me, though they may have
overdosed your poor little body, I’m glad you’re awake now, how are you feeling?”

Hawks even in his delirious half-awake state could still feel the shivered cringe in his body at the
way the man spoke. Could this guy ever just have a normal conversation without being so creepy?

“I’m better now, just I don’t know I just would like someone to tell me what's going on”

Hawks groaned, putting his head back and nuzzling the pillow trying and failing to adjust it with
his “baby cheeks” as Rumi so lovingly called them ‘I’d say go to hell bunny but you’d kick satan
clear off his throne’ he’d thought. He was shocked when his handler leaned forward and pulled the
blonde into him as he adjusted the pillows himself.

“If you need help, little bird, don’t hesitate to ask, I'm happy to help you but I am surprised, they
haven't told you anything about this. They’ve been going on about your secondary for years now I
figured you’d had to have known”

Getting past the shock of being manhandled by the man, he digested the words and shook his head
(big mistake) feeling dizzy as all hell, and let out an involuntary whine. Closing his eyes he felt
cold clammy hands just under his jaw holding his head and his eyes snapped open hearing the
laughter. He couldn't effing believe the nerve of this guy!

“Careful now, I don’t know if they want me telling you this or not but-”

He gently (gag) rubbed a few circles on the hero's cheek before trailing his hand to settle onto
Hawk’s stomach. Making his heart rate increase drastically wanted the man to just stop touching
him but he was in no state to move.

“-just for you, I’ll let you in on it, consider it our little secret, now they, little one have since I
believe you were oh- maybe fifteen, been waiting for this exact thing to happen. They called it your
secondary gender which by the sounds of it, is something only mostly pure-blooded heteromorphs
like you. Can be due to some evolutionary thing or another, not the point, basically, you can bear
children thanks to that little opening that ruptured finally!”

The words almost sounded fake, and Hawks waited for the “just kidding” and laughter before he
was told what really happened but it never came. He felt his mouth open a few times before he
finally managed to get words to move out of his throat.

“Your joking, right I’m a GUY, I have a literal dick and balls-”

He gestured roughly to where little Hawks lay awaiting orders, before looking back up in disbelief
at his handler and continuing.

“-So unless biology changed like recently or I have some undiagnosed form of dyslexia and
horribly misread the reproduction sections, I am not a woman and therefore cannot. Have. Babies.
Period. Like how would that work if I don't even have a uterus or over-.”

Hawks felt his blood run cold as pieces fell into place in his head and he realized it, he couldn't
help looking down and placing his hands to hug around his waist.

“You said, opening ruptured and, and the blood I- I, are you seriously saying I’ve had a whole
other organ inside me that NOBODY thought I should know about? Or hell even warn me that
something was going to explode or like, tear me open like that! I feel like that's something I
should’ve been made aware of so why am I the last person finding this out!?”

Hawks started calmly only to escalate to an aggravated subtle sort of shrieking as he began
processing what exactly was happening to him and around him. How do these people expect blind
trust and complacency when they keep things like this from him, what else do they know about his
body he doesn't?

Sure he knew his body was maybe a little bit different from your average run-of-the-mill person
but, secondary genders? Something they’d been waiting for, why and for what reason, why were
they so excited about this, and god what did this mean for him, what sort of things were they going
to make him do now?

He felt like he was going to vomit and his heart was pounding out of his chest, and whether he
wanted to or not fat tears streamed down his cheeks. He was furious and scared and felt so
incredibly vulnerable it was beginning to be too much, he just wanted to rush out and take to the

The sky where nobody and nothing could touch him, where he could believe for a few precious
moments he was free.

His handler still there, scooted closer to his upper body and pulled him in to “console him” and the
winged man was so internally distraught he just, let him, needing to feel something other than the
tightening of his chest and odd tingling sensation that was foreign to his nethers.

“Shhh now my little rosefinch it’s okay I know this is just, so much to take in, sneaky bastards
aren't they but hey look on the bright side, you passed the worst of it. Everything apparently looks
good and healthy and heck-”

The man pulled back to look the younger male in the eye as he squeezed his shoulders and moved
up and down his arms as he spoke.

“-little miss pres and her lap dog seemed pretty happy about it, so much that she actually smiled, I
didn't even know that grouchy bitch could effin smile did you?”

He laughed at his own joke and as much as Hawks did NOT like the guy, even he had to give a
laugh to that, not many people even had the balls to bad mouth the director in privacy. However,
he still felt hollow and emotionally exhausted by all of this and ventured to try and push his luck
with the man who always seemed a bit too eager to get on his good side.

“You said they were basically done and met I’m assuming, do you think I’d be able to just go
home, I really just, don't want to be here anymore I guess”

Hawks huffed out, making himself a little smaller and lightly fluffing his wings in a way he knew
the man liked when he did. Seeing as he’d compliment it every chance he got to and by the looks
of it his little barely there appeals, worked like magic. The slightly obese handler flushed and
squeezed his arms once more before standing and stuttering out.

“Let me see if they're done, if so they might but honestly little one I wouldn't count on it as they
know you're not really capable of flying in your state, narcotics and all”

He saw his opening right there and dove for it like the bird of prey he was.

“Could you take me home, If um- if it’s not too much trouble that is”

Hawks whined out innocently allowing his voice to droop a little more into that innocent and sweet
spectrum he knew the man just ate right fucking up. (creep..)

“Oh of course not my dear I’d be more than happy to take you to your home your my main priority
remember, let me go pull some strings, don't get too comfy okay!”

He hurried out the door thrilled at the idea of getting to take the younger one home and see just
where and how his precious little bird lived. Hawks could only roll his eyes at the eagerness he
knew didn't have innocent intentions, what those were though he was still trying to figure out.

Maybe he was trying to get on Hawk’s good side so he’d be able to climb the ladder, not to toot his
own horn but a letter of recommendation from someone of his stature could make things happen.
That had to be it, right?

Looking around the quiet room, his gaze caught the plastic white bag hanging off the wall and
promptly sent a small feather to retrieve it. Sighing in relief that this time the feather moved with
much more ease. Rummaging to his jacket he finally fished out his cellphone and upon opening the
messaging app on it, narrowed in specifically to a contact who never messaged more than once,
had a small number four hovering next to the pixeled name.

“Shit” Hawks hissed under his breath and tapped on the sociopath's name, seeing four white

TUE, 08 MAR, 11:41 PM

D: 9:30 pm Einoo Tsurugi Shrine next to Gotanda park, off of Rd. 266


D: Got it? Don’t be late, got shit to do later that night


TODAY, 2:18 PM

D: What? No response? TF are you brain-dead? You know what happens when you don't respond
to ME, don't you, you little knockoff BTS wannabe?

WED, 09, MAR

D: My my……seems I've gotten too soft on you huh? I think a certain pretty little hero forgot how
things work between us. Oh now THIS'LL be fun, I guess even a well-trained dog needs to be
reminded of its master's rules eventually…..

WED, 09, MAR

H: Jesus Christ dude relax……been unconscious most of the day, Ill txt U when I get there, don’t
forget yr papers if U want mine.

Hawks responded quickly, exiting while trying not to let his mind linger on what exactly the
power-tripping asshole meant by his overzealous sadistic message, though it failed miserably and
his thoughts seethingly returned to the arsonist, and purely just who the hell does he think he is!?

MASTER!? Master who!? HIM? Now that was funny enough the blonde would’ve doubled over
laughing if he could at that moment.

Acting like he’s the one who has a packed schedule, now sure Hawks didn't quite know what
exactly a ‘Day in the life of Dabi’ looked like per se, but to act like HE was going out of HIS way
to meet Hawks! The balls of steel, the absolute and utter NERVE of this guy, he truly did a
remarkable job in testing just how thinly the bird morphs patience could be stretched, now he sure
will give the man that!

The remaining texts were practically a copy and paste to everyone who was attempting to contact
him that morning, a well-written not too formal but thoughtful enough apology paragraph. He
absolutely did not tell anyone the details but had briefly hinted about having to go to his doctor as
his “bird flu” got worse from the night before.

He sent the last message off to Rai just when the door opened and his handler came in stiffly
followed by the director herself and his glorified childhood babysitter Mera. He looked like he
would trade anything to lay down in the bed Hawks currently was sat up in. They waited until the
door was closed before the woman turned to him.

“Hawks, is there a reason you're in such a rush, I don’t want you leaving so quickly especially in
your state and when the doctors still have a few more things they need to complete”.

He never thought he’d say it but Dabi just so happened to be his saving grace in that moment
because there was absolutely nothing the board puts above his mission, especially anything to do
with the League.

“Yes Madam President, I have four messages from the flame villain Dabi, he wants me to meet him
tonight at nine thirty and if he holds his end up, he’ll be handing off mission directives and the
blueprint layout for it, which according to my last ops are the exact same tunnel systems involved
in the January Nomu incident, if I can get ahold of that then I could get another piece of
information that could help us in finding a pattern to the Nomu attacks”.

He knew he had her right when her eyes narrowed in that twitched motion, anytime she made that
expression it usually meant she was interested. His guess solidified even when she deeply exhaled
and shifted her weight as she pulled her phone out.

“Very well, I’ll allow Agent Haruki (5*) here to escort you home since you won't be able to fly
with your lack of feathers. I expect you to be in my office tomorrow morning, six sharp. There's a
lot to be done involving you in the labs here and I will not have you late, do I make myself clear?”

Her displeasure and frustration was barely masked as he knew it would be so he kept it brief and
quickly wrapped up the conversation.
“Yes Madam President, thank you for your generosity and accommodations”

He said in the trained tone that’d been beaten into him through all the years of vigorous language
and communications lessons.

With that, their departure was quick, traded with a technician who removed all his lines and tubes
before giving him an aftercare sheet once he was dressed and ready to go. Feeling already much
steadier on his own feet, granted that may still be due to the number of opioids coursing through
him. He stepped out the door and allowed his handler Haruki to lead him to an underground
parking lot and assist him into the passenger seat.

Of course as he thought he would, the man knew exactly where his pent was located and pulled
right up to the parking tunnel entrance, rolling the window down the guard peeked in and upon
seeing Hawks immediately greeted him and lowered the pillar gates to allow the car inside.

Parking the sedan into the spot where a car would reside for his place if the hero owned a car, but
he never felt the need to purchase one even though he had plenty of money to do so. He’d felt
inclined instead to supply his sidekicks with their own vehicles as well as a few for his agency
solely so his P.A and other traveling employees didn't need to worry about train times.

When he tried moving to leave the car, a hand on his chest stopped him, followed by the black-
haired male turning to his own door instead.

“Relax little one, stay there and I’ll get the door for you”

Fuck, maybe this little scheme Hawks had planned out wasn't the best idea now, at least over the
phone he could hang up and be rid of the man, in person however he felt was going to be much
more tedious.

The door opened and immediately the man placed an unwanted helping hand under his arm and
then onto the opposite hip and pulled up, effectively once again pulling him into the man's husky
torso. He only shifted the blonde to his side and stayed that way throughout the long walk up to the
elevator, all the avian could do was thank himself for grabbing his oversized jacket.

That had a bigger hood that hid his face mostly and due to his recognizable wings being
uncomfortably crammed under it nobody would be the wiser to suspect it was him.

Once in the elevator did Hawks take the chance to finally break away from his handler and
conveniently need to stretch as he also scanned his phone screen over the elevator monitor and
tapped his penthouses security code.

The chime and a soft voice completed the transaction as they headed up to the thirty-fifth floor
feeling a bit off as the foreign feeling of an elevator made him brace against the wall. He could
count on one hand how many times he’d used an elevator since he usually just flew and landed on
his balcony instead.

The peace and quiet were too short-lived and the black metal door slid open into the foyer entrance
of the pent, keying in the entry code once more time on the dark-colored door did they step inside.
Hawks sliding out of his boots before stepping up onto the raised floor of the entry hall did he turn
seeing the man hovering almost right behind him.

“Thank you for helping me home Haruki-san, I’ll be okay taking it from here though”

Hawks said as he bowed ever so slightly, watching the man sway and contemplate his word for a
few moments before finally speaking up.
“Of course little bird, I wouldn't want to risk anything happening to you, I’ll be picking you up
tomorrow to bring you back to headquarters. I’ll just head on up so make sure you're bright-eyed
and fluffed up for me, kay?”

He finished as he raised his hand and again, grabbed his arm and squeezed it before finally letting
go and turning around leaving swiftly as Hawks tried to interrupt him. To tell him picking him up
won't be necessary (nor wanted) but he was gone like a fart in the wind before he could get a word

“Great, going to have to call management to change my pin code again” he grumbled before
venturing down the hall, throwing off the oversized jacket onto the kitchen island and letting his
wings stretch and flap out for a few moments, popping in relief. Reason number forty two why he
hated cars.

His eyes ventured to his phone as he powered it on once more seeing the time read a quarter past
seven, so he still had plenty of time and by all might he wanted nothing more than to just shower.
Call him a tad bit germaphobic, maybe something along the lines of OCD or whatever it was but
he would feel itchy and on edge if he didn't shower at least twice a day.

The near-scalding water felt like absolute bliss but he inevitably knew just as the follow-up care
sheet said, he needed to clean that, thing. Whatever it was called for him now immediately as it
was still a somewhat open wound and needed to stay clean to not risk any infections.

So with the last ounce of dignity he had in him for the day and the surgical antibacterial soap the
tech gave him in hand he hesitantly reached down and prodded. Felt a subtle ache but nothing
remotely close to what occurred the night prior which at this point he didn't know if he should be
thankful for even.

It was a sensation he honestly couldn't put into eligible words, it didn't hurt but the odd pressure
left him feeling, some sort of way, whether that was good or bad he’d likely spend mentally
unpacking throughout the night.

Knowing he probably wasn't going to get a wink of sleep with how much work he had to make up
for, not counting how long that good-for-nothing arsonist asshat would likely keep him for with his
power complex apparently hitting record highs if that last text had anything to say.

On the thoughts of the villain, Hawks forced himself out of the shower, starting to dry off enough
to quickly grab up his phone and check the time again. Reading it was nearly ten to nine he felt
oddly enough his heart raced just a bit, he’d hoped to give himself a bit longer to get there not
knowing how the meds would affect his flying capabilities.

He’d gone and successfully instead zoned out in the shower for over an hour, cursing slowly he
dried and dressed in a similar attire he’d worn earlier, quickly making his way to the living room.

Now the real test would commence as he focused on the plumes of red lying in the bin before him
and with bated breath closed his eyes. When he felt that familiar vortex of air around him and
comforting weight regained on his back, did he feel safe to open them again. Feeling elated as he
gave a tiny flap of his wings, stretching them out and exhaling as they fluffed out.

He pulled his cell out once more, google mapping the location Dabi had given him once more and
when he had a general idea of which direction he needed to fly in did he fasten on his breathing
mask (6*) and hoist himself up to the thick concrete ledge of his balcony. Feeling the last bits of
winter trying to cling onto the night air he looked out and took off with gusto.
The location itself sat just off the sun river channel and was roughly twenty or thirty minutes
away. So when he landed in the dark suburban area the only sounds he could even hear was the
soft water current where the lonely tori gate resided on the waters and the occasional animal
scurrying about.

WED, 09, MAR


H: In parking lot, u at park or temple rn?


A cold wind began picking up, cascading off the lakefront causing a shiver to run through the
bird's body, he was almost tempted to pull his mask back on as it kept him remarkably warmer.
Just as he reached up though his sharper hearing caught the high-pitched whistle to his left,
whipping his head over towards the darkness shrouding the treed tunnel that led into the little
shrine residing just up the hill.

“Of course, you're in the darkest creepiest spot, fucking edgelord”

Hawks muttered lowly before beginning to walk towards the entrance. Even with his enhanced
eyesight, it was still pretty dark, the temple wasn't exactly a tourist spot so it didn't have any street
or lamp lighting. Which made the somewhat steep incline and occasional steps a bit more
precarious to traverse.

Another high to low pitch mocking whistle caught his ear and he chose to ignore it again, he
could've griped out but he just didn't have the will to play into the bait the bastard lured out at this
point. He just wanted to get this exchange over with so he could get home and through as much
work as possible before he was inevitably put behind on another day with whatever the Lab needed
him for.

Just as he passed under the shrine's torii gate his eyes fell to the dark circle that was scourged into
the ground amidst the shrine and the entry he'd come from and another path off to the side. He
wished he could see the place during the day as the peace the temple brought was so very
welcoming but he couldn't enjoy it as he knew hiding somewhere in the grass was a snake waiting
for him.

“Get out here Dabi I thought you were in a hurry to get this over with tonight?”

Hawks announced, his voice booming in the otherwise silent space he occupied. He almost winced
at the juxtaposition of it until he spun around and still didn't see the villain anywhere, growling to
himself he focused on his feathers and closed his eyes, searching for any tiny soundwave or
heartbeat he could find until he did find one moving towards him quickly.

Just as he opened his eyes his hand flung up on instinct smoothly catching Dabi’s wrist above his
head that was upon inspection, producing the tiniest blue slivers of fire. His golden eyes shifted
unamused to meet the shocking blue ones of the villain who looked beyond amused.

“What the hell are you doing?”.

Hawks lowly questioned, tightening his grip around the man's wrist feeling the heat under his
palms almost moving upwards. He’d be fascinated if he weren't in such a god-awful mood, but his
question was only met with a sadistic grin and those glowing orbs disappearing behind jet-black
hair when he dipped his head.

“Oh you poor pigeon, did the shitheads in the Commission never teach you to be careful around
the fire?”.

Dabi quickly brings his other hand up to grab the blonde by his wing and yank him towards the
flame wielder's body, twisting him so his back pressed flush against the scarred-up man's body.
Hawks was two seconds from shifting his hips to buck back and throw the bastard over his
shoulder, back to his front where he'd be in his field of vision.

When two scorching hot hands laid themselves on his throat and the base of one of his wings,
stilling him as they were not hot enough to start burning anything but the unspoken threat given by
the villain was clear.

“Heh, good boy, you might actually have some functioning brain cells in that cute little head of
yours huh?”

Dabi chuckled and for some reason, the deeper decibel of it made Hawks shiver in a way that
didn't come from discomfort but one he did not exactly want to unpack. Holding back a small
whimper that was bubbling in his throat when he felt the other man's pointer and middle fingers
start grazing along his jugular and heating up just enough to start leaving red marks in their wake.

“Now before you get to walk away with your mission file errand bird, I think we need to reinstate
some ground rules. Now granted I didn't state these initially so unlike any other recruit of mine
would in this situation. You're going to get off easier or well, alive, that is, from your first rule
break, I may be cruel but I'm also a fair man, my little bitch bird.”.

Hawks felt his heart picking up a bit, he knew Dabi was talking out of his ass and wouldn't try
killing him, he needed the information funneling in from him. Besides, it wasn't like this was the
first death threat from the man either, it seemed like every other sentence from the raven was some
vivid description of the other's death. Though with his hands on a vital spot like they were, Hawks
decided to swallow down the few select insults clawing their way out and remained silent.

“Your surprisingly docile tonight aren't you, I like it, submissive is a good look on you, just like
how good it is finally seeing you outside of that god awful fucking hero get-up you seem to live in,
honestly, you can't convince me you actually think that gaudy thing looks good”.

Dabi cruelly chuckled again before leaning in closer if that were possible and getting right next to
the blonde's ear.

“Now to the point hm, when you get a message from me, a call from me, or are to meet with me, I
don't care what you're doing or the state you're in. What do you think I expect from you, number

Hawks took a deep breath to make sure he said what he should and not what he wanted, he knew
damn well that sometimes he really needed a speed bump between his brain and his mouth.


The grip on his neck tightened slightly and he couldn't help the whimper that did slip out this time,
his head was pulled back in the slightest and he now felt the arsonist lips on the shell of his ear.
“Now c'mon you chatty ass parakeet, can barely shut you up any other time, and now that I want
you to talk, your one wording me? Keep it up here and I'm gonna think you actually want me to
hurt you or is that it? Do you want me to fuckin hurt you and you're just too proud to admit it out

Dabi nearly snarled lowly as his hands heated and he felt the intense spike of heat on his wing and
instinctually flinched away. Only to have the sharp pain ripple through his wing as Dabi’s grip
only tightened as he wrenched the hero back against him.

“No! What the hell do you want from me you fucking control freak? Spit it out and quit wasting
both of our times, if I remember right you were the one saying you had shit to do tonight didn't

Hawks growled back, finally having enough of the man's shit for one night, despite the pain in his
neck he turned his head back slightly to Dabi. Just enough that the other caught a glance of the
morphs bared fangs, making him smirk knowing how he was getting under the hero's skin, finally
seeing the cracks forming after months of the little good boy act.

He yanked the other around a bit more when Hawks tried pulling away, biting and clawing his
forearm until the blonde settled down, but Dabi could swear he almost felt the growling vibrating
up his arms.

“Then why don't you quit wasting time and get on with it, c’mon you rabid little fuck out with it,
tell me exactly what I wanna hear, go on you know it and I know you know it.”

Hawks hands gripped tightly around the man's forearm causing the contact points of his bared
talons to start prickling with blood. His glare was sharp but he knew better than against those
flames he didn't want to play close range like this so he grit his teeth still tasting a bit of iron from
his fangs and finally muttered out what the sadistic villain was goading him on to do.

“I’m to answer to you immediately, nothing takes priority above your needs for my service because
you and only you are my superior, so whatever you desire or order me to do I’m expected to do
them quickly and quietly”

Hawks felt the chuckling from his back and into his wings, but when he felt the hand that once had
a death grip on the base, slowly card its way through his coverts and pinch at the alula feathers. It
quickly made the poor morph pathetically worble as violent shivers wracked his body at the intense
sensations, his legs shaking when the hand made its way back to the base. And when he pressed
against the tufts of downy scapulars, golden eyes shot open and he lurched forward.

“Mmm nope, no no please stop Dabi stop!”

He breathlessly begged as having those specific feathers pressed and any attention given to the
area where those specific glands sat underneath was way too much. He needed it to stop and
needed to get away as he felt the pressure and tingling deep inside his pelvis start growing. Dabi on
the other hand was absolutely fascinated by the oddball reactions but the bird was unfortunately
right about the time crunch.

“Hmm now that's a different reaction than I usually get, what birdy, burnt feathers feel weird or

Dabi coiley mocked not seeing the look of shock as Hawks finally gathered himself enough to
think without his wings g-spot basically getting borderline assaulted. Realizing that the villain
didn't know, he didn't know what he was causing, that he thought Hawks was reacting from pain
not from well, overstimulated pleasure (unwelcome pleasure mind you).

“Yes, so stop fucking touching them damnit I did what you wanted now let me go”

When Hawks felt heat again he, on accident, reacted to how he would receive any pain delivered as
punishment or “corrective reminders” from the years of Commission training. Said something he
will live to fucking regret for the rest of his life until at least well, Dabi dies and can hold it over
him no more.

“I apologize, sir, forgive me please, it won't happen again sir!”

Let it be known, when a person yelps something like that out, in the position he was stuck in
currently, and with the worst person imaginable? It really has a spectacular way of diminishing any
sort of confidence one man could have in a lifetime, and for Hawks well, he would gladly burn to
nothing at that moment just to get away from this very situation.

It truly felt in that moment time just stopped, and the blonde could feel himself surely bracing for
the metaphorical impact that was to be Dabi’s godforsaken reaction any moment now, he could
practically feel it behind him.

However when there was just continued silence the morph had no choice but to turn his head
slightly and try to sleuth out what was going on. Though the moment his eyes met the back of
Dabi’s likely stolen smartphone his stomach dropped. The phone dropped and revealed the arsonist
looking like the cat that caught the fucking canary, someone who just could not have been happier
at that moment and Hawks decided that this must be what true dread was.

“Heh heh, fuck I’m keeping that little gem now, y’know what dove I think I’m gonna let all of your
fuck ups slide now, I mean shit. Not only did you say please so nicely and voluntarily at that, but to
call me sir on top of it huh, such an act deserves a little treat don't you think?”

Dabi said, smugness absolutely oozed between every word like poison and Hawks could feel
absolutely no relief from the man's words. Even when the raven-haired villain finally backed away
making him fall loosely to the ground as he smiled down on him.

“Nothing to say little bird, It's alright I won't even be mad for not thanking me for my forgiveness,
your little outburst has just got me in a right good mood now. Though as much as I’d love to get
more out of you I do have places to be and others to fuck around with tonight.”

The scarred man drawled as he backed up, and disappeared into the pitch black entrance that
Hawks only entered from moments before. He could only sit and stare in a mix of shock and
horror, shock at the absolute audacity and sadism the other let out like a failed river dam. Horror at
the fact that Dabi could show that video snippet to anybody now and there really wasn't a damn
thing Hawks could do about it.

It seemed like hours before the blonde managed to stand up and spread his wings, taking off back
into the sky and through the icy cold winds. Numbly reaching his pent finally when he could
barely feel his hands and ears from the blistering winds did he weakly enter through the sliding
glass doors.

Drawing the curtain behind him once inside he looked at his phone's screen seeing it was half past
midnight now and the fatigue of a post-adrenaline spike was hitting him like a brick wall.

He knew he’d planned to stay awake to catch up on his work from the night prior but with
everything that's happened now he wasn't even sure he’d be able to focus on his work. Not with
how his mind was racing whilst simultaneously feeling emotionally and mentally blank, he just felt
absolutely drained so without any more considerations he walked his shoes over to the entryway.

He should have also showered again but just decided to strip down completely to new briefs,
completely shed all his feathers to the tiny little baby wings, and crawled into bed. Only after
making sure the curtains were drawn, doors were locked and the lights were off, stretching out as a
cat would, and breathing in the soothing scent of the washing detergent from his pillows did he
finally relax. Drifting off the quickest he'd ever had in years and even in the last strings of
consciousness he still felt irritation that this was partially thanks to Dabi again today.

“Ugh, fuck this dude”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reaching the end of chapter one, I know my chapters are long but heh
heh , I'm a 'can't stop won't stop' type of writer. anyways I've included numbered
index notes throughout the story and will continue to do so with all chapters or future
fics as a way to explain my thinking on a piece of information. Also to just clear up
any possible confusion that may pop up for you all!


1: I tend to think that due to his government training and affiliations, they'd have him
wear throat mics and listen in directly to police and military radio frequencies to stay
on top of all the activity.

2: Hawks sidekicks don't have cannon names as far as I’m aware but I use them so
much that I decided to just name them and kinda correspond to their appearances/
hinted quirks are, hence his sidekick's names in all my fics are Kamaitachi Anemoi
wind hero: vortex (gray and black-suited man) and Rai Kiiroitori Electrical hero:
lightning bird (yellow and white bird beaked helmet)

3. I based this group chat idea on the movie where they go to America and this was the
group of U.A. kids on Hawks team. Minus Shoji but I think due to Toko he’d naturally
just get added anyways. I love the headcanon of Hawks being like an older brother for
the 1A and B classes so I incorporate it a lot!

4. Speaking of headcanons that live rent-free in my head I can't shake the idea of
Hawks having a damn tail so now I'm forcing it onto all of you as well. Take it or
leave it but it'll be a pattern in all my fics and art.

5. This guy is just a temporary OC in the story, I may add him into other fics of mine
if I need a handler-type character, he's not canon but he popped up so much it felt
weird not having a name for this creepy gremlin man. (Apologies if one of your
favorite characters' names is Haruki…)

6. I honestly think on a logical aspect at the altitudes and speeds hawks fly at, he’d
legit need some kind of mask to help him breathe easier. Especially in colder weather
when the air is harsher to breathe in.
"Morphs just, know things man"
Chapter Notes

Hey, little songbirds! long time no see (not) I was too into this writing and finished
chapter two sooner than I thought so I'm publishing it earlier, This chapter is the last
bit of lore bit before you finally get to get some smut. I both love and hate slow burns
but there's something so satisfying in the build up isn't there...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Location: League Hideout Bar

Time: 11:48 P.M
Date: Wednesday, March 9th.

“Alright alright I got it, boss your bitchin' like your my damn wife or something.”.

Dabi sighed as he rubbed tiny circles into his temple to mitigate his rising temperature, fuck if he
wanted to deal with throwing himself into some useless fever because Shigaraki decided to throw
another tantrum. He may be strong and may also be the ring leader of their fucked up little circus
act he wound up dragged into, but damn, did his stunted mental age has a way of getting right
under his skin.

“You wish I’d give your half and half-ass a chance dunce, I don't have any time for any dating!”.

Shig’s wobbly voice rebuked, completely missing the obvious sarcasm in his prior jab, before
yelling something at Toga the flamist didn't care to pay attention to.

“I’ve gotta go, just give the papers to Spinner or Kurogiri whoever's awake and we’ll deal with it

Shigaraki said and Dabi didn't even let the man say another word, knowing how they usually wrap
their conversations up anyways, and just hung up the phone. Laughing to himself knowing how
much it probably just pissed the blue-haired man off being hung up or cut off like that but

Dabi did it these days, solely to just piss the guy off, he found some of his tempers to be pretty
amusing so long as it wasn't at his expense to deal with the aftermath. Something Kurogiri must’ve
had some kind of secondary quirk to deal with so calmly over and over for, nobody could convince
him otherwise.

Rounding the last corner he finally entered the oh-so-familiar and disgustingly dingy alleyway
leading to their little hideout, honestly it wasn't much but hey, he’d been in worse places.

Besides, it was in their best interest too, this side of town in the slums barely any heroes patrolled,
as much as he hated ‘em he couldn't exactly blame them for avoiding this neck of the woods.
There was nothing police or heroes could do to put any stop to crime rates here, not at the gated
entry where the underground crime rings lay.

Dabi had been around in this game longer than most of the cats that made up the LOV, maybe just
behind that of Spinner, maybe. He’d grown up with Giran in this area slumming around when he’d
be sent out on jobs or errands for the man, who insisted he “earn his keep” as if Giran didn't force
him to stay with him.

The way the dude used to fuss over him in the beginning, when Dabi first started working for the
crook as a kid, almost warmed the villain's cold dead little heart.

He grew up watching and learning very quickly that anyone and everyone who lived in these parts,
well they weren't a part of any of those good types of civilians he'll tell you that. Nobody innocent
or naive lived long around here, and you could take that in any way you wanted to, it’d likely be
true anyways.

You trusted nobody and suspected everyone, it was safer to just assume that every single person
around here would kill you the second you gave them an opening.

That's just the mentality and how Dabi grew up, and hell it’s gotten him along pretty well, or better
yet, he’s not dead or missing any limbs or organs right? That's more than most of the sorry souls
around here could say, whether they were taken for the black markets, or lost in some fight.

Nobody was exactly in good shape, nobody was too pretty, or normal, not like those heroes that
shone like beacons and were idolized by the troves like gods.

Deities, gods, celebrities whatever you wanted to say, at the core most were just humans, humans
that just like them, had immeasurable and downright sinful desires buried deep in them. Ones they
hid well behind their glamorous masks and flashy costumes, some did an awful job at it but others,
perfectly he’d say.

Judging on the approval rating systems nobody suspected how truly monstrous some were, like his
own father, or how painfully greedy like that Mountain woman obviously was. Or hungry for
attention like the walking sex doll hero was, god what was her name, Mia or Night something?

Granted there were a few who, he guessed, weren't too bad, like that underground hero teacher
Erasure Shigs liked, who didn't seem to care about opinions and dodged any camera in sight.

All Might must have some good things going for him if Stain approved of the man, though they
were far, far too rare and inbetween for this system they lived under to alter his and many of his
kind's mindsets.

There was only so much good a few could do within a system with hundreds of fakes, just
cosplaying as heroes for fame and fortune, a system disgustingly corrupt and abhorrently sketchy to
say the least.

That was the part Dabi wanted to learn more about, the piece that honestly wigged him out the
most was the shadow leaders of their countries' heroes, the HPSC. He couldn't wrap his mind
around how all these heroes were so blindly following the orders of such an obviously warped
group of people.

It made him wonder if maybe they did know, and just didn't care, they benefited real nicely being
under their orders if their flashy, wealthy lifestyles had anything to say, so what would they care?
There had to be more going on but he didn't hold his hopes too high for there to be some sort of
humanity or good in the truth, there never was, was there?

They could bury it as deep as they wanted with lies and more lies until maybe they believed those
lies to be reality and forget the truth, but it would still be there, buried like a bomb just waiting for
someone to trip the detonator.

What the villain would give, maybe even his own life, to be the chosen one, to be the detonator
that annihilated their perfect little mirage, to blow a hole through the wall and let the public see
what was behind it all, just thinking about it made him giddy.

Thinking like this though, of the few heroes he wondered about, the Commission, made his mind
wander right back to his little bird. His information may be going partially to the league but most,
well that stayed with Dabi and his own agenda he was leading.

He wasn't going to do all the footwork for these bastards and he did have his own goals, ones he’d
been pursuing long before Giran forced him onto this brokeback team of theirs.

He may have somewhat warmed up to a lot of them but, with his upbringing he sure as hell didn’t
trust any of them still, and that would likely never change. You can't just shut off years of being on
guard like he was as if it were some light switch, though sometimes he wished he could.

Some nights when the whole league was in the bar surrounding Shigs playing or watching
whatever moronic game they managed to steal for the station. Hearing them all laughing and
gathered up in the blanket forts, the ones that Toga would force them into building with her.

It would make some weird feeling in his chest start, he never figured it out and really didn't have
any desire to, what was the point of it? Giran was never a super emotional guy or had any sort of
talks like that with him, and recalling his dad teaching him any of that made him want to laugh.

He’d bury those feelings down and just ignore Toga's whines for him to join them, usually dodging
a few daggers she’d toss to get his attention. Before he sealed himself off in his room, where it was
easier, being by himself was just easier because people, well, people were complicated.

Hell, who was he kidding, HE, was a complicated fucking person, a mess of a person, and
sometimes, he wondered if he could even call himself human these days. He didn't really feel
human, didn't feel much of anything really, physically, granted he never let anyone close enough to
test those theories.

Mentally well, he rarely let even himself divulge in those sorts of things, feelings and emotions that
is, besides, who would even want to explore that shit with someone like him anyways?

Thinking that though, without even noticing as he mindlessly ascended the green rusting fire
escape that was their hideout's entrance, did the picture of a dopey smiling blonde pop up.

The way the blonde would get all riled up for him, the way he made him on occasions want to
listen in on the stories the birdbrain would go on about, whilst they ate whatever takeout Hawks
brought with.

He never did figure out when he realized Hawks always made sure to get his favorites, something
warm and never got anything fish related. Hell, he never realized he’d developed having favorite
foods or whatever, since he’d usually eat whatever he was lucky enough to get he wouldn't be

Unless it was fish, screw those slimy odd tasting freaks of nature, he’d gladly starve to death
before ingesting anything that was looking back at him on a plate.

He never experienced that with anybody his whole life yet he couldn't figure out why, after the
countless amounts of team-ups, recruits and dealers he made connections with. People he was able
to detach himself from instantly or kill without hesitation, with no care in the world, why he kept
coming back to Hawks?

Why the bird kept feeding the fire inside him, why when the little shit did even the stupidest most
aggravating things he’d have cremated anyone else for. He couldn't bring himself to do with the
hero, someone he should despise with his whole being, and part of him did absolutely hate the
fucking bird.

Hated how the little mutt was practically glued to his pitiful excuse of a sperm donor's side, and
hated how people swarmed him like he was some messiah. When he was just another dude that,
while yes, had a pretty face, was still just a guy, doing a pretty difficult job if the wounds he’d seen
on Hawks spoke for it, that was it!

Though this hatred, wasn't the same type of hate he’d say was like the one he held for those phony
heroes, the longer he kept Hawks around, the more that carefully manicured mask was slipping.
Revealing something underneath that was what Dabi believed, an entirely different person, and he
was starting to show himself.

He began noticing some similarities or maybe things he’d seen in himself, he was seeing for brief
seconds with Hawks. To say when he figured out the little birdy was actually something that was
stroking his interest, he resigned himself to the fact he wasn't going to toss him away just yet.

Oh no, not when he was starting to have some fun figuring out how to piss Hawks off, how to get
that good little hero act to crumble. Seeing those fangs bared, wings furled and eyes glowing with
an inhuman fury made something in Dabi just, tick, and if he knew one thing for sure in this
jumbled mess that was their oddball relationship.

It was that, he wanted.


It really was simple how things worked you see.

What Dabi wanted, Dabi got.

One way or another, nothing would stop him and if something did try well.

It wouldn't be in a solidified form long afterward.

Now wanting more of what in particular, he hasn't quite figured THAT part out, but, he was sure to
unravel it eventually by keeping Hawks at his beck and call as he did.

The longer he kept poking into Hawks's little cage, the more violently the hidden apex predator
would rattle at its confinements. He wondered just how long or what he’d need to do to get him to
finally break those golden gilded bars of his.

His eyes wandered naturally around as he entered the dimly lit main area of their hideout. The sole
light is the decrepit softbox bulbs dimly lit behind the shelves of liquors, just above the bar counter.

Where Kurogiri would usually be residing, and speaking of the man he appeared through one of
his portals, nodding his head silently to greet the flamist.
You see Kurogiri was a bit more in tune, in the way he’d approach Dabi, with the man's history of
explosive and fatal mood swings, Kurogiri learned early on to approach like he would a cornered
animal. Keep his distance, maintain a low and quiet tone, softly speak and use as few words as he
could, only the very necessary ones.

Then he’d watch, study how the other would respond in turn, from either tensing up with narrowed
vibrant eyes, clenched fists ready to burn or if he’d sway. With that very subtle tilt to his head, a
usual hand lazed inside a pocket and laxed brows, which he knew was the safer demeanor to begin

That’s what greeted him, and it went even further, a reaction he couldn't quite recall seeing ever
gracing the scarred man's features. A subtle smirk, and eyes that almost looked like they were
glowing but not with their usual anger, it was odd, to say the least.

“Good evening Dabi, how was your outing, if you don’t mind my curiosity?”.

The dark mist that made up the man's head swayed about as he made work polishing bottles of
alcohol that were likely lifted by Compress or Spinner. As floating orbs of light watched on in
curiosity as the other plopped a discreetly folded packet on the bar and sat halfway on a stool
affront him.

Silently Spinner entered the main area from the side door having heard the voices and commotion,
wondering if it were his boss returning. However, his eyes settled warily on Dabi instead, keeping
his distance as it’d always be a coin toss whether he’d be in a pissy mood upon returning to base.

“Not too bad, or nothing I can complain about really was told by the boss to give this to you or

Dabi sighed, eyes briefly looking at the lizard morph who was leaning casually against the wall
across the room, trying not to look like he was eyeballing Dabi but was painfully obvious instead.

He pulled out a smoke while watching Kurogiri once more, as he neatly unfolded and flattened the
papers back to a somewhat neater form. Before nodding with satisfaction and returning his glowing
gaze back to the flame villain.

“Yes, I do believe he mentioned going over these documents in tomorrow's league meeting,
scheduled for half past three. Do you plan to join us or will you be occupied with any of your other

Dabi wracked his brain for a minute, thinking if he had anything going on and he knew he didn't,
not till later when the night time set in. However he already skimmed over Hawk’s information and
frankly didn't care what the others had to say about it, nor was he too keen on answering any mind-
numbing questions.

“Yea, got some shit to do so won’t be there”

He said plainly, watching as in the corner of his eye Spinner crossed his arms and scowled,
amusing him deeply with how it really took nothing to get under the lizard's scales. He knew that
right behind Shiggy, Spinner was anal about these little meetings, proclaiming how they were oh
so damn important.

As if it weren't the exact same shit every time, half their meeting would consist of wasting time
with Toga’s bullshitting around, and Shiggy having a meltdown at Kurogiri. Then Spinner or
Magne tries to redirect Twice or Compresses theatrical psychotic tangents with the larger woman
usually just jumping in.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache, so like hell, he’d willingly go into one of those and
besides, he was the one with all the information anyways. If they were truly desperate for info he
worked to get, then they’d just have to work around Dabi’s schedule and do something for him,
that's how this game worked.

“Hm very well, I’ll make sure to let the boss know you won’t be attending due to schedule
conflicts, I’m assuming you’ll sleep through the morn? If you will, I shall make sure to diligently
remind the others not to disturb you, shant we have another nearly destroyed base.”.

Kurogiri’s suave voice asked, as he finally finished his duties presumedly behind the bar and was
now simply standing there. Leaning forward he tapped the loose ashes of his cig into the ashtray as
they both noticed Spinner finally walking over to the counter, looking interested in the packet of
papers in the other's hands.

“Yea likely, same as today I’ll be heading underground at like two, then got some recruiter Giran
wants me to meet with him once night comes long.”

Dabi said smirking, the trio knowing that when it came to Girans' type of work with Dabi, it
usually wound up with someone dead ninety percent of the time. Giran seemed pretty tame on the
outside but the guy was just as sane as the rest of them and had no qualms about anything from
murder to extortion.

Spinner looked up from the papers he was reading off from, finally asking the question that lay
heavy in the air to him.

“Not to be a dick man but I’ve gotta ask, what's up with you, you're actually in a good mood and
smiling and shit, not trying to insult cha Dabi just, it's not usual you come back here cheery”.

Spinner carefully asked, making sure to pick and choose his words very wisely as he did not want
to be on the receiving end of Dabi’s mood making a one-eighty. Though he didn’t know how to
feel when the man's jet-black hair shook about as he tossed his head back and let out a hearty

“Shit, suppose I am huh, a rare case for that to happen but I just happened to have a really good end
to an otherwise boring as fuck night little gecko”.

Spinner huffed at the nickname, he usually hated being called any type of lizard name because of
the past torments he’d faced but, coming from Dabi? Spinner just decided to let it go and focus on
the much more interesting plot unfolding in front of him instead.

“Oh? Was the info you got that valuable or something, if I’m reading this right this stuff is from
Hawks yea? I mean it’s just a lot of lower-ranking hero’s patrolling information, are we targeting
one of ‘em specifically?”

Spinner rambled out, looking between the stapled papers and the raven-haired man multiple times
in a fluster of confusion, did he really forget something? Man the boss was gonna be upset if he had
but he knew he’d been paying close attention to their meetings!

“Nah, none of ‘em in particular, I mean sure their patrol patterns are an area we’re planning to
move in on for a few jobs and shit, but this was more just to see what my little messenger pigeon
could bring me.”
The darkly clad man indulged as he stretched his arms above his head, feeling a few pops relieving
the pressure in his lower back. Before stretching back on the chair and crossing his arms over his
chest to watch on in curiosity to Spinner, who at the mention of the pet name stopped.

“Y’know man, I can't figure you two’s relationship out for the life of me, one minute you're
seething about Hawks, how he's likely just a rat. Then the next you're calling him little cute stuff
like that, so like what is it, do you like the guy or not?”

Spinner said with a purely lost expression dawning on his scaled face, tilting his head as he set the
paper back onto the counter when Kurogiri who’d been silent to this point finally interjected.

“Do correct me if I’m mistaken, Dabi, but am I right in presuming that our leading candidate for
the league is the very reason for your pleasant mood now?”

Spinner's head whipped over to the frankly underpaid and underappreciated babysitter of the league
so fast Dabi swore he heard his neck pop. The morph's eyes set wide in a disarray of shock,
confusion, and something else that neither men were quite able to translate.

“Hm, you’d be absolutely, one hundred percent correct, Kuro, I’d give you a little prize if I gave
enough of a fuck”.

Dabi laughed out with a wink towards the mentioned, his smirk deepening to show some teeth that
despite the rest of him, were nearly perfect and pearly white. Despite how the man smoked damn
near a pack a day, speaking of he tapped out the final cigarette for the day, liting it with the pad of
his middle finger.

“Hm, how very interesting to hear from you Dabi, have you two finally broken the ice perhaps?”.

Spinner watched on speechless as Kurogiri continued the small talk as if this were just any other
recruit but this wasn't, nothing about Hawks was normal in their circumstances. So the nonchalance
was one thing he refused to concede on and he couldn't stop himself from blurting out.

“Hold on! Time out! Dude, Dabi my man, sorry for me being a little shell shocked but like, you’ve
been hellbent on how much you hadn't liked Hawks. Then you started calling him little pet names
and now this like I’m sorry am I the only one not seeing how odd that is?”

Green arms waved about animatedly, as he rushed out to the two, and sure, maybe he was walking
a thin line now questioning Dabi on this, especially with how secretive about the hero he is to

However this was Dabi, this wasn't a move he’d ever made before and if the man was anything, it
was calculated and cunning as hell so things moving so quickly didn't make any sense to him!

Dabi tapped out his second cigarette and scoffed deep in his throat before shifting to put an elbow
on the counter and leaning his cheek onto the propped hand as he looked over to the morph.

“Aww Spinner thought it was Shigs you were obsessed with, didn't think you were watching me so
closely you little stalker.”

He mused out and before poor Spinner could even try defending himself the broody man just cut
him off and continued on.

“Shit maybe you're right it ain't like me to get like this with a recruit and all but hey you can't
blame me, little songbirds had some interesting changes about him lately and I’m just a bit
Spinner stopped, looking at Dabi long enough that the other stopped what he was doing and raised
a single brow, shaking his head in a silent way to ask what the other's deal was when Spinner
slowly began.

“What, sort of um, changes do you mean?”

Now usually Dabi would have shut the conversation down, he did not divulge anything about
Hawks to the others, but the way the little lizard looked, made something in his gut clench up.

“Mmm, I dunno exactly how to explain the shit but he’s just outta nowhere, god I don't know more,
docile maybe? Lenient or less guarded sometimes? I mean sure Lil shit tore my arm up but it's fine,
he’s pretty entertaining to rile up anyways. Why?”

Dabi thoughtfully stated as he looked up to the ceiling, motioning to his arm when it came up
which the others saw was indeed, mauled. So much so that Kurogiri leaned down producing a
white medical tin kit and silently asked for the man's arm, to which the other conceded and began
sterilizing wordlessly.

Spinner, on the other hand, was frozen stiff at this point, eyes slit, and to be honest, it was starting
to actually creep the blue-eyed man out. He started wondering if he’d missed something along the
lines of Hawks but his thoughts were cut short by the lizard asking something that actually startled

“Was there anything different happening with his wings or his eyes?”

Even Kurogiri who’d been paying close attention to threading a suture thread through a curved
needle to stitch up a nastier cut stopped. Raising his eyes to Spinner and then to Dabi as the villain
in question looked beyond weirded out if not just, thrown off by the question.

Dabi had to think back, sure he’d messed with some of the very tips of the larger primaries feathers
when Hawks would mindlessly brush them against the other. Standing next to the bird it was only
bound to happen but he never recalled them being so sensitive that they drew out mewling little

Hell Hawks was SHAKING from the touches but the docile nature that kept poking out, they were
seemingly accompanied by his flushed face but that had to be due to the cold right? Though he also
couldn't explain away the animalistic edge that lashed out at him, his arm was living proof of that,
which Dabi began listing off to the other morph.

Who upon each and every revelation, got a bit more slack-jawed, a bit tenser, his scarlet eyes
sharpening just a bit more than they should. Then the pink-haired villain sighed and dropped his
gaze to the ground looking a bit shell-shocked maybe.

“So, Hawks is a SRY-Morph, meaning he’s a purer-blooded avian then, fuck”

Spinner barely whispered out but in the quiet of the room it was still heard, and Dabi’s severely
confused stare followed the lizard mans retreating form to the small jukebox against the wall. His
weight wavered from one foot to another as his hands tightly clenched his biceps in a self-soothing
sort of motion.

“Aight spill it Spin, fuck are you going on about over there?”

Spinner turned slowly back towards the bar and hesitated for a few moments as if he were at a loss
for words before he took a few breaths but never raised his eyes from the spot they were scorching
into the floorboards.
“What I’m going on about Dabi, is I’m genuinely surprised Hawks hasn't been kidnapped for what
he is, to put it simply there are certain types of my kind of people. Morphs and all that um, let's say
in um, simple terms uh-.”.

Spinner was stuttering uncomfortably and whilst most would be a bit more sensitive to the obvious
heaviness of the topic to him, but, this was still Dabi.

“Out with it Spinner”.

Dabi growled making Spinner uncharacteristically jump, his eyes were dodging all over the place
and Kurogiri placed a hand on Dabi who seemed to be getting annoyed now.

“Spinner, why don’t you come over here please, have a seat by me. I can't hear you very well all
the way across the room like this.”

The aforementioned looked up and seemed out of it by the looks of it before swaying forward,
limply dropping onto a barstool and slouching downwards. Continuing on with a cracking low
voice like he was having to painfully force the words out.

“Sorry man, this shit just hard to talk about, I-um, there's a lot of shit from my own past
intertwined with this and it's just bringing up memories I'd give, fuck I’d give anything to just

The pink-haired man struggled to say, shivering towards the end and rubbing his hands over his
face and into his hair, Kurogiri at this point decided to reach across the counter. Placing a hand on
the top of his shoulder and gently rubbed circles down the shoulder blade so as to soothe the man.

“It’s alright Spinner just take some deep breaths, this is quite painful to talk about, yes? How about
we talk about this in a removed sense, tell me what may affect Hawks in a clinical sense hm?”

Kurogiri suggested when scarlet eyes finally wandered up painfully to meet the wispy orbs and
nodded, taking another set of breaths, and sat straight looking at the men across from him with a
hardened expression.

“If I’m right, then Hawks is what's been scientifically called a SRY-Morph, what that basically is,
is an evolutionary trait that within the last few decades, developed in some morphs lines. Like
mammalian lines don't have this but birds, reptiles, and amphibians have been the primary morph
races to present with some variety of a physical and hormonal intersex trait.”

Spinner took another breath and looked at both men who still looked lost but were clearly focused
on the bits of information so he continued.

“It’s been theorized by heteromorphologist so far, that it's coming from an unknown or unnamed
genetic quirk present in these specific lines that make us morphs what we are. We all have this
shared gene type, but this one specifically, It’s flared up as a response to the rapid decline in our
reproduction rates and growing death rates. In order for our races to survive our instincts are
changing us, presenting us with a more viable reproductive ability to sustain.”.

Dabi’s head tilted slightly as he leaned forward, and Kurogiri at this point walked around the bar
and placed himself to stand beside the morph. Now with both hands on his shoulders trying his best
to confront the other through the trauma he was so clearly reliving.

“So to put it in layman's terms, a lot of us have developed both reproductive organs and can
function in both respective ways more or less. However with it being so new and both governments
being corrupt bastards and black market sellers seeing a golden opportunity. Most of them have
either disappeared in medical facilities going through god knows what, or they're, um, they uh-”

At this point, Spinner's voice began giving out, and Kurogiri returned to the comforting motions
he’d once been doing, softly persuading the man.

“You're doing very well Spinner, do not underestimate the strength you're conveying currently, it
takes an incredible amount of power to relieve trauma. We need to know though, you stated Hawks
may be in danger, we need to know all of it if we are to keep him safe correct?”.

At this Spinner looks up surprised to see the look of determination placed on the face of the raven
across from him, the usually brash and rude comment having ceased. Something in that gave him
the confidence to finish this and to finally relieve himself of the burdens he’d lived so long with.

“Black market sellers, they recently have spiked in kidnapping SRY-Morphs because not only do
we catch an unthinkably high amount of money if sold just for research purposes. But there's been
rescued morphs that stated they were used as circulating money makers for these dealers.”

The man looked up with a deathly serious look in his eye making sure Dabi was paying attention to
what he was about to say.

“In other words Dabi, they kidnap SRY-Morphs like Hawks and myself, to repeatedly breed with
one another, because the only thing that's of higher value than a changed morph, is a purely born

The other two occupants of the room noticeably tensed when both the volume of the situation and
the realization hit them, that Spinner knew precisely what was going on with Hawks. He was just
like him, something nobody to this moment knew and it only made the next thing out of his mouth
that much worse.

“Avians especially due to their numbers being the lowest I think, they're beyond rare to come by,
meaning they're even more expensive and profitable so I’m warning you if it gets out Hawks is
one, and he gets kidnapped, we’ll never see him again.”

Dabi’s grip on the countertop tightened tremendously, he felt an excruciating tightness forming in
his chest and he could have sworn he heard a ringing in his ears. His eyes never broke away from
Spinner's own as he felt something beginning to overwhelm his body and not in the way his own
quirk was, this was, different.

“You don't escape people like them, I barely managed to escape them after I was sold by my
family, it was nothing short of a miracle I was brought in by the league, shit you guys are what
keep me safe, from being taken again I think.”

That was the final straw in the camel's back for the lizard morph, who let out an airy sob before
burying his face in his hands. His body shook violently as they continued to pour out and Kurogiri
pulled Spinner into himself and firmly ran his hands on his back.

The three sat there with nothing but the sound of Spinner's sobs decreasing in volume over time
until he was simply breathing deeply, Kurogiri never moving once from his spot. As for Dabi, he
stayed still, and silent, even if he wasn't the most emotional guy, he knew Spinner needed to just let
it out and process.

Dabi had shifted to leaning his upper body on the bar again, removing his hand from the wood
when he noticed the smell of it burning. Instead choosing to rub his temple when the seams around
his hands began thrumming, they did that when his quirk started building heat, a side effect to his
poor anger management skills you see.

He was also the first one to finally speak, to break the silence of the room and alleviate the aching
tightness that was starting to irritate him now. As he knew it was nothing to do with his quirk, but
he’d never felt this before and needed to get away if it were his quirk beginning to flare up.

“So what do we need to do Spins?”.

The abruptness of it visibly startled the two across himself, and he looked between both of them
before finally nudging the morph's shoe with his own. Who looked down puzzled before looking
up to meet those startlingly glowing blue eyes.

“Honestly I don't know when it comes to Hawks specifically but um, I’d need more, I guess
information or ah, I don't know man something to work with.”

Dabi shook his head slowly and stood up, lazily putting a hand in his pocket before tilting his head
sideways to better look at Spinner.

“Well, then let's cut a deal you, I don't know much about Morphs but you do, I also have access to
Hawks which you don't, so how ‘bout this, you be my little birdy translator and I'll take care of the

The pink-haired man looked surprised and managed to let his eyes wander to Kurogiri who looked
surprised as well, well if surprised were glowing orbs taking on a rounder shape meant he was.

“Wouldn’t it be wiser to advise with the others on this situation at hand Dabi, I mean not
undermine your capabilities however this may be much bigger than we anticipate. So in my
opinion, it may do you well to have the League at your side too.”.

Kurogiri mentioned as he placed a wispy hand on his hip, the eldest of the trio having his concerns
as he usually did when it came to solo missions with any league member. He didn't believe any of
them should solo as it never ended well in the man's opinion and he wasn't quiet about it ever.

Spinner nodded his head, before looking to the other villain whose heartbeat was increasing by the
second, why well the lizard couldn't tell you?

“I have to agree with Kurogiri on this one man, I want to just say yes to you really but, with how
little we know I just, I don't want anyone to get needlessly hurt when we can, y’know avoid it.”.

Dabi however, wasn't having any of it, as much as it was making sense as to why they had this
thinking, the cremation villain’s patience wasn't going to allow that much more today. The wisps of
smoke that began escaping from the seams of his arms and hands as he clenched his teeth were
enough proof of that.

“No, remember this fact because I’m not repeating it to you two, Hawks is mine, he's my goddamn
recruit so we play by rules, got it”.

Dabi snapped out and as Spinner was about to rebuttal it, Kurogiri knew Dabi’s limit and wanted to
keep from explaining to Shigaraki why he was returning to a burnt husk of a hideout. He stops
Spinner from answering by putting a hand on the other's chest and facing himself toward their
group's glaring lone wolf.

“Very well Dabi, if that’s how you wish to proceed then your reasons are perfectly valid to me, do
keep us in the loop, however, and remember you’ve comrades willing to aid you at any point.”.
This visibly calmed the other down as the smoke was quick to dissipate and jet-black hair shook
about as Dabi ran a hand through it before huffing out.

“Yea I’ve got it Kuro so is it a yes or no Spinner, you gonna help me or no.”.

Dabi huffed out, voice gravely as his body was reaching the limit where he needed to let off some
steam per se, or go hibernate in his room and cool down for ten hours. His eyes bore into red ones
as the morph simply nodded his head in agreement before letting the villain stalk off, slamming the
door to their living space as he went though.

“Say, Kurogiri, do you think there's something going on between them?”.

Spinner asked looking up to the older villain who was helping him stand up, leading him to the
door where he could get the morph to his bedroom. Grabbing the paperwork and hitting the central
lights as they got to the doorway, did he finally answer quietly.

“I do, what I’m not quite sure, but there's certainly something, our lone wolf never becomes
secretive over something he doesn't want for his own.”.

Now, this only seemed to only confuse the poor younger league member more but before he could
question further, Kurogiri merely shook his head ending the conversation. As he helped the other
up the stairwell he couldn't help but think, this was going to be a much bigger situation than they
realize, he just knew it.

LOCATION: Hawks Penthouse

TIME: 4:53 A.M.
DATE: Thursday, March 10th

Hawks' consciousness began returning slowly as he awoke surrounded by the darkness of his
bedroom, blinking a few times he moved his head to look up at the analog clock face. Which told
him it was five minutes to his alarm going off but what was strange was he didn't rouse naturally
like this, if his twitching, on-end feathers said anything.

A small shuffling in the hallway outside his bedroom door is what made him fully awaken, and
just as his eyes managed to snap open the door to his room moved. Flooding it with the warm
lighting emitting from the wall sconces and crown molding lighting he’d leave on overnight.

There standing in his doorway was his handler in his Commission uniform charcoal gray suit and
that greasy brown hair slicked back in a way that looked less styled and more just, unwashed. The
man walked in and towards his bed sitting down like this was an everyday normal thing for the two
of them before turning to him.

“Ah good morning Hawks, good to see you waking up a bit. I tried calling but got no answer so I
just came up to make sure you were awake.”.

The man said cheerily, placing a hand on the blondes half bare hip, peeking out from underneath
the oversized tee and short briefs he’d worn to bed. This made the hero feel so incredibly exposed
he shot himself upwards in order to casually shift his hip away from the oddly sweaty hand.

“I uh, I didn't hear my phone go off. Are you sure you called my phone, I’m a light sleeper so I’d
have heard it, you ah- you didn't need to um, come all the way up here sir.”.
The smaller one mumbled out as his brain was still attempting to decipher what year it was, not as
fully awake as his physical body. Which was cautiously sliding itself out of bed on the opposite
side Haruki sat on, making his way around to get to his walk-in closet door.

“I did, at least I'm pretty sure It was your personal phone, I know you've got those two burner ones
now right outside of your work cell. Honestly, you've got so many you switch around I can barely
keep up with you.”.

Haruki laughed as he casually scrolled through his phone explaining with nonchalance as if he
didn't just basically break and entry into Hawks fucking place. Hawks chose not to answer how
exactly he knew about his personal phone when he knows nobody besides a select few should
know of it.

Until he suddenly remembered with a nauseating twist in his gut that Haruki somehow did, because
he’d called him on it. Hawks shakily reached into a drawer pulling out some dark-colored jeans, a
v-neck, and some briefs, recalling the group text he was in on his personal cell that was interrupted
by Haruki’s fucking call.

Hawks just took a deep breath as he walked back out clothes in hand plastering on that PR-
approved mask that never quite made it to his eyes. Smiling lightly before closing the door behind
him and turning to the man who looked quite pleased with himself as he raked his eyes up and
down the hero's exposed form.

God did it take everything in Hawks not to cringe in disgust at the man's disgusting actions
sometimes, but he ignored it, pushing it down instead.

“Yeah well, don’t want anybody tracking me, call me paranoid I guess but um I need to shower so
I’ll meet you downstairs in half an hour sir!”.

Hawks chirped out as he pointed towards his on-suite door when his handler stood up and mosied
on past him, chuckling lowly before ruffling messy blonde locks.

“Nonsense, I’ll just wait in the living room while you get dolled up in there for me.”.

With that, he left the room, and golden eyes bored holes into his wide back as the other retreated
down the hall and disappeared around the bend. He couldn’t stop the body shiver this time as he
darted into his bathroom and locked the door behind himself.

Even then, that lock didn't make him feel any safer, hell if he didn't know any better he’d think
Haruki had a key to unlock this one too, walk in on him showering to ‘make sure he was okay’.
With the way the Commission was as a whole, he wouldn't even be surprised if there were secret
cameras in the vents watching him.

Though this line of thinking didn't help him at all as his eyes by nature wandered up to the ceiling
where one said vent laid to mock his very worry. He couldn't help but send a feather up, finding
nothing obviously but still, the confirmation did soothe his frazzled nerves.

The usually soothing shower did nothing to calm him in the slightest as his heart pounded at any
tiny sound he heard outside the door, feeling like Haruki would just barge in again. He hated this,
now knowing even in his own home he wasn't even free or safe to relax now and it made him want
to absolutely scream.

The shower turning cold was the signal for him to get out as he knew he’d been in for longer than
needed now and his prepage went by too fast for his liking. As he now sat just staring at the door
knob and having to take another deep set of breaths to stop himself from deepening into a worse
state of anxiety.

As quietly as he could he opened the door and padded across his room, softly lit by the bathroom
and hallways lighting. He slowly opened his closet and squatted down to the floor and moved a
panel hiding the safe underneath to take out the two burner phones mentioned earlier.

Powering them both on he brought both his work and personal phone in there with two feathers and
scrolled through the call log of each one. Verifying he’d been right as there existed absolutely no
missed call on any of the four cell phones.

With that out of the way, he pulled the battery and placed the burners back in the safe, closing
everything up, and pocketing his cellphones into his leather jacket's inner pocket. Along with his
Commission work badges and left to get this awkward morning behind him already, silently
greeted by Haruki lounging on the couch.

“Good you're ready, we’ve gotta get going but I got you some breakfast to go on the counter so
let's get a move on little one!”.

The husky man said standing quickly motioning to the kitchen island where indeed there was a
coffee cup and a small bag laying in wait for the avian who wordlessly grabbed it up. Peaking in to
see an egg and avocado sandwich with the yolk slightly runny and seasoned with extra pepper, just
like he requested it be made every time since he was a kid.

He jumped when the feeling of a towel and pressure on his head came from nowhere and he almost
dropped the cup until Haruki finally spoke up.

“Honestly little one as adorable as I find your hair all down and long like this, you'll catch a cold if
you go out with it still sopping wet.”.

The shock of the others' actions kept the blonde completely still as the suited man finished to his
liking and finally stepped away. Once again, Hawks desperately wanted to scream, to tell the man
off, to screech at him to not touch him but years of training (grooming) wouldn't allow him.

They silently moved to the entry, and as Hawks was slipping his boots on he noticed once again
Haruki being a bit too familiar with his place. Touching the screen on the wall and selecting each
set of complicated lights off with an almost practiced sort of ease that even Hawks still fumbled

The car ride in itself was quiet, if not uncomfortable in a multitude of ways for the hero, who
physically could barely fit given he made sure his wings were full enough to fly. Though the pure
discomfort of the man himself was enough to have Hawks on edge, feeling so extremely put off by
his actions earlier and lost in the thoughts of it that he barely noticed them pulling into the HPSC’s
underground lot.

“Alright, Rosefinch, let's get a move on, we’ve maybe got a few minutes still but I’d rather us get
there early and have some time for you to get ready.”.

Haruki said getting out of the car and bolting over to the passenger side in a flash just as the smaller
of the two processed what he could mean by ready, get ready for what exactly?

Hawks couldn't stop the anxiety building inside him as they made their way through the labyrinth
that was the Commissions headquarter building. From the sterile white walls and gray floor tiles to
the halls that looked the same no matter where you turned or what wing you were in.
All intentional of course, growing up here, the building's structural design, colors, and unlabeled
steel door were all purposeful, behind the pretty lobby and exterior which guised the HPSC as
much more than it really was.

A prison.

Once you were in, they made sure that people like him didn't escape, though it didn't stop him
from trying, managing to figure out that there was a systematic pattern to the building geometry,
and that the maze of this complex could be deduced by using applied math.

All it took was applying the geometry, algebra, and trigonometry he learned at age nine, using the
measure of his foot to measure the spaces between the complexes precariously placed wall
supports that jutted out. Collected numbers to calculate the area of the building and from there,
secretly measured each wall and hallway he could, right under the HPSC’s noses, until the
blueprint formed.

He continued trying when he noticed at age ten the aging and repairs done as time wore on. The
way that the gray flooring was two shades lighter in the west end where they had major flooding
and replaced the subflooring?

Or how at age eleven during stress tests and passing the front hall behind the lobby’s soundproof
wall, did he see a pattern of steel doors whose pin pad numbers were more faded then any others of
the building?

Maybe there was even another who, like him, at age twelve noticed how there was a slight yellow
toning to the ceiling soft tiling on the second floor by a secret set of emergency stairs. Only
accessed to pre-teens who were brought to the psychology wings on that floor to commence their
“mental stress testing” training?

Even knowing all of this, through all the attempts even if anyone managed to make their way
through the building and get close to escaping?

Well, they had people trained to stop them, people trained just for him, and the kids who made it
through without dying even though they were long gone by this point now. There was simply no
escaping people like them, believe him he tried over and over until they finally broke him.

It never stopped his eyes from searching though, seeing the patterns he's obsessed over in his
barrack at night, sleepless nights he’d lay pondering their patterns. Patterns he barely glanced at
now because they lost their value to him now, but he couldn't stop old habits from dying out and
somehow still brought comfort.

This was why as he was basically being pushed along by Haruki he mentally checked off his
scouting patterns as they made their way through halls and down elevators. A firm hand planted on
his lower back that he knew better than to believe it was for comfort, he knew it was a precaution
to stop him.

As the elevator doors slid open and the darker hallway to the B2 labs came into view, his heart rate
began elevating more as he felt Harukis hand subtly begin to grip the leather of his jacket.
Realization hit him when upon entering the lab the entire Calgary of the Commission board was
lined up waiting for him, beside them, the two head doctors and three nameless researchers.
Stepping forward the director herself looked to Hawks before nodding at Haruki, and as Hawks
began turning to see what was going on he felt four intensely strong hands grip both his forearms
from behind him. Cold metal secured tightly around his wrist as two heavily armored “tranq tack
teams” made their way around him, forming a horseshoe shape in a procedure he knew far too

Remember those people they had trained specifically to stop people like him?

Well, these two squadrons of soldiers were his, trained, and responded solely to take him down in
any way the director required. You see she wasn't a stupid woman unlike her predecessor she
learned a few things from the Lady Nagant incident, she knew what exactly she made Keigo into.

She made sure that, unlike the prior President with his prize weapon, hers had safety defaults, an
emergency stop button in the form of heavily armored elite soldiers. She trained and educated on
anything and everything Hawks was capable of that she knew of and how to counter it in the case
he spiraled. She wouldn't lose her prize soldier to a stupid mistake as her boss had with Kaina,
someone to this day she wished was still around.

This was why he didn't struggle, he wasn't shocked seeing the men or women (who knew with all
the armor they had on they were all indistinguishable from one another.) He’d been through this
song and dance before and was not in the mood to fuck around and find out today, so Hawks would
be the good little attack dog and roll over if it meant he got out of here faster.

Certainly, though the power play stunt did not pass with him even with his large amount of
patience, he still grits his teeth with a snarl as glared at the director with unhidden malice.

“Really, we’re gonna do this again, who’d I look at wrong and spook this time Madam President?”.

Hawks asked bitterly as his eyes glanced over each and every person in the room, some unphased
but quite a few visibly tensed up or widened their eyes. He could hear the quickening of a number
of hearts in the room due to his wings and enhanced hearing though so their attempts to mask
anything failed.

“Now Hawks, this is merely a precautionary measure we've decided to take for both our safety as
well as your own, please stand down and don't make this any more difficult. If you cooperate now,
we can get through this debriefing quickly and move swiftly through your labs, do you

The director said squaring herself up to him in a show of power, she was damn near the only one in
all the years he’d been in their custody who’d never shown any fear towards him. She was a
steeled nerve hardass of a leader and nothing phased her in the time he’d been with her, especially
when she meant business, just as she currently meant now.

“Yes Madam President, I understand.”

With that, she visibly relaxed a fraction before pulling the chart that had been until that moment
tucked under her arm.

“Now I know you grew up with the Heteromorphic biology courses and advanced studies so I’ll
keep this short and brief as I know you're likely putting the pieces together, yes?”.
She asked, raising a brow as she motioned towards the blonde who set his mouth in a hard line
before answering as flatly as he could.

“My current predicament is still unclear to me Madam President, may I request more information
so as not to be misconstrued or assume anything incorrect?”.

She sighed slightly and nodded her head before continuing while crossing her arms, in an elegant
manner so as not to crease the expensive-looking suit jacket she wore.

“You Hawks, as an Avian morph we learned, are of a purer bloodline thanks to your father's
genetics we collected, as well as some traces on your mother's side surprisingly. Pure blood morphs
among the avian, reptilian and amphibian lines have been discovered to have been developing
intersex characteristics. To varied degrees within the last decade now all over the globe hence why
this lab is among the four others in Brazil, America, London, and Australia.”.

The gray-haired woman flipped through the paperwork on the table as she carefully placed the
clipboard down on top of a neat pile of files. Turning back with a hand placed on her hip she
continued with her explanations.

“We’ve still much to discover but the thing we lack is testing subjects, you can only theorize so
much with limited information Hawks, and the very small amount of knowledge we have of Avians
has run dry. That is until you presented yesterday as an SRY-Morph and now, we may as well have
hit gold in this expedition of ours, you are exactly what all these prestigious labs and hundreds of
researchers have been awaiting.”.

The smiling excitement abundant in the room however did not reach the winged hero, not in the
slightest as he stayed still and unfazed. Just as the director across did as well, never dropping their
eyes from one another seemingly separated from the suppressed celebration among the troves in
the room.

“I had a strong feeling you’d present like this though, it's one of the two reasons why I specifically
bought you so quickly from your gullible mother, terrible really. She’d have been set for life had
she known the son she birthed was worth roughly over one point five billion yen back then, today
well we could easily quadruple that now couldn't we.”.

At that Hawks couldn't help but feel his breath shorten, tilting his head in a way to question her,
daring her to continue as he knew she never showed her hand in their back-and-forth game. She
had a much bigger plan than anyone in this lab did, and he was waiting to hear it, as that glimmer
in her eye told him he was not going to like the next few things out of her.

“Now alongside us primarily I’ve already made contact with the other laboratories who we’ve
arranged in the near future not only for samples from you to be shared but your anatomical
cooperation as well.”.

Did Hawks ever mention he really hated being right all the time?

“The results will further the production of a drug we’re producing, a morph-specific IVF we hope
to use in, more favorable lineages that have produced extraordinary quirks like yours Hawks.
Though in order to successfully carry this initiative out, we can't very well have your kind become
extinct now can we, do you understand where the Scarlet Angel Initiative commences? You very
well may be the avian lines angel sent from above to save them, a divine gift to them, their
salvation, do you see just how important you are to this cause Hawks?”.

Hawks could feel his stomach tightening, feel like he was going to throw up or pass out; he didn't
know which was going to happen first. He had to be wrong in his assumptions, she couldn't mean
to, no she’d never sacrifice him for long terms after all his training right?

“What the fuck do you mean by anatomical cooperation Madam President, I implore you to be
blunt because I believe I may be getting the wrong message here.”.

He gritted out slowly, feeling the way his heart was racing and his head was thrumming in panic.

“Language Hawks, that's absolutely no way to speak to me nor in front of such a crowd, you're a
grown adult soldier, I don't think I need to spell it out to you, truly.”

Hawks couldn't stop the sharp intake of air as he straightened like a board and snapped, he couldn't
sit here listening to this anymore.

“You can't seriously mean to use me, like some broodmare Madam president, all my training just
what, down the drain!? I trained my entire life to be a goddamn hero, a soldier not an over-glorified
cheap whore, who do you think I am, just how little do you think of me huh!? If my performance is
lacking, put me through as much hellish retraining as you see fit, but I refuse to submit to being
fucking bent over!”

The blonde screeched, feeling now multiple hands pushing him down to his knee as the tactical
team surrounded him in an instant. Though his sharp predatory eyes never once left the woman's
own cold blank stare, looking down with a sigh as if he were just a toddler throwing a tantrum.

“Calm down or you'll be tranquilized, you're being outlandish now, obviously I won't allow you to
be bred back to back however, a few fertility contracts have been arranged. The only thing pending
my decision is a price offer, and lucky for us, you being the only Avian SRY-morph amongst the
five labs we can ask for as high a price as we want. Seeing as no competitor exists and the others
are eager to get you.”

She stated as blandly as if she were talking about the weather or traffic and not about taking nearly
every one of Hawks' civil rights away from him, he struggled more when he felt hands on his
wings and they mindlessly reacted by beating around violently. With the poor things still being so
sensitive still, he nearly blacked out and when he tried to plead for them to stop touching his wings,
involuntary chitters and screeches came out instead.

At this point, the director had enough and gathered the paperwork behind her as she looked toward
the captain to her right.

“Tranquilize him we’re done here for now, once he's out place him in four-point restraints and put
the braces on his wings, quirk cuffs are to remain on, and administer a syringe-based quirk sedative
as well.”.

With that they moved with lightning speed, the captain upholstering an intimidating triangular-
shaped drug-dispensing handgun. Another hand painfully gripped his blonde hair wrenching his
head to the side and revealing his neck, making Keigo screech out from the agonizing burn on his

“Seven-point pin down now!”.

The deep gruff voice of the man holding the gun barked, as the avian felt tremendous weight
applied to each of his limbs, someone's armored knee bruising his back, and two excruciating holds
on his wings. He was absolutely certain he could feel feathers being ripped out and his eyes misted
in response to the sharp waves of pain shooting to the base of his back.
Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore the ice-cold nuzzle of the gun press against his
jugular, and the white metal slide of the barrel blocked most of his peripheral vision. When he felt
the pressure than a sharp sting of a large gauge needle broke through the skin of his neck, he just
went limp after that, giving up as he knew the drug was fast acting.

The weight of people dispersed as the blackness began creeping around the edges of his eyes, his
vision started to double then blur as a warm fuzziness overtook his body. The last feeling he felt
was an overwhelming sensation like he was free-falling before he gave into its pull and closed his

Two soldiers remained on his back as the crowd of lab workers was escorted to the other side of
the facility floor, the captain watching on as the younger male stopped moving entirely.

“Think he’s actually out this time captain?”.

One of his soldiers asked, knowingly a little skittish still from the last time they only managed to
administer half the dosage when the morph freaked before.

“Affirmative soldier, the whole dose was given and this shit here, it's potent enough to take down a
grown ass elephant in less than eight seconds, no chance of the kid getting up from this.”.

The man nodded before the two remaining soldiers stood nervously eyeballing those dangerous
scarlet wings countless Commission workers and military alike came to fear. The things they’d
heard and seen Hawks do was some shit that kept even the most seasoned of them awake at night.

“Alright let's get him transferred up to the infirmary unit, you heard the director, move!”

The captain snapped out, watching as his teams quickly gathered the young soldier onto a wide
gurney and began wheeling him out of the room, where even after securing him down. The captain
himself couldn't help but let his eyes linger, looking for any twitch or semblance of movement,
even if he knew the tranquilizer's capability.

He also knew Hawks' own though and those fears heavily outweighed any faux confidence he had
in their own, fuck the training videos they’d shown of Hawks were still burnt into his memory. The
nearly inhuman capabilities the guy had, made him realize two things rather quickly in the
uptaking of theirs.

One was he really did wonder how the guy wasn't Japan's number one, he could easily do it yet for
unknown reasons he held back, and pretended to be much weaker and dimwitted than he really

The second, well, the second he’d keep to himself less his already skittish team worry anymore but
deep down he knew, if that man wanted to destroy this Commission, he could and there wasn't a
single thing anyone of their operations that’d stop him.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for making it to the end little birds! I know these two chapters are heavy on
information but I promise from here on out the foundations built and the fun and smut
will begin building up. I hope you're enjoying this so far and if the enthusiasm keeps
holding onto me, chapter three will be out beginning of February! Until then, I hid you
a good day/ night songbirds. ❤️❤️❤️
As sidekicks, and as friends, right?
Chapter Notes

Apologies for the brief hiatus, there were some story line holes that were driving me
nuts that needed to be adjusted before I could continue on, so here is the next chapter
little birds!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Location: Level-1 HPSC Private Infirmary Unit

Time: 3:31 P.M.
Date: Thursday, March 10th

The first thing Hawks felt upon waking up was the intense soreness everywhere in his body,
opening his eyes was a mistake when the blinding hospital lights shocked his pupils. When he tried
lifting his arm to cover them however, he was greeted by an even worse one when a sharp sting
made him jump out of his skin.

Shifting his vision to the arm in question he was met with an appalling sight, dressings covering
his hand and forearm housing two beefy looking infusion devices. Leading up to a mess of primary
and secondary IV tubings, and an array of monitors connected to his chest by colorful wires stuck
on by electrodes.

He slowly moved his legs as he felt a pull on them and shifted the blanket as he rolled onto his side
in agony, revealing cloth covers on legs and grounding bands wrapped around his ankles. That too
led up to what he believed by the screen to be an ECG machine, and began ripping them off one by
one, the nasal oxygen tubes tugging roughly at his skin until Hawks tore the tape off his face.

Soon he was free of every device and when he unclipped the monitor on his finger his feather
moved to silence the machines he knew would start alerting anyone. He sent another feather to the
discreet drawers of the room, the feather in question shaping its barbs and hardening to slot the key
cylinder until it unlocked the drawer.

Returning with gauze pads, cotton rounds and a rubber tourniquet Keigo made quick work of
working around both IV’s clear window dressings slowly until each cannula was free. Tying the
band tight above and pressing the cotton pad right above each needle he pulled it out, lacing the
gauze pad over it and rolling tape around his arm and hand to keep the two tight against the sights.

Standing was a task and he searched quickly for his clothes, which was when as he changed the
sense of horror settled in as the hospital gown slid off and he got a full view of his body. Covered
in various spots with surgical grade foam and bandaging, that sickly yellow iodopovidone still
staining a part by his hip bone, a spot of his lower spine felt incredibly stiff.

Placing a hand back there he was only met with the sensation of more bandages and he could feel
the bile at the back of his throat, and where there weren't badges? There were mixes of nasty
burgundy, taupe colored bruises on nearly every joint, some places on his wrists actually scabbed
over, from experience. He knew they had put him in those restraints especially tailored for him and
likely those quirk canceling cuffs again, he carried a set on him too and knew they easily bruised
and burned if they weren't put on correctly.

Despite the aching and tenderness he dressed himself with lightning speed, flexed his wings
making sure everything felt as good as it could. Which even they felt off, sore and he could feel
spots in the scapular areas downy afterfeathers being yanked and pressed by even more fucking

He patted around his pockets checking to make sure his badges and both phones were present on
his person before he made his way first to the large bay windows. Which I mean, color him
shocked, didn't budge upon his assessment, and he turned back towards the door, opening it to peek
out at the surprisingly empty nursing desk.

Would he question it, absolutely not for Hawks was without a doubt, an opportunist in the best and
worst case scenarios and did that include now? Well, absolutely!

Slipping out he silently closed the door behind himself and made his way down the hall, knowing
he’d turn and see a dark blue door down the hall. Entering after performing his favorite feather
lock pick trick, the gray cemented shaft of stairs leading to the roof looked as cold and
unwelcoming as always. The cool temperature inside though felt like bliss as he thrust himself in
the air with his wings, up the spacing between the stairs and plopped on the last landing.

Picking the lock up top was just as alarmingly easy, or maybe he was just getting too good at this
as it swung open with a shudder worthy squeal. The avian damn near leapt for joy feeling the cool
March winds on the roof and immediately on instinct opened his wings wide and took off with all
the energy he could muster.

The regret hit him as soon as the first bits of inertia wore off and his thighs and lower back
especially screamed at him, joined momentarily by sharp spasms in his abdomen as he tightened
his core. It all didn't matter as it was numbed with the welcoming chilled waves of friendly air
currents working in tandem with his body as if they knew their hero was pained, wrapping around
gently to relieve him.

It made a sort of, happiness swell in his chest, if all else failed he knew the sky and air were always
there for him, the sky was all his just as much as he belonged to the sky. As if the wind itself were
an all knowing being, it carried him with stronger currents that seemingly appeared from nowhere
towards the end of those longer days.

The ones he could barely do anything more than glide on throbbing blood soaked wings, and
gentler, more obedient when his energy was through the roof and he wanted to barrel roll and twirl
about the calmed air.

Rooftops zipped by him one after another as the beginning of streetlights and beams from cars
turning on as the afternoon turned to evening and the sun's light began diminishing. When the day
turned to dusk was truly his favorite time, it felt like the sky painted a portrait for him to enjoy as
an award for his hard work that day.

However even with this, the creeping thoughts and events had a way of pulling him back down,
reminding him of the chains still very much present even thousands of feet up. Decisions needed to
be made whether he went home, where he knew he’d mentally descend rapidly and likely get
sucked into a bad panic attack.

Or the decision he was already unconsciously making as he shifted his primaries to ride the
currents, pulling him right, and head towards the safety net he’d made of his agency. Through
years of learning the law and business intelligence, contracts and ownerships he’d made sure his
agency and everyone in it was something the HPSC had very little access to.

Besides, he knew with the amount of time he’s missed now his desk was probably buried under
piles of paperwork that’d take easily a few all-nighters to finish. Though that was just the thing he
needed, to bury himself into that pile and focus on work, not everything that's happened in the last
twenty-four hours.

As if on autopilot the oh-so-familiar angular building came into view and he came to a much more
confident landing than he’d done lately. Granted it was accompanied with a lot more pain then the
usual landing but he’d conceded to that, walking down the wide roof access stairs and into his
office's private floor.

The whole building had warmer beige and earth tones, blended seamlessly into organic black
marble formations, gold accents hidden throughout varied leafy foliage and plants placed about.
Water ripple stainless steel ceilings diffused the vertical ambient wall strip LED lights that led to it,
glimmering off tanned acid washed concrete flooring, casting shapes through the hung and
mounted glass art pieces placed about the building.

Multiple rocky and sculpture water features placed sporadically gave the ‘Hawks Agency’, a
welcoming and mesmerizing reputation that garnered a few best in design awards the blonde was
proud of. It was worlds different then the copy paste headquarter sterile pallet the HPSC gave him
four years ago, the man made damn sure of it.

The deep mahogany metal embossed door swung open to his office and he was indeed correct
when the overhead lights came on and the usual clean glass top of the gold veined marble desk was
buried. He sighed but he’d known it was coming, and made his way to gently settle down into the
soft black suede desk chair, flipping his shoes off and sitting cross legged.

He began searching and quickly realized his absolute doll of a P.A already organized the stacks,
neatly labeled each with a post it note of what it was. Colored flags stuck out between the papers
divided the dates and departments, and he made a small mental note to give that god send of a
woman a well deserved vacation.

It wasn't long into diving through the first stack that his door swung open and said P.A walked in
dawning a lilac button down and a black dress pant blazer set. A little lilac and purple bird pinned
by the breast pocket peaked out behind a few bursting vanilla envelopes of papers and some mail
envelopes. She visibly perked up upon seeing her superior and bowed slightly with a smile brighter
than the damn sun.

“Good evening Hawks-sama, sorry to intrude, just have a few more stacks for the day and that
should be all!”

She nearly chirped out, placing the aforementioned down gently as not to disturb anything below as
Hawks smiled at her.

“Thanks, also thank you for taking the time to organize everything it really helped, I’m um, really
sorry I was gone without giving you any warning. Lunch is on me tomorrow as an apology, name
anything you want I’ll get it delivered, kay?”.

The blonde stuttered at first then finished with more confidence, as she merely smiled and shook
her head in response, glancing to make sure the door was indeed closed before turning back to him.

“Don't even mention it birdy, I’m happy to help make your job as easy as I can, I certainly won’t
say no to a free meal though. Truly though, you work harder than any hero I’ve seen, besides your
text cleared everything up. I hope you're feeling better now though, must’ve been one bad flu to
make you finally take a day off huh?”.

The casualness of the nickname soothed away any worry building up as he looked over her
obviously exhausted face, and her warm genuine smile with no strain in sight solidified it.

“Remind me to give a raise at the end of the quarter seriously, you're an absolute lifesaver I hope
you know that.”.

Hawks laughed out, she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment and tried shaking her head to
refuse, but Hawks denied her before it could even get out. Though her face shifted as she
remembered something and made her way to turn around back towards the door.

“Oh gosh I almost forgot I have a journalist still on hold in my office, I'm so sorry and also Rai and
Kam were looking for you, I’ll send them up after my call ends okay!”.

She rushed out cheerily and waved kindly as she nearly jogged out into the hallway, and silence
once again settled into the room. With it came the thoughts, the anxieties, the fears and it made the
golden eyed hero shake his head violently as he picked his pen up as if it were his only means of

Rushing back into work he was almost able to get back into his groove when the vibrations in his
pocket made his chest tighten up. He didn't even need to look to know exactly who was calling and
half of him wanted to ignore it, though that, he knew, would only end in a punishment.

He pulled out his work cell and seeing the black screen he grit his teeth angrily, yanking out his
personal that the man shouldnt even be fucking calling and harshley tapped the phones screen.

“This is Hawks.”.

The line was silent for just a few seconds until he heard a crackled sigh in the receiver.

“Hawks, where are you?”.

His handler asked, practically hearing the frustration seeping between his words and in a way, it
brought the blonde a sick satisfaction. ‘Good’, he thought, they more than deserve a share of the
frustration and stress they hand out to him.

“I’m working to catch up on a mountain of paperwork sir, what do you need?”.

He said flatly, starting to flip his fountain pen lazily around his thumb to give himself some sort of
distraction from this conversation.

“What, what do I need? What I-, Hawks, you realize you can't just leave like that right! I mean do
you even comprehend how pissed the doctors from the lab were when they walked into an empty
room? They nearly made us go into a full blown lock down trying to find you, you're lucky the
cameras were viewed by security and they told them you’d left before they could initiate it!”.

Hawks felt his grip tighten immensely around the device and he sat up straight, pushing himself
away from the desk.

“They’re pissed? Apologies sir but they, with as much respect as I can muster at the moment, can
go and run blindfolded into high speed traffic for all I care.”.
Hawks seethed, standing as he could hear his handler stuttering and gawking at his response.

“Damnit Hawks, now you listen here, I barely and I mean, BARELY, got you out of a severe
punishment do you understand that. It took me an hour of convincing not just those doctors to
withdraw their report but security to keep this off of their daily debriefing with their security
chairmen who’s also, on, the, BOARD!”.

He could tell Haruki was barely holding it together, the huskiness in his voice was a dead give
away and it was clear he was pretty frazzled, ‘they must’ve given him a hard time’. This would've,
in any normal circumstance, made him smile, knowing he got put through the ringer for his
bullshit, but today?

“I’m sorry, but what do you want me to say sir? Lie, tell them how I’m oh so sorry? Fuck that! Do I
need to reiterate they tranquilized me for nothing, only then to wake up discovering fresh surgery
sites, ones I don't have any knowledge of nor gave authorization for!”.

Hawks raised his voice at the absolute audacity of the situation, it was baffling to him how even
his handler couldn't see what was wrong with this picture. Then to make any matters worse, the
man on the other line had the nerve to answer.

“Well, if you hadn’t left and just stayed put you’d know what they did, now wouldn't you have, and
what I expect to hear you say, is oh I don't know, maybe a thank you? Maybe show me an ounce of
gratitude, do you know how to do that or do I need to teach you?”.

Hawks jaw dropped open in absolute shock, closing to tense and he had to force himself to take a
breath lest he make matters worse by absolutely losing it on Haruki.

“No sir, but clearly the doctors need to be taught about what consent is, should I fax over a printed
copy of the Oxford definition of consent to them? Or maybe I should send them the JMA’s specific
informed consent policies and the disciplinary actions taken upon breaking them?”.

Both men stayed completely silent for a few moments, a verbal standstill to see who’d break the
silence first, when finally Haruki huffed.

“Y’know what Hawks, I’m stepping away from this conversation with you, and we can revisit this
once I’m level headed but I cannot speak to you right now.”.

Then without another word the call is dropped and Hawks grits his teeth at the sheer amount of
disrespect and can't help the anger swelling in him until it exerts itself. Manifesting its hasty exit in
the form of the hero roughly throwing his phone at the wall, its impact making a nasty crack,
leaving a dented hole in the drywall.

The relief is instant but so is the small amount of shame surfacing from the juvenile action,
walking over to the metal encase device and picking it up he sighed. Beating himself up for letting
himself react like that so easily, he was better than that, right?

Just as he managed to sit himself back down in the chair and start reading over a police report he
needed to sign off on. His door opened and the little balls of sunshine and happiness that were his
sidekicks came bustling in.


They said in unison, striking some of the dumbest poses imaginable and Hawks couldn't stop the
smile that creeped onto his face.
“Aw, there's my two favorite little dumbasses”

They both theatrically held a hand to their sternums and jumped to look at eachother, then back to
Hawks opening their mouths in an inaudible gasping way.

“Well, we missed you too! Though we better be your two favorite baby birds, else we’re just gonna
have to duke it out with whoever else takes our place huh?’.

Kam said, throwing his arms up as he plopped down dramatically to the couch placed in the middle
of the spacious room.

“Oh now just imagine THAT headline, Japan's number two hero’s sidekicks arrested for fighting
to be the favorite, tune in at five for more of this hot scoop, now back to the weather!”.

The trio shared a round of raucous laughter, though whatever conversation was going was once
more put off when the door opened again and their P.A leaned in.

“Hey I apologize for the intrusion but could I get Anemoi-san to come down to the lobby for a
quick statement with a journalist, if you don't mind? There's a reporter being really insistent about
the Thursday bank robbery and settled on getting a report from either sidekicks from the scene.”.

Both looked to each other before Kam stood up and nodded, promising to return as he was swiftly
grabbed and dragged down the hallway. Leaving just Rai with Hawks and as soon as the door shut,
the sidekick removed his beaked helmet, shaking his spiky gold hair before his dark eyes met gold.

“How are you feeling, big man, gotta admit you had me nervous, saw you haven't even seen any of
the group messages so, if you hadn’t shown up again today I was gonna swing into your place.”.

The platinum blonde haired man walked over to the other side of the desk, and leaned back where
there was no more pile, crossing his arms as the other dropped his head backwards.

“Oh uh yea, I’m better now I-, guess I didn't even see the notifications um, my bad sorry to worry
you like that, is there anything I can do to make it up to you two?”.

Hawks smiled tightly and reached for his phone thinking the explanation was good enough until
Rai continued.

“Yea, it's not normal for you to ignore messages like that dude even when you’ve been sick, on top
of it your hand looks pretty sore there and that bruise looks bad on your neck, sure you're actually

Damn Rai and his attentiveness, it was fantastic in Hawks opinion, until it was turned on you and
then well, not so much. Hawks instinctively moved a hand to his jacket to pull his collar closer
only remembering now as he grasped nothing he wasn't in his hero uniform.

“Um, yea it's a little sore but no I’m fine now really, I dunno I guess my phone’s been on silent and
I was just sleeping a lot, figured nobody messaged after my text to let me be.”.

He explained away trying to not bring up the bruise on his neck that he didn't even know was there,
granted he could certainly feel it but since leaving HQ he hadn't even looked at himself. Which
was a mistake he was beginning to regret as Rai’s dark eyes kept searching over his form and he
looked anything but convinced.

“Hawks, you know as a morph I can tell when another morphs stressed right, our pheromone gives
that away and yours is so bitter I could tell something was wrong from the elevator down the hall. I
know you weren't sick but something happened, not to insult you but you look like you’ve been
through hell, and I mean that with genuine concern. So if you really mean to make something up to
me, mind telling me maybe just, I don't know, what kind of happened, you know I won’t judge you

Hearing Rai remind him of that set a whole new ball of thoughts rolling in Hawks, if he didn't tell
you, you’d never know the guy was also an avian morph, granted as a halfling he passes as a
human easily.

It was only when he took his helmet off, you'd notice the baby feathers around his hair line were
what made his hair stand up like it did. Or the small black talons just like his own, that he kept
hidden under his gloves, but noticeably how his feet were more bird-like than human. Though with
the custom boots he wore you’d never know the golden raptor like appendages were even there.

It made Hawks remember the sheet of paperwork sitting in the drawer to his left and its presence
though not in the open felt like it was burning into the back of his mind now. He could feel his
heart picking up and whether it was from the stress of the last day or so catching up or the drugs
running rampant through his body, his mind was muddy. He genuinely couldn't come up with a lie
or facade to convince the man like he could effortlessly do any given day so he panicked.

“I-If I could Rai I would but you need to understand that I can't tell you everything and that's not
me trying to be pompous I just, sometimes ignorance is bliss okay and what you don't. What you
don’t know is meant to stay that way, You know I’ve been as truthful as I can all these years but
there's some shit I can't, I just, I won't risk you or Kam or god even Toko I don’t, I-”.

Hawks' voice fluttered in and out as scenarios flooded into his consciousness berating him with
depictions of his own torture only, his horrid imagination easily replacing him with his sidekicks or
poor Tokoyami. He could feel the hands rubbing his temples and through his hair beginning to
tremble and the sweat uncomfortably forming on his back making the bandages and skin feel itchy
and irritated.

It was all too much and Keigo felt like he was going to have a mental breakdown over something
so small seemingly, and that’s what the biggest kick in his gut was. He’s been through so much
worse physically so why was he so easily losing his composure like he’d been the last day or so?
This wasn’t him, he was always calm, able to stay focused, his mask never slipped yet here he was,
on the brink of a panic attack, again, and in front of his sidekick.

A soft pressure was felt on his shoulder and moved in slowly but steadily and his ears picked up
the faintest chirp to his side, his eyes making their way up to Rai’s black orbs. He made another
louder chirp and applied a little more pressure where his hand rested on Hawk’s shoulder. Moving
cautiously, slowly, observing any reaction the other blonde may have that would be negative or
imply he wasn’t comforted by Rai’s actions.

When he witnesses none of that and instead feels the waves of bodily shakes slowing underneath
his hand and visually sees the sharpened pupils in those sunny eyes, round out once more. He
moves his hand more freely around his boss's shoulder, his own stance relaxing as he feels a wave
of relief having successfully calmed the other down.

“Hey now, hey, if it’s painful or going to cause you to panic like this don’t push yourself please,
I’m sorry if I was being too harsh. I just-, we worry about you a lot Hawks, you may seem
inhuman with your capabilities but even you’ve got your limits. I get it, you can’t tell us for some
reason and I hope one day you’ll be able to let us in at least enough to help you, that's what we're
supposed to do as sidekicks, and as friends, right?”.

Yeah that's right, he was still getting used to that concept, after being isolated for his entire youth
the social construct of friendships outside of business was something he was still wrapping his
head around.

He couldn't for the life of him bring his mouth to form syllables and instead simply looked up to
the side where the other was waiting and chirped softly. Some part of him felt freed when he could
get those rare bird tones out, while another was on high alert for the clicking of heels or squeak of
polished dress shoes of those coming to “correct and re-educate” him for the, “unnatural behavioral

Of course though that wouldn't happen here, not in the safety of his agency, the one he worked so
hard to create, the place he scoured and had hidden sensors scattered to detect any of the
Commissions little bugs.

“Right, you're right I’m sorry for my outburst Rai. I appreciate your patience with me, should be
the other way round really, heroes are supposed to be the level headed ones after all”.

Hawks huffed out jokingly, and the action seemed to be the exact thing needed to break the high
tension present in the room with them. The man to his right stood from his leaned back position
and walked around the desk once more to the center of the room.

“Well, just know I’m here whenever you need me man, but for now I’ll keep doing all I can to help
mitigate some weight from those shoulders. Starting with going to grab you your favorite coffee
boba from down the street, and I’d reckon we can finish that mountain of paperwork together just
in time to take Tokoyami out tonight!”.

He exclaimed in excitement, a winning smile gracing his face as he left the room leaving no room
for the winged hero to argue with him. It almost made Hawks smile, he was never one to rely on
anyone but his sidekicks? Those two managed to burrow right into his heart and planted
themselves firmly within, showing no sign of budging no matter how rough things got over the
years they spent together.

Hawks leaned back with a long stretch, the soreness encompassing his body set aside for a few
moments as the popping of his spine relieved some tension he didn't even know resided there until
it's welcomed departure.

Location: Hawks Agency

Time: 7:53 P.M.
Date: Thursday, March 10th

The warm light from the setting sun shifted to cool blue as rays dropped off below the horizon of
Japan, the cozy office taking on the soft ambient lighting overhead and among the wall sconces
instead just as the last bits of papers were stamped and sorted.

Rai and Kam stood, arms extending towards the ceiling with a triumphant yell as the hours of
hushed work finally came to an end.

“Finally, all caught up, Myka-san will be so surprised seeing it all ready to go tomorrow morning

Kam sighed, gathering up all their stationary and straightening the files together just as the
aforementioned secretary had left it for them earlier.

“Id say, good work you two, I’d have been stuck with this for days if not for you two, I really
appreciate you guys staying so late to help me, really. If theres anything you two need or want dont
be afraid to let me know, I owe you!”.

Hawks said with a lax tired tone but the crooked smile gracing his handsome face told them it was
a accomplished exhaustion. Just then the door opened to the office and a familiar little black bird
stood nervously clutching the door, poking his head around making him look so much younger
then he really was.

“Tokoyami, Shadow you made it!”

The two sidekicks said in unison, whipping the door open and gleefully pulling the younger into a
group embrace. The boy was flustered at first but as Shadow emerged, enlarging himself to wrap
around the trio, Toko visibly relaxed and smiled.

"It’s good to see you my friends, apologies on my late arrival, the train's waiting line was daunting
and quite frankly, disastrous in execution, but we made it nonetheless.”.

Their intern said with a small bow, as dark shadow was more interested instead in examining the
wall mounted plants behind him then his master at the moment.

The trio affront him waved their hands in dismissal.

“Don’t even sweat it little dude, you've got perfect timing, any earlier and you’d have been swept
away in the piles of paperwork most likely.”.

Hawks laughed out, standing slowly as not to aggravate any of the mysterious wounds under his
clothing and smiled down at his dear intern.

“Well, the car should be waiting underground, same place as before if you're all ready to go

The blonde hero stated as he grabbed the dark leather jacket and slipped it over his wings, zipping
the dual back zippers to just beneath the scarlet plumes with effortless ease. The red eyed student
nodded and bit back a scowl as Shadow launched forward as soon as Hawks was close and
wrapped around the other bird.

The nuzzling of the amorphous bird shaped being was accompanied with coos and “I missed you”
which Hawks answered in kind vigor, hugging the beaked head near his own with his own
affections in return.

“Alright Shadow enough you're gonna suffocate him.”.

Tokoyami grumbled while shoving his hands in his pockets following the rest out and down to the
parking lot. It wasnt until the four were pulling onto the road and Rai typed in the address into their
GPS, did Tokoyami finally ask.
“So where are we to be occupying this starless night?”.

Kam made multiple turns before getting onto the highways as Hawks shifted his body to face the
boy next to him.

“Well, I remembered that music themed restaurant you mentioned had opened recently and lets just
say, I made some arrangements I think you’ll like.”.

His golden eyes even in the dark held a mischievous glimmer as he said this, however Tokoyami
was far more shocked and concerned at that moment as his beaked mouth dropped open.

“Wait, you mean Clazzco’s, that establishment is nearly impossible to step within, it's booked out
for months, Jiro and myself perused the website just a moon's cycle prior.”.

The other merely smirked and tilted his head out to look outside the window as Kam pulled into an
alley directed by someone in front of their own car.

“Lets just say, when you break the top ten list a lot of doors open for you.”.

He said Morley though to himself more than anyone as that sentence seemed to mean something
else but the perplexity of it couldn't be analyzed as Kam and Rai stepped out of the car. Ushering
the two in the backseat to follow, and the blonde was more than happy to get out and stretched his
sore wings.

The striking black and red hues of the building awed the little student and as they were led inside
by the excited manager talking a mile a minute to Hawks. Tokoyami spun around in circles taking
in the interior of the club restaurant, decked out in new age and old rock memorabilia.

They made their way upstairs and upon entering a stairwell, emerged out the door to a half open
covered patio space. Lit by red lighting and a few fire pits, they finally sat at one in the far corner
and were handed menus after placing drink orders.

“Okay Tok’s I gotta admit you’ve got better taste then Rai and I, from now on your picking our
outing places, this place is amazing!”.

Kam said, running a hand through his brow locks free of the skin tight full body suit he adorns
everywhere seemingly.

Rai nodded in agreement, as their drinks arrived and each placed their orders with the gorgeous
waitress that the blonde sidekick couldn't take his eyes from.

“Oi, for someone who I trained to be a spy you're making yourself obvious right now Rai.”.

Hawks laughed as he attempted to scold the other, who in turn whipped his head over to the other
blonde with a heated blush.

“Hey, you can't blame me, she's stunning, I mean who wasn't looking at her huh!?”.

At that, Hawks raised his hand just like a school boy, followed silently by the brunette wind hero
and their precious intern who looked on at his comrade with a scolded look in his eyes.

“Oh c’mon now I- wait, not you too Shadow!?”.

At this the others looked up to the comedic view of Dark Shadow holding up a hand, claw, paw? In
solidarity to the others and looked down to his huffy master.
“I don’t really know either, I just wanted to be included.”.

The echoey rough voice of the shade echoed out shyly and the others couldn't help but laugh at the
juxtapoz of the scenario. The winged hero dropped his head to the table in a laughing fit as Kam
across from him fell backwards all while Rai looked on with a pout as Shadows glowing orbs
seemingly taunted him as he danced around the two fallen heroes next to him.

One they’d all manage to recollect themselves when their food arrived and the surprising quietness
is what finally made Toko remember the conversation from their car ride.

“Say, Sensei um, I don’t mean to pry or be too on edge per say, however doesn't it seem a tad too
quiet for such an otherwise lively establishment?”.

Hawks put his beer down and smiled.

“Oh! Yea I didn't really mention it but, in order to get the rooftop to ourselves it just ended up
being easier to rent the whole building for the night instead, so nobody is here but us and the staff

Rai and Kam both nodded.

“Ah, so that's why the host was so chipper when we got here, giving ‘em a whole night's pay with
a night off basically, aren't you the little philanthropist in the making.”.

The brunette teased, nudging the bird under the table with his foot as Hawks couldn't contain the
laugh bubbling up as he attempted to force the other away, only encouraging the others teasing
with small grabs at his knee.

“Hey hey hey, I’m not drunk enough to go to second base with you yet my guy, thought you were
an inies only type of guy anyways huh.”.

Hawks chuckled as Kam raised a brow and smirked deviously at the other

“I'll make an exception for you baby boy, I’d even take the sock off for you.”.

Rai nearly choked in his drink instead sputtering out his fruity cocktail through his nostrils to the
side saving Tokoyami who wasn't far off from where Rai himself was currently.

Hawks leaned back with a hand on his sternum, giving his sidekick an overly dramatic once over
before uttering only one word that meant a thousand.


Kam parroted his action back down to the T leaning ridiculously over the table to place a finger
under Hawks chin.


They couldn't stop the laughing fit that erupted once more and were only quelled as Rai swung
around his white cloth napkin.

“Alright alright enough love birds, there are innocent baby eyes here.”.

Rai said, wiping at the corner of his eye as Tokoyami tried his best to quell his own giggles until
they’d finally calmed down.
“Well, aside from the raucous debacle I appreciate your enormous strides tonight Hawk’s Sensei
truly, You needn't do something so grand for someone such as myself but do know it shan't be

Tokoyami stated with grace only to be surprised by Hawks pulling him into a side hug.

“Nonsense you deserve it, that teacher of yours called me personally and said you showed some
seriously impressive strides in your semester finals both on field and paper. Thats huge kid and
should be celebrated, besides I know you get anxious around too many people, and out here
Shadow can move around freely, so it makes sense to me to have the building empty!”.

Hawks stated nonchalantly, as Tokoyami couldn't help smiling at the warm bubbling feeling in his
chest, not even scolding Dark Shadow for curling around the other this time. He felt so incredibly
happy in that moment to be cared for so deeply by the one he looked up to so much.

“Oh! Shit that reminds me, Kam do you have the thing!?”

Hawks said as Kam merely nodded and produced a small paper gift bag and handed it over the
table to the black bird. Who carefully took it and looked at Hawks with surprise and curiosity.

“Well go ahead, take a look, it's your congratulations gift for placing second in your class kid.”.

Reaching in the black fabric met his hands and as it unfolded itself his eyes followed the logo of
his favorite bands new album logo printed on its front, however his eyes fell to the paper card that
fluttered to his lap and he gasped. Upon picking it up, 6 signatures around the group photo of the
band members holding a sign with HIS name and “congratulations Tsukuyomi!” made up the large

“No, no way you, how!?”.

Tokoyami held both tight to his chest looking frantically between the smiling trio until Kam finally
spoke up.

“Well, my sister works in event coordination for a lot of Tokyo's main strip. They played last
weekend and Hawks mentioned you loved that band, so I asked if my sister could arrange a signed
shirt. Turns out those guys know U.A well and are big fans of Hawks, they offered the card and
made the sign right then and there.”.

Toko whipped his head to his mentor once more.

“Wait, how’d you even discover my love for them? I know their music is well, a tad niche for the
populace but I didn't think you were the type to enjoy them Sensei.”.

His big red eyes seemingly glimmered as they met gold eyes that laughed.

“Oh, I noticed you wore a few of their shirts and looked them up, we listened to them and ‘Shintaro
Sector’ too, figured if we want to get to know you better we should dive into things you enjoy like
your favorite books and music. They're pretty sick so I expect more recommendations if you get

Rai turned to Kam as he scrolled his phone talking about the other two band that were playing that
night and barely noticed in the corner of their eyes as Toko himself leaned in wordlessly to hug his
mentor. Who wrapped his wing around the smaller boy as his small repeated “thank you” were
cooed out.
Their night ended after reviewing Tokoyami’s battle footage taken at his request and ferociously
took notes as Hawks and the others mentioned things and tips every few moments on each of his

The Host and staff all bowed and thanked Hawks profusely for his time and picking their place for
the evening and they were back on their way on the road. Pulling into the parking ramp for the
train station that would take Tokoyami straight back to the U.A dorm buildings.

As they walked up the incline ramp, the cool night air whizzed by them and the soft chatter of
Kam and Toko over his sister's stories were relaxing Hawks into a haze. Until the vibrating in his
right pocket snapped him out of it, snatching him once more away from Keigo and into Hawks.

However, pulling his phone out instead of seeing the names he expected, he saw only one letter


His heart pounded in his chest, for a multitude of reasons but nevertheless this was not the place or
time for this. However, knowing what happens if his voicemail greets the psycho instead of him, he
picks it up and turns his head.

“Hey, can I please call you back in like ten minutes?”.

The line was quiet for a moment before a sigh was barely picked up and then he spoke.

“Fine, ten minutes or else.”

The line disconnected and the blonde was almost shocked how easy that was, maybe the villain
was in a rare good mood tonight? That though alone made Hawks more concerned though,
anything that puts that man in a good mood is often not a clean up job for him later.

They made it to the building and Hawks mindlessly pulled out his personal cell and scanned his
train app letting Tokoyami pass through the spinning metal barricade before turning to the three
once more. Saying goodbye and goodnight once more before running as the broadcaster called last
warnings for his train.

Hawks tried for the life of him to actively listen in on his sidekick's conversation as they made their
way back to the car but he couldn't stop hearing the “or else” repeating over and over in his head.

When they did arrive Hawks announced his departure and after a brief goodbye from the two, he
spread his red wings and took off the best he could, his wings still struggling at their current size so
he stopped on a rooftop a few blocks away. Out of site and earshot he pulled his phone out and
tapped the singular letter contact before bringing the device to his ear.

“Nine minutes little birdy, cutting it close aren't we.”.

Dabi’s rough voice taunted Hawks barely entertained him though, instead choosing to get right to
the point.

“I was busy wrapping up something, what do you need?”.

A low long whistle was all that answered him until Dabi finally spoke again.

“Now now, someones defensive, calm down birdy I’m just curious what was more important than
me, were you in a government meeting spilling all our secrets?”.
The arsonist slowly said, he knew it was false but the way Dabi was “guessing” was hitting way
too close to the truth of the matter it still made him jumpy. He didn't know when the villain was
joking or serious and that somehow made every interaction with him that much worse.

“No, don’t joke about them. I don't want to even think about them right now, I was dropping off
my kid, bringing him out to celebrate because he kicked ass on his battle testing in school. I need
my phone to scan the train pass though so I couldn't answer you, okay.”.

He kept his tone level as possible but, something about talking to Dabi face to face or on the phone
didn't matter it made him nervous, like Dabi would somehow jump right onto the roof of the
building and Hawks wouldn't even be surprised.

He felt like the training he’d had was obsolete, compared to the people he’d dealt with before, the
scarred man was a completely different game, a game he wondered if he was actually equipped to
play. The term playing with fire had taken on a whole new meaning to him in a way he didn't
exactly want but there was no way out for him now, was there?

“Hm, I suppose that an acceptable excuse, knew your little intern was a tough one but damn,
wonder how he fared against that blonde dipshit? Anyways, it's not important, I need you to meet
me behind your place by that cargo elevator and let me in, there's some changes to the plan and I
need to mark them out on your blueprints.”.

Hawks' heart skipped a few beats, Dabi knew where he lived, like actually lived, not the fake
apartment he had but his real home.

He realized he’d been quite a few moments too long and needed to say something, anything but his
brain felt fried after the last few days.

“Oh um, you don't need to come all the way there. I can make the changes myself, just text me a
picture of the changes.”.

He said beginning to slowly pace on the rooftop praying Dabi would take the lazier route but of
course, in the villain's fashion he specializes in pissing him off in the worst ways.”.

“You see, there's that unnecessary defensiveness again, c’mon mr.hero it's just me you don't need
to be so on edge. Besides maybe I want to see you, we’re on the same side right, comradery is
important so if you really are with us, why are you so hesitant, hm?”.

Dabis tone took on an even lower pitch that seemed to sink itself deeper into Hawks fuckin soul it
felt like, feeling his whole body nearly quake he attempted to take control of the conversation

“I am, you know everything I’m doing is for the League damnit, I just, I don't get why you're so
hellbent on getting close to me or knowing me, you sure as hell weren't before so what's the deal

Seeingly without any effort the villain laughed lowly and answered as easily as if he were

“You're my underling that's why, everything that's you, about you or concerning you is my
business birdy. Meaning if I want to know anything about you I’m going to learn it whether you
like it or not so, why not make it so it's out of your own mouth instead of a source you’ve no
control over?”.

Hawks stopped moving then, as much as he hated to admit it, Dabi was right, he’d already proven
on more than one occasion he’s got his way of finding out about people and until Hawks found out
who or where it was he needed to play nice.

“Okay dude, okay I get it fuck, i’ll be home in five don’t make me wait outside otherwise you can
forget coming up, cold enough out here as is.”.

With that Keigo hung up, feeling like that was the last shred of control over the conversation he
had and he would be damned if he let himself get worked over anymore then he already was when
it came to that bastard.

Location: Hawks Penthouse

Time: 1:19 A.M.
Date: Friday, March 11th

The fly over to his apartment could've been over in a flash much to the winged heroes dismay, he
felt dread seeing the white and blue highrise but instead of shifting his feather to lift up to his
balcony. He shifted them down to circle the flank of the building, landing affront the large steel
door of the cargo lift for their building, movement to his right made his feather instantaneously

Despite not being all that surprised to see the dark coat of Dabi, his feathers didn't quite relax and
the villain certainly noticed too as he tilted his head. Getting closer and silently poking his middle
finger at one of the blood red feathers closest to him. Making Keigo jump a bit and swiftly secure
them back tightly behind him.

“Someones on edge, don’t act shocked seeing me birdy, you're not the only one who can move
quickly from place to place y’know.”.

Hawks turned halfway sending a feather to jimmy the door up and led the other with him inside
before securing the door and pressing the floor number.

“I’m aware, I just didn't take you as the quick to be over type of guy.”.

Hawks mused, taking the chance to poke at the villain when he could was the one of the few
outlets for the tension he had when it came to the villain, and could it lead to banter or bloodshed,
who knew?

A large hand on his side made him nearly jump out of his skin as Dabi seemingly teleported within
inches of him.

“Oh, and what's that supposed to mean angel?”.

‘Angel’, ANGEL!? What the hell is that supposed to mean!?’ Hawks screamed in his head, the
door for the cargo elevator opened and he all but flew out of the confined space.

“Nothing, not a DAMN thing.”.

Hawks huffed as he could feel the full body blush rushing up his neck as he tried hiding his front
away while he busied himself inputting the code and print info into his lock. Before finally the
door opened and the two entered, removing their shoes in the entry as Hawks noticed the shit
eating grin on Dabi’s face.
‘Oh no,’ the blonde thought as the villain turned around and jumped up onto the elevated hallway

“Huh, no wonder your wings are such a hit, reds a great color on you.”.

Dabi all but purred, tapping the hero under his chin and dragging his pointer and middle down to
his jugular before passing him to continue down the hall with a low chuckle.

The man can't even say anything before the others turn the corner and as he follows, turning on the
lights he notices immediately the way the villain was scoping the place out.

“Damn, I knew playing hero paid nice but this shits something else, hero’s really do get to splurge
on whatever the fuck they want huh?”.

Dabi said, the undertone of his statement however wasn't missed by Keigo and he was just as quick
to spit back.

“Not my choosing, it's provided housing by the commission, surprised you didn't know that seeing
as you seem to know plenty about me already.”.

Hawks pulled out the blueprints and laid them out on the kitchen bartop just as a feather returned
from his office with two sharpies. Dabi had by then walked over to the space and looked over
Hawks who sharply met his eyes back with no trace of the nerves he felt a moment ago.

Their eyes stayed locked, almost challenging the other to say something but the flame villain
merely smirked and looked up, only to lock onto the others neck instead. Reaching up he was
intercepted by Hawks grabbing his wrist, seeing his eyes sharpen in a way that would've spooked
others only fascinated Dabi.

The way Kei was so human looking one second, then changed to something so beyond it the next
was fascinating, the more he learned from books he snatched and Spinner, the closer he wanted to
get to the avian.

Dabi took one look behind at the bar stool and moved forward quick enough to counter the death
grip Keigo had on his arm, he pushed him down onto the chair and moved his free hand to the
gnarly bruise on his neck.

“I’d ask where you found time to shack up with some broad but I know a hickey when I see one
and that sure as hell isn't one. Fuck happened to you?”.

Keigo silently shook his head and dropped his grip on Dabi’s arm, before turning to the blueprints.
“Nothing important, just been a long day so I’ve got 'em out, what are these changes you were
talking about now?”.

Dabi felt a spike of anger being brushed off like that, but he also remembered the conversation
with Spinner and decided to test a few things out, that was the real reason he was even here to
begin with anyways.

Dabi yanked out the papers in his own pocket and wordlessly began marking out the papers
belonging to Keigo. Every few moments sparing a glance to the side see the way the other wouldnt
turn his neck instead moving his whole body if he needed to. So The man nonchalantly got closer
to put a hand on the back of the stool effectively blocking Keigo’s movements.
Excusing this change in position to working on the far corner of the blueprint with loads of
numbers he had written out for coordinates and passcodes. He looked down seeing the flinches he
desperately tried hiding, just as he was about to mention the neck thing again he felt an odd
softness brush his elbow making him jump and see the top of Keigo's wing snapback behind him.

“Shit sorry they’ve kinda got a mind of their ow-ngh.”.

The winged man started only tensing up halfway when he'd made the mistake of whipping his head
over and moving the muscle underneath the injectors site on his neck. Pain rippled around it
making him freeze and Dabi huffed out before finally just placing his hand over the whole side of
the blonde's neck. His eyes sharp as he looked up to Dabi who only glared down in response,
carefully focusing on heating his hand up slowly.

“Fuckin relax birdbrain, little heat goes a long way.”.

The villain murmured before Keigo noticeably shuttered, his shoulder closest to the injury dropped
more and the muscle beneath his hand finally relaxed. Golden eyes drooped as he seemed to
mindlessly let out a strange little sound, to the blue eyed man it sounded like those fluffed up
pigeons or doves that always hang around building tops or parks.

Keigo didn't even seem like he was there even anymore, his eyes were so close to closing and
interestingly as the things Spinner mentioned were getting checked off one by one. He watched as
those red wings once again drooped and spread out, almost fluffing up but not quite there.

The one thing Dabi did keep eyeing however, was the odd bit of red plumage peaking out above
the belt where his shirt rode up in the back, a spot that didn't make sense for any feathers for wings
to be. He was almost mesmerized by them until the loud buzzing of Hawks cellphone on the
counter made them both visibly jump back.

He saw the hero’s odd mixed expression of both panic and grimness, looking over Dabi quickly
figured out why, seeing the phone screen reading ‘HPSC Handler Haruki’, Hawks snatched it
quicker than the speed of light and launched himself up from the chair. Looking over to the villain,
Hawks put a finger over his lips all the while glaring angrily at the other as he picked up, walking
down the hall to his office.

Even though the conversation was muttered he could still faintly hear bits and pieces of the
responses Hawks gave to whoever this handler was. Even though he hoped the hero was serious in
his proposition to them, he was also fairly certain he was playing both sides, hense he listened in
for anything, incriminating that’d he’d have to sadly deal with.

“I know, the labs can wait, dammit I still have a job to do. I need to get back on patrol- no, the
other day was a one off thing I can transport myself-”.

‘Labs? I thought he worked for the Commission, what's this lab he’s talking about?’ Dabi thought
to himself, mentally noting he’d have to look into that further. Likely knowing that if it wasn't
public knowledge or accessible information he had access to with his resource, it was likely
something shady. Which made him think back to Spinner, what he mentioned about labs or
facilities, it couldn't be the same, could it?

Soon Hawks came back out, speed walking to a laptop that's been on the table and flipped it open,
as he continued speaking the flame villain couldn't help noticing the shakiness in his arms. The
nervous tapping as he waited for the computer to load up or the way he even seemed to be
sweating, whatever it was for some reason it was pissing Dabi off and not knowing why was
adding to his frustration.

It was when the other began taking on an exasperated tone and throwing his hands up, asking this
Haruki prick what he expected of him that the raven haired man finally had enough. Walking
forward Keigo slowly stood upwards looking to him only to yelp as Dabi yanked the phone out of
his hand and pulled the blonde into his chest by his wrists, locking them together behind his back
successfully pinning him against the villain.

“Y’know you fuckin prick, its not a good look to be calling someone this late for anything but a
bootycall, you’d have better luck sticking your pecker in a cactus then Hawks so fuck off.”.

With that Dabi hung up and powered the dark blue device down before tossing it back down to the
couch all the while being yelled at by Keigo for his actions, not that he really listened to anything
the bird was saying.

“Do you realize you probably got me into some deep shi-hey!”.

Dabi silences him by spinning him around and walking him quickly backwards to the nearest wall
and pinning him against it.
“Oi, stop talking and sputtering for two seconds.”.

Dabi said firmly, watching intensely as Hawks almost immediately listened, persuading the dark
clad man further into his theories.

“Stop struggling, and drop the fists.”.

Once more, sharpened claw-like appendages deplete and his grip softens on the other's shirt until
his hands are only placed by the other's sternum.

“Good birdy, now look up here.”.

Just as third times the charm, with no struggle, sunny blown out eyes meet those blazing cerulean
orbs and hold them with a gentle patience almost.

“That's my bird, now you listen to me and listen carefully, I won't repeat myself got it, from now
on the only calls you’ll be answering past ten at night are from me and me alone. You don’t need
to be talking to anybody else this late otherwise, understand?”.

Hawks mouth moves but it's like he's muted and so Dabi places a hand on the injured side of the
blonde's neck and speaks.

“Speak angel, you can talk now.”.

Then just like that Hawks shakes his head slightly, and pours out almost softly like a whisper a
cacophony of reasons he can't do that and he’ll get ripped apart by the Commission. Telling him
almost hyperventilating that they’d become far too suspicious of him until Dabi takes a thumb and
placing it under the other's chin tilts his head up to him again.

“They give you any shit you can tell em persoanally I’ll provide their whole families and homes a
free of charge cremation service.”.

Dabi grins at just the thought, cremating asswipes in the government especially gave him a sick
thrill that was over, far sooner than the man wished. However trash does burn up quickly so he
shouldn't be surprised, now should he?
Keigo seemed quiet, contemplating however this time blue eyes weren't looking at him, instead
they were looking back at those trademark wings, watching them puff up and shutter without Kei
even seemingly noticing.

‘He did say they have a mind of their own sometimes’ Dabi thought and part of it was, well he
wont like, a little creepy but well, so were a lot of his own traits so who was he to judge?

The only thing running through his mind was Spinner's words.
‘Was there anything different happening with his wings or his eyes’

The books the villain had been able to find, granted it was only one, as Spinner mentioned theres
fuck all for information regarding Hawks kind. The wings or animal traits of any morph tend to be
the best to give away for their feeling, so Keigo may be saying no, but his wings are telling Dabi
something else entirely.

Dabi sighs out as the rest of his, testing, was done for the night and he had quite a few observations
to sort through and talk about with the reptilian later. For now though he needed to wrap up with
the little bird brain and thus he stepped back and yanked Keigo up into a near bridal hold. Making
the hero release the most undignified chicken like squawk imaginable before the villain walked to
a door he assumed was the bedroom.

“Watch your wings dumbass.”.

The raven gruffly remarked as the man instantly tightened his wings up off the ground just in time
to avoid getting hit by the door frame.

He yelped once more as he was all but dropped onto his bed making the blonde blush at the action,
purely from the shock of the audacity of this man, not from any sort of implication or
embarrassment of course!

Just as he was about to say something his comforter was thrown over him carelessly and Dabi’s
voice instead filled the room.

“Go to sleep birdbrain you look like you need it, I’ll lock the door on my way out.”.

With that the villain sped walked out of the room, killing all the lights in the hall and just as a fart
in the wind he was gone. Leaving Hawks shocked and still reeling from the interaction between
someone he quite frankly didn't know how he felt about now.

Still his nerves wouldn't allow him solace so he stood, and checked the door, sending feathers
everywhere seeing if Dabi left anything suspicious. Until he felt his personal phone buzz in his
pocket and a message from the man himself filled the screen.

FRI, 11, MAR
TODAY 2:58 A.M.

D: Go to fucking sleep birdass before I come back up and knock you out, I can see the light from
the street.

Instantly Keigo marched over to the balcony windows and violently ripped them shut, before
tearing off his jacket, pants and socks and crawling into bed.

He couldn't tell what he was angrier at anymore, Dabi’s sheer audacity, or the fact he just listened
like a well trained dog……..

Chapter End Notes

Thank you again for reading, I do hope your enjoying the story thus far, I do interact
and answer questions in the comments as well as suggestions for the currents story, as
well as any requests for stories if you do enjoy y writing styles. Feel free to pop in and
until then Ill see you in chapter 4!

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