Rubric For Journal Entries and Portfolio 1

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Rubric in Journal Entries per week

Exceeds Good Fair Poor

Topic/Sentence Has more than 3 Has at least 3 Has at least 2 Has one or no
Completion complete complete sentences/bullet sentences
sentences/Bullet sentences/bullet lines. complete/bullet
lines. lines. Stays on topic lines.
Stays on topic Stays on topic some of the time Does not stay
the whole time. most of the time. on topic.
Organized Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are not
organized organized in a somewhat organized.
logically, clearlyclear and organized. Journal entries
in a meaningful meaningful Journal entries not in correct
manner. Journal manner. Most of are kind of in order.
entries are all inthe journal order. Not all Journal entries
order. entries are in entries in are not in a
All entries are inorder. notebook. notebook.
a journal Most entries are
notebook. not in journal
Understanding Responses are Responses Student Limited details.
creative and include many attempts to Responses are
include accurate details that include detail. limited and very
details that make make responses Responses are general. Not
responses unique to general unique
unique to student. comments, not
student. unique
Hand writing All of the words Most of the Few of the words None of the
are legible with words are legible are legible with words are
spacing between with spacing spacing between legible
Completeness Submitted on Submitted on Submitted late. Not submitted
time. time. Meets Meets few of the
Meets all most of the requirements.
requirements. requirements.
Portfolio #1 (50 points)
My Personal Timeline

Directions: Using a bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant people in your life.
You may add your age, specific dates and places. You may draw the timeline horizontally, vertically,
diagonally or even using ups and down depending on your imagination. Be creative in your
representations. You may also use symbols, figures and drawings. Think of a title for your personal
timeline. You may use crayons or art materials depending on the available resources.

Note: Printed and Electronic submission are not allowed.

Personal Timeline (50 pts.)

Accomplished Good Developing Beginning

10 pts 7 pts 5 pts 3 pts

Personal Student has completed Student lacks three (3) Student lacks two of the Student did not
Events the required events in of the required events in required events in his complete the required
his personal timeline. his personal timeline. personal timeline. Each events in his personal
Each event is spaced Each event is spaced out one spaced out evenly timeline and none of
out evenly and not evenly with one or two with two or three them are spaced out
bunched together. bunched together. bunched together. evenly.

Photos Student has a photo or Student lacks three (3) Student lacks two (2) Student do not have a
drawing for all events in photo or drawing for the photo or drawing for photo or drawing for
his personal timeline. events required in his the events required in the events required in
personal timeline. his personal timeline. his personal timeline.

Color Student used four or Student used at least Student used at least Student used only
more color choices three-color choices two-color choices one-color choice to
decorating their decorating their timeline decorating their decorate their
timeline. timeline timeline.

Information Student has written Student lacks three (3) Student lacks two (2) Student has no written
about complete description in written description per written description per description for all the
events narrative or bullet form event. event. events.
per event mentioned.

Due Date Student fully completed Student fully completed Student fully completed Student fully
the assignment and the assignment and the assignment and completed the
submitted it on time. submitted i one day late. submitted it two days assignment and
late. submitted it three or
more days late.

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