Release - Elect Right Poll

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Dean Del Mastro, Member of Parliament Peterborough

Media Release
For immediate release


(Monday, September 26, 2011 - Peterborough, ON) A local provincial election poll was conducted by Electright last evening in the Peterborough Riding. The poll was commissioned by Dean Del Mastro, Member of Parliament for the Peterborough Riding and paid for by the Peterborough Conservative Electoral District Association. The poll was of significant sample size and was conducted in response to polling numbers published last week in the local media. Given that many pollsters in the country are actively challenging each others findings in both the last federal and current provincial election, I was deeply concerned that publishing numbers in the fashion as presented last week in the local media could significantly suppress voter participation. stated MP Del Mastro. These findings were not consistent with my sense of what was going on in the Riding and not consistent with polls of larger sample size in depicting the provincial mood. The Electright poll contacted in excess of 1000 local individuals, all of which are registered voters. The poll was computer randomized and was conducted between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 pm on the evening on Sunday, September 25. The results of the poll clearly reveal a tight three-way race where every single vote will count. Many voters often feel that their vote doesnt matter. stated MP Del Mastro. In fact, it is often cited by those that didnt vote as their reason for not doing so. Clearly in this election, as with all elections, this is not the case. As a proponent of a strong and vibrant democracy I encourage all Peterborough Riding residents that are eligible to vote in this election to learn the issues and get involved. Electright Poll results on page 2... - 30 Media Contact Only: Karen Feeley, Executive Assistant (705) 745-4594 or (705) 761-4011

Dean Del Mastro, M.P. Peterborough

Office Location: 1600 Lansdowne Street, W. Unit # 3, Peterborough, ON Mailing Address: 1875 Lansdowne Street, W. Box 21030, Peterborough, ON K9J 8M7 Tel: (705) 745-2108 Fax: (705) 741-4123 Email: Web:

Dean Del Mastro, Member of Parliament Peterborough

Media Release
For immediate release
Peterborough IPR Polling Results
Sunday, Sept 25th
Q1: Party Support
"Question 1, now that the provincial election has been called here in Ontario, which political party do you think you will be voting for or leaning to vote for on October 6th?

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

NDP Liberal Progressive Conservative Green Undecided

S=1162 25.8% 34.6% 33.0% 6.7% 10.2%

Q2: Samsung Deal

"Question 2, Given that jurisdictions like the United States and Europe have invested billions of dollars trying to create green jobs with disappointing results, do you believe that the 7 billion dollar Samsung deal will create 16,000 jobs in Ontario?"

Yes No Unsure / Undecided

S=1058 22.5% 49.9% 27.6%

Q3: Tax Burden

"Question 3, Given that families and seniors are struggling today in Ontario, do you support eliminating HST charges from energy bills as well as income splitting for families to reduce their provincial tax burden?"

Yes No Unsure / Undecided

S=1035 74.6% 16.3% 9.1%

Q4: Candidate Support

"Thank-you one last question .. In your Provincial riding of Peterborough, based on the candidates and the Provincial Political Party they represent, who do you feel you will be voting for or leaning to vote for on Oct 6th?"

Dave Nickle - NDP Jeff Leal - Liberal Alan Wilson - PC Gary Beamish - Green Undecided

S=1025 25.9% 36.5% 32.7% 4.8% 9.4%

Dean Del Mastro, M.P. Peterborough

Office Location: 1600 Lansdowne Street, W. Unit # 3, Peterborough, ON Mailing Address: 1875 Lansdowne Street, W. Box 21030, Peterborough, ON K9J 8M7 Tel: (705) 745-2108 Fax: (705) 741-4123 Email: Web:

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