Sustainable Healthcare Design

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Essays in

Healthcare Design

Sunand Prasad
Robin Guenther Richard J. Jackson
Phil Nedin Brendan Lovelock

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Sustainable healthcare design

he primary arguments concerning the threat to the balance of the global
environment – through resource depletion, climate change and toxicity – are all
but settled. Scepticism must continue to be given space, after all it is at the core of
science; but without diverting attention from, let alone ignoring, the grave risks that have
become manifest. As US diplomat Pat Moynihan said, “Everyone is entitled to their own
opinions but not their own facts”. Unfortunately to date there has been more ignoring
than acting in response to the risks that science has identified and thoroughly validated
over the last 30 years. One reason for the lack of action may be that so often the issue of
sustainability, and in particular climate change, is framed in apocalyptic terms with ‘hair shirt’
attitudes – guilt, repentance, retributive justice – not far below the surface.
The diverse authors of the essays in this special supplement are united in their belief
that the world’s health services have a special role and responsibility in promoting action
to help restore the balance of the earth’s system; that they must take a lead in sustainability.
Moreover, we think of this as an exciting and uplifting journey to be embarking on, for the
systems thinking that it involves hold the prospect of wonderful co-benefits: for example
improvement in wellbeing and recovery linked to energy efficient connection of health
environments with nature.
My opening essay, Emergency Response (page 6), sets out the case for the special
connection between sustainability and health and goes on to deal with some specific current
concerns: how a focus on carbon need not compromise sustainability; how the challenge
in terms of the health real estate differs between developed and emergent economies;
and how behavioural change, involving everyone, is essential to creating sustainable change.
Healthy Places, Sustainable Spaces (page 10), by the public health and sustainability
expert Prof Richard Jackson, takes a broad view of the link between design, wellbeing and
the urban environment, by looking at the ways that our transport infrastructure has an
impact on health. He goes on to argue the case for changing the way health and design
professionals are trained to enable them make the creative interdisciplinary connections
that are going to be needed in the future.
Paying it Back (page 16), by architect Robin Guenther, argues that it is possible to
create hospitals that actively enhance the healthiness of humans as well as of the natural
environment, citing some exemplary facilities around the world that have taken the first
steps towards this inspiring goal.
The Long Game (page 22), by the engineer Phil Nedin, frames sustainability as five
oppositions in order to very clearly chart the choices that must confront the commissioners
of designs and buildings. This framework is a tool not only for understanding the issues but
for implementing sustainable practice in a knowing and inclusive way.
“The world’s health Intelligent Life (page 26), by information technology expert Brendan Lovelock, extends
the principle of sustainability to the domain of human resources and skills. He shows, for
services have a example, how rapid developments in digital and virtual technologies could be harnessed
special role and to improve the quality of the human experience of healthcare as well as the efficiency of
its processes.
responsibility in This supplement amounts to a plea to healthcare clients, experts, managers and
promoting action designers to show leadership in an area where it is now clear what has to be achieved and
many examples exist of how to start achieving it. The challenge of building a sustainable
to help restore future may seem daunting but we can be encouraged by the promise of an extraordinary
opportunity to take both the planet and ourselves to higher state of health and wellbeing.
the balance of the
earth’s system”

Sunand Prasad WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 3

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and Contents
Sunand Prasad
This special supplement’s guest editor, Sunand Prasad is
Senior Partner at Penoyre & Prasad, former president of
RIBA and the author of Changing Hospital Architecture

Climate change and health are forever linked – so healthcare design

06 should be leading the pack when it comes to sustainable thinking

Richard J. Jackson
An expert in the way that the built environment affects
our health, Richard J. Jackson is professor and chair of
Environmental Health Sciences at UCLA

Editorial Director
Better quality living environments lead to better quality of life. Public health
Marc Sansom MBA
T: +44 (0) 1277 634 176
10 experts and designers need to collaborate to promote their importance

Supplement Editor
Emily Brooks

Director General Robin Guenther

Alan Dilani PhD
T: +46 70 453 90 70 Co-author of Sustainable Healthcare Architecture, Robin
Guenther is a healthcare architect at Perkins+Will and
Subscriptions and advertising a member of LEED’s healthcare committee
T: +44 (0) 1277 634 176
Healthcare facilities need to do more than offset the energy they consume:
Published by:
The International Academy for Design and Health
PO Box 7196, 103 88 Stockholm, Sweden
16 the ‘regenerative hospital’ will heal the environment as well as patients

International Academy for Design and Health UK

Phil Nedin
8 Weir Wynd, Billericay Essex CM12 9QG UK

Design and production: Past president of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering

Graphic Evidence Ltd and Estate Management, Phil Nedin’s role as Arup’s global
Volume 4: Number 2
healthcare business leader is to promote design excellence
ISSN 1654-9654
Five principles that should govern the design of every healthcare building –
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please telephone +44 (0) 1277 634176 to place your
order, or email
22 and a few of the reasons why we’re not always able to stick to them

Yearly subscription rates:

1 year £80; 2 years £130; Single Issue £30
World Health Design is published four times a year by Brendan Lovelock
the International Academy for Design and Health UK
Information technology expert Brendan Lovelock is Cisco
No part of WHD may be reproduced or stored in Systems’ health practice lead, and has a particular interest in
a retrieval or transmitted in any form, electronic,
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From an IT perspective, sustainable design means trying to conserve an

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26 under-recognised, time-squeezed natural resource – clinical skills WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 5

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Sustainable healthcare design

Sustainability may be a near-impossible term to define – but
healthcare and climate change are so strongly linked that health
services must play a huge role in reducing future carbon emissions

omeone once described sustainability philosophical sense but in practice it
as the slipperiest piece of soap in the requires us to be hyper alert to which part
shower. That may not be much help of which hymn sheet is being sung from
in defining sustainability but it does capture at any one time. For example, how do we
the erratic nature of its traction in public relate the current governmental emphasis
or corporate policy. As we approach the on carbon emission reduction to other
50th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent resource issues? First, a summary of why all
Sunand Prasad Spring, the 40th of the Report of Club this is so pertinent to healthcare.
Senior partner, of Rome, The Limits to Growth, the 25th
of the Brundtland Report Our Common Sustainability and health services
Penoyre & Prasad Future, decisive action toward restoring the To most readers it will seem common
balance of the earth system fails to match sense for the world’s health services, like
the attendant rhetoric. These three seminal all other sectors of economies, to think
thought pieces successively brought to wide about sustainability and climate change
“Sustainability attention the high risks to the environment as an essential part of planning for the
and life of anthropogenic toxicity, resource future. Nevertheless it is worth rehearsing
remains an idealised depletion and climate change. why these imperatives must become a
destination that Brundtland said simply that development particular concern of health services.
was sustainable if it met today’s needs Firstly, global warming is already
is confusing our without compromising the ability of future impacting on the health of populations
collective sat-nav” generations to meet theirs. A simple and will increasingly do so. A UK NHS
proposition with unimaginably complex Confederation report in 2007 made the
consequences, sustainability remains an following assessment of the effects of the
idealised destination that is confusing our extreme weather we can expect1:
collective sat-nav.That would be bad enough
in the light of resource scarcity and the • more people will be hospitalised as a
toxification of the environment; but climate result of major emergencies
change turns a problem into an emergency • more frequent and severe heat waves,
with a very challenging timescale. which could result in an increase in
To add to the complexity the concept of heat-related deaths
sustainability has been stretched to cover • cases of skin cancer and cataracts are
the social and economic dimension too likely to increase by 5,000 and 2,000 per
which together with the environmental year respectively
calculus make up the ‘triple bottom line’. • cases of food poisoning could increase
Such a holistic approach makes perfect by 10,000 per year.


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Secondly, health services round the
world are a major and growing part of
national economies and as a consequence
make a large impact on carbon emissions
and resource use. This impact has many
contributors, such as staff and patient travel
and the manufacture, use and disposal of
medicines, equipment and supplies, but the
use of buildings is the largest single element.
Hospitals in particular, with their 24/7 use
and exacting requirements for the internal
environment, are very energy hungry, use a
lot of water and generate much waste to
be processed. Health services have a major
role to play in national and global efforts to
reduce carbon emissions, as the following
statistics make evident:

• the carbon footprint of the UK’s

National Health Service greenhouse gas Figure 1: Singapore’s Khoo Teck Puat Hospital overflows with green spaces: sustainably designed
(CO2e) is 3% of the UK total, and 30% hospitals should allow for direct access to living landscapes, as well as being naturally ventilated and lit
of the UK public sector’s
• energy use in NHS facilities costs £400
million annually and results in emissions green infrastructure with a mixed-mode Carbon and sustainability
of 4.6 million tones, nearly a third of transport strategy will encourage healthy As the scale of the risk posed by the rising
total NHS emissions exercise as part of daily travel routines concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere
• 5% of all the UK’s emissions from road while reducing emissions, increasing the became apparent, it was natural that carbon
transport are attributable to NHS- absorption of CO2 and mitigating urban emissions would be identified as the biggest
related journeys heat island effects. perceived threat to the environment. In
• one in every 100 tonnes of domestic I would like to add a fourth, more many arenas it appears to be the only
waste generated in the UK comes from philosophical reason. Modern medicine concern, pushing to the background any
the NHS2. and healthcare embody some of the worries about water use, other resource
most impressive achievements of modern scarcities, biodiversity and toxicity, let
Thirdly, and most persuasive of all, is scientific methods, essentially through the alone the issue of social and economic
surely this proposition: the measures same rationalist approach that is being sustainability. Proponents of a focus on
needed to combat climate change and used to diagnose the state of the global carbon argue that as the main cause of
to construct a post-fossil-fuel economy environment. The extent of popular doubt global warming, a phenomenon that literally
have major collateral benefits for human about global warming and its causes, in threatens the survival of most species – a
health and wellbeing. A built environment good part fed by the media, is based on quarter of all already being doomed – it is
designed on the principles of sustainability an unscientific and irrational dismissal of in a class of its own. Besides, as a metric, it
will be better connected with the natural the evidence. An unequivocal embrace by makes a good proxy for many of the other
environment and will therefore connect the world’s health services of the risk based concerns in the ‘sustainability basket’ such
human beings better with natural systems. need for action on climate change could as water use, waste management, resource
There is now a significant and growing have a decisive impact on popular opinion processing and transportation, because
evidence base to support a great deal and public policy. the imperative to reduce emission impacts
of experiential conviction at large that
such a connection prevents diseases and
promotes wellbeing. Naturally ventilated,
lit and thermally conditioned buildings, “We need metrics that factor in embodied
designed using sophisticated modelling, will
provide better air quality and comfort while as well as operational carbon, to help
also connecting the interior with external
space – space that will itself have high-
decide between replacement and renewal”
quality landscape design and planting as
part of the living organism that will be the
patient, staff and visitor environment. Town
planning that integrates the concept of a WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 7

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Sustainable healthcare design

positively on all these. Opponents point to such that they aggregated to the required
the disastrous impact on world agriculture scores.That can and has led understandably
and forestry of the rush in the last 15 to designers gaming the system. The latest
“Rather than frame
years to manufacture biofuels, driven by version of BREEAM sets new thresholds climate change as
a crude focus on emissions reductions; or for energy and carbon that avoid these
the proliferation of useless domestic wind problems, promising to be a more effective a looming disaster,
turbines and ill-considered solar panels – so tool for advancing true sustainability. it seems far more
called ‘eco-bling’. However, the complexity of the systems,
This opposition seems rather pointless, requiring trained and accredited experts to creative to see it as
for there is a simple way of giving carbon its operate, is itself a barrier to practitioners an opportunity”
place while adhering to the core principles and clients focusing on the basic facts of
of sustainability. Carbon is indeed concern the environmental performance of their
numero uno and a good proxy for others, buildings: energy use (eg in kw hours per
but carbon mitigation must be achieved sqm per annum); net carbon emissions Despite unprecedented investment (about
in a sustainable way, which requires a (kg per sqm per annum); water use (litres £30bn) in the estate since 1997, the rate
close understanding of the long-term per day per person). Such figures need of growth in floor area has been around
consequences of every mitigation measure. to become everyday currency, like house 2.5% per annum4. That compares to about
The biofuels policy, especially that of the prices and construction costs, if we are 1% long-term average increase for the built
US Government, was unsustainable not to achieve rapid and transparent change. environment as a whole. Around 75% of
only environmentally, through potential loss We need to find a way of making every the UK’s built environment of 2050 is here
of forest, but also socially and economically architect and engineer, and hopefully many already, and barring another unlikely huge
through its damaging impact on food prices. clients, conscious of these basic metrics spurt in new build, that probably applies to
The danger of not focusing on carbon is, while deploying assessments systems as the health estate too.
if anything, greater. For over two decades an overall check, keeping them focused on New public buildings in the UK will be
we have had complex environmental things that really are measurable. required by 2019 to be low or zero carbon
assessment systems which attempt to but retrofitting existing buildings and
balance various sustainability imperatives to The existing health estate infrastructure is a far greater challenge. That
produce a single rating: BREEAM from the The health estates of western nations and challenge is not primarily technical: we know
UK, LEED from the US, the Australian Green those of the rest of the world, in particular how to optimise the efficiency of the existing
Star. Many other countries are bringing out the big emergent economies, pose very fabric, and, together with decarbonised
their own culturally tuned versions.Yet until different challenges. The former includes energy supply and behavioural change,
recently it was possible to score at the top a very large existing estate built almost achieve the emissions reductions required.
level in BREEAM and LEED with buildings entirely in times when fossil fuel energy was The problem is the billions of pounds
of relatively poor energy (and therefore virtually free, and there were no concerns of funding required, without financial
carbon) performance. Credits could be about emissions.The UK has 29 million sqm instruments in place comparable to those
accumulated for other virtuous measures of built estate, of which 21% is pre-19483. of new-build capital projects. Working with
existing buildings on ‘live’ hospital sites also
presents additional challenges, perceptions
of which can discourge health organisations
from undertake such projects.
In contrast to the west, China, for
example, will be building 2,000 brand new
county hospitals and 29,000 township
hospitals under its government’s healthcare
spending plans. Many of these hospitals will
be of 2,000-plus beds, much larger than
the trend in the west. Despite the plan, per
capita healthcare spending in China will be
$38 compared to more than $3,000 in the
US5 The implication is that this is only the
start of a hugely energy-hungry phase that
simultaneously presents the opportunity to
build for a post fossil fuel era and the threat
of failing to do so.The figures for India, Brazil,
the Russian federation and the Middle East
Figure 2: RTKL’s new 361,000sqm, 2,200-bed ‘mega hospital’ for Shanghai indicates an enormously energy- may be slightly less spectacular individually
hungry building phase for fast-growing countries such as China and India but, proportionate to their populations,


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aggregate to a truly monumental challenge. Stripping down a building to its frame
As Nicholas Stern calculated in The is perhaps the most dramatic level of
Economics of Climate Change, the global intervention but still recovers 50% of its
spend on mitigating climate change, if embodied energy, and in its rebuilding it
undertaken now, would amount to only a can deliver equivalent performance to
couple of percent of global GDP over the new construction. Cambridge University
next 40 years or so. This low figure reflects led a research project that generated a
the savings in energy and other efficiencies notional design strategy refurbishment of
that will result from prompt action, which the Northwick Park Hospital maternity
nevertheless has a high initial cost that is building. By wrapping the existing frame
currently not budgeted for. Climate change in a new ‘overcoat’, including ducting for
is fundamentally a cash flow problem: natural ventilation and services, with a new,
solving it is a key to unlocking the market shielded glazing pattern, an energy demand
and setting in train a virtuous cycle of reduction of some 22% could be achieved.
investment, triggering market opportunities
and innovation, bring forth new products, Behavioural change
developing new markets and so on. There are only three ways of mitigating
Having said earlier that retrofitting the climate change: to reduce our demand
existing estate is not primarily a technical for energy through behavioural changes, Figure 3: New superinsulated cladding for Guy’s
challenge, the state of the art in dealing individual and corporate; to design buildings Hospital tower, London, devised by Penoyre & Prasad
with existing buildings lags well behind the and manufactured goods to minimise and Arup, will reduce energy use by 15-20%
construction of environmentally sustainable energy use through efficiency; and finally
new ones. Existing buildings, ranging in age to find the balance of the energy that is it is pointless to seek a ‘solution’ to the
from five to 200 years old, present a diverse needed through decarbonised sources, ‘problem’ of climate change.
picture of resource use. The arguments for whether that is the grid or local energy Climate change is a harbinger of the
protecting those that are essential parts of generation. It is all but certain that we end of an era in which plentiful virtually
the historic fabric are usually clear but there need to act on all three fronts such is the free energy could be dug up out of the
are also good reasons for preserving and scale of the demand, particularly in light of ground. Rather than frame climate change
renewing the majority of the rest on the a projected 50% increase in the world’s as a looming disaster, it seems far more
grounds of the embodied energy locked up population before stabilisation. Design creative and energising to see it as an
in them and the carbon costs of demolition efficiencies and a decarbonised supply opportunity to deploy our marvellous
and replacement. We badly need accurate may be largely a matter for experts but scientific and cultural prowess to invent
metrics that factor in embodied as well as the behavioural change needed involves solutions for the post fossil fuel era.
operational carbon to help decide between everyone – patients, staff, visitors, suppliers, Someone once defined sustainability as
replacement and renewal. purchasers and partners. It involves in the study of the interconnectedness of
Design and Delivery of Robust Hospital effect all citizens, who in an increasingly things. What is most exciting is that such
Environments in a Changing Climate, a democratic world will also decide the ‘systems thinking’ not only alerts us to the
Cambridge University study, reveals that acceptability of regulations, taxation and unexpected unintended consequences of
1960s/1970s hospital buildings often fiscal incentives that will stimulate a market our actions but through connecting things
perform poorly in the current climate but in energy efficiency and decarbonisation. together, such as waste, energy, finance and
that they can be revitalised to be more That gives a strong cultural dimension to human well-being it can reveal unexpected
comfortable and to be more resilient to a action on sustainability and climate change. efficiencies and life sustaining benefits.
changing climate. Older buildings, pre-1948, The waning of popular concern about
are solidly built and perform relatively climate change may be irrational but it is About the author
well in the current climate, but are often easily understood. Climate change may be Sunand Prasad is a senior partner at
condemned despite considerable potential happening at lightening speed in geological Penoyre & Prasad and the author of
for future resilience. It is necessary to look time but in human time it is a very slow Changing Hospital Architecture.
carefully at what we have using analytical emergency indeed. The dire warnings of
tools which are steadily improving. scientists are so counter to most people’s References
Simple measures such as improvements personal observation that many have 1. The NHS Confederation, Taking the Temperature:
to controls can go a long way: turning down stopped believing them, further confused Towards an NHS Response to Global Warming, 2007
2. Ibid
thermostats 1°C could reduce emissions by the disproportionate airtime given 3. Source: E.C. Harris LLP
by 49,144 tonnes of CO2 per annum, saving to deniers. In his book Why We Disagree 4. Author’s calculation
£2.6m6, for example. Improvements and About Climate Change, Mike Hulm examines 5. Reported via Hospital Build China Exhibition and
Congress 2011 (
zoning could also yield savings. Attention diverse perceptions of climate change
6. Short, AC et al., Low Energy Refurbishment Strategies
could then turn to more fundamental through the different ways that people for Health Buildings Journal of Building Performance
interventions in the built fabric. have framed the issue and concludes that Simulation 2010 WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 9

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Sustainable healthcare design

Healthy places,
sustainable spaces
Nothing makes a greater contribution to healthy lives than healthy
places. Public health experts need to collaborate with architects
and planners to address the real barriers to health and wellbeing.

served as director of the National Center would not list the real causes: poor urban
for Environmental Health at the United design, a lack of public transport and failed
States Centers for Disease Control and priorities of governance.
Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, for nearly I realised that I and most of my colleagues
a decade. In that position I focused on in public health were not confronting the
large threats ranging from radiation to core purpose of our occupation: to assure
global warming, all the way to molecular the conditions where people can be
Richard J. Jackson threats such as chemicals that affect human healthy. There was scarcely anything more
Professor and Chair of endocrine systems. Each day, I drove to work important than the healthfulness of the
on the seven-lane Buford Highway, 50km environments in which people immerse
Environmental Health Sciences, of road lined with residential apartment their lives. I also understood that the health
University of California at buildings, many occupied by low-income problems we face in our built environment
Los Angeles, USA and immigrant families. The street has a cannot be fixed without going ‘upstream’, as
high volume of traffic, with few pedestrian we say. It is necessary to address the causes
crossings or pavements, and is infamously of disease and injury in order to prevent
unsafe: the number of injuries and fatalities them from occurring in the first place.
“By constructing along it is three times higher than any other This means that people not traditionally
places that are in the state of Georgia. One morning, I saw associated with health – architects, planners,
an elderly woman walking along the side traffic engineers and policymakers – need
inhospitable to of the road in a muddy trail worn into the to be engaged in the process.
people, we have weeds. Cars sped by as she slowly made her This fact led me to understand the need
way down the road, carrying a grocery bag for a new working paradigm that requires
compromised the in each hand. The sight of her walking alone those in the professions to move outside
health, prosperity along the most dangerous road in the state their comfort zones. Professionals must be
worried and saddened me, and I began to experts in their respective specialties, but in
and sustainability reflect on how I spend my time focusing the 21st century, they must cross domains
on remote threats, and not enough time much more in order to have genuine
of our society” on the ones that are immediate, especially impact. My own ability to effect change
to the poor. Along the roadway, there as a paediatrician and environmental
were neither trees providing shade from public health professional has been
the extreme Atlanta heat, nor benches to greatly enhanced by my work beyond the
give the woman respite. I thought: if she bounds of these specialties. Finally, these
were to collapse under the stress of the experiences have taught me that this work
summer heat, her death certificate would is inherently political: the fundamental
list ‘heat stroke’ as the cause of death. It determinants of health are often social


10_RichardJackson.indd 10 14/04/2011 11:18

“Just as pharmacies ought not to sell tobacco Figur
and schools junk food, healthcare facilities
should be exemplary health promotion centres”

and economic in nature, and always involve compromised the health, prosperity and make vehicles and roads safer, and drivers
policy and politics in some way. sustainability of our society. more sober, have been effective in reducing
The experience of watching that Our health is determined in large part by the per-mile death rate nearly seven-fold
elderly woman opened my mind to new our environment (remarkably, even more in the US over the last 50 years, but one
possibilities, and helped spark a new field than our genes) – what we eat, drink and intervention has been inadequately applied,
of study on the health impacts of the built breathe, and where and how we live, work namely reducing the overall Vehicle Miles
environment. In the last decade, there has and socialise. The leading causes of death Travelled (VMT).
been a proliferation of research on the built in the US are cardiovascular disease and Vested interests assert that Americans
environment and health, as demonstrated cancer, sometimes referred to as ‘lifestyle’ love to drive, and this may certainly be
by a PubMed literature search of this diseases because they are, in part, caused true for uncrowded roads and highways,
term (see Figure 1, below)1. Ten major by unhealthy behaviours such as physical but those days are long past – in the US,
US universities offer concurrent graduate inactivity, poor diet and tobacco use. It two-thirds of the population are licensed
degree programmes in public health and is worth highlighting conditions in the drivers, and it has far more vehicles than
planning, and the number is growing. US because it appears as though other drivers. The most effective way to reduce
countries are following the same trends VMT is the provision of better public
Cars, planning and health of chronic disease. Remarkably, though, transport, but until recently there has
Increasingly, people in the US have realised unintentional injuries are the leading cause been long-standing resistance to public
that we have spent much of the last seven of death for Americans ages one to 44, and funding for this, and opposition to the use
decades designing our built environments injuries are the leading cause of years of of gasoline taxes for other than highways.
to prioritise automobiles rather than potential life lost for American males, and Also, the US has housing, mortgage, tax and
human beings. In a near-single-minded the second leading cause for females. The development traditions that impede the
pursuit to generate economic capital, majority of unintentional injuries are caused creation of the denser population centres
we have neglected to nourish social and by motor vehicle trauma. American drivers needed to support public transport. For
cultural capital. By constructing places have a one in a million chance of dying for example, despite the steep fiscal and
that are inhospitable to people, we have every 124km they drive. Interventions to environmental costs of single-passenger
auto travel and of air travel, there has been
great resistance in the US to creating high-
speed rail networks.
In Japan, the Shinkansen high speed rail
network has transported more than five
billion passengers since its inception, with
zero fatalities. In Europe, there are plans to
connect every major city by high-speed rail
in the next decade, for an estimated price
of €70 billion. That is a sum comparable
to what the US government spent to
bail out insurance giant AIG in the recent
economic crisis. In China, officials are keen
to invest in high-speed rail because they
see no sustainable future in clogged roads
and airways. The US lags behind, remaining
dependent on the petroleum industry even
as the sustainability, health and prosperity of
Figure 1: Twenty-year trend of the number of ‘built environment and health’ publications found on PubMed the country are compromised. WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 11

10_RichardJackson.indd 11 14/04/2011 11:19

Sustainable healthcare design

A similar lack of forward thinking has led

the US to invest heavily in development
Obesity Trend* Among U.S. Adults strategies that diminish health. In the 20th
(*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) century, America planned much more for
the needs of automobiles than those of
humans. US policies designed, legislated
and subsidised the very conditions that
now threaten the sustainability and health
of the nation. Throughout the last century,
1997 people increasingly lost access to the
natural environment. The US paved more
than 75,000km of roads. Throughout the
1920s and 1930s, General Motors and its
partners, Standard Oil, Phillips Petroleum,
Mack Manufacturing and Firestone Tire
and Rubber, purchased streetcar systems
in US cities and systematically dismantled
them. The companies replaced the rail
infrastructure with buses and cars to
increase their own sales and revenue.
These past actions continue to shape the
lives of Americans today. Decisions to
create environments that require driving
have meant that the US has engineered
utilitarian physical activity out of the
2005 American lifestyle.
US roads were not designed to serve
the needs of people who are unable to
or choose not to drive, and infrastructure
to support ‘active transportation’ received
a mere 1.5% of funds in the most recent
US transportation legislation. Yet public
transport users are approximately two
to four times more likely to achieve daily
physical activity recommendations, as
compared to drivers2. Each hour spent in a
car per day is associated with a 6% increase
in risk of obesity, while any additional
kilometre walked per day is associated
with a 4.8% decrease in risk3. The time that
people spend in automobile traffic could
2009 otherwise be spent engaging in activities
such as exercising, socialising, cooking,
learning and volunteering, thus promoting
social and cultural capital, and providing a
range of health benefits.
Soon, physical inactivity and poor diet
will replace tobacco use as the leading risk
factors for death in the US4. Maintaining a
healthy diet and an active lifestyle confers
numerous physical and mental health
benefits: it protects against premature
death, weight gain, cardiovascular disease,
high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes,
osteoporosis and depression, among
Figure 2: The proportion of US adults with Body Mass Index ≥30 in 1997, 2005 and 2009 (source: Centers other conditions. At present, more than
for Disease Control and Prevention). Creating a car-dependent nation has encouraged inactive lifestyles two-thirds of American adults, and one


10_RichardJackson.indd 12 14/04/2011 11:23

Figure 3: With more than 400km of cycle paths, and a pedestrian-only city centre, Freiburg in Germany has become a model for sustainable city planning

in five adolescents, are overweight or human capital. Nearly two years after the as a model for sustainable city planning
obese. In the last three decades, rates of start of the financial crisis, communities around the world. Many American cities,
overweight and obesity have tripled among throughout the US and around the world including New York, Portland, and Boulder,
12 to 19 year olds and quadrupled among continue to suffer its effects. have followed its example, and are lauded
6 to 11 year olds. Type 2 diabetes, once Europe offers examples of healthier as being the healthiest in the US.
called ‘adult onset diabetes’, is growing urban and community design. The built
increasingly common among US youth, due environment of many European cities The health-promoting hospital
in large part to rising rates of obesity. This promotes active transportation while The US can also learn important lessons
has staggering public health implications: maintaining cultural capital. Freiburg, from European healthcare facilities. Just as
developing diabetes before the age of Germany, is an exemplar of sustainable pharmacies ought not to sell tobacco and
40 shortens a person’s lifetime by 11 to community planning.The city has supported schools junk food, healthcare facilities should
14 years. Despite the fact that individuals active and public transport infrastructure not fail to be exemplary health-promotion
and the government expend enormous by making the city centre accessible to centres. In this century, no hospital should
amounts of money on medical care, if these pedestrians only, and by its investment be built without fundamental incorporation
trends continue, a decline in the American in bicycle road networks and parking, of good sustainability principles. Health
lifespan is inevitable. connectivity to public transport, and public- facilities must lead the movement in
The quality of life in America, too, transport-oriented development. Freiburg recognising that long-term population
has suffered in recent years. One in ten boasts over 400km of cycle paths and health and sustainability are inseparable.
American adults takes antidepressants, the 6,000 bicycle parking spots. In the last three Based upon the Ottawa Charter for
most commonly used prescription drugs decades, the share of trips made by bicycle Health Promotion, European health
in the US. Depression, anxiety and stress nearly doubled, from 15% to 27%, and the professionals and policymakers in the late
have undoubtedly grown in the wake of the streets are safer for it – Freiburg has 3.7 road 1980s developed the concept of health-
recent global economic crisis. Many families, fatalities per 100,000 residents, a rate that is promoting hospitals. A Health Promoting
civic institutions and communities bore the half that of Germany overall, and a quarter Hospital and Health Service (HPH) is “an
brunt of the recession, which was caused by that of the US. In spite of local population organisation that aims to improve health
the financial sector’s irresponsibility and the and economic growth in the last 30 gain for its stakeholders by developing
regulatory system’s negligence. Economic years, CO2 emissions from transportation structures, cultures, decisions and
capital has been allowed to supersede decreased during this time. Freiburg serves processes”5. In accordance with standards WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 13

10_RichardJackson.indd 13 14/04/2011 11:24


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developed by WHO, a HPH should: infections, a major health threat to patients need to incorporate health concepts into
and staff, hospitals can install high-efficiency their certification and training processes.
• have a written policy for health particulate air (HEPA) filters throughout Similarly, built environment concepts should
promotion the facility. Single-bed rooms, too, reduce be included in the training processes of
• assess patients’ needs for health the risk of hospital infections. Designing public health professionals.
promotion, disease prevention, and prominent, attractive and accessible Our efforts to promote healthier
rehabilitation staircases can increase stair use, which can environments will fail if design and health
• provide patients with information provide an important source of physical professionals do not collaborate, and if
on significant factors concerning activity for staff, patients, and visitors alike. we focus our efforts only on changing
their disease or health condition, and Beyond hospital walls, planners, architects, individual behaviours. In public health, we
establish appropriate health promotion developers and policymakers can promote have learned that while health education
interventions public health by ensuring that facilities are can help to improve individual health, for
• create conditions to ensure that the accessible by active and public transport. real population level changes – be it tobacco
hospital is a healthy workplace cessation or fluoride dental treatment –
• systematically collaborate with other Changing future outcomes change is needed in the physical, cultural,
health service sectors and institutions6. Twenty years ago, environmental health economic and social environments.
concepts were not included in paediatric In the last decade, the US and other
By reframing the purpose and potential training programmes. Over the years, many nations have made significant strides
of hospitals, these institutions promote physicians advocated for the incorporation towards creating healthy and sustainable
health in patients, staff and the broader of these concepts, but to little avail. built environments, but much work remains
community. Today, there is a network of Ultimately, a more top-down approach was to be done. Ultimately, the wellbeing and
over 800 HPHs throughout more than required: environmental health concepts prosperity of our civilization – and our
40 European countries. and questions were incorporated into planet – depend on our ability to create
For too long, hospitals were designed the paediatrics board exams, which then and sustain healthy environments.
to maximise the convenience of the care- influenced medical training and education.
providers rather than that of patients and Today, the top paediatric residency About the authors
their loved ones. Now, research shows programmes include education and training Richard J Jackson MD MPH is professor
that hospital design that considers the on environmental public health concepts. and chair of Environmental Health Sciences,
social and psychological needs of patients We suggest that this model be applied and professor of the Institute of the
can actually improve health outcomes. to other professions such as architecture, Environment and Sustainability, at UCLA’s
Increasing daylight in healthcare facilities design and urban planning. In order to School of Public Health. This essay was co-
has been shown to enhance healing build the capacity of our professionals to authored by Rachel A. Cushing MPH from
processes. Offering patients access to design healthy environments, we assert the UCLA’s School of Public Health.
nature can alleviate stress and pain, and
reduce post-operative recovery time.
Providing hospital visitors with views of
nature and garden access can reduce
stress, anxiety, worry and other negative
emotions. Many patients, particularly those
in intensive care units, complain about the
noisy hospital environment and its impact
on sleep, a fundamental requisite of healing.
Installing sound-absorbing ceiling tiles and
designing single bed rather than multi- “Health facilities must lead the movement
bed rooms can help mitigate noise, which
causes stress and disrupts sleep. In order
in recognising that long-term population
to reduce airborne transmission of hospital health and sustainability are inseparable”

1. PubMed search terms ‘built environment’ and ‘health’. relationships with community design, physical activity, and and Health Services: Integrating health promotion into
[cited 9 October 2010]. time spent in cars. American Journal of Preventive Medicine hospitals and health services – Concept, framework and
2. Lachapelle U, Frank LD. Transit and health: mode 2004;27(2):87-96. organization. World Health Organization Regional Office
of transport, employer-sponsored public transit pass 4. Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. for Europe, Copenhagen 2007.
programs, and physical activity. Journal of Public Health Actual Causes of Death in the United States, 2000. JAMA 6. Standards for health promotion in hospitals. World
Policy 2009:S73-S94. 2004;291(10):1238-1245. Health Organization Regional Office for Europe,
3. Frank LD, Andresen MA, Schmid TL. Obesity 5. The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals Copenhagen 2004. WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 15

10_RichardJackson.indd 15 14/04/2011 11:25

Sustainable healthcare design

Paying it back
The ultimate goal for hospitals is to turn one of the most
resource-hungry sectors of the built environment into one that
doesn’t just break even in its energy use, but actually generates
new resources

ustainability is now firmly rooted in that degenerates natural resources to one
the vocabulary of contemporary that restores or regenerates is akin to
healthcare design. Architect Stephen moving beyond doing ‘no harm’ to a built
Verderber, author of Innovations in Hospital environment that actually heals – a perfect
Architecture, states that “a hospital shall metaphor for the healthcare sector.
cause neither human nor ecological harm”
as a key tenet of innovative design thinking. The issues confronting healthcare
The launch of healthcare-specific green According to the American Medical
building tools is accelerating the adoption Association, US healthcare buildings
of a range of global, market-competitive consume 4% of annual national energy
green building strategies in healthcare and emit 8% of total carbon. But as the
Robin Guenther projects worldwide – countering the first decade of sustainable design draws
Principal, Perkins+Will, USA increase in resource intensity of the sector. to a close, it is increasingly clear that the
Globally, the best thinking in the green achievements in energy reduction are
building movement is moving beyond nowhere close to what will be required
conceiving of buildings as resource to produce the reduction in global
consumers toward the concept of greenhouse gas emissions required to avert
‘regenerative design’, where buildings significant climate change impacts. Average
“The healthcare are designed with inherent capability to modelled energy consumption reduction
become net resource generators rather in US LEED-certified healthcare buildings is
industry is just than resource consumers (see Figure 1, around 20%. The University of Washington
beginning to articulate below). Moving from a built environment Department of Architecture Integrated

the impact of climate

change on healthcare
services delivery”

Figure 1: Current thinking focuses on reducing resource depletion – ‘doing less harm’. As performance
improves, a net zero point is reached, beyond which resource generation begins, and the built environment
moves from ‘no harm’ to ‘healing’


16_RobinGuenther.indd 16 14/04/2011 11:34

Another important factor is global
resource competition. We are consuming
natural resources faster than the planet can
replenish them – the World Wildlife Fund’s
2010 Living Planet Report estimates that
we are consuming global resources at 50%
above the earth’s carrying capacity. While
much of the planetary ‘overshoot’ is driven
by carbon dioxide emissions derived from
the combustion of fossil fuels, construction
cost is escalating as nations compete
in a global materials marketplace for a
diminishing natural resource base. What
does this mean for healthcare? Lee Jong-
Wook, MD, former director general of the
World Health Organization, in the opening
paragraph of the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, notes, “Nature’s goods and
services are the ultimate foundations of
Figure 2: The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto, California, incorporates extensive rainwater life and health…this [is] a call to the health
and condensate collection systems to meet the irrigation needs of the drought-tolerant landscaping on sector, not only to cure the diseases that
terraces and roofs. This reduces potable water demand by approximately 900,000 gallons annually result from environmental degradation, but
also to ensure that the benefits that the
natural environment provide to human
health and well-being are preserved for
Design Lab is leading a ‘Targeting 100’ to provide new information about toxic future generations.”
research initiative in the US to assist the chemicals – ranging from the effects of
healthcare sector in more radical systems low-dose exposures on both a developing Sustainable design today
redesign, to reduce energy consumption foetus and young children to the The most compelling driver for sustainable
from a national average of approximately cumulative impacts on people and wildlife design in healthcare is the explicit
240 kBtu/sf (760 kWh/sqm) to 100 kBtu/ of an environment rife with persistent connection between green buildings
sf (320 kWh/sqm) per year in order to bio-accumulative toxic industrial chemicals. and human health – a connection
meet the American Institute of Architects In the medical device markets, movement recognised by the healthcare industry
(AIA) 2030 Challenge goals – a target that away from PVC devices containing DEHP that is increasingly adopted by other
approximates current average healthcare plasticisers is one manifestation of this market sectors. The American Society of
building performance in Europe. growing concern. Globally, healthcare Healthcare Engineering (ASHE 2002) first
At the same time, the healthcare industry organisations are beginning to implement framed green building initiatives around
is just beginning to articulate the impact alternatives to medical waste incineration “protecting health at three scales: the
of climate change on healthcare services – a known source of dioxin, which is a immediate health of building occupants,
delivery. As average temperatures rise, heat potent human carcinogen. health of the surrounding community, and
island impacts in dense urban areas will
exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions
in the elderly and children. More extreme
weather events – hurricanes and tsunamis
in coastal areas, tornadoes and floods, fires
and drought – will require a more resilient “Energy-demand reduction continues
emergency care infrastructure capable
of delivering potable water as well as
to present challenges for deep-plate
healthcare services. Even in the US, where hospital buildings“
energy-intensive healthcare infrastructure
emergency backup is commonplace, the
inherent lack of resilience in sealed, grid-
dependent buildings has been proven
to impact continued operation during
extreme weather events.
The science linking industrial chemicals
with human health impacts continues WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 17

16_RobinGuenther.indd 17 14/04/2011 11:34

Sustainable healthcare design

health of the larger global community and and habitable – where notions of efficiency of potable water use for irrigation,
natural resources.” This in turn became have overwhelmed the quality of the patient long prioritised in LEED, is achieved by
the focus of the Green Guide for Health and staff experience and passive systems almost every certified healthcare project;
Care, a voluntary self-certification tool such as daylight and operable windows. total elimination of potable water for
that has informed both Greenstar for The enduring legacy of this thinking is the irrigation is increasing as projects begin
Healthcare and LEED for Healthcare. deep floor plan, devoid of daylight, that to capture rainwater and condensate
It has been eight years since the first characterises the contemporary North from air handling units (see Figure 2,
LEED certification of a US hospital. The US American hospital – totally uninhabitable previous page). Innovative wastewater
Green Building Council database includes without massive infusions of fossil treatment and use of non-potable water
more than 900 registered healthcare fuel energy. Energy demand reduction for sewage conveyance, on the other
projects, with more than 180 certified. continues to present challenges for deep hand, is slow to penetrate the US market
In 2010 alone, 106 healthcare projects plate hospital buildings designed with because of perceived infection control and
received certifications, more than the total variable air volume/reheat systems – regulatory concerns. In water-challenged
of all previous years. Despite the significant maximum energy demand reduction is regions, new hospitals may be separating
economic challenges of the last three years, approximately 18-20% as teams optimise plumbing risers to accommodate future
interest in and commitment to sustainable mechanical system technologies. In order non-potable water use in toilets, but
design continues to accelerate both in the to realise more significant energy savings, no hospital has yet operationalised this
US and globally. hospitals are installing either on-site strategy. The Oregon Health and Sciences
At the same time, innovative passive cogeneration plants or heat pump (ground University Center for Health and Healing,
and active system technologies, the or water source geo-exchange) systems, a free-standing ambulatory care facility in
reconsideration of deep floor plate resulting in energy demand reductions of Portland, Oregon, remains the only US
buildings and the use of reclaimed water around 40-50%. Displacement ventilation healthcare project to have included on-site
(even in drought-prone regions) continue systems, more commonly used in Europe, wastewater treatment and non-potable
to elude North American healthcare are beginning to be introduced in US sewage conveyance.
design. Particularly in the US, the healthcare hospitals based on emerging research and The demand for less-toxic materials
system faces the challenges of a regulatory regulatory acknowledgement. continues to accelerate. For example,
system based on technology mandates Hospitals are often among the largest The Green Guide for Health Care
rather than performance standards, potable water consumers in their includes credits relating to Persistent
despite the poor performance of health communities – unlike commercial office Bio-accumulative Toxic chemical (PBT)
infrastructure in weather events. buildings, however, close to 70% of potable reduction and phthalate avoidance; the
A focus on viewing healthcare water is consumed by process uses. For US Green Building Council is now piloting
environments as ‘machines for healing’ has many hospitals, the most significant single credits related to avoidance of PBT’s,
resulted in a generation of North American process use is cooling tower makeup water phthalate and flame-retardant chemicals.
hospital buildings that are less than humane in central energy plants. A 50% reduction The work of non-profits such as Health

Figures 3 & 4, left and above right:

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, is sited on a brownfield
waterfront site in the former Charlestown
Navy Yard. On a relatively tight urban site,
it incorporates public access to 75% of its
ground floor, extending the ‘view corridor’
of the street grid and providing public
access to a new boardwalk


16_RobinGuenther.indd 18 14/04/2011 11:35

Care Without Harm, Practice Greenhealth and adaptable built environment that is environment can be designed to contribute
and the Healthier Hospitals Initiative show based upon using less accompanied by to and support regeneration.
a growing policy and advocacy agenda reuse and restoration.This means creating a Regenerative thinking focuses on
for the healthcare sector, including cohesive roadmap toward a true sustaining restoring and enhancing generative
pharmaceutical management, waste future – a roadmap postulated in the capacities of both human and natural
reduction and toxic chemicals avoidance. construct of regenerative design (Figure 1). resources. In so doing, it creates a
The challenges ahead are daunting: carbon powerful and comprehensive context for
The promise of regenerative neutrality, toxic-free, water-balanced and a wide array of both resource reduction
hospital design zero waste are emerging as the next- and health promotion strategies being
Where is this leading? Imagined futures are generation goals of sustainable healthcare. implemented by healthcare organisations
always more about where we have been This vision, articulated in the Cascadia today. While there are no global examples
than where we are going. The challenge Green Building Council’s Living Building of truly regenerative hospitals, there are
for all of us is to look back at history but Challenge, represents a ‘do no harm’ many examples of healthcare organisations
focus on the path ahead. Sustainable design position. Current practice in low-energy embracing ‘regeneration’ of health and
thinking recognises that simply continuing European hospitals, with goals of 50-70 community. As Gary Cohen, executive
the current trend toward consuming Kbtu/sf year, alongside the ‘Targeting 100’ director of Health Care Without Harm
marginally fewer resources will not create a work in the US, may well represent the notes, “Hospitals can situate themselves
stronger, cleaner and fairer world economy beginning of the transition zone as we within the ecology of their communities
– so long as our built environment is a approach this net-zero world and beyond. and act as a force for healing.” Gundersen
net consumer of virgin, non-renewable Regenerative design represents Lutheran, a health system in the
resources, it is not sustainable. So long as the transition to a built environment Midwestern US, is targeting carbon-
it requires a renewable resource base that embodies the capability of not neutrality by 2014 through a series of
larger than the earth’s capacity to replenish, only sustaining life and health, but also central plant replacement projects that
it is not sustainable. repairing or restoring some of what has utilise wind and bio-mass fuel sources. In
What is necessary is a dramatic reduction been degraded or lost. Buildings are not LaCrosse, Wisconsin, they have partnered
in virgin resource use – a durable, flexible inherently regenerative, but the built with LaCrosse Brewery to develop and WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 19

16_RobinGuenther.indd 19 14/04/2011 11:36

Sustainable healthcare design

Figures 5 & 6: The proposed Embassy Medical

Center, Sri Lanka.

1. Absorption chiller: utilises very hot water to
provide chilled water for cooling
2. High temperature anaerobic digester: for
bio-methane with conversion to pipeline-grade
natural gas. Also acts as sewage treatment plant
3. Solar hot water panel: provides hot water
for the absorption chiller and domestic use
4. Co-generation plant: generates electricity
with steam heated by natural gas from digester
5. Ground contact earth tubes: pre-cool and
dehumidify fresh air
5a. Dessicant dehumidification: touches up
fresh air after exiting earth tubes
6. Thermal chimney: pulls air though earth
tubes for delivery to mechanical system
7. Cisterns: for collection of rainwater, flushing
toilets as domestic water filtration system
8. Domestic water filtration system
9. Living roof area(s): pre-filtration for
rainwater heading to cisterns
10. Stormwater ponds: use water for irrigation
and as feedstock for domestic water filtration
system if cisterns run low


16_RobinGuenther.indd 20 14/04/2011 11:38

construct a micro-turbine central plant including hurricanes and tsunamis, and can commitment to health.
that uses methane from brewery waste as use the massive amounts of organic waste In the coming years, as climate change
a fuel source. The hospital uses the thermal generated by these events to provide alters weather patterns and disease vectors,
energy from the turbines; excess electricity uninterrupted operation. it will become more important to invest in
sold to the local utility company is sufficient and produce a resilient infrastructure to
to power 500 homes. The path ahead meet new healthcare delivery challenges.
Examples can include restoration or Sustainable design thinking will continue Aligning our built environments with
enhancement of either social or natural to prioritise the connection to health, regenerative design thinking will help us
systems. Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital increasing its relevance to the healthcare meet this future – and in the process,
in Boston (Figures 3 & 4, previous pages) industry. Environmental scholar David Orr reinvent our hospitals. By fully embracing
devotes 75% of its ground floor area to writes: “The standard for ecological design the principles of regenerative design,
shared public uses, including its pool. The is neither efficiency nor productivity but healthcare organisations will demonstrate
project includes both public access to the health; beginning with that of the soil and more than a commitment to high-quality
waterfront and construction of a boardwalk. extending upward through plants, animals, patient care – they demonstrate a
The site is an industrial brownfield and people. It is impossible to impair health commitment to saving lives and improving
parcel in the former Charlestown Navy at any level without affecting it at other health without undermining ecosystems or
Yard – rehabilitation of the site mirrors levels.” Providence Health and Services diminishing the world.’s resources.
rehabilitation of the people within its walls. CEO John Koster, MD summed it up this
Kaiser Permanente routinely incorporates way: “In healthcare, sustainable building About the author
farmer’s markets on its urban campuses, represents a bold move toward precaution Robin Guenther FAIA LEED AP is
becoming a source for healthier food and prevention. The building stands for a practicing healthcare architect for
choices for both staff and public. health. In creating it, the organisation Perkins+Will. She co-coordinates the
Creating shared community resources is essentially saying, ‘We’re investing in Green Guide for Health Care, serves on
that enhance public health and wellbeing keeping people healthier.’ I’m convinced it LEED-HC committee, is a board member
are becoming programmatic goals has a tremendous impact on a person’s of Practice Greenhealth and the Center
alongside provision of core healthcare ability to attain health. Not just to be not for Health Design, and, with Gail Vittori,
services. Parrish Healthcare in Titusville, sick, but to be in health.” is the co-author of Sustainable Healthcare
FL, included the restoration of six acres of The sector should not need to argue Architecture, from which the quotes and
degraded wetland on its 30-acre site – the that delivering high-quality healthcare references in this essay have been taken.
habitat of the endangered Florida Scrub requires a passport for high levels of waste
Jay – and deeded it as ‘open space’. While and energy intensity – or that saving lives
these are individually modest examples, is somehow outside of broader ecological
in the aggregate they signal a profound shift concerns. The healthcare industry is in a “The built
in how healthcare organisations manifest pivotal position to lead the 21st-century
a mission to ‘heal’ beyond the provision reintegration of environment, health and
of medical care. economic prosperity. By reinventing the can be designed
Embassy Medical Center, Colombo, Sri hospital as a regenerative place of healing,
Lanka (Figures 5 & 6, left) represents a the healthcare industry is signalling a new to contribute
bold vision for a hospital that aims to give relationship to healing and health. to and support
back to a community more than it takes. It Globally, the healthcare industry is
also demonstrates the level of innovative beginning to exert both upstream leverage regeneration”
thinking that can accompany resource- on supply chains, and downstream
constrained settings. influence on employees and patients. In
This proposed hospital uses anaerobic the UK, the NHS’s 2006 carbon footprint
digesters to convert municipal organic waste assessment yielded the understanding that
generated throughout the community to close to 60% of its global carbon impact
methane fuel, using this to drive turbines is embedded in the supply chain, followed
that generate sufficient thermal energy by approximately 20% in direct energy
and power for the facility and the vehicle and 20% in transportation. As these
fleet that moves the waste. In addition, the metrics emerge, the healthcare industry
hospital will produce potable water and needs to recalibrate service delivery and
provide it to the larger community, using supply chain as part of a carbon reduction
solar-powered infrastructure. In this sense, strategy. In terms of downstream influence,
it becomes an instrument of public health purchasing local and organic food in
in a city with severely limited infrastructure. hospital food services, accompanied by
Additionally, it is designed for continuous increasingly vocal food policy positions,
operation in extreme weather events, will demonstrate to the public a broader WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 21

16_RobinGuenther.indd 21 14/04/2011 11:38

Sustainable healthcare design

The long game

Sustainable healthcare design considers whole-life cost, allows for
changes in clinical need and reduces energy consumption in a
targeted, strategic way. So what’s stopping us from achieving it?

f we are to successfully deliver healthcare approach is more consistent with the right
to the planet’s six billion people, there hand side, the conclusion will be one of
are some important principles that we ‘business as usual’ and business sustainability
need to adopt: will not be strategically achieved. It is
important to note that although each
• healthcare is accepted as a priority for topic is independent, as we move
all and not a privilege for some through the framework there is a mutual
• healthcare must be a system beyond interdependence and an accumulated
political manipulation benefit. This is the added value gained by
• all must benefit but all must take their holistic thinking.
share of responsibility for their health
• healthcare provision is recognised as a Whole-life cost versus first cost
Phil Nedin, foundation of a successful economic and Almost all decisions are made on the
Global healthcare business democratic nation basis of cost but too often the only
• the costs of the provision of healthcare cost considered is the initial cost. The
leader, Arup, UK must be continually scrutinsed by those ongoing operational cost is usually part
who administer it and those who of another budget or in another portfolio.
benefit from it This separation often occurs in private
• the standards and quality of healthcare sector systems but always occurs in the
provision must be continually improved public sector. We must actively encourage
“Bed numbers in the as nations develop. bringing together the build and operational
acute environment costs in order to expand the opportunities
At first glance you may think that to provide real sustainable solutions. One
will need to be reduced, these principles are beyond the remit of example is the provision of new facilities at
the designers of healthcare systems and the expense of a number of older facilities
not increased. Rarely facilities. Nothing is further from the truth. being closed. If the holistic whole-life cost
in the briefing or design Designers have a significant part to play in benefit through the elimination of the older
the new world of healthcare provision. This facilities was always considered and placed
stage of a project does essay discusses a framework to illustrate above the initial cost, then we would have
this become a stated the influences that planners and designers some extremely strong business cases that
can bring to bear. would undoubtedly improve the provision
requirement” The framework (Figure 1, opposite) of our healthcare estate. The holistic view
consists of five continuums that test those would take into account the benefit of
who are involved with the provision of spatial flexibility together with the cost of
healthcare systems and facilities. Should the carbon emissions, maintenance, staff morale
approach by the team be consistent with etc. Unfortunately, in order to be successful
the left hand side of the model, then we with this approach we have to address two
can generally accept that the development areas of commercial discomfort. The first is
will be sustainable for the long term. the introduction of best value as opposed
However, should it be concluded that the to cheapest first cost and the second is


22_PhilNedin.indd 22 14/04/2011 11:44

accepting that our strategic planning will
offer those other than the individuals
involved the most benefit. A narrow-plan
acute facility with a flexible footprint may
be initially more expensive to build than a
deep-plan buiding with less flexibility, but
when a whole-life cost analysis is carried
out, that expense may have a payback of
only six years. There are additional benefits
in the more flexible option – however,
to date, the costing of flexibility within a
business case has been beyond us all!

Future versus current needs

It is widely recognised that the design Figure 1: A framework for the provision of a sustainable healthcare estate
of healthcare facilities must be flexible.
Unfortunately the majority of new
hospitals – when designed – consider
flexibility as the number of future additional that a remodelling project can generate and “Almost all decisions
beds. This is easily accommodated with a we quickly appreciate that any significant
small amount of available land adjacent to remodelling/refurbishment option where are made on the
the new build block; a façade that allows existing clinical services must be maintained
a possible future alignment at specific can become a three-floor isolation project.
basis of cost, but
levels; additional capacity for site-wide Additionally we should remember the too often the only
infrastructure services; and the planning of contractor’s access requirements and the
an accessible corridor to satisfy existing and inevitable disruption this can cause. cost considered is
future adjacencies needs. So when considering how flexible our the initial one”
Interestingly we are finding that the final design solutions are, we must consider
development of new drugs, less intrusive how we reduce bed numbers and not
surgical procedures, scientific breakthroughs increase them and the impact of a major
involving new therapies, efficiencies remodelling exercise. Finally, we can really
brought about by new technologies and apply the acid test to our design solutions
the need to carry out more treatment by asking ourselves: “If in 20 years these
in a community setting suggest that bed were no longer required as acute hospital 22% building energy and 60% in the
numbers in the acute environment will buildings, what could they be?” procurement process. This is a useful piece
need to be reduced, not increased. of work because for the first time designers
Rarely in the briefing or design stage Low carbon versus high carbon can take a realistic view on the potential for
of a project does this become a stated The low-carbon agenda in healthcare saving carbon.
requirement. The removal of in-patient has been with us for a number of years. When we focus on building energy we
beds usually means that a ward is closed, Attempting to reduce carbon in acute can consider three directions of travel. The
with all the associated inefficient estate facilities raises significant challenges: first is the passive approach, the second is
liabilities such as heating, ventilation, lighting, the active approach and the third is using
cleaning and security. • the need for large quantities of air with low carbon technologies.
A further debate on flexibility considers specific temperature and humidity A framework has been developed that
the internal remodelling of floor plates requirements is largely clinically driven – if followed – will allow designers to focus
to create improved process efficiency • the acute environment requires a initially on the best value (passive) priorities
with ongoing clinical developments. There reliability based on 24/7 usage (such as a building’s orientation, passive
seems to be an acceptance by many that • the estate needs to provide resilient ventilation systems, and glazing spec)
deep-plan spaces allow for efficient spatial systems often requiring back-up. before developing solutions for the more
remodelling. This does not stand up to expensive low carbon technologies (such
practical scrutiny given that most partitions Hence any low-carbon technology as renewable energies like wind turbines
in an acute healthcare setting are used must pass the availability, reliability and and ground-source heat-pumps).
as minor service distribution routes, and maintainability test. One of the real opportunities is related
partition removal at one floor level can A recent report1 issued by the UK to the provision of natural ventilation in
cause disruption to at least the immediate Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) general patient areas. This requires a major
levels above and below. Couple this with concluded that the NHS had the following consideration of the building footprint and
the noise, vibration and dust generation carbon emission profile: 18% travel, may also then become a key driver in the WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 23

22_PhilNedin.indd 23 14/04/2011 11:45

Sustainable healthcare design

business case for single-patient bedrooms.

Of course, it is recognised that many
climates will not allow natural ventilation “We may regret not considering
all the year around, but given the likelihood
that energy prices will continue to increase, mixed-mode solutions at the
we may regret not considering mixed-
mode technical solutions at the time of
time of design – in the future,
design – in the future every little will help. every little will help”
Innovation versus prescription
Almost every country, region and state will thermal efficiency of building fabric has solution to this issue at Northern Ireland’s
have its own codes and guides for healthcare increased significantly, driven by global Altnagelvin Hospital is to include a 100mm
briefing and design. Spatial planning and warming issues but at the same time the opening at low level, and another at ceiling
engineering loads and their respective internal heat gains have increased equally height (Figure 2, below).
systems are often the major focus of these significantly, driven by digital information and The second example involves the
guides and are often extremely useful. communication systems. Given these two requirement in some US states to seal the
However, rarely are these documents changes, it would seem sensible to relax the external envelope of healthcare buildings.
kept up to date, which is essential in a constraint on window opening dimensions There seem to be a number of reasons
changing healthcare environment. This is to enable designers to continue with a for this, but a significant one is that of poor
particularly relevant in terms of changing natural ventilation strategy. There are two external air quality. Whatever the reason,
models of care, which has implications on conditions that will occur if this prescriptive the outcome is that all designers will need
spatial requirements, and also the low- guide alignment is not carried out. The to integrate a full air conditioning system
carbon agenda, which has implications for first is an elevated internal temperature into the facility with the associated spatial,
engineering loads and systems. creating uncomfortable thermal conditions energy, carbon emission and maintenance
Two examples illustrate the need to for occupants. The second is the design as well as plant replacement implications.
think clearly about the prescriptive codes. or retrofitting of a mechanical cooling This second example has more
The first involves UK Health Technical system. The first affects the quality of damaging implications, in that once we have
Memorandum 55, Windows (HTM 55). the therapeutic environment whilst the eliminated the need for natural ventilation,
This states that a window opening cannot second increases carbon generation and a deeper plan solution can be developed
be greater than 100mm in a patient area. subsequent emissions due to the increased which may then affect future flexibility
Since this document was published, the energy needed to power fans etc. Arup’s and the creation of a more therapeutic
environment for patients, staff and carers.

Therapeutic environment versus

clinical efficiency
Although it could be argued that these two
forms are not specifically at either end of
the space-planning spectrum (and neither
should they be), there will need to be some
compromise to find an optimum solution.
The basic premise emerges from the early
Nightingale open wards of 24 beds within
a pavilion arrangement, connected by a
hospital street. This layout enabled a single
nurse positioned at the end of the unit to
observe all patients during the night shift.
This was a layout based on limited staff
numbers, and hence it is the mid-19th-
century’s version of clinical efficiency. Having
24 patients in a single room can hardly be
considered therapeutic! Isambard Kingdom
Brunel’s design for Renkioi Hospital in
Turkey (Figure 3, opposite) illustrates this.
The current concept of designing for
Figure 2: A design solution to overcome building codes that restrict window openings to 100mm: there is a clinical efficiency is often based on the
100mm opening at low level and then a larger opening at high level, where the ceiling has been cut away to mantra that departmental adjacencies
give maximum height. This system is in use at Altnagelvin Hospital, Northern Ireland equal clinical efficiency. Unfortunately


22_PhilNedin.indd 24 14/04/2011 11:46

this has often pushed designers towards
deep-plan building solutions that, although
satisfying the basic building economics of
floor to wall and floor area ratios, tend
to significantly reduce the development
of natural daylight and clear wayfinding –
the former being essential to high-quality
environments and the latter being a
component in staff inefficiency.
If we develop further the clinical motives
for the mantra, we find staff travel distances
at both ward and interdepartmental
level at the heart of the logic. However,
modern ergonomic digital modelling as
part of an industrial logistics planning
approach should be used to consider
tasks undertaken; people movement and
separation; automated/robotic handling
systems; and the storage and distribution of
consumables, drugs and equipment.
Further components of the therapeutic
environment include the reduction
of hospital acquired infections (HAI), Figure 3: Brunel’s c.1855 design for a prefabricated field hospital in Renkioi, Turkey: with only
a single nurse on duty, 24 beds in a single room with a hospital ‘street’ in the middle was
thermal comfort, user control of their
then considered an optimum ward layout
environment, acoustically relaxing spaces,
calming artificial lighting, effective way-
finding, intuitive connections between
car parking and entrances etc, natural
daylight and patient privacy and dignity.
The ultimate goal for hospitals must be outcomes that are driven wholly by However, rather than concentrating
to create non-threatening environments for therapeutic environments and make them our initial focus of attention on the clinical
patients, a feeling of clinical confidence for scientifically repeatable. This is because no benefits to patients, perhaps we should be
carers and an environment that supports two patients are the same in the pre- or concentrating on improving staff morale.
high staff morale. post- treatment phase of their illness. If we After all, they are the ones deployed in
Currently a major discussion in many are to consider the financial justification highly stressful environments often in
countries developing their acute healthcare for creating therapeutic environments unfriendly shift systems. Perhaps we could
facilities is that of single room occupancy. then we would need a metric such as justify a number of the concepts in the
It is my view that their introduction is length of stay; however there is a weakness therapeutic environment by exploring
essential and is a major stepping-stone in this approach. In the mid 1970s when with the staff their needs. This may reduce
in the development of healthcare for the average length of stay (ALOS) in the sickness levels and improve staff morale, the
the future. Not only is the introduction UK was around 11 days, a 10% reduction former being a clear financial benefit while
beneficial to the therapeutic environment would have been worth the research effort, the latter being one of the foundations of
on the grounds of patient privacy, dignity but with the current UK ALOS at around patient care.
and infection control, it also represents 3.5 days the benefit of a 10% reduction (i.e
a sound planning basis for future clinical 3.5 hours) would be questionable, given About the author
needs where more therapies may be the disturbances in the normal clinical Phil Nedin is a director of Arup and its
delivered within the patient room. operational procedures. global healthcare business leader
The biggest challenge in this final element
of the sustainable framework is the financial
justification. Florence Nightingale’s book
Notes on Hospitals, originally printed in References
1. Nedin, P, Glanville, R, Sustainable Design for Health. before the National Association for the Promotion of Social
1857, discusses – perhaps for the first time Investing in Hospitals of the Future, European Observatory Science, at Liverpool, in October, 1858: with evidence given
– the need for a clinical ‘evidence base’.This on Health Systems and Policies; 2009. to the Royal Commissioners on the state of the army in
is something still being requested today, 2. Prasad, S ed, Changing Hospital Architecture. London: 1857 (1859).
RIBA Publishing; 2008.
based on improved clinical or financial 5. The British Hospital at Renkioi 1855. The Arup Journal,
3. Saving Carbon, Improving Health. NHS Sustainable July 1981
outcomes for any and all expenditure. It Development Unit; 2009. 6. Design for Human Performance. The Arup Journal,
is probably impossible to identify clinical 4. Nightingale, F. Notes on hospitals : being two papers read January 2010 WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 25

22_PhilNedin.indd 25 14/04/2011 11:46

Sustainable healthcare design

Intelligent life
Information technology can free hospitals and clinicians from
geographical restraints, and conserve an under-recognised
resource – skills. It’s time for designers to embrace its possibilities

ustainability is traditionally defined of healthcare facilities. However, building
in terms of the utilisation and automation and management systems
replenishment of a community’s are generally isolated from care and
natural resources. In this essay we extend operational management systems. This
this discussion to a human resource: the approach limits the capacity of a facility to
available healthcare personnel or, rather, optimise its operational environment in
the skills they provide. response to the clinical activity occurring
The way we develop the healthcare within it. This is wasteful of physical and
workforce to attend to a community’s natural resources and staff skills. Fortunately
needs and how their skills are applied (the there is a very promising emerging
‘model of care’) has a significant effect on trend: the integration of hospital building
Brendan Lovelock the design and operation of healthcare management and care management
Health practice lead, facilities. Unlike power, water and materials, systems with linked IT networks. This can
healthcare personnel not only provide a create intelligent environments, which are
Cisco Systems, Australia resource that allows a facility to function, ‘aware’ of the functions that occur within
they actively modulate how efficiently the them and can intelligently respond to
facility achieves its purpose. They are the patient needs and resource constraints.
main determinant of a healthcare facility’s
“The facilities we build outcomes and eco-efficiency. Skills as a limited resource
Models of care are undergoing profound As is the case with a number of renewable
now need to efficiently change. The introduction of clinical but constrained resources, the argument
use the clinical and information systems and the integration of for sustainable skills use is driven by the
patient biometrics (automated monitoring need to balance the social benefits against
operational skills that of patients), together with ubiquitous availability and cost. The healthcare skills
power them” collaboration technologies, mean that pool will be under intense pressure
the clinician is no longer bound to the over the next 40 years, with a significant
patient bedside for the delivery of care or increase in demand and a dwindling ability
to the same facility for consultation with to fund this increase.
peers. These fundamental changes impact As an example, the 2009 US national
hospital design.They enable a future where health expenditure is at $2.5 trillion (17.6%
the hospital is no longer constrained to a of GDP)1 rising to 19.6% of GDP by 2019.
given campus and care is not confined Overall, the OECD predictions show a
within its walls. Its function is not defined doubling of public spending worldwide
by the centralised geographic clustering on health and long-term care between
of facilities, but by the services that it 2004 and 20502. These trends are creating
coordinates and delivers throughout the enormous pressure to more efficiently
wider health system and the community. apply all our healthcare resources. At the
The evolution in patient care is mirrored same time as the cost of care is increasing
by a similar evolution in the management our ability to sustain this expenditure is


30_Brendan Lovelock.indd 26 14/04/2011 11:48

Figure 1: Sophisticated hospitals need sophisticated IT resources to achieve optimum efficiency. St Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim, Norway – a ‘digital hospital’ – features
automated, coordinated operating systems

decreasing. The old-age dependency ratio “The healthcare skills pool will be under
(population aged 65+ in comparison to
working aged population) is predicted to intense pressure over the next 40 years,
increase from around 12% of population with a significant increase in demand”
in 2010 to 25% of population in 20503.
This shift is accompanied by a significant
reduction in family size3 impacting the
availability of volunteer carers. The impact
of these trends is often exacerbated in
rural and remote communities by the
concentration of clinicians in major cities.
These changes fuel intense debate
on how the community will provide an
acceptable level of healthcare over the well-established processes for the tasks occupied in professional communications
next 40 years. The effective use of our each care provider undertakes. However, with other clinicians. The equivalent
increasingly constrained healthcare skills the way individuals assemble into teams numbers for nurses show that 49% of their
resources is an important element of that and the way these teams interact within time is spent in information gathering and
discussion, and the facilities we build now themselves and with other teams in the communicating, with 20% of their time5
need to most efficiently use the clinical and hospital community is far more fluid – and spent in professional communications.
operational skills that power them. it is strongly modulated by their access to Given this high dependency on direct
information and their ability to collaborate. communications and clinical information
Skills utilisation When you look at the tasks undertaken access, the efficient use of team members
How we assemble our available skills into by a physician, 78.4%4 of their work skills is strongly dependent on the
the required models of care is an important concerns information gathering or information processes that have been
contributor of hospital efficiency. There are communicating, while 33% of their time is established within the facility. WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 27

30_Brendan Lovelock.indd 27 14/04/2011 11:51

Sustainable healthcare design

of achieving the equivalent for face-to-face

interactions is only just beginning. These
real-time (synchronous) social mediated
interactions comprise a significant portion
of a clinician’s daily activity4,5. Allowing these
interactions to occur when and where they
are needed, independent of the physical
location of the clinician, is an important
element in enabling a clinician’s skills to be
more effectively utilised.
The use of mobile paging with wired
and wireless phone systems has allowed
clinicians to start this process of remote,
socially mediated information exchange.
However the need for clinicians to physically
see a patient for diagnosis together with
the inability to read the non-verbal cues
in a phone discussion with colleagues has
proved a significant a limitation for voice
communications. This is being addressed
through the introduction of high quality
clinical video.
The role of video in enhancing the
Figure 2, above: The ability to communicate
effectively via video will be especially beneficial quality of the learning experience has been
for smaller institutions and rural communities well studied in the intersecting theories
of Social Presence9, Media Richness10 and
Figure 3, left: St Olav’s, where a single network Media Naturalness11. As highlighted in the
integrates clinical information, patient internet Media Naturalness theory, evolution has
access and even lift prioritisation
heavily influenced our natural ability to
process and respond to the non-verbal
cues of others. From the first time we look
up and see our parents we are continually
conditioned to respond to the human face.
A significant portion of a practitioner’s
The transition to digitised their skills, reducing the need to search diagnosis is formed from the non-verbal
clinical information for information and allowing diagnostic cues provided by a patient. Access to the
Healthcare institutions have made significant processes to be more integrated with appropriate quality video and audio is
progress in providing easy access to shorter cycle times6. This leads to an important in conveying this information
clinical and operational data. Health IT has inherently more efficient operation and over a distance12.
changed from its historic role supporting better utilisation of clinical skills. While investigations into the application
operational and accounting processes to In spite of significant investment we are of video technology to virtualise clinical
playing an integral part of the diagnostic only partly through this transition. In the interaction have been extensive, their
and treatment process. This has freed US, only 10% of hospitals in a recent survey widespread application has progressed
asynchronous interactions with stored are confident of meeting the ‘meaningful rather slowly. Often this has been hampered
information (data interactions) from their use’ criteria for Electronic Medical Record by the cost of the technology, the limitations
traditional repositories of easily misplaced (EMR) penetration in 20117. However, IT is in networks and the availability of cost-
manila folders and hard-to-find filing now seen as an important foundation for effective internet connections13. Lower cost
cabinets. This trend has been accelerated improving health quality and efficiency: this video network infrastructure, broadband
by the development of wireless data access has led to more funding and an expectation and display devices are now attending to
and portable information display devices that hospitals will accelerate their progress these issues. We are now approaching a
such as COWs (Computers On Wheels), to digitised clinical information8. stage where we can realistically see a future
smart phones and tablet computing. in which ubiquitous video, linking care
The clinician now has the potential of The next challenge: ‘socially’ providers throughout many of the tasks
ubiquitous access to clinical information exchanged information they perform, will be the norm.
as well as sophisticated decision support While the process of connecting clinicians The impact on hospital design of freeing
tools. Progressing down this path has with information (data interactions) is data interactions and social interactions
enabled clinicians to more efficiently apply progressing well, the next major challenge from their traditional geographic boundaries


30_Brendan Lovelock.indd 28 14/04/2011 11:53

can be profound. Using these technologies, efficiency of their tasks is central to ensuring assess and respond to patient security
hospitals are already extending themselves the facility fully leverages its sustainable events using the mobile communication
into the home, with programmes allowing design potential. This coordination of devices that they currently employ for
patients to stay longer before going to activities within manifests itself in the clinical activities
hospitals and return from hospital sooner facility’s capability to: • coordinate lifts with the priority of the
after treatment14. They are also allowing patients and staff that need to use them
patients to be discharged to dedicated • manage the energy intensive functions • have catering that customises its
floors of hotels where they can receive within a hospital such that they are selections dependant on patients’
appropriate but lower cost care during modulated according to the patient and dietary requirements.
their convalescence15. These technologies staff demands
are allowing smaller care institutions, • localise HVAC and lighting so that An example of this type of
particularly in rural areas, to make better patients experience environments that implementation is St Olav’s digital hospital
decisions on the patients that can stay in are optimal for their recovery in Norway17,18. It has equipped every
their facilities and those that need to be • deliver hospital wayfinding that patient room with an IP-based patient
transferred to larger institutions12. recognises and responds to individual terminal that provides access to TV, radio,
patients’ requirements telephony, the internet, a special application
Many facilities, shared expertise • have security systems that are for dietary-appropriate food, nurse call,
These types of programmes will lead the interconnected with the hospital and control of room lighting, blinds and
way in allowing acute care hospitals to be information systems so that staff can temperature. These terminals also provide
able to treat sicker people effectively over
a shorter amount of time, leading to the
more effective use of their costly resources. “The impact on hospital design of freeing
This creates the opportunity for healthcare
infrastructure to be more broadly data and social interactions from their
integrated into the community, utilising geographic boundaries can be profound”
a range of care provider facilities more
closely matched to the acuity of the care
being provided. Rather than being a stand-
alone facility, in the future hospitals will be
part of a unified health enterprise across
multiple facilities, with shared information
and expertise.
These capabilities are an important
enabler of the ‘people-centered care’16
philosophy, the guiding tenet of many
hospital projects. The data sharing and
video technologies we have been discussing
encompass not only the care provider, but
also the patient and the patients’ support
community. As technologies allow care-
providers to network with their colleagues
and information sources, so they will also
enable the patient and his or her support
group to network their own resources.
Care can be more cost effectively moulded
to a patient’s needs, and be delivered in a
more socially supportive environment.

Operational systems
The ability to free clinical data and face-
to-face interactions from their geographic
locations is developing alongside a third
dimension of the digital hospital IT design,
the automation and coordination of the
facilities’ operating systems. The patient’s
and clinician’s ability to interact with
the building in a way that optimises the Figure 4: Advanced telehealth facilities can now make the doctor feel like they are in the room with the patient WORLD HEALTH DESIGN | April 2011 29

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Sustainable healthcare design

secure access to the hospital’s clinical Conclusion third dimension of IT impact is the ability to
information systems. Even the elevators Sustainable hospitals require not only the coordinate clinical skills with patient needs
can be prioritised for critical clinical events. efficient use of power, water and materials, and building operational systems. This will
All these applications run over a single but also of their clinical skills resources. enable the patient experience and resource
integrated IP network. There has been a dramatic transition of utilisation to be fully choreographed, and
It is not just the ability to manage these information systems in hospitals, where resource consumption to be optimised to
resources in isolation, but the increasing increasingly they have digitally enabled the desired quality of care output.
capability to choreograph all these resources their clinical data interactions. Access to Our emerging capability for remote
that is a new and exciting frontier in hospital information and decision-making tools has access to information and people,
design. This added level of control enables meant that data is virtualised – no longer integrated with a hospital’s operational
people-centred care to be designed into constrained to pages hanging at the foot of functions, allows the better use of our
the fabric of the building in a way that is a patient’s bed, but available to all who need increasingly scarce pool of healthcare skills.
aligned with the sustainable use of all the it. The next transition in health information Through better leveraging of this resource,
building’s resources. In these facilities, IT is occurring with the use of video and IT is now becoming a significant contributor
provides the intelligence to respond to collaboration technologies to virtualise to sustainable hospital design.
individual patient and staff needs. social interactions, so that clinicians can
gain access to care teams and patients, About the authors
Delivering the design independent of their physical location. This Brendan Lovelock is health practice lead for
The primary risk in delivering this vision in turn will enable new design options for Cisco Systems. This essay was co-authored
has two aspects. The first is the tendency hospitals, so that they can better leverage with Michael Boland, distinguished engineer
to consider IT later in the design process, the resources of their communities. The for Cisco Systems.
when the ability to influence design is low
and the cost of change is high19. Secondly,
there is a tendency to downsize the IT
plan as the project costs rise in the final “IT requires a higher priority in the early
stages the facility design, with the sentiment
that IT can be delivered at a later stage
design and final contract optimisation
in the project. However, this can lead to stages of a hospital build”
significantly higher total IT project costs
and sub-optimal facility performance.
Given its potential impact on the cost and
quality of care, information technology now
requires a higher priority in the early design
and final contract optimisation stages of a
hospital build.

1. US Department of Health and Human Services, ARRA_100509.pdf). Home Telehealth: The Systematic Implementation of
National Expenditure Data (accessed online at www. 8. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Health Informatics, Home Telehealth, and Disease view. Information Technology ( Management to Support the Care of Veteran Patients
asp#TopOfPage). 9. Matusitz, J, Breen, GM, Telemedicine: Its Effects on with Chronic Conditions, Telemedicine and e-Health.
2. Projecting OECD Health and Long-Term Care Health Communication. Health Communication, 21(1), December 2008, 14(10): 1118-1126. doi:10.1089/
Expenditures: What are the Main Drivers? OECD 73–83, 2007. tmj.2008.0021.
publication ECO/WKP(2006)5. 10. Daft, RL, and Lengel, RH, Organizational information 15. Hotels for New Mothers (accessed online at www.
3. United Nations World Population Prospects, 2008 requirements, media richness and structural design.
Revision (accessed online at Management Sci., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 554–571, 1986. mothers/story-e6freuzi-1111117025024).
4. Westbrook, J, Ampt A, Kearney L, Rob, M. All in a day’s 11. Kock, N, Media richness or media naturalness? The 16. Johnson, B, Abraham, M, Conway, J. Simmons, L,
work: An observational work measurement study to evolution of our biological communication apparatus and Edgman-Levitan, S, Sodomka, P, Schlucter, J, and Ford, D,
quantify how and with whom doctors on hospital wards its influence on our behavior toward e-communication Partnering with Patients and Families to design a Patient
spend their time. MJA 2008; 188 (9): 506-509. tools. IEEE Trans. Prof. Commun., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 117– and Family Centred Healthcare System; Institute for
5. Westbrook, J et al. Measuring the Impact of Health 130, June 2005. Family-Centered Care, April 2008
Information Technologies on Clinicians’ Patterns of Work 12. Wilson, LS, Stevenson, DR, Cregan, P. Telehealth 17. Cisco Connected Real Estate for Healthcare White
and Communication, MEDINFO 2007, K. Kuhn et al. on Advanced Networks, Telemedicine and e-Health. Paper (accessed online at
(Eds), IOS Press, 2007. January/February 2010, 16(1): 69-79. doi:10.1089/ docs/healthcare/CCREWhitePaper_r2_092807.pdf)
6. Prgomet, M., Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J., The Impact tmj.2009.0079. 18. Jan Røberg-Larsen, World of Health IT, Health
of Mobile Handheld Technology on Hospital Physicians’ 13. Jarvis-Selinger, S, Chan, E, Payne, R, Plohman, K, Ho, Conference 2010 (accessed online at www.
Work Practices and Patient Care: A Systematic Review; K, Clinical Telehealth Across the Disciplines: Lessons
Am Med Inform Assoc. 2009;16:792– 801. Learned, Telemedicine and e-Health. September 2008, 1-roberg-larsen.pdf)
7. Davis, MW, The State of U.S. Hospitals Relative 14(7): 720-725. doi:10.1089/tmj.2007.0108. 19. Cisco Connected Real Estate White Paper (accessed
to Achieving Meaningful Use Measurements 14. Darkins, A, Ryan, P, Kobb, R, Foster, L, Edmonson, online at at
(accessed online at E. Wakefield, B, Lancaster, AE, Care Coordination/ reviews/CCRE-WP2.pdf)


30_Brendan Lovelock.indd 30 14/04/2011 11:56

Challenge 2011 deadlines

Deadline for pre-proposal
10 June

Deadline for submission

24 June
of pre-qualification

Call for design proposals

A competition to design for HPLC by chosen
10 July

a ‘Health Promoting Lifestyle Deadline for submission

15 September
Centre’ in South Africa of design

Final evaluation by client

15 October
The Ministry of Health in South Africa and the International Academy for representative
Design and Health announces a major competition to design a ‘Health
Announcement of
Promoting Lifestyle Centre’ (HPLC) in South Africa.
competition winners at
These community HPLCs will focus mainly on primary healthcare, with 26 October
the Academy’s Cape Town
a strong focus on health promotion, wellness, education, preventative care symposium
and early intervention. This model could subsequently be extended across
sub-Saharan Africa.
Applicants shall demonstrate relevant in-depth experience and adequate
skill in infrastructure design in the healthcare arena. A proven track record
of successful, innovative healthcare facility design and planning is required.
The International Academy for Design and Health invites Statements
of Qualification to be sent by email to The
closing date is 24 June 2011. For full qualification details, see p10-11 in the
April issue of World Health Design.
Pre-submission enquiries should be sent by 10 June 2011 to Prof. Alan
Dilani, director general of the International Academy for Design & Health,

31_Africa_AD.indd 31 14/04/2011 12:41

PenoyrePrasad_AD.indd 1 14/04/2011 10:29

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