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MID-TERM TEST 2015-2016

Course: Phonetics & Phonology Test code: MIDPHON102
Course code: Credits: 02
Date: 5/10/2015 Time allocation: 40’
Name: …………………............... SCORE EXAMINER Code number
Class: ……………………………...
ID number:………………..............
Registration number:……………….

1. Examine the following data (2.5ms)

chicken [ "ÍIk@n ], ballet ["b&leI ]
Provide the description for the consonants and vowels in these forms by filling the blanks in
the tables below.
Place Bilabial Dental Labio- Alveolar Palato- Palatal Velar Glottal
Manner dental alveolar
- voice p t k ?
+ voice b d g
- voice Í
+ voice Ù
- voice T f s S h
+ voice D v z Z
Nasal m n N

Lateral l 5
Appro- w r j w

Word Consonant Voicing Place of articulation Manner of articulation

chicken Í
ballet b

Word Vowel Tongue part Tongue height Shape of lips Length Tenseness
chicken I
ballet &
2. Compare the careful speech and rapid speech pronunciation of the sound sequences
and provide the information suggested in the space of the table below
Careful Rapid speech Assimilatory Why the assimilatory process happens
speech Process
[@d "mIt] [@b "mIt]

[Di:z "jI@z] [ Di: Z I@z]

these years

[ In"kred@bl ] [ IN"kred@bl ]

3. Compare the careful speech and rapid speech pronunciation of the sound sequences
and provide the information suggested in the space of the table below
Careful Rapid speech Assimilatory Why the assimilatory process happens
speech Process
[ "hit ju: ]
hit you

["b&d "mAIs]
bad mice

[ fUt b:l ]

4. Provide examples of minimal pairs by filling the blanks in the table below
Sound Position Pair of words Transcription of minimal pairs

/t/-/d/ final

/p/-/b/ initial

5. Provide the phonemic transcription of the following utterance by filling in the blanks
provided in the table below
The study of speech sounds can be treated from two basic points of view.
The study of speech sounds can be treated from two basic points of view

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