The Bermuda Triangle

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The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is also known as Devils Triangle and Hurricane Alley. It is situated in a very
loosely defined western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Many ships and aircrafts have disappeared when travelling through this area and all are said to have
disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The most unsettling information about the
disappearances of these craft is that there have never been any distress signals reported. It is as if
they have simply vanished into thin air. Reports of these disappearances date back to the mid-
nineteenth century however there is no scientific evidence to back up the mysterious circumstances
side of the theory. More than likely the disappearances are related to geo-physical aspects such as
rogue waves, 100 foot waves that could easily eradicate all evidence of a boat or a plane. The area
where the Bermuda Triangle is situated is an area of the Atlantic Ocean where many storms meet
from different directions thus increasing the chance of these enormous waves. Many scientists also
attribute these disappearances to magnetic field abnormalities which could cause navigation
problems with the compasses of ships and aircraft causing them to get lost therefore using up
valuable fuel and leaving them stranded in turn making them more vulnerable to dangerous
situations. What continues to perplex people is that Navy ships and aircraft have disappeared over
this area, craft which one would expect to be captained by highly experienced pilots and captains
who are able to manage their fleets in all weather and environmental conditions.

Read the information at the link below and decide what you think could cause these ‘mysterious’

Bibliography and further reading.

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