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1. Viết câu bớt chán

- Dùng gerund
 Playing too much video games may lead users to a sedentary
- Thay thế chủ ngữ (danh từ chỉ người -> danh từ chỉ vật)
 A sendentary lifestyle is the result of/ consequence of playing too
much video games

2. Write sentences with complex structure

- Complex sentences:
+ Mở câu bằng Adv clauses: Although/ Because/ When,…
+ Dùng non-defining clause ở cuối câu: S-FV, which…
+ (Dùng correlative conjunctions (liên từ tương quan): Not only…, but
- Compound sentences:
+ Dùng coordinators (and/ or/ but)
+ Dùng Conjunctive adv: however/ therefore…
 Consuming food which is high in fat may cause some health
problems to young people; therefore, it can do harm to both their
physical and mental health.

3. Linking devices
- Nối giữa các câu trong 1 đoạn
+ Dùng this/ so/ such
 By doing this/so
 Thanks to this
 This tendency/ practice/ unhealthy habit
- Nối giữa topic ideas và supporting ideas
+ Supporting idea 1: One of them is that/ The first reasons is that
+ Supporting idea 2: Moreover/ Futhermore/ The next reason is that
4. Khi công thể khai triển development
- Cho ví dụ để develop idea: For example/ For instance…
- Contrasting idaed -> So sánh với quá khứ / nếu sự việc không tồn tại

- Dùng linking devices: this/ so/ such
- Đổi từ loại
- Đổi synonyms: Junk food – fast food/
- Generalization (khái quát hóa)
+ Teacher, doctor, banker -> job
+ Swimming -> sport
+ Car -> This means of transportation/ This personal vehicle
+ The Internet -> Technological advancement/ Invention
+ Smartphone -> Gadget/ Portable device
+ Travelling ->
+ City -> place/ area
+ Video games -> This form of entertainment
- Chi tiết hóa
+ Reading online newspapers -> Reading news on screen
+ Go to university -> Spend 3-4 years at university
+ Balanced diet -> Nutrious meal consiting of both meat & vegetables
+ Social media -> Platforms such as FB, Instagram, …
+ Internet users -> People who surf the Internet

6. How to come up with core idea

- Individual
- Family
- Company
- Society
- Government
- Environment
7. 40/60 (argue a topic)
Agree with the benefits
- Introduction
+ Paraphrase the question
+ Thesis statement:
 Although A may bring about certain neagtive impacts, these
are far outweighed by the benefits brought from this trend
- Body
+ Paragraph 1 (40)
 Topic sentence:
 Admittedly, A might cause harm to sth in a few different ways
+ Paragraph 2 (60)
 Topic sentence
 On the other hand, despite some afrorementioned
disadvantages, A offers a host of significant benefits
- Conclusion
 In conclusion, eventhough A may have some problems to sb,
the benefits in terms of … are more impactful & meaningful.
 Based on the presented arguments, I completely disagree/
agree with the proposed idea
Agree with the drawbacks
- Introduction
+ Paraphrase the question
+ Thesis statement:
 Although A may offer some advantages to sb, I believe they are
far outweighed by the potential disadvantages
- Body
+ Paragraph 1 (40)
 Topic sentence:
 Admittedly, A might offer some advantages to sb
+ Paragraph 2 (60)
 Topic sentence
 On the other hand, dispite the aforementioned positive
impacts, there are many drawbacks of doing sth
- Conclusion
 In conclusion, it is clear that the minor advantages gained from
A are escliped by the disadvantages relating to sth
 Based on the presented arguments, I completely disagree/
agree with the proposed idea
1. Video games
- Benefits:
+ An entertaining tool to unwind/ relax after a long day of studying
 Reduce their pressure of study, especially their score and exams
+ Develop their problem-solving skills
 Necesscary for their future jobs (brainstorm and make
appropriate decisions in a limited amount of time to achieve the
- Drawbacks
+ Being addicted
 Playing too much -> Lead them a sedentary lifestyle -> Health
problems: obesity

+ Lower their academic performance
 Spend too much time -> deprive them of studying time-> low
score -> in the long run: difficult to find stable job in the
competitive labor market

2. Living with parents while studying at university

- Benefits:
+ Don’t need to worry about life expenditure (accommodation
expenses, tuition fees)
 Totally focus on their schoolwork => better academic
performance -> better job opportunities
+ Offer more freedom & convenience
 Living on domitory (living with other people who have different
personalities) -> may have confict with them
- Drawbacks:
+ Rely on parents too much
 Their parents help them solve all their problems -> in the long run,
become independent and immature -> can’t overcome challenges
in thier future job & life
+ Family has intense relationship -> negatively affect their emotions
 Family members don’t get on well with each other -> usually have
conflict btw them -> feel stressed -> can’t focus on schoolwork ->
lower academic result

3. Taking part-time job while studying at university

Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Many countries in the world nowadays tend to intergrate with other cultures,
which considerably affects tourism. Therefore, there are countless forms of
toursim created to serve people’s demand, especially is international tourism.
Although travelling to other countries can bring about certain drawbacks to the
host community, these are far outweighed by the benefits brought from this

Admittedly, international tourism may cause harm to the environment in a few

different ways. One of them is that a lack of environmental awareness among
foreign visitors causes them to dispose of trash carelessly. By doing so, the natural
beauty or historical value of landscapes can be ruined which makes these
destinations less attractive to tourists. Moreover, due to the tendency to travel
abroad, many businesses exploit the natural resources and cut down the forests
to construct amusement zones in order to attract more tourists. As a result, this
can negatively affect natural habitat and requires the local government to do a lot
of work to conserve nature. 

On the other hand, despite some aforementioned drawbacks, this form of travel
offers a host of significant benefits. One of them is that the development of
international tourism creates many job opportunities for the locals. In other
words, those who live around tourist attractions could get employment in related
fields such as waiters, receptionists or tour guides, which enables them to earn a
better living. The second positive aspect is that it helps tourists broaden their
horizons and gain a better understanding of other cultures. For example,
exploring markets or food streets in Vietnam allows foreign visitors to experience
diverse cuisine with many specialties from different regions, which probably leave
a huge impression on them.

In conclusion, eventhough international tourism might have some problems to

the local environment, the benefits in terms of providing employment and
discovering different cultures are much more meaningful and impactful. Based on
these presented argument, I completely disagree with the proposed idea.
Ban sth -> be banned
Prohibit sb from doing sth
Cause sb to do sth
Cause sth to sb
Allow sb to do sth
Enable sb to do sth
Lead sb to do sth
Lead sb to sth
Deprive sb of sth (lấy hết của ai đó thứ j)
Result from = stem from

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