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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 52 (2022) 101126

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What drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge? A

stimulus-organism-response perspective
Shasha Zhou, Tingting Li, Shuiqing Yang *, Yuangao Chen
School of Information Management and Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China


Keywords: With the prosperity of the online knowledge payment market, obtaining knowledge through purchasing has
Online paid knowledge become increasingly popular. The purpose of this paper is to determine the key factors that influence consumers’
Stimulus-organism-response knowledge payment intention. While previous research has separately investigated the impacts of knowledge
Perceived value
platform-, product-, contributor-, or seeker-level factors, we draw upon the stimulus-organism-response frame­
Purchase intention
Neural network analysis
work and propose an integrated model that simultaneously considers all these levels. A multi-analytical approach
that combines structural equation modeling (SEM) and neural network analysis is proposed to determine the
significant predictors and their relative importance. Through an analysis of survey data from 450 Chinese re­
spondents, our SEM results indicate that knowledge platform interactivity and information quality, knowledge
rareness, knowledge contributor professionalism and charisma positively influence consumers’ knowledge
payment intention through the mediation of consumer perceived value. Our neural network analysis further
reveals that knowledge contributor professionalism is the strongest predictor.

1. Introduction attention from both academics and practitioners (Zhang et al., 2019;
Zhang et al., 2020a). Early research has primarily focused on the driving
Knowledge has been one of the most competitive resources in today’s factors of payment behavior for online content and services, such as
knowledge economy. People’s eagerness to pursue high-quality infor­ online music (Lin et al., 2013; Regner, 2015; Weijters et al., 2014), e-
mation/knowledge and the development of information technologies books (Zhang et al., 2017), online news (Goyanes, 2014; Goyanes et al.,
have contributed to the emergence of the knowledge payment industry 2021; Lee et al., 2017), digital journalism (O’Brien et al., 2020), and
worldwide in recent years (Qi et al., 2019). The development trend of online health consulting (Gong et al., 2021; Wan et al., 2020; Yang et al.,
this industry in China is particularly remarkable. According to data 2015). Only recently has a small but growing body of research begun to
released by iiMedie research1, the knowledge payment market scale has understand consumers’ payment behavior for knowledge products,
reached 39.2 billion RMB in 2020 and is expected to reach 67.5 billion which possess numerous specific features that differ from online con­
RMB in 2021, indicating that knowledge payment is becoming a tents and services so that the findings of this literature may not apply
promising industry. The essence of knowledge payment is to monetize (Cai et al., 2020). The extant literature has considered the factors of
knowledge, or convert knowledge, into tradable products or services, so knowledge contributors, such as perceived credibility and likability (Shi
that knowledge seekers can efficiently acquire specific knowledge et al., 2020), perceived trust and reputation (Zhao et al., 2018), and
through payment while knowledge contributors are stimulated to pro­ social capital (Liu and Feng, 2018); the factors of knowledge products,
duce high-quality content to realize economic value (Zhang et al., 2019). such as price and popularity of knowledge (Liu and Feng, 2018); the
The patterns of knowledge products vary, such as paid Q&As, live ses­ factors of knowledge platforms, such as perceived information quality
sions, paid courses and columns, offline appointments, and community (Li et al., 2017); and the factors of knowledge seekers, such as perceived
services, which can meet different knowledge needs (Qi et al., 2019). value, task-driven, and subjective norms (Li et al., 2017; Su et al., 2019;
With the increasing prosperity of the knowledge payment market, Zhao et al., 2020), to explain consumers’ willingness to pay for knowl­
online knowledge payment has received an increasing amount of edge products. However, the effects of knowledge platform-,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Yang).
Received 31 March 2021; Received in revised form 15 January 2022; Accepted 25 January 2022
Available online 31 January 2022
1567-4223/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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contributor-, product-, or seeker-level factors have primarily been including platform interactivity, knowledge rareness, knowledge
considered in isolation, which may produce misleading inferences contributor professionalism, and knowledge contributor charisma,
because consumers cannot directly judge the quality of knowledge which have not been explored in previous studies. Third, this study
products that are experience products in nature but make purchase de­ proposes a multi-analytical approach that combines SEM and neural
cisions utilizing various information from knowledge platforms, networks, which enhances our understanding of what factors influence
knowledge products, and knowledge contributors (Cai et al., 2020; and predict consumer knowledge purchase intention and their relative
Zhang et al., 2020b; Zhao et al., 2018). However, few studies have importance.
addressed how knowledge seekers process these sources of information The remainder of this study is structured as follows. Section 2 pre­
and how this process affects their purchase behavior (Qi et al., 2019). sents the theoretical background regarding the S-O-R theoretical
To address the above mentioned research gap, this study is motivated framework. Section 3 presents the theoretical research model and
to propose an integrated model to explain what drives consumers’ research hypotheses, followed by research methodology and data
knowledge payment intention. Specifically, we draw on the stimulus- collection in section 4. The results of data analysis are presented in
organism-response (S-O-R) framework as our theoretical lens, which section 5, and finally the discussions and implications are presented in
posits that environmental cues that act as stimuli affect consumers’ in­ section 6.
ternal cognitive and/or affective states, which affect their behavioral
responses (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974). Consistent with this view, we 2. Theoretical background
propose that the factors of knowledge platforms, knowledge products,
and knowledge contributors as stimuli will affect knowledge seekers’ 2.1. S-O-R model
perceived value of knowledge products and finally affect their purchase
intention. Particularly, in this study, we focus on the interactivity and The S-O-R model, which is rooted in the field of environmental
information quality of knowledge platforms, the rareness and person­ psychology, describes a process in which external environmental factors
alization of knowledge products, and the professionalism and personal functioning as stimuli (S) affect individuals’ internal cognitive and af­
charisma of knowledge contributors as environmental stimuli. As we fective state (O), which affects their behavioral response (R) (Mehrabian
will subsequently describe, these stimuli are expected to influence and Russell, 1974). The S-O-R model considers three elements viz.
consumers’ perceived value and their knowledge payment behavior but stimulus, organism, and response. The stimulus element is regarded as
have rarely been considered in previous studies. In addition, existing the external force that affects the internal state of the organism (Peng
literature on the prediction of knowledge payment behavior examines and Kim, 2014). The organism element is individuals’ cognitive and
only linear relationships among variables, which may oversimplify the affective state, which manifests the process in intermediate environ­
complex purchase decision-making process (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., mental stimuli and individuals’ behavioral responses. The response
2018). To overcome this shortcoming, the relative importance of the element is an outcome of behavior, representing individuals’ actions in
significant factors will be determined. The study aims to answer the response to their internal state.
following research questions: The S-O-R model has been widely applied in the study of online
RQ1: How do the factors of the knowledge platform, knowledge consumer behavior, such as online impulse buying behavior, online
product, and knowledge contributor induce consumers’ value percep­ learning, e-commerce and social media usage intention (Friedrich et al.,
tions and ultimately influence their purchase intention of online 2019; Huang, 2016; Lin et al., 2021). For example, based on the S-O-R
knowledge products? framework, Emir et al. (2016) proposed web-related factors as stimuli
RQ2: What is the relative influence of the factors identified in RQ1? that were found to influence perceived value (organism) and ultimately
Empirically, to address the above mentioned research questions, two online hotel booking intention (response). Using the S-O-R model, Cho
analytic methods are implemented to analyze the survey data collected et al. (2019) proposed that environmental stimuli from the character­
from 450 Chinese knowledge payment users. Structural equation istics of products (i.e., smartwatches) influence owners’ internal expe­
modeling (SEM) is employed to determine which factors have a signif­ riences and subsequently impact their psychological response (i.e.,
icant influence on consumers’ purchase intention of online knowledge product attachment). Kaur et al. (2017) applied the S-O-R model to
products through the mediation of perceived value, while a neural investigate how vendor cues as stimuli affect consumers’ trust and
network is employed to rank the relative influence of significant pre­ attitude and affect their purchase intention. These studies confirmed
dictors obtained by SEM. This two-stage SEM-neural network approach that the characteristics of platforms/websites, products, and vendors/
will provide a richer understanding of online knowledge payment contributors can be considered environmental stimuli that will influence
behavior. Our SEM results indicate that the interactivity and informa­ consumers’ internal state (e.g., perceived value, emotion, attitude.) and
tion quality of the knowledge platform, the rareness of the knowledge their behavioral response (e.g., purchase behavior or intention). Hence,
product, and the professionalism and personal charisma of the knowl­ we believe that the S-O-R framework is well suited for examining con­
edge contributor positively affect consumers’ perceived value of the sumer behavior in the context of online knowledge payment. Drawing
knowledge product, which positively affects their purchase intention. on the S-O-R model, we attempt to investigate how stimuli from
Our neural network model results further indicate that the profession­ knowledge platforms, knowledge products, and knowledge contributors
alism of knowledge contributors is the most important predictor of affect consumers’ perceived value, and consequently, their purchase
purchase intention of knowledge products, followed by platform infor­ intention of online knowledge products.
mation quality, platform interactivity, knowledge rareness and knowl­
edge contributor charisma. These findings have important practical 2.2. Platform, knowledge, and contributor characteristics as stimuli (S)
implications for knowledge platform managers and knowledge
contributors. Knowledge payment platforms create connections between knowl­
The contribution of our study to the literature on online knowledge edge seekers and contributors, allowing seekers to communicate and
payment behavior is threefold. First, we propose a coherent and interact with contributors to obtain knowledge through payment.
comprehensive theoretical model to understand consumers’ purchase Knowledge payment is a new pattern of information interaction. We
intention of online paid knowledge. While the literature has focused on focus on platform interactivity and information quality as two important
assessing the impacts of knowledge platform-, product-, contributor-, or stimuli from the platform. Interactivity and information quality are two
seeker-level factors in isolation, we simultaneously consider the factor of of the dimensions most frequently employed by researchers to measure
these levels. Second, we extend the existing literature by identifying the quality of a platform design, which has a considerable effect on
several novel predictors of consumers’ knowledge purchase intention, consumers’ purchase decision-making (Huang and Benyoucef, 2017).

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Interactivity refers to the platform’s ability to reciprocally and syn­ knowledge products.
chronously facilitate individual active control and personal communi­
cation (Liu, 2003). A high level of platform interactivity allows 2.3. Perceived value as organism (O)
knowledge seekers to efficiently communicate with the platform,
knowledge contributors, and other users. Information quality refers to Perceived value has been identified as a key factor in the explanation
the quality of information content provided by a website, which can be of consumer behavior (Lin et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021). Perceived value
assessed by the degree of relevance, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, refers to a consumer’s total assessment of the utility of a product (or
and consistency of information (Tam and Oliveira, 2016). High-quality service) based on perceptions of what is received and what is given
information can help knowledge seekers formulate a good understand­ (Hsiao and Chen, 2016) . Specifically, perceived value is a tradeoff be­
ing of knowledge products. As knowledge products are experience tween benefits (e.g., information quality, money savings, convenience,
goods, knowledge seekers face serious information asymmetry problems and enjoyment) and sacrifices (e.g., fees, privacy risks, and efforts) in
that negatively impact purchase behavior (Fang et al., 2021). Inter­ transactions (Shaw and Sergueeva, 2018). For a specific product or
activity and information quality have essential roles in eliminating the service, perceived value will increase when consumers believe that the
information asymmetry problem, but few studies have addressed how benefits outweigh the sacrifices. The value perception represents the
consumers respond to these two stimuli in the knowledge payment psychological (cognitive and affective) process of consumers when
context. Hence, an investigation of these two characteristics of knowl­ making purchase decisions, which can mediate between external stimuli
edge platforms has significance. and consumer responses (Molinillo et al., 2021). Perceived value has
In addition to platform characteristics, product features as stimuli been frequently considered the internal response of organisms in studies
are also considered. Although the knowledge payment industry in China based on the S-O-R model. For example, Chopdar and Balakrishnan
has developed rapidly in recent years, many problems still exist, with (2020) discovered that perceived value as an organism is the key factor
content homogeneity being a major problem (Zhang et al., 2019). affecting customers’ consumption behavior. Based on this discussion, we
However, it remains unknown whether and how content homogeneity focus on perceived value as the organism (O).
or heterogeneity will affect consumers’ knowledge payment decisions.
In this study, we focus on two unique features of online paid knowledge 2.4. Purchase intention as response (R)
products, namely, knowledge rareness and knowledge personalization,
both of which reflect the degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity of Purchase intention reflects consumers’ subjective tendency to pur­
knowledge content. Knowledge rareness refers to the perceived scarcity chase products and services (Zhu et al., 2020). In the literature, intention
of the knowledge product in the online paid knowledge market. In the is often applied as a proxy for behavior (Morwitz and Munz, 2021).
field of modern economics, rareness refers to resources that are owned Moreover, intention has been frequently treated as a response factor in
by a few people or organizations, and rare resources will become the studies based on the S-O-R model (Moon et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2020).
basis of sustainable development competition (Barney, 1991). Similarly, Therefore, in the context of online knowledge payment, we focus on
knowledge products with high rareness will be perceived as different purchase intention as consumers’ behavioral response to their value
from other knowledge products. Knowledge personalization refers to the perception of knowledge products evoked by environmental stimuli
extent to which paid knowledge is tailored to consumers’ personal in­ from knowledge platforms, knowledge products, and knowledge
terest or needs (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). Personalization aims contributors.
to meet different customers’ preferences and personal needs and
improve the social aspects of websites (Huang and Benyoucef, 2015; 3. Conceptual framework and hypotheses
Zhang et al., 2014). Due to content homogeneity in the knowledge
payment market, both rareness and personalization of knowledge The research model is presented in Fig. 1. Drawing on the S-O-R
products can be important stimuli that may affect consumers’ knowl­ model, we propose that the characteristics of knowledge platforms (i.e.,
edge payment decisions. platform interactivity and information quality), knowledge products (i.
The other most important stimuli that attract consumers are the e., knowledge rareness and personalization), and knowledge contribu­
characteristics of knowledge contributors. This study focuses on the tors (i.e., contributor professionalism and charisma), which function as
professionalism and personal charisma of knowledge contributors, as environmental stimuli, positively affect consumers’ perceived value and
these two aspects reflect knowledge contributors’ common competency their purchase intention. The theoretical underpinnings of our proposed
(fundamental knowledge and skills) and distinctive competency (per­ hypotheses are elucidated here.
sonal characteristics), respectively (Brownell and Goldsmith, 2006). The
professionalism of knowledge contributors reflects their professional 3.1. Stimuli and organism
knowledge and skills in a specific field (Okas et al., 2014). In e-com­
merce transactions, ability is an important indicator for measuring the 3.1.1. Platform interactivity
service quality of sellers, and consumers are willing to choose sellers The literature differs regarding how interactivity is defined. Prior
with good service quality (Ahn et al., 2004). Because knowledge seekers studies have conceptualized interactivity mainly from three perspec­
pay to acquire high-quality knowledge, the ability or professionalism of tives: a process of information exchange, a feature of technology, or
knowledge contributors becomes a reference for seekers to judge the users’ perceptions of technology-based experience (Ariel and Avidar,
quality of products (Zhao et al., 2018). Charisma is a special personal 2015; Hu et al., 2016). In our study, we consider the perception-based
quality that enables an individual to have an impact on others by view, as it allows us to study from a consumer perspective while tak­
affecting their feelings, emotions, and behaviors (Reh et al., 2017). In­ ing into account platform features. Consistent with prior studies (Hu
dividuals possessing charisma tend to be inspirational, influential, et al., 2016; Huang, 2012), we define interactivity as the extent to which
attractive to others, and to be characterized as brilliant and effective consumers perceive a platform to be interactive in terms of interpersonal
communicators (Williams et al., 2018). As paid knowledge is transferred communication with other users and information exchange on the
to consumers through the communication of knowledge contributors, platform. The platform feature of interactivity provides consumers with
the charisma of knowledge contributors can be an important feature many advantages, such as allowing consumers to have synchronous and
affecting consumers’ cognitive and affective response and subsequent reciprocal interactions with other users (Gu et al., 2013); facilitating
behavior. Although the professionalism and charisma of knowledge consumers to participate in a variety of activities (Sreejesh et al., 2020);
contributors are important stimuli for knowledge seekers, few studies and increasing consumer involvement, social presence, and sense of
have examined their effects on consumers’ payment behavior for control over the information exchange (Sicilia et al., 2005; Song and

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Fig. 1. Research model.

Bucy, 2008), which engage consumers in the online platforms and give 3.1.3. Knowledge rareness
them the opportunity to fully utilize their cognitive resources to process The concept of rareness can be traced to strategic management
information (Jiang et al., 2016). The effective user-to-user and user-to- literature, in which rareness refers to some strategic assets that are only
system interactions will not only increase consumers’ shopping inter­ controlled and owned by a few competitive companies and that are
est but also satisfy consumers’ sense of participation. The pleasant difficult for competitors to obtain (Barney, 1991). We extend the
experience through interaction helps to maintain a good relationship concept of rareness to the context of online paid knowledge and define
with consumers and form consumers’ value perception. As a perception- knowledge rareness as the degree to which consumers perceive the
related variable, interactivity is shown to affect consumers’ value per­ scarcity of the paid knowledge or how distinctive it is relative to other
ceptions (Newhagen, 2004). For example, in the e-shopping environ­ knowledge products in the online paid knowledge market. It is reason­
ment, Yoo et al. (2010) confirmed that platform interactivity features able to assume that the primary purpose of knowledge payment is to
have important impacts on consumer hedonic value and utilitarian obtain rare knowledge that cannot be easily obtained in the free market.
value. In the online hotel booking context, Abdullah et al. (2016) The perceived rareness of knowledge can transmit a signal that the
documented that website interactivity positively influences individuals’ knowledge has high quality and high value. This view is supported by
perceived value. Hence, we predict that, in the context of online paid the commodity theory of Brock (1968), which states that scarcity in­
knowledge, when consumers perceive the level of platform interactivity creases the value of anything that can be possessed. Hence, we argue
to be higher, their perceived value of knowledge products will be that the rareness of paid knowledge is positively related to consumers’
enhanced. As such, we propose the following hypothesis: perceived value of the knowledge. Previous studies have shown that
H1: Platform interactivity positively affects the perceived value of product rareness increases consumers’ perceived value. For example,
online paid knowledge. Wu and Lee (2016) proposed that product scarcity is closely associated
with uniqueness and distinctiveness perception, which increases con­
3.1.2. Platform information quality sumers’ purchase intentions. As Brock (1968, p.246) claimed that “any
Information quality is used to measure the extent to which a system commodity will be valued to the extent that it is unavailable”, we argue
provides useful and important information to users, which includes the that the rarer the paid knowledge is, the higher the value of paid
accuracy, relevance, effectiveness and completeness of information knowledge perceived by consumers. Therefore, we propose the
content (Kim, 2005). The quality of information provided by platforms following hypothesis:
has significance for consumers’ perception of the quality of product/ H3: Knowledge rareness positively affects the perceived value of
service, which is positively related to perceived value (Kim and Niehm, online paid knowledge.
2009). Higher information quality can make consumers formulate a
higher evaluation of products or services. As Ahn et al. (2007) stated, the 3.1.4. Knowledge personalization
higher the quality of information, the more happiness and positive Knowledge personalization, which refers to the extent to which paid
behavior intention can be stimulated. The positive association between knowledge is tailored to consumers’ personal interest or needs (Ado­
platform/website information quality and consumers’ value perception mavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005), is assumed to be positively associated
has been validated. For instance, Zheng et al. (2013) found that infor­ with perceived value. Empirical evidence indicates that when person­
mation quality is positively related to perceived individual benefits and alized services are offered, perceived service quality and consumer
user satisfaction. In the study of loyalty to websites, Pearson et al. (2012) satisfaction will increase (Chung et al., 2020). The value and experience
determined that perceived website information quality has a positive provided by personalization explain why individuals favor it (Lee et al.,
effect on perceived value. We argue that in the context of online paid 2012). Through personalization, knowledge contributors can better
knowledge, the value perception of consumers will increase if the plat­ meet consumers’ specific demands, which enables consumers to have a
form provides higher-quality information to better satisfy consumers’ more enjoyable and effortless experience (Lee, 2015). The positive
information needs. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis: impact of personalization on perceived value has been confirmed by
H2: Platform information quality affects the perceived value of on­ existing studies. For example, Wang et al. (2020) verified that person­
line paid knowledge. alized m-government services significantly enhance the perception
value of users. Liang et al. (2009) discovered that compared with non­
personalized customer service, personalized customer service can

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produce higher usefulness and value. Aw et al. (2019) also confirmed the exceeds the price they pay, they may repeat this transaction (Liu and
positive relationship between perceived personalization and perceived Jang, 2009). Similarly, in the context of online paid knowledge, when
value in the context of on-demand ride-sharing services. Therefore, consumers perceive the value of knowledge products to be higher, they
based on this discussion, we propose the following hypothesis: are more likely to pay for the knowledge. In the literature, consumers’
H4: Knowledge personalization positively affects the perceived value value perception of products has been identified as a key factor affecting
of online paid knowledge. purchase decisions (Liu et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2021). For example,
Hwang and Griffiths (2017) reported that young consumers’ value
3.1.5. Knowledge contributor professionalism perceptions positively influence their intention to adopt collaborative
Professionalism refers to a knowledge contributor’s professional consumption services. Chen and Lin (2019) verified the positive rela­
knowledge, skills, and abilities in a specific field to provide high-quality tionship between perceived value and consumer purchase behavior in
products or services for users. Ability is an essential indicator for the context of social media marketing. Therefore, we propose the
measuring service quality, and knowledge seekers are more willing to following hypothesis:
choose knowledge contributors with high ability to obtain high-quality H7: Perceived value positively affects the purchase intention of on­
knowledge and reduce risks (Zhao et al., 2018). Patil and Lee (2015) line paid knowledge.
confirmed that the quality of answers provided by experts is higher than
that of nonexperts. The contributors with a higher level of profession­ 3.3. Control variables
alism can better understand consumers’ interests and needs and are
capable of effectively meeting their needs. If consumers perceive that To assess the proposed research model, several control variables
the provided knowledge is professional and useful, their value percep­ were included to account for other concerns. In the literature, user
tion is likely to be improved. The positive relationship between profes­ experience has been widely acknowledged to have an important role in
sionalism and perceived value has been confirmed in other contexts. For shaping user behaviors, and thus, may influence online knowledge
example, Sweeney et al. (1997) found that the knowledge of a salesman payment behavior. Hence, we controlled for consumers’ prior experi­
positively affects consumers’ value perception in the context of retail ence of online knowledge payment. Demographic characteristics, such
services. In a study of the effects of microblog opinion leaders on con­ as age, gender, and education status, which may influence consumers’
sumers’ purchase intention, Li et al. (2018) observed that opinion online paid knowledge purchase intention, were also included as control
leaders’ professional knowledge positively impacts the perceived value variables.
of consumers. Based on this discussion, we propose the following
hypothesis: 4. Research methodology
H5: Knowledge contributor professionalism positively affects the
perceived value of online paid knowledge. 4.1. Sample and data collection

3.1.6. Knowledge contributor charisma A questionnaire survey was developed to test the research model.
Charisma refers to the ability of a knowledge contributor to be a good The survey consisted of two parts. The first part covered the issues of
communicator who is inspiring, visionary, honest, and reliable and can screening, knowledge payment experience, and demographics. In the
attract consumers’ attention and be dominant in uncertain situations first part, respondents were asked whether they had experienced any
(Tkalac Verčič, 2014). Unlike traditional product or service experience, paid knowledge services in China, such as paid courses (e.g., Tencent
consumers obtain paid knowledge from the communication of knowl­ classroomand Netease cloud classroom), health consultation (e.g., Good
edge contributors. Charismatic contributors have strong communication doctor and Doctor Chunyu), Zhihu paid consulting and Zhihu live lec­
skills to attract consumers’ attention, engage consumers in conversation, ture. Respondents with knowledge payment experience were asked
successfully read consumers’ feelings and reactions, and determine if about their usage experiences of knowledge platforms and demographic
consumers understand the knowledge content (Williams et al., 2018) . information. In the second part, respondents were asked to recall their
This ability to be responsive to consumers’ needs enhances consumers’ experience on a particular online paid knowledge platform to rate their
perception of service quality, while service quality is the key antecedent level of agreement with the statements of items (refer to Appendix B).
of customers’ perceived value (Molinillo et al., 2021). Patzer (1983) The questionnaire was prepared following an extensive literature re­
pointed out that products are easier to accept if product providers are view. The first version of the questionnaire was initially constructed in
more charismatic and attractive. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume English and then was translated into Chinese by two researchers who
that knowledge contributor charisma can positively influence con­ were familiar with both English and Chinese, and subsequently, the
sumers’ value perception of paid knowledge. This relationship is also Chinese version was back-translated into English to ensure consistent
supported by prior studies. For example, Wiedmann and von Metten­ accuracy. To ensure the reliability and validity of the scales, a pilot test
heim (2020) found that the attractiveness of an influencer positively was administered to 70 respondents who used an online knowledge
influences brand satisfaction, image and trust. In the context of online platform. Minor modifications were made to the items based on the pilot
paid knowledge, we argue that if consumers perceive the knowledge results before we carried out the formal survey.
contributor to be more charismatic, their perceived value of the paid A formal online questionnaire was distributed through widely uti­
knowledge tends to be higher. Based on this discussion, the following lized social media tools such as WeChat, Tencent QQ, and Weibo, to
hypothesis is proposed: users who had used online paid knowledge platforms in China. After
H6: Knowledge contributor charisma positively affects the perceived checking all the questionnaires, we removed those completed by users
value of online paid knowledge. with no experience of online paid knowledge and those completed by
users who provided the same answer to all questions. As a result, we
3.2. Organism and response obtained 450 valid responses for our data analysis. We examined
nonresponse bias by comparing the means of all variables and de­
3.2.1. Perceived value and purchase intention mographics for early and late respondents. No significant differences
The literature has identified the importance of perceived value to were obtained, indicating that nonresponse bias was not present in our
develop a long-term relationship with consumers (Lin et al., 2021). study. The sample demographics are summarized and presented in Ap­
Obtaining value is a foundational purchase goal for consumers and has a pendix A.
pivotal role in the success of transactions (Cai and Xu, 2006). If con­
sumers perceive that what they obtain from the product or service

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4.2. Instrument model to rank their relative influence.

There are two widely used methods of SEM, namely, covariance-
The survey measures for the model constructs were adapted from based SEM (e.g., AMOS, EQS, LISREL, and CALIS) and variance-based
prior studies and contextualized for online knowledge payment setting. SEM (e.g., SmartPLS, Visual PLS, and PLS-Graph) (Leong et al., 2020).
The measures for platform interactivity were adapted from Choi et al. Previous research has highlighted several differences between the two
(2019) and Ye et al. (2019), and platform information quality adapted methods that can be used to guide the choice of which method to adopt
from Lee et al. (2019). The measured items for knowledge rareness were (Reinartz et al., 2009). In this study, we adopted the variance-based
adapted from Pérez-Nordtvedt et al. (2008), and knowledge profes­ approach of partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) to assess both the
sionalism adapted from Xu et al. (2011). The measures for knowledge measurement model and structural model using SmartPLS 3 software.
contributor professionalism were adapted from Liu et al. (2018), and PLS-SEM is suitable for the present study due to the following reasons.
knowledge contributor charisma adapted from Ingenhoff and Klein First, the normality of the data distribution was examined by the
(2018) and Reysen (2005). Perceived value was measured using a four- Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and the result shows that the data
item scale adapted from Kuo et al. (2009), and purchase intention was in our study are not normally distributed. Therefore, PLS-SEM is more
measured following Peng et al. (2019). All items were measured using 7- appropriate as it makes no restrictive assumptions regarding the distri­
point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly butions of the data, and is robust against non-normal distribution (Leong
agree). Details about these scales can be found in Appendix B. et al., 2020; Reinartz et al., 2009). Second, since we aim to explore the
effects of several newly proposed factors on consumers’ knowledge
5. Data analysis and results payment intention, our research model is not a confirmatory one. PLS-
SEM is thus considered to be more suitable as it is particularly useful
Following the procedures of existing studies (Ding et al., 2019; for theory development and estimating exploratory relationships, while
Sharma et al., 2017), we employed a multi-analytical approach by covariance-based SEM is better suited for theory testing and confirma­
combining SEM and neural network analysis to examine the factors tion (Dash and Paul, 2021; Reinartz et al., 2009).
influencing consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge
and identify their relative importance. SEM is a causal modeling tech­
nique that is capable of estimating causal effects, and thus is often 5.1. Measurement model
applied to verify proposed research model and hypotheses. However, it
can only detect linear relationships among variables, which may over­ We used internal reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant
simplify the complexity of purchase decision-making processes (Abu­ validity to assess the quality of measurement model (Hair et al., 2017).
bakar et al., 2019). In contrast, neural network modeling is capable of Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability (CR) were applied to mea­
capturing both linear and nonlinear complex relationships and sure the internal reliability of the constructs. The results in Table 1 show
providing higher prediction accuracy than linear models (e.g., SEM). that both the values of Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability of
However, due to its “black box” nature, it is not suitable for causality each construct exceed the recommended minimum of 0.7, suggesting
analysis and hypothesis testing (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2018). each construct has great internal reliability (Gefen et al., 2000).
Therefore, to complement the advantages of SEM and neural network, a Convergence validity was used to measure the degree of correlations
two-stage approach was adopted where SEM was firstly used to verify across the constructs. It was measured by checking the values of item
the validity of causality and then the significant predictors obtained loadings and average variance extracted (AVE). The values of item
from SEM analysis were used as input variables to the neural network loadings and AVE (as shown in Table 1) are above the recommended
values of 0.7 and 0.5 respectively, indicating good convergent validity

Table 1
Results of reliability and validity.
Construct Item Loading Cronbach’s alpha CR AVE

Platform interactivity (PI) PI1 0.839 0.860 0.905 0.705

PI2 0.881
PI3 0.839
PI4 0.798
Platform informationquality (PIQ) PIQ1 0.865 0.874 0.913 0.725
PIQ2 0.860
PIQ3 0.860
PIQ4 0.820
Knowledge rareness (KR) KR1 0.898 0.881 0.927 0.808
KR2 0.899
KR3 0.899
Knowledge personalization (KP) KP1 0.906 0.892 0.933 0.822
KP2 0.914
KP3 0.900
Knowledge contributorprofessionalism (KCP) KCP1 0.884 0.856 0.913 0.777
KCP2 0.909
KCP3 0.850
Knowledge contributorcharisma (KCC) KCC1 0.780 0.811 0.889 0.727
KCC2 0.913
KCC3 0.860
Perceived value (PV) PV1 0.844 0.876 0.915 0.729
PV2 0.873
PV3 0.852
PV4 0.845
Purchase intention (PINT) PINT1 0.901 0.889 0.931 0.818
PINT2 0.915
PINT3 0.896

Note: CR = composite reliability, AVE = average variance extracted.

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(Gefen et al., 2000). Table 3

Discriminant validity was used to test the internal consistency of Hypotheses results.
variables. We measured discriminant validity by comparing the corre­ Hypothesis Path Path coefficient T P Remarks
lations across constructs and the square root of the AVE of each (β) value value
construct. As shown in Table 2, the square root of AVE for each construct H1 PI → PV 0.211 2.87 0.004 Supported
is higher than the correlations across constructs, which suggests suffi­ H2 PIQ → PV 0.249 3.46 0.000 Supported
cient discriminant validity. In addition, the item loadings of each factor H3 KR → PV 0.173 3.42 0.000 Supported
are higher than its cross-loadings on other factors (refer to Appendix C), H4 KP → PV 0.039 0.79 0.432 Not
further supporting satisfactory discriminant validity of all constructs. H5 KCP → 0.132 2.17 0.030 Supported
As our variables were obtained through a single collection method, PV
there may exist the problem of common method bias (CMB). In line with H6 KCC → 0.138 2.37 0.018 Supported
prior study (Podsakoff et al., 2003), we performed Harman’s single- PV
H7 PV → 0.595 12.10 0.000 Supported
factor test to examine this potential bias. The results revealed that the
contribution rate of the first component to the total variance is 47.87%
that is<50%, indicating that CBM is not a major concern in this study Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, NS: not significant
(Chopdar and Balakrishnan, 2020; Hew and Kadir, 2016).
mediation testing (Li and Shang, 2020). We used PROCESS macro for
5.2. Structural model SPSS 25 (Hayes, 2013) to conduct bootstrapping test with 5000 boot­
strapping samples. The criterion for judgement is that the mediating
Following prior studies (Durcikova et al., 2018; Wetzels et al., 2009), effect is significant when 0 is not within the 95% confidence interval.
we adopted a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 samples to test the The results shown in Table 4 indicate that there are five mediating ef­
significance of the path coefficients. The estimation results of the model fects for which the 95% confidence intervals do not include 0. That is,
shown in Table 3 and Fig. 2 suggest that all our proposed hypotheses are perceived value mediates the relationship between stimuli (platform
supported, except hypothesis H4. Specifically, platform interactivity (β interactivity and information quality, knowledge rareness, knowledge
= 0.211, p < 0.01) and platform information quality (β = 0.249, p < contributor professionalism and charisma) and consumers’ intention to
0.001) have significantly positive impacts on the perceived value of purchase knowledge products.
consumers, suggesting that both H1 and H2 are supported. As predicted
in H3, the influence of knowledge rareness on perceived value is sig­ 5.4. Neural network analysis
nificant and positive (β = 0.173, p < 0.001). However, contrary to our
expectation, knowledge personalization has no significant effect (β = As discussed above, the neural network approach was employed to
0.039, p > 0.1) on perceived value, indicating that H4 is not supported. rank the relative importance of the significant predictors from the SEM
In support of H5, knowledge contributor professionalism is positively analysis. In present study, the most common and popular artificial
associated with perceived value (β = 0.132, p < 0.05), and, in support of neural network model—multilayer perceptron (MLP) was adopted (Yee-
H6, knowledge contributor charisma has a significantly positive effect Loong Chong et al., 2015). A typical neural network consists of one input
on perceived value (β = 0.138, p < 0.05). In addition, the relationship layer, one or more hidden layers, and one output layer. One important
between perceived value and consumers’ purchase intention is signifi­ decision in neural network design is to determine the number of hidden
cantly positive (β = 0.595, p < 0.001), which supports H7. layers, which depends on the complexity of the problem. In most cases,
Regarding the control variables, both education status (β = 0.086, p such as in technology acceptance neural network models, one hidden
< 0.05) and knowledge payment experience (β = 0.122, p < 0.01) have layer is enough (Sim et al., 2014; Yee-Loong Chong et al., 2015).
significant influences on purchase intention. However, age and gender Another decision is to determine the number of neurons in each layer.
are shown to have no significant effects on purchase intention. As The number of neurons in input layer is equal to the number of inputs (i.
illustrated in Fig. 2, the coefficient of determination (R2) indicates that e., predictors), while the number of neurons in output layer is equal to
the characteristics of knowledge platforms, products, and contributors the number of outputs (i.e., dependent variables). However, selecting
explain 58% of perceived value, and perceived value explains 46.2% of the number of neurons in hidden layers is more complex. The appro­
purchase intention. These results indicate that our proposed model has priate number of hidden neurons has a positive impact on the accuracy
adequate explanatory power (Wetzels et al., 2009). and speed of network training. Otherwise, excessive number will lead to
over fitting and increase the computational burden. There is no general
5.3. Significance test of the mediating effect rule to determine the number of hidden neurons, with the trial-and-error
and rules-of-thumb often being used in the literature (Liébana-Cab­
Bootstrapping approach was adopted to test the significance of the anillas et al., 2018).
mediating effect of perceived value. The bootstrapping approach, which In our study, the input layer consisted of five significant variables
is not subject to the normality assumptions of statistics and can provide from the SEM analysis, i.e., platform interactivity, platform information
unbiased estimates, is known to be superior to other methods of quality, knowledge rareness, knowledge contributor professionalism,

Table 2
Correlation matrix and the square root of the AVE.

KCC 5.181 1.085 0.853

KCP 5.397 1.201 0.459 0.881
KP 5.049 1.402 0.528 0.528 0.907
KR 4.969 1.330 0.453 0.549 0.418 0.900
PV 5.351 1.117 0.509 0.623 0.517 0.577 0.854
PIQ 5.303 1.192 0.453 0.693 0.567 0.592 0.680 0.852
PI 5.336 1.144 0.476 0.656 0.573 0.503 0.652 0.715 0.840
PINT 5.473 1.232 0.443 0.716 0.482 0.544 0.665 0.679 0.615 0.904

Note: Off-diagonal elements are the correlations among variables and on-diagonal elements are the square root of the AVE values.

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Platform characteristics

Platform interactivity

Platform information

Knowledge characteristics
R2 = 0.580 R2 = 0.462
Knowledge rareness
Perceived value 0.595*** Purchase intention

Contributor characteristics 0.038(NS) -0.026(NS) 0.086* 0.122**

Gender Age Education status Knowledge payment experience

Contributor charisma Control variables

Notes: *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS: not significant

Fig. 2. Research model results.

As shown in Table 5, the average of cross-validated RMSE for the

Table 4
training model is 0.2, while the testing model is 0.211. These results
Mediation effect results.
suggest that our network model can predict the relationship between
Path Total effect Indirect Boot SE Boot LLCI Boot ULCI predictors and outputs reliably and accurately.
Sensitivity analysis was conducted to predict the dependent variable
PI → PINT 0.1732 0.0496 0.0248 0.0086 0.1040 by calculating the average importance of the five independent variables
PIQ → PINT 0.1988 0.0833 0.0231 0.0427 0.1326 (Chong, 2013). As illustrated in Table 6, knowledge contributor pro­
KR → PINT 0.1292 0.0357 0.0176 0.0029 0.0176
KP → PINT − 0.0010 0.0102 0.0140 − 0.0147 0.0410
fessionalism is the most influencing predictor of purchase intention of
KCP → PINT 0.3676 0.0373 0.0179 0.0080 0.0775 knowledge products, followed by platform information quality, platform
KCC → 0.0761 0.0332 0.0177 0.0011 0.0708 interactivity, knowledge rareness, and knowledge contributor charisma.
PINT In addition, we ranked these significant predictors according to their
total effects (as shown in Table 4), and found the ranking results
consistent with those from the neural network analysis.
and knowledge contributor charisma. The output layer includes one
variable, i.e., purchase intention. The number of hidden neurons is
generated automatically by SPSS (Sharma et al., 2021), which is 3. We 6. Discussion and conclusions
use sigmoid function as an activation function for hidden and output
layers, as it can compress the data to higher end and lower end to 6.1. Summary of findings
optimize the stability (Leong et al., 2013; Liébana-Cabanillas et al.,
2018; Sharma et al., 2021). In order to improve the training speed and This study seeks to answer two research questions: (1) How do the
get better performance, all input variables and output variables are factors of knowledge platform, knowledge product, and knowledge
normalized to [0,1]. In order to avoid over fitting of the model, we contributor induce consumers’ value perceptions and ultimately influ­
carried out a tenfold cross validation procedure, using 90% of the data ence their purchase intention of an online knowledge product? (2) What
for training network and the remaining 10% for testing the network is the relative influence of the factors identified in the first question?
(Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2018). The root mean square error (RMSE) Using survey data of 450 knowledge-paid users from China, the empir­
was used to assess the accuracy of the neural network. The results of ical results based on SEM and neural network analyses help answer the
RMSE were shown in Table 5. two research questions. Regarding the first question, the SEM analysis
reveals that the interactivity and information quality of the knowledge

Table 5 Table 6
RMSE for neural network models Sensitivity analysis
Network Training Testing Network PI PIQ KR KCP KCC

1 0.200 0.204 1 0.209 0.254 0.148 0.235 0.154

2 0.193 0.224 2 0.201 0.225 0.192 0.225 0.157
3 0.195 0.221 3 0.204 0.201 0.186 0.251 0.157
4 0.204 0.202 4 0.226 0.166 0.171 0.288 0.149
5 0.200 0.220 5 0.207 0.223 0.196 0.212 0.163
6 0.200 0.200 6 0.216 0.202 0.167 0.292 0.124
7 0.200 0.219 7 0.160 0.233 0.195 0.281 0.132
8 0.203 0.202 8 0.153 0.228 0.193 0.287 0.138
9 0.206 0.207 9 0.210 0.174 0.207 0.242 0.166
10 0.197 0.216 10 0.168 0.209 0.151 0.304 0.168
Average 0.200 0.211 Average importance 0.195 0.212 0.181 0.262 0.151
Standard deviation 0.004 0.010 Normalized importance (%) 74.67 80.82 69.01 100 57.62

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platform, the rareness of the knowledge product, and the professional­ the literature by identifying a new platform predictor, i.e., platform
ism and charisma of the knowledge contributor are positively related to interactivity. This finding is consistent with the work of Wolk and
consumers’ perceived value, suggesting that these factors can be lever­ Theysohn (2007), who observed a positive relationship between inter­
aged to increase consumers’ perceived value of paid knowledge. In activity and consumers’ willingness to pay for online content. From the
addition, perceived value has a positive relationship with purchase knowledge product perspective, Liu and Feng (2018) found that the
intention, suggesting that increasing consumers’ value perception of price and popularity of knowledge will affect knowledge payment
online paid knowledge can increase their intention to purchase paid behavior; we extend this study to identify a new knowledge product
knowledge. We also confirm the mediating effect of perceived value on predictor, i.e., knowledge rareness. From the perspective of knowledge
the relationship between the significant factors and consumers’ pur­ contributors, prior studies have focused on the effects of perceived
chase intention. credibility, likability, trust, reputation, and social capital of contributors
Regarding the second research question, the relative importance of (Liu, 2018; Shi et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2018). We contribute to the
the five significant predictors of knowledge purchase intention obtained literature by identifying another two contributor predictors, i.e., pro­
from the SEM analysis is determined through neural network analysis. fessionalism and personal charisma. From the knowledge seeker
We find that the most vital factor is knowledge contributor profession­ perspective, we observe a positive relationship between perceived value
alism, followed by platform information quality, platform interactivity, and knowledge payment intention, which confirms the studies of Zhao
knowledge rareness and knowledge contributor charisma. These find­ et al. (2020) and Su et al. (2019). However, we complement these
ings reveal that consumers place the highest weight on knowledge studies by identifying the mediating effects of perceived value in the
contributors’ professional ability, which directly determines the quality relationships between the factors of knowledge platforms, products, and
and value of paid knowledge. contributors and consumers’ knowledge payment intention.
Contrary to our expectation, the proposed effect of knowledge Third, this study provides a multi-analytical approach in the study of
personalization on perceived value is not supported. A possible expla­ predictors of knowledge payment behavior by integrating SEM and
nation may be that personalization only increases perceived value in neural network analysis. SEM analysis enables the assessment of the
specific contexts, and has no influence when consumers give more linear relationships among the variables, while neural network analysis
importance to other factors (Franke et al., 2009), such as knowledge allows complex and nonlinear relationship modeling (Liébana-Cab­
contributor professionalism, platform information quality and inter­ anillas et al., 2018). Prior studies on knowledge payment behavior are
activity in our study. Although many studies have confirmed the positive based on conventional linear statistical techniques, such as multiple
relationship between personalization and customer trust, commitment, regression analysis (Zhao et al., 2018) and SEM (Su, et al., 2019; Zhao
attitude and experience (Zhang et al., 2014), our research is consistent et al., 2020), which may oversimplify the complexity of purchase de­
with the study of Molinillo et al. (2021), which documents that cisions, as they are only capable of examining linear models (Liébana-
personalization has no significant effect on perceived value in the Cabanillas et al., 2018). By employing a two-stage SEM-neural network
context of social commerce. approach, we are able to capture the linear, complex, nonlinear re­
lationships between the predictors and online knowledge purchase
7. Theoretical contributions intention, thereby providing a richer understanding of what factors
significantly influence consumers’ purchase intention of online paid
This study provides several theoretical contributions to the literature knowledge and their relative importance. This multi-analytical
on online knowledge payment behavior. First, this study extends the approach adopted can thus serve as a good reference for future
application of the S-O-R model to the online knowledge payment context research on knowledge payment studies.
and offers a coherent and comprehensive theoretical framework to un­
derstand what drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid 7.1. Practical implications
knowledge. Due to the novelty of the knowledge payment industry,
there is still a lack of pertinent literature on online knowledge payment This study provides several practical implications for knowledge
(Qi et al., 2019). While the extant literature on knowledge payment payment platform managers and knowledge contributors. First, our re­
behavior places emphasis on assessing the impacts of knowledge plat­ sults reveal that the professionalism of knowledge contributors is posi­
form- (Li et al., 2017), contributor- (Liu, 2018; Shi et al., 2020; Zhao tively associated with consumers’ perceived value of online paid
et al., 2018), product- (Liu and Feng, 2018), or seeker-level factors (Li knowledge and is the most important factor predicting consumers’
et al., 2017; Su et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2020) in isolation, we simul­ knowledge payment intention. An important implication for knowledge
taneously develop an integrated model to consider all these levels. Based contributors is that they should emphasize enhancing their professional
on the S-O-R framework, we propose that the factors from the knowl­ knowledge and expertise, and show their professionalism to the public
edge platform, product, and contributor will influence knowledge in a more visible way. For example, they can provide relevant skill
seekers’ perceived value of paid knowledge, which affects their purchase certificates and authenticated social identity to indicate their profes­
intention. An integrated approach is critical because investigating the sionalism. In addition, consumers’ perception of knowledge contributor
factors in isolation can cause misleading inferences. Our work demon­ professionalism can be based on some cues, such as the number of fol­
strates that the S-O-R framework can be used to guide future research on lowers, number of likes, and positive ratings they obtain. Therefore,
knowledge payment behavior. However, this study represents only an contributors are encouraged to share free knowledge to gain reputation
initial step, and much more work will still be needed to further develop such as by providing more high-quality free courses, articles, and an­
theory to guide research and practice in this area. swers. In addition, our findings indicate that personal charisma of
Second, this study extends existing literature on the antecedent of knowledge contributors has a critical role in predicting consumers’
online knowledge payment behavior by identifying several novel pre­ intention to purchase knowledge products. This finding suggests that
dictors of online knowledge payment, including platform interactivity, knowledge contributors should also attempt to increase their charisma
knowledge rareness, knowledge contributor professionalism, and in addition to their professionalism. As charisma is mainly reflected in
knowledge contributor charisma, which have been absent in previous the process of communication with consumers, knowledge contributors
studies. From the knowledge platform perspective, Li et al., (2017) are suggested to enhance their communication skills to be inspiring and
discovered that perceived information quality will positively affect visionary, attract consumers’ attention, and show their honest and
consumers’ knowledge payment behavior based on evidence from a reliable impression to consumers.
semistructured interview. We provide new evidence for the positive Second, our findings demonstrate that the information quality and
effect of information quality from survey data. In addition, we extend interactivity of knowledge platforms positively influence and predict

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consumers’ knowledge payment intention and can be applied as research. First, the purchase behavior of knowledge products is
executable guidelines for the design and management of online paid measured by purchase intention in our study. Although purchase
knowledge platforms. Specifically, knowledge platforms need to estab­ intention is often employed as an indicator of purchase behavior (Lee
lish quality control mechanisms to ensure the accuracy, relevance, and Lee, 2015), there may exist an intention-action gap, as some in­
effectiveness, completeness, and timeliness of information provided to tentions will eventually be transformed into action (Zhao et al., 2020).
consumers, filtering or removing information (e.g., comments and posts) Future researchers are suggested to combine actual purchase data to
from unreliable or biased sources (e.g., advertising). In addition, study consumers’ purchase behavior in the context of online paid
knowledge platforms need to make efficient interactions among con­ knowledge. Second, this study draws a sample from Chinese users of
sumers, between consumers and contributors and between consumers online knowledge platforms, which limits the generalization of the
and platforms by providing effective communication/interaction tools findings to other economies. Future research can extend our work to
(e.g., chat tools, message boards, comments sections, discussion forums, conduct a multi-country comparison study on knowledge purchase
FAQ pages, telephones, and emails) and responding quickly to consumer intention. Third, this study is based on cross-sectional data that repre­
inquiries. Knowledge platforms also need to make information search sent a point in time. Future research can conduct longitudinal studies to
efficient by providing effective navigational tools (e.g., index and understand changes in consumers’ purchase intentions toward knowl­
navigational buttons) and making relevant recommendations to con­ edge products over time. Last, although we have provided a compre­
sumers to reduce their search time. hensive research model by including various predictors of knowledge
Third, our findings suggest that knowledge platforms/contributors purchase intention, future studies can focus on variables not included in
provide rare or different knowledge from other platforms. It is especially this study, such as consumer characteristics and environmental factors.
important for knowledge platforms to develop knowledge heterogeneity
to attract knowledge consumers with the prosperity of the paid knowl­
edge market. Knowledge platforms might choose to explicitly commu­ Declaration of Competing Interest
nicate the scarcity and heterogeneity of knowledge products by
announcing the uniqueness, novelty, and innovativeness of the knowl­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
edge content to attract consumers, or by providing novel channels to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
offer knowledge service. For example, Zaihang, a well-known knowl­ the work reported in this paper.
edge payment platform in China, allows users to communicate with
knowledge contributors through online and offline channels, which Acknowledgment
differs from other platforms with only online channels.
This research was supported by the grants from the National Natural
7.2. Limitations and directions for future research Science Foundation of China (71701180), the National Social Science
Foundation of China (21BGL245), and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Sci­
Our research has several limitations that can be addressed in future ence Foundation of China (LY21G010007).

Appendix A

Table A. Sample demographics

Demographic variables Category Frequency Percentage (%)

Gender Male 172 38.2

Female 278 61.8
Age <18 33 7.3
18–25 266 59.1
26–30 104 23.1
>30 47 10.4
Education status High school and below 52 11.6
Junior college 73 16.2
Bachelor degree 281 62.4
Master degree or above 44 9.8
Experience in knowledge payment platforms < 1 year 101 22.4
1–2 years 178 39.6
2–3 years 99 22
> 3 years 72 16
Expenses in knowledge payment platforms <50 RMB 84 18.7
51–100 RMB 150 33.3
101–300 RMB 107 23.8
>300 RMB 109 24.2
Monthly disposable income <1200 RMB 92 20.4
1201–1800 RMB 159 35.3
1801–2400 RMB 90 20
>2400 RMB 109 24.2

Appendix B

Table B. Constructs, items, and sources

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Constructs Items Sources

Platform interactivity PI1: The knowledge payment platform is effective in gathering consumers’ feedback. (Choi et al., 2019, Ye et al., 2019)
PI2: The knowledge payment platform gives consumers the opportunity to talk back.
PI3: The knowledge payment platform facilitates interactive communication between consumers and
knowledge contributors.
PI4: The knowledge payment platform facilitates interactive communication among consumers.
Platform information quality PIQ1: The knowledge payment platform provides accurate information about knowledge products. (Lee et al., 2019)
PIQ2: The knowledge payment platform provides believable information about knowledge products.
PIQ3: The knowledge payment platform provides knowledge information at the right level of detail.
PIQ4: The knowledge payment platform presents knowledge information in an appropriate format.
Knowledge rareness KR1: The knowledge I pay/purchase is difficult to obtain elsewhere. (Pérez-Nordtvedt et al., 2008)
KR2: The knowledge I pay/purchase on this platform is dramatically different from the kind of
knowledge other platforms have.
KR3: The knowledge I pay/purchase cannot easily be obtained from others.
Knowledge personalization KP1: The knowledge I pay/purchase is tailored to my situation. (Xu et al., 2011)
KP2: The knowledge I pay/purchase is tailored to my personal interest.
KP3: The knowledge I pay/purchase is customized/personalized to my needs.
Knowledge contributor KCP1: The knowledge contributor is very knowledgeable. (Liu et al., 2018)
professionalism KCP2: The knowledge contributor has a lot of experience.
KCP3: The knowledge contributor is an expert in the field.
Knowledge contributorcharisma KCC1: The knowledge contributor is very likeable and gets along with people. (Ingenhoff and Klein, 2018;
KCC2: The knowledge contributor is very charming. Reysen, 2005)
KCC3: The knowledge contributor comes across as serious and hard to communicate with. (reverse item)
Perceived value PV1: The knowledge product is worth for the money. (Kuo et al., 2009)
PV2: The knowledge product offers good value for the price.
PV3: The knowledge product is worth for me to sacrifice some time and efforts.
PV4: Overall, the knowledge product delivers me good value.
Purchase intention PINT1: I am very likely to buy the knowledge product. (Peng et al., 2019)
PINT2: I would consider buying the knowledge product.
PINT3: I intend to buy the knowledge product.

Appendix C

Table C. Loadings and cross-loadings


PI1 0.839 0.582 0.451 0.557 0.584 0.377 0.530 0.543

PI2 0.881 0.640 0.465 0.460 0.578 0.433 0.581 0.503
PI3 0.839 0.603 0.392 0.449 0.525 0.367 0.535 0.513
PI4 0.798 0.575 0.378 0.462 0.518 0.419 0.542 0.511
PIQ1 0.608 0.865 0.521 0.481 0.583 0.450 0.588 0.580
PIQ2 0.603 0.860 0.473 0.483 0.627 0.403 0.576 0.611
PIQ3 0.600 0.860 0.470 0.515 0.548 0.389 0.542 0.549
PIQ4 0.622 0.821 0.548 0.454 0.597 0.305 0.604 0.569
KR1 0.431 0.520 0.898 0.376 0.513 0.391 0.508 0.482
KR2 0.494 0.550 0.899 0.389 0.511 0.422 0.551 0.495
KR3 0.426 0.527 0.899 0.360 0.454 0.356 0.492 0.489
KP1 0.502 0.521 0.336 0.906 0.436 0.508 0.455 0.391
KP2 0.512 0.505 0.374 0.914 0.473 0.471 0.450 0.451
KP3 0.543 0.516 0.422 0.900 0.522 0.460 0.498 0.465
KCP1 0.606 0.625 0.516 0.503 0.884 0.434 0.545 0.648
KCP2 0.594 0.633 0.492 0.428 0.909 0.408 0.582 0.662
KCP3 0.534 0.572 0.442 0.468 0.850 0.370 0.519 0.580
KCC1 0.324 0.334 0.343 0.450 0.317 0.780 0.371 0.301
KCC2 0.479 0.454 0.446 0.509 0.466 0.913 0.491 0.431
KCC3 0.400 0.362 0.315 0.391 0.376 0.860 0.431 0.388
PV1 0.547 0.579 0.457 0.412 0.511 0.419 0.844 0.575
PV2 0.531 0.583 0.486 0.425 0.510 0.464 0.873 0.536
PV3 0.577 0.595 0.516 0.499 0.548 0.445 0.852 0.553
PV4 0.569 0.563 0.508 0.427 0.557 0.410 0.845 0.604
PINT1 0.594 0.656 0.532 0.488 0.676 0.439 0.626 0.901
PINT2 0.561 0.620 0.473 0.411 0.642 0.395 0.608 0.916
PINT3 0.511 0.561 0.469 0.405 0.623 0.364 0.568 0.897

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