1energy & Fuel Equivalent Concept - 20 June 21, Alex

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Support the Technical and Financial Sustainability of the

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Sectors

This project is funded by

The European Union

Energy and Fuel Equivalent Concept

Oil and Gas Plants

Alex, Egypt
20 June 2021

The project is implemented by a consortium led by


Day 1
1. Energy and power overview
2. Fuels classifications and heating values
Day 2
3. On-site utilities generation
4. GHG emissions

1. Energy and Power Overview
o Energy and Power
o Sources, Forms and States of Energy
o Energy Transformation and Energy Units
o Impact of Energy consumption on Profitability
• Understanding Energy and Power Definitions
• Presenting Sources, Types and Forms of Energy
• Energy Transformation Efficiencies
• Basic Energy Units and Units Conversion
• Energy Balance – for Countries
• Simplified examples showing the effect of energy
conservation on the profitability
Energy Definition

Energy is the ability to do work

You might think of work as : Moving from one place to another, or

as studying for a test

Work is causing a change

• in position
• in temperature and/or Pressure
• in the form and state of a matter (Boiling – Melting …..)

Power Definition
Power is the term used for the measure of how fast work can be done. Or in
other terms, power is defined as the rate at which Energy is exerted.

• Power equals Energy Exerted divided by the time required, so the units of
power would be Units of Energy per Unit of time.
• Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or the rate at which work
is done
Power = Work Done energy unit/unit of time
Time required

• Power is an important concept because it ties the dimension of time into


kW - kWh

Law of Conservation of Energy ‫قانون حفظ الطاقة‬

Energy is neither created nor destroyed &

it can be converted from one form to another

This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from
the outside.
There is a scientific law called the Law of Conservation of Mass, discovered by Antoine
Lavoisier in 1785. In its most compact form, it states:
Matter is neither created nor destroyed.
In 1842, Julius Robert Mayer discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy. In its most
compact form, it is now called the First Law of Thermodynamics:
Energy is neither created nor destroyed.
In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein announced his discovery of the equation E= m c2
and, as a consequence, the two laws above were merged into the Law of Conservation of
The total amount of mass and energy in the universe is constant.

Potential/ Kinetic Energy

Potential energy
is stored and waits to be used.

Kinetic energy
is energy in motion.

Potential Vs Kinetic Energy
Potential energy: It is stored energy and the energy Kinetic energy: It is the motion of waves, electrons,
of position. atoms, molecules, substances, and objects.
Chemical energy: is energy stored in the bonds of atoms Radiant energy: is electromagnetic energy that travels in
and molecules. Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural transverse waves. It includes visible light, x-rays, gamma rays,
gas, and coal are examples of chemical energy. Chemical and radio wave and sunshine
energy is converted to thermal energy when people burn
wood in a fireplace or burn gasoline in a car's engine.Thermal energy:, or heat, is the energy that comes from the
movement of atoms and molecules in a substance. Heat
Mechanical energy: is energy stored in objects by increases when these particles move faster. Geothermal
tension. Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands energy is the thermal energy in the earth.
are examples of stored mechanical energy.
Kinetic energy: is energy stored in the movement of objects.
Nuclear energy: is energy stored in the nucleus of an Example of motion energy is a car crash—a car comes to a
atom—the energy that holds the nucleus together. Large total stop and releases all its kinetic energy at once in an
amounts of energy can be released when the nuclei are uncontrolled instant.
combined or split apart.
Sound energy: is the movement of energy through
Gravitational energy: is energy stored in an object's substances in longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves.
height. Hydropower is another example of gravitational
energy. Electrical energy: is delivered by tiny charged particles called
electrons, typically moving through a wire. Lightning is an
example of electrical energy in nature.

Sources, States and Forms of Energy

Energy Sources may be classified according to its availability to

o Renewable Sources: A natural source of energy that is sustainable,
naturally replenished and usually good for the environment
o Non-Renewable or Depleted sources: A source of energy with
limited supply (Depleted) and mostly are harming the

Energy Sources may be classified according to its existence to

o Primary Sources : Exist Naturally
o Secondary Sources : Sources of Energy that has been produced
using a Primary Source

Clasiffication of Energy

Forms of Energy

Energy may exist in several forms, and may be transformed from one
form to the other :
❖ Thermal Energy
❖ Electrical Energy
❖ Mechanical Energy
❖ Chemical Energy
❖ Light Energy
❖ Sound Energy
❖ Radiant Energy
❖ Nuclear Energy

Energy Transformation and Energy Measurement

Energy may be transformed from one form to the other, during this
transformation some energy is used, and some are wasted.
General Expression for Energy Conversion Efficiency
Energy input = Energy used
Energy Losses (technical/nontechnical/commercial, … )


Energy Input Useful Energy

The relation between the Useful Energy and the Input Energy, is described
through several terminologies, all of them relates the Output of a system to
its Input;

▪ Efficiency: is the output divided by the input – and it’s less than one and it is
expressed as percentage – e.g. Motors Efficiency is the Output Mechanical
Power in kW divided by the Input electrical power in kW.
▪ Efficacy: the ability to produce a desired or intended output. It is used to
measure lamps performance, using the Lumen as the output light power
unit and the Watt as the input electrical power – e.g. efficacy of a lamp is
50 lumen per Watt
▪ Other terminologies are used to measure the performance of a system, in
which the same form of energy is transferred e.g. for Air-conditioning
“COP” Coefficient of Performance – for Heat exchangers “Effectiveness”

Indicators that are used to measure the performance of energy

Indicator Units

Specific Energy Consumption SEC kWh / product General Industries

Productivity Index MMBtu / ton – GJ / ton Cement / Steel
Energy Performance Indicator kWh / m3 (Water) Water pumping

Heat Rate kJ/kWh – BTU/kWh Power Generation

Specific Fuel Consumption Lit/kWh – m3/kWh
Energy Use Index - EUI MJ/m2-year Commercial Buildings


Sankey diagram : Electric Lamps

Sankey diagram : Incandescent Vs Fluorescent

Sankey diagram : Cogeneration


Energy Units

Imperial and SI-Units
The Weights and Measures Act of 1824 and the Act of 1878 established the British
Imperial System based on precise definitions of selected existing units

The International System of Units, universally abbreviated SI (from the French Le Système
International d'Unités), is the modern metric system of measurement. The SI was
established in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures

Imperial SI
Length 1 mile 1.6 km
3.3 feet 1 meter
1 inch 2.54 cm

Volume Imperial Metric

1 gallon 3.79 liters
1 fluid oz. 30 ml
Weight Imperial Metric
1.102 net, or short tons (2,000 pounds) 1 metric ton (1,000 kg)
2.2 pounds 1 kilogram
1 ounce 28.35 grams

Energy Units (Joule – Calorie – BTU – kWh

Work ( Energy) = Force x Distance

Force = Mass X Acceleration kg m/sec2 = Newton (N) (in SI Units )

Work unit is (N m) Joule ( J )

In the SI system unit of energy is the same as the unit of work – the joule (J), i.e.

1 joule = 1 N m

o Calorie :
The amount of Heat Energy needed to Raise the temperature of one gram of
water one degree centigrade Celsius
o British Thermal Unit ( BTU) :
The amount of Heat Energy needed to Raise the temperature of one pound
of water one degree Fahrenheit
o Watt Hour (Wh)
The electrical power is measured in Watt = Voltage x Current

Voltage measured in Joules per Coulomb – J / Cb (Voltage)

Current measured in Coulomb per Second – Cb / Sec (Amp)

Watt is Joules per Second J/sec

Watt sec J
Conversion Factors Between the Fundamental Energy Units

o K Calorie to BTU
(k Cal) 1 kg / o C = 1 kg x 2.205 Ib/kg x 1.8 o F / o C = 3.969 (BTU)

o kWh to k Joule
Watt x Second = Joule
Watt . Hour = 3,600 Joule
kWh = 3,600 kJ

o Joule to Calorie
Based on the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Experiment conducted by Joule
– to measure the amount of work done to produce a unit quantity of Heat

1 K cal = 4.186 kJ
Other Energy and Power Units
o Ton of Oil Equivalent TOE
The amount of energy released by burning one ton of crude oil – This unit was developed
to be used for comparing the energy consumption and production of a country or region,
regardless of the energy sources used.

1 TOE =10 million k cal = 41.868 (GJ) = 11,630 kWh

o Ton of Refrigeration (ToR)

The rate of heat removal to melt one ton of Ice in 24 hours – measured to be 288,000 BTU
per 24 Hours
1 ToR = 12,000 BTU/hr = 3.517 KW
The Cooling Energy is measured by ToR hr = 12,000 BTU = 3.517 kWh

It is the heat-extraction capacity of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. It is the

rate of heat transfer that results in the freezing or melting of 1 short ton (2,000 lb; 907 kg)
of pure ice at 0 °C (32 °F) in 24 hours 23
Conversion Factors between the Fundamental Energy Units

Energy BTU KJ kcal kWh

BTUs 1 1.055 0.252 2.93x10-4

kJ 0.948 1 0.239 2.78X10-4

kcal 3.969 4.186 1 1.16x10-3

kWh 3413 3600 860 1

TOE 39.696 x 106 41.868 x 106 10 x 106 11630

1- Units Conversion.xlsm
Example: Energy Measuring Unit

Example : A Facility consumed 15 million kWh (Electrical Energy) and 50,000 MM

BTU of NG to produce 5,000 units of products – calculate:
1. The total energy consumption in TOE
2. The specific energy consumption per product in (GJ/unit) & (MMBTU/unit)


Electrical Energy : 15 x 106 kWh x (0.0036 GJ/kWh) = 54,000 GJe

Thermal Energy: 50,000 MM Btu x (1.055 GJ/MM Btu) = 52,750 GJth

1. Total Energy Consumption = 54,000 + 52,750 = 106,750 GJ

= (106,750 GJ x 106 kJ/GJ) / (41.87 x106 kJ/TOE) = 2,550 TOE
1. SEC = (106,750 GJ)/5,000 unit = 21.35 GJ/unit
= 21.35 x 106 kJ/unit / 1.055 J/Btu x 106 Btu/MMBtu = 20.273 MMBTU/unit

Energy Balance
IEA – Egypt Energy Balance

Simplified Energy Balance (IEA)
Primary Energy Production
Oil & Condensates Natural Gas Renewable Coal


Primary Energy Supply


Petroleum Products

Electricity Generation

Final Energy Consumption

Petroleum Products Natural Gas Electricity Coal

Egypt - Energy Balance - k TOE 2018 - IEA
Crude oil Oil Products Natural Gas Coal Hydro Renewable Electricity Total
and Waste

Primary Energy Production -PEP 31,860 51,229 1,109 250 2,385 86,833
Imports 5,965 12,199 2,500 3,404 2 7 24,077
Exports (10,432) (2,939) (1,716) (111) (55) (38) (15,291)
Total Energy Supply TES 27,393 9,260 52,013 3,293 1,109 250 2,332 (31) 95,619
Transfers (1,213) 1,348 135
Stat. Diff. 565 (1,414) (1,049) 95 732 (1,071)
Electricity (6,020) (31,780) (1,109) (250) 16,687 (22,472)
Refineries (26,745) 26,519 (226)
Other Transformation (179) (977) (1,156)
Energy Industry Own Use (875) (5,160) (548) (6,583)
Losses (2,887) (2,887)
Total Final Consumption TFC 0 28,818 14,024 3,114 0 0 1,450 13,953 61,359

Total Final Energy Consumption

Industry 4,280 6,204 3,111 3,950 17,545
Transport 17608 349 43 18,000
Residential 4465 2226 3 1450 5863 14,007
Commercial and Public 3458 3,458
Agriculture 800 639 1,439
Non- Energy Use 1665 5245 6,910

IEA Sankey Diagram - Egypt Energy 2018

Energy Conservation & Profitability
Impact of Energy Conservation on Profitability
• The refining and petrochemical industries are considered Energy Intensive Industries –
where the energy cost represents from 25% up to 60% of the total cash Operating
Expenses (OPEX)
• The reduction in Energy cost, is directly an Increase in Profits, which will highly impact
the sustainability of the industry.
Typical breakdown of refinery operating costs

The reduction in Energy cost, may be realized through :

1. Implementing Energy Conservation Measures to reduce energy consumption
2. Replacing the energy source by a cheaper source
3. Combination of 1 and 2

The Impact of energy conservation on the profitability is directly proportional to the
Percentage Savings in Energy and the Share of energy cost in the total OPEX and
Inversely proportional to the Gross cash Operating Profit (GOP)

% Change in GOP = { (1/GOP % - 1) x ( A x B)}

GOP% = ( Cash revenues - Cash OPEX ) / (Cash revenues)

A = Energy cost saving % = (Value of savings) /( Value of energy consumption)

B = Energy cost% to total cash OPEX = (Value of energy consumption) / (Value cash OPEX)

A Facility annual Energy consumption:
• 4 million MMBTU Natural Gas and 800,000 MWh electrical energy
• NG selling price is USD 4.50/MMBtu and electricity price is USD

Assuming a Gross Operating Profit of 30% and energy cost represents

12% of the total cash operating expenses. If the company
implemented energy conservation measures and reduced its NG
consumption by 20% and its electrical energy consumption by 10%,
Calculate the Following:

1. The annual energy savings in MMBtu /year & USD/year

2. The percentage increase in Gross Operating Profit
Annual Energy Savings :
(20% x 4 x10^6 ) + ( 10% x 800,000 x 10^3 kWh x 3412 Btu/kWh /106)
= 1.073x106 MMBtu/year

Annual Energy Cost

(4x106 x 4.50) + ( 800,000 x 65) = 70 million USD/year
Annual cost Savings :
(20% x 4 x106 x 4.5 ) + ( 10% x 800,000 x 65) = 8.80 million USD

% Savings in energy= 8.80 / 70= 12.57 %

% Change in operating profit = { (1/GP % -1) x (Energy Saving % x (Energy Share %)}
= {(1/0.30 -1) x ( 12.57% x 12% ) = 3.52%

2- Impact Energy on G. Profit.xlsx

Intersting clip for your info


End of Section 1 – Day 1

2. Fuels
o Classification of Fuels
o Heating (Calorific) Values of Fuel
o Calculating Point of Use Cost ( Energy Cost)
o Fuels equivalent prices


• Categorizing types and forms of fossil fuels

• Understanding fuel’s heating values & difference between HHV & LHV
• Comparing fuels based on the point of use ( energy cost)

Classification of Fuels
Fuels: are a combustible substances containing carbon and hydrogen as the main
constituents, which on proper combustion releases a large amount of heat that
can be used economically for industrial purposes.

Fuels may be classified as

1. Primary fuels: which are found in nature such as ,coal, petroleum and natural
gas (fossil fuels)
2. Secondary fuels: which are derived from the primary fuels, e.g. coke, gasoline,
Diesel, Kerosene etc.

Both primary and secondary fuels may be further classified based upon their
physical state as
A. Solid fuels
B. Liquid fuels
C. Gaseous fuels

Heating or Calorific Value – HV or CV
The theoretical heat of combustion of any given fuel is the maximum amount of heat
that a fuel liberates as a result of complete combustion.

This parameter is referred to as the enthalpy of combustion, or the Calorific Value (CV)
or the Heating Value (HV)

The Heating Value for a fuel may defined as :

The amount of heat liberated by complete combustion of a unit quantity of fuel , and
is measured by units of energy per unit of quantity

The quantity units are usually mass or volume units

The units of energy are usually BTU – TOE – Joule - kWh

kJ/kg – kJ/m3 – Btu/ft3 – TOE/Ton – kWh/kg …..

If the Heating Value of NG is 1.111 TOE/ton and NG density is 0.786 kg/m3
Calculate the heating values in different energy and quantity units

TOE/Ton Answer 1.111

KJ/kg 1.111 TOE/ton x 41.868 x106 kJ/TOE / 1000 kg/ton 46,515
kJ/m3 36,561
BTU/kg 44,093
BTU/m3 34,657
BTU/ft3 981
k.cal/kg 11,112
k.cal/m3 8,734
kWh/kg 12.92
kWh/m3 10.16

TOE/Ton 1.111
KJ/kg 1.111 TOE/ton x 41.868 x106 kJ/TOE / 1000 kg/ton 46,515
kJ/m3 46,515 kJ/kg x 0.786 kg/m3 36,561
BTU/kg 1.111 TOE/ton x 39.69 x106 Btu/TOE/ 1000 kg/ton 44,093
BTU/m3 44,093 Btu/kg x 0.786 kg/m3 34,657
BTU/ft3 34,657 Btu/ m3 x 0.0283 m3/ft3 981
k.cal/kg 1.111 TOE/ton x 107 k.cal/TOE/ 1000 kg/ton 11,112
k.cal/m3 11,112 k.cal/kg x 0.786 kg/m3 8,734
kWh/kg 1.111 TOE/ton x 11630 kWh/TOE / 1000 kg/ton 12.92
kWh/m3 12.92 kWh/kg x 0.786 kg/m3 10.16

Higher Heating Value (HHV) Vs. Lower Heating Value (LHV)
Gross Calorific Value (GCV) Vs. Net Calorific Value (NCV)
Higher Heating Value (HHV)
The total amount of heat produced when one unit of fuel is burnt completely,
and the combustion products are cooled to ambient temperature
Lower Heating Value (LHV)
The total amount of heat produced when one unit of fuel is burnt completely,
and the combustion products are exhausted to the atmosphere

FUEL Efficiency = LHV / HHV


LHV is equal to the HHV less the amount of heat needed to evaporate the H2O
produced in combustion process

Fuel Properties Calculations

HHV Calculation for a single compound (knowing enthalpies of formation)

Heating values of Hydrocarbon Compounds can be:- measured using

Calorimeters/chromatography or calculated theoretically through formulas

The heating value of any fuel, is directly related to the fuel chemical composition,
and a referenced T & P.

∆H reaction = Ʃ n H products - Ʃ n H Reactants

∆H standard enthalpy of formation for a chemical reaction at standard

temperature and pressure (STP)
H Products is Hf : the Heat of formation (enthalpy) of each product P Supporting
H Reactants is Hf : the Heat of formation (enthalpy) of each Reactant doc
n : Number of Moles

Calculate the HHV of Methane – Using Reaction Combustion Formula – given
the following enthalpies of formation

• CH4 = - 74.80 kJ/mol

• H2O = - 285.80 kJ/mol
• CO2 = - 393.50 kJ/mol

The standard enthalpy of formation is defined as the change in enthalpy when one mole
of a substance in the standard state (1 atm of pressure and 298.15 K) is formed from its
pure elements under the same conditions.


CH4 + 2 O2 --------------------- CO2 + 2 H2O

∆ Hr = Ʃ ∆ H product - Ʃ ∆ H Reactants

= [ 1 mol CO2 + 2 mol H2O] - [ 1 mol CH4 + 2 mol O2 ]

= [ (1 x -393.50 kJ/mol) + (2 x -285.80 kJ/mol) ] –[ (1 x -74.80 kJ/mol + (2 x 0)]

= - 965.10 + 74.80 = -890.30 kJ/mol = 890,300 kJ/k.mol

1 kg CH4 = (890,300 kJ/k mol) / (16.043 kg/k mol) = 55,594 kJ/kg

LHV calculation

2H2 + O2 ---------------- 2H2O

1kg H2 produce 9 kg H2O
4 kg H + 32 kg O ----------------- 36 kg H2O
1 kg H + 8 kg O ----------------- 9 kg H2O

By knowing the % of Hydrogen in a fuel we can calculate the LHV

LHV = HHV – % Mass of Hydrogen in fuel * 9 * Latent Heat needed to evaporate water


Methane Example (Molecular Mass = 16.04)

In terms of mass,
% of H2 in methane (CH4) = (4.032/16.04) x 100 = 25.13% hydrogen
% of carbon (12.01/16.04) x 100 = 74.87%.

Latent Heat to Evaporate/Condensate 1 kg of water is 2,465 kJ/kg @ 15oC

LHV = 55,500 – { 25.13% x 9 x 2,465} = 49,953 Kj/kg

LHV/HHV = 90%

Calculating different properties of a mixture of gas
(comprising several compounds / Natural Gas)


Gaseous Heating Values

Gas Mixture Properties

A gas mixture of 90% CH4 (Methane) & 10% C2H6 (Ethane)

by volume

• Mass %
• Total HHV
• Total LHV
• Mixture Density

1- Calculating total Mass (kg) and mass %

Relative Mass in % Weight in

C H N O S % Volume in Fuel Molecular Mass
Fuel Constituent Formula Fuel Fuel
12.0 1.0 14 16 32 % kg/k.mol kg %
Methane 1 4 C H4 90.00% 16.043 14.438 82.76%
Ethane 2 6 C2 H6 10.00% 30.069 3.007 17.24%
Total Hydro-Carbons 100.00% 17.4452 17.4452 100.00%

Assuming 1 k.mol of the mixture

90% CH4 x 16.043 kg/k.mol = 14.438 kg % By Weight
10% C2H6 x 30.07 kg/k.mol = 3.007 kg
Total Mass = (90% x 16.043 ) + (10% x 30.007) = 17.445 kg

2- Calculating total HHV

Methane HHV = 890,350 kJ/k.mol divided by 16.043 kg/k.mol = 55,499 kJ/kg

Ethane HHV = 1,560,700 kJ/k.mol divided by 30.070 kg/k.mol = 51,904 kJ/kg

Mixture HHV = (55,499 x 82.76%) + ( 51,904 x 17.24% ) = 54,880 kJ/kg

3 - Calculating total LHV
Calculate % Hydrogen per each component at STP 1 atm – 15.5oC -

Methane LHV = HHV – 9 x O2% x 2465.30 = 55,499 – (9 x 0.2513 x2465.30) = 49,923 kJ/kg
Ethane LHV = HHV – 9 x O2% x 2465.30 = 51,873 - (9 x 0.2011x2465.30) = 47,441 kJ/kg
Mixture LHV = (49,923x 82.76%) + ( 47,441x 17.24% ) = 49,496 kJ/kg
4 - Calculating Mixture Density
Ideal Gas Low : PV = n x R x T, P = Density X R 8.314 kJ/k.mol 0K x T in Kelvin /Mg
Gas Constant = Universal constant R / Gas molecular weight
Density = Pressure in Pascal divided by Gas constant and Temperature
Density = P / ( Rg x T )
Methane Density at STP ( 15.5 0C and 1 atm.)
One atm. = 101,325 Pascal and 15.5 oC = 15.50 + 273 = 288.50 oK
R CH4 = 8.314 /16.043 = 0.518 kJ / kg oK
R C2H6 = 8.314 /30.069 = 0.276 kJ / kg oK

Methane Density = 101,325 / ( 0.518 x 288.50) /1000 = 0.679 kg/m3

Ethane Density = 101,325 / (0.276 x 288.50) /1000 = 1.272 kg/m3

Mixture Density = (0.678 x 90% ) + ( 1.270 x 10% ) = 0.738 kg / m3 54


In your facility you have a gas stream with the following composition, if you used
this stream to feed your fired heater, calculate :
1. The HHV and LHV of this gas stream in kJ/m3
2. The density of this gas stream at 1 atm (101,325 Pa) – 15 oC
3. The molecular Volume in lit/mol
4. The annual cost for using this gas stream
given the following:
• Flow rate 360 kg/hr and your heater is on for 8760 hr/year
• The cost is 4.50 USD/MMBTU
% mol
H2 Hydrogen 57.5
C1 Methane 11.52
C2 Ethane 11.77
C3 Propane 8.92
iC4 Iso-butane 8.6
nC4 Normal butane 1.3
iC5 Iso-pentane 0.25
nC5 Normal pentane 0.1
C6+ Benzene and heavier components 0.04

Using the Gaseous Heating values calculator – excel sheet

Data from Excel : Gaseous Heating Values 1

HHV kJ/kg 57,303 kJ/m3 40,061 BTU/ft3 1,075

LHV kJ/kg 51,796 kJ/m3 36,211 BTU/ft3 972

Mol. Mass kg/k.mol 16.52 Ib/k.mol 36.41

Density kg/m3 0.699 Ib/ft3 0.044

Volume per mol lit/mol 23.631

360 kg/h x 57,303 kJ/kg x 8,760 hr/year x 1BTU/1.055 kJ x MMBTU/106 BTU

x 4.50 $/MMBTU = 770,804 $/year

Claculating LHV of Diesel
Calculation of heating values in (BTU/Ib fuel) for Liquid fuel (Diesel/ Mazot/ etc)
Gross Heating value

Net heat of combustion

The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or
light a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if its API gravity is greater than 10, it is
lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks.

API TECHNICAL DATA BOOK Chapter 14- Combustion


Calculate Net Heating values in (BTU/lb fuel) for Diesel fuel - Density 835 kg/m3



API Gravity (G) = (141.5/Specific Gravity) – 131.5

=141.5/0.835 – 131.5 = 37.96

Net heat of combustion

Net Heating Value of Diesel (Heat of combustion)

LHV = 16,796 + 54.5* 37.96 – 0.217* 37.962 – 0.0019*37.963 = 18,448.2 BTU/Ib

Heating Value & Efficiency

Efficiency and Heating Values
(Fuel burning Equipment, burners – engines – turbines, .. etc.)

When given the Efficiency of any Fuel burning Equipment it should be stated if
this efficiency is measured based on HHV or LHV of the fuel

The combustion process produces water vapor and condensing this water vapor
releases energy.

The High Heating Value (HHV) efficiency calculation includes this energy while
the Low Heating Value (LHV) calculation does not.

LHV operating efficiencies are higher than HHV efficiencies due to the lower
Heating value being used in the efficiency calculation.

η HHV = ηLHV x (LHV /HHV)


If you measured the output steam at 8 bar to be one ton, and the input Natural
gas consumed to generate this ton was 104 cubic meter. Given NG HHV 40,000
kJ/m3 and LHV 36,000 kJ/m3 - Calculate the Boiler efficiency at HHV and LHV


One Tone Steam @ 8 bar

104 m3 Natural Gas η = ??
Enthalpy @ 8 bar = 2,770 kJ/kg

η HHV = Output / Input

= (1000 kg x 2770 kJ/kg)/ (104 m3 x 40’000 kJ/m3)
= 66.58%

η LHV = Output / Input

= (1000 kg x 2,770 kJ/kg)/ (104 m3 x 36,000 kJ/m3)
= 73.98%

Default is LHV
Hydrogen and Refinery Fuel Gases Equivalent
to NG
Hydrogen is a highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular formula H2.
Hydrogen has the highest heating values around 143 MJ/kg (HHV).

Type of Hydrogen
Brown/black: The oldest way of producing hydrogen is by transforming coal into gas.
Gasification processes convert organic or fossil-based carbonaceous materials into carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide Hydrogen from biomass: Biomass can also be
transformed to produce hydrogen via gasification.
Grey: the most common one: Most hydrogen nowadays comes from natural gas: it is bonded
with carbon and can be separated from it via a process involving water called “steam
reforming”, but the excess carbon generates CO2. This hydrogen is called grey whenever the
excess CO2 is not captured, about 9.3kg of CO2 per kg of hydrogen production
Blue…if you put the emissions underground: Hydrogen is considered blue whenever the
emission generated from the steam reforming process are captured and stored underground
via industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS), so that it is not dispersed in the atmosphere.
Pink: from nuclear energy: The color pink is often used for hydrogen obtained from
electrolysis through nuclear energy.
Green: from renewables: often also called “clean hydrogen”, produced using electricity
generated from renewables and currently accounting for around 1% of the overall hydrogen

Hydrogen costs from hybrid solar PV and onshore wind systems in
the long term

Petroleum / Refinery Fuel Gases (RFG)

RFG are mixture of methane, light hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and other

miscellaneous species that is produced in the refining of crude oil and/or
petrochemical processes and it is not economically recoverable. It is
separated for use in boilers and process heaters throughout the refinery.

Compared to natural gas, combustion of RFG results in greater emissions of

sulfur oxides because of its higher fuel-sulfur content even after treatment,
and in somewhat greater NOx emissions because of the higher resulting
flame temperatures.

Calculating Fuel Equivalent Values
Unit mass Kg ,Ton ,…. Energy Unit/Mass or
Quantity of Fuel Lower Heating Value
Unit Volume lit, m3,… Volume

Unknown Quantity of Other Fuel Unit mass Kg, Ton,….

Lower Heating Value Same used units
( same Units) Unit Volume lit, m3,…

Calculate the Natural Gas Equivalent for one kg Hydrogen, given the following :

LHV Density
NG MJ/kg MJ/m3 kg/m3
48.00 36.96 0.77

LHV NG Equivalent
MJ/kg kg NG m3Ng
Hydrogen kg 122 2.54 3.30

Cost for Different Fuels

Calculating the Point of Use Cost (PoUS) for Different Fuels
PoUS is the cost of the useful energy at the output, and it is directly related
to the efficiency of the system and the LHV.


If you want to compare the cost of two types of fuels, that you can
use in your boiler:

1. Natural Gas – with η 80% and costs EGP 70/MMBTU

2. Fuel Oil – with η 85% and Cost EGP 4.5/liter, LHV (38,500 kJ/liter)

There are many

Answer NG

70 EGP/MMBTU η = 80% 87.5 EGP/MMBTU


4.50 EGP/Lit η = 85%


70  = 87.50
45  1.055 10^ 6  = 145
liti 38500kJ BTUi MMBTUi 0.85MMBTUo MMBTU


What is the price of fuel oil in EGP/lit if it can be burned with 85% efficiency (HHV
38,500 kJ/lit), to be equivalent to the NG, with 80% efficiency and costs EGP


87.5 EGP/MMBtu
70 EGP/MMBTU η = 80%

87.5 EGP/MMBtu
??? EGP/Lit η = 85%

3.19 EGP/lit x 0.85 87.50 EGP/10^6 Btu x Btu/1.055kJ x 38500 kJ/lit

= 3.19 EGP / lit
= 2.71 EGP/lit

Point of Use Cost for Fuels & Electricity
Unit Price LHV POU Cost
Fuels POU Cost Unit
EGP/Unit kJ/Unit EGP/ GJ PT/kWh EGP/ MMBtu

LPG - Botgaz

Residential kg 5.20 47,300 109.94 39.58 115.98

Industrial - W/O Transport ton 5200 47.3E+6 109.94 39.58 115.98
Natural Gas
Residential m3 3.10 36,500 84.93 30.58 89.60
Transportation - CNG m3 3.50 36,500 95.89 34.52 101.16
Industrial - 4.50 USD/MM BTU MM Btu 70.88 67.18 24.19 70.88
Elec. - 3.25 USD/MM BTU MM Btu 51.19 48.52 17.47 51.19
Liquid Fuels
Octane 80 Liter 6.25 33,000 189.39 68.18 199.80
Octane 92 Liter 7.50 33,000 227.27 81.82 239.76
HFO Kg 4.50 41,000 109.76 39.51 115.79
LFO Solar - Diels Liter 6.75 38,500 175.32 63.12 184.96
Residential kWh 1.180 3,600 327.78 118.00 345.79
Industrial - UHV kWh 1.050 3,600 291.67 105.00 307.69
Industrial - HV kWh 1.100 3,600 305.56 110.00 322.34
Industrial - MV kWh 1.150 3,600 319.44 115.00 337.00
Industrial - LV kWh 1.250 3,600 347.22 125.00 366.30

Egypt 2020/2021 75
End of Day 1

Energy and Fuel Equivalent Concept
Oil and Gas Plants

Alex, Egypt
20 June 2021

Day 2 – Section 3

3. On Site Utilities Generation
➢ Electricity Generation – using different Technologies
➢ Steam Generation
➢ Other Utilities

• Understanding different cost elements in on-site utility
• Calculating the Specific Energy Consumption for On-Site utilities generation/

Utilities for Industry
The most common utilities for Industrial plants are:
• Power plant (electricity)
• Boiler (Steam)
• Compressor (Compressed air)
• HVAC (Cooling / Heating and Refrigeration)
• Desalination unit (water)

Electricity may be either supplied by the grid or through on-site power

generation plant

Steam, compressed air and cooling and heating are usually generated /
produced on site.

Water may be either supplied through water utility, or through on-site water
desalination plant

1.Power Generation
Electricity may be generated on-site by different technologies:
• Conventional Energy: Internal Combustion Engines (ICE), Combustion / Steam
• Renewable Energy : Photo Voltaic / Wind

Conventional Energy Driver

Gen-set NG - Diesel - HFO - Fuel Gases /Associated Gases
Combustion Turbine NG - Diesel /other gaseous fuels
Steam Turbine Steam ( any Fuel may be used for steam generation)
Combined cycle Steam/waste gases
Cogeneration Waste gases

Renewable Energy Driver

Concentrated Solar Power Sun's thermal energy
Wind Wind speed
Photo Voltaic Sunlight
On-Site Thermal Power Generation
The Driving Energy source for thermal electricity generation is
Losses + Exhaust

FUEL Power Plant Electricity

On-site power generation technologies:

• Gen-set
• Gas turbine
• Steam turbine
• Cogeneration
Specific Energy/Fuel Consumption

The Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) describes the amount of energy

needed to generate a unit of electrical energy (kWh) (units of

The SEC is referred to as Heat Rate in the technical data sheet of the
equipment – usually kJ/kWh – Btu / kWh.

The Heat Rate Describes the Input / Output – i.e. Inverse of Efficiency

Example :
Calculate the Heat Rate for a gen-set with efficiency of 40% - in kJ/kWh and in


3,600 kJ/ 0.40 = 9,000 kJ/kWh
EGS – η 40% kWh = 3,600 kJ = 3,412 Btu
3,412 Btu / 0.40 = 8,530 Btu/kWh

Heat Rate = 9,000 kJ/kWh = 8,530 Btu/ kWh

Note : the efficiency used is the overall efficiency – i.e. for the Engine and Generator 84
QUIZ : Calculate the Heat Rate for a Gas Turbine with efficiency of 20%, 30% 50%,
55%in kJ/kW and in Btu/kWh

Heat rate and efficiency
20% 30% 40% 50% 55%

Heat rate (kJ/kWh) Heat rate (Btu/ kWh)


Calculate the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) in m3/kWh at HHV &


The Heat Rate = 9,000 kJ/kWh = 8,530 Btu / kWh

NG with HHV = 40,000 kJ/m3 & LHV of 36,000 kJ/m3


Specific Fuel Consumption (SPC)

9000 3

Using the HHV : kWh = 0.225 m

kJ kWh
40000 3

9000 3
kWh = 0.25 m
Using the LHV : kJ
36000 kWh



Prove that efficiency at LHV is higher than efficiency @ HHV

Efficiency Vs HV

• at LHV of 36,000 kj/m3 the flow rate of NG is 0.225 m3/kWh

and efficiency is 40.0%

• For the same NG flow of 0.225 m3/kWh the HR @ HHV is

8,100 kJ/kWh the efficiency will be 44.4%

Efficiency @ LHV is Higher than the Efficiency @ HHV

Efficiency @ LHV = Efficiency @ HHV x (HHV/LHV)

QUIZ : Calculate the Efficiency and SFC in m3/kWh for a Gas Turbine given the
following Data:

Heat Rate 11,250 kJ/kWh @ HHV

NG HHV = 40,000 kJ/m3

Efficiency 32%
SFC 0.281m3/kWh

HR (kj/kWh) Vs Efficiency & SFC (m3/kWh)

40% 0.40

35% 0.35

30% 0.30

25% 0.25

20% 0.20
15% 0.15

10% 0.10

5% 0.05

0% -
10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000
efficiency SEC (m3/kWh)

Steam Turbines
The Steam Turbines are Driven by High Pressure High Temperature Steam, and it
extracts the thermal and kinetic energy from the steam and convert it to mechanical

For electricity Generation the System will Comprise:

• Steam Generator ( Boiler) to Generate the required HP and HT Steam needed to
rotate the Turbine.
• Steam Turbine to convert the thermal and kinetic energy from steam into
mechanical energy to drive the generator
• Generator to convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy

STEAM IN Mechanical Electrical


Boiler ST GEN


Two Process are conducted in addition to converting the mechanical energy to electrical
1. Generating steam in a boiler
2. Extracting the thermal energy of the steam and converting it to Mechanical energy
in the ST Generator set

Turbine Input Power = Electrical Power / η ST

Turbine Net Input Power = Steam Flow Rate X ( H1 – H2 )

Boiler Net Output Power = Steam Flow Rate X ( H1 – H2)

Boiler Input Power = Boiler output power/ η B = Fuel Flow Rate



Example : For a steam power plant having 40 MW rated power, utilizing NG,
calculate :
1. The Steam Flow Rate in ton/hr
2. The Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in kJ/ kWh
3. The Specific fuel Consumption in m3/kWh
4. The Specific Fuel Cost in USD/kWh
Given the following Data:
• ST Electrical Efficiency 40% (HHV) - Boiler Efficiency 85% (HHV)
• NG HHV = 40,000 kJ/m3
• Steam Properties Super Heated @ 40 bar – 400 oC – ( 3214 kJ/kg)
• Condensate @ atm pressure (419 kJ/kg)
• NG Price USD 4.50 per MMBtu (HHV)

Answer :

Rated Power in MJ/hr 40 MW x 3,600 MJ/MWh 144,000 MJ/hr

Power Extracted through ST (144,000 MJ/hr) / 40% 360,000 MJ/hr
Power Extracted through ST (Flow Rate (t/hr) ) x ( H1 -H2) 360,000 MJ/hr
Power / (H1 -H2)
Flow Rate
360,000 / (3,214 -419) 128.80 Ton/hr
Power extracted / B η
Fuel Rate
360,000/ 85% 423,529 MJ/hr
Fuel Rate / Rated Power
SEC (423,529 MJ/hr) /40,000 KW 10.588 MJ/kWh
10,588 kJ/kWh
Efficiency (1/SEC) x 3,600 kJ/kWh 34%
SEC / (NG Heating Value)
Specific Fuel Consumption
(10,588 kJ/kWh) /(40,000 kJ/m3) 0.2647 m3/kWh
Specific Fuel Cost (SEC m3/kWh) x (NG Price USD/m3)
NG Price in USD /m3 (4.5 USD/106 Btu)/((1.055 KJ/Btu) x (40,000 kJ/m3)) 0.1706 USD/m3

Specific Fuel Cost (SEC m3/kWh) x (NG Price USD/m3) 0.0452 USD/kWh

Data needed for calculating the cost of on-site
power generation
Installed Cost (Investment) USD Engine Maintenance
Consumables Cost Description Hrs Cost
Fuel EGP/unit PM Level # 1
Oil EGP/kg PM Level # 2
Water EGP/m3 Minor Overhaul
Major Overhaul
Economic Inputs Engine Technical Data
Useful Life Years Rated Power KW
Minimum ROI % Heat Rate KJ/kWh
Annual Over-heads m.EGP Oil Consumption kg/hr
Inflation/Escalation Rates % Make-up water lit/hr
Exchange Rate EGP/USD

2. Steam Generation

Estack = energy losses exiting stack

EH2O = net energy added to

Einput = fuel energy Boiler steam or water

Eother = other energy losses (boiler envelope, blowdown, etc.)

Steam Generation System – Fire Tube Boiler

image source: U.S. Department of Energy (2014)“Improving Steam System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry”

Fuel Consumption Calculation for Steam Generation

Data kJ/kg
NG HHV kJ/m3 38,000
Saturated Steam @ 20 bar 2,798.29
Condensate Return @ 90 oC 377.039 MMBtu/ton 2.973
Specific Fuel Consumption
Make-up Water @ 20 oC 83.914 m3/Ton 82.54
% Condensate Return 70%
Boiler Efficiency @ HHV 80%
Input Energy from Condensate 289.101 Calculator

Needed Energy from Fuel 3,136.48

Saturated Steam – 20 bar

NG input – LHV 36800 Btu/m3
Eff. 80%

Input Energy from Condensate

70% - Condensate Return @ 90oC

M .Up Water 20 o C

Combined Cycle


Cogeneration—also known as combined heat and power, distributed generation, or recycled

energy—is the simultaneous production of two or more forms of energy from a single fuel
source. Cogeneration power plants has higher efficiency. simultaneous generation of both
electricity and heat from the same fuel
Levelized Cost of Energy Comparison

The levelized cost of energy (LCOE), or levelized cost of electricity, is a measure of the average
net present cost of electricity generation for a generating plant over its lifetime. It is used for
investment planning and to compare different methods of electricity generation on a
consistent basis.
Efficiency – Capacity Factor

The net capacity factor is the unitless ratio of an actual electrical energy output over a given
period of time to the maximum possible electrical energy output over that period.
Water Pumping

3. Liquids Pumping
Pumps are used to transfer liquids – and needs a mechanical shaft power to operate – in General
pumps are driven by:

• Electric Motors
• Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Power H
• Combustion (Gas) Turbine Power e
Hydraulic Power = Flow Rate x Pressure Difference

Pressure = Liquid Density x Gravity x Head

= ƿxgxH Power Fuel Power H
Hydraulic Power = ƿ x g x H x Q

Hydraulic power (kW)

Ƿ Liquid Density. (kg/m3)
g Gravitational Acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
H Head Pressure. (m) The hydraulic Horsepower can be calculated as:
Q Liquid Flow Rate (m3/hr) Ph(hp) = Ph(kW) / 0.746

Back to Units
To calculate the power in KW for water pumping

ƿ g H Q
Hydraulic Power (KW) =
1000 kg/m3 9.81 m/sec2 m m3/sec

Power (KW) = 1000 kg/m3 x 9.81 m/sec2 x m x m3/sec

= 1000 x 9.81 N m/h = 9.810 kJ/sec = 9.81 kW

Hydraulic Power in KW = 9.81 x Head (m) x Q (m3/hr)

3,600 KW

Electrical Power input (KW) = 9.81 x Head (m) x Q (m3/hr)

3,600 x η pump x η motor

QUIZ : Calculate the Specific Energy consumption in kWh/m3 to pump 500 m3/hr
of water – with a head of 150 meter – if the pump efficiency is 68% and the
motor efficiency is 92%

QUIZ : Calculate the Specific Fuel consumption in m3 NG per m3 water – For a

pump driven by Gas Turbine, given the following data:

Flow Rate 2000 m3/h @ 250 meter head

Pump Efficiency 68%
GT Efficiency @ HHV 30%
NG HHV 40,000 kJ/m3


2000 m3/h x 9.81 x 250 / (3600 x 0.68 x 0.30) = 6679 kW

6679 kW x 3600 kJ/kWh / 40000 kJ /m3 (NG) = 601 m3 NG / h

601 m3 NG / h / 2000 m3/ h = 0.30 m3 NG per m3 Water

Day 2 - End of Section 3

4. GHG Emissions

• What are the GHG emissions

• Why should we calculate GHG emissions?

• Egypt Oil & Gas GHG emissions’ sources

• Methdology

• Calculation of GHG emissions according to IPCC methodology

What are the GHG Emissions
Carbon dioxide (CO2): Fossil fuel use is the primary
source of CO2. CO2 can also be emitted from direct
human-induced impacts on forestry and other land
use, such as through deforestation, land clearing for
agriculture, and degradation of soils. Likewise, land
can also remove CO2 from the atmosphere through
reforestation, improvement of soils, and other
Methane (CH4): Agricultural activities, waste
management, energy use, and biomass burning all
contribute to CH4 emissions.
Nitrous oxide (N2O): Agricultural activities, such as
fertilizer use, are the primary source of N2O
emissions. Fossil fuel combustion also generates N2O.
Fluorinated gases (F-gases): Industrial processes,
refrigeration, and the use of a variety of consumer
products contribute to emissions of F-gases, which
include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons
(PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)


1. Energy

2. Agr
3. Ind.
4. waste


1.B - Fugitive
from fuels ,
6,297, 3%

1.A - Fuel
203,874, 97%

April 21 114
237,871 250,000
208,075 208,075 202,587
200,000 200,000

150,000 150,000

100,000 100,000

50,000 41,483 38,574


1,159 938 5,488

- 1,159 360 799 938 927 11

Egypt Energy Energy Fuel Combustion Activities Fugitive emissions from fuels

Egypt Oil & Gas Sector GHG Emissions’ Sources

1. Fuel Combustion 2. Fugitive emissions from fuels

• Electricity Generation Mainly:-
• Petroleum Refining • Mining
• Oil & Gas venting & Flaring

• Fugitive emissions, which result from the direct release to the

atmosphere of GHG compounds from various types of equipment and

• Fugitive GHG emissions occur mainly due to venting and flaring at oil
and gas fields


https://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/vol2.html 117

GHG emission = Activity Data * Emission Factors

• Activity Data: annual fuel consumption (ton/m3/..)

– Heating Value: to convert the activity data to energy unit (J)
– GHV is the amount of heat released by the complete combustion
of a unit of fuel. NHV is determined by the subtracting the heat
of vaporization of the water vapor from the higher heating value.

• Emission Factors: How mch CO2/CH4/N2O per unit of energy (g CO2/kJ)

IPCC has a software to calculate the GHG emissions (Inventory)

CO2/C4H/N2O/…. TO CO2E

• The followings are the IPCC 100-year time horizon global

warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2.
• The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was developed to allow
comparisons of the global warming impacts of different
• It is a measure of how much energy the emissions of 1 ton of
a gas will absorb over a given period of time, relative to the
emissions of 1 ton of carbon dioxide (CO2).
• GWP CO2 = 1, CH4=21 , N2O = 310


• It is a complex procedure to claculate grid

emission factor
• But you can use a very simplifed methdology to
claculate high level Grid EF

Calculating grid emission Factor (kg CO2e/kWh) – Egypt
High level estimate
Natural Gas m m3 38,327
HFO k ton 2,458
LFO K ton 54.2
Generated Electricity MM kWh 182,179
Natural Gas Density kg/m3 0.780


Fuel consumption from EEHC annual report 2018/2019 121

Simple/high level claculation
LHV (TJ/Gg) EF (kg CO2/TJ)
Heavy oil 40.4 77,400
Diesel 43.0 74,100
Natural Gas 48.0 56,100

Gg TJ Gg (CO2)
NG 29,895 1,434,963 80,501
HFO 2,458 99,303 7,686
LFO 54.2 2,331 173
Total 32,407 1,536,597 88,360
App. EF ((kg CO2/kWh) 0.485
According to MoERE 0.458

Useful Sites





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